The Blyth Standard, 1903-03-12, Page 7Ills.....
"A Free Sample Packet"
of Delicious "SALADA" Ceylon Tea
(Black, Mixed or Natural Green) will be
sent to any person filling in this coupon and
sending it to us with a 2 -cent stamp for
postage. Write Plainly and mention Black, Mixed
or Nhtural Green
Address "SALADA" TEA CO., Toronto.
eMM evs0YMff!snasteMk4r!s wa!YMYs,!!✓wyyasnre •.,vy ,.,r py
The Comte srcial, a weekly publica-
tion devoted to finance and insurance
matter:, publish •11 Ito 'Winnipeg, under
tate headiest; of ":Apples not Wattled
In the 11'es1;' in n. leading article ,y -
presses the ladle( ticat. It may not
be out ofll 1''111l t111s tittle to IN tor
a, word of o-:u•ning to 1)nlarlo apple
shippers against rending any more
fruit to Ili' ur141 0 110 1(t first brim;
euro that silts will be found for this
goals, Our periodical visits to the
warehouses at Winnipeg ((nil our ad-
vlcrw from other stomps points 1;1
the west, It suer on to 11110, demon-
strate the fact that there aro im-
mense 010,•10 0! 11pplcs 41010 o(1 hand
here, far more (I(1( a enno;glt to 1111.0
1111 Iryil11111111' ()Coin lido for severe]
months to 00)01'..) look al the adver-
tising columns of our city daily lut-
pors will ((olvhlce anyone that there
aro alrewly too many apples in 1110
country, nN the auction sale rue
oonnecments are 11berall,y besprinkled
with notices of ample sales, and event
at low priers, which are being paid
for 1110 fruit In tills way, consump-
tion 10 not stimulated to the point
where present stocks will be token
oar() of. Most of the Ontario apples
whloh Iavr been soil here from last
year's crop have been of decidedly
poor quality, 11 11,1 it 1s more. than
probable that further shipments
would be nn better, 1f not very much
worse, in which 01401 the slipper
might better feed them to the pigs
where they are, an it Is almost cer-
tain that on arrival at Winnipeg
they would have to bo sold for less
than the freight charges upon tho1.
There are today in store In 11110 illy
Intedred of barrels of apples which
w'lll 111,001. realize the costs optiust
1Min, and their quality is not the
woost, either. IW'ith this feet in view
it .101,;.r 1101 4.00(11 Mil of Jiro, 14( 1men
the (rude hl the ,.art against
va(ing the sltuatioe by further shg1-
m1i(1N In nn nlrrvoiv a Iattistnc(ory
western apple 11ulrlo'1.
Burp is this situation; and Onta-
rio and other '8h!1'rn apple shippers
would ev,rtaieiy be well ndvi(101 to
Inquire Into (h1( truth of these alle-
gations before dequitelling further
skim/tents to the (vest.
The sant' paper 1''p 1114 n speech
try the President of the \Viutdprg
Board of Trade. 110. Joliet Russell,
at the armor( meeting o` the holy,
In which 'tha't gentleman, under the
heading of "ilouest Apple Packing,"
said: "Ont' result of the auction of
this BOO 1.11 11(81 ycnur was 111:0 great-
ly Improved .qualily of the packing
of the apples shipped Into and sold
in 11anttobn during the last season.
For almost 11)14' first tine, it las
been poeobie to purchase apples)
brought here (rout Ontario with n
tea 00(wt)1Ie feeling of assurance the
the fruit on the top of the b rrel
at halal fairly represented the gen-
eral contents. It is also satisfactory
to rr'o0nise (haat the, fruit Inspee-
tar 111 11118 city is discharging his
d11114'N hi 41 moat comuteeabil man-
ger, loa41g no opportunity or pr'o-
lC:ti0t the public nil the Winnipeg
fruit dealers, who have hitherto been
so largely at the merry of dishon-
est packers." 1)'. A. (bar.(, Dominion
1)epn.rtmcn( of .11gricullurl', Frb. 19,
Startling Cure Reported
From a Small Town
in Nova Scotia,
(From Mail and Empire.)
Ilallf&x, N. S., Feb. Ci.-(Speclal.)-
News has reached here from the lit- t
tlo Tilwn of Slltubenttcttdie, on the In- I
t(reldonial 121011wn.y, In ]Pants Coun-
ty. of a euro t11a.t !e just as import- t
ant from a medieal point of clew
ns 1110 operations of Dr. Lorenz are t
from a surgical standpoint. The 1111-
eeko that has at last .1101404) to t
research BrIN the long un-
c(>uyner:rble Bright's UisrBse, that
ham for so wally yearn held Dilyal-
apostle himself, at the moment,
could not be found, iris attendants;
were violently drugged nlunll by tb'
mulUlwle.-Lunge. (cruel -11' 11 d
!ked of txm•inth and ha'1 vet,'rtltin-
(d Paul at Iris 11011ar (l. Cur. 1. 11;
114011, 0(1. 1111). ,1rif;ttu•rhnw-11c at-
tendexl Liam to home, owl was there
a prisoner with Ilhn ((lot. iv, 1Gr.
1;0, Would have entered -Paul w'111
hairless arid reedy (.l stead in 11110
forefront of +tenger. 111, 4(o doubt
hoped to be 1b1e to quell the out-
break. Hntfems' !dui rant-1ifs ll'
tyle too precious to be thus ria1e(I,
It appearly that Paul listened to
the entreaties of the disclpl's
this occasion; at 00101' ((111', he
did not 1111.88 xx1, 10-1 11.
11. P110 chief of .Min -Thr ()righted
word is Asinre115. "The=se were ten
MCC, annually elect0'1 from the must
Mitten tin! in the province, to co11duet
Uro sacrificial worship, and to pre-
side over the games, to provide the
Mrs. Fairbanks tells how i
neglect of warning symptoms
will soon prostrate a woman.
She thinks woman's safeguard
is Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable j
"Ignorance and neglect are the
cause of untold female suffering, not
only with the laws of health but with
the chance of assure. I did not heed the
warnings of headaches, organic pains
and general weariness, until I was
well nigh prostrated. I knew I had to
do something. Happily I dict the right
thing, 1 took Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound faithfully
according to directions, and was re-
worded in a few weeks to find that my
aches and pains disappeared, and I
again felt the glow of health through
my body. (ince I have been well I
have been more careful. I have also
advised u number of my sick friends
to take Lydia U. Pinkll(lnr's Vege-
table Compound, and they have
never had re10Nou to be sorry. Yours
very truly, Alae. ,MAY FAIIleAsse, 216
South 701 St., Minncapoli s,,ll inn." (Airs.
Fairbanks is one of the most successful
and highest salaried travelling sales-
women 1n the 11 est. )-$•,5000 forfeit/10,40W I
When women are troubled with r
irregular, suppressed or p(dufni men-
struation, leucorrheea, displacement, f
etc„ remember, there is one tried and (
tree remedy. Lydia E. P1nkbanl's
Vegetable Compounti
an0 ether can='se would have de-
prr.r,l 91:1111 of all cootie'. of u hear -
•.`i-111. ('111^114 are npru--''lt l8 n.
mercy of (14(1) when a avis'.' govern-
ment evbri0, watch Ir; rill)' 1m malt
tato law and order." Other nett 101
14(}Uhtuq t)1It pertains to pe111
oftairs. Lawful --ll 4111111 be sutll(
in ennforw111 to law :wd not by
mot,. in dimer --Tie ; wore In duh
ger of being called to account b
tie' proconsul. The Roman govcrl
melt 10ro1c10d (very appearance of
s(14110on lathe provinces with' a Jcal-
InN (yr. It 11'as a Cap11;'11 011.'ael
to 1111(e' ur1,4' part Ina riotous pro-
eeedilg." No cause. -"There, beim:
no ('101051 for Itt (11(40 s.5 touching it
we shall not lovable to give accunt11
of 11110 euneourse"
Tluruglits.-Ito not ho alarmed be-
cause of the fiery" speeches, of w1eh
ell amu. or because of the 1,11014111
('(1(1(1(11 Ly 1111' 111:11.111111 preaching of
the gospel; these amyl be God's ways
(0 widening the circle of listeners.
Nun cove(o0slu'ss, fur It IN one 01
Futon's Inst devices for the rule of
tumuuh souls. Do not needlessly
reel/ into danger.
I'JL0"I'Jl'.11. S111IVEY,
A thorough religious reformation,
f'oul's sojourn and labors tit Ephe-
5110 during his long stay had been
by no menus fruitless. Some who
many years before had been bap
fluid "unto John's baptism," were
through the instruction of Maul
baptized with 1lie holy 0(10st, "turd
spoke, will tongues and prophesied."
(lis pl'ettelting 4(1 the synagogue was
Interrupted became of the Itardcu-
ing 01 the hearts of many of his
h(arers, (ted at. place outside was
(or the p(enehing of 1110
go pry. This co11tlnnd until the peo-
ple, both ,laws and Greeks, in all that
('(giou, "heard the word of the
Lord." Miracle( accompanied the
ministry of the apo14010, 110,1 00tn1
seeing 1,11(11 were en10!014 04',) to
attept to secure gain by osiug the
mime of (111'181 In 'their lucm1)0110us
to drive out evil spirits. These per-
sons 1001 no interest In the system
of Christianity any further than to
make gain out of It, If possible, oat)
i4( this they failed, for they could
not control the evil spirits, but on
the eontrary they themselves had to
flee before the enraged evil spirits,
An pectin:Woe emiengerrd. Bible
religion to -day does not mix 1(p
11'1111 wortIIImrso soul spiritual death,
nor would Christi/telly at Ephesus
harmonise with idolatry. Those who
became followers of Christ had no
further use for the lunges of iliana.
And because this w110 (1110 of the Im-
portant centres of this worship
many workmen were engaged In
manufacturing the silver represen-
tation of the goddess. Mho woo wor-
shipped 1s the mother and nonr1011-
c1' of nil things, and as Such In-
Npired the cry, "Great 15 1)laua of
the EpItesla(41.'' 1! Paul's preaching
had not been pointed and unmtstak-
oble, Demetrius t0nuld have had no
ground for fear, but the preacher
trent straight to the Ohl land re -
inked it, and 111 a e01411t the H11-
'111'01111 11 sanv that there 10oubi be
mush less demand for the shrines.
1)'ild opposition an'numerl. A very
'w' people thoroughly. stirred (nal
votively engage,( in a popular cause
011 arouse intense excitement. The
ire was Imre and the inflammable
nateriel term tat band, and when
brought in Contart the riot was on.
he situation won, In a aense,ridleu-
ous. Some were erying one thing
n1) some another, and only n small
onion knew- why they were there.
The riot quelled. Civil authority
tees in 1(t nn opportune thee in the
arson of the town clerk, and with
. few (0411,4)14 of diplon(ey and MN -
OM snceecds In averting serious
ifficulty. We should bo thankful for
wholesome laws and officers who
'111 execute them. I(1 this ease It
e very probable that the Christians
vould have suffered touch had not
be vv11d uproar beret silenced as
peedily as it Was. Goin 0)1(141011 1110
workmen s1( long as Ile has work
for them to do.
Joseph Smith Crippled With Rhea.
mutism for Fivo Years.
Went On
nea0NN11('1' ((pen5e., and 144 NCO that
eta 110' skill at lxty, sand Its vinlrauN
Our 011110 tvnumaintah1011.
4(t its merry ;12, l 1,00' not--TJhe wolvd had been
'Met Patient hl this case; Is fluid , drawn together by the 110100 Dad ex- a
have lush a young girl named .11110• 1011(dil('11 18 111 Duly (1 hew knew, the P
Dfnud Parke 1 rrrll cnu:,c of 1110 commotion,
r, and
two 1(0etors Who
diagnosed '1101' calve gar(' it :(n the)1•
unniterablc opinion that Fright's di, -
(11150 had 'her 1(1 its clutches, lulu
that only the grave 11tt-altMI her,
Elm parents, unwilling to g1t;' up the.
struggle while ilio remained, are said
o hate experimented with special
wep1ratiuns• 11.11,), 41 a lase resource
pinned their faith to Ibd,l's Kidney
l'ills, with the result that to-day-
dae girl is h1 the mist of healtlf.
!)mails of thi (sure are not yet
0 halal, but it will lie intestigat'.sl,
as beth the medical fraternity and
he piddle fire deepiy interested In
he matter,
.� pokiest+. They' were sold to the
f Ephesus rind to the mann
Slulday Sc ool.
eoplc o
trnngera who Belted the city', and
here also sent to distant cities for
ale. Demetrius collected all the
vrorkmen who were connected with
Is business, and very artfully
rou10(1 113)1' eas:,tons. 1n his speech
declared that their craft o1,
rade was in 41((eget. of being
won gbt into disrepute, and
lien unwittingly' paid a glowing
rlbu'te to the apostle Paul 1.1111
he effeOthwlnNN of the gospel (is.
II, Pauli. enn(pnnion, s0)00d (v1,.
-9-3.0. T1(4' niklreon of Demetrius
was eftertite. The men to whose
wprldly interests he had appealed
responded with loud cries, "ilreat IN
Diana of the Rplt('Gann." The de-
ign of this clamor W1114 '10 raise
per0reutlo1 agnh(N1 fail. Diad
hue serve their ((10(1 ietere515.
s9. Confusion -.ill the people r•ush-
MARCH 13, 1903. b
be 1001 ,t. Ephesus, Acts ea:1:-111. 1
Cofnnrmntary.--1. De ntetrius esus- t
tug a tumult (vs. 23-27). Demetrius t
Gras a leading spirit among the t
Eplteslan shrine -makers, and may t
have been n wholesale dealer, axe- :.
cuting orders for the shrines and
"employing artisans who received
lucrative wages for their labor."
Ile preaching of Paui, the growth
01 the church' and the advancing.
civilization of that time were mak-
ing Inroads upon idol worshfap, and N
1be sale of the shrines was decrees- tv
log. These shrines were made of t
wool or metal and were little 110 -
ages or models of the temple of 1)t- e
sus. tlootalnfug an lineage of Or
d to the theatre. in tthinl' publio
1,k. As the
meetings were often h • 1
'l• -`1--�.I+Ills .1
I��r�;r�r�l ���i
�r`��l �`_l
liftl ...,1111111��d-'
g+ i:: the strongest and lightest
ents cam
handle a large number of them yearly. If we are aa not represented Good your dish*,
write as about the agency. One agent in each locality. Write far Catal.1,
., J
111. 'Phe uproar increasing (vs, a'
11. drew Alexander --"He was P
probably an unconverted ,few. It may 1
have 01011 the Cate that the JewN 1)
0Iahred Alexander, who was, perhaps, (1
1111 experienced public orator, to
speak in Dale behalf, and thus trans-
fer the blame from themselves to tine 1
Christians, Bat when he attempted to 1
51101Lk the people perceived he was n. t
Jew, and would not permit Iden to N
atter a word.'
34. A Jew -There was a general
prejudice against tin JewN, They
were disposal to charge the whole
difficulty upon the Jews, esteeming
('hrlstinn5 to be but a sect of the
Jews. They were, therefore, htdig-
naUt and excited, and indiscriminate
la their tv.rath and unwilling to listen
to any (Irh'nse.-1111r10'1. Two hours
-In the division n( time among the
Greeks and Romans an hour dial not
differ greatly from a1,(1 hour 00111 ug.
It I0 not unlikely that in the hot rage
and excitement such a 1^-ngt11 of time
would be necessary to allay the tu-
mult, erns) out, rte.-"TI118 they at
first (1W to faience ,11'x+uule'r,"
rho town clerk's ape^ch (vg.:13-
40), 33. The town clerk -This offieinl
was a very important person. "H1(
was authorized to preside over public
assemblies, fund he stool noxi In rank
to the municipal eldr(, and performed
hle duties, during the 1111501110 or (111
the death of that officer,"-Ifnek"tt,
Bad quieted -His Influence 1080 so
great that the mob became quiet and
leave hint a bearing. He 400141 -TIO
0p(rch 1511111 of (not and ability and
51(1)ws tint the man WON well quali-
fied to fill the high office lie (held. A
worshipper - temple -keeper - Idter-
(1110', temple -sweeper. The mime no
doubt was first used to Imply that
any office 1111 rho service of do nlag-
nifleent a goddess wits a grand dis-
t ! net lon,-('*tin. Bib. The i(nege, rte.
-This snored l0voo•, nddrh was 1)1,-
11evei 10 have fallen down from Jupi-
ter, was "/a rade wooden figure near-
ly tie shape of 11 mummy."
36, 117. Ill nothing rashly -They
had performed n tory rash act In
seizing two persons age het wlione
it appears they could take no pro-
ceedings. Ilubhers of tramples -",11,
the temples 1(t Rphesuei had a great
tree sure. '1111 1(1 lo'r, the offense might
not he unknown among them." Nnr
blu.sp1rmorg-leen this we 1100 that
the inn:nag,' of rani and tell C1011 -
p:1111011(1 11101 been guardr(I. The gem-
ertl effect 01 their preaching was,
to overthrow idolatry, hit they had
refrained from (100(1(1040)Lon and op-
probrious epithets. To 10000 Laken
No. '1 Siam 1 'leaurd I up.
FoJ'dwirh, Jau. 3, 1x01.
Massey -11a rine 11o., 1.)1n1L�d,
Deur Sits, --
Tho Na. -1 Binder worked through
thick and 0111 this bort Kennon. The
grain was badly tangled and lying
1101011, hot Ilrr So. 1 ,won cleaned
It up. i ani ((1011. titan '111.1140 with
it, aN 1 4)141 1101 expect it model do
the work so ellen this (0n0on the
siutpo the grain was in, hutit made
no difference; 111• reel brought •(11
tying stuff to lh" elevator',;. I wish
you a most prosperous New Y(Iar,
11.I. 11. 1717INIIEIt,
7'he (lark Fisherman,
"What bolt do you ase?" gall a 1.1;1(11
to the devil,
"Whim you fish 10)01re lb„ souls of
men abound 7"
"'Well, for she, hal tastes,' said the
king of cell,
"00111 and fame are the mut, I've
"llut for general N0( q" asked the
stint. "Ab, then,"
Sold the demon, "1 angle for mon,
not men,
And the thln:I hate 1
Is to change 10y (unit,
1311 i fish with . woman the thole
year round."
Absolutely Cured by Munyon's Rheum*.
dim Cure The People Endorse This
Remedy Eethuslaetlo*lly Beam
It Cures to Stay Cured.
"1f my remedies will not do what
I claim for them, their sale should
be prohibited by law."-MUNy0N.
"1 hate suffered terribly with rheume-
kelt for fvc taw's, and 1 was so badly
di )1.11 )i•,,f I had to go on crutches.
tried 111:111 :civetai1011 remedies and
'.h wises, to11 1t was nn use I steadily
0 tante war -r,' 11y joints and deet.
,veiled up, and I would have frightful
ails, i seemed a tint et Munyon's
:innumatisnl Cure 1,1 the free dis(ribn
Ma held at the ---online, and I am now
-)mpl'tely cured. 1 haven't an oche I,1'
lain, and 1 feel hatter than I hails
or the lash ten fears,," '10(eph &OWL
119 Church street, Toronto,
Munyon's ('old Cure prevents pneumonia.
Sfnnyoa'a hheumnllvin ('ere (urea Ither
'mango permanently. Pelee Mie; at (01
.11uuyon'5 Dyapepala Cure positively (uses
111 tering of loin „r,1l et ,4(,l stomach 11 ,m
hies 1 (1)41 :k,1'.
Pertionfil yon, Philadelphia. fort;
111 11 ,4., d containing to y6at'
sans of 81(1080 trill hr answered prompt.
I,1' and free advice se to treatment wilt I;1(
She 14 Hew.
To Illustrates it point he was mak-
ing, Joseph L. Barbour, n w,'11 known
lawyer o1' 1lartford, Conn., told thle
story; .1 woman with five small
children boa rills) a burs, car In New
York, wat('h was (11,0 (1y comfortably
filled. The m011411/0lor became a
trifle impatient Necrose it took the
family sx, long to get aboard, and
as the mother finally reached the
top step nod tho our began to move,
the condnetnr trutu'cd to ask her;
"Ma+lani, aro those all you' children,
or is it a pieuic?" The wennII
flushed ani she rennin); "Yea, they are
all my children, 11)111 1 tett you, it's
no picnic."
;322 Acres Withouta libel).
Wolfe I11lend, Sept. 4, 1902,
111psey-7tnrriv t',., Limited,
Gentlemen, -1 p11reh:ased one of
yew• No, 1 hinder,;, 7 ft. cut, from
:(gent 1t. J. spoor, and are well
pleased with Lt, having cut my
crop of 322 looms without a hitch
or mistake with a span 1(t kerne*
of medium size, The binder worked
Na ('10y and ha(tdled the crop so
perfectly that I would not heel,
tate to purchase a Nlmilnr one 8
ft. Out, if such wore built. I can
recommend n Massey -Harris 7 ft,
Nader to any of illy N.Ighhor0.
('brislopher Columbus' Last ,'unreal.
Christopher Colutnbus has Just been
burled again, and probably for the
teat Bute. The event took place •
few weeks ago In the famous 411141
boautirul catltedral of Seville, Spain,
wherein a special mausoleum has
been constructed to hold the a(he14 of
the once despised by now glorified
navigator, The coffin was borne by
seamen of the navy and was follow-
ed lly it cortege Imitated by the Arch-
bishop of Seville, tato Militate, of
11:u•fIle, 1110 Capl1ul-Genual et
Culls, and other dignitarles. The
:11411044 of ml Illustrious matt have been
honored with rat many burials and
re1111Ta)e ON those of Columbus. They,
rested for two Pen( dries 1(t ,Santo
Domingo, and lit 1796 were transfer-
ral to the cathedral :at Havana. Af-
ter the Spanish-American wear they,
were taken to Spain, (there, by de-
sire of a de0coudaul of Columba.,
the Duke of \"er4gna, they hare
been interred In Seville Callle:h•dI.
Surely the inscription require e In
price tvrlttei, over this tomb would
have been of mere than ordinary
significance. 11 is to be hoped that
this Interment (ci11 serve 10 softie
forever the , 111lotte Its to whether
Columbus' remains urrr ever really
renm.v',! fr"n1 0,'111 l)omingu. -
We make Granby Rubbers and Overshoes out of
pure new rubber. Can as much be said of any other make?
Granby Rubbers
cost the maker more, but they cost the Wearer les:,, for
one pair does the work of two parrs of ordinary rubbers.
11 Granby Rubbers wear Rh iron."