The Clinton New Era, 1898-02-11, Page 5r� til watery f.> I have completed to taking, we have attred together a lot up-to-date dewelery r e are arcus to con- vert Into cash, and are ening them at prices bat they would bring at the::mint for old me- l. • 'Early buyerit get best choice. .Eumball e Leading Jeweler NTON. WWMAWAR THE CYTON Arsw ERA Hl1. VE ` S HEADACHE CURE A safe and speedy cure for all kinds of headaobee, sick, bilious, nervous or hysterias). Gives prompt relief in neuralgia. Easy to take, always gives satisfaction. Guaranteed free from morphia, chloral or opium. 12 wafers in box, 25 cents. Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Hypophosphites, Put up by F. Stearns & Co., Detroit. Regular 75c size for 50o. J. E. HOVEY. Dispensing Chemist, Clinton X ,1epairing a'tches e bne ,of the !most important ratiohea of oar business, in fact ie!e;is no feature of our busi- eae that wa.wish to impress up - Having had twenty years experience in the repairing of etches 0 urges will be found moderate, and satisfaction fully guaranteed. w$feel qualified to do your work well. J.GRIGG. SELLING OUT, We are selling out, and as the stock gets smaller the prices get lower. If you want to save money come and get the bargains while they are going. Below are a few lines 8 Ladies' Jackets at $1.00 9 Ladies' Jackets at $2.00 10 Ladies' Jackets at $3.00 comBps Baking Powder Makes Better and Lighter Biscuits than any other. J. H. Combe, Manufacturing Chemist, Physicians' Supplies Stock Taking The former prices were from $5 to $17.50 A lot of Old Men's Fur Caps, were $6.50 for $2. A big stock of Clothing, Suits, Overcoats, Odd Pants, Vests and Coats, Overalls, Hats, Caps, &c. See our Cottons, Prints, Flannelettes and Shirtings for, 5 cents. A lot of Children's and Youth's Boots, Shoes, Rubbers and Overshoes at much below cost. See them. Tweeds, Dress Goods, Shirts and Drawers, Ties, Cuffs, Collars, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, &c., away down in price. We are clearing out, ncan twhat thers hesemay say to the contrary, and yougetbargains essor to J. Biddlecombe, ()LIN TON. PLUMSTLLLGIBBINUS,CL This week we're housecleaning. We have gathered together all the slightly damaged or otherwise imperfect goods, all odd pieces- remnants, odds and ends, slow sellers, and all goods that we find it desirable to clear, after a live holiday trade. These have all been marked at prices that will ensure a quick sale. Some one-third, some one-half, and all at mnoh less than they are at any other than stook -taking time. Overcoats and Ulsters We have still eighteen or twenty in stook. We want to sell every one, You oan 5 ust now. aha dayprepare fora lot of lid it. comfort Boys' heavy Tweed Tweed Overcoats Loads for $2.60;ter weather will fit boys of I3 to 16 years. Ordered CLOTHING Never before in the history of our business have so many suits been sold in the month of January. Our cutter is giving the bast of satisfaction. We are building an immense Clothing trade. The corner stone is E largest variety of goods and best values." We are showing' 300 patterns of Scotch and Canadian Tweeds at $10 to 15 a Suit. 50 patterns of Trousering at $5 to $7 a pair. 15 qualities and varieties of Black Worsteds and Serges at $14 to $25 a Suit. • Fob nary 11, 4.89x`, Opened Yesterday The Black Worsted Suit we are selling at $14 is good value; you must see it to appreciate it. The customer who buys a ten dollar snit will have the same care and attention as the one who buys a suit at $25. We will not allow any garment to leave the premises that is not perfectly satisfactory in style, out, trimmings and workmanship. We know that well -fitting cluthes, worn by oar customers, will do more than anything else in building up our Ordered Clothing business, and that it will be to our interest to have every snit we tarn out a r ,del of elegance. Whether you want a Suit or not we will be pleased to have you call and look over our 100 patterns of Tweeds. All Tweeds sold at 50c or over per yard, will be cut free of charge. W. L. OUIMETTE The Cash Dealer, Londesboro. 2 The first arrivals of our Spring = Stock We expect in a few days to receive the balance, and when it is to hand and marked off and put in stock we will be able to present to the people of Clinton and vicinity a most beautiful and attractive lot of goods Ours DRESS m Stuffs This season are going to be especially fine. Gilroy & Wiseman. CLINTON HURRAH FOR KLONDIKE! As very few can afford to go to the Yukon Klondike, we have decided to give - you one at home. You can make and save money by patronizing the Em- porium this year. Our spring goods are arriving continually, and are ex- ceptionally good value and very choice. We ere not going out of "Bis" or dissolving partnership, but are going right along. We make a point to sup- ply our customers' wants. We oarry a large stock of first-class goods. No trash or shoddy dealt in. Dress Goods, Tweeds, Overcoats, Underclothing, Boots, Shoes, heavy Blabbers and Robes Offering at very low prices at present. All other goods kept in a department- al store at lowest prime, consistent with honest dealing, are to be found here, Highest prion for Butter, Eggs, Potatoes and wood. ADAMS' EMPORIUM, LONDESBORO; R. ADAMS cheap Furn.iture.•=i:grZy7itgelItr to cash buyers. M. Extension Tables for *4 00 worth $5 00 Mattresses - for 2 75 worth 3 50 lyla,ttresses - for " 50 worth 3 00 . Bedsteads - for 2 00 worth 2 75 Wire Springs - for 2 00 worth- 3 00 We carry the largest stock and JH OHELLEW. BLYTH sell at the lowest prices. r . CHOICE FARM FOR SALE OR 10 RENT. The farm on the Huron road, G}oderich township, being lot 4. 133 acres, occupied by subscriber, is offered for sale or to rent on reasonable terms. All cleared and in splen- did state of cultivation;good bearing orchard; well watered; good outbuildings (house re- served if suitable to tenant.) Only one mile from Clinton. A number of cows could be rented -with the farm. Particulars on appli- cation to either JOHN RIDOUT, Clinton, cr proprieter, JOHN HOLMES.% TENDERS WANTED. Sealed tenders will be received by the un- dersigned up to the 16th day of February, at 4 o'clock p. m,, for the erection of a brick Presby Presbyterian School Church,m 1n Brncefield.�nThe pplanthe and specifications can be seen at the residence of Mr. John Aikenhead, London Road. B. R. HIG+GINS, Secretary B'ld'g Committee, Brucefield, Ont.. tl& C it Verylaw, -specially reduced prices on staple merchandise. February, as a general rule, To transform February into a month of great actly y has been looked u a as on quiet month, and a good many stores settle themselves down and don't look for any business. p It is not so here. For the past few years we have been holding 1 L ANNUAL Aor SALES find th ull month turned into one of the best" months in the whole year. We intend, during the next 30 days, to hold the most gigantic sale that the County of . Huron has ever seen, and on o'clockCurday, Feb'y 12, at 8 Everything will be in readiness. Great quantities of splendid desirable merchandise of many different kinds at unusual and extraordinary p how prices. This sale will be another example of the confidence people have in this store and in our plain and unsensational announcements. MANTLES -Ladies' Mantles will be got rid of at ridiculously low SHOREY'S CLOTHING -We are headquarters for H. Shorey & prices. Every garment up to date, but the price lower than you ,c CLOTS-Everyf piece oflMantle Cloth at quarter to Co's celebrated ready-to-wear Clothing. Yon cannot afford to wear Factor Cotton, 35 in. wide, worth So, sale price $0 004 would imagine. On a good many othem the price is one half. lees than regular prices. . $0 75 cheap clothing. It's a weakness of human nature to judge by ap- Y25 That means $ 5 Mantles for $2:00 37 in. wide, worth sale Hilo Cloth, worth $1 00, for pearanoes. It pays to wear Shorey'e Clothing for these reasons:- Bleached Cashmere Gloves, wrth 360, for 6 Mantles for 3176- 1 10 Ladies' Cashmere job lot, all sizes for children, in fine cashmere, 7 60 Mantles for E50 ntle Cloth; worth or E0, for 85 Firstly You feel yourself a better;man; worth 18o, 200, 25o, 30o for 121 10 Mantles for 6 'Thirdly-Your look a better man; y untie Cloth, worth $1 26, for. 75 ey Mantle Clots, worth ;$1 00, for Thirdlyy Yom Yellow -man respects yon; American Shirting, heaviest made, really worth loo; but sold at.. 1240 Fourthly-It is ready-to.wear, and you can choose, try on and Towelling, I7°in, wide, worth 6o, sale 05 DRESS GOODS -Our Drese Goode department is always fully as- suit yourself from stook, without the uncertainty of an ordered Towelling, 18 in, wide, worth Bo 22 in wide, worth 12 0, sale10 sorted. Some new spring lines have been received and will be in - As UNDERWEAR -A money saving opportunity.garment; Special make Towelling, all linen, eluded in this clearing sale - And lastly -Yon will find a little guarantee card in the pocket, As and Drawers, flesh color, regular pride 300, for....$0 20 g if Shirts andDrawers inplain greybrfanny pink stripe, 40 whish means "Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded." goo, but daring this Shirts, w will be This is what H. Shorey & Co. say about their clothing, and bwool Drawers and Shirts, worth $1 and $1 26, for8b they ought to know. Prides -$4 60, $5, $6, $7.26, $8.60, $9,50, $10 emit complete. ' 'Ver d eoial $0 124 S BEST �- y p have founded worthrn good one, allipure wool, fashioned 40 TWEED FOR BOY'S WEAR -£,penial 20 25 ily trimmed', 600, ease price A line we have faith in for boys and Men is one we sell at 40o; it's really a splendid wearer. 66a 500 $1 Tweed for Some gpeoial values are shown in Corsets -a' line $0 25 75o Tweed for 25,Worth h e m for• $1 00 Ytet for the money is one we'll sell for 30 days at40 SHOES-Special aPariptioe $1 �5, sale prfiioe button Shoes, sizes from 3 ed fawn Corset, long waist, extra special; this dor- to 7, 50 Every kind of Shoe for men, women, boys and girls at sale prices. h �'iio, dale price The exceedingly low prices and special reductions which we make during February on staple goods, will make it advisable for many families to purchase now for the following several month requirements. �� ,ter The Cash tore PRICES TAKEN AT RANDOM - FLANNELETTE BLANKETS -In grey or white, pretty pink and blue borders. Blankets for 800 850 Blankets for 70o $1 $1.40 Blankets for $1.10. Comforters at clearing prices. MEN'S U ESTERS -What Overcoats we have left in Men's or Boy's will be cleared ont daring the progress of this sale. Ulstera for men, with high collars, warm lining and everything about them as snug se possible. Miters 00 aters worth $8, for 6 00 Vetere worth 7, for 4 00 Ulsters worth 6, for Boys' Overcoats from $1.95 up. Black brocaded dble-fold Dress Goode, worth 25a, for $0 16 Blank 'brocaded dble-fold Dress Goods, worth 35o, for 26 Black Satin Cloth, regular pride 50o, sale 36 Special lines in blank and colored Dress Goods at 50o, 60o, 75o, and $1. Every line reduced in price one-quarter or one-third, If you require a dress now is the time to save money. GROCERIES -We keep everything fresh [in our Grocery depart- ' ment. 40. 11 e Canned Corn, Peas, Tomatoes at closest pr cies. We bought a lot of Tea, and daring this sale we offer some inter- esting indu:emeets. A wonderful Tea, at per lb $0 15 CON, BLYT