The Blyth Standard, 1903-03-12, Page 6INII.••••••••••••••••••• 00 •s WOMAN AND HER iWO FACES. •eN�NN �N��Ne��������� It la a pilty'etologica 1 fact the t 010 two skies of a woman's (acescl- (knn In ngreenn.nt. It would Iia. per ttups, uncharitable to call the o 7(nius faced, bn't ❑otwitlu;tanding the fact remains that a person view - Ing bot ono elle of a fair 01101'4 face Itae no conception of what the other side looks Ilke. one Nide Shows certain eharant eristieo w111'11 Mo other does not, and each (metrn- dlcta the other. The left side is nearly always the prettier, although It would take a very keen eye to detect any differ- ence, but It is worth while to re- member tido when posing for once Photograph. The cause of tits difference in the two sides of tho face le explained by scientists, who tell us -what we al- ready know -that the brain la made 1p In two sections, or hemispheres, tai they aro called. Those sections operate quite differently becnon" of the varied functions they in -Thine. The hemisphere on the right has to (10 with the phyeleal life; that on tate left to concerned with the mental qualittee. AN the brain is In close eommuniclttlou with alt parts of the, body, it le natural to understand that Its workings can bo easily excel once its effect on any given muscle is no- derslood. The physiognomists have lenrneal to read throe muscles. Ordinary folk Cannot go no deeply hate the siijort; they simply- look to find the result of muscular ek•t;lopulcna in the face. Thorough the varied 011(1 different erorktag(s of the two brain sections the rectal muscles are developed or retarded In growth. For example. the physlcll elutrac- terltities of the right hemisphere of the brain produce ant effect on the; right elle of the taco nnieh more gtdekly than the workings of the left hemisphere. Tide effect ou the right side kende to set awl lin rden the muscles on that side and to harden the features. Tb the experienced eye the very complexion of the right Ride of the fact' differs from the left, the hone framework of the mnusclee wining metres. 111e surface, to show their substance, in a meas- ure, through the sncbn, so changing In appearance the outer color of the face. • 14,r ATE or 0(411, V1'I'r "r T'' .410. ae. LenA$ COUNTY FRANK 3. ou4Nnt maker oath that helm the calor partner of the thin of 4"..I, (*fixity it Co., doing loudness In for City of Toledo, ('Aunty and 4401 twdore.nht n t fhi,t said Itrnr w(4 pay thio (um of tINl. HUNDRED 001, - LANAI for 01101 01111 every same of 4 .1TAH 4(4 tint eaunot be ruled by the one ut 11 At.t.'m CATARRH Cloak. I'ltANit J. (`HENEY, Sworn to before fur n nil enbse Hint,' In my prenence,thlI6th day of br0rmber, A.1)., 1840. eA. W. (ILE:ANON, sAt } '-.-+ Notary 1'ubllr. ` Ntdl'r catarrh ('T re le taken internally and Attedireetb' on the !dwel to 01100,010, surfneea of the system. Send for test lumen In, free. F. J. 111 Ft El & CU., Toledo, 0. Sold be an druggists -75e. 01 elt'slbmlly Fillet are 1110 11e41. ltighte to 1ndiMnaoon. A NNW((-. Ito a Liverpool ac11001 lately a num- ber of sltholaro 14MT eked to explain the mewling of "righteous indigna- tion." One little cline replied, "Being angry without sw(trine,' Nothing le mare certain than that the Wool can lc puriiird by the 1190 Olt Lr. Koreig s 13 Anburg Drop:. Tiley strengthen the dlgretive or- g�ens, regulate ills bowels, etre Meer complaints, dy'r;pepsta and con- st Ipa tion, A Kentucky Straight. Kentucky Tauther (of Intent geo- graphy class) -Tommy Blond may tell us what a strait le. Pommy Blasi -It's Jis' Ile platin s�uff 'about nothin' in it, Monkey Brand Soap makes Dopper like gold, tin like silver, crockery like marble, Old window4like crystal. . (4 Not a Smooth Head. Prudenoe-I should hate to go rid- ing Ia 'Freddy Richiy's auto-he'e always running over someone. Prnnella-Yee, It must be terribly bumpy riding. For a Cold that hangs on For obstinate coughs and colds there is nothing equal to that old reliable remedy Gray's Syrup of Red Spruce Gum. Prepared from Red Spruce Gum it is soothing and healing to the Lungs and Throat. it stops that tick- ling in the throat, and after a few doses that tight feeling in the chest is relieved and the cold and cough pass away. Try a 25 cent bottle. Gray's Syrup Y Y p of Red Spruce Gum ONE -WA l' 11ATI'1S. Co many polka In the States of Cell - tonna, Oregon and Washington. EVERY DAY. The Union Pardee will sell One -wily Colonlet Tickets at the following rel los front Missouri river terminals: '3.00 to .2 in 'ratio we, Los .tn- I gels end mltny other California 'whale. Tickets on sale Feb. 15 to Juno 15, 1903. $20.00 to Ogden and Salt LakeClty. $20.00 to Butte, Anacondas and Hel- ena. $1:250 to Spokane and Wenatchee, Wash. ( $25.00 to Everett, F'nlrhaven and New Whntcom, via Huntington and Spokane, $25.00 to Portland, Tacoma and Se- attl la $25.00 to Ashland. Roseburg, Eu- gene, Albany and Salem, via Port- latnd. Tickets on sale Feb. 15 to April 30, 1008. For full Information call on or ad- dress [1, E. CARTER, T. P. A., 14 Janes Building, Toronto, Canada, or F. D. CHOATE, 126 Woodward avenue, Detroit, Mtclt WnnL; 1)404'etion for 1tir10. EN -4 10101'1101' Nnnmol 1, Crawford, of Fansn', 1114 9(111(lnd all urgent plea for the en1eluu'nt of a WIN t- pn tertlu)1; liov. 1141 say's : "Birds of assay kind and vtriet0 except the hawk and the English sparrow arc useful, Bud 41(1(41) of them are in- valuably. 'Phot should he prof ectal by a rigid, stritrgent lits, with n severe penalty attach -ed. thereto. One (;Ball will destroy a 111011611 1141 insects lu a N4ngle day, and many other birth; ,viii du (04 much." MINARD',:4 LINIMENT Is the only Liniment asked for at m,0 return and the only one we keep for Sale. All the people use 1t, IIIARLIN FULTON. Plea sant Buy, C. II. A Heroic Little Iant. Friend'. of 7 -year -ofd Wm. Dunn, of well -to -(to people. who live hlIAut- tettburg, N. J.. says a despatch to the Rochester I(cntucra.1 and Chron- icle, were making 0 hero of him to- day for naval t tie 1141,0 of his tw'o 0001041 111011N, F1'71 tietat Bellew, S years old, and Johnny, two years younger, who fell lhruegtr the ice dn' a pond, On breaking through, the Bellew boy managed to keep his own (read and its sister's above the water by clinging above the edge of the ice. All of the children on the ice 1'141 away, with the exception of the Dunn boy, who, procuring a couple of planks, pushed them slowly over the ice on his stomach, Then, when the planks were near the two children, he crept out himself and pulled out the girt. The two, with all their strength, next managed to drag oat the bor. H My Truth, Gods truth is In tho mystery of things, And power Is in the frtihtesa le has wrought ; So feeling Marie have songs of noblest thought When gentlest touches come upon the st r l ngs. The purple hour of vesper -Worship brings Soul-flighte less high than flower- ing mends have brought ; And In the world no surplice' one haa taught 'What hearts mlty learn from birds' low carolhigv. , ('sod lives in all the fairness He has made, And holy are the frailties of 1314 hand ; And I am who, when I have fall obeyed O ro nt t tinder - Mendp roI Inge I ran little 1 Mend ; Arad I ant strong when f Lave wept and prayed And loved the wenknrsN of n wom- an's hand, -Smart Set. 1[luarl'o Liniment for stale every- where. Parrying Out His Instructions Prior to the lust solar ecllpse the colonel of it German regiment 'of in- fantry sent tor IIIc sergeant and ob- 1erted : "There will be an eclipse of the Olin to -morrow. The regiment will met on the parade grounds In umh'(-es. i will come and explain the (slur,.' before drill. 1f the day ie ('lol.uy the men will meed In the drill 81(1(. ns WOW," 1,1110reupon the s('t'gOOt: (4 drew up lite following or- rlet of tl( day: "To -morrow morn- ing, ly order of 1110 1,01one1, there 44111 be 1111 eel two, Of the sun. Tne re(bneul will nsselnhie on the par- ade grade( where tote colonel will come lend s1perinteal the eclipse In inrrson. If the sky 1s clourty the rellpe' will take place, int the drill sh(dl Mina IN I'm Liniment Carrs Burns, etc. Nook 0 u• l o' Johnny. Ilrsl ua T inn.midi, Mamina - Juhnny, dieIyou wipe your 0ee-1 011 Ute Mutt whin yon 11144110 in" .1n!Inny-i couldn't get my shoe - l' (11rgs lntlel; they were In a hard knot. Momma -Hut what burn shoe- strings to do with It ? ,i(,lolny-I couldn't wipe my feet without taking off my 414010, could I? 11e Barw His (melt, ('Idea, go 1'464, " No, th•, 1 (lot't it ant any IIc(.'1- dent llt,llt'nnee :' exclaimed the ir- ritable pari y. "1t would bo Just my lark to have .(1 1110 01 ,1 ihi,ti happen to n1:' if T trot e. ryiuti It 41r11i4 1e111 0016',1,' "A little life insurlua'e thin,' sop,- gest(sd Uu' agent. orse roil 1or,•,r,' w111 (1t(' 0(111y, "W11,‘ , I wouldn't Imre ono Chu wo in it thuu'Otnd of ding ht tlmo to 41(1190 :my thing out of the company, it 1 had a pobe). 09, I know my • Minnr,l'a Lonnie!' gla. 11.1i1!% ON Neurul- ('3nic ((4 Work. Tislnn,. The concierge of a Ivry 1',0(1ly kept house: lit thin(+. hung up at tho foot of the. 441,t11,4 a earl inseribiel ns fol- lows: "P4.4(44 wipe yew• feet on the nett" A wets; wrote underneath: "An you conic 0141.." Sett tees' IAnv Mutes West, ('ha Clt;oago and Northwestern usury day (colo February 15tlt to April :;Otho. Colonist ono way sec. end -411044 tlrkcts at extremely low rube( from 4ttttlnl t( In Ontario and Quebec, to points In Colorado, Uttth, Monza nit, NevatW, Idaho, Oregon, Washington and California; also to Victoria, Vancouver, New Westmin- our, Nelms, Itossland, tett. Full particulars, rates and folders can bo obtninal frons 1t. H. Bennett, General Agent, :i Rest King street, Toronto, Ont. A Had Artist. A 011rtoas question hate arielv1 RR to 1.160 right retainell by rut artist oyer a picture w111rlt he has told. 'there Is a certain eccentric. Anterl- uan lilt 11i0untrc, 41160 tall ys p1'tures at the Parts KR 1011. Phi s 14 pleasant enough for the artiste. But the m1l- :Ion11ir0 dialpproItw of the etude. So hav'in,g, bought a Psyche, he had her 411e404441 111 a 10161 41(444.'9 0049111110 anis a picture lint. You may imagine 1.110 f11'y of the ILrtlot , who4o Moue re- unins In the corucr pt this MOD - Nitrous production. as thin is b,v no (1091(414. the drat hu'idenl of the kind the letrle artists ore landed to- knether in support of the painter of Psyche, (0110 to bringing 4111 action at law. You Pity-- You Choose. There is En ['ASO Of Ithellma- li; to that the Great South American Rheumat- lc Cure 1111 not ermiuler in a taw days -acute or chronic, muscular or nervous. Itgivesal- most in- stant relief and at olive begins to drive tut tic disease, root and branch, cuing in one to three days. George RngL1,.J, a ship builder of ChaGlam, writes: "1 Wan laid up for nix months with rheumatism. 1 procured a bottle of SOUTH AMERICAN RHEUMATIC CURE. In twenty-four boars 1 was wetland have not been tmndrled with rhea madam since." South American Kidney Cure speedily And thoroughly re- lieves and cures the worst Kidney and Bladder diseases. Relief in a few hours. 7. Would Not Like Heaven, Henry Dickens, eon of the novel- ist, who recently, spent some time In America, is authority for this story of the heir presumptive to the British throne, the little George Frederic Earnest Albert: "Shortly after the death of Queen Victoria the little prince earnestly inquired of one of the ladies in n'alt- ing: 'Ie grannie ha heaven?' 'Yes, your royal highness; was the reply. "'I44 there a king In heaven 1' next inquired this princeling. 'Answered in the affirmative, the future king of Britain shook his head sadly and sold : 'Grannie won't like that at all'" iles To prone to Ton , thab Dr. Chase's Ointment 1e atwist n and absolute euro for each and every form of itching, bleodlugaed protruding piles, the manutacturero have guaranteed R. See tee- ttmoniale in the daily press and alk your neigh - bora what they think of it, You ran nee (1 06,1 get jTour money book if not eared. ((plc n box, at all denten; or Brine 0aoN, (Berri & Co„TOrontO, Dre Chas^'s O rtrnent How it Worked. Montreal star. Maks-Why 0o you upend so much dine In sal(mn1, old man?," Jinks -Why, 1 promiS(':i my wife 1 would never lo' 601111 coming oat of 6 saloon, and so I have to welt till (lark before 1 can leave.' Mlmrd's Liniment Currxs Ibindrutf. He wrote a (sonnet all about Her swan -like neck. To stub her, Her Jealous rivals now n11 shout, Whone'er they see her, "Rubber !" _�' WANTED-uAN oft WOMAN To REP - meant of nailing hunt that,I lhr2 a. very few ClcanS- mul.eo ilr 1,cu �u:: ,ur ours 1(1 iday. brrn.l Ih'r lu rlg'h1 maty. amus 1111(4(1 ire, MI- ing operations in n'hidl Sunlight NPw"1,14"r11't I,Ight Co., 140 *areal street, Soap Cannot be used to advant. tN't' L:U-E;u'r aIle men, nursery stock snhammi 1'044 (red. ,orree lend trained - age. It mattes the home bright lately with (4(u"rnr0444(E:, (111+,L Sc BAMS - end clt'a(L ole S, 'to uo. 1'0, 1'.0SAOA. ISSI,7E NO. 11. 1903. Mrs. lvtamtow•'N b001 hang Syrup 411oWa alwsyei be used fur Children Teething, to *beta's the and, sweetie, the ams,, euros wind 401(1 and in the boot remedy for Diarrhoea, AGENTS WANTED 18 A Bleck, hard Name. Few persons are aware that the Chinese nee,' go is drprmlcut on In- 106at1011 fur IN moaning, and that a slight difference In tunnel clay Nn dis- tort a portio t':i anealling (hat IL eoltr- tcous salutation clay be turned Into cause for regret. .A young Menta In San 1 rnnciscoo, 44110 had brcuulo interested in the 1'hinese there, went to ono of the men who owned it paper In which 114' wrote both Chine 41, anti Fnglish eelitorlalo, and asked him 11) tench her some phrases, When .told that the language consisted of 4outethi((g like it small library 00 two of refer- ,enee hooks, Rho was 11 110111 ready 10 book 011 However, being anxious to learn teen it few things ((bent 1lie luysllrfouo petplo, she undertook it It Neon or two from the young nein, Friends of hers soon ;tidied the the 0111 they' had a merry hone. The first young lady, being apt at leurniug new things, thou1s11 she was better posted dant she. 111h, 111(01, mecthtg the teaehel' on the street one afternoon, put her newly ac- quired Information to the, 10(401 - It was with unusual contidruee 11161 sl(e bade 11110 "good afternoon" In a 1111 he voice and was stepping 1lotvn from the curb to cross the elreet. " 14'alt," sail the editor "1 cannot let you go, Illus 0--, without ex- plalnimg. You think you said n good day to me, hut, Memel, you have called me a very black, hard name.' New York and 110ston Via New York Central, The oneseroua trnlne, the excellent service, the uniformity of Its trains, Its tour tracks, and the location of Ito depots in Boston 1111(1 New York, mako the New fork Central the fav- orite line to thoen points. Ari' tleket agent will confirm the above. Plod, ('led, Plod. When your Mancha null head aro l at ry, And your (40(11 1411(" loot ail song, When the road lel hot and dreary, .And the way teams very long; When yo» hate no heart for action, When you need the spur anis rod - Therein •1 world of satisfaction Ito a plot], plod, plots. Just 10 (04'01 the (aril( before 00(4. And forget the distant goal: Just to tel Renown ignore: you And to bear a humble soul; Just to trudge along contented Where the ma ey feet have trod- Thereei 00 letter rest tutented Phan It plod, plod, plod. Let the genius hemp to glory -- Winged feet that emelt the soil; Though I think tho truer story Is that talents 4(1(014}6 toil, Wo will make a reputation From a bronu, a hue, a hod; Their are tam,; and fasten:4 .01 In a plat, plod, plotl. For in this way and no other 1)o the seasons come and go. And the great world is a brother To the toiler whit hie hoe; Near to Nature working slowly, We are elnse to nntnre'e god, When we give our splrlte wholly To a plod, plod, plod. -Antos R. Wells in the Ram's Horn. CALIFORNIA The 4UCC(Se of orange culture In Central u ra! and Northern California a orals for ten years past 4uggest4 the climatic unity of the State. Some of the most successful orange groves are 000 mhos north of Los Angeles. The long summer, the warm and dry at- mosphere, the abundance of water, and the low priers of land, make these fleld4 In tate San Joaquin and Sacramento valleye very desirable for oranges and all klnde of farm - Ing and fruit growing. Just now the rates are epe^.tally low. From Feb. 15th to April 80th the rate from Chicago will be $33 to California points. 1f you are interested In Cali- fornia, ouch publications a4 " The Land of Opportunity" and "Califon• nla for this Settler" will be helpful. They are free, and may be had of F. 13. Choate, General Agent, South- ern Pacific, No. 120 Woodward are., Detroit, Mleh. Two Ways 1(1' Getting in. Baltimore Iler:11111. Dully -You way Grace married into the smart est. , flly-GraelOus, n0; she was di- vorced Into it, 30. TIF 41 IRF'RF 4IF'RF'RF 3.11F"IIF FOR SALE : ('rco'Deity rant] Chccsel''aotory nt. MuIrk Irk Stitt 100,M.(1.11y. • Ike Lied, 04111ding,,, engine, boiler mud nit itoo(lue,v for butter 1(ud eh e' ((111;1111 '14 (14 melt 1du 1 property--sono- ph-I • m ,Ind -eery cheap tm• • INEonoh. Apply 10 � GEO. ROWLEY is Box ti3i Si. Thomas, 04(4.,.. •11AIFi1F���IF������#F 0 0 Butter, New Laid Eggs and Poultry Wanted Cooslgnmenta of Butter, I'outtry and new laid Eggs eollrlted. Prices lam for elotceq as1- 11(ee. Choice yo,ngtlitrkrus,dry pteked,eloan, selling 80 in hue par pale. (1111 pay 30e per Ib. for BR}:HWA X, delivered T weeto. ('orreopondente *mini ted. JOHN J. FEES2 Front Street t roast, Toroate USE 1,000 MILE AXLE GREASE It Has No Equal Manufactured only by THE CAMPBELL MFC. CO. of HAMILTON, ONTARIO. Foe mole by all leading dealer!. is one of the most important things for every farmer to consider. Dick's Blood Purifier will build up a run down horse. It tones up the system, rids stomach of bots, worms and other parasites which under- mine aa animal's health. 5o cts. a package. LEEMIN() MILES A CO. AGENTS. - - - MONTREAL. 1 20 MILLION BOTTLES BOLD EVERY YEAR. „,r. TRADE MARK. Ham absence of pain, and mil- lions a t n e,a,le happy throne' baler curd by1.14 Jn-: ; • O,00l RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, ' )OTHACHE, HEAD- ACHES, L.AC.ENF.;' S, SCALDS, BURNS, SPRAINS, na:U!C1S and all pane forwhlch all external remedy 0, be applied. It new to cure. Thousands who have beende- dared incurable at bathe rad in hospitals Aave thrown aweyj'their crutches, being cured after using ST. JAMAS Oa. Directions In eleven languages accompany every bottle. 1 CONQUERS PAIN Considerable Difference.. Harvard Lampoil. Tito Idiot -Dot you don't know Wherein ileo tho difference between a good cook and a poor printer's devil. The Vlcthn-Unburden your soul, Tho Idiot -One forme the pie and the other pies the form, $200((00 IN GOLD ,GIVEN AWAY FREE (.PAPE RR100* UPML ATBWRYREBR CPAHE I RCYREa ` YBRAPR$RE I ERPA Can yon (1010" the at,nte seta of 1ur t4lr l letters ImoMe names of Oita we11 knows folk. 11 so, 0011 CAN SHAIRI_IN 111' 11151 e1It1,'r1ON, th 1 to. 10011) 66116. 1,f an a tk, But Ly(0llerv'e 0nd per. xtteati6 l�u,. 0 pnA,,,l,lyy In aou,5ur .1- them. loth,p.vsnn whoon snake out thelnramt,w0Gtt Wtslit aivetlo Wm,.f One llundre.11),,11nr.. 1, the I^.rnnn loaning nut the second hugest number the cum of Fifty n.,llnr,, Tu the perron making 14, third )ares( numhrr the rum nl Thirty Dollen. To the person ranking the fourth largestnuo,14.0,t,mmortwen, o.,;P.„.. w,nldrwn e ,,o o,d.mwen equally rarer, the hot two prion wl be dl4ded te(ween then,, t, -,,h re. riving )n1aoi. (mo„id three .end in eyudly norm i nn.wtrx, me 40 three prig.. will have to he di, ldr,i, 1ee,h ro,eh ing 0tel, 440,41h,nr per=.o0t 0l41400117,erred mwen, the whole tn. ,l) will et equally, 1Ml4040.,,. h receiving $seam, and lin on In (ked portlnns, pmlded they'amply with simple,ondltl,o, al„ot wl,I, h wr will write n as nos...," are rere4ted. WE 1)0 NOT WANT A CENT 01' (t,te. MON(0 W111.0 011(3 ANOW111( THIS AVVFRTISFMFNT. Ilya cos amigo MRITAT ONCn. Boo,ihE(aISN N01 "LAY'