The Clinton New Era, 1898-02-11, Page 2'Febi uary 11, 1898 .� THE CLINT0 9 ftw ERA . �`wc�""'�"" W wne �.ampalgn i That Advisory Board Opening of Parliament . • One feature of the present campaign The Advisor � Board, ae an ad janct . The GwovernoraGeneral delivers is that the Opposition leaders had, to the department of Education"Isug- ales,,, ��` the Speech From the Throne • previous to the late seaston of the ' gested by Mr Whitney, is one of the With Bood''t3areapa- A ^�` 7 Local House, exhausted every imagin- most absurd propositions of the many Lord Aberdeen opened Parliament'it3alea,T "and 1 V able quetttion op which they could at.- made b thatL entleman. Tits a Dint- at 8 O'clock Thursday. The weather � ' aM' Ta '-'1 y g appoint- I was excellent and the attendance was show that this medi- -' ��D tack the Government. The charges merit of such It board wou:d he a direct large. There teas the usuwl Accort cine baa enjoyed public confidence un V'K., 7 i rJ were many, and wild, and were refuted `attack on responsible government, for I from the' PrIncess Louise Dragoon patronage .toa greater extent than aocorc , Ira �t 4�` I And explained tined durin the session, and 1 Guards, that accompanied the Vice- ed any other proprietary medicine. Th: ,J i, � ,, 1 P g if the Minister of Edrtcattfou needs Regal salriar;e from Rideau Ball the P p y the columniatore brought to book. It Is simply because it possesses greats (dN T14E 51 CLAIR RIVER) g such a board, why not the Minister of gwrd L f honer from the Governor- merit and produces greater cures this Sw��g���TT77 AA g,'�p• y^ will be useless for Mr Whitney and Agriculture, or in fact any minister in General's foot guards that received any other. It is not what we say, br Iy[Fl,llai• ®N 1AR1V. Me St, John to reiterate these charges, His Excellency upon arrivingg at the , 3 the Cabinet. The pith of responsible Farliament buildings soli the salute what Hood's Sarsaparilla does, that totl! Book keeping. Our system of as the were afforded ever facilit to i the story. Alladvertisements •of Hood book-ker m is actual business Y y y government is in the fact that the tired at, point by the OLLtL\V2L' , keeping rove them. during the session, and Mold Battery. Bsrsaparilla, like Hood's Barsaparilla L from start to finish. P g minister is responsible to parliament Tho Senate Chamber r, ,is c1 owded wind His Excellent de- ` r •, are honest. We have never deserve Shorthand. Our Shorthand having failed to dace, the elector ecan- and parliament is responsible to the l,vered the followingsee Y •t.e public,and this with its sn rlatit department is file most thorough not but and insultedif the areagain speech ' I medcinal erit, is why the peoplehat in Canada. y g electors, who, we are well convinced, The Speech abiding confidence in it, and buy Instruction. As individual in- brought forward. The Mail and Ern- „ will not allow themselves to be robber! "Hon. Gentlemen of the Senate ; struction is given students may pine urges the plea that a change i' of this valuable franchise. And \c'ho Gentlemen of the House of Commons ; -r enter at any time. uccessar on the round that new men I have observed with ;;rest pleasure POSITION'. Begin now and be ready for Y g is to appoint the Advisory Boards. If the remarkable advance iu I he toli- i a position in the spring. ° would have an opportunity of investi- tical f n ur pros' per- • A. S. A11111 gating appointed by the Opposition it, would t, lunceain material prosper" 0 - S 11;r gating the acts of the "'Mowatt -Hardy be a source of irnpedilnent to he ac- ily of Uwoad,L during the year lvllich y 6'o'�'� vv� �'d government. We defy the Mail and tion of the Minister of Education and has list loan d rece0lly effected has \ % Empire, or the whole Conservative shown that the :credit of Canada has Sarsaparilla Clinton Post Olhee• P as0tuce of ill di�cnrd. If by g press, to point out one single move on the Governmc, t, it wo'ild be a subject nf+ver stood so high in Ear•opeau mar- Almost to the exclusion of all others. Try 1.PIMETABLE. kels and affords reasonable ground for Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mar „ the part of the Liberal government to for continued i cult finding by the Op- expecting ting that the burlhens of tete DUE MAILS CLOSED stifle the most searching investigation position. If it i, made co.tlition, it PeOale will in t he near future be re- r are the only pillsto ill s.M M5 duced by the srlbstit ot, inn of a mach Hood's Pills with Hood's Saraaparlll _A.M• P.M. I of their acts. In fact the greater part would so hamper tho Educational De - to 15 6 55 London an&9. W. Ontario 00 4 W lower rate of interest on out- indebted - 7 40 4 30 Wingbam and Kincardine 9 55 635 of the session was taken up by the Op- partment as to render it worse than nets than t hat which now exists. 10 15 655' Western d. W. rla N. W. U.S. 7 00 4 05 1015 1 031 Paris, Buffelo&eastern U 87 00 4 05 position in these airy investigations, useless. If by the Educational Boauds, The Jubilee DemonstrationThe Soldiers' Sacrifice. 10 I6 1 03 Toronto points east 7 Oil 2 35 We de not complain at tLis, but if c rr , Written in honour of those who fall in t] 4 05 P what is to be gained. Literally no- I 00rigrattulaL n TOLI LIP111 I he ex- present struggle in India, by Miss Eva R( 1 03 ...Montreal and Ottawa... 7 00 233 these charges ate brought forward thin , ceediu •I cordial rr cc tion ac crrded nolda,Clinton,Ont. 14 1 03 Manitoba, N W T and B U 700 2 ;a g, as the Minister of Education 6 Y P __ 1 03 again during the campaign they should tb this representatives of U,Lu+ilia at 10 27 ..Stratford and Seaforth.. 7 00 2 35 has now the advantage r.f all informs Lhe Jubilee ceremouiea, soli also upon What did you say ? 1 08 receive a speedy condemnation by the warm appreciation inanifested ' "A useless sacrifice?" Points E & N of Stratford? 00 235 tion to be had front that source. Mr F P 10 27 ever intelligent elector who is not everywhere t brou •hoot the ritother No! God aids hie own, 1 03 ....Mitchell and Dublin.... 700 y g Whitney has such a very limited sup- Y g As in blest ease, in strife; '7 40 255. ...Goderleh;.......... 12 45 blinded by pavtisanism. country in reference to the conduct Of And the are one to share, 900 ply of material for a policy, that he is Canada in materially reducing the Y K Lucas crossing, Sarnia and duty upon goods from the United Who to their Lord repair, . 015 656 ....intermediate poiuts... 7 00 4 05 as „ driven into all aorta of absurdities, 7 40 ..Londesboro & Belgrave.. 9 65 A change Needed Kingdom talo the Dominion. Honours of war. ,„ The Treaties Honours of war; . The office is open to the public (holidays ex This is the childish cry of the Op- 1 , ' etepted) from 8 a.ni to 7 15 p m., but holders of Cris LO�lnt Cli))fin�i. "The action of the Imperial govern - 11 n- For they have died to bring dock boxes have access to the lobby until8 p.m position. We ask why? The only h y Clippings. r, ment in denouncing the treaties with Chriat to heathen souls, Money Order and Saving Dank office open answer we can get is that the present We regret V German and Belgium also affords Who to rade worship cling; µ :' U.M. to 6 P.M. get to have testate that Wm. roost satisfactory evidence of `heir de- Refusing to accept Matter for registration must be posted half men have been too long in power, and Mallough, of Ashfield, is very ill with y United ri;hteousnese, g throat trouble. sire to facilitate your efforts to pro- an hour before oosingrhomails, that the Conservatives should have mote the closest possible commercial In time of peace. 1 STAGE MAIL — SUMMERHILL — Every show. We say above childish and Jas. Black, Dungannon. recently had relations between Canada and the r e - k - .'Tuesday and Friday, arriving at 5.*And ltav- ,the misfortune to fracture a bone in There still are men, .9itog at 5,30 p.Fn. back it up with this argument. Sup- his leg, which will be the weans of re- m contribute a the Empire, and I trust, bike Britain's braves of old, ONCE A DAY ONLY is mail despatched g P contribute materially to the develop- Who like men have died t' ':`ARrom this officeto •Londesboro and Belgrave, Posing we were dealing with a large venting him getting around for some merit of I pe 'al trade. . Viso to'Mitbhell and Dublin, mane closinit as and res crena vtholeeale business, time. From hanger, sword and oold— w�b,+ve elated. prosperous The ukon old Discoveries The soldier's frequent la; and the mane er had been at the D.Richsrdaon, of Ethel, has purcbas- Wbc Gbv'nr will be bon ht Mails for British Isles and European coon- g ed 60 acres of land, being part of Int 2, T.he extraort flurry gOlrl discoveries g tries intended to be forwarded by New York, head of it for.man ears, and ever recenll alalic. a on the Yukon and}t� From duty's host. r r ;:must have written on the top left hand corner y y y" con. 4. Grey. It belonged to the Hur- y 'assenvelope VIA NEW YORK. thing was progressing pcosperoualy on & Erie Loan Company, The price tribatarfes slopes likely to result to an Bofriend them now; "'r<;r paid was $9W. enormous influx rf cools to that re- Our. praises count for naught under bre experienced management, ion•and have cora a led the � g p govern- ,' would the partners in the concern be The home of Mr Henry Squires, of meat to take prompt action for the In dead warriors hearts, The Ontario Government has no con. 9, UabOrne, was ha scene of a P P In which the pulse hes stopped; 4 ` willing to change and put one of the the preservation of law and order in So be the soldier's friend scandals to defend, very pleasing event on Wednesday ev- hat distant and almost inaccessible a ; office boys, with little or no expert- ening, the 26th ult., beim the mar- Ere war life's daylight end, g locality. Measures will be laid before And the are one. ):;,:: ante, to his place? Certainly not. And rima of his eldest daughler,Mary Jane you for that purpose, Y g 'li­ At , least ,five members of the On- this is 'ust what Mr nd -his to l�lr Thos. Hat ris,a prosperous young Itario Cabinet are total abstainers, and I WhitneyY farmer of Bethesda. The Klond1.ike Railway A FEW DOSES GAVE YERMANEN following is asking the elector' to do. T—he 1 "A contract has been entered into RELIEF. ,the sympathies of the other two are the 10U acre farm known as the Bar. Remoye the experienced and capable ker property, 5th con., Grey. has been subject to vour approval for the cern- Jas• Allen, of Bt. Stephen, N. B., write -with temperance principles sold to ateman lotion tit tits earliest ossible moment p _ head and substitute an inexperienced HenryY , who hay llntl P P '•I was troubled with very severe pains i ;' " it leased, for $2,200. A. Brin,ner, _ s of it system of rail and river lcemrnum- the heart, pain in aide, and shortness ,----- and untried man. The electors stand toria, Oregon, was the owner. cation I hrough Canadian territory Nearly 30 years of Liberal adminis- g breath. I became completely exhauetc k.';' a' partners in this great Provincial with the Klondike and principal gold with the least exertion. Doctors said m r t-rit,tion in Ontario, and not one cent It is Our sad duty this week to chrou- fields which it is expected will bring ing firm, and will doubtless be extremely case was a hopeless one. I proeured a bo T �',,`V` 'spent corruptly. That is o record that - icle the death of the oldest resident of to Canada the larger portion of the In- tie of Dr, Agnew's Cure for the heart. k, cautious in taking any step that will �� roaster, in the person of Mrs Kate 'cratiye ttuL>iic of that country. few doses gyve me permanent reliefsix bo should commend itself to every intelli- endanger its prosperity. 'Let well Martin, relict of the late John Martin, The Bountiful Harvest ties entirely cored me, To -day I am well. :;,gent elector. who died here about five years ago. Sold b Watt' & Co. trt�r,; enough alone." She was one of the old pioneers of "The bonntiful harvest with which y , Turnberry, and had reached the ad- we have been favored b3- it beneficent We observe by our exchanges that vanced age pf 89 years, Providence has contributed greatly to Rev.Dr. Grant, of Kingston, and Rev. D THE AIIIOUNT 0R THE r t he increa e of our prosperity, and I Lucas, of Grimsby, held a debate on pro i Mvarly every Opposition candidate in SURPLUS �� a regret to have Lo state that Airs aril glad to note that the trade ,and hibition in Kingston,on Thursday and Fr ', `the field is "a sure winner"—at least Jno. Clark, sr„ col,. 7, West Wawa- comnlerc•e of the Dominion, and more clay nights. Both men are favorable 1 This is what the Toronto Mail said nosh, had the mislut Lute to fall, hits- ,especially the amount 'and valves 0f temperance, but Lha former is not a helico die is so described. This being the talntn a fracture of the thigh h bone. '±case there's real) no need of an elec- on March 4, 1890, and it is just as true g g her principal exports, have increased or in prohibition, obits the latter is. Bo Y As the venerable lady is well adviuiced read during the est eighteen YO the debate no action was taken to it xnn. to -day:— in year', it is feared that the fracture greatly g P g dicate which bad been most aucceseft l i `. A months; and there is good reason to r "The Government and the O osi- will be very difficult to heal. therein, . The Opposition papers say that the PP believe that this improvement ma.y he r11 ' tion in the Assembly have had one or On Tuesday of hast week County maint.ai,.ed, if not augmented, during ltiberals proposed to let Mr Whitney Councillor Mooney delivered 17 young the remainder of the present year, more sharp debates touching the Suppression ofSttreating System TIME TO ,g in by acclamation, if Mr Hardy, of hogs to Messrs }3aeker & VunsLone, amount of the surplus. The Opposi- Bruesels,lhat averaged 172 p0unda,ttnd 10hselve with lessors that ter- ngston, who accorded the same at 5 cents per pound netted Llie owner P t rivlle a at.d the point with, ride to tion members make 1t appear that if P P11 1p g , Y P P $146.20. This is certainly a good re- twin government contracts, which �'r TIr Whitney's "manly refusal" of such account he taken Of the outstanding turn. have been recently let, contain pro- ��� 2 annuities, including the interest pay.- visions calculated to suppress the evils r ' ;�i - roppsltion. Seeing that no such The following are the officers for- the of the sweating system,. affil ositlon was ever made b the Lib able upon them, the surplus is a very ff P P Y East Wawancish Agricultural Society "Gentlemen of the House of Com- o s Zrals, all these heroics are just so small one. The annities vs -ere issued for I898: Pres., C. Proctor, jr.; Vice- mons, the accounts of the past year UF i , twuchBrew r" , , to run for forty years; tb.e object being Pies., W. Acott, J. Cuulter; Sec.`;' �- •••r ,. to ittid before you; the estimates 1 to enable the Government to redeem Anderson; Tress., C. McClelland; Dir., for the succeeding year will likewise Political capital is made of the fact It. Currie, R. Corley, R, Scott, 1•I, H. be placed upon the table tit an early When Shoes are sellin' the certificates of aid to new railroads, Harrison, P, W. Scott, U. Proctor, JJr., date. i thstt a good many lawyers get into the H. McAiurrs G,Ta fur; Auditors J.f3. at our present prices. A] which originally ran for twenty years, y' y New Measures WinterGoods specially re Legislature. There is not so much It is scarce! fair, however, to count Scott, W. Geddes, jr. This Society is "Ilrnt. Gentlemen of the S ria y in a very prosperous state. duced. X0r0e'. in this point as many suppose, Gentlemen of the House 0f CO mons, r these annuities as present liabilities. measures will be•'submitted t0 ou 1 1. I L,when it is remem.beced that many of On ranking up the surplus, the Treae- DTBWB NOTEl3 s ecting supra"annnation, the r sal of , ,professional men of to -day were urer, as we understand it, does not Mr John H. roster, of Soutll �Ima- the present franchise act, a plebis its cod IlardW00d talion in ex boy' laise3 on Canadian forma and ley, has been elected Warden of Leeds on the gaestion of prohibition hat lamlitar with all the labor thereof. Mr Profess to take account of all the as- and Grenville, with other measures, I comm td to Chane for Robes, Blank �,G*rrow is at farmer's s.)n,and.it is sure- sets of the Province, such as unsold your earnest consideration, invoking ets &c. Mr Mulock has given notice in the ) tipp ratot to his discredit that he possessed lands, or payments due on lands al- g the divine blessing upon the, in en- :lxe.necessary energy and force of char House Of the bill to abolish the super ant labors on which you are again en ,11 ready sold. His aim is merely t0 as- annttstion system, A full stook of...... :�;ter•to make oho -cif the ablest profes- tering." +s* ` I men in the Province, The same certain the amount of the surplus ac- Prof, J. H. Panton, of the Ontario ff44' he said of scores of others, and tually avaii le, and, with this end in Agricaliural Uollege, Guelph, died of NO MATTER. Single and Double Harness title form of political warfare is not view, he omits a large array of assets cancer of the stomach. No mattes how obstinate the cough, how I'runkS, Valises, &l , +avert'• honorable. which otherwise he would be perfectly A 14.000 dollar fire took place Thurs- severe the cold NorwayPine Syrup will day afternoon in the Dawes' HallBlock, euro and cute sick! Y P justified in including. Hence there q y. No other remedy Shingles—Red & WhiteCeda: on Dovercourt road. equals it in curative power over throat and ,,-:,I..;'t�ppositionists are keeping up their seems to be reason in his contention The financial statement of Nova Sco= lung troubles." Shingles always On hand *iciput'4gB by reflecting that some of the that in dealing with the outstanding tin shows the year's expenditure as I Call and see us, 1. + 600nment seats at last election were liabilities ` the forty -year annuities 6853,698, and a deficit of $2I,458. Election Notes. iz�'araried by narrow majorities. - That is should not be regarded as liabilities Hood's Sarsaparilla is prepared by expo- — rienced pharmaoists who know precisely the Rev, Dr. Dewart is likely to oppose JAS, T WITCHE LL *100kill•g at orae side of it. There is an- actually current or pressing. Howey_ nature and gnalityof all ingredients need. Mr 1Vlaater in North Toronto. hers' .For example, North Lanark er that may be there is no sense at all Victoria Block, Clinton. General Booth, Chief of the Galva- All the Cabinet ministers have been .. 64' catrried for the Conservatives by a in adding the forty years' interest.to tion Army, arrived in Toronto on re -nominated, and all hays opponents. flalohity of 26, West Lambton by 88 the face value of the annuities and Thursday, and addressed a meeting at Mr J. Stokes, of Hungerfpld, is the IT PAYS TO' .''ti d{'Wc'st York by 53. In North Lan- calling the sum a set-off to the cash Massey Hall. in the evening. Conservative candidate fur East Hast- • Ai .the same opponents are face to surplus. If a municipality issues Sir Adolphe and Lady Chapleau have r Inge. Air Hudson, the tette Consecva- taken tI their residence in Montreal tive member, backed out. 1 h aPtlC'0 ,hgaib, with the probabilities twenty-year debentures for ,� p and his Honor announces his intention III several constituencies an excellent troilgiy in favor of Mr Caldwell, the 6 per cent., it does not, in making up of resuming his practice of law. use is being found for the available vet- . ibefcal candidate; in West Lambton its book's, convert that liability in o al talent. Quartettes are beingorganiz- m - , he•Tori, a have not even as yet got a y >; Dr. Dewart was nominated as the t one of $220000 b adding Liberal candidate for North Toronto ed to sing campaign songs at t rneet- P.1.46it N e, and in West York the Lib- Y g (o the of in- and Dr. R. A. P ings in the districts,thue emulal Ing the Are You Aware of the Pact that ;c)rt ls' so a reear be sleeting Ma Hill, who tercet for twenty years to the face Pyne as Conservative example of the Laurier Male Quartette, atarie so near beating Mr St. John at value of Lhe bonds. The bona -fide candidate for Eitel Toronto at Thurs- ! ale 11Lat election.—Globe, day night's conventions. which has achieved so Lunch success in TheCanadaBusineSS College available surplus, that is the surplus different parts of the province. The in. P Mr John Bell, chief counsel for the troduction of vocal music at political CHATHAlU "' which could be realized upon, if neves- Grand Trunk, gives notice that an ap- meetings is s novel departure in Clan- , ONT. 476.6 Toronto Globe of Friday says: sary, in a few month's notice amounts plication will be made to Parliament ada, but the experiment has been at- Isdolng more for its u this te'sion for an act to incor orate tended with such satisfactory results g one than any othcu Tlh$ i'oature of yesterday's campaign so Y i4usiuess college n the Dominian. in round figures gt res to six million dollars, the Windsor & Detroit Union Bridge that it hasestablished ►ts place in inod• as pupils were p'ae,of in two nnonths Stu' IvriC >l the Liberal party is concerned gad Sandfield Maedonald's policy of 0otnpany for the purpose of cunatrnct ern catnpsigning, dens from all quarters aro fi •eking to Chit swag ceir'tafnly the nomination of Dr, ing a bridge over the Detroit River. worthy business school mere hoarding been continued the sur- ' Beeldee a large attendance from Chatham evvitt b art the standard-bearer for The Department of customs, on CANADIAN PORI;; IN FAVOR.—It is there aro already this year 93 pupila registerorj plus would of course have been larger Thursday, received a remittance from most satisfactory to know that recent from outalde painte. 60ollthem from poiuu orth Toronto. The meeting was than it is. Since his time, however, Collector Davis from Dawson, to the heavy shipments of Cdnadfan pork to uotaror to other business Colleges than tc Chatham. daYI 0, twomd enthusiastic. The Lib- three millions have been distributed amount of $47;000. which had accrued Great I3dto n have had their a ecl,and We presume these people investigated the pi aur:E� fin the riding is in splendid from customs duties, This makes 1165,- old count • , firms are beginning to mo.itn of the difrerent schools, and dooided g P among the municipalities, large ad- 000 in all, withdraw t eir orders from the States. that nothing but the best would satisfy thele, 2, ,land the campaign which the ditions have been made to the railway honco, they aro horn. According Liverpool Smportinrepg house on shits Writo for catalogue of other departmantr+and fftot'xryili!lead, starting with a meet- aid fund, and a great deal of menet' Sir Wilfrid Laurier moved in the of a big Liverpool importing douse has a list of the 43 pupils lased iu tvto n has been spout on capital and -revenue Houseon Monday that a special com• been in Torontoduring the past week, p Ionth% I tof fm&t in Cumberland Hall, will account for the construction and main• mitt.ee be appointed to inquire into the endeavoring r to make arrangements D l/fe f, C' !; A �IILAIV & Co,Chathaut nba�riy attrpastt in energy and vigor tenants of public Institutions. The expenditure of the suhsidles granted with lo('al patekers to supply then! with thin 11 seen in Toronto 1n recent annuities referred to were issued with by the Parliament Of Cituada to aid of smoked meats, etc, This (Irrn imports ' M FACT , fg- '. 1.lefe was a ting cif victory in the intention of making posterity ay the eonstrne'don .d'1' the Drurnrnond aab L1diCLSIJ 11 AU I'OitY NC)rICC, h° Out 7,000 boxes of over 4001bs., or brillilitxtlitt1e si5eec m which the a alight share o£ the cost of develo ilig Count Anil and"in all n County Y ugoliatiorts about 200 tons, of the.je nieats weekly The annualmoetingof thestock•holders and "oril:deepted. Che noininadoa,. just tileresouicea gf the Province, and we and transactions between the Govern• franc t ho Unitcrd States firths hilt the �atrhn4 of t �to rfalmosvilte Cheem and Butler ero ryas & Ong of viet,ory ala the think it was a wise step. The Oppose- merit and the railwla Y t;'o (UnAlocl) writ be held in I -VIN ' FI t ,el 3�1 1- -I ': . , FOR SA7l.It�. I I ` I 11 ,* • 'Febi uary 11, 1898 .� THE CLINT0 9 ftw ERA . �`wc�""'�"" W wne �.ampalgn i That Advisory Board Opening of Parliament . • One feature of the present campaign The Advisor � Board, ae an ad janct . The GwovernoraGeneral delivers is that the Opposition leaders had, to the department of Education"Isug- ales,,, ��` the Speech From the Throne • previous to the late seaston of the ' gested by Mr Whitney, is one of the With Bood''t3areapa- A ^�` 7 Local House, exhausted every imagin- most absurd propositions of the many Lord Aberdeen opened Parliament'it3alea,T "and 1 V able quetttion op which they could at.- made b thatL entleman. Tits a Dint- at 8 O'clock Thursday. The weather � ' aM' Ta '-'1 y g appoint- I was excellent and the attendance was show that this medi- -' ��D tack the Government. The charges merit of such It board wou:d he a direct large. There teas the usuwl Accort cine baa enjoyed public confidence un V'K., 7 i rJ were many, and wild, and were refuted `attack on responsible government, for I from the' PrIncess Louise Dragoon patronage .toa greater extent than aocorc , Ira �t 4�` I And explained tined durin the session, and 1 Guards, that accompanied the Vice- ed any other proprietary medicine. Th: ,J i, � ,, 1 P g if the Minister of Edrtcattfou needs Regal salriar;e from Rideau Ball the P p y the columniatore brought to book. It Is simply because it possesses greats (dN T14E 51 CLAIR RIVER) g such a board, why not the Minister of gwrd L f honer from the Governor- merit and produces greater cures this Sw��g���TT77 AA g,'�p• y^ will be useless for Mr Whitney and Agriculture, or in fact any minister in General's foot guards that received any other. It is not what we say, br Iy[Fl,llai• ®N 1AR1V. Me St, John to reiterate these charges, His Excellency upon arrivingg at the , 3 the Cabinet. The pith of responsible Farliament buildings soli the salute what Hood's Sarsaparilla does, that totl! Book keeping. Our system of as the were afforded ever facilit to i the story. Alladvertisements •of Hood book-ker m is actual business Y y y government is in the fact that the tired at, point by the OLLtL\V2L' , keeping rove them. during the session, and Mold Battery. Bsrsaparilla, like Hood's Barsaparilla L from start to finish. P g minister is responsible to parliament Tho Senate Chamber r, ,is c1 owded wind His Excellent de- ` r •, are honest. We have never deserve Shorthand. Our Shorthand having failed to dace, the elector ecan- and parliament is responsible to the l,vered the followingsee Y •t.e public,and this with its sn rlatit department is file most thorough not but and insultedif the areagain speech ' I medcinal erit, is why the peoplehat in Canada. y g electors, who, we are well convinced, The Speech abiding confidence in it, and buy Instruction. As individual in- brought forward. The Mail and Ern- „ will not allow themselves to be robber! "Hon. Gentlemen of the Senate ; struction is given students may pine urges the plea that a change i' of this valuable franchise. And \c'ho Gentlemen of the House of Commons ; -r enter at any time. uccessar on the round that new men I have observed with ;;rest pleasure POSITION'. Begin now and be ready for Y g is to appoint the Advisory Boards. If the remarkable advance iu I he toli- i a position in the spring. ° would have an opportunity of investi- tical f n ur pros' per- • A. S. A11111 gating appointed by the Opposition it, would t, lunceain material prosper" 0 - S 11;r gating the acts of the "'Mowatt -Hardy be a source of irnpedilnent to he ac- ily of Uwoad,L during the year lvllich y 6'o'�'� vv� �'d government. We defy the Mail and tion of the Minister of Education and has list loan d rece0lly effected has \ % Empire, or the whole Conservative shown that the :credit of Canada has Sarsaparilla Clinton Post Olhee• P as0tuce of ill di�cnrd. If by g press, to point out one single move on the Governmc, t, it wo'ild be a subject nf+ver stood so high in Ear•opeau mar- Almost to the exclusion of all others. Try 1.PIMETABLE. kels and affords reasonable ground for Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mar „ the part of the Liberal government to for continued i cult finding by the Op- expecting ting that the burlhens of tete DUE MAILS CLOSED stifle the most searching investigation position. If it i, made co.tlition, it PeOale will in t he near future be re- r are the only pillsto ill s.M M5 duced by the srlbstit ot, inn of a mach Hood's Pills with Hood's Saraaparlll _A.M• P.M. I of their acts. In fact the greater part would so hamper tho Educational De - to 15 6 55 London an&9. W. Ontario 00 4 W lower rate of interest on out- indebted - 7 40 4 30 Wingbam and Kincardine 9 55 635 of the session was taken up by the Op- partment as to render it worse than nets than t hat which now exists. 10 15 655' Western d. W. rla N. W. U.S. 7 00 4 05 1015 1 031 Paris, Buffelo&eastern U 87 00 4 05 position in these airy investigations, useless. If by the Educational Boauds, The Jubilee DemonstrationThe Soldiers' Sacrifice. 10 I6 1 03 Toronto points east 7 Oil 2 35 We de not complain at tLis, but if c rr , Written in honour of those who fall in t] 4 05 P what is to be gained. Literally no- I 00rigrattulaL n TOLI LIP111 I he ex- present struggle in India, by Miss Eva R( 1 03 ...Montreal and Ottawa... 7 00 233 these charges ate brought forward thin , ceediu •I cordial rr cc tion ac crrded nolda,Clinton,Ont. 14 1 03 Manitoba, N W T and B U 700 2 ;a g, as the Minister of Education 6 Y P __ 1 03 again during the campaign they should tb this representatives of U,Lu+ilia at 10 27 ..Stratford and Seaforth.. 7 00 2 35 has now the advantage r.f all informs Lhe Jubilee ceremouiea, soli also upon What did you say ? 1 08 receive a speedy condemnation by the warm appreciation inanifested ' "A useless sacrifice?" Points E & N of Stratford? 00 235 tion to be had front that source. Mr F P 10 27 ever intelligent elector who is not everywhere t brou •hoot the ritother No! God aids hie own, 1 03 ....Mitchell and Dublin.... 700 y g Whitney has such a very limited sup- Y g As in blest ease, in strife; '7 40 255. ...Goderleh;.......... 12 45 blinded by pavtisanism. country in reference to the conduct Of And the are one to share, 900 ply of material for a policy, that he is Canada in materially reducing the Y K Lucas crossing, Sarnia and duty upon goods from the United Who to their Lord repair, . 015 656 ....intermediate poiuts... 7 00 4 05 as „ driven into all aorta of absurdities, 7 40 ..Londesboro & Belgrave.. 9 65 A change Needed Kingdom talo the Dominion. Honours of war. ,„ The Treaties Honours of war; . The office is open to the public (holidays ex This is the childish cry of the Op- 1 , ' etepted) from 8 a.ni to 7 15 p m., but holders of Cris LO�lnt Cli))fin�i. "The action of the Imperial govern - 11 n- For they have died to bring dock boxes have access to the lobby until8 p.m position. We ask why? The only h y Clippings. r, ment in denouncing the treaties with Chriat to heathen souls, Money Order and Saving Dank office open answer we can get is that the present We regret V German and Belgium also affords Who to rade worship cling; µ :' U.M. to 6 P.M. get to have testate that Wm. roost satisfactory evidence of `heir de- Refusing to accept Matter for registration must be posted half men have been too long in power, and Mallough, of Ashfield, is very ill with y United ri;hteousnese, g throat trouble. sire to facilitate your efforts to pro- an hour before oosingrhomails, that the Conservatives should have mote the closest possible commercial In time of peace. 1 STAGE MAIL — SUMMERHILL — Every show. We say above childish and Jas. Black, Dungannon. recently had relations between Canada and the r e - k - .'Tuesday and Friday, arriving at 5.*And ltav- ,the misfortune to fracture a bone in There still are men, .9itog at 5,30 p.Fn. back it up with this argument. Sup- his leg, which will be the weans of re- m contribute a the Empire, and I trust, bike Britain's braves of old, ONCE A DAY ONLY is mail despatched g P contribute materially to the develop- Who like men have died t' ':`ARrom this officeto •Londesboro and Belgrave, Posing we were dealing with a large venting him getting around for some merit of I pe 'al trade. . Viso to'Mitbhell and Dublin, mane closinit as and res crena vtholeeale business, time. From hanger, sword and oold— w�b,+ve elated. prosperous The ukon old Discoveries The soldier's frequent la; and the mane er had been at the D.Richsrdaon, of Ethel, has purcbas- Wbc Gbv'nr will be bon ht Mails for British Isles and European coon- g ed 60 acres of land, being part of Int 2, T.he extraort flurry gOlrl discoveries g tries intended to be forwarded by New York, head of it for.man ears, and ever recenll alalic. a on the Yukon and}t� From duty's host. r r ;:must have written on the top left hand corner y y y" con. 4. Grey. It belonged to the Hur- y 'assenvelope VIA NEW YORK. thing was progressing pcosperoualy on & Erie Loan Company, The price tribatarfes slopes likely to result to an Bofriend them now; "'r<;r paid was $9W. enormous influx rf cools to that re- Our. praises count for naught under bre experienced management, ion•and have cora a led the � g p govern- ,' would the partners in the concern be The home of Mr Henry Squires, of meat to take prompt action for the In dead warriors hearts, The Ontario Government has no con. 9, UabOrne, was ha scene of a P P In which the pulse hes stopped; 4 ` willing to change and put one of the the preservation of law and order in So be the soldier's friend scandals to defend, very pleasing event on Wednesday ev- hat distant and almost inaccessible a ; office boys, with little or no expert- ening, the 26th ult., beim the mar- Ere war life's daylight end, g locality. Measures will be laid before And the are one. ):;,:: ante, to his place? Certainly not. And rima of his eldest daughler,Mary Jane you for that purpose, Y g 'li­ At , least ,five members of the On- this is 'ust what Mr nd -his to l�lr Thos. Hat ris,a prosperous young Itario Cabinet are total abstainers, and I WhitneyY farmer of Bethesda. The Klond1.ike Railway A FEW DOSES GAVE YERMANEN following is asking the elector' to do. T—he 1 "A contract has been entered into RELIEF. ,the sympathies of the other two are the 10U acre farm known as the Bar. Remoye the experienced and capable ker property, 5th con., Grey. has been subject to vour approval for the cern- Jas• Allen, of Bt. Stephen, N. B., write -with temperance principles sold to ateman lotion tit tits earliest ossible moment p _ head and substitute an inexperienced HenryY , who hay llntl P P '•I was troubled with very severe pains i ;' " it leased, for $2,200. A. Brin,ner, _ s of it system of rail and river lcemrnum- the heart, pain in aide, and shortness ,----- and untried man. The electors stand toria, Oregon, was the owner. cation I hrough Canadian territory Nearly 30 years of Liberal adminis- g breath. I became completely exhauetc k.';' a' partners in this great Provincial with the Klondike and principal gold with the least exertion. Doctors said m r t-rit,tion in Ontario, and not one cent It is Our sad duty this week to chrou- fields which it is expected will bring ing firm, and will doubtless be extremely case was a hopeless one. I proeured a bo T �',,`V` 'spent corruptly. That is o record that - icle the death of the oldest resident of to Canada the larger portion of the In- tie of Dr, Agnew's Cure for the heart. k, cautious in taking any step that will �� roaster, in the person of Mrs Kate 'cratiye ttuL>iic of that country. few doses gyve me permanent reliefsix bo should commend itself to every intelli- endanger its prosperity. 'Let well Martin, relict of the late John Martin, The Bountiful Harvest ties entirely cored me, To -day I am well. :;,gent elector. who died here about five years ago. Sold b Watt' & Co. trt�r,; enough alone." She was one of the old pioneers of "The bonntiful harvest with which y , Turnberry, and had reached the ad- we have been favored b3- it beneficent We observe by our exchanges that vanced age pf 89 years, Providence has contributed greatly to Rev.Dr. Grant, of Kingston, and Rev. D THE AIIIOUNT 0R THE r t he increa e of our prosperity, and I Lucas, of Grimsby, held a debate on pro i Mvarly every Opposition candidate in SURPLUS �� a regret to have Lo state that Airs aril glad to note that the trade ,and hibition in Kingston,on Thursday and Fr ', `the field is "a sure winner"—at least Jno. Clark, sr„ col,. 7, West Wawa- comnlerc•e of the Dominion, and more clay nights. Both men are favorable 1 This is what the Toronto Mail said nosh, had the mislut Lute to fall, hits- ,especially the amount 'and valves 0f temperance, but Lha former is not a helico die is so described. This being the talntn a fracture of the thigh h bone. '±case there's real) no need of an elec- on March 4, 1890, and it is just as true g g her principal exports, have increased or in prohibition, obits the latter is. Bo Y As the venerable lady is well adviuiced read during the est eighteen YO the debate no action was taken to it xnn. to -day:— in year', it is feared that the fracture greatly g P g dicate which bad been most aucceseft l i `. A months; and there is good reason to r "The Government and the O osi- will be very difficult to heal. therein, . The Opposition papers say that the PP believe that this improvement ma.y he r11 ' tion in the Assembly have had one or On Tuesday of hast week County maint.ai,.ed, if not augmented, during ltiberals proposed to let Mr Whitney Councillor Mooney delivered 17 young the remainder of the present year, more sharp debates touching the Suppression ofSttreating System TIME TO ,g in by acclamation, if Mr Hardy, of hogs to Messrs }3aeker & VunsLone, amount of the surplus. The Opposi- Bruesels,lhat averaged 172 p0unda,ttnd 10hselve with lessors that ter- ngston, who accorded the same at 5 cents per pound netted Llie owner P t rivlle a at.d the point with, ride to tion members make 1t appear that if P P11 1p g , Y P P $146.20. This is certainly a good re- twin government contracts, which �'r TIr Whitney's "manly refusal" of such account he taken Of the outstanding turn. have been recently let, contain pro- ��� 2 annuities, including the interest pay.- visions calculated to suppress the evils r ' ;�i - roppsltion. Seeing that no such The following are the officers for- the of the sweating system,. affil ositlon was ever made b the Lib able upon them, the surplus is a very ff P P Y East Wawancish Agricultural Society "Gentlemen of the House of Com- o s Zrals, all these heroics are just so small one. The annities vs -ere issued for I898: Pres., C. Proctor, jr.; Vice- mons, the accounts of the past year UF i , twuchBrew r" , , to run for forty years; tb.e object being Pies., W. Acott, J. Cuulter; Sec.`;' �- •••r ,. to ittid before you; the estimates 1 to enable the Government to redeem Anderson; Tress., C. McClelland; Dir., for the succeeding year will likewise Political capital is made of the fact It. Currie, R. Corley, R, Scott, 1•I, H. be placed upon the table tit an early When Shoes are sellin' the certificates of aid to new railroads, Harrison, P, W. Scott, U. Proctor, JJr., date. i thstt a good many lawyers get into the H. McAiurrs G,Ta fur; Auditors J.f3. at our present prices. A] which originally ran for twenty years, y' y New Measures WinterGoods specially re Legislature. There is not so much It is scarce! fair, however, to count Scott, W. Geddes, jr. This Society is "Ilrnt. Gentlemen of the S ria y in a very prosperous state. duced. X0r0e'. in this point as many suppose, Gentlemen of the House 0f CO mons, r these annuities as present liabilities. measures will be•'submitted t0 ou 1 1. I L,when it is remem.beced that many of On ranking up the surplus, the Treae- DTBWB NOTEl3 s ecting supra"annnation, the r sal of , ,professional men of to -day were urer, as we understand it, does not Mr John H. roster, of Soutll �Ima- the present franchise act, a plebis its cod IlardW00d talion in ex boy' laise3 on Canadian forma and ley, has been elected Warden of Leeds on the gaestion of prohibition hat lamlitar with all the labor thereof. Mr Profess to take account of all the as- and Grenville, with other measures, I comm td to Chane for Robes, Blank �,G*rrow is at farmer's s.)n,and.it is sure- sets of the Province, such as unsold your earnest consideration, invoking ets &c. Mr Mulock has given notice in the ) tipp ratot to his discredit that he possessed lands, or payments due on lands al- g the divine blessing upon the, in en- :lxe.necessary energy and force of char House Of the bill to abolish the super ant labors on which you are again en ,11 ready sold. His aim is merely t0 as- annttstion system, A full stook of...... :�;ter•to make oho -cif the ablest profes- tering." +s* ` I men in the Province, The same certain the amount of the surplus ac- Prof, J. H. Panton, of the Ontario ff44' he said of scores of others, and tually avaii le, and, with this end in Agricaliural Uollege, Guelph, died of NO MATTER. Single and Double Harness title form of political warfare is not view, he omits a large array of assets cancer of the stomach. No mattes how obstinate the cough, how I'runkS, Valises, &l , +avert'• honorable. which otherwise he would be perfectly A 14.000 dollar fire took place Thurs- severe the cold NorwayPine Syrup will day afternoon in the Dawes' HallBlock, euro and cute sick! Y P justified in including. Hence there q y. No other remedy Shingles—Red & WhiteCeda: on Dovercourt road. equals it in curative power over throat and ,,-:,I..;'t�ppositionists are keeping up their seems to be reason in his contention The financial statement of Nova Sco= lung troubles." Shingles always On hand *iciput'4gB by reflecting that some of the that in dealing with the outstanding tin shows the year's expenditure as I Call and see us, 1. + 600nment seats at last election were liabilities ` the forty -year annuities 6853,698, and a deficit of $2I,458. Election Notes. iz�'araried by narrow majorities. - That is should not be regarded as liabilities Hood's Sarsaparilla is prepared by expo- — rienced pharmaoists who know precisely the Rev, Dr. Dewart is likely to oppose JAS, T WITCHE LL *100kill•g at orae side of it. There is an- actually current or pressing. Howey_ nature and gnalityof all ingredients need. Mr 1Vlaater in North Toronto. hers' .For example, North Lanark er that may be there is no sense at all Victoria Block, Clinton. General Booth, Chief of the Galva- All the Cabinet ministers have been .. 64' catrried for the Conservatives by a in adding the forty years' interest.to tion Army, arrived in Toronto on re -nominated, and all hays opponents. flalohity of 26, West Lambton by 88 the face value of the annuities and Thursday, and addressed a meeting at Mr J. Stokes, of Hungerfpld, is the IT PAYS TO' .''ti d{'Wc'st York by 53. In North Lan- calling the sum a set-off to the cash Massey Hall. in the evening. Conservative candidate fur East Hast- • Ai .the same opponents are face to surplus. If a municipality issues Sir Adolphe and Lady Chapleau have r Inge. Air Hudson, the tette Consecva- taken tI their residence in Montreal tive member, backed out. 1 h aPtlC'0 ,hgaib, with the probabilities twenty-year debentures for ,� p and his Honor announces his intention III several constituencies an excellent troilgiy in favor of Mr Caldwell, the 6 per cent., it does not, in making up of resuming his practice of law. use is being found for the available vet- . ibefcal candidate; in West Lambton its book's, convert that liability in o al talent. Quartettes are beingorganiz- m - , he•Tori, a have not even as yet got a y >; Dr. Dewart was nominated as the t one of $220000 b adding Liberal candidate for North Toronto ed to sing campaign songs at t rneet- P.1.46it N e, and in West York the Lib- Y g (o the of in- and Dr. R. A. P ings in the districts,thue emulal Ing the Are You Aware of the Pact that ;c)rt ls' so a reear be sleeting Ma Hill, who tercet for twenty years to the face Pyne as Conservative example of the Laurier Male Quartette, atarie so near beating Mr St. John at value of Lhe bonds. The bona -fide candidate for Eitel Toronto at Thurs- ! ale 11Lat election.—Globe, day night's conventions. which has achieved so Lunch success in TheCanadaBusineSS College available surplus, that is the surplus different parts of the province. The in. P Mr John Bell, chief counsel for the troduction of vocal music at political CHATHAlU "' which could be realized upon, if neves- Grand Trunk, gives notice that an ap- meetings is s novel departure in Clan- , ONT. 476.6 Toronto Globe of Friday says: sary, in a few month's notice amounts plication will be made to Parliament ada, but the experiment has been at- Isdolng more for its u this te'sion for an act to incor orate tended with such satisfactory results g one than any othcu Tlh$ i'oature of yesterday's campaign so Y i4usiuess college n the Dominian. in round figures gt res to six million dollars, the Windsor & Detroit Union Bridge that it hasestablished ►ts place in inod• as pupils were p'ae,of in two nnonths Stu' IvriC >l the Liberal party is concerned gad Sandfield Maedonald's policy of 0otnpany for the purpose of cunatrnct ern catnpsigning, dens from all quarters aro fi •eking to Chit swag ceir'tafnly the nomination of Dr, ing a bridge over the Detroit River. worthy business school mere hoarding been continued the sur- ' Beeldee a large attendance from Chatham evvitt b art the standard-bearer for The Department of customs, on CANADIAN PORI;; IN FAVOR.—It is there aro already this year 93 pupila registerorj plus would of course have been larger Thursday, received a remittance from most satisfactory to know that recent from outalde painte. 60ollthem from poiuu orth Toronto. The meeting was than it is. Since his time, however, Collector Davis from Dawson, to the heavy shipments of Cdnadfan pork to uotaror to other business Colleges than tc Chatham. daYI 0, twomd enthusiastic. The Lib- three millions have been distributed amount of $47;000. which had accrued Great I3dto n have had their a ecl,and We presume these people investigated the pi aur:E� fin the riding is in splendid from customs duties, This makes 1165,- old count • , firms are beginning to mo.itn of the difrerent schools, and dooided g P among the municipalities, large ad- 000 in all, withdraw t eir orders from the States. that nothing but the best would satisfy thele, 2, ,land the campaign which the ditions have been made to the railway honco, they aro horn. According Liverpool Smportinrepg house on shits Writo for catalogue of other departmantr+and fftot'xryili!lead, starting with a meet- aid fund, and a great deal of menet' Sir Wilfrid Laurier moved in the of a big Liverpool importing douse has a list of the 43 pupils lased iu tvto n has been spout on capital and -revenue Houseon Monday that a special com• been in Torontoduring the past week, p Ionth% I tof fm&t in Cumberland Hall, will account for the construction and main• mitt.ee be appointed to inquire into the endeavoring r to make arrangements D l/fe f, C' !; A �IILAIV & Co,Chathaut nba�riy attrpastt in energy and vigor tenants of public Institutions. The expenditure of the suhsidles granted with lo('al patekers to supply then! with thin 11 seen in Toronto 1n recent annuities referred to were issued with by the Parliament Of Cituada to aid of smoked meats, etc, This (Irrn imports ' M FACT , fg- '. 1.lefe was a ting cif victory in the intention of making posterity ay the eonstrne'don .d'1' the Drurnrnond aab L1diCLSIJ 11 AU I'OitY NC)rICC, h° Out 7,000 boxes of over 4001bs., or brillilitxtlitt1e si5eec m which the a alight share o£ the cost of develo ilig Count Anil and"in all n County Y ugoliatiorts about 200 tons, of the.je nieats weekly The annualmoetingof thestock•holders and "oril:deepted. Che noininadoa,. just tileresouicea gf the Province, and we and transactions between the Govern• franc t ho Unitcrd States firths hilt the �atrhn4 of t �to rfalmosvilte Cheem and Butler ero ryas & Ong of viet,ory ala the think it was a wise step. The Oppose- merit and the railwla Y t;'o (UnAlocl) writ be held in I -VIN ' FI t ,el 3�1 1- -I ': . , FOR SA7l.It�. -TAX98 609TT. The uadersignedwill sell at a sacrifice, Lot 461 4 19, Railwayy Terrace Clinton. Particulars ion appit0tion, JAMEA SCOTT, Barrister btu ,M 1; . Barrister, - n Q` CONVIDYANp>3i4 $o, , , ft C 11 FARM •'ru' RE -N'1'. • 'Febi uary 11, 1898 .� THE CLINT0 9 ftw ERA . �`wc�""'�"" W wne �.ampalgn i That Advisory Board Opening of Parliament . • One feature of the present campaign The Advisor � Board, ae an ad janct . The GwovernoraGeneral delivers is that the Opposition leaders had, to the department of Education"Isug- ales,,, ��` the Speech From the Throne • previous to the late seaston of the ' gested by Mr Whitney, is one of the With Bood''t3areapa- A ^�` 7 Local House, exhausted every imagin- most absurd propositions of the many Lord Aberdeen opened Parliament'it3alea,T "and 1 V able quetttion op which they could at.- made b thatL entleman. Tits a Dint- at 8 O'clock Thursday. The weather � ' aM' Ta '-'1 y g appoint- I was excellent and the attendance was show that this medi- -' ��D tack the Government. The charges merit of such It board wou:d he a direct large. There teas the usuwl Accort cine baa enjoyed public confidence un V'K., 7 i rJ were many, and wild, and were refuted `attack on responsible government, for I from the' PrIncess Louise Dragoon patronage .toa greater extent than aocorc , Ira �t 4�` I And explained tined durin the session, and 1 Guards, that accompanied the Vice- ed any other proprietary medicine. Th: ,J i, � ,, 1 P g if the Minister of Edrtcattfou needs Regal salriar;e from Rideau Ball the P p y the columniatore brought to book. It Is simply because it possesses greats (dN T14E 51 CLAIR RIVER) g such a board, why not the Minister of gwrd L f honer from the Governor- merit and produces greater cures this Sw��g���TT77 AA g,'�p• y^ will be useless for Mr Whitney and Agriculture, or in fact any minister in General's foot guards that received any other. It is not what we say, br Iy[Fl,llai• ®N 1AR1V. Me St, John to reiterate these charges, His Excellency upon arrivingg at the , 3 the Cabinet. The pith of responsible Farliament buildings soli the salute what Hood's Sarsaparilla does, that totl! Book keeping. Our system of as the were afforded ever facilit to i the story. Alladvertisements •of Hood book-ker m is actual business Y y y government is in the fact that the tired at, point by the OLLtL\V2L' , keeping rove them. during the session, and Mold Battery. Bsrsaparilla, like Hood's Barsaparilla L from start to finish. P g minister is responsible to parliament Tho Senate Chamber r, ,is c1 owded wind His Excellent de- ` r •, are honest. We have never deserve Shorthand. Our Shorthand having failed to dace, the elector ecan- and parliament is responsible to the l,vered the followingsee Y •t.e public,and this with its sn rlatit department is file most thorough not but and insultedif the areagain speech ' I medcinal erit, is why the peoplehat in Canada. y g electors, who, we are well convinced, The Speech abiding confidence in it, and buy Instruction. As individual in- brought forward. The Mail and Ern- „ will not allow themselves to be robber! "Hon. Gentlemen of the Senate ; struction is given students may pine urges the plea that a change i' of this valuable franchise. And \c'ho Gentlemen of the House of Commons ; -r enter at any time. uccessar on the round that new men I have observed with ;;rest pleasure POSITION'. Begin now and be ready for Y g is to appoint the Advisory Boards. If the remarkable advance iu I he toli- i a position in the spring. ° would have an opportunity of investi- tical f n ur pros' per- • A. S. A11111 gating appointed by the Opposition it, would t, lunceain material prosper" 0 - S 11;r gating the acts of the "'Mowatt -Hardy be a source of irnpedilnent to he ac- ily of Uwoad,L during the year lvllich y 6'o'�'� vv� �'d government. We defy the Mail and tion of the Minister of Education and has list loan d rece0lly effected has \ % Empire, or the whole Conservative shown that the :credit of Canada has Sarsaparilla Clinton Post Olhee• P as0tuce of ill di�cnrd. If by g press, to point out one single move on the Governmc, t, it wo'ild be a subject nf+ver stood so high in Ear•opeau mar- Almost to the exclusion of all others. Try 1.PIMETABLE. kels and affords reasonable ground for Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mar „ the part of the Liberal government to for continued i cult finding by the Op- expecting ting that the burlhens of tete DUE MAILS CLOSED stifle the most searching investigation position. If it i, made co.tlition, it PeOale will in t he near future be re- r are the only pillsto ill s.M M5 duced by the srlbstit ot, inn of a mach Hood's Pills with Hood's Saraaparlll _A.M• P.M. I of their acts. In fact the greater part would so hamper tho Educational De - to 15 6 55 London an&9. W. Ontario 00 4 W lower rate of interest on out- indebted - 7 40 4 30 Wingbam and Kincardine 9 55 635 of the session was taken up by the Op- partment as to render it worse than nets than t hat which now exists. 10 15 655' Western d. W. rla N. W. U.S. 7 00 4 05 1015 1 031 Paris, Buffelo&eastern U 87 00 4 05 position in these airy investigations, useless. If by the Educational Boauds, The Jubilee DemonstrationThe Soldiers' Sacrifice. 10 I6 1 03 Toronto points east 7 Oil 2 35 We de not complain at tLis, but if c rr , Written in honour of those who fall in t] 4 05 P what is to be gained. Literally no- I 00rigrattulaL n TOLI LIP111 I he ex- present struggle in India, by Miss Eva R( 1 03 ...Montreal and Ottawa... 7 00 233 these charges ate brought forward thin , ceediu •I cordial rr cc tion ac crrded nolda,Clinton,Ont. 14 1 03 Manitoba, N W T and B U 700 2 ;a g, as the Minister of Education 6 Y P __ 1 03 again during the campaign they should tb this representatives of U,Lu+ilia at 10 27 ..Stratford and Seaforth.. 7 00 2 35 has now the advantage r.f all informs Lhe Jubilee ceremouiea, soli also upon What did you say ? 1 08 receive a speedy condemnation by the warm appreciation inanifested ' "A useless sacrifice?" Points E & N of Stratford? 00 235 tion to be had front that source. Mr F P 10 27 ever intelligent elector who is not everywhere t brou •hoot the ritother No! God aids hie own, 1 03 ....Mitchell and Dublin.... 700 y g Whitney has such a very limited sup- Y g As in blest ease, in strife; '7 40 255. ...Goderleh;.......... 12 45 blinded by pavtisanism. country in reference to the conduct Of And the are one to share, 900 ply of material for a policy, that he is Canada in materially reducing the Y K Lucas crossing, Sarnia and duty upon goods from the United Who to their Lord repair, . 015 656 ....intermediate poiuts... 7 00 4 05 as „ driven into all aorta of absurdities, 7 40 ..Londesboro & Belgrave.. 9 65 A change Needed Kingdom talo the Dominion. Honours of war. ,„ The Treaties Honours of war; . The office is open to the public (holidays ex This is the childish cry of the Op- 1 , ' etepted) from 8 a.ni to 7 15 p m., but holders of Cris LO�lnt Cli))fin�i. "The action of the Imperial govern - 11 n- For they have died to bring dock boxes have access to the lobby until8 p.m position. We ask why? The only h y Clippings. r, ment in denouncing the treaties with Chriat to heathen souls, Money Order and Saving Dank office open answer we can get is that the present We regret V German and Belgium also affords Who to rade worship cling; µ :' U.M. to 6 P.M. get to have testate that Wm. roost satisfactory evidence of `heir de- Refusing to accept Matter for registration must be posted half men have been too long in power, and Mallough, of Ashfield, is very ill with y United ri;hteousnese, g throat trouble. sire to facilitate your efforts to pro- an hour before oosingrhomails, that the Conservatives should have mote the closest possible commercial In time of peace. 1 STAGE MAIL — SUMMERHILL — Every show. We say above childish and Jas. Black, Dungannon. recently had relations between Canada and the r e - k - .'Tuesday and Friday, arriving at 5.*And ltav- ,the misfortune to fracture a bone in There still are men, .9itog at 5,30 p.Fn. back it up with this argument. Sup- his leg, which will be the weans of re- m contribute a the Empire, and I trust, bike Britain's braves of old, ONCE A DAY ONLY is mail despatched g P contribute materially to the develop- Who like men have died t' ':`ARrom this officeto •Londesboro and Belgrave, Posing we were dealing with a large venting him getting around for some merit of I pe 'al trade. . Viso to'Mitbhell and Dublin, mane closinit as and res crena vtholeeale business, time. From hanger, sword and oold— w�b,+ve elated. prosperous The ukon old Discoveries The soldier's frequent la; and the mane er had been at the D.Richsrdaon, of Ethel, has purcbas- Wbc Gbv'nr will be bon ht Mails for British Isles and European coon- g ed 60 acres of land, being part of Int 2, T.he extraort flurry gOlrl discoveries g tries intended to be forwarded by New York, head of it for.man ears, and ever recenll alalic. a on the Yukon and}t� From duty's host. r r ;:must have written on the top left hand corner y y y" con. 4. Grey. It belonged to the Hur- y 'assenvelope VIA NEW YORK. thing was progressing pcosperoualy on & Erie Loan Company, The price tribatarfes slopes likely to result to an Bofriend them now; "'r<;r paid was $9W. enormous influx rf cools to that re- Our. praises count for naught under bre experienced management, ion•and have cora a led the � g p govern- ,' would the partners in the concern be The home of Mr Henry Squires, of meat to take prompt action for the In dead warriors hearts, The Ontario Government has no con. 9, UabOrne, was ha scene of a P P In which the pulse hes stopped; 4 ` willing to change and put one of the the preservation of law and order in So be the soldier's friend scandals to defend, very pleasing event on Wednesday ev- hat distant and almost inaccessible a ; office boys, with little or no expert- ening, the 26th ult., beim the mar- Ere war life's daylight end, g locality. Measures will be laid before And the are one. ):;,:: ante, to his place? Certainly not. And rima of his eldest daughler,Mary Jane you for that purpose, Y g 'li­ At , least ,five members of the On- this is 'ust what Mr nd -his to l�lr Thos. Hat ris,a prosperous young Itario Cabinet are total abstainers, and I WhitneyY farmer of Bethesda. The Klond1.ike Railway A FEW DOSES GAVE YERMANEN following is asking the elector' to do. T—he 1 "A contract has been entered into RELIEF. ,the sympathies of the other two are the 10U acre farm known as the Bar. Remoye the experienced and capable ker property, 5th con., Grey. has been subject to vour approval for the cern- Jas• Allen, of Bt. Stephen, N. B., write -with temperance principles sold to ateman lotion tit tits earliest ossible moment p _ head and substitute an inexperienced HenryY , who hay llntl P P '•I was troubled with very severe pains i ;' " it leased, for $2,200. A. Brin,ner, _ s of it system of rail and river lcemrnum- the heart, pain in aide, and shortness ,----- and untried man. The electors stand toria, Oregon, was the owner. cation I hrough Canadian territory Nearly 30 years of Liberal adminis- g breath. I became completely exhauetc k.';' a' partners in this great Provincial with the Klondike and principal gold with the least exertion. Doctors said m r t-rit,tion in Ontario, and not one cent It is Our sad duty this week to chrou- fields which it is expected will bring ing firm, and will doubtless be extremely case was a hopeless one. I proeured a bo T �',,`V` 'spent corruptly. That is o record that - icle the death of the oldest resident of to Canada the larger portion of the In- tie of Dr, Agnew's Cure for the heart. k, cautious in taking any step that will �� roaster, in the person of Mrs Kate 'cratiye ttuL>iic of that country. few doses gyve me permanent reliefsix bo should commend itself to every intelli- endanger its prosperity. 'Let well Martin, relict of the late John Martin, The Bountiful Harvest ties entirely cored me, To -day I am well. :;,gent elector. who died here about five years ago. Sold b Watt' & Co. trt�r,; enough alone." She was one of the old pioneers of "The bonntiful harvest with which y , Turnberry, and had reached the ad- we have been favored b3- it beneficent We observe by our exchanges that vanced age pf 89 years, Providence has contributed greatly to Rev.Dr. Grant, of Kingston, and Rev. D THE AIIIOUNT 0R THE r t he increa e of our prosperity, and I Lucas, of Grimsby, held a debate on pro i Mvarly every Opposition candidate in SURPLUS �� a regret to have Lo state that Airs aril glad to note that the trade ,and hibition in Kingston,on Thursday and Fr ', `the field is "a sure winner"—at least Jno. Clark, sr„ col,. 7, West Wawa- comnlerc•e of the Dominion, and more clay nights. Both men are favorable 1 This is what the Toronto Mail said nosh, had the mislut Lute to fall, hits- ,especially the amount 'and valves 0f temperance, but Lha former is not a helico die is so described. This being the talntn a fracture of the thigh h bone. '±case there's real) no need of an elec- on March 4, 1890, and it is just as true g g her principal exports, have increased or in prohibition, obits the latter is. Bo Y As the venerable lady is well adviuiced read during the est eighteen YO the debate no action was taken to it xnn. to -day:— in year', it is feared that the fracture greatly g P g dicate which bad been most aucceseft l i `. A months; and there is good reason to r "The Government and the O osi- will be very difficult to heal. therein, . The Opposition papers say that the PP believe that this improvement ma.y he r11 ' tion in the Assembly have had one or On Tuesday of hast week County maint.ai,.ed, if not augmented, during ltiberals proposed to let Mr Whitney Councillor Mooney delivered 17 young the remainder of the present year, more sharp debates touching the Suppression ofSttreating System TIME TO ,g in by acclamation, if Mr Hardy, of hogs to Messrs }3aeker & VunsLone, amount of the surplus. The Opposi- Bruesels,lhat averaged 172 p0unda,ttnd 10hselve with lessors that ter- ngston, who accorded the same at 5 cents per pound netted Llie owner P t rivlle a at.d the point with, ride to tion members make 1t appear that if P P11 1p g , Y P P $146.20. This is certainly a good re- twin government contracts, which �'r TIr Whitney's "manly refusal" of such account he taken Of the outstanding turn. have been recently let, contain pro- ��� 2 annuities, including the interest pay.- visions calculated to suppress the evils r ' ;�i - roppsltion. Seeing that no such The following are the officers for- the of the sweating system,. affil ositlon was ever made b the Lib able upon them, the surplus is a very ff P P Y East Wawancish Agricultural Society "Gentlemen of the House of Com- o s Zrals, all these heroics are just so small one. The annities vs -ere issued for I898: Pres., C. Proctor, jr.; Vice- mons, the accounts of the past year UF i , twuchBrew r" , , to run for forty years; tb.e object being Pies., W. Acott, J. Cuulter; Sec.`;' �- •••r ,. to ittid before you; the estimates 1 to enable the Government to redeem Anderson; Tress., C. McClelland; Dir., for the succeeding year will likewise Political capital is made of the fact It. Currie, R. Corley, R, Scott, 1•I, H. be placed upon the table tit an early When Shoes are sellin' the certificates of aid to new railroads, Harrison, P, W. Scott, U. Proctor, JJr., date. i thstt a good many lawyers get into the H. McAiurrs G,Ta fur; Auditors J.f3. at our present prices. A] which originally ran for twenty years, y' y New Measures WinterGoods specially re Legislature. There is not so much It is scarce! fair, however, to count Scott, W. Geddes, jr. This Society is "Ilrnt. Gentlemen of the S ria y in a very prosperous state. duced. X0r0e'. in this point as many suppose, Gentlemen of the House 0f CO mons, r these annuities as present liabilities. measures will be•'submitted t0 ou 1 1. I L,when it is remem.beced that many of On ranking up the surplus, the Treae- DTBWB NOTEl3 s ecting supra"annnation, the r sal of , ,professional men of to -day were urer, as we understand it, does not Mr John H. roster, of Soutll �Ima- the present franchise act, a plebis its cod IlardW00d talion in ex boy' laise3 on Canadian forma and ley, has been elected Warden of Leeds on the gaestion of prohibition hat lamlitar with all the labor thereof. Mr Profess to take account of all the as- and Grenville, with other measures, I comm td to Chane for Robes, Blank �,G*rrow is at farmer's s.)n,and.it is sure- sets of the Province, such as unsold your earnest consideration, invoking ets &c. Mr Mulock has given notice in the ) tipp ratot to his discredit that he possessed lands, or payments due on lands al- g the divine blessing upon the, in en- :lxe.necessary energy and force of char House Of the bill to abolish the super ant labors on which you are again en ,11 ready sold. His aim is merely t0 as- annttstion system, A full stook of...... :�;ter•to make oho -cif the ablest profes- tering." +s* ` I men in the Province, The same certain the amount of the surplus ac- Prof, J. H. Panton, of the Ontario ff44' he said of scores of others, and tually avaii le, and, with this end in Agricaliural Uollege, Guelph, died of NO MATTER. Single and Double Harness title form of political warfare is not view, he omits a large array of assets cancer of the stomach. No mattes how obstinate the cough, how I'runkS, Valises, &l , +avert'• honorable. which otherwise he would be perfectly A 14.000 dollar fire took place Thurs- severe the cold NorwayPine Syrup will day afternoon in the Dawes' HallBlock, euro and cute sick! Y P justified in including. Hence there q y. No other remedy Shingles—Red & WhiteCeda: on Dovercourt road. equals it in curative power over throat and ,,-:,I..;'t�ppositionists are keeping up their seems to be reason in his contention The financial statement of Nova Sco= lung troubles." Shingles always On hand *iciput'4gB by reflecting that some of the that in dealing with the outstanding tin shows the year's expenditure as I Call and see us, 1. + 600nment seats at last election were liabilities ` the forty -year annuities 6853,698, and a deficit of $2I,458. Election Notes. iz�'araried by narrow majorities. - That is should not be regarded as liabilities Hood's Sarsaparilla is prepared by expo- — rienced pharmaoists who know precisely the Rev, Dr. Dewart is likely to oppose JAS, T WITCHE LL *100kill•g at orae side of it. There is an- actually current or pressing. Howey_ nature and gnalityof all ingredients need. Mr 1Vlaater in North Toronto. hers' .For example, North Lanark er that may be there is no sense at all Victoria Block, Clinton. General Booth, Chief of the Galva- All the Cabinet ministers have been .. 64' catrried for the Conservatives by a in adding the forty years' interest.to tion Army, arrived in Toronto on re -nominated, and all hays opponents. flalohity of 26, West Lambton by 88 the face value of the annuities and Thursday, and addressed a meeting at Mr J. Stokes, of Hungerfpld, is the IT PAYS TO' .''ti d{'Wc'st York by 53. In North Lan- calling the sum a set-off to the cash Massey Hall. in the evening. Conservative candidate fur East Hast- • Ai .the same opponents are face to surplus. If a municipality issues Sir Adolphe and Lady Chapleau have r Inge. Air Hudson, the tette Consecva- taken tI their residence in Montreal tive member, backed out. 1 h aPtlC'0 ,hgaib, with the probabilities twenty-year debentures for ,� p and his Honor announces his intention III several constituencies an excellent troilgiy in favor of Mr Caldwell, the 6 per cent., it does not, in making up of resuming his practice of law. use is being found for the available vet- . ibefcal candidate; in West Lambton its book's, convert that liability in o al talent. Quartettes are beingorganiz- m - , he•Tori, a have not even as yet got a y >; Dr. Dewart was nominated as the t one of $220000 b adding Liberal candidate for North Toronto ed to sing campaign songs at t rneet- P.1.46it N e, and in West York the Lib- Y g (o the of in- and Dr. R. A. P ings in the districts,thue emulal Ing the Are You Aware of the Pact that ;c)rt ls' so a reear be sleeting Ma Hill, who tercet for twenty years to the face Pyne as Conservative example of the Laurier Male Quartette, atarie so near beating Mr St. John at value of Lhe bonds. The bona -fide candidate for Eitel Toronto at Thurs- ! ale 11Lat election.—Globe, day night's conventions. which has achieved so Lunch success in TheCanadaBusineSS College available surplus, that is the surplus different parts of the province. The in. P Mr John Bell, chief counsel for the troduction of vocal music at political CHATHAlU "' which could be realized upon, if neves- Grand Trunk, gives notice that an ap- meetings is s novel departure in Clan- , ONT. 476.6 Toronto Globe of Friday says: sary, in a few month's notice amounts plication will be made to Parliament ada, but the experiment has been at- Isdolng more for its u this te'sion for an act to incor orate tended with such satisfactory results g one than any othcu Tlh$ i'oature of yesterday's campaign so Y i4usiuess college n the Dominian. in round figures gt res to six million dollars, the Windsor & Detroit Union Bridge that it hasestablished ►ts place in inod• as pupils were p'ae,of in two nnonths Stu' IvriC >l the Liberal party is concerned gad Sandfield Maedonald's policy of 0otnpany for the purpose of cunatrnct ern catnpsigning, dens from all quarters aro fi •eking to Chit swag ceir'tafnly the nomination of Dr, ing a bridge over the Detroit River. worthy business school mere hoarding been continued the sur- ' Beeldee a large attendance from Chatham evvitt b art the standard-bearer for The Department of customs, on CANADIAN PORI;; IN FAVOR.—It is there aro already this year 93 pupila registerorj plus would of course have been larger Thursday, received a remittance from most satisfactory to know that recent from outalde painte. 60ollthem from poiuu orth Toronto. The meeting was than it is. Since his time, however, Collector Davis from Dawson, to the heavy shipments of Cdnadfan pork to uotaror to other business Colleges than tc Chatham. daYI 0, twomd enthusiastic. The Lib- three millions have been distributed amount of $47;000. which had accrued Great I3dto n have had their a ecl,and We presume these people investigated the pi aur:E� fin the riding is in splendid from customs duties, This makes 1165,- old count • , firms are beginning to mo.itn of the difrerent schools, and dooided g P among the municipalities, large ad- 000 in all, withdraw t eir orders from the States. that nothing but the best would satisfy thele, 2, ,land the campaign which the ditions have been made to the railway honco, they aro horn. According Liverpool Smportinrepg house on shits Writo for catalogue of other departmantr+and fftot'xryili!lead, starting with a meet- aid fund, and a great deal of menet' Sir Wilfrid Laurier moved in the of a big Liverpool importing douse has a list of the 43 pupils lased iu tvto n has been spout on capital and -revenue Houseon Monday that a special com• been in Torontoduring the past week, p Ionth% I tof fm&t in Cumberland Hall, will account for the construction and main• mitt.ee be appointed to inquire into the endeavoring r to make arrangements D l/fe f, C' !; A �IILAIV & Co,Chathaut nba�riy attrpastt in energy and vigor tenants of public Institutions. The expenditure of the suhsidles granted with lo('al patekers to supply then! with thin 11 seen in Toronto 1n recent annuities referred to were issued with by the Parliament Of Cituada to aid of smoked meats, etc, This (Irrn imports ' M FACT , fg- '. 1.lefe was a ting cif victory in the intention of making posterity ay the eonstrne'don .d'1' the Drurnrnond aab L1diCLSIJ 11 AU I'OitY NC)rICC, h° Out 7,000 boxes of over 4001bs., or brillilitxtlitt1e si5eec m which the a alight share o£ the cost of develo ilig Count Anil and"in all n County Y ugoliatiorts about 200 tons, of the.je nieats weekly The annualmoetingof thestock•holders and "oril:deepted. Che noininadoa,. just tileresouicea gf the Province, and we and transactions between the Govern• franc t ho Unitcrd States firths hilt the �atrhn4 of t �to rfalmosvilte Cheem and Butler ero ryas & Ong of viet,ory ala the think it was a wise step. The Oppose- merit and the railwla Y t;'o (UnAlocl) writ be held in I -VIN ' FI t ,el 3�1 1- -I ': . , FOR SA7l.It�. -TAX98 609TT. The uadersignedwill sell at a sacrifice, Lot 461 4 19, Railwayy Terrace Clinton. Particulars ion appit0tion, JAMEA SCOTT, Barrister btu ,M 1; . Barrister, - n Q` CONVIDYANp>3i4 $o, , iOUSES FOR SALE OR RENT _ Several houses either for sale or to rent, Full irticulars on appilostion to JOHN MOGARVA Commiselonerfor O rfo a►r1A.AdaniknbM: Office lmmedlately oll'?, li o$ Gllrpy,t �V loo4ltat� FARM •'ru' RE -N'1'. • Good 80 acre farm toreatin GoderichTown Ws DRYDON-9 ;' tip, about six miles from Clinton. All partio Us,% BARRISTER, SOLICITOjt, fi1'O, I .11 application toJOHN RIDOUT,Clinton PUBLIC, ETQ; Office—Beaver rloolkI.o FARM FOtt- SALE 80 acres; Bayfield road; limiles from Clinton. up -stairs, Opposite Foster's - to 04110)ty, OLINTON oil, olay loam; abundance of water; bank ern, 50x50 frame house and good orchard; ve acres of bush. JA3. 6TEE1'• ^+- T •--` ' iib"i: Go �GJ' 11{IIERON (Formerly of•Camerr.0 Holt ok 061d9ron)1; FOR SALE. factory and contents on the property of D. BARRISTER A D SOL101'rQ;I, "'. �uchanan tot, $125; by paying 316 down and alance at $10 a month. BuiiJ�otug to be re- Loved. Apply Office—Hamilton St opppposite colborna)14400 GOD) ,CH, ONT to J. SCOTT, Clinton. a loit'rAp E AND LOT Fon D. L• Ni.,-:C_P_HERS01+J HALE. - The undersigned off I's for sale a frame cot- age of four rooms with kitchen and woodshed UONVEYANCINGI, ' FIRE, LFFlr AND ACCIDENT INSURANcI ttached. Contra3y situa od. Good water and --- . , «" raivage. Will be sold cheap. •§App,y to MONEY T{> L > Clinton Dec. 101,b W. C. rI+ ARLE. —_ ' _ Office, MacKay Block, Clinton. 30USE AND LOT FOR SALE The frame house and half -acre lot on Hul•on JOHN RiDOUT- Itreet Clinton, occupied by subscriber fe offer- d for for Bale. aQccommodation for ordtnaty amity. Hard CONVEYANCER, UOMDII88IONERy ETC stili soft water and cel'ar, also ettrtng fruit trees. The house is well located, nd will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply Fire Insurance. Money to lend. Real estate matters °attended o GEO- SWALLOW, or on the pr -'raises to carefully to. , >>iR3 AGN EW Clinton, Office—HURON STREET, CLINTON C"0I("E FAltl4,l 1� Olt SALE. For ealc,lots 45 and 74. on he Maitlwnd con., Towni3hieareda`nd nhGlydwelh'faiced.r 4oileis!rivet. Class Good frame house a, d outbuildings• front ait'heotown of Olin uud close to achlol and churches. Will be sold on reasonable terms Aouly to JOHN R1DOUT. Clinton. HOUSE FOR SALE. houses on Ra tenbury'St , known ns the bFox ton Property. Other houses and also vacant lots for sale. Money--P'rfvate funds in large and small outgo to loan o.a in ,r` ; a t r. Hates low.•• IV. BRYDONE. Barrister. CHOICE FARM FOR SALE. For ong- ins to the `late ICs Sipooner, ad' niod farm of 83 a the! corr poratiou of Clinton, 41l cleared and under good cultivatiun, small frame house, frame barn good bearing orchard and well. Will be sola on reasonable ;•arms to close up the estate. Al- so frame cottage on Albert Met, Clinton, with half -acro of ground s londidl located. MRSM 11 . W. ROBERTSON, Clina.ton. ' PROPERTY 1H'OIt ti�lLE For sale that property on the south side of Huron Street, Clinton, directly opposite the residence of Mrs Walsh. There is a two-story frame house on the lot, which is usarly half an acre. The property is roost ell ibly situated, and will be sold for $400 cash. For particulars apply to JOHN RIDOUT, Clinton. FINE PROPERTY for SALE. The undersigned offers for sale his roperty adjoining the town of Clinton, consisting of 14 acres, 5 acres of which is bearing orchard of choicest lruits. The buildinga eonsist of frame house, batik bar'„ Poultry house, etc, all in first-class repair. This is a rare chance for a farmer wishing to retire or for a person wan& ing a fruit farm. For particulars apply person- ally or by letter to li, JOYNER. Jr, Clinton, .BUSINESS PROPER'L`Y FOR SALE That desirable Brink Business Stand on Al- bert St., Clinton, occupir dg by. Mr N. Robson, is 7 helocation for ais oincluding e of he best Inrear ot Clintonnd The property is free from incumbrance and title in- disputable. Price reasonable nod terms to suit putchaser•. Apply to GEO. S'rANBURY, Lou- don Road, or address Clinton P. O 1 PERRIN BLOCK Iff 2 _ FOR SALE $300 cash 120 monthly payments ot$13 each D J CAMPBFLL, Hamilton FallU f't,r gale or to Rent. Th th half of lot oncession 9, Town - hip of Morris, containing 100 acres, 80 acres clrared and in good state or cult3vatfvation. 7'ho a are on the premises a frame house, frame barn, frame drive house good orchard, never - fail ag supppl of spring wator. Situated $ mile (roar the vil�age of Blyth, Will be sod on rea- mtTRIOS. R. WitItIHT Nx cuto It948 Yiineete Av . London, On !louse and Lot for Sale The frame house on Rattenbury street, mmediately east of Er. Tom-inson's, Is Xered for sale on very reasonable terms. Phe house in centrally situated be!Lg only L minute' vralk from the business Centre, las n cellar, largo dining room, parlor; red rco and lutclirn down stairs, with one argc ,eotwo scnallerbedrooms upstairs 3ooa,r..^cd summer Itituhen and garden, lrory convonfendy situated for boarding louse. Apply at NEw EIIA o{IioP. 110)AR PIG FOR SERVICE. Sub.nribcr• has just bought a thoro•bred lerrulllJkeepfora.or� ceterrrms,$l At pedigree, E­ iee, with prive'evo of returning If neces- ary• JCIIN BID 1'. Auburn Al ills, 1 l:O1tC-lBIZIA) K 1'•OCH FOR S I,.L E, ,0 n• sslo, 9 two 1'earold't'amworth P.ogrs,one eta„ rr inner of the art prim at London also Bt, E'xotcr, Goderioh, Clinton t3•aforl•tl and )unganuon Alsoati,,godPoland ClihraBonr, rinser of 1st prize,+ where shown. 2 l.inroo J r- oy Boas, 6 ruunths DIC, ono \\•isnot• (rt 2nd rize at Loudo,, Ah" o,:e 11901 Josey How, rinuer of 22 prizes. ' ny o• a" of 1 hese will he oldchon.p, W1Cril,h): W FI,1liEft Berimi.ler —, OLIN TO N HOOD and COAL YARD. xlubaerilier Is Pcor;arcd to ppromptly Illi ,s'1 or• ora for Wood or, Coal, wtioh wlil be so1,i n MPLEMENT 1OOMoSIaaneW eWlInATLEY AGENTS —Book bu4 neas is better than for 1.,Caf•gl aal,;alscl bavo Irrt•ertittdfassors:•:il,re t ct5rrl, o hated £rGtri all Uv tion isnot likely to make muclt capital _y' a►e anxunus t.o plane an order with Can- Flcinleavillo, at 2t,+clo.rtlt p, tri., n I �ntnrdn�; G'edHt(>no," • ,1fys',r ln'Ctt, flt flier' ceChea r,f the Ily attneking the flnancial manat einem �J. l".11y C„la ,d : r_ s a�llan packers. Canada, bas really been Feb. 12th, 1608, for thoi purpOgn..6i?, blopIng up gro,,,, a i oakC" 1 S discovered to tttelsst eighteen mt,nlhs, thbbtLeimtse, of tlrtr'sr5asou nf1607, (trio for the elan, glisu see of tiicatl't111glhof tfid t1t11dId•,- OfthtlGoverntnetlt. 'lite COVfrtltli$ttt a54�.".:• • oaobttoilof'ofllpoti3fbithllCotittn.t�bitr. 1 tr, 11nclt,r four referential tariff Caftadiatt p', I>'mncr and 11p O t, t;l;$ enthu6iatairl of the If) vulnerable in roan oto but, Trot in , P,!nI10 • --�•-^�- t Ito on ,,; %Y,, It, J)'()R8'1'aLtt�, 11)rail rut �" ,llntrxf:x otritiI00, X1ttil on -e, Y spots, t;ttu u^a �'/f--A ovsrr 13kitish tr'"o w'vill con ntte to auc"k(n e W.,•1. LAlvtrlltLNl)z�,.t�sc. ff .✓EI�',+' '24%4✓tApC„ by lerlp atlyd11.(lUili$r w olptC8v111u,I�btk- 80,180• 7A itat4l�nl: . .. 1 , kI'll 11, il , \1. n . - r, t n • ,, 1 ', T R. AGNEW, DENTIST, CLINTON AT ZURICH THE 2ND THIIRSDAY OF EACH MONTH Office Hours -9 to 5. • DR. T• C. BRUCE ,.,�;e- BUN GE O EN 1y A TSSD Graduate R O D S of Oatario, and WhIlty versity Toronto, . Special attention given to the Preservation the natural teeth, O®oe, Coate flock, over Taylor's shoe store B yflB.—Will ld a elry visit Blyth rnoon odor ng th Summer , . DR. WM. GUNN, L. R. O- P. and L. R. O. 8 jj Edinburgh• Office—Ontarlo 8reet Cllntoa Night calls at front door of residence on ,tatter bury St., opposite Presbyterian church, DR °J. L. TURNBULL, M_ D,r TORONTO University, m D. 0,31 VI&Orra University M. C. P & S„ Ontario. Fellow of the Obetefr .a 800lety of Edinburgh. late of London, En0pQet and ill ebuRgteaburyl st.001iutonr Dight p lA answered at the same place. --- DR. J. W. SHAW, PHYSICIAN, 8II G , X A.tcoucheur, etc., office and residence tario 8t., o osite fluglish churdb, formerl oupfed by Dr. A pIbbton, Clinton Ont. nR STARBUR'Y, ORA TE OF TB L Medical Department of Victoria Um f er Disitspensaries.' formerly York, of the Oo oneritforals aI, County of Huron, Bayfield, on t. JH. BLACHALL VETERINALY SLEGEON • &LaoraryGraduate of theOntarfoVeterinaryy College. Treats all diseases of domesticatedat,d male on the most modern and scientific primo P108 Ofiioe-immedlatelysouth oftheNewErs, Office. Residence — Albert St., Clinton. Cal . night orday attendedto promptly JOHN F. MILNE, VETERINARY BURGEON has returned to Clinton and opened an o81o6 at the Quten's Hotel, whore be may be consult- . ed for the treacmgn�t` o 1- ,disc •--34 _-cattle, &a. All oalex�Fg ' dty+ l;r- ,,f 1y stn tended to. TOMLINSSON, VETERINAUY SURGEON J-Pnary College, ,orronto,at Treaof ts all Ontario dise diseases Domestic animals on the most modern and Scientific Principles. Day and night calls prompt Cl answered. Residence—llattenbinton. .ur , 8t., W 0 MARRIAGE LIUENSE, dAn1E8 SCOTT, - lesurer of Marriage-Lieenee11 8, Library Room and Residence, Mary street, Clinton. JAMES CAMPBELL, LONDESBORO ISSUER OF MARRIAGE.LICi NSES, No witnesses required �T W. FARNCOMB, MEMBER OF ASS14 OM • P, L. S„ Provinclal Land Surveyor Slid Civil Engineer, London, Ont.—Office at Goo, Stewart's Grocery Store, Clinton. %, .,W_ _ NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Be Estate of "iaag Bnn Wilson, deceaeed v.Notice atin hereby o Ma Mario nChapter M tore and Other arson shaving claims agains the estate of Eliza Ann Wilson, late of'th Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron wi dow, deceased, who died on or about the 120t day of December, 1897, are ro wired to send b post prepaid or deliver to W BRYDONE, o Clinton, Solicitor for James L. Turnbull, tb Executor of the said deceased, on or befor theist day of March, 1898, a statement of the, names, addresses and der.criptions, with ful Particulars and pr•oofe of their claims, andth nature of the securities if any held by them afterDtheOlastDme tioedfday},otheisadtEx eoutor will proceed to distribute the assets o the said decamed, aed mongst the persons entitl of which noto ticeineolltl entlnveb boon tbU snland rid asr is or : 0 said ut� part tl ereof, tor will ,lot be aVyper elotol'ioe at thwhose a, time of such di trill I not tiuncaipvol W.BRYDONE Dated at Clinton, this 269h (lay olicitor forbf Jrrn.,18 8 NOTICE 110 CitF.m,r(ju§ ' In. the Surrogate Uoetrt of the. ColitIly t Hu,•orr, in tuts estate o/ 97wr"il lveild deceased.s' All perso.e havingg any olaim against t tate of Thomas Neilans, late of of the To. ship of Hullott iu 1 he 0ounty of IInron, farm deceased, aro required oil or before the I day, of February,i898, to send to tiro and M ou solicitor for the executor of the Carate particulars of their claims and the sactul, (ilany) hold by them, duly Wrifled h nifld After the aiddaIo Lire oxo elm• witI pr' to distribotoif 110 &•sots of th(i ( atat 0 atirot�