The Blyth Standard, 1903-04-16, Page 8h 8: K K to ak U Oram Separator Guarantee. Following is a ropy of the guarantee that accompanies every Ile Laval Cream Separator: The De Laval Separator Co. guaran- tees that the machines herehy ordered. if operated a' ording to the rules sot forth in the biatrnaion manual sent with it, will el able the production of a greater VA 11.10 c:' cream and of a greater quantity of len t.a.of better quality than IN possible with any other Crean' Separ- ator made, and (that together with rho Raving in power and expense gcm rally) it will afford the purchaser a ;.renter ' profit from the milk hillier, thou any other system in existence; therefore, should the purchaser, whose name is attached hereto, demonstrate within 15 days from the date the machine is art and Started that equal profit can be realized through the use of any other separator or creaming system, this order shall be null and void. THOMAS LAWSON, Agent, Londeseoro, Ont. tem e'..• a number of New Rharpleee Super - More en h.,c. ,vuinh 1 nen eon nt hall price, among ad .:: n :i0 lbs. capacity tublar.—Tu aaa Lawson. Sed MORRIS. NOTES.--Mr..iolul Agin will take a rest from harming for a time and bac leased his 60•ecre harm to his brother Patrick, The recei018 h'mn his auction Rale amounted to 81500 Mr. Sanders Sharp is home 011 a visit from New York, after a tinny Maul] in electric railway censtruetio». 110 hag become yufte an expert in this work ....MiNS Mary Michie is visiting with Halton county friends. ...Mr. John Hall left for the west last week.... A. epeeist meeting of Morris council was held last Monday for the purpose of having the Lamont drain bylaw read. This drain, commencing in Grey township, crosses a number of farms in Morris and will be constructed this year... Mrs. Thomas Anderson, who has been on the sick list for some time, is recovering slowly, which we are glad to state Mr. Emereou Littlefair has gold his farm, lot 6, con. 6, to Mr. George Armstrong. ..Messrs. Bryams Bros. have bought a tine bunch of cattle at 41 cents per pound, which they will put on their grass farm, OODERIOH. BREEZES.—Mrs. John Wallis died on Wednesday of last week after a short illness of pneumonia.... Mr. N. Dietrich has purchased the residence of Mr. Rob- ert Orr on Hincks street for 82100 The improvements at the Palace cloth- ing store are completed, and Messrs. McLean Bros, now have a business stand which it world be hard to beat. ..Mrs. J. C. LeTouzel has now entire- ly recovered from the attack of la grippe that prostrated her, and wo are happy to state that her daughter, Mary, who was seriously i11 with fever, is ]ouch better and in a fair way to being con- valesoent....Mr. B. D. Grant has re- turned to town for a week or so, His friends are delighted to see him in splendid health; he has fully recovered frgui his recent serious Illness and looks better than ever Mr. J. M. Iield, B.A. has purchased the cottage of the late Ira Lewis, We understand he paid something over 82000 for it The new Grand Trunk station at this point was opened for business on Tuesday of last week, It is a beautiful and commodious building, and oon1aln8 the finest ticket /dice and waiting roon on the Grand Trunk system outside of the targe cities. Mr. Ben'. Saints had the honor of I uy�• Ing the first ticket in the navy station. He did not keep it es a trophy, but used it 011 B journey to Toronto... Mr. Harry ..www. Sturdy has a very wise oat (a kitten) which replaced the one deetroyed in the fire. It is of jet black, nod by porciet- (Mee Harry Lae it trained to slake Moods. sit up, jump through hie hands, play Mince, etc....Goderich has 112 telephones, and several more will he iustu'!ed in the near future. Those alio pace t help realize) the great convenience, and the number should increase oven more rapidly Mr. A. Straiton hots returned front Montreal, where he load been taking ltosl.ital treatment. He was somewhat tired a (ter the journey, but we are pleased to learn that he ex- pects to be about in a week or so. Ye Patient Editor. He had real the county paper since its first appearance day, And hail fed the trusting editor on pro- mises tv pay. But had said on each 000x5)011 when his yearly hill was due That the scribe could go to hades, for he didn't have a sou. Ho would drop into the sanctum and would never stout the door, Smoke ye editor's tobacco, claw his fresh exchanges o'er. Eat his apples and the doughnuts and the other things that till, Sent by readers and admirers who had never shirked a bill. But ye editor was patient; though his soul rebelled, his tongue Not a word of swear(ul chiding at the cheeky nuisance eWling. And when friends would 'putter, "Roast hint!" he, wall a forgiving senile, Said he gueesed it would be better juet to let him run awhile. One cold day he turned up missing, nod tl'e news was quickly spFi'eed That he'd interviewed a snowelide and was comfortably dead. And ye editor's big ledger showed his credit page Was white As the snow that slid upon him hiding Lim from mortal sight. Then again the people shouted: "Roast him! Boast him good and strong ! Tell his neighbors what a bilker they have harbored here so long! You, who shielded him while living, roast hien, now that he is dead." But ye editor smiled gladly and with joyful shake of the hent) Made reply : " I think he's getting quite a roasting where he's at— My esteemed contemporary, Satan, will attend to that." —Hamilton citizens want Lord and Lady Minto to visit them in May. BLYTH LIVERY anti SALE STR2LES • ES, 44 GP Dr. J. N. Perdue, V.S. PROPRIETOR. • GO PO DD 0 First-class Horses and Rigs for Faro at reasonable rates. Best of accommodation to Com- mercial Travellers and others requiring rigs, Veterinary office at livery stable. XING AND QUEEN STREETS, BLYTH, Hints for Weak Stomachs, Eat slowly, masticating the food thoroughly, even more, if possible, than is required in health. The more time the food spends in the mouth, the less it will spend its the stomach. Avoid drinking at meals in general, dyspeptic stomachs manage dry food better than th:;t containing much fluid. fiat neither very loot nor cold food. Tbe best temperature is that of the body. Be careful to avoid excess in eating. Eat no more than the wants of the system require. Sonietintes less than is really needed must be taken when digestion is very weak. Strength depends not on what is eaten, but on what is digested. Never take violent exercise of any sort, either mental or physical, either just before or just after a meal. Never cat more than three times a day, and make the last meal very light. For many dyspeptics, two meals are better than more. Never eat a morsel of any sort between meals. Never eat when very tired, whether exhausted from mental or physical labor. Never eat when the mind is worried or the temper ruffled, if you can possibly avoid it. Eat only food that is easy of digestion, avoid- ing complicated and indigestible dishes, and taking but one to three courses at a meal. After meals take two ST. JAailts WAFERS, "I believe Si. lames Wafers then a are the moat complete combfne- tloaofdre s for etrengbtheaing h a 1 f 8001 &ervoar system 1 ever met glassful with," o f h o t Dr. Robert Ifeletytq 8dlmburg, Scotland • :t NMI ST4ENMITOa'rI'� lY ' +del'}iEpKHiARf,Witl E ENRICH TF1E111 D1'51RtN_ \ THE CONSTITUTION 1ondon,fyMorltreal.4n Bos{p01 AUT BRITAIN 4/ - ell Drupglsrs 8 Donis Price in Canada t 81.00; Six bottles tor $5.00 water. They help stomach, digest food and send the nutriment through the blood, and this is the honest way to get health and strength, the kind that lasts, develops and breeds the energy which accomplishes much. .SI James 11"a !err ore nota secret remedy . to the numerous donors et- rormeodrng them to their jeatieset we marl the J0rmela wpm repot. Where deafens are not Bening the Wafers. they are mailed upon re- ceipt of price et the Canadian branch : St. }emu Wafers Ce., 17ft St, Cetherlee St.. Noatreil. YOUR HELP NEEDED. An Appeal for Funds to Furnish the New Free Consumptive Hospital at Graven. hurst—Sir Wm. R. Meredith. Mr. W. Oago, and Other Trustees In Receipt of Many Calls for Admission from all Tarts of Canada --beyond Doubt the Moet Pressing of all Cbarltloe. The statement of Dr. John Ferguson, one•of Toronto's well-known physicians, that " if consumption patients were pro- perly isolated and treated, within ten years from now tuberculosis would be one of the rarest of known diseases," is full of moment to the people of every com- munity in Canada, Without indulging in any unnecessary alarm, tho serious thought Ir that the victims:of consump- tion are found in all parts of the country and among all classes of people. The letters received by the Association are of the most heart-rending kind. One mother tells how she mortgaged her fur- niture for one hundred dollars to place her daughter, sink of consumption, under treatment in the Muskoka Cottage Sanatorium, and in so doing saved her lite. The Free Consumptive Hospital bad not then taken shape., Rev. C. 0. Johnston, Toronto, writes Mr. W. J. Gage : " I have a family greatly afflicted with consumption in my church, Five sone and daughters Lave already fallen out of a family of ten, and I fear the end is not yet." Another, in sending a con- tribution to the fund, says: "I do not know of a greater disgrace to Canada than her neglect of poor consumptives," Rev. Fred. W. Hollinrake, Grimsby, Ont., writes: "We have in our town a young married man with two little girls —a printer by trade—who has been suf• faring for some time. Ho did not desist work until this week. I was up to see him this afternoon, He is lying in bed and very weak. I feel the Sanatorium is the place for him and that he is not too far gone.UEro this he would have entered the Sanatorium but for the ques- tion of means. Would it be asking too much of you to write the afflicted one, or kindly see that it is done 7 He is a mem- ber of my church here, and the poor fellow seems very much discouraged." What to do to help stamp out this die• ease is being practically answered by the National Sanitarium Association, who four years ago built the Muskoka Cot- tage Sanatorium, thanks to the generosity of Mr. W. J, Gage and the Executors of the late Hart A. Massey, and who have now just completed a magnificent build- ing to be known Bathe Free Consumptive Hospital, again the gift of Mr. W. J, Gage and the Massey Estate. What this method of treatment means is shown in the taet that in four yeare 510 patients have been yreated, and of these over 800 have been cured or so helped that they have gone back to work, caring for wife or children or those otherwise dependent upon them. The new Free Consumptive Ilospital Is situated in Muskoka, not far from the Muskoka Cottage Sanatorium, so that the same benefits that have been given to patients of the Muskoka Cottage Sana- torium, by virtue of its excellent situa- tion, itustion, should go also to the poorer patients, whose only hope is in being received where neither money nor price is necea- sary. Absolutely free, to all intents sad pur- poses, utposes, are the words written above the door of the Free Consumptive Hospital, and all that is wanting now is that su9f• tient money be contributed to furnish the hospital with beds and in other ways to properly equip it. The National Sanitarium Association, because of their heavy debt, are unable to undertake this part of the work, and appeal to the public in all parts of Canada—for all are con- cerned—for money sufficient to meet thio purpose. Amounts large or small will be welcomed. A single dollar will do something, $5 or 810 will do more. Others are contributing in 850 amounts—a sum sufficient to furnish a cot. Out of their abundance there will be some who will send their cheques for $100 or larger amounts. Contributions will be received by Sir Wm. R. Meredith, Chief Justice, Vice - President National Sanitarium Associa- tion, Toronto; W. J. Gage, Esq., Chair- man Ex. Com., Toronto ; or the National Trust Co., Limited, Treasurer, 22 King Street East, Toronto. —The post -office department hag an- nounced that on and after Saturday last the rate of peerage on third-class matter, except seeds, cuttings, bulbs, roots, budding plants, scions and grafts, will be one cent for each two ounces or fraction thereof and on fourth-class matter 01313 cent for each ounce or frac- tion thereof. —Mr. Maurice 'Dolton, accountant of the Merchants hank, Walkerton, was taken ill with appendicitis on Wednes- day of last week, and died on Saturday morning at six o'clock. Mr.'iblton was brought up in Walkerton, and before entering the Bardet of the bank attend- ed the high school there. Ho wag very. popular, end has a host of friends, and his early death has cast a gloom over the town. Ha was a member of the curling club, and played against the Scotsman last winter in Stretford, end ale° in the Owen Sound honspiel. He Lad been atationtid at Chatham and Deoorate Your Homers We have anticipated your Want by laving in a huge stock of goals which will add to the beauty and comfort of your houses. Window Shades --50 different patterns at the lowest prices. Chenille and 'Papesty Curtains, Carpets, Art Squares, Mats, Table Covers, Lounge Covers, Shaul Holders, Piano Polish, Veinish, Etc. We have a largo stock .of General House Furniture—the newest designs, quality and finish the best, at prices which defy competition. J. H. CHELLEW -0Ps-'BLYTH FOR GOOD HEALTH To preserve or restore it, there is no better prescription fur men, women and children than Ripens Tubules. They are easy to take, The!: are made of a comhtnalion of inedi• cines approved and used by every physician. Ripens Ta- bules nre widely used by all sorts of people—but to the plain, every -day folks they aro a veritable friend in need.. Ripens Tabules have become their standard family remedy. They are it dependable, honest remedy, with a long and suc- cessful record, to euro Indigestion, dyspepsia, habitual and etuhborn conetipation, offensive breath, heartburn, dizziness, palpitation of the heart, eieeplessneas, muscular rheumatism, sour stomach, h wet and liver complaints. They strengthen weak stomachs, build np run-down systems, restore pure blood, good appetite and sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives constant benefit from a regular use of Ripens Tabules. Your druggist sells diem. The five -cent packet is enough for an ordinary occasion. The Family Bottle, GO cents, eun- tains a supply for a year. i“: a R•I•P•AiN•S� K&K K& K K&K K&K K &r't &K SINFUL HABITS IN YOUTH MAKE NERVOUS, WEAK, DISEASED MEN. THE NSW of ignorance and folly In youth, overexertion of mind and body induced by fust and exposure are constantly wrecking the lives and future happiness of thousands of promising young neo. Dome fade and wither at an early age, at the blossom of manhood, while others are forced to dry onta weary, fruitless and melancholy existence. Others reach metrl• many but tied no solace or comfort there. The viellsu &refound in an stations of life—the farm the Mike, the workshop, the pulpit, the trades and the professions. 5 DIEM, led Seeks I Western are guaranteed cared by ose Naw Meth. trestmeel sr Ne P.. You ran no risk IS years in Detroit. Bank security. CURED WHEN ALL EWE FAILED. 110 coals au/ wlthoolerlNNe seasest. "ram 33 years of age ass married. When yosarr t led a gay life. Early indiscretions and later excesses madstregble for me. I became weak and nervous. My kidneys became affected and I feared Bright* Inseam. Married Life was unsatisfactory and any home unhappy. I tried everything—all failed till I took treatment from Drs. 'Kennedy & &organ. Their New Method' built me up mentally, physically and seallally. I feel and act like a man In every respect. They treated me six years ago. They are boneat, skilful and responsible financially, se why patronise Quscke and Fakirs when you can be cured by reliable doctors.' —W, A. Belton. CRS 1011UIFEE0 OR 10 PAY. CaosullalEii Frll•its Free--0tlsiloe ,,i Fr11 O Bo irammatl. Drs. Kennedy & Kagan, 148 ibyM tercet, K&K K& K K&K K'&K K &i. (&t( & K `t K Windsor, and a few weeks ago relieved the present manager, Mr. W. S. CI'ia- hohn, at Crediton. The funeral was held on Monday, —Seven residents of Kincardine were presented with medals by the United States government for trying to rescue the crew of the Anna Marie, wrecked in October last. —Mrs. Peter Deans died at her resi- dence in Turnberry on Tueadey of last week. She had been ailing for a long time. Deceased was one of the pioneer's of Turnberry, having resided on the farm oe which she died since 1857. She was horn in Scotland in 1821, end wee consequently in the 82nd year of her age. Her husband died thrae years ago. Five sone and one daughter arra left to mourn the loss of a mother. —The main 'natter dealt. with at the last meeting of the 'Mitchell council WAS a petition front 200 ratepayers ask- ing that a bylaw he passed to prohibit cows running et large. 'There are 170 COWS in Mitchell, a great many persons owning from ono to three, and a few front eight to 20. After- a discussion a bylaw was passed, to take effect on July 1st, prohibiting them running at large, but they can be on the street at certain times if watched. This may end the cow being a ratepayer on the sidewalks, —Recent storms have numbed out roads aid swept away bridges in Eesex. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE AT.B1TS TRADE MARKS Deacons ' COPYRIGHT, Anyone 'indlna a sketch and denerl "Ion mq quickly ascertain nr opinion free whoLl,ar an invention le pronely punit 01,10. C"nitnuniea' None etrictt onadentlel. ltandh"ok ou Patents vont free. tflttost agency for e0ruring patents. OleoPotent, leo tbtnngh 00,{.11 & Co. mots/2 wadi flake, wn hoot chase, In the Scientific .American. A handeomoly Illustrated weekly. inreest cls. 0111, ton of ami setentlac S uua6 r0rms, et a N5Ner; tourpmontbs, 50 said bynll newsdyeuleris,. IIIUN & Co 881Broadway. New { Qrp Dnum h 015es.'r.J6 F Ht, Washington, D. 0. Field and Farm.' t)„,.autrnral eutply of Field Seeds has arrived and we have endeavored 60 get the Very best varieties to he procured. In illangels wo have the following standard varieties :—Renntt:'e Giant 11alf-tong Yellow 'Mengel ; Rennie's bbtiilm'th Long Med Mengel ;' Itennio's Giant Sugar Mange', also Evans' Improved Mammoth Saw Log Mengel, which is the leading variety in Ontario and id grown by all the hest farmers and stock raisers. Among our numerous varieties of Turnips you will lied Evans' New Outu'rl, also ilartley's Bronze 'l'op and the Kan. garoo. These are three of the hest known varieties 1n Ontario, and along with many others we feel we hate a collection of Swede 'turnips that will please any of our customers. But in thinking of these via do 11.rt wan t you to lose sight of our Groceries, of which we t arae a coin. pieta stock. 'Ugliest market cash price always paid for Butter and Eggs. Potatoes wanted, I GEO. POWELL PRETORIALYTN Deoorate Your Homers We have anticipated your Want by laving in a huge stock of goals which will add to the beauty and comfort of your houses. Window Shades --50 different patterns at the lowest prices. Chenille and 'Papesty Curtains, Carpets, Art Squares, Mats, Table Covers, Lounge Covers, Shaul Holders, Piano Polish, Veinish, Etc. We have a largo stock .of General House Furniture—the newest designs, quality and finish the best, at prices which defy competition. J. H. CHELLEW -0Ps-'BLYTH FOR GOOD HEALTH To preserve or restore it, there is no better prescription fur men, women and children than Ripens Tubules. They are easy to take, The!: are made of a comhtnalion of inedi• cines approved and used by every physician. Ripens Ta- bules nre widely used by all sorts of people—but to the plain, every -day folks they aro a veritable friend in need.. Ripens Tabules have become their standard family remedy. They are it dependable, honest remedy, with a long and suc- cessful record, to euro Indigestion, dyspepsia, habitual and etuhborn conetipation, offensive breath, heartburn, dizziness, palpitation of the heart, eieeplessneas, muscular rheumatism, sour stomach, h wet and liver complaints. They strengthen weak stomachs, build np run-down systems, restore pure blood, good appetite and sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives constant benefit from a regular use of Ripens Tabules. Your druggist sells diem. The five -cent packet is enough for an ordinary occasion. The Family Bottle, GO cents, eun- tains a supply for a year. i“: a R•I•P•AiN•S� K&K K& K K&K K&K K &r't &K SINFUL HABITS IN YOUTH MAKE NERVOUS, WEAK, DISEASED MEN. THE NSW of ignorance and folly In youth, overexertion of mind and body induced by fust and exposure are constantly wrecking the lives and future happiness of thousands of promising young neo. Dome fade and wither at an early age, at the blossom of manhood, while others are forced to dry onta weary, fruitless and melancholy existence. Others reach metrl• many but tied no solace or comfort there. The viellsu &refound in an stations of life—the farm the Mike, the workshop, the pulpit, the trades and the professions. 5 DIEM, led Seeks I Western are guaranteed cared by ose Naw Meth. trestmeel sr Ne P.. You ran no risk IS years in Detroit. Bank security. CURED WHEN ALL EWE FAILED. 110 coals au/ wlthoolerlNNe seasest. "ram 33 years of age ass married. When yosarr t led a gay life. Early indiscretions and later excesses madstregble for me. I became weak and nervous. My kidneys became affected and I feared Bright* Inseam. Married Life was unsatisfactory and any home unhappy. I tried everything—all failed till I took treatment from Drs. 'Kennedy & &organ. Their New Method' built me up mentally, physically and seallally. I feel and act like a man In every respect. They treated me six years ago. They are boneat, skilful and responsible financially, se why patronise Quscke and Fakirs when you can be cured by reliable doctors.' —W, A. Belton. CRS 1011UIFEE0 OR 10 PAY. CaosullalEii Frll•its Free--0tlsiloe ,,i Fr11 O Bo irammatl. Drs. Kennedy & Kagan, 148 ibyM tercet, K&K K& K K&K K'&K K &i. (&t( & K `t K Windsor, and a few weeks ago relieved the present manager, Mr. W. S. CI'ia- hohn, at Crediton. The funeral was held on Monday, —Seven residents of Kincardine were presented with medals by the United States government for trying to rescue the crew of the Anna Marie, wrecked in October last. —Mrs. Peter Deans died at her resi- dence in Turnberry on Tueadey of last week. She had been ailing for a long time. Deceased was one of the pioneer's of Turnberry, having resided on the farm oe which she died since 1857. She was horn in Scotland in 1821, end wee consequently in the 82nd year of her age. Her husband died thrae years ago. Five sone and one daughter arra left to mourn the loss of a mother. —The main 'natter dealt. with at the last meeting of the 'Mitchell council WAS a petition front 200 ratepayers ask- ing that a bylaw he passed to prohibit cows running et large. 'There are 170 COWS in Mitchell, a great many persons owning from ono to three, and a few front eight to 20. After- a discussion a bylaw was passed, to take effect on July 1st, prohibiting them running at large, but they can be on the street at certain times if watched. This may end the cow being a ratepayer on the sidewalks, —Recent storms have numbed out roads aid swept away bridges in Eesex. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE AT.B1TS TRADE MARKS Deacons ' COPYRIGHT, Anyone 'indlna a sketch and denerl "Ion mq quickly ascertain nr opinion free whoLl,ar an invention le pronely punit 01,10. C"nitnuniea' None etrictt onadentlel. ltandh"ok ou Patents vont free. tflttost agency for e0ruring patents. OleoPotent, leo tbtnngh 00,{.11 & Co. mots/2 wadi flake, wn hoot chase, In the Scientific .American. A handeomoly Illustrated weekly. inreest cls. 0111, ton of ami setentlac S uua6 r0rms, et a N5Ner; tourpmontbs, 50 said bynll newsdyeuleris,. IIIUN & Co 881Broadway. New { Qrp Dnum h 015es.'r.J6 F Ht, Washington, D. 0.