The Blyth Standard, 1903-03-12, Page 814465
10�5PE �0� NEADACii veRS;
ITS BENtrroAL ofEcT4
at Sett NH ANC, �NIYOA
convened from mei.
they would try to introduce something
on the salve lines in that fair. These
feetates had resulted in great success is
the Whitby model fair and comprised
the giving of valuable prizes to the
teacher and pupils of any public school
station tot the best collection of cut
flowers grown on the school grounds,
the beet exhibit of grain in the straw,
collections of clovers and grasses, roots,
fruits and vegetables, beneficial and in-
jurious insects, etc, The directors
wanted to give these methods a trial,
and the assistance of his hearers was
requested when the appeal should be
made to the trustees and teachers of
their school section.
The concluding speaker was Mr. 11
McGillicuddy. He thought it good way
to secure the interest of the boyo and
girls In the farm was to give thein
something for the work they did in their
spare 'time, so that they might have
acme pocket looney, and be independent.
'Phe speaker recalled the time when
sone people wel'e not in favor of the
farmers' institutes, or even of the agri-
cultural college, but it was now con-
ceded on all hands that good had cone
from theta .both. The farmers were
engaged in a business which was the
largest industry in Canada and one
upon which other industries were large-
ly dependent. At one time it was sup-
posed that any old fellow could run a
farm, but it has been discovered that a
farmer needed as inuAh brain power
and had V. use it as actively as in any
other occupation, if ho were to be suc-
cessful. At the recent meeting of the
Canadian Press association Mr. l:roel-
rsan had submitted a scheme for sup-
plying newspapers with a better class of
farming information than hal beenpub-
lished in the pest, and lie believed the
new yuan might be adopted by thenewA-
palwrs hi the near future,
BAD PIKE. --About one o'clock Satur-
day morning fire Was diecncered in the
Sun printing office in the Strong block.
The plant, which .waw valued at 13400,
iv almost a total Ions. Insured in Perth
Mutual Co. for $2500. The Oyster Bey
restaurant, next door, in the same
block, together with the household
offortit, owned by Mr, Oscar Neil, were
partially damaged by smoke and water;
fully covered by insurance in the
Msnchester Co. Damage to building
light ; cause of the unknown.,
CONCERT, —A grand concert under the
auspices of the Auburn Rifle association
will be given in the Temperance hall,
Auburn, on Tuesday evening, Iterch
17th, The renowned comic vocalist,
Billy McLeod, of Seatovth, will be
present and give several selections.
Some of the best local talent has also
been secured, including the Tyndall
Bros., of Carlow • Miss Patterson, of
Auburn, and others. This concert
promises to be the greatest treat of the
season; come everybody and have a
good time. Doors open at nevetl o'clock ;
concert begins at eight. Admission:
Adults, 25 cents; children, 15 cents.
To Hr. John J. McGaughey. Township of Nor -
r, ., Myth P 0 , Outarto. Deer air,—I v.ry much
regret that I,r,peat+d a .tatxmout made en me
to the effect that you bed tukeu a talee oath in
tbo Hall case et (iodel12.114111
eh. J Jle What tt it
statement woo and Iv Cntirel without wy
eoundannn, sed te pot erne; en eO I uurrservedly
withdraw it, end spnloglse to you for having
retreated It. Yours trul�y�L moody Joss WAL-
LeOS. Witness, (elated; W. ,tea. MANX, Towu
ship of Monis, February 90th,1903.
Farm For Sale. 9711
The nnder.lgned offers bis faint, lot 87. 000 3,
East Wawanuab, fur sate. The farm °entities
lee sore., 90 tern cleared, osisuce good bard.
wood bob, 99 enrol ploughed, 8 sore. of fah
wheat, b stores of orchard ; good baro with Hume
'tabling end cement floor, 5600; gond stone
bog pen with driving Louse over, 69x98; two
good well. ; frame house, one and • hall storeys
bleb, with good stone °eller and cement door.
The farm is well watered by a living spring
Meet end ie well edepted for stook purposes.
Is Is three miles from ttlytb and hell mile front
s school. For full pnrtlonlar. apply to GeOlw'
QOiNN on the promisee, or address Blyth C.O.
COUNCIL MEETING,—Tie council met
acr.oruiug to adjournment on February
18th; members all present. Minutes
of last meeting were read olid approved.
The euditora' report was press -ted lt•
MI'. W. E. Gordon and was adoppted.
Mr, J. H. Taylor was appointed collect -
tor for 1908, A. communication wee
read from the mayor of Goderioh, re
Goderioh herhor improvements. A
resolution wee passed asking the got •
ernment to make the ueceseary improve-
meuto. The reeve and clerk were
appointed to attend a meeting et
Clinton on March 4th, to make arrange-
ments re the spending of the provincial
grant to good roads. The following
checks were issued :—Mftnicipal World,
supplies, 61805; A. McAllister, work
on west boundary, $8;J. Atchieson,
gravel, $2.76; A. Johnston, gravelling,
$14; H. Fowler, shovelling gravel, $l ;
W. H. Wilson, Mintier, /2; J. Yount',
lumber, $12.26; R. Thompson, gravel,
etc; W. Donnelly, gravel, 18.4b; C.
Taylor, expenses re Board of Health,
$2; Thomas Nicbulson, gravel, *400;
W. E. Gordon and B. J. Crawford,
each $7 as auditore. Coonoil adjourned
to tweet on March 18th at 10 o'clock.
REMOVALS.—Mr. and Mrs. John Black
have moved into Mr. Morton's house on
the 8th line,.,,Mr, and Mrs. W. J.
Ward, of Morris, have moved their
effects to the farm they purchased from
Mr. Black last fall ,.. , Mr. Chas, Wight -
man has rented his farm to his brother
Robert. He expects to move to St.
Thomas, where he has secured a situa-
tion....Messrs, Wm. Killough A Son,
who have purchased a handle factory at
Exeter, are busily engaged moving their
effects to their new home. Wo wieh
them good fortune in their new home,
WEDDING BELLS.—An interesting
event took piece at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. W. J. Wightman on Febru-
251.h, the occasion being the marriage
of their second daughter, Mabel, to Mr.
Wesley J, Stackhouse, a young and
prosperous farmer of East Wawanoah.
Precisely at the hour of four o'clock
the bride entered the parlor leaning on
the arm of her father and took her place
under an evergreen arch, while the
strains of music were played by Mies
Hannah J, Stackhouse. Theybride was
attired in a gown of white organdie
trimmed with chiffon and lace. 'Phe
young couple were unattended. The
ceremony VMS performed by Rev. T. B.
Coupland. Mr. end Mrs. Stackhouse
will rgeide on the Stackhouse farm in
Westfield. The presents received were
numerous and coecl,y. Friends were
—Ntul wEammul
11aQt rustlt0NALw�551 d
THE rrN511TUTloN
*lain Canada: $1.00,
tris bottles for $3 00 ,
Debility of system causes neural-
gia, and whatever tends to produce
enfeeblements induces it. This affec-
tion is undeniably due to lack of
vitality, and its very existence is
evidence of deficient strength.
Remedial measures should there-
fore be directed to improve the whole
system, for when strength returns to
the system, the neuralgic condition
of the nerves will disappear.
This now is supplied by ST. JAMMs
WAFERS; they seldom fail to relieve;
their effect is a general building up
of the system.
ST. JAMES Warms help stomach,
digest food and send the nutriment
through the blood, and this is the
honest way to get health and strength,
the kind that lasts, develops and
breeds the energy which accost•
plishes much.
"St. JamonWatera.ever varies.
They are a remedy "without a
pate, wtthoat a rival." is all
woo of neuralgia then kayo Iro-
ns a moble sad true ally."
Dr. Patrick Boyle.
Dublin, rrelaa4.
Sr. Jame IVa All art 1101 O ,torr[
reetery: (, then uwetrous d stem .
ros, aanaing !heft fa their f,dire(r
rut wail she formulae a/o* r.gatrl.
Where dealers ere not selling the
WaL s they are mai;ed upon re-
ceipt of too: et the Canudlau
broach : SI. Jones Wept Co., 1721
Comm, $t„ Yesunl.
Good Farms and Saw Mill
For Sale.
No 1—ave lot R, eon. b, East Wawanosb, con-
taining 100 lorel,10 00906 Bleared ani' 1n a good
stall ut ould,atloh, 90 aures partially cleared
*n6 90 acres of Surber land. The soil Is a Rood
lomat, Then is on the plane a gond Wok dwell.
lag house 20:34, nue sod s half storeys, with
kltoben attache,, wood-*berl 9000, auJ Moue
cellar under full pile of house; good cistern;
goal well and windmill eonvenient to hones
rod outbntldtnge; trenw born bOabb, with stone
scabies underteatn; two frame dwellings 18195,
one and a half storey,; a *team sew mill 80.180,
two storeys, w'th boiler, engine end all neoel
eery nhachtuetp for manufacturing limber,
lath and shingles, all In goo., order.
No, 2-4I lot 94. son. 1, lean Wewano*b, con.
Mfolne 100 acne, ed sores cleared and m a good
Mate of enittvrtion, 10 acre, o1 tlmber land.
There le ou the place a good frame barn 00x00
and 20 feet high voth It nos stables under the
Lull sits; good frame dwelling 9008, cue and a
half mores oo, Wray Stinnett attached.
No. 3-111 lel 38, 000. 7, East Watvenwh, eon.
[atmos 100 Sores, 110 acre, cleared end in a or d
state of ounlvetiou, 10 saes of timber land.
The moll 1e a 100d clay loam. On the place
there is a good frame dwellt'g 29*30, atone eel.
ler, we.h kitchen attaehe l 10.0*. cue nod a belt
etnroya; hard and * D water; gond frame barn
401601, with atone *bole. under, Pram° otabtea
and shed °4. 0; good 09th ad. 'Chic piece is
well drained sod hex a never tallies spring tut -
Mug thtnngh t.
For full particulars apply to To .rasa R.Ter-
Wt attivid
wtatIWid, lint„ 05 10 0. RabiLTo,,
Blyth Po., Ont, 19ntt
Ir ��rYaiYarl��`ri�i
We hove Fresh Groceries arriving daily. It will be to your
interest to call and see our
Raisins, 3 lbs. for 250.
Raisins, 5 lbs. for 250.
Currants, 4 lbs. for • 26o.
Figs, 8 lbs. for 25o.
Tapioca, 8 lbs. for 26o.
See our New 35c Broom for 28c, sewn with steel wire. We are sole
agents for it,
See our Fish, the finest and cheapest in the country.
Clover, Timothy Seed and Potatoes wanted. Highest market
price always paid for Produce.
Bring In Your Pictures.
Special attention is paid to our Picture Framing department. We carry in
stock a large assortment of Mouldings ranging in price from 8c per foot up to 25o
per foot. Our artist will select Frames that will harmonize with your pictures.
We also carry it large stock of Room Mouldings, Picture Hooks, Wire,
Glass, Etc,
present from Menitoles, Michi,zan,
Wingheni, Guelph and Londesbot•o....
Another similar event took place at the
residence of Mr. Wesley .1. Stackhouse
on Weaneedayp of last week, when his
Rioter, Hanneft J., became the wife of
Mr, Wm. McDowell. The bride enter
ed the parlor to the strains of mnaic
played by Miss Christiana ;McClinton.
The ceremony was performed by Rev.
T. B. Coupland, The bride was attired
in white organdie trimmed with chiffon.
Mr. Marvin McDowell acted as grooms-
man, while [Mise Mary McClinton as-
sisted the bride. Ada May Stackhouse
Acted as flower girl, being dressed in
pink silk. Congratulations being over,
about 200 invited guests sat down to a
sumptuous repast prepared for the oc.
cannon Hearty congratulations to
Mr. and Mrs. Stackhouse and Mr. and
Airs. McDowell, all of which TitESTAN-
DARD joins in.
Noris.—Mr. David Ramsay wee sum-
moned to Harbor Beach, Michigan, last
week owing to the serious illrieas of his
father, Mr. Robetl Ramsay, formerly of
Westfield ,Mrs. James Anderson, who
spent the winter here, returned to her
home in Plumes, Manitoba, on Monday
leet..,.Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Taylor and
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Taylor, wild were
present at the marriage of their nephew
and niece, Wesley end Hannah Stack-
house, returned to their home in Guelph
on Mondey.... Mies M. McNaughton,
of Brussels, is the guest of Mrs. R. Mc-
DowellMrs. K. Cameron, of Luck -
now, is visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. McDowell Mr. A. B. Carr
Met it valuable horse last week.... Mr,
Walter Richardson, of Grand Valley,
to Yisiiiog friends in this locality....
Mise Emma Fothergill has returned
from Clinton, where she wee the guest
of her sister, Mrs. H. 9MeVittie....The
pupils of Westfeld school and outbids
talent are making prepare tions to have
an entertainment on Friday evening,
March 20th. Everybody welcome....
Mr. A. B. Carr Bret with a. misfortune
on Friday. He fell and injured his
back..,., Mr, Robert Taylor, who under-
went an operation sometime ago, we
are pleased to env, is able to be around
again Mrs. Wm. Howitt, who has
been sick for sometime, is improving.
..Mr. WmMcLarty received word
last week of the illness of his mother in
Michigan With those who have
entered mstrimony,,and those who are
contemplating matrimony, we am as-
sured Westfield will be a place of ten-
fold happiuess this coming summer.
SCHOOL. REPORT.—The following is
the report of the pupils of S.S. No. 12,
Morris, based on punctuality, regular-
ity, good deportment and general pro-
ficiency:—Sr, 1V.—John Merritt and
Colin McDonald (equal), David Bowel',
Maud Wells. Jr. 1V.—Robert Wat-
son, Gertrude Gibson. Sr. I11,—Alex.
Wells. Jr. II1.—John Bryant, Bessie
Wells. Sr, HI.—Myrtle Morris, Willie
Hoy, Florence Watson, James Merritt,
Pearl Gibson, Jeanette Wells. Jr. 11.
—Bessie Cockerline, John Bowes, John
Scall. Pt. IL—Mary Wells and Sarah
Watson (equal), Herbie Mortis, lieii-
lie Parrott. Pt. I.—Willie Merritt
and Myrtle Young (equal), Willie
Bowes, Grace 811011,—OLvETTA BRIG -
RAM, Teacher.
BRIEFS.—March has brought with
her some tine weather, but being so
much like a lamb will oo doubt change
into a lion before It is out.... Mr. and
Mrs. Robert James were the guests of
Mims Rachel Walden one day last week.
..Mr. John Braduock returned home
from the Soo last week. John looks
well.... Mr. Joseph Coombe has the
contract for pruning AIr. George
Powe11's orchard.... Mr. 11. B. Me-
t/ov'eu ham r,maged Mr. David Kechne
for eight months. Dave leu good man,
Mr. John liechne left last weed far
les feria at Underwood Mr. A.
Patterson sold a fine span of yearling
colts to•Alr, Wheeler for the eat suss
ns MIewrrWle
To preserve or restore it, there is no better prescription
for 10011, women and children than Ripens Tabules. They
aro easy to tape. Then• are made of a combination of medi-
cines approved and used by every physician. Ripens Ta-
bules are widely used by all sorts of people—but to the
plain, every -day folks they are a veritable friend in need.
Ripens Tabules hove become their standard family remedy.
They are a dependable, honest remedy, with a long and suc-
cessful record, to cure indigestion, dyspepsia, habitual and
stubborn constipation, offensive breath, heartburn, dizziness,
palpitation of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular rheumatism,
sour stomach, bowel and liver complaints. They strengthen
weak stomachs, build up run-down systems, restore pure
blood, good appetite and sound, natural sleep. Everybody
derives constant benefit from a regular use of Bipans Tabules.
Your druggist sells them. The five -cent paoket is enough
for an ordinary occasion.. The Family Bottle, 60 costs, con-
tains a supply for a year.
K«K Koc K Kl'<K KGcK re0
If yoaever coatracted any blood disease you are tweet sale unless the vires or
potoou has been eradicated lrom the system. Have you aey of the following symP
tome? Bore tbroat, ulcers on the tongue or In the mouth, hall falling out, ackiof
pales, ltchl neat Of the skin, 'eraser blotches on the body eyes red and smart, d7J1-
peptic stomach, sexual weakness—htdicetloas of the aeecoudary ofage, Duel 'lite
your system with the old logy treatment—mercury and potash—which 0011 sup-
presses the Symptoms for time Only to break oat again when happy In doataetic
lite. Don't let quacks experiment on you. Our New Method
Tras0aent is guaranteed to core you. Our guarantees are backed
by bank hoods, that the disease will never return. Tboneande of
patients have been already cured by our New Method Trsetmeot
tot over 20 years, No names used without written coswat.
Mr. & L. C. wrltest "Your remedies bars done me more good
than Rot Springs and all the doclure and medicines 1 had pre.
el/rusty teed. 1 have not felt any of those pains or seen oil
ulcers or blotches for over seven years end the outward sy mptoins
of lbo !nettlesome diseaca base entirely disappeared. My hale
hag grown in felly again and Lein married wad happy."
5010001 TSIA/Mu1T. CURIO OIA0ANT*ID OR K0 a*Y. SS Ulan to OITRWT.
Drs. Kennedy @. Kerga►n,
l t
K KK& K K•t: K K 1c'K K Sr %( K K
of$190....Mr, Wm. Longman moved
last week to his now farm in Hallett,
We expect to meet with him in his new
borne before long. We wish hitt every
nrccess....Mr, David McGill moved
from Blyth to hie fat last week.,Mr...
While Wm. McGowan was engag-
ed taking out tome los last week he
was severely poisoned with ivy.... A
load of young people of the 8rd line
spent a very peasant evening with Mr.
Allen, of Hulett. The evening was
well spent till the wee sma' hours in
the morning.
FIRE.—What is known as the Combs
block was completely destroyed by lire
Monday night. The block consisted of
Comhe'e drug store, Hay's laundry and
Couch's Incl cher shop, Ani adjoins
Cooper's book store. Mr• Combo waw
filling a prescription for Dr. them, and
while in the back shop carrying a bottle
of alcohol le one hand Cud a lane in
the other had tine reiefortune to fail,
causing the fire. This was the oldest
foetus block in town, and wail standing
settee Clinton was known as ileum).
bury'eCorners, Insurance on building
$2000. Air, Hays will lose heavily, as
also Mr. Combe and Mr. Couch, but
their losses are partly covered by
--Advertise in T1 E STANDARD.
Dee10NR 1
Anyone !endinngg n sketch and description mar
Ivtionlrohnby ptenhleCnmuniea-
Mom etrtMlycontdmoiriaudbtxnk on Patents
sent free Oldest agpency our armoring potents.
Pateuta taken through Nunn a Co. rocetve
1perlal O tte8, withoutcharge, m the
aloft .American.
A handsomely enlarged wren l?. Largest no
ciliation of anT xeleutlOC ] total. Tomas, 9t t
ea{ur�;iNmir mutate, l'L Etch Lyall nes. .d•*len.
Mlir i'oL .c0 l y;Naw T9rk