The Blyth Standard, 1903-03-26, Page 8IkTot�;�s ACTS eENrty ♦ E oN 05, LIVE" 5i KION`` BOWEi- GLEANS 5 THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY; i0�5PE CO DAcFl HERS• �E e OVERCOMES HABITUAL GOpERMMANENOT: JTS RtAFFIGIAL t frECT4 801 THE GENUINE—MAN'F'DBY @W? NIAEIGSYRVPC eetaaY etlt E CefONCal.�O � tv+YON.Y,p � 't It sin ere ORJGGIST$ PRICf50c P[A lOfill BELORAVE. PRESENTATION.—Mrs. A. H. Brown entertained her Sunday school class of gide to tea at the parsonage ortTuesday evening of last week. The evening was pleasantly spent in gatnes and music, and during the course of the evening the following addreee was read by Miss Pearl Proctor: Dear Friend and Teach - sr —We, the girls of your Sabbath wheel class, ask you to accept this small present as a alight token of the esteem and love we have for ytet. We are not trying to pay you for your ser- vice, for we know such would be itn• poestble, but we give you this, hopiug that you will think of us as kindly in the future as you have done in the past, Our sincere wish le that you end your kind husband may be spared, and that we may still have you as our Sunday school teacher. Signed in behalf of the Plata, Jennie Proctor, Pearl Proctor, Mary Gregg. After the reading of this address Mise Jennie Proctor made the preeentation of a dainty blue and gold chair fivero'clock tea -set. Mre. Brown wan completely taken by surprise, but thanked them for their kind expression of t1,e appreciation of her efforts, HEW AN'r CAREEN.—From the Her- at/EL published at Dayton, Ohio, of Feb - nary 95th, we take the following rider- less* to former residents of this neighbor- )tpod " Dr. J. H. MoCassy has returned from Cuba, The doctor and his broth- er, Dr, T. C. McCassy, from Concordia, Nanette, purchased two farms of 2000 acres, consisting of timber, pasture and auger cane, with a eugar mill on one of the farms, The Kansas brother will move to Cuba at once and run the farms, Dr. McCaesy will continue to practice in Dayton. Dr. McCussv rode IWO miles on horseback in Cuba in search of a good location. The doctor fettle vety enthusiastic over his new C possessions, Dr. T. C. McCassy is a M gradunte of the Ontario Veterinary liege, and is atnetnber of the board of education of Concordia, Kansas. He alto, owns tt stock farm adjoining that city, whioh he will dieposeof and trees- fer his high -bred horses and hogs to the farm in Cuba, He will erect a modern home on the Royette farm at once and move hie family there. Dr. McCassy MIA considerable real estate in Ranee end Dayton, Ohio, and stock in the traction ear line, and Lo nod his brother recently, purchaeed 2000 ao•ee of land in Cuba, which they will operate as a sugar plantation and orange grove and cattle ranch. Dr. J. H. McCsssy gradu- ated trout the Owen Sound high schuol in 1880 and in 1884 took the degree of M.A. from the National Normal univer- sity of Ohio. In 1887 he graduated from tbe medical department of Toronto university with the degree of M. D. lie practiced medicine at Concordia. Kansas, for six years. Hewes then ap- pointed superintendent of the state in- sane asphun at Topeka, Katisss. After two years he reeigned and studied eye and ear as a specialty, which he has Dayton. successfully for six years in Dayton. He is now chairman of the cotnmirteeon education of Dayton. He is just liD years of age." LOCALS.—Mr. Charles VanNorman is now a visitor in our midst,... Miss Stella Cook ie spending a short time with her friend, ➢ire, W. K. Whaley 'dr. Charles Lawrence is visiting his daugh- ter, Mrs. ,Jay Clegg \ir. Richard Proctor purposee building an exteneion to his house the coming season and remodelling it. When completed it will make n commodious residence.,.,Mr,. Bruce underwent an operation for can- cer last Thursday .Mrs. W. Conary and family have left for Hiawatha, Michigan, where they intend snaking their home in the future.. , . Miss Jessie Cole, who has been spendiug the winter in \\'inghanc, has returned homy to spend the summer \1r. Harry Gos• sten, who has been running a chopper in the village for the past six weeks, left for Manitoba last week.... The saw mill and chopper is now doing a hustling business, under the faithful proprietor, Mr. W. '1', Geddes.... Mr, R. D. Bruce will give up possession of the Queen's hotel on April let and move to his farm in Mullett ....Mr and Mrs. Robert Armstrong, who have been spending the winter with friends here, have left for their home in Willow City, North Dakota.... Mr. Wm. Bougough is slow- ly improving in health, which we are glad to etate.,..Mr. Robert Cutting - hem left last week for Manitoba, whore he intends apouding the summer, MORRIS. CouYeir, Memr1N6.—The council met acceding to adjournment on March !lith. Members all present, the reeve in the chair. ,Minutes of last meeting read and passed. Moved by Mr. Taylor, seconded by Mr. Shaw, that owing to complaints having been made respect- ing Mr. Pierce's fence being built on road allowance, the clerk bo instructed to notify hila that he ie required to have said fence removed on or before July let next, otherwise the council will be obliged to move in tbe matter.—Carried. On motion of Metiers. Code and Shaw, Mr. Jackson was instructed to make ar- rangements with parties interested for the construction of storm fences at cer- tain points on eastern boundary. A copy of the engineer's report, plans, epecifications, etc., of the proposed La- mont drain, running through the north- ern part of the townships of Grey and Morris, was handed in by the clerk of Grey. On motion of Messrs. Jackson end Cede, the clerk was instructed to gall a special meeting of this council ite soon as circumstances will permit for the consideration of said report. Path - masters were appointed as follows: North boundary—C. Henderson, J. Hen- derson, T. M. Henderson, J. McCrack- en, George McDonald, D. Patton, R. Shaw and D. Miller; 1st line—D. W. ampbell, R. !Maguire, L. Fraser, A. ciwen, E. Johnston, W. J. Johnston, rte, NE IryE XRENcia TO F ;11e 1.„10,1N(n6NALwtAK taR N',",7r .YfTHEffgNS&Iyyo,siOtip, a 1Fiiii44... ndonE4iMatfreal.C6) S,'T.„ BRITAIN ERIu ell Druggists d Chemi Peke IeCanada : ;1.00; Mit nettles for 55,00 e Nervousness predominates in wo- men, but men are also subject to it. Excess of various kinds causes it, also intellectual toil and anxiety. Sr. Jams WAFERS are peculiarly indicated in any form of nervous de- bility, as they tone up theentire sys- tem and restore the nerves to their normal condition. They are indica- ted in exhaustion, mental inertia and senile weakness. They contain no alcohol, not being a liquid remedy. Their effect therefore is not that of a mere stimulant, but tonic and permanent. ST. JAMES WAFERS help stomach, digest food and send the nutriment through the blood, and this is the honest way to get health and strenght, the kind that lasts, develops and breeds the euergy which accomplishes! nitich. "I am partlealaely pleased with St. Jame. Wafers. They have b 'en .Dpecialiy useful in my pee. tine when employed in ass,oas itenblas." Dr. A. J. Dem, Eng St. James IVafersave not o tenet t,tdy 'J(kfnYarfraY!deelereYe- , mcne, d, ,g then, to IAN, patient ',email lite formula Ypee topost. Where dealers are not aellingthe Wafer. they are mailed upon re. cei't of rice et the Canadian branch : lt. eau Wafers Ce.,11re et, esthete, et, Snares( BLYTH 'LIVERY and SALE STR3LES Q, Qe an Dr, J, N. Perdue, V.S. PROPRIETOR. vee elks First-class Horses and Rigs for hire at reasonable rates. Best of accommodation to Com- mercial Travellers and others requiring rigs. Veterinary office at livery stable. KING AND QUEEN STREETS, BLYTN. George Peacock and L. Rattan ; 2 line—Wm. Findlater,George Casento Wm. Elston, L. Jewitt, I. Ferranti, Paul, S. Caldbeck, J. Jermyn and W Moses; 8rd line—A. Brydges, Geor Hanna, A. Proctor, George Maxwe J. Thyne, James Moffatt, H. Sella Wm. Sellars and George Henderso 4th line—C. Proctor, W. C. Proctor, B. Wilkinson, J. Wheeler, ('. Wheel R, Sheddan, T. Bradshaw, S. W. But K. McKenzie and John Currie; 5 line—H. Johnston, A. Cloakey, S. Jo don, M. Warren, A. Wilkinson, Clark, D. Somerville, W. J. Smith, Sharp, D. Jordon and A. Adeno; 6 line—R, Craig, A. Cole, \Vin, Michi J. Cook, J. Smith, Wm. Robb, Nichol and J. Jackson; 7th line— Nesbit, J. Phalen, M. Kelly, Wm, Cu ningham, John Hunter, Wm. Hunte A. McCall, A. Button R. Bewley at A. Ashton; 8th line—Vin. Pollock, Richmond, A. Laidlaw, J. Wallace, Bielby,John Colclough, Wm. Skelto G. MCallum, George Kelly, Geor McCall and James Lawson ; 9th line J. Snell, J. Parrott, C. Taylor, J. Jac eon, J. Shortreed, W. J. Shortree Wm, 'Taylor, D. Farquharson and Murray ; South boundary—Geo. Grigg East houndary—A. Aryans, A. M Lau plan, J. Maunders, J Bolger an L. McDonald ; West boundary—Jam Golley, Wm, McCrea, C. Graaby and N Coming; Belgrave—J. L. Geddes. 0 motion of Messrs. Jackson and Taylo the council thea adjourned to mea again on May 25th next for court of re vision and other bueinese. LOCALS.—Mt. John Nethery has sol his 75 -acre farm to Mr. Wm. Kelly who takes poseession in the fall.... Mis Agnes 6peir has arrived hone fro, Toronto, where she spent six mouth Mrs. John T. McArter and eon, o Medora, ,Manitoba, are here on a visi to relatives and friends. Mrs. MCAr'e is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thoma Miller aid has spent the past few year in the prairie province, Mr. McArte made a good sale of his farm at Mader and intends taking a prospecting tou through the Northwest, 'Territorie before deciding on a location to one more settle down ....Mrs. Wm. Wane) was called to Belmore on account o the serious notes of her brother.., Miss Linda Clegg entertained anumhe of her friends the other evening. A enjoyable tints was spent by Mrs. James Russell has returned hom after spending a month with (riende it Clinton ....Mr. M. S. Watson le able to be out again after an attack of the measels....Mr. Frame Martin is busily engaged making maple syrup....Some farmers are ready fnr sugar making,... Mies Clennan goes back to Detroit to follow her profession es trained nurse at which employment she has repeat- edly proven her capability to merit a first place. We wish her success.... Mr, James Clark spent last week visiting his cousins in Teeawater.,•, The St, Thomas Journal, of March 17th, gives the following note concern- ing people well known here, Mrs. Kingswood being a daughter of Mr. and Mrs, James Sharp: ' The officers and teachers of Grace church Sunday school, and the members of the choir, to the number of about 40, gathered at the residence of the superintendent, Mr, I. Kingswood, Horton street, last night, where a reception was tendered them by Mr. and Mrs, Kingswood. The evening was spent in games and social intercourse, and proved a most enjoyable affair. A very dainty lunch- eon was served, and Mrs. Kingswood was voted a first-class hostess, Some very pleasant remarks were made by a number of those present, eulogistic of the kindly feelings existing between the superintendent and the officers and teachers of the school board. The interesting evening's proceedinge were brought to a close by singing ' God Be With You Till We Meet Again,' and prayer by the pastor, Rev. W. Godwin," red re, S. m, 1e 1, re, n; C. th T. J, th e, R. R, n- 1 H. T. u, ge k- d, A. c - i es r, s. a n EXETER. SKITS.—Rev. B. L. Hutton, of Cen- tralia, occupied the pulpit of the James street Methodist church on Sunday morning.... Mrs. Isaac Carling, who has been in failing health for some months, continues very low, and being advanced in years her recovery is very doubtful.... Mr. Wm. Kuntz recently purchseed the dwelling be has been residing in for sometime from Mies Harrison. The price paid was 1900... Mrs. John McMahou, a highly respect- ed resident of the 8rd concession of Hay, died at the residence of her son, Mr. John McMahon, on Wednesday last, in the 75th year of her age..,, Mr. W. Chowan and daughter, formerly of Anderson, have moved into the lienee recently vacated by Mrs. Morlock.... Mr. A. Q. Bobirr was in Dresden last week in connection with the beet sugar industry, and hs.d a conference with Capt. Davis in reference to the building of a factory in Exeter. There is every possibility that in the near future such ;nay he the easeand may be a step in the rigtt direction. In oouoeotion with Bring In Your Pictures. Special attention is paid to our Picture Framing department. We carry in stock a large assortment of Mouldings ranging in price from Sc per foot up to 25o per foot. Our artist will select Frames that will harmonize with your ptcturee. We also carry a large stock of Room Mouldings, Picture Hooke, Wire, G lass, Etc. J. H. CHELLEW -0•10-- 'BLYTH. illP11071046410%.1b0111 FOR CQOD HEALTH To preserve or restore It, there is no better prescription for men, women and children than Ripens Tabules. They are easy to take. They are made of a combination of medi- eines approved and used by every physician. Ripens Ta- bules are widely used by all sorts of people—but to the plain, every -day Bilks they are a veritable friend in need. Ripane Tubules have become their standard family remedy. They are a dependable, honest remedy, with a tong and suc- cessful record, to eure indigestion, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn constipation, offensive breath, heartburn, dizziness, palpitation of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular rheumatism, soar stomach, bowel and liver complaints. They strengthen weak stomachs, build up rundown systems, restore pure blood, good appetite and sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives constant benefit from a regular use of Ripane Tabules. Your druggist sells them. The five -cent packet is enough for an ordinary occasion. The Family Bottle, 60 cents, con- tains a supply for a year. R•I•P•A•N•S t,c ;t K KC.K KO(K K&K K&K KK Went, Nervous, Diseased Men. throu1heearlyindiscretion Middle Atmcesses.aSelabuseandConstitutionaallBlood Diseases have ruined and wrecked tbe life of many a promising young man. Ban von any of the following symptoms: Nervous and Despondent; Tired in Morning; No Ambition; Memory Poor; Easily Fatigued; Excitable and Irritable; Eyes Blur; Pimples on the Face, Dreams and Drains at Night; "Meilen; Baggord Looking; i. Blotches; Sore Throat; Bair Loose; Paine 1n the Body' Sunken Eyes Lifelesst Distrustful and Lack of Energy and Strength, Our New Method Treolma,t will build you ep mentally, physically and Sexually, Queen Oaaranteed or no Pay. SS YEARS M MOT. BANK si'N) Nsmell Used Without wrltt'sConsent. MrY. A NIDRVOtja WRECK, A HAPPY LIF&. '1'"I live one arm.P.EttAt school lsonu • learned awLearlyy habit, which weakened me physically, sexually and mentally. Family Doctors said I was going into "decline" (Consumption). Finally, "Tbe Golden Monitor," edited by Drs. Kennedy & Keegan fell Into my vitality. I took the Nese Method Trees. I learned hneed and was cured. My friends had sapped wY cared of Consumption. I have sent them many patients, all of whom were caged. Their New Method Treatment supplies vigor, Vitality and manhood." Coasoltetioa free, Seeks Fru, write ter gaatle Beek for Nose Treatmset. Drs. Kennedy & Kergan, K K&K KC';K Kat' K r(i,K Lv K K K `K this idea, we may point out the benefit derived therefrom in the giving of employment to a large number of hands, besides being a very profitable invest- ment for the,farmers in this section, EAST W WA AROSN. Sun:a—Mr. Isaac Walker killed a large snake when on his way to Wing - ham one day last week. This is said to be a sure sign that spring weather is here to stay.... Mr, Charles McBurney has gone to Manitoba, where he has taken up a homestead ....Messrs. Her- bert Catnpbell and Horace Sowlar, of Goderieh collegiate institute spent Wednesday of last week at their re- speotive homes...,.Mr. A. Patterson sold a span of yearling colts to Mr. John Wheeler, of Morris, for /190.... Mrs. James Ferguson and little son, of Bayfield, aro visiting at Marnoch.... Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Henry aro visit• ing in Leamin,gton....Mrs. Elliott Rich- mond, of St. Jacobe, is spending a few days on the 9th ....Mr.Jeckson Wight - man has sold his farm to Mr. David Scott. —Advertise in Tun STANDARp. —A printing office in Michigan is opened and closed with prayer. This is a rare exception to the rule, as from time immemorial it has been the custom for printing offices to be opened by the devil and closed by the sheriff. 60 YEAR$' EXPERIENCE' ATENTS TRADE Mane DESIGNS i COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyo7ne Pending a Nicol eh end deseripti-m may sum tion le,ir "pima free whet l,or an Prrubnbly Palo,t„hle. ('nmmunlrw clone etrlelly ogndldenl.lal. I l undnok on Patents sent. hoe. Oldest agency for nurturing patent,. Futuna taken through Mac & Co. receive special notice, without came. In the Scientific ,Hinericane A handsomely illustrated weekly. Lamest ole. mutation of any seientlao fi uMW, ,area, eta . Riau. months 51. sold byd1 nawrk .dealehs, g, ra, 1meeaY4.. e Seeds! Seeds! Spring le with us and we have provided our. selves with a large supply of all kinds of Seeds— farm and vegetable. See our Homegrown Timothy and Clover Seed—not American seed. Give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. As usual our C-raoery Shelve. are full of nice fresh, crisp goods which we are sell- ing at marvellously luw prices. Look at our choice Laver Raisins, 3 lbs, for 25c. 4 lbs. Currants for 25a No. 1 Cheese 14c per lb. The housewife will want a new Whitewash Brush—we have theni all prices to suit everybody. See our new brand of Japan Tea. Highest market cash price for Butter and Eggs. Potatoes wanted, GEO. POWELL PRETORIA BLOCK Bring In Your Pictures. Special attention is paid to our Picture Framing department. We carry in stock a large assortment of Mouldings ranging in price from Sc per foot up to 25o per foot. Our artist will select Frames that will harmonize with your ptcturee. We also carry a large stock of Room Mouldings, Picture Hooke, Wire, G lass, Etc. J. H. CHELLEW -0•10-- 'BLYTH. illP11071046410%.1b0111 FOR CQOD HEALTH To preserve or restore It, there is no better prescription for men, women and children than Ripens Tabules. They are easy to take. They are made of a combination of medi- eines approved and used by every physician. Ripens Ta- bules are widely used by all sorts of people—but to the plain, every -day Bilks they are a veritable friend in need. Ripane Tubules have become their standard family remedy. They are a dependable, honest remedy, with a tong and suc- cessful record, to eure indigestion, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn constipation, offensive breath, heartburn, dizziness, palpitation of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular rheumatism, soar stomach, bowel and liver complaints. They strengthen weak stomachs, build up rundown systems, restore pure blood, good appetite and sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives constant benefit from a regular use of Ripane Tabules. Your druggist sells them. The five -cent packet is enough for an ordinary occasion. The Family Bottle, 60 cents, con- tains a supply for a year. R•I•P•A•N•S t,c ;t K KC.K KO(K K&K K&K KK Went, Nervous, Diseased Men. throu1heearlyindiscretion Middle Atmcesses.aSelabuseandConstitutionaallBlood Diseases have ruined and wrecked tbe life of many a promising young man. Ban von any of the following symptoms: Nervous and Despondent; Tired in Morning; No Ambition; Memory Poor; Easily Fatigued; Excitable and Irritable; Eyes Blur; Pimples on the Face, Dreams and Drains at Night; "Meilen; Baggord Looking; i. Blotches; Sore Throat; Bair Loose; Paine 1n the Body' Sunken Eyes Lifelesst Distrustful and Lack of Energy and Strength, Our New Method Treolma,t will build you ep mentally, physically and Sexually, Queen Oaaranteed or no Pay. SS YEARS M MOT. BANK si'N) Nsmell Used Without wrltt'sConsent. MrY. A NIDRVOtja WRECK, A HAPPY LIF&. '1'"I live one arm.P.EttAt school lsonu • learned awLearlyy habit, which weakened me physically, sexually and mentally. Family Doctors said I was going into "decline" (Consumption). Finally, "Tbe Golden Monitor," edited by Drs. Kennedy & Keegan fell Into my vitality. I took the Nese Method Trees. I learned hneed and was cured. My friends had sapped wY cared of Consumption. I have sent them many patients, all of whom were caged. Their New Method Treatment supplies vigor, Vitality and manhood." Coasoltetioa free, Seeks Fru, write ter gaatle Beek for Nose Treatmset. Drs. Kennedy & Kergan, K K&K KC';K Kat' K r(i,K Lv K K K `K this idea, we may point out the benefit derived therefrom in the giving of employment to a large number of hands, besides being a very profitable invest- ment for the,farmers in this section, EAST W WA AROSN. Sun:a—Mr. Isaac Walker killed a large snake when on his way to Wing - ham one day last week. This is said to be a sure sign that spring weather is here to stay.... Mr, Charles McBurney has gone to Manitoba, where he has taken up a homestead ....Messrs. Her- bert Catnpbell and Horace Sowlar, of Goderieh collegiate institute spent Wednesday of last week at their re- speotive homes...,.Mr. A. Patterson sold a span of yearling colts to Mr. John Wheeler, of Morris, for /190.... Mrs. James Ferguson and little son, of Bayfield, aro visiting at Marnoch.... Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Henry aro visit• ing in Leamin,gton....Mrs. Elliott Rich- mond, of St. Jacobe, is spending a few days on the 9th ....Mr.Jeckson Wight - man has sold his farm to Mr. David Scott. —Advertise in Tun STANDARp. —A printing office in Michigan is opened and closed with prayer. This is a rare exception to the rule, as from time immemorial it has been the custom for printing offices to be opened by the devil and closed by the sheriff. 60 YEAR$' EXPERIENCE' ATENTS TRADE Mane DESIGNS i COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyo7ne Pending a Nicol eh end deseripti-m may sum tion le,ir "pima free whet l,or an Prrubnbly Palo,t„hle. ('nmmunlrw clone etrlelly ogndldenl.lal. I l undnok on Patents sent. hoe. Oldest agency for nurturing patent,. Futuna taken through Mac & Co. receive special notice, without came. In the Scientific ,Hinericane A handsomely illustrated weekly. Lamest ole. mutation of any seientlao fi uMW, ,area, eta . Riau. months 51. sold byd1 nawrk .dealehs, g, ra, 1meeaY4.. e