The Clinton New Era, 1898-02-11, Page 31:,.-1 :, . . , I `/ N �- . ".. n I. ._ TUB TRQ'��f.R�-^ pM �„f Ste+: lifT!!,1.'1!1 ERM+•. __ .. - 6 t i� p �. , 1p R A . , .. .: , A SSA ET DESPATCH- a' , oY. d - NINETEEN LIVt;$ LOST' •FMOt}[1t30S't PROVED LUGKY. ---- ael tt n ., rd -X997., •, G• Ay p i iquilyon S Good Work rhe Tatina-Li-Tamen Has Issued One to rj jRev ars ''"-"""'""'"' BY the Wracking of a Unit stoataer QLt ILish Chinese ofaetals. The Sloan Medicine Co„ Hamilton. ° AR *+dRr Who Tested the yglRap Pak the Island of Guet•eaoy. London, Jap. al. -A despatch to the * , a 74ado Mpmey, • aseh7'4 p DEAR SIRS. -For years I was troubled with periodical sink limde,oltes b9ipg 1#S*, N. '�� William Faversham is credited with the '= 1��T t, . Plymouth, Feb. 2. -It is reported that Daily Mull from Shanghai says a secret fgoted usually every Sunday, and need all the remedied that were adaerliees as LrtlTpst,. r� citr6. A follgwing story by the Boston Herald: T THE BURDEN ,the mail atoatner Channel Queen has been despatch has been insuad by the Teung- and was treated by almoilt every doctor in Guelph. but Nithdttt any relief . 1i3t1A.donitnt W11,1,#u T �v f3 . „ totally wrecked off the Island of Quern- told we it waa caused b a weak stomach, another said it was bereditary°and ineulxa,¢Io, Oh, I know very wolf thtit what wa@ Li-Yamen to certain high officials, in. Y , �ieuer� Vi tizn O f good luck to the Romans in many casoa -- Bey. The Channel Quoen, ran between farming them that Russia warned Ghina I •wns induced by a neighbor to try Sloan's Indian Tonic, and am happy to say I slid so U�r. was bad luck to the Greeks, but even that Plymouth and the Islaud of Jersey,It A few doses gave imrltediate relief, and one bottle and a half made a complete ogre. „' ,a. ,,,Xibey D1Sea5e, did not alter the state of Pealing which I Of Sickness all(I the Shadow appears sho struck on the rocks during a that if Kiao-Chou were granted to Gar- This was three years ago and the headaches have never returned. I watt also tro,01 X ib e y wish to rte rtbe. No man le ea truly void fog yesterday mgrniug and sank. many Russia would demand either Ta- with asthma, and nothin helped me like your Sloan's Indian Tonic. I can heartily g Y ' L '; w sh to treribe. No tall is that eeol�t� of -Greater Things rPbe flhaanal Queen's engines wore re' Lien -Wan or Port Arthus'. According to recommend it to all and will be glad to give any pprtioularsto any one afflicted me, I was. . ° the new moon over one's shoulder or the versed when the rooks were seen, but it the same despatch, it is asserted at w, C. RXIEGEL �s �eler Compound other, or stubbing the toe of one foot rath- --- ,was then too late. The first boat loud Shanghai on good authority that China or than that of it9 neighbor, or going un- reached laud and sought; help of tha g For sale, at all dealars or address the Co at Havanton. S A Iii% After Fit der a ladder or, a thousand other `s}gna BEING LIFTED ashormen, who made gallant rescues, al, consents to Russians being at the head y and portents' really can ascot a man's though the heavy soa prevented their boat of her customs and railways. Price $1 pep bot6lot 8 bodies lav $i. from approaching the wrack. The survrv• At the present moment, says the Daily tePn'a,�r� QI terrible lite, even for an hour or a day, but this is . - - gg y P Mail's correspondent, there ,are 10,000 positively true, that a sign coming our ors had to be dragged b ropes through Agony. way does asset one's spirit and makes one Froin Thousands Ot NOlnes in the sea to the rescuing buts. The clt[rt:,trr Russian troops in gents aveb and Port " ligptheartedorthorevereeforthetimebo Ganada• was the lust to rosea the tv2uck. Arthur. Russian agents haveboen sent to ����� ��� ---_- lug, and thereby we are morn or lose im- The latest report is that 19 ecru Tien -rein (the port of Pekin) and to pressed, drowned -the chief, engineer, throe stud.- Japan to purchase coal and food, and 80,- .iriQ ;A the. Greatest Victories "I recall a cafe where all signs fail(ld ae Mr W.S.A eleon, engineer Evening News, ers and fifteen passuugers-inclu'.i}ng 000 bags of wheat have been lyonght at Having purchased the Grocery stook of James Steep, at a greatly reduced figure, !nary weather.' It was a friend of mind To, "I was troubled with Tien-Tein. I t 14 Breton union sullors, who were and having thoroughly overhauled the same and sorted up with new goods, we s,re ±Q c e1`': Disease Ever Recorded in San Francisco, a brother, and he did t:,„ most severe form of catarrh for eight drowned }n thuir uablrrs when the suns now in a position to meet the wants of everyone, in price and quality. • run the gamut of bad luck omens. We years. Hadtried everything to get well, but swamped tho vessel. The re<mk.t prs,.+i. another Reverse in India. r will suppose it to be a Monday night when without success. The pains across my fore- gars lost every thing, even their cluthiag, I Calcutta, Jan. 31, -Gen. Westmaoott y g w C. ' • • he went home, having lost close on to $6,- head were so seyere at night that I was un- telegraphs from Camp Mammal that the Special BarallllS In Teas. Soaps, Stattrc,ll, Pgl�Cklcts+ �lSCllllB •1``c pile Kevill Says • OOA to a turn in the market. He went up able to obtain my needed rest. I was also Blaze at TAorald. I fourth brigade entangled in a gorge near ��� COIIee• Don't forget to try our Blue Ribboll Tea. 4L �►nr !4+11�]1�Oand �iallllshed stairs as straight as could be, but in going subject to sneezing to each an extent that i Thorold, Ont , Fula s.-l•.urly } nater t'tty I Shinknmar Saturday and suffered serious 11 l p down again tc get a pitcher of water he would sneeze as often as 40 or 50 times a morning the resident u ut Z. W. llut ked losses, ' Across and Pains." stumbled. Now to etwnblo up stairs fe day. At the general hospital, where 1 wont was totally, dutitru;; cd by tiro. L}oat.-Col. Houghton, Liouts. Sewing, Cash aid for �T good luck. Down stales is bad look. fie for treatment, I was told that an operation I Dowdall, Hughes and Walker, together butter & Eo;s y • McMUILRAY, conxiliws I�lil c muttered something not quite St Por polite was necessary and burnieg it out my only I with five men of the Yorkshire Light In- "' -� sate, with an execration against tBo luAk. hope. I have used Munyon's Cold aird Ca- funtry, and throe Sikhs, were killed; t" That evening he'd aeon the now over tarrh Cure for one month and became rap- 16 YE.kIIS TOINN CONST kBLL. .1 I�► p�Se T00 Calnplicatc d ; Major Earle, Lieut. Hall and 17 mon of his loft shoulder and be had not a coin in idly better. I believe iYluayon has done ]lir )3, Koisley, 1.1a rerdvlile, (Jut., liolcis i the Yorkshires were wounded; Major {' 110 Great �ZelllCille. his pocket. more for me than all the others and I have K Earle severely; :._. ., i,rivates are report- I " `By Jove,' be said, `I'll try it tomos- sent hundreds of people to Dlunyon. the Yucetd U havinf; buen town ooustieb,+, � ud as missing. * , � CTIOICIt 11 *;{ i:' — row and sod what will happen.' far ly years, [lu 6a s: ' 1 was cinud of ' PP r Munyon a Rheumatic Lure seldom fails kidney and bladder weal{nese by 3 hoses of The receipt of the despatch has caused ; ,�'� t •1lP 11� r �"" -v s c`v'i�lcirenneoN Co., +rgy'it' ho meant Signa or omens. Well, to relieve in ono to three hours, and cures 1)evt, u lsitine,y Yilla, 1 often has to rise u I a great sensation haro, ,.lid further do- tN 1 rli t _ n � � y } �� �,F+, s �, " on arising be of out of bed the wron.• r tails are anxiously awa}ted. 1 - °� Jj9A,u Slue: -For the past fifteen years I g � in a few days. Price 150. or (i tt+nes ill the night on account of blad- y � _�T 4 � , � tfa been troubled with diseased kidneys, foot foremost, hu put on ono stocking and Munyon a Dyspepsia Cure positively l d'd b _ �' l i;l +''�' �i �"- It of qp CUSr de'.r v;,al;nt•aee6. Thu ,ills entirely + t'- x I; x I" 1`j} __ aged in the manufaetute of cheese, one shoo before he put o11, rL the other stock- cures all forms of indigestion and stomach awa} with this, anno}'int; symptom, I hi.11. nearly ?t ° �'. tri, • �'f,* '% `" 1 " ,7,;,7 dm pbli ed to work more or less in a Ing, when he got out on the strout he troubles. Price 25o• IN, recumuielA them for all hi:luey aLd eat ,,;•q l,oty-a-days i1N �'��. c c. J � ;11n� .. g - tb0)?i>ag; osture, At times I found it al- went under every ladder he could find, anti Munyon's Cold Cure prevents pneumonia bladder troubles." •f 1`i every woman ride _ k so on. Every bad luck sign he could test and breaks rip a cold in a few hours. Price 'S bicycle. The mitj0rity tq 1" M '- TN ! �,, iatr.mp ssible to work owing to severe - J24, ►iii toross my kidneys. Often, after did. '.Chen at about noon ho Went and 25o. � ^ of these who clo not tart' � ,tt�Tl; x ��li, � ; c1` 91tlOn for a time I rltOtlC Man On'8 Cou h Cure Stops coughs, The Teleseuaatorium or A. 1). 2178, I '� 4 ';. have failed t0 ! "�tr 14� jalu�� � � 1� + I 4��='- L )ttitkingin a stooping po borrowed Y y g �� i compass its diES- `. :�` - u ++ that it is t;. w'urst ht sweats alfa a soreness and spcetti}y It is bcwllttering to coutuuiplAtu the `i% b r yr .; �w citittrs because of - = F r • �i�Ol *;ltltlld find it very difficult to straighten p Now, they do say tg Fo-„ _ s �$' l7 "l j��tj Y jL AI e iS u. • s;, ores and could only do so after repeat• luck in the world to speculate on el;tirely' heals the ]rings. Price Vc. effects of rho ini•roduetiwt U1' tL}!; great in dot � '/ nervousness . - - i r_ 1t , T ed;etFortri, borrowed money. You must havu a few Diauyon's 1Sidney Cure speedily cures veutlon into ;uuerul ut;u. :intro of the Many .women of -v_ �; t,; der these i o t}le you invest. u in the bank lotus or groins, and all thins already puSsiblu And w hit h have tom' �:, ter taking innunt- of'late years, while laboring un dollars of your own in the l y para g t ,,,t ,_ AYe] 9 attacks, I bEcame very nervous, and "Well, what was the result? He rustle Forme of 1{idney dieense. Price 25e. been tried by its rnurits 111`0 US fellett•E: ink 1t4 e r ab 1 e lessons, had tired worn-out feelings. 00 in one da that day which he Mug on's Nerve Cure stops nervousness A lover Lit 0110 end of the line may con- I ,K anct trying, vainly FINE COBLER-SEAT ROCKERS,��,I'ATtI.«PL SUITS -, of)ritnually g $27,0 Y, Y to cont nor the wheel 11 fly rest at night seemed to do me no good, marked with so many' back stones' of bad and builds rip the system. Price 25c. vey in Eouluthiu[; less than min -thirty- 1`r _ 3' g " .tor weeks, have finally it ld.T ureses felt tired oat in the morning. luck omens and daring of proverbial tra- 14lunyou's Headache Cure stops heudaebe thousandth ]tutor asecondthc inipre.;>iun .?•.. t 'I given it up as a hope- DINING CHAIRS, BIa.DROOM SUITS, ', had been taking various medicines and ditiou. in three minutes. Price 25. of his eweutost 1{las to his wa}ting lut'u utidl/� d 'cel less task for this enc t, ` y {8 y ¢ae go#ting worse all the time. At last I "Of course he has bragged about thnt Munyou's Pile Ointment positively enres the rcccivo,r end Uf tho lino and• way re- 11 1- 2/, reason. , "'hided to give Paine's Celery Compound a thin over since, hoot•iug at Any ono who all forms of piles. Price `150 col .0 A similar responsive thrill. This re- 11 I Ili nearly every in. I'ICTUIiEe, Tt ANCY TiOCT1k�IiS, I'IIO�Ia(� I{ IiAiil�;iti. "' ' tar, I procured a bottle and took it ac- dares suggest Abad m• good luok sign. Munyon's Blocd Cure eradicates all im- stance severe nervous -11 mor}{Alpe fact is shot n Hutt at clistancue nordin to directions and found its effect � � Hess in women ma be g' And yet there is one thing ho will not do' purities of the blood. Price 25e• are a boon as groat as lo,000 Iniles the imp,, sons y PTC�I'URE FRAb1ES AND 11TOULI )11 U 5 1 e- rful. Before I had used the first .-here DIr. FAvtrshant had a quint laugh Munyon'a Female Remedies will lose onl,, 3 per cent of their vividness, traced to weakness and JiattlQ I began to improve; after I had used to himself rehire his llatonors wa}ted-"he to all women. disease of the delicate a result far tritnscending that of the bust and important organs distinctly feminine. C� rrttii,t 7i ��yy rpt�{ yy�]�p� 11 a 11 ; E1ie.seoand bottle 1 felt as well as ever I did . will Hover pick up n chair be hits over- Munyon's Catarrh Remedies neverfail. CloctrieAl Work. Another ru5ttlt is that tt No other class of disorders so torctire a w0- GLNF�El�1� S'I'®�� ®� irt'9v®® FE.TAtt1�T� it G`P1DG�• ifg, It had banished all aches au1 The Catarrh Cure- rico 25c -eradicates si = "'- • m nervousness wag all one and turned." P aCll00}bey may be Hliilltked by lllti atL'T'n ]`;t r- titan's net vas 1`n break them down so tt rig t + t �'+ ,E, r.I7arila, y gone, The raconteur paused hero And relit his the disease from the system, and the Cit• ant lit all disttuieo. In this c, -o tit(! child LOW � � �{ ��l Q' tired and worn out feelin s were ban- Y yuic'.,y and effectually. Dr, pierce's Fa- i a @ g cigar. Of course some one asked why the Larrh Tablets -price 25e. -cleanse and heal is presttnwd to tho receiver white (lie Pur: write Ill is a sure, speedy and n ,I..hea. I can go to bed now and sleep well, broaker of all traditions would not pick the parts. ant Strikes tho transioliter, permanent cure for all troubles of ensthis ivedo- a ;aiid;rise in the morning rested and re- ug an overturned Ciiair, surf DIP. FAweT- Munyon a Astluna Remedies relieve in A +tri❑ tt Sur leaf e ictal:on may he sat- :cription, It acts directly on the sensitive 3 ; r fieehed. 6 g [ or ws cw. .rued, tusking them strong, ty chum churl{foil us ho arasa'erod: "Because three minutes, and care permanently, isfucturily perfurmud over any oxtent of h Ithy, ;:orotis and elastic. It allay; `. .. ;T have recommended Paine s Celery , „tf;,Fit is bad fuel{ to overturn n choir, and the Pica $1• territory by the surgt•0n in his office, since in(lamniviicn, 'heals ixlceratiou, soothes 1 "{; h,Compound to my friends who were Buffer- only waw to frustrate tbo ill omen; to put Mnnyon's�Vftalizer restores IosF vigor. all impressions Are conveyed in ciUuv' di- pain an,: tones and builds up the nerves. Ol)1)OSItO ills Town Halle Clinton z' t" : ng from the same troubles as I had, and p ,i.•.:...w o inn out the evil eye, so to speak, is to have rice $1• a Duro for each dieense. At all ruction and urn perinnnont. Courts of ]t stops e•zhausting drains, it haul<hes tke l,ltave been greatly benefitted. Ku w g some one else tt the chlor u ton its re er A se alai [ p ___ +, y p; ] p p P law do riot uuud the uutual tic setter' of incus : tttons Iltat recede matrrnrty and It s done, I oxn cheerfully recom- footing. So, you Eoe, shot lily friend is druggists. Mostly 25o a vial, a witnesses or others. Postal s0rvfco, Cxc•c[,t makes b._by's advert easy and almost pain• _ amnd It tb any person suffering from kid- �,, ,, _,,,, not pachydermatous i.i ,;'Tot's Personal letters to Prof, 14iunyon, 11 and for morohnndisu, is no lwigcr necessary. leis. It insoles the litre ilea -comer's atey disease. Yours truly, - 13 Albert St., Toronto, answered with Eros henit:; and an ample supply of nourish- T r- Y �`,` - C. 1!'. REVILL, Dunsford', OAt --tedical advice for any disease. I L'ctin;cnts tiro nUtiv in ["t'u< etas by meat. It transforms weak, nervotts lues- , a erg K which it is hoped that it Will be possible r health nerve -steady we- , r i - ,,;. - ' ,, - -- to feed n [:crsou by presentiu •feud to his [id. into strong, Y, f, men. Thousands ]:ave testified to its mar- ^ Y, �Y s 1 } ' "W.C • T. �.. A THROBBING FIEAIZT c tcz tiFl"f., � _* i --_ �___ I physical counterpart At tho othor end of velous merits. An honest dealer will not t , ,i �,� the line. offer a substitute. ;, t�I 1I %4)A �� �'„R 4 -- ie caused by wrong action cf the heart, and An artomuB ward story. t a . ectiml and , d All Honor to the inventor, llCrr Rhegnoi5 ” My wife was troubled with female weak- � ;. � a •; IAiho is Responsible? eau only be cured by cut r g When Artetuus Ward was At the height fl IIwiCl{CnelatonglfTCnsChAC1;1 MAy rte b0 cess' for several teat<." write Jaynes Caswett, l ,r ��ht -t, rating its worl�m{ r Milburn s Heart and x, % - $-, ; a i „ of his fume, fro received a telegram frutn stared to perfect his tri:lp tnurt'e]ous rip 13ox , of ochettnr, 11` hn.,rn, Co., Sant , r 1'. o. ° t, , 11 d •'- he Anti -Saloon League writes a Nerve Pi la do this, Here is the proof: Tom MA ulro, then the leading amuse- 1 Aux ail, " tie had +>eariugdown p:tlnc and • - y; 2 ;F- fin u 'I t' 11AI1C06.-Tule Alltl '' " l lour. 'n 1!i lucre. ]ler et foil:: wort• trre�ul• t. �1te t -1. '=--1-••••s•'�'-�A�'•`'="�- ' wt; D. C. corres ondent, 1'.o n + ngtori, P Mr John Griffin St. Laver ease Hote1',1'Ioi.- p would have faiatin r � fell ,the Ue. t doctors did ' „tl n IItent manager, of the Pacific algpo. It F i , , A a thornu;hly up to -darn periodical for tvomcn, will enter upon its t°mid its week of temperance revival tread, Bay:: "They; oared me of nervous Sas, her no enod. iiy the a ile my wife had taken `o`ile:-:` constant t asked Arteinus, who w'as 'then delivering four bottle:; -of the ' Far;,ritc Pi eFcrtprion' •the .I .1. ,5/�' "fit, thiity4iirs: velum: in rRq S. LAtr,ng the year it will be as heretofo:a �. ge with an immense and enthn' throbbing heart client, dizziness, c n cis funny lecture !rt New York, what bo _ _- _ i I of L'he O onent9 of ache. D1 heart beats as steady ae a Y -- -_ was comptetety cured. Nv rr,ht pain. tier Aar' i4 Ltr7I'`F.(�IZ Ffv�HIo1V F Ther t g pP head Y would take for b0 nights in California. monthly periods are regular, She is Mont and �r„�” Pari,z and New rork Each issue will contain carefully Pre- `�' e'6iLlOOn, in Foundry M. E. church• stock now." The prompt and laconic response was stern \when she commenced talrit:q your .•r r , pared d;awln.s of the advance fashions ikin address WtL9 delivered by DOES YOUR h'UUl) DO YOU LOUD ? medicu,es she ncir!hec aborti i25 pounds -now t 1`a.^•.;rOIIR „{ 1'.:ris and New York. Once a month '; ,sti g - "Brandy and Vc;.. r." Maguire soutohavw `r '; r/ 13. Wilson,� i�i,r S�t V1Ce rebl- -" g If nn hn"C dt'F x• cis vUr fo0.1 Ceuutut she weighs i6s pounds." I ;, , el \-"'' A �olor•ed raShion . the 13.%ZAR will issue, free, a colored other " , - MOWING OFF A GUEST. failed to sea the point, And he wired Ward Y 1 i 3i p, \ �`C l r StIP!,10merrt of certain guwtsin each number will be le n a oon-Z, e, sled _ S r nes ]anatlon. Hu got it in the shape do You all the t vrnt it Bhru d. 13 P 13, r.ures Send 3i nne•cent Stam s, Co sever c0r+t of fashion supplement. Cut paper patterns 0i i _ fo a P d apt isiw ui.d re'nilates th3 sl,it0ach, .o eastoms and mailing orzty, to the World's i til elder iii the Washtn t m n ass o cortin $18.60, for 5 I t Cut Pcrn:r patterns marls a feature. Thsse will be sold in fecal g ffi. t The Innlreeper dL'rs Determined Ex•See- of a 80 word r 0 f3 g that ever ""r in of ring utet`t is cxtrttefetl Dispensary Medical Association, •liuiralo, i• t ti,;,m•,n cntviectinn t�itheach issueatauniform wauam ahck 191.fiCt of the Baltimore 141; E. (ion- r ssend-L a should Appear. rates wore high in those days, and which Y � price. The limns will also publish bi- retar Io N. V., for apaper-covered copy of Ihtctvr n Ci -Weekly Pattern ' '.';e])�e, MC ' 'ilson said tri his ad- y stated that a diagram would be sent by front the for.,]. Solid facts Count,. lusy p}erce's Common Sense Medical Adv_Collsl� ­ iser; t;) Sheet I weekly, free, an, outline pattern sheet. ,eSs,."If there is a man here to -night One night while c:. Secretary Fessenden st Mary huan tr;ellivec+ti, Cl-,nrLh i'o"A' N. S.,-Clotli bindinggo cents. A whole tucdical , "ohatssi signed; an application .fora was on a political mir;ion to the northern the following mail. ax} s. Bt t o k B.00d Ilitlers•rnade a tom library in one t000•page volume. x LQi:G SERIALS AIvI� SHORT STOFLIES ?``' ' i cuss Burin the ' cur let him r r _ _ _ r' Twntamnusnuthnrs:villcnntrihutelong WILD LELEN� 1 JIOr 1 C g y , part of Maine he etop]:ed at a small hotel. Settling. plate cure lit u+. case after l hail su.furttl � >� I y PP ,,:-jTjry hila act square iu the face. if Iu the center of the house was a big t,, r,alsmriegro the l;ntnrs in 1`F, 4 1'he t4ILLlAAf BLACK µr1. young man, Bot your for two }Para front d,apepsia, I believe it r r;'. • urst deal% with Scotch and Continental ire should go into that saloon a bay stove that warmed two rooms. In one of Father -Como, y g cannot fail to care," scene%, the second s a story of a gnung RAGGED LADY ;rgtrllU.:should thereby be led to the gut- the apartments Judge Fossenden e4tab- coat oil nrxl Dome with me. ® a girl, versatile, and typically American. 10 1`i'. n, then q al e > Sncrease a mother's agony, the 'lisped hinlsolf anti prepared to take proper Tommy-You'ie not going to lick me li t� !+S'o i „ These and a score of other equally a r ,3177�1t1 / I. try E. Wilkins 1�- "'•.who signed the applicttticn for comfort during the evening. Just as be are you, dad? t1+. :- octave Thanet pr"mintoreilt wro ti DA ' coneribute I tell y THE GERMAN POLICE. � E H. P. Spofford short stories to the 13ecial in t9cp4,' liveuse is fes onsible even if ire had got well located with a book, the Father -Certainly. Did settle with you KALI,= 3)e Forest I malting the paper especially rich .(n ,Mary N. wn+rias 1C r sig n it himself, but simply. bq landlord, a 8 foot French Canadian, came this morning that I would sot Y � M. S, Briscoe fiction. ' n 1`,f 13ie, head caused another to in for your bad behavior? Profosaor Muller Teus a Story of IIis E:- IyAgTT(��1Z'g AND SPEQE�L ARI'ICLFJs #t p "Excrise me, 'seir," said ho, "but Mr. Tomu;p--Xos, but I thought itwas only perience With Them. -*igl�lzf, he is a party to the Crime, anfl A story which throws light on the Ger- OUR PARIS LETTER THE LONDON LETTER •1. ,♦ ,, sir f Ce the sante responsibility. Ed iViggoue of plAysville, she bo inw•?do a joke, like whon you told the grocer you r xy cArN.•+rl.vr, n1`: Forrs7' vy n1` . rorurvsr r•1UMOR `Kritt g g man elite s stern is told b ProfsE r CLUB WOMEN HUMOR ate ,ll tied.uli together. The man odder room, an she wan' to see Dir..r • s• worn going to settle with him. --Chicago P y y esor .� _ �: , ,� - n1` nfA�r,„ err 1f. rfFi�clf 1`y fon,v tr•.vnRlcx QAnGs `?'[- 11 i'-•.d*i o gtf9 Sri his little corner and lets the een<,ecan." Nowa. Muller in nn article iu CoeiIIopolis. Phu . ♦ CURE . . ,illprofe88or ]lad rCCgiwedthrOUgh Humboldt, .i' There Still be a series""E articles on $tiquette. Trusip, the ir�►rld go -its own Way i9 simply mis= "Tell Mr. Wiggin I'll bo iu a little fat- - R ISI D LI Y I✓�r Voice, Art, the Play, Women and Tien, i.eaders among N^cinch, aI.lien" and Will awaken to realize his 01` �eflid Judge Fuasandon, ferning itn the scientist, an invitation t0 Call upon �Tsr1 G;trdening, Housekeeping, Life and Health, Indcwr Dcta'tls, etc. w , 1jp173 sibility.' The real responsibility other leaf in his book. • Sing Frederick William IV. Of course he l V ��I� n T^I�� I , ioc, a copy (Send for Free Prospectus) Sub., $4 a Year a .;'tdPlli$: Curse of drinks rests with the The landlord went out. ]3o returned in Interesting NUt.CS Fol T6Ye but he came veep near �`® t1 1 r Aostadc free t» ilea v»;ted States, Cmrada, a»d Alexico. Intended to go, 111. ♦ , Yhg?lus men and women of the coon- a moment. "Mr. �Vlggone she scud his L:L(ile5• Palling to lsezp his engagement. It came �I�K HEADACHE, ll�+ w, D. Howeue Address HARPER h BROTHERS, Publishers, Naw York City octave Thancr F1. t•,11 11 r• r !thee have neglected their duty compliments, An she soy slat alto wan' Dir. out of an unexpected visit from a young �* n out the strong itt'm of the lieutenant of elite, who asked many rip- 4�®®������''�����"����������♦ g FoEaertaeen right away." AND DYSPC�' '1A. ,, 1.0hrta'k` people of Ametica The interruption just at that moment patently unnecessary questions about why a , this curse -Templar. P ' rather nettled the judge, tubo was in no SuCCess In iDyeing Means Flea the stranger had tomo to Berlin, whon he - 1. , > + way accustomed to dictatorship. Ho sunt' sure and Profit. meant to return to England and what had ° , ' WILL YO�iJ-TRY 2 back such n sharp reply that it was easily kept hien in Berlin so long. _ $ 1 } his as- _ AS a laxative, one pill acts perfectly, _— "After I had explained to ,him, 11 says ,,, ., ': %,. Will you try to get rid of constipation if aoritghatInlr just 30 seconds landlord othout b]nlidlord ProPosso Muller, "that I was collating and if a stronger action is desired � -_ //' t Ill :;twee,#oll,yoa how? The remedy is Burdock Pck.Beware of Crude end worthless imita- Sanskrit manuscripts at tho royal library a Cathartic effect is produced by two i ��_ / ��^' `0.Blood Bitters. It puts the stomach, liver a es t was afind the man staringgo oat shim with h tions of Diamond Dyes. See that your he'beosme more peremptory, and informed __ /'��r _ �'• .- l ills. In obstinate ca es where a ur- .a� 'r,m,mil ,9owrmri J_ " t $pd'bowels in perfect order. we pro e y Y me that tale police authorities thought a p > p i /% % f v@11at . a print: "I think there is no equal to a look of desperate resolve. With sup dealer gives you the "Diamond" when ou .; reseed excitement 1n his tones the tall ask for them. fortnight must be amply sufficient for tine i5 necessary, three pills will be I ; TkI- r�rB„1},,for constipation,"Saye Mrs Thomas P P that purpose -how I wished that it had _ v ., ,,' `CL'd(xtTiyn, OBhawa, Ont. "It oared both landlord `Vioke. one say she wan' see Mr. tation;mtheirpwork is of thexhigbest order, been so -and that they requested me to found sufficient. These pills leave 110 - „ i { .t' r ` husband and myself after using only 5 g$ leave Burlin in 84 hours. I ox rained that l i {J� in > A.11 ,, ! Fessendeen quick, allshe gues' o' do add their suttees is deaerved. P un leasant after effect. I t � a 7 ' 4 , house, an I say she gon' to see him." There are forty eight colors in the Diam- I wanted but another week to finish my p i n : Illi►% "„ �1:,u►i` - x :l i ,;'.' "� Forthwith the big landlord swooped end Dyes for dyeing wool and cotton goods; wbrk, and produced my passport. It was Atte 1 taken each ntght during - t•, (, I pl w Ir �, � I Sf interest t0 Norsemen. down on the astonished gentleman, seized each dye to perfectly arae to color, and ae ell of no avail I was told that I must t Ilii ji! {�i� xiii hl' ' '` _ thirty days will cure constipation. 1`v I I Iii f i , time these cold days !tint, tucl{ed glen under his arm and strode reliable as pure gold. leave in 94 hours. I thou collect(ld my ' 1 ^ 0� �'I if you cannot take across Into the room of the peremptory' Diamond Dyes color anything any color. thoughts and said very quietly, to the PRICE 28 CENTS OR &FOR $1.00.? _ �/� �1}It t�rti�,t j�`r s $dwattti the horse's bit before pla0i tg it to are p g young lieutenant: a ----- — - --- I- JJk @' I . file animal s mouth, try a piece of cold iron g�intlentan fro 0 Maysville. lmly enid the and asepses alltothere in brill anoy and San, �� ,Please to tell the police authorities - -` b t t I 3. {� tongue, and instead of waiting Dir. W gg , a 1`o the strongest dyes f course obey, orders, and > p10p•IS X4(3 �5PHO�IimT I �r " ° `1 ��ti «on your own g y, that I shell, o MVV tllroll or fear days for it to heal, while it is landlord, as uiattar of foot as though ho Diamond Dyes a g The Grant English ItemeQY• '& �'^� ✓ <i;;hill sore and raw, put the iron on your had just delivered a pitcher of ice vvitter, made, hence the cheapest; one package is ,(lave Berlin at once, but that I must re- / r"i.,"'; d"ai- ue the noxi morning again, and then "here be Mr. Fessendeen." Ifo set the equal to three of any other make. quest them to inform his majesty the king six ruokages Guaranteed to ` �, ��`. -' / ,� r ,t. g that I shall not be Able to dine with him promptly, and permanently r/ / _ ��,�b�it attd Ilei merciful to the poor patient rewired snl[Ilnf;lye-Bangor CommoraiaLd imitators of Diamond Dyes. it yourr mer. mni'' at Potsdam.' ,� cure as forms of Nervous j =wP " animal. "8now that for all these h r� chant oaks you to accept another iYfake of riT t poor young man thought I was WeaXime,Enissione,sverra- _ � 4� �� I � �t r°! II lbs Lord will bYtng thea into lodgment. dyes, be sure ltd is after large pr)fits, and cdorrhea♦Impote,a°yandau never thinks h your comfort and auoeess. laughing at him, but when he saw I was eg�,�. Abuse or Lveesses, f r !n earnest he looked thunderstruck, bowed Mental Rr°r.,,u, excessive use f i I• t �Jr �� " '' _1. }' reel Sport. . Boolt of directions and sample card of and went away. It was not long, how- ojlbLacco, optumor 6timw How a person can gain a forty-eight colors sent free to any address ever, before another -police official aP- Be�ForeandAfier. 1 ('!,/ t p _ p g y V , - ,/ ia+tts, whtol,. Goon lead to Irv•, f �.LL f, �,� "- by Wella &Richardson Co., Montreal,P. Q geared, an elderly gentleman of vary pleas- fi itv Zwanity. Cowumvtimt and an `a T/ prove. 7t i {"II 1`r"" ` rip 1`1 s 11 If there is any so-called sport mean- pound a day by taking an ant manner, who explained to me how Has been proscribed over a6yoOrs in thousands of ' t, tri tnt)r"0 opuel, or ]more cowardly than • sorry he was that the young lieutenant eases; is the only Reliable and Iloncst Hed"I's - d "i igeon shoot," the press does not ounce Of Scott's EmulSiOm Mr Cl. H. pope, live stock inspector should have made so foolish amistake, trrto,vn,,tskdriggietforWood'slPhorphodlno:ft �r- -i§ T,0 mnotw. of it: A crowd of men 1S hard t0 eXplaill, but It for the Dominion C3overnment,has pre- He begged me to forget what had hap- hoo8erasomeworthless medlcineln place of thle, h (111areAy to aim at a bewilder- sented to them his annual report polled, as it would seriously injure the inclose price inIettor,nnd we win return ]i Li _ l� { ; C ,f a � 1�, r " fhightened pigeon, let out of a bag certain] ha ells. p itilch a flits been brought to f shot pp of the cattle and horses shipped t:o Liv- young lieutenants prospects if I lodged a maa Price, one package, 8Ir six, $6• ono wilt c' e• aniphiets o any lFt,,-this Fportsinanlike, maul or g P oe1,e wood comitromised toans, . y+ It seems to start the di es' et there eMontreal I year. Beginning Rtng �Iay 3 forget,ebeedur- orallnevent not to refer in the gi e� a Pe Wood mPaTiddreas, 151ng bat cruel and silly d A bull g P Y g „ 'Windsor, ons., canaria 's a brutal affair, bnh 1t is a con- tlVC machinery working land ending Nov.23,tbe numbet'of BhePp royal presence to what had happened. "lien skill and strength; a fox shipped was 117,240; number of cattle, Professor Muller attributes the visit of Clinton,RS. JOHN CA311- My husband 1=s been ' ;i cslish enough., Ytta it'int }titles properly. You obtain a 10,001. In addif ion to the above there the Police authorities to the foot that one gold by Allen & tiVil�On, , tnton, I, titins riding,and the fi9x hada were shipped from Quebec 1,911 catllo (lf hia friends, with whom he had been dru{;gists troubled with dyspepsia, greater benefit from your and t31ti sheep. '1'o feed these it requir soon almost every day, was a young Ban- .., " 6311'16 it Mlle to saviy hirn$elf in, feed, cd 10,320 tone of bay and 4,945 bushels skrit scholar who bad boon mixed up with MADE F. A MAS At f:hande for Its life hats the of grain, while 6,3f3d men journeyed I political intrigues and had long been 'aB and finds i ani Tabui S i" pgeisn shoot ? None --except AJAX TABLETS pOf?ITNELY C17,3II p The oil being predigested, ate oss the Atlantic to look after the under strict surveillauoe. s .dLr 1pot.enuo Sleeplessness, tog glom• lute clumsiness of the sports- animals cry,IYaPotanc9,8leoPieesuoes,ot, °°need the A,* l`ell�� H'e gals And: a fine vietftr'y it is for SL f by Atreno or odic; Nxeooeos anti India and combined with the hy- ! °rotian rrrmt rink` and sett s Oot"A dozen Of these timid, 4tai anforst dy. yin ae or marrinn b(rflirr leaving them maimed pophasphites, maks a food TJNDOUBTED EVIDENCE f itamanforetndy. bvetneseormarriaeo u .; irtlUl�ieil Wlill 1I1U1°i t}(1 Llle round, while the revnnt URE ,t1` ned ConbnmpLien if { qq tit oa n t tno, Tboir tino Allows immodinto itn roes I. L�,, �w-r! ; 11 p. eceCVeblixecongratulatfons tOnJC of wonderful flesh- GENTLEMiON,-1' am pleaoodtorecom en Dist annn haat R the gent: no Mait Tt,bidte�Th S 'ages ion for the �ast "l�� ri se ftlrhiti c%verncali(1J clay s your Lara -Livor Pfiie for constipation, have carodthousandeanawtitouros6a vo tsar* ldgi�eXy+ are leow ,used In fATIiXifi gWer� papaia and aidkheadaObe. Ihaven�ed tltodn adhon dortthn redrdntoetaetrocta/.n•n 'n I keen gears. g p . eaahoasaor reinYid rho >w^^ v. Irl' " 62 W73l 1` ` i fez those troubles, and have found them a For ili#�nts t3ud Children, peen a of �tr Dix deem,:' • ,trach"i fir t1 ff y I `' 4 ttq t11 ,hy$Y4�1'�itb`' kntyry thi8 edl�f'enre and pleasant ours, free from the aifn latdNrA 1`.,`;,i resaipto B*1e a1` } /� yµ�dc ypy v� j ItttiiDgiiaK grllil� of other pills 7C ]lave hlth- '+ho tie• is on . 'roe: A.�II�G 1�1 i�u1UY �0., p t nz '!. *+, r t to.. tV If{.b+ ' , •fN,r 1+. n .. , ' ^ ,c, ei<kpligkd tirilllaallo Fjiild in Cllatou b,V Apel he Wilson, ariry } ,, �•tr ,- ltliditfgttita; lei. aiid#r ba _ '' t A111td .'' ttf c .>"G ✓ rltggi>its. e- tttrl sp st I, "I t"4atttuta{Toirti]rir�f t°l+H.titiiiltani fent d a. , _; ' . . ' `"' J. C . "n I a / ` , • ♦ t` t .. s