The Blyth Standard, 1903-04-16, Page 1fie
PUFFS.—Mr, John Crandal, of Till-
.sonburg, and Miss S. Rodents, of Wing -
ham, were Good Friday visitors at the
home of M. E. C. Lautrly . Mr. Wm.
McCool has prepared tib cellar for the
stonemasons who he expects will com-
mence work in a few days Mr. Wm.
:Nott has engaged to work with Mr. E.
Lear for the summer Mr. Albert
Vodden has the contract of erecting a
new Gem wire fence around the play
ground of 8.S, No. 6., Mr. Dominick
Reynolds was engaged the past week in
removing the house he Purchased from
Mr, Richard Carter to hie own place on
the 7th concession. As it was moved
along the gravel road it was a sort of
menace to the travelling public but for-
tunately we are not aware of any acci-
dents being caused thorebyS.S. No,
9 has had forwarded to the Sick Child-
ren's hostal, Toronto, through their
teacher, Mies J. Fingland, the cum of
s87o, and which was gratefully received
by the hospital authoeitiee,
WAIFS.—Min May Bell, of Clinton,
was visiting in and around. the viliege
:last week, ..Messrs. Watson & Ernigh
ehipped a car of hogs from Londesboro
station on Monday.... Mrs. Wm. Riley
and Mrs. Young spent the Easter holi-
days with London fr iendsMr. John
.Colclough, of Morris, was in the village
one day recently with a load of calves,
and disposed of them very readily to
the fanners around ....Mr. and Mrs.
David spent a few days of last
week in Blyth .... Mr. HQ. Webb ship- Godevich, occupied the pulpit of Calvin
ped a ear of flour last week Mist; B. church during the two Sithbathe that
,Kirk is at present visiting her sister,
Mrs. Wm, Lyon. ...Mrs. E. Bell spent
Easter with friends in Wingham• • •
Mr. R. Morrell is still cont3ned to his
,bed, but is doing well.... Mrs. Holmes
has returned to Whitechurch, after
spending the winter with her daughter
here.... -Air Frank Lewis was here last
week renewing old acquaintances. He
left fur Calgary on Saturday Mr. C.
Myers is purchasing a car of cattle to
take to Lofton,, Miss A. Crisp was
the guest of Sabah friends last week.
....Mrs. G. Moon is visiting her parents
in Kirkton at present Mr. Thomas
Lawson is pushing the sale of the
DeLavat cream separator this season
and is !needing with good 'success. Mr.
Lawson hes a good article aud cousin
quently sales are easily made,
on his property, corm'. of Frances and
Patrick streets .... Mrs, H. B. Elliott,
who has been suffering with erysipelas
for some weeks past, is now nicely im-
proved and will be fully recovered in a
few dam ...Rev. J. J. 'Patterson, B.A.,
pastor of Wingham Baptist church,.bas
accepted the call tendered him by Em-
manuel Baptist church, Buffalo, and
will close his pastorate here on the first
Sabbath in May. Mr. Patterson has
endeared himself to his congregation
here by hie faithful ministry, and his
entire membership will part with him
with regret. In other churches, and in
the community generally, Mr. Patter-
son is held in high esteem. The new
field will present a wider sphere for
usefulness, and Wingham people will
wish for Mr. and Mrs, Patterson abun-
dant emcees.... Mr, Wm. Roderus left
on Tuesday of last week for London,
where be has secured a situation in a
retail hardware store. His friends will
wish him every success in his new posi-
tion ....Mr, Robert Aikens died on the
ith inet. from. pneumonia. About ten
days previously, deceased was workiug
at the waterworks dam, and caught a
severe cold. This developed into pueu
monis, and after a few days of severe
suffering he passed away. Mr. Mims
name to Ontario from Nova Scotia,
about 19 years ago, and sinned in East
Wawanosh, where he resided for 20
years. About 29 years ago he removed
to IVinghain.
BRIEF13.—Rev, Murdock McKay, of
LOCALS.—Rev, C. Rutherford and
those of his congregation who are &Wa-
ling hitn (voluntarily) to improve and
beautify the Presbyterian manse prem-
ises deserve special mention. Quite a
number of improvements have been
made since the Inc. gentleman assumed
charge of Erskine church congregation.
.. The females of Mr. James Flynn,
of West Wawanosh, who suddenly de-
parted this life on Monday of last week,
,were Interred In St. Augustine cemetery,
The deceased was a pioneer of West
Wawanosh ....Our hardware merchant,
Mr. Wm. Anderson, recently purchased
Mr. John Gay's beautiful residence on
the north side of Albert Street. Mr.
Andereon has made it good investment.
We wish him and his family many
years of health and happiness to enjoy
it....The many friends of Mr. and Mrs.
Jam. s Walker, who are very unwell,
would be pleased to hoar of their re-
storation to their wonted state of
Lealth. Mrs. Walker is vim y feeble,
being prostrated with a severe attack of
401d. Mr, Walker is troubled with
erysipelas in the face. He is, however,
gradually recovering.....The other day
gr. Win. Thompson, village black-
smith, had the misfortune to receive an
injury to his right shoulder while shoe-
ing a horse, which will render trim
,nnable to do any work for some time.
However, he is receiving good medical
. attention, and we hope he will soon
recover from the injury. Meanwhile
be has secured the services of Mr, John
Ferguson, of Auburn, to carry on the
business,. „Mr. John Gay left here last
weak for his new location in the prairie
province. His many friends wish him
and his the best of success.
Rev. S. M. Whaley was in Streetsville.
....In most parts of our country the
woods are gradually disappearing be-
fore the woodman's ale—not so in this
section; they are rather oa the increase,
there being a naw arrival in the family
of Mr. Robert Woods—, A reception
was tendered to Mr, C. Decher, our
genial tailor, and his bride on their ar-
rival at their home here. After con-
gratulations had been tendered the
happy couple, all partook of a sump-
tuous repeat prepared by the ladies, at
the close of which Mr. D. Murray, in
his usual interesting and original style,
gave a ehort address and, in the name
of their many friends, presented the
bride and groom with a beautiful dinner
set and a handsome clock.... Mien Sal-
keld has returned from her visit with
Gcderich friends.... Mr. John Murdoch,
of Lucknow, has been putting some
finishing touches on the brickwork of
Mr. D. Todd's house during the past
week , ...kir, D. MacDonald has been
appointed to operate the township road
grader for the coming 88111011.... Mr.
Robert McGuire intends using his trac-
tion engine to haul maple logs to Luck -
now for Messrs. Mitchell Bios.... Mie
Macpherson is visiting friends in Clin-
LAroNws.--The Loin choir concert
on Monday eve»ing 'MS a decided suc-
COSS... , r. P. ,f. Sharp, a stave cutter
from Listowel, is at present employed
with Mr. James Young. This is Mr.
Sharp's lath season in Auburn .... Miss
Hill, of Summerhill, visited the village
for a few days last week.... Mr. Wm.
Stewart, of Goderich, and kirs„Iames
Clark, of Leeburn, called on their sis-
ter, Mrs. G. Young, who is very ill....
Il ise Sprung, of the Base Line itched,
was laid up for a few days with 14
grippe, which is alike ,rrovalent in the
neighborhood .... During the past week
the Presbyterian congregation here has
been thoroughly canvamsed for subserim
dons to build a new chureh. We be-
lieve they have met with good swami
in that laudable purpote, to sit down
and count the cost, according to the
scripture injenction, then finish, with-
out having recourse to the Unproved
methods of decorating with a mortgage,
Mr. D. R. Menzies, of Staples, twirl
a flying visit to this neighborhood one
day recently. We believe his mission
was winding up the McGee einem, he
being one of the executors,
Suloinu.---On Friday, ffrd Inst., a dark
scene was enacted in our quiet neighbor-
hood, when Mr, James Flynn, one of
the oldest settlers in this locality, took
his own life. Hinson and daughter and
a grand -daughter, who reside with him,
left home between eight and nine
o'clock to attend the church, leaving
Mr, and Mrs. Flynn at home. Mr.
Flynn was in bed at the time. Shortly
after they had gone, Mrs. Flynn was
started by the discharge of a gun, and
on going outside was horrified to find
her husband lying dead, a couple of
rods from the house, Deist:awed was in
his bare feet and used his toes to dis-
charge the gun, whinli lie had placed
antler his chin. Mr. Flynn had twice
been alt inmate of the London asylum,
.and it is thought he was brooding over
the fstt that he might again have to
go to this inetitutien, and to this is
attributed hie rash act. Mr. Flynn had
pooled the four -score mile -stone by three
yeers, and was of a kindly and genial
disposition. The sincerest sympathy
is expressed for the bereaved Heeds,
Thererneins were interred it the Roman
Catholic cetuetery on Monday morn-
ITEM8.—Mr. W. D. Thomas hag <dosed
out his business In the Button block,
and will move his family to London
about the end of the present month ...
Mr. Thomas H. Taylor, of Westfield,
has purchased the Congregationalist
church property on the corner of John
,and Centre streets tor 91000. He will
pull the church down and erect a dwell-
ing on the lot. Mr. Taylor has secured
a very desirable location for a dwelling.
....Mr. M. H. McIndoo left last week
for a trip to the Mill coast. He will
Nish a number of places on the way out,
'with a view to probably settling in the
. west. We wish him a pleasant trip.
• Ifni. Medudoo will visit with relatives
.s,/ Port Perry in the meantime ... . There
ie not much difference in the condition
of kir. J. J. Elliott, V.8 He is still
very weak, and only able to sit up for
& short time....Mr. A K. Gifford is
preparing himself for the study ofn
anedicine and purposes attending the
Western tudversity commencing with
October term. ... Mr, James McKinley,
son of Mr. D. MeKinley, who has been
with the O'Suliivan 13usinees college
for eornetime, has received a promotion
and inereese in salary. He is now lo-
cated at Alidlaild. This young inan's
IMO'S ART ULM, 11111
Stock -taking is now over and we ar
prepared to take Photos up-to-date it
every style at reduced rates for the
now to save by opening a
with the
'$t and Upwards received on deposit, and interest allow-,
at the rate of 3 per cent per annum, compounded half -yearly.
Special rate on large time, deposits.
TOOM—Friends of Mr. Walter Scott
will be glad to learn that he is getting
around again after his recent sicknese.
....Miss Annie McCallum spent hor
Easter holidays with her sister, Mrs.
E. Vincent, of Springfield ....La grippe
is holding seyeral victims in this town-
ship at present .... Mr. Win, McDowell
has bought a horse from Mr. Robert
Taylor, of West Wawanosh....Mi,
Horace Sowlar, of Goderich collegiate
institute, is home at present, suffering
from the mumps.... A cell belonging to
Mr. John Mason broke through the
platform and fell into the wel: After
considerable difficulty, Mr. Mason SSC;
ceeded in getting it out; it was not
much the worse for its cold bath—.
Mr, A. B. Carr is recovering but slowly
from his recent illness , Mr. George
Mason has hired with Mr. T. H.
Kar -
nick Mr. Robert IVightmem has sold
his land adjoining Mr. David Suell's
farm to the latter. ... Mrs. Wm. Wilson,
a former resident of East Wawanosh,
but now of Stanley, is renewing old
acquaintances, and revisiting the scenes
of her former days.
Jortisena—The Benunlier branch of
the West Huron women'e institute will
meet in Gledhill's hall this (Thursday)
afternoon at two o'clock. Subjects (or
discussion are gardening and spring
house cleaning. All ladies are cowbell v
invited to attend.... Mr. Nelson Me -
Lofty is laid up with typhoid fever.
We hope to hear of his recovery soon.
....Mr. Win, Blake has sold part of his
farm, being the Switzer farm, compris-
ing 80 acres, to Mr. John Breen, of Col
borne, for the sum of 14250. lie has
also rented the homestead to Mr. Win.
Lawson, of Grey, Both Mr. Breen and
Mr, Lawson are well-known and highly
esteeined in the neighborhood and we
welcoe thoin to our midst. Mr, Blake
has also bought a house in Goderich
from Mr. Henry E. Potts, of Kenturky,
for 11550, The home is brick and in a
good locality. ....Mr. Wm. Vanstotte,
sr., who has been under the doctor's
care owing to a bad attack of la grippe,
ibitslowly improving Mr. Henry
Young, of the Maitland concession, fin-
ished seeding very early this SPRS011.
He has put in over 60 acres arid was
through on March 28th, Beat that,
who can Mr. Seth Esher, of Bay-
field, is visiting friends in this place but
intends to go to the Soo as soon es the
boats start to run .... Owing to the con-
stant changing of the weather a few of
our village people aro suffering from la
grippe..., kir. Wesley Vanstone, after
speeding two weeks at his home lime,
left for Regina, Assiniboia, last wsek.
....Mrs. H. Fisher is visiting in Clin-
ton... . Mr. Albert Vanstone, who was
on a visit to hie parents, returned to
Detroit on Thursday.
SITS.—Mise Bella Pelton, of Atwood,
was visiting at Mr. D. Sproat's ditring
the Easter holidays • Mrs, Win, Bone,
of Rockwood, spent Sunday and 'fon-
day VW ting old friends hero._ Quite a
number from here took advantage of
the Easter excureions to visit frionis itt
a distance.... Mr. John .krmstrong
shipped a car load of verytine cattle
from here on Monday.... e aro pleas.
ed to Kate that Mr. h. Wightniais who
has been variously ill for sometime, be
slowly recovering.... Mrs. Hanna has
a returned to her home in Seaford], after
eneuding the greater part of a year
with her daughter, Mrs. Sproat, Al-
though 99 years old, she is still remark-
ably bright and active. —Mr. and Mrs.
Norman Johnson and children, ef
Moorefield, visited at Mr. Adam If alli•
e day's for a new ds. —.Miss Annie
Naylor, who has been in Clinton for
sometime past, visited with relatives
6 and friends Belgrave front Friday
till Monday Master Harvey Rose, of
0 Winghent, lots been spending part of
his holidays with Belgraveltieudti.
Mr, Allred Cook, who -has been study-
ing 1111114e in Goderich with Prof. Camp-
bell, spent front Friday till Monday
with his parents in East Wawatiosh.
Mr. jUil WItt8Un t he llorris asses-
sor, has given the people of Belgrave a
friendly call. Mr. 11 atson is one of
the °bleat othcers in the township....
Mi. R
R. D. Bruce, formerly of the Queen's
hotel, lies moved to lils,farm in Httilett,
Next 30 Day
Photos from 75c a dozen up, and w
can suit anyone in prices.
Enlargement.% at greatly reduced price
in watercolors, sept and crayon tones.
We else carry a full line of Pilot
All work guaranteed.
minty friends in Winghain
pleased to hear of his success .... Mr. H. C. JEROME
O. liell is havien an artesian well drilled
and Mr. James Stretton, of Brtissels,
Inc taken possession of the hotel; the
price paid is SI250.... Belgrave is going
to pt down a cement sidewalk from
McClelland's corner to Geddes' corner,
which is very much needed, as the old
plank walk le badly broken up._ Mr.
John Ferguson has engaged Mr. An-
drew Platt for the summer Vie
managers of the Presbyterian church
are putting up a woodshed in connec-
tion with their manse... Mr. W. J.
Geddes has tinished sawing his stock of
logs in the mill -pond ; the stock was
light last winter .... 'Mrs. Bruce, who
underwent an operation for cancer, its
able to be afloat again ....Rev. mid
Mrs. A. H. Brown are spending their
holidays with the latter's parents in
Sombre... . Mr. A. Proctor, sr„ is on
the sick list. His many friends wish
him speedy recovery. ...The fall wheat
is looking well, an 1 there is every prioe.
pect for as good a crop as last year....
Mr. D. Sproat intends putting ep
large woodshed itt connection with hie
store this spring._ , Mr. Wm. Wray is
sgending a few days in London Ifiss
Flora Hatt is dressmaking in the vil-
lage Mr. Ed, McLean, cf Toto»to, is
spending his holidays with his parents.
..,. laid° sugar and syrup making was
a failure, Dime being no run of sap...,
Mr. WIA..Bengovgil, wig, bus been very
ill all winter, is somewhat ini proving.
Mr, Albert Bates has engaged with
Mr, George Daly again for this season.
....Mr. McQuaig, of Lucknow, hes
several thousand feet of rock dm lying
at Belgrave station, the price paid
beiug 518 per liast feet.
AT 11031FL-011 Friday night, 3r.;
Mise E&th Mills entertained a
number of friends at her home. 'Pie,
estriier part of the evening was spent in
gaines, Among which progressive motto
nate added greatly to the enjoyment of
those present. After they all had en-
joyed t hemsel Vet; n it first-class manner,
i•efresliments were served and they
joined in heartily supplying the wane
of the inner 111311. The later part of
the (netting was spent in music, render-
ed by Blyth, Harlock, Kinburn and
Londashoro talent, which was much
appreciated by all. Among those pres-
ent from a distance were Rev. and Mts.
C. C. Keine, of Whiteehurch. They all
report having a good time and beliet e
Edith to be tn hrstolass entertainer.
Before they departed to their homes
in the wee stna"ours of the morning,
they all joined in singing "Attld Lang
Syne" and "God be with you till we
meet iigain."
—111E .':PANDARD corers the ground.
What Is It
This Week?
Hats, Caps
and Shirts
For Men and Boys. It will be to yor.r advantage to drop in
if you are needing anything in that line. We have a splen-
did range at astonishingly low prices.
....A SNAP IN....
for every -day wear, They are whole stuck and well sewn,
just what is reeded for the spring weather and are going at
30 per cent below the regular price,
Some excellent values in those goods—Washing Prints.
See the nice range of Dress Goods and Trimmings,
Our Milliners
are kept very busy. Examine for yourself our stock and
prices, which will move more than satisfactory,.
ii.•-•— diili
III.00K . .
and Mr. James Stretton, of Brtissels,
Inc taken possession of the hotel; the
price paid is SI250.... Belgrave is going
to pt down a cement sidewalk from
McClelland's corner to Geddes' corner,
which is very much needed, as the old
plank walk le badly broken up._ Mr.
John Ferguson has engaged Mr. An-
drew Platt for the summer Vie
managers of the Presbyterian church
are putting up a woodshed in connec-
tion with their manse... Mr. W. J.
Geddes has tinished sawing his stock of
logs in the mill -pond ; the stock was
light last winter .... 'Mrs. Bruce, who
underwent an operation for cancer, its
able to be afloat again ....Rev. mid
Mrs. A. H. Brown are spending their
holidays with the latter's parents in
Sombre... . Mr. A. Proctor, sr„ is on
the sick list. His many friends wish
him speedy recovery. ...The fall wheat
is looking well, an 1 there is every prioe.
pect for as good a crop as last year....
Mr. D. Sproat intends putting ep
large woodshed itt connection with hie
store this spring._ , Mr. Wm. Wray is
sgending a few days in London Ifiss
Flora Hatt is dressmaking in the vil-
lage Mr. Ed, McLean, cf Toto»to, is
spending his holidays with his parents.
..,. laid° sugar and syrup making was
a failure, Dime being no run of sap...,
Mr. WIA..Bengovgil, wig, bus been very
ill all winter, is somewhat ini proving.
Mr, Albert Bates has engaged with
Mr, George Daly again for this season.
....Mr. McQuaig, of Lucknow, hes
several thousand feet of rock dm lying
at Belgrave station, the price paid
beiug 518 per liast feet.
AT 11031FL-011 Friday night, 3r.;
Mise E&th Mills entertained a
number of friends at her home. 'Pie,
estriier part of the evening was spent in
gaines, Among which progressive motto
nate added greatly to the enjoyment of
those present. After they all had en-
joyed t hemsel Vet; n it first-class manner,
i•efresliments were served and they
joined in heartily supplying the wane
of the inner 111311. The later part of
the (netting was spent in music, render-
ed by Blyth, Harlock, Kinburn and
Londashoro talent, which was much
appreciated by all. Among those pres-
ent from a distance were Rev. and Mts.
C. C. Keine, of Whiteehurch. They all
report having a good time and beliet e
Edith to be tn hrstolass entertainer.
Before they departed to their homes
in the wee stna"ours of the morning,
they all joined in singing "Attld Lang
Syne" and "God be with you till we
meet iigain."
—111E .':PANDARD corers the ground.