The Blyth Standard, 1903-04-16, Page 6!MUCH THE BEI TER FOR HER! Why a Tour$ Woman Should be Al. lowed to Propose, "But don't you ase,' ho urged, "if somas prol.ede.l, 11 a toli00 l i,v Qltile fair to than.' "Why not'?" Nile demanded. "He woull have no choice." "Why not'?" alto persisted. 4Agentleman," he explained, "la taught to show great conslderatiou to woman. As a mere matter of eearteesy leo must accede to tier wlfbee• Ho must IN ver say 'No,' to be'." ".Never?" • "Well, hot until after marriage nt 4ly tate, and that doesn't help hhn in this proposal business." "6o touch the better," tin returned obeorludly. "If a woman to to propose to scan, Otte doeisht went him to say Ito.' I'm and you pointer out the strength other position for it en- oourageo me greatly. Will you marry me?' 'Aw'l what could the root• man ens ? Well,fortunritely he wanted to give the only reply 1oseihle under the Mr - anyway, en no Minn was doom—Brooklyn melt. DR. A. W. CHASE'S OR CATARRH CURE s a.. M la sent direct to the diseased pane by the Improved Diose:, Heals 0e Meets. clears the air passages, stops droppings In the throat and ppeermanantU cures Catarrh and Hay FevetfBlower free. All dealers, or Dr, A. W. Chase Medicine Co. Toroate mai Buffalo. A ('autiousFeiner. t Toronto Nees. Young Dlnklebaum — )'adder bow mutt le two and tab? Old Dlmklebaum—Vat you want to do, buy or sell ? Minard's Liniment Relieves Neural- gia. Had for the Skin. Saxby'e Magazine. An Episcopal clergyman of Cln- ctnnatl was being shored by a bar- ber who was addicted to occasional aQa'eea. The rasor manipulator cut the par'son's face quite consider - "You lee, Jaokeon, that comes from taking too much drink," said the Mu of Ond. "Tea, rah," replied Saelcson, "It makes de skin very, tendah, rah. It do for a fack." htinard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. Getting at the Causes. Philadelphia ilecord. lura, Afnggins—How did you break your husband of swearing? Afrs. Buggins—I gave the :damn cloOk away and had the tcletrhltil taken Out. Mtrald's Liniment Curea Burne, etc. ASSESSMENT SYSTEM Canadian Acceptable N °eotet ry Active Democratic 1 deal A dmlrnblo Nono Aucit Q bttto nblo oasonablo Desirable sscutial Registered Careful management Healthy growth' Original features Superior merit Equitable rates Notable record Financially sound Reserve unquestionable utpresslve ritual Exceptional Inducements National reputation Dcfhdto benefits Second to none. Full information cheerfully given. Organizers wanted. Apply to either W. F. Montague., (fraud Recorder, ilnmilton; or W. F. Campbell, Grand Organizer, Hamilton. 110“01'0 rare lteversed. In North Welts the W'etth word tor "now.' In "r wan." Ll South Wales it Is "(true" spell ,backwards—viz.. Uri ser." Irrelevant. Varsity Fortnight. Stye net him tn the darkened hall: Said he; "I've brought some roses," Her answer seemed irre'iitvant, It seas : "How cold your nose 1e!" Nine Thnea Out ol'Ten Painkiller wilt be found to fill your nts•d nm a household remedy. Used n1( o liniment for stiffness 11111 taken internally for all towel complaint„ Avoid anbstltrutes. There e Is hot on, ! I •- killer—Perry Davis-. To Keep Off Old AMC'. (Sometimes as the t -ars go on the muoelee of the body, which should be straight and strong, become lax and convex, giving one the middle-aged figure which is such it tell -tate. To prevent or overcome this, you must be etre that you walk, steed unit tit erect. Walking is the best of all exercises for these muscles. Relax tho muscles of the ince, keep it scru- pulously clean, and feed It with plenty of cold cream. Remember that after the body lo fully grown it may Seeds enough to keep It In good working order, that the plainer and the more simple the food the Ivey the digestive organs are taxed, and that It IR very important that these organs should be In good order, or even the necessary food will do harm. Remember that you should elft light- ly of meat ; that green vegetables 111)11 fresh frulte contain salts olid :olds, and are especially efficient In dis- solving the limo -Salle, and that all rieh food and drinks tax the diges- tion heavily, and fernish nothing good In return. Drink freely of wator. C. C. RICHAI1DS & CO.: Dear Sins,—For sone? ,years I have had only partial 11.00 o1 my khan, C411100,1 lay a sudden et•aln. I have used every remedy without effect, until I got a toetniple bottle of MINARD'S LINIMENT. The benefit I r1( tiv.'.1 from it reused me to eon- tduuas Fut u;''', ;uwu now I am happy to e't ray arm is completely ta'- storcsl. g. W. GIIImrd, Cult. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contair,s Mercury Se mercury w III carol 0 de?fro; the aensr of an1P11111111 0111111110101y 110101 1),r wIloles) krnl when on wring it hal l'n'.I g'll the 1)111 a ue aurhuew. Nnl, art le lea should never be curd uorpt on leeeripilnns11 uefro11ut011lepllyvi- 11ane, as the 410111 1,p,0 th,c n ill do Is leu fold {o the gnarl yon r: n pus ibiy 11101 1 tromp them. Flail's catarrh miry mamma owed by F •1, tlhrnry te Co.,Tult,t,t 1. contain* *t yO mercury. and is lakeit hn'eruoily, actin wetly upontee 'hued en unu'onx snrLurs Or the myeten. lu buylug tlnll'x Catarrh Cure be sure Sun get the /401111 1111'. It 111 taken eternally and made It rnb•dn, ohm, by Y. J. Cheney & Co. Teethtv,ulnls tree Sold b (inundate. 1'rice illy per bottle, Ralf(" Faintly Plffe pre the bent. A Woman of Forty-five is young and toreable r:,,w'adays, but she rs at .in' 1110 ti•.,d 1 of the time of th001ll i:,e1, lumbago and neuralgia. ,SIS;? SIMPLE) KNOW that there is ,.cc 0,rce and true and speedy earn 1 them, giving relief (*taken'.land drivingnt ,ort rte spoonful the disease in one to three days, The Creat South American Rheu- matic Cure docs It. M las M. C. 1:0m1r.++,, Toronto, whiles: "Before tn'..',:I: South American Rheumatic Cate, 1 -'ns unablet0 put my feet ce the cr. n 1(::,1 could not obtain relict fret .. Ihu doctor 0110 attended me. 11,. -tic otter lak:ug it 1 ec, d'r ,'r , THE GREAT Sol 11 AMERICAN KIDNEY cute a invaluable toe nen especially. kebeees pilin it! Dry organ:a six hn•.trs, and , 0 . X04 a cure, a =anent cure, euro quickly. 11 The Imtsou tomes Too bale. Pearson', Weekly. Helene—Manana nays we shoulol;t't rpt YOU inucl!. Archibald—Rut It doesn't feel 1111 too mild' until nftrricrl'.1. anlINIIMMOWSWOMINIMIIMM Not worn by Rubbeng ' 'p but Cleaned by Washing. ii int a n. l 1�f1P_ New Century Washing Machine cleans by forcing hot suds forward and buck through the fibre of tate clothes. Rall be^ ri ngs 0111 t w o strong spiral springs make it easy work. Your hardware dealers will show it to you or write for booklet. Trig DOWSWCLL N/FG. CO., LTD., HAMILTON, ONT, MrsaaPaRYa/mmna A Married 1ltut's Musings. Coutrtsldp is poetry; marriage, firs( year, blank vi 1,0 ; after that, prose.. After a while every married taut cones to be a firm believer In mind rending. Along u'oout this 1 Ime the hely ledtVtN we turned over recently begin to fly back. Where there's a will tla'rcb,1 a way to break It—o 1It',:n it's a ItIMUI t'., will, It tsps sntd of a Cert.11111 gm at 1)11 11 that he could be silent in seven lnn- &elegem. It 1s dimly tint t a woman per's la:; 0t1000veutil of tits feal,- 111to! erg Despatch. Sandals the Latest I'nd. Nnednls, designed 1'r ladleo' rt'rn- a, rccnr, stays the tj.nren, haws al - rend} appeared In the shop windows. 0111 will 1 101aht1ORR ere lung he seen 'I tL thawing room. .t vest -end boot milker recently exhibited a pair of i-vtwhits he hod mann for a Cus- tomer, which weal have graced the feet of n. Roman enlpt•ess. The Iso; expert believes that the sandal lies come to stay, and that the shore, whirl, has held away for over lweltd veuturles, 1s at Mat threatened alt., n rival. WATCH THE ORCHARDS. Official Instructions the Spraying for the Ban Jove Scale. Trees must Oe thoroughly pruned, and all rough bare and neaten re - shoved. iI vAI 11 'suificlem't supply of mat Ir- lat un hail::, and a p101001 pump for applying it. Lo not spray this trews while wet. Thoroughness In prepartttte a 0111 treating are imperative. Soap must bo twe.1 while hot, "! poutittt to the gallon, and Itpplled tory thoroughly atter the ureic are over ant ,o001 the bade open Fish oil will cmutslty with IS po,uwi of „cap to the gallon of oil, and will titko the place of soap, t'ru. :n p..tt()lennt, undiluti d, should bo tlppdad with a very Imo 1'ermorel nozzle, and every part of the tree 'overtvl with the Ran ltwatbh: quau- thy of oil, (Auto petroleum, (Hillard, must he npplic.i with a reitabla combination hump and a medium sized nozzle, In the eroportiun't tudlcated by the raze of the air eftambers which usual h) :Ile ilKht, and the plungers piekel eo hard th,tt the pend uvn'ks stiffly. era e p'troleum' will emulslfy with • poi 11. to a; neap to the gallon of oil 11 a, 1 In 3 i)1 winter, and 1 to JO 011 :Midge.. The uozdla ohoukl 110.11 1,' taw fins'. Ke1u41-11e, will tlnukslfy with h, 101(101 of .1.1p to 11.0 gallon of ell and li rrc0uunrnded only for sum- mer work, 1 in a to 1 In 8, ';ay 1 huh (1 for applo, pear and plum, and 1 In 7 for 107101 trove:, Aisply with a rnit.er coni e nozzle In bright, dry, airy w,.;tthor. Li 'Hulot ring euml,lon, the soap nnll water must be 'boiling when added to the oll, and the agltatlon 0011 - slowly while the cold water la tieing added. Soft water le ulwu.vs best for emulsions, Lime, rolphul' and salt : ono pound Prim, olio -half pound Hulphur, 00.10- thhd 1111011 of a'tlt, if salt Is used, to the gallon of wadi. The sulphur Omuta be peivertzed ; slake the lime, which must he fresh, Al hot water, add this balance of the material, hell two to three hours, dilute with hot water, and apply hot with a rather lona nozzle. .any good Forel. pump ie enitable ve- ered for mechanical wl1tures. While In use the pumps should be cleunel tat eh night to prevent corroding fund clogging of the nttnchment+. For ruerrsshll spraying a firet- elnss equipment Is n cess ry. The Ielves should net promptly, and hold all they get. The hose should let lepra enough to give sufficient pres- sure without danger of bursting, and long enough to nlloty the operator pri In reaching every part of the tree. The evt1enl-,en pip.' hbe In sec- tions, ,,, all :101 Oi';11 sInches, Joined with cinlpllIgs., Tills trill give Nerd convenient Itogthe, suitable. for 1103 work, anti when 111 are in use rnakee I1 pipe mho' feel long. Every er.lett- 11011 pipe hllotd i be proxMei: with a id op -cock. The nozzle 111:Iy have direct online, or lateral discharge, according to the work In hand. to oblique ill'oh',rg.' may ) secured by nttachlug an ordieory nozzle to It short plow of pi1., which has been bent to :11 Angle of 41, degrees, and n interni lli,tha'ge 11,1 atn"ling on etllw and ❑ uil)0 to n straight pipe. The advantage of tllreet tbs. ehargle In 1ren ling all sides or a limb 10 ever, portion or 1he L'ee will be better understood w tried. Wootris Phoephodine, The Ureal tntllsh Remedy, isched nn oland d, wallreeliabctnb• Itle preparation, Iles been )recribed and used ovoreayeara, All drug. alsta to Sat Dominion pf Canada sell and rr^cmn,00d eo being the only medicine of i4 kiodthat mires and give. nnirerial satisfaction. It promptly end permanently cured all forme of ,Ne ons Weak. aura, Emia..iuo.., Nacrrno orh,ra, Impotent)/, n od all effects of abuse or excesses; the excessive pax? of Tobacco, 0//i1.1 /It or Mintulanta, Mental and Brain Worry, nil of wltich lead to Infirmity, insanity, Consumption and an Early Orme. Price fl per package or six for $3. One wilt please, air ,sell rave-. Mailed prompty on re- ceipt of price. Send for (pro pamphlet, Address The Wood Coo.pany, Windier, Ont', Canada, Before and After. !Momentary ('0aq,11cnttunS. " It seems to be it very complicated ens,. 110 you think 3011 0811 nntkC :"11.11hhl11 1011 of 11, 111/1'101?„ Ver, Ithluk s0-Illanit x'200." When a fell -ac '1(o l ('Ili.:.-' a boleti lie feels that Dalt is Ono of the ills that flesh le lutlr 10. Don't Monkey with a Cough. Just a little tickling cough may not suggest any trouble but it is often the fore -runner of very serious lung disease. Gray's Syrup of Red Spruce Gum soothes and heals the irri- tated membrane and the cough passes away. Gray's Syrup of Red Spruce Gum is a carefully compounded preparation and is a specific; remedy for all throatandlung affections. 25 cents a bottle. One bottle will demon- strate its virtue. fir s Syrup �Y Y P of Red Spruce Gum 1 Hi LAUNDRESS' LAMENT. Bless my heart ! Why was I ever born? Toiling and moiling from morning till night, set never a rest 1 If man was mad,' to mourn, whet was a laundress made for --- certainly not to sing. My hands are pearl} charred off working in filthy suds, waxbill s . !her people's olothex, and other people': 1110a. No wonder Boa/makers give prizes ith their coupe. '!'hose who use tolm of the soaps deserve prizes. I would rather do withont the prizes and have ,chole skin. And as to the mistress' part of the bargain -.imagine rubbing ten dollars' wortt int, the value of live dollars, and then getting a fifty -exit prize for doing it? It manes one laugh - -that is, if you haven't to Mpay for it. Ilut I cannot laugh at my sore oulds. Well, well, I suppose what cannot be cured 111 114 be endured, • • • • e • "Hello, Itlary! what's the matter, you 'seem out of sorts?" " Out of sorts, Margaret, I should think I GM. Life is a burden." " Oh, nonsense, Mary, you have a fit of the blues—it will sem pass off." "The blues might pass off, Margaret, if that were all ; bat my poor sore hands and aching back remain." " %'thy, sakes alive, Mary, what lies put kour hands in that state? What hard thick nuckles you're got, and how ragged your nails are, too ! " "Hard knuckles and ragged nails 1 Rah 1 What is that to rite, I wish you heard the grumbling 1 have to atand about hard flan- nels and ragged ("lathes after I have washed them eHurd knuckles and ragged nails ;,re not my only troubles, " " Yes, but why should the flannels or pant knuckles bo hard, or your nails or akin ht cut ue in that way?" "1t hy, surely you know, Margaret, you dc washing 1(o wet) as 1." " Yes, but I hear no grumbling, and set my hands, they are as soft and fresh at My lady's." ' WItI, so they are, Margaret; now, how is that?" "I tell you what, Mary, you want to have e doctor's advice." "011, the doctor may cure my Imnde, but Ile won't mend the clothes or soften tie fennels." " Oh, yes, he will." "A doctor mend clothes and soften Ilan nets l You olweye would have your little joke, Margaret." "Seriously, Mary, I am not joking, and 1 will tell you a secret. Have you ever heard of Sir Chadds Cameron? Well, he in one et the highest authorities in England. Ho was Preaident of the Royal College of Surgeons. and has a whole airing of letters at the end of his name. Well, I read a simple statement be made ono day, and it cured me of sore hands, hard knuckles, itching back, softened the flannels, and pre. vented the clothes going set 10001 to Lettere.' " What a funny doctor, and what was it jou read?" "He said there was something he used hint self, and he r(aontmendcd it to women when washing clothes ; and I said to myself, I will try that. I found nut that Queen Victoria herself used the same in her raetlee in Ing land, and that further convinced mr.lSYnn know, (Iarw, these people have a means of knowing things that we poor people take years to find out" " Well, what did Sir Charles Cameron say ? " Well, it was simply this: ' I have eart- hily analyzed specimens of the Sunlight Soap. . The points in the 00m - position of this Soap that nrr most valuable aro its freedom front free alkali, the large percentage of fatty acids which it contains, and the purity of the materiale employed 11: its preparation. 1 entploy the. Soap, and fronuay actual experience of it can strongly recommend it."' "I have myself found from experience-- and it stands to reed:,—that soups loaded with alkali must ruin the hands and destroy the clothes." 1 found there n -al 00 se1180 in Loaning jay bands during the der and rub beg glycerine 071 during the night. They never got time to get bet ter, Sunlight Soap being made from pure oils and Gds cannot hurt the hand or the clothes. hnagine the foolishness of rubbing the adulteration al ',neuron soaps into the skin and into the lothes, and then having to sash out not merely the original dirt of tho clothes, but the soap adulteration as well—that is. washing dirt with dirt. Simple Sinton could ,earcnly do, worse.' "Olt, Margaret, I wish I had known of lois before. My hands might have lege ilio yours today. I trill try it in try hu:,1 aarshing „ Do, Af ary, and bemire itis Sunlight Soap. end ask for the Octagon bar. Itis an ideal :haps for the. latudry. And just a wont ;before 1 go, Alary, if you find that your racer does not keep Sunlight Soap van here mer got to send his name and aides to r.,•vcr Brothers Limited, 'forontu, I011! thee: 111 ta•ud car a to alplo of Fhnl1011 `laep ail heal core." Vote.--'fl.is ix aloolutrly a lent, and it memo e, .., err.dat language that the skin e,aunot be hurt seen 11 the hand., are uunlereed tor houra in the sada of *114)ht Soap, becnaee the. soap in made 100111 all„ red tate porn enough to et 1 and dares la none 111 le l.ur'lag 0,0011011 that is cauacl 0)' alk,1inr One Didn't Pay. Ile --Will you teach me, Itow to maks' love to you 11 ehe—I will if I can get up a class. --t'hiladelphia Inquirer. Settlers' laws Hates West. Via Chicago end Northwestern Ry., every day Irotu February 15th to April 30th, Colonlet ono way s0C' cud -class tickets at extremely low rates from eta Motet In Ontario and Quebec, to pointe In Colorado, lite 11, Monttutn, el Meta, Idaho, Oregon, Washington and California; also to Victoria, Vancouver, New Westmin- ster, Nelson, Roseland, tete. Full particulars, rntce and folders can be obtained from B. H. Bennett, General Agent, 2 Etat King street, Toronto, Ont. Mina rl'e Lluttuteut for sale every- w''era. ISSUE No. 16, 1903. Mrs. Winslow'. soothing Syrup should always be used for Children Teething. It soothes the child, softens Morena ours whet colic and to the best remedy for Diarrheas. LEARN A PROFESSION IN FIFTEEN DAYS by moll so you you mike h•nm rn'r. To Tal 1/010,1114 0 nes. 1'nr pa 0110111a., write A. HANSEL, Ill, Nee Rya North Hamilton, Ont. LADY Aifl ;NT S WAN'f'ELs 311I WAYSRCtDY sonar ts'MMtlOTIlR A tlaiT ADJJNT1R Rest Selling Skirt Suter an! Walsh Adluster ever Introduced. Sells at s'iht Goad profit. USE 1,000 MILE AXLE GREASE It Has Ito Equal Manufactured only by THE CAMPBELL MFC. CO. of HAMILTON, ONTARIO. rnr sully by 1111 I.adtra; d11alurr, The Flow of Milk will be increased. Why go to all the trouble of keeping cows and get only about half the milk they should pro- duce, Dick's Blood Purifier strengthens the digestion and invi- gorates the whole system so that the nutriment is all drawn from the food. It takes just the same trou- ble to care for a cow when she gives three quarts as when she gives a pail. Dick's Blood Purifier will pay hack its cost with good Interest in a few weeks. 10 cents a p :kage. Leeming, Mlles & Co., Agents, (IONTR1OAL ehtf;ethf.r..,,,li,9.iso x'•1 •:li¢$t0141till't tk Itt Germany slid Venezuela. Germany's trade, with Venezuela ie 1,Ming (n amount. The statistics rig file Nearer show that but one-fifth or 1 per (rut, of Venezuela's exports were to (lormatp-, and hid on -truth of 1. per cent, of her imports came from that country. How? ey tot'thtnf and suhdulrC the pain, that's the war Stlacobs 011 Cores Neuralgia eta ;Se AA !rice, 250. and 30c. pr Yd gg0fittSStiffiitEfN?,'-e::cz'FtS1140(4P, iA. Neat' Yoe:. and Boston Via New York Central. The numerous tralne, the excellent service, the uniformity of Its tralne, its four tracks noel the location of lie depots In hostel) and New York. make the New York Central the fav- orite line to those points. Any ticket agent will confirm the above. Libby's Natural Flavor Food Products 1 l:rsc drltclell preetla10,00 «lint of alt 0l im1, rani put spreads without the imm'olnp10 api earancr, and permit the host ran to rainy rat Inc than stare. Our 1xx,1q1eL "plow to Ma I," Good Things to P:a4" ire... to h,mx.'Lr,'l.l :.' Libby .s At- las 711 the s'eri'f. euntalniu& 12 new more, I»Ittished '' xerexly for us by the 1arlrast man and alts ionntebers in America, n ready now. Indexed, and &thee new maps of China, Small Alrkn, the Philippines, Cuba, Porto Ilia. and is of its men prat tical use as any atlas published. we nail it to any address for 5 1 wo•cent atempa Libby, McNeill & Libby, Chicano The World's Greatest Caterers •