The Blyth Standard, 1903-03-12, Page 2NNE. HUMBERT'S STORY DENIED BY M. PATENOTRE. Famous Swindler Says She Used to Deet Him in Madrid. Paris, lint,:; o.-11, Lely to, the magistrate who has charge of the investigation Into the Ihnnlmrt af- fair, Is continuing linty nig interroga- tion 01 tho arreuted members of the Humbert family, but without elicit- ing any now facts of impertatee. '11re physicians have decided that Mlle, Marta Daurignee Is by sterleal and not responsible for her actions. Magistrate L'ydte has therefore eon - eluded to release her provisionally. The Matin this morning etnte0 that Mute Tie ruse Humbert duling her interrogatory yesterday ossertod that 0110 nod members of her family frequently mot the 1'x10011 Moibnn- Salter, Pntenotre, Willie in Madrid. The Ambn(gadOr knew them well, a0 he had often leen at purlieu given at (Mir horse about the }ear 1880. Tho Dlutln has interviewed M. Patenotre, who emelmlirnlly Motive ever having 01'011 the Hulnttrts h1 Madrid; that he knew tiny of the (anally in !'arts, or that he ever attended partner at their Immo.. AN HEROIC SUR6IC'AtOPERATION One-third of a Man's Body Cut Away to Save His Lite. 1'hiladelphin, March 9.—For the first time in America, ono of the moat wonderful operations known (0 the science of surgery has just been per- formed at the Jetteroon Hospital by Professor W. W. Keen. The patient, a man about 40 years old, was under the knife for almost three 110010, and with tete completion of the operation one-third of his hotly 1001 been re- moved. In tide caw' the patient 100.0 (boomed to speedy death tiles* 'Chet0 was surgical interference. He suf- fared from an osteo, or hone snreoma of the pelvis, 0 lildt inveto, 1 the area betw'eee the hip nod lower ribs of the loft side. Sao 0010 lira malignant tumorous the laIInvolvedoh lymphatic glands, lay against ymplllthe stoma(11 and was, surround(d with lb 1 principal arteries of the body. 111 00use of the position of the sar- coma, removal of lite left leg and thigh, the hip joint and pelvis and the Infected area, which extruded n1) 1.r the vibe, wan 1,ceasery. There was a here chance theft hewould recover GUESSES AT FINDINGS OF COAL STRIKE COMMISSION, But They are Merely Opinions Without Official Value. New York, March 9.—The floral! prints the following summary of the findings of tete coal commission, ap- pointed by President Roosevelt, which it is expected will be handed to the Presldent within e. week. There will undoubtedly be at least a ten per cent. advance in the pay for mining, to take effect from time the miners returned to work last Oc- tober. The per diem employees will not have their wages Increased, but will be recommended for the sante pat for it day of nine hours. The system of pay 1011 bo regulat- ed. Wherever practical, the opera- tors +will be required to pay by weight, (instead of by the ear, and elgewhere by the lineal yard. The miners have check docking represen- tatives at their own expense. This will preetleally- amount to a second [10140010 111 wages. There trill .he Indirect recognition of the union, which will come when the 11uding, aro snbmi1ted by Presl- (lott 1 )l0etivet1 to John 1litChell, rt* Prenidenl of the Miners' union. The cause of the elrIke, as found by the commission, will not be (10111 - forting to the coal mining com- panies. The boycott will he condemned, and the principle will be. 111111 down 'tat u miner kat; a right to Work without molestation, (cell though ho 11000 not belong to the 110100. The terms of the verdict are to hold good for throe Fears and recommen- dations are to bo made for settle - mento of wage and other questions at the end of that peeled. In local disputes the operators will be ad- vised to trent with enm1)111(es of the 1111ner0, and utero may be a sug- gestlon for local board of arbitra- tion. KI{"VNKtd'V�'V�f NEWS IN BRIEF t1Vis)i� CANADIAN John Bartell, injured hy- a blasting accident at l;nuauogae, died at Kingston. ( Jttetice ;,beet Iles dismissed the City of Toronto':; netlon against the Gas Co. The Ontario )ulnas pr0durd $13,- 77,440 last year, uu increase of 19 per cent. Brockville City ('unnrl1 tin:; decid- e(( to ask for a grant. from Mr. Car- negio for a public library. The Toronto Board of Control re- duced the estimates for park per - Rev. J. 0. Shearer hail organized 16 brand( of the Lord's Day Alliance to Stouffvllle. INV. 'It Devlin, of Winnipeg, (etas been elected Grand Master of the Manitoba ()rand Lodge of Oddfcllows. A deputation of manufacturcrl stated to Premier Moss that 5,00) aknlal wechuuics were needed in Ontario. Tho Toronto Public School hoard decided to maim typewriting and shorthand optional in the commer- cial course, Angus IL Macdonald, aged 25 yIVar•;, etas instantly killed by a taping tree neer Ltossland. lids relatives reside at Lancaster. Postage on newspapers and period - Wale from Canada to Brent Within Kill bo reduced to 101 equality with the domestic rate at once. The contract for 25,000 tone of steel rails has been awarded by the Government to A. G. Kitson & Co., Glasgow. Mr. J. Lorne Hale, of Pembroke, was nominated for the Legislative Assembly by the Liberals of North Renfrew. A syndicate of Canadlaue and Ani- rileuns have purchaoed about 441X thousand acres of land near Aylee- bery. north of Moose Jaw, for $8 all (tete. The Toronto High School Iloard's estimates for the year require the city to raise $00,480. It 11110 i1) 11 decided to offer tem scholarships in each institute. The Canadian Northern Railway. Company Ins purchaeisf 24 acres, including Fort Garry Park, in the centre of Winnipeg, for elation and terminal purposes. Fuer hundred and fifty p1Iseuger). bound for the Northwest, left To- ronto yesterday by the Grand Trunk and C. P. R. colonist excersIon, the first of the season. At a tpectal meeting of Barrie Presbytery- the tfum✓lel4)101 W'ts grated of Rev. James 110 111)1 to King Street I'resle Lelia l (Tame", Len. den. ' A deputation of County ('hurt judges walhxl upon the Minister of Justice et Ottawa, Ru 1•0r1rd to an Increase of the stipends of the ju- diciary. There et reason 10 bep.cle 111111. the propo0i11011 originally seiol,ittcd to 114' Government by Me. ('. id Mess for sid.eg the rhinal Trunk Peelle. 111,14 Wee considerably Modified. West Durham (loagervatiVee pts‘ - melted Mr. C. .1 Thornton with a. check for :'S 1UUI1 towards hie election expenses, nod preemies lir. W. II. Reid, ex -31.1'.1'., with am oak c:lbinut of silver. Wesley Griffith, a yolntg outs em- ployed to the C. P. It ylird* 01 Moose Jaw, was crushed to death by the sudden fall of fire tuns of coal from on1`ot the chutes. The mortgages on the London Young Men's Christian Assortatlon building were burned at n banquet held there fast night. The a0e1cia- tion Ball cost slightly, more than $112,000. Robert Stewart, employed in Nell Kettb's camp at Erwool, Man., met with Instant death from the falling of a tree. Deceased eras 45 years of age and formerly resided at due - ham, Ont. The nnnonneoment conies from Halifax that a provleioua1 agree- ment 11110 been 10100, under which the Halifax Banking Company is to be 111411 p1101101 p11 with the Canadian Book of Commerce. Mr. Hollingsworth, the Ottawa veterinary surgeon, nentcnced to six months' imprisonment for vot- ing twice on the referendum, tine Well released on recommendation of the Minister of Justice. 'Pim preliminary steps have boon taken for the orgnldzation to Mont- real, of 14 newsboys' and news agents' union. An application has been made to this American Federation of Labor for u charter, and the or- ganization will 00011 ho completed. BRITISH AND FOREIGN. Filipino Insurgents enptured a town in Allay Province. The Loudon Standard predicts tun early anti -foreign uprising In China. German economists lire forming an Industrie! combination to combat A/eerie:in coupetltlon, Tho widow of 3f. Robert l'htoquet- te. the composer of "Tee Chimes of Norunlndy," is dead. The Dominion liner 'Merlon Is resit ashore 11(01 Queenstown. iter pas- sengers havo been taken Off. Ther' persons were killed ails sev- eral lnjured'by the collapse of two honeys at Cork, Ireland. 1 proposal' to re -submit the pro- hibitory law to the electors was de- feated in the Leglelature of Maine. The (I10101th Crown Prince sad his brother Eitel are 011 their way to A ilu.sian engineer hes been ar- rested for niteleptlng to enter the D'ltbh forttfiration1 at Aden. Solicitor-lo'-ne1al Campbell wan elected number of Parliament for Dublin ihlireeeity, in mlecegxtoe to Mr. Lecke, who resigned. Connmitteeo of the trouser; lit Wu01t- ingLou agreed to recommend an ap- propriatton for three i11ttleShlps of 16,(100 (0)10 and tivo or 13,001) tole shpts velment. Tho Frankfurter boomed one Of the olloot newspapers 111 Germany, hese suspended pubiteatlon. Ito 001101 01;,' is nal known, but the paper was first mentioned in 1673. Bluer partisan feeling al the eine- blg eeeeion of the Coiled Slates Con - pros; 1018 440 marked that the vote of thanks to Speek0r Henderson lune not. made 1111n111nmous. File thoualnd miles of collet, of ns' good quality 110 the imported etaple, and 3,000 11t;les of rilk have been exported from Port Arthur. There 1s i, rush of sprlog shippl:,g to Dalby. 01 e 2.000 Immigrants left Liver- pool yesterday fur Canada. 'Che emi- gretlul season lea considered a0 fav• ins opened. This nluulh'0 Woke by all 1111, (lnnndlan e:rnmehlp liue0 nru the Levet for forty yearn. In the, them. of Commons yester- day !'rine Minister Balfour an- nounced that the Goverumlent had ;tempted en insit+ttlon to take part LI the St. Louie Exp(sitlon. The ex- tent of this participation and the 011(11 nlodul operand' were still an - der co)Niderfttien. Mr. (:1101 Itch, the well-known Eng- lish leokrwIer, 1111(4 bought in Ghent for 1800 a ropy of it work by Rated Do Pore, tvhl)ll Is credibly stemmed 10 nave (Well whited lly ('axion. The last copy of this work sold realized .id GO. 1t brtlnll.e..1 to lee .lshbur I- han) collection. Lieut. Steffens hoe been 0enleneed by it exert -ca rtial at Koenigsberg to three months' bnprieo meat in 0 (ortress for ill-treating privates. One hundred and eighteen charges were brought against Steffens, twenty-five of w'hiei1 Were of beating soldiers with his 00.00(1 A negro entered the ho117e of a white awn at Cordova, Ala„ early yesterday, presumably for the par per;W of robbery. A fight ensued, In which tile. negro killed the notate; of the house, Ifni then butchered els wife and child. The mime; of the 0leti ms cannot be learned yet. Blood - Imitate laevo been put on the scent. BRITAIN'S FOOD SUPPLY. ('net of Procoriog 'Them In 11;w Too, the Main Quest ion. Louden, Martel 9.—Replying to tL large and Influential deputation which visited the Foreign Office to- day to urge the npp0lntluent of a royal commission to enquire into the question of wearily of the food sup- ply of (treat Briton to time of war, Premier Balfour expressed the opin- ion that the danger she had to meet WON not the e0clueion of grain and the raw materials ueoe00aly for the cc/untry's nattonnl exlstenoe, but the coot of Introdueing them, rind the question of price wall ultimate- ly a gne(tlol of Insurance. ile admitted that an enquiry into the (natter wile advisnhle, because it would tend to allay some unfound- ed fears es well ns 0110)0 tont Dome of the difficulties of the situation could not he wholly removed. Mr. Balfour added tont he thought the enquiry ought to Include the ques- tions of insurance, the conditions of modern maritime warfare. the me- thods by which commerce could be protected end destroyed, and the amount of the actual grain supply of the country. Ile hoped, hewerer, that nothing would be clone to establish it Gov- ernment machinery which would in- jure the national commercial ma- chinery by which (treat Britain was supplied. POPE IS YEiIY EEEBIL All Rquests`; for Audiences Are Refused. PASSED A RE3TLFSS NIGHT London, Morels 9.—A despatch to the Cold eat News from Reuse SOYu the Popo passel a restless night owing to the attack of dy. 400try. 1)r. Lnpponi stated this morning that the cold from which His liollneen le sutferfug has also lacunas slightly worse. A deers ten from home stats that the Popo rentimel In bed all day. Ho was \lofted frequently by hisphy- elcians. lite cough is abating, but his feebleness persists, not with - .standing the fact that etimuInllts are administered to hint. Requests for audiences with Hie Holiness peer Dr from all directions, but of warren they aro refusal, The. English pil- grims will probably not bo received Monday. It nay- be, however, that the Popo will seo the Dake of Nor- folk and a few others of the Eng- lish Catholics. Late tide evening a high authority ;tilted that the Pope 11(144 suffering with nothing that could 10 called 11111011ee. tits trouble was merely pros- tration arising from ovorfntigne, which, In view of hie age, causes; some apprehension. His lfohueo' is 11'. eros vil:rlte, but the knowledge that so many pardons are awaiting atellencee with 111111 worruse him al- most into fever. He has protested against Dr. Lapponi keeping him in bed, guying, "I wish I could doctor myself. Excitement dors, me good." TIIE ' BIINO ON SEE, Secret of Restoring Sight Dis- covered by Paris Doctor. SEEING WITH THE ERMN Park, March 9.—Prof. Peter Stehle claims to have (Recovered the secret of restoring eight to the blind. The unnemneement is pubhshal in the I100ue den Revues by 1)r. (laze, who explains liow Prof. Steins to Adel on hinl a wou(lerftl apparatus of f'rof. Steins' h)vel:liun, by which lo' i0 not ou1?' nine to restore lost a.ah: bat to give vision to those who have neer known It. Prof. Steins took Dr. Ctlze into a dark room, and baudlged hie eyes 00 he could Oce nothing. ill heard the prufe00or 1011111 to and fro, ntl•I1ce 111 111:ftt'lu and light u lamp. Then h+ felt 101 uppal'at)144 f1x)ni 11))1111(41 his 1111)- 1400, Whxrell tion lu' i1t8 t(tutly KIM a 1111)1 light. w'hlch emlabled hint to distinguish surrounding objects. Yreeently the light became strong- er, find llt'. laser lyes able to quiet lin' profa1(0r'.4 fingers when they were hall up before him, anti to en- umerate yleee things In the room. duet 1141 110 wire feeling that his r1el011 00(114 c1ra:'iug further, end he 101.14 convinced th'.1t tin would 50011 see nertntlily, Iris(. in14110 suddenly 1011101ed the apparatus, find Dr. haze wee In total darkness. prof. 8(01.04' clnhn 'rets on ti:' theory drat sena (tures not sort with the eye, lint witty the brain, 111.1 eye 01)1,,4' serving to recede til'' image which tin) optic nerve 1 01100 lite to the smut of perception, 1f then the im- age one be transmitted to the 11rnhl witbuu1 eyes, a 1/111141 per000 ca11 see ns well its anybody else. The IIrc'feexOr'l 1l ppnrattls has the same oelentIfle basis its the telephone, with the snbetitutiou of light for sound. Dr. ('ase stater tilt 8)1011 1 other ptlyelcian0 have experimented with the apparatus, but none of them is able to explain how the aetona+ling results are, obtalu rl. BIG FIRE IN WATERTOWN. The Otis 1)1,441. (ions and Other Buildings Damaged. Watertown, N. 1'„ despatch: Fire to -Illy destroyed the OtIs house, one of the largest hoed( in thio city, 1111.1 eorllldriily gutted 1111' nunleroul ill 'the Bleck. Tile fire started cl 8.:10, in the cellar, and, running up t:u' elevator shaft, noon enveloped the entire structure In Gummi. T:w hotel woo 0a'owdcrl with pnest0, and lita11y narrow eliCall(44 were relnlrt- 11,1. Peter W. 'VanDruut, of tide idly, 11(18 confined to his belt on the fourth flout', sick, and nits let down by 1oope4. Dr. B. S. Sargent, of tide city, also It pleat, was removed from Vim fourth floor by the firemen from him roost, 00hie11 wile 00011 after a 1111100 of tlames. 1011 1110 gnosis were rescued by fire escapes and (udders, all inter- ior tu4,1110 of eerapm having 110011 cut off. Had the fire occurred at nlpit a great lose of life would necenwl"ily 11111' 4ecerrea 'Cir Denies partly destroyed the Fnh'banku block, adjoining the hotel, nod threatened for a dim( tt,0 Flower block, on Arsenal street, and Roth & Sante Merit, ism Court xtrt'rt. .4t 10 o'clock the walls of the 0110 1101141' W011114,11 itlWar(1, t111d the fire was all hour Inlet' under control. For the Palace o1' Pewee The 1Wgue, March 9. --The Director of the comlstny whirll owls the de - main called Zongrliet, new The Nagar, formerly the evltnte of the 1100041 Dello of Huse-Wclmar, upon whleh It has been proposed 10 bails a pence palace, will leave e00I1 for 111e United States for the purpose of negolinttng with Mr. Carnegie. loss of flesh When you can't eat break• fast, take Scott's Emulsion. When you can't eat bread and butter, take Scott's Emulsion. When you have been living on a milk diet and want something a little more nourishing, take Scott's Emulsion. To get fat you must eat fat. Scott's Emulsion is a great fattener, a great strength giver. Those who have lost flesh want to increase all body tissues, not only fat. Scott's Emulsion increases them all, bone, flesh, blood and nerve. hr invalids, for con. valescents, for consumptives, for weak children, for all who need flesh, Scott's Emulsion is a rich and com. Portable food, and a natural tonic. Scott's Emulsion for bone, flesh, blood and nerve. We will stud you a free sample. Be sure that this picture In the form of a label Is on the smeared every bottle of Emulsion you buy. SCOTT & BOWNE, • CHEMISTS, Toronto, Ontario. 50c. end $l) all drugglds. LAND'S l SUM l'Ot,Z A LIFE. Mrs. Dinn)n (1)10 a l'hrck ibeSs0(i,66 tor Lose 01 fhlebrmtl. Mount Vernon, 1. Y„ March 9,—Dis- trlCt Attorney Young, representing Girl. Lott lo' G. Dimon, widow of Henry G. Dimon, of New Rochelle, who wee killed in the Park avenue tunnel 11 reek 00 Jen. 8111, 1902, yesterday eeseiVed it. cheque from the New York Control Railroad Company for $68,- 667 Iu belr.11f of Mrs, 0110014. This cheque mitered 0 verdict of $60,000, together with interest and costa. Mr. Dimon 141(0 1111 officer of the Ameri- can Bridge Company and received n eatery of $15,000 a your. "This le the largest judgment ever paid fit Lho lues of a human life in New York State," said Mr, Young, " The corporation fought against the payment through all the courts." FINbs SERUM CURE. 1)'41ay8(104'Ilses of Cou44(11 4 tattle 3)11es. L'nithnor:', .1111,, Murch 0. lir. 8im111 Flexner, who is to be the chief of the Rockefeller Institute of Medical 110- sutrch, believes he has discovered a serum which will cure cholera fafun- tmm, us well as dysentery. The experimental work Ween began by Dr. Shiga, a f1111008 Japanese bee- tllrlologlst, who during the t)tinceo teuupaign of 190e lsulataxl the tree germ trent eptn08ic dysentery. Dr. Flesher did 110 s:uno thing la the Philippines. It wag found that the epidemic dys- entery germ told ordinary dysentery germ were (.he Wan0. Ther) followed the discovery that the germ that cons.'s clult(rl1 infalituu1 was identi- cal with the dyers cry germ. Poperi- m(nlrr were mode with the view of obtaining a serum from animals. 1 :utile vaccine cltur,tvhleu nilvdm s smallpox, 1)r. Floxner's anti-tosln, ha says, a.ttaeks and kills outright the hellion gonna In thio blood. MARTINEAU'S STEALiNOS. The 'Beni 1e $15,7 05 1'or• ;Levy and t'tlering. An Ottawa deep atch sago: The Martineau case wee called at the police court today nod adjonruei for a week at the request of Mar- tineau's counsel. Tho amounts which Martineau le alleged to have upproprlllted from the department and deposited (Ire as follows: lluebec Bank, Deo. 10, 1901 !EM;) ; Dec. 24, 1901. $2.831; Jnr 18 1902, $2,9051; Fob. 8, 1902. 11: ,819 ; July 28, P02, 81,801; July 28, W02, $1,155; July 110, 1902, 83.- 650. Solcrclgn ISltnk: July 8, 1902, 11(1,700; July 8, 1902, $7,500; July 23, 1902, 1$8,300; July 30„ 1902. $7,700. Royal 11ank : Oct. 14. 1902, 0351,5(30; Oct. 1.7, 1902, 1$12,000. To- tal, $75,703. The cheques deposited 111 the Quebec Bank were in the nitrite of (11:1(eg D. Coote. The four in the Sovereign Bank Were 111 the 0x1111! name, anal the two to the ]loyal Bank in the name of A. Mar- tineau. The charge against Mar- tineau Is uttering and forging cheques.