The Blyth Standard, 1903-02-26, Page 6TWO GIRi-S' COMPOSITIONS. [rd„wLag taaapos,iloar w, re Written by two little girls of the glohehilau euarter, who owe their English to the Now York penile schools. Th ,v were furtdshod to Ihla paper by of Edwin Webster Free libra- rian thoC1 cu at- ug Library, at the Fast Side Settle- ment, 7R,h street aiai East River, The Story of Adana and Eve. God made.Une fust person that was a mita this man wants a lady so When he wont to sleep he out out a rib and made a lady. 'there were a lot of fruit trees and olio was a apple Loa Ood Meld they may rat all rho fruit bat not 'the nipple tree, and those two people were fonbkidksn not to eat the epples on the tree awl Eve took aome of the apples and gave them to Adam Adam eat them and they stayed down his throat. Hod Favi that Solna one has been eaten the apples Adam said that Eve gave It to 61m, and those two ,people wore had to work for their own awing. Ood made Adam' lin was fast ao1oc , whop tied took the able bone and Blade a women. The woman's name liras Eve She was Adnan wife. Oad sold they chouid go to the orchard and get all the tilt they wanted blit dry not touch the apple plant so Eve took one of the apples and gave it to Adam. ,FIs ate it they was a snake that told them that God said thos apploe aro not to be touched. B1 God looked (town at Adam and Sall D:dn't 1 say you should not toemh them apples S) Adam said Eve gave me It ea Clot said you meat leave this orchard 8) Adam and Eve lett it and angel glob them out the s,egel had a saw in hie hand.—Now York Post. roe year' I had suffered with lim- per* blood, and no remedlec I used gave any relief, until I took Dr. tegnet Koenig's Hamburg Drops, fetich completely cured me.—August Iteltemeyer, 1509 Milllman street, Baltimore, ILL Where to Get Itld of it. Chicago Record Herald. "It le a great mistake," said the Aon Of ti's mull'-mi,lionalre, ad- dlaeeing hie Billie class, "to sup - flow that money brings happiness. Wealth imposes many heavy obliga- leoeu The rich man hon n. burden to hear that la often crushing in ire iari1ble---" pardon me" interrupted a mem- ber of the class, "If you deelro a pointer, I know of a broker around the oorner who makes a specialty of mining stooks" make un forget their aura, all the r eorde of their hullo and wounds. To me It bad evened that thoco who occupied oentrov 01 af- fection aluuht ,be teat coneern'vl with what camp to them as lira' due. than with whet wont out from them d y their obligation; that, 'ilia the can itself, they should bo ecn- te).s of centrt'ugul forces, radiating, through the very fullness of their joy, light nal gladneas into other .puss.—from ' My 011 M id's Corner,' The Century, January, 1903, CALIFORNIA The meow' of orange culture in Central and Northern California for ten years pant suggests the climatic unity of the State. Some of the most successful orange groves aro (00 miles north of Los Angeles. The, long summer, the warm and dry at- mosphere, the abundance of water, and the low price of land, make these ffetde to the San Joaquin and Sacramento valleys very desirable for oranges and all kinds of farm - Ing and fruit growing. Just now the rates aro epiettlly low. From Feb. 18th to April 50th the rate from Chicago will be $33 to California points. It you are lntcreeted In Ce11- rornln, eueh (iubllcatlotto ac " The Land of Opportunity" and "Califor- nia for the Settler" will i0 helpful. They aro free, and may be had of F. B. Choate, General Agent, South- ern Pacific, No, 1'26 Woodward ave., Detroit, Mich. Condltloae of Su0CCBa. The conditions of eminent success are Inexorably hard; only a new will make the sacrifice. First—Ode must believe his adopted vocation la fur tato, and be meet work 'Ike a gladiator. Patient, untiring industry always receives its reward. Second—To be a "society man" and a lover of pleasure Is fatal to euc- Ce8L Third—only smell recreation no 1e nero,sary to preserve health 1s per- Fourth—Intemperance and excesses of all kande are barred out. Fifth—It Is mandatory to rloo early, with a clear brain, refreehld by necessary rest. Morning is the best time to work, ns the proverbs In all languages testify. Sixth -1f occasion dementia lt, one must face the etrirteet economy In diet, dress and all home surround - Ings. What More Could Ile ''ant? Chicago Tribune. "What to your father's objection to me. Millie?' asked tho young than. "He ease you have uo application, GernId." 'No nppllcatlon1" he echoed, bit. tarty. "I wonder if he known I've j bean coming to see you twlea a week for six years!" Tapping Noses for Drinks. Ito oli-famlliened wry of deciding a g .1011 by tossing up a coin 10 j .*Ow et.'prsotlod in England by an .Metant pastime which is known as , "tip -hose " Two cabmen harm the tlMdtt of making the new game ',oh- ne. Instead o' "tossing for drluks" tbt'Y set to work to agar, the man who first got In a tap on his op- pienent'e nose bring the winner and tinting hie drink pnkl by tho loanr. Ifinard's Liniment lures Distem- per. An Old \'aid's Phitoeoplo. We may he better after suffering, and wo may 10. wore; but our con- ditions must depend upon onrselvcw, and should never bo laid to the tore of our cnlamltleu. The fountains of the eternally vir- glual spring are in every human heart and keep the world of new emotloes perennially fresh and beautiful; and tat mob of in. le given the right not only to poasees them, but the obli• gotten to cherish them. The only sorrow worth anything in this world le Borrow for others, sad sorrow for othere means Dig others, others, pot 'tugging our woes to ourselves. For I believe that the really brave and the really great ValsOMmseeMeas 40th Anniversary Far sae, Forty Yeen Gray's Syrup of Red Spruce Gum A8 A SPECIFIC FOR COUCH!), COLDS, Erc. HU been tested and hes heroine the Family Cough Specific of thousands throughout Canada and the United States. It never was mote popular nor more largely used than it b today. MERIT ALWAYS TELLS. Cough Remedies come and go. New prep.cratioos ere tried and abandon- ed, but the old reliable remains. The present is • trying season for both old add young, ami colds Melly caught sow are art to reins'n for the winter unless promptly cured. No better remedy an be found than Gray's Syrup SOLO eY ALL DRUGGISTS. ONE aPOONFIIL Viil build for you good health, tire. 1 goo11 ;r•cc: by using South Arier;can Nervine Almost all Illi, ease+e the result of poor nerve action. Without good nerves neither brain, nor stomach, nor liver, nor heart, nor kidneys, can work well. Nerve food mast be such that it will be absorbed by the nerve ends. Such a food is South American Nervine, the greatest tonic known, a cure for dyspepsia and all stomach ail- ments, Ano1.1% LE Botts, B. C. L., Montre- al's well known barrister, writes: "1 wag suffering from insomnia and ner- vous debility, prostration and exhaus- t Ion. I took five betties of South Asters lean Nerviest, and PM wholly recovered, The Creat South American Rheumatic Cure ie the only one but has nota single LAM of failure in its record. Cure auto within three days; relief instantly. 6 Generous. Chicago Post. "0 I could only get a bite to eat," he whined "Why don't you work ?" she asked. "Nothin' dole' in my lino,' he an- swered. "I'm a dime museum glass. eater, an' they're settle' too com- mon. "Poor man 1" she said, sympathet- ically. "Come right In and you can (rove the two goblets and the glees Web the girl broke this morning." Millard'', Liniment Cures Colds, eta. It's the "Man" Not the Whiskey, Sydney Post. Whiskey 1s blamed for more titan It ie guilty of, It has wrecked and rulned many live and homes, and why ? Simply beoause certain indi- viduate had not sufficient common Ronwe to leave it alone. Whiskey la oftentimes made an excuse for crime when it is not the real Meuse. Ant ielpat.lon. A newly married man In Dubuque, Ia., has been arrested for stealing a baby carriage. The moral Is that one should not look too tar la the future. CLEARINO THE WINE. impurities Removed by a'New Appli• maim' of Mot, Igcrat ieu. Certain Improve ncuts have been Introduced In ett.tmpagne manufac- ture, says the Stteutlike American. As le well known, the wine 1e bottled and placed In racks In an inclined position. The bottles are turned re- golariy, the Idea beteg to 0aut:e all the tnipurltlea in the wine to each the cork. The old cork in finally re- moved at a certain stage of the process In order that the final liquoring and corking may be done. Former* it wns the universal prac- tice In the momentary removal of the cork to allow the deposit to he sprayed out by the pressure of the glut with pot enough of the con- tents of the bottle to remove the substance, which world be cloudy, and damage the [vine. Of late years an Ingenioue freezing machine has been Introduced to freers solid a thin wedge next the cork of just the needed thickness to remove all that need not remain. This reduces the waste of wine cocslderably. iInard'e LInlment Cures Dipb• tberia. Cure for Insomnia. The new minister of a small town In tavernons-shire wee walking home from morning service recently when ha chanced to overtake one of 111s parishioners, an old shoemaker. "Good morning, Mr. Bain," said the minister. "How is It your good wife lo not out to -day ?" "She's no but poorly," was the reply. "It's nae wink of sleep she e had for the Met three tdchts." 'The minister was sorry to hear such a poor account of tire. Ba'n's health, nod expressed a wish for a speedy Improvement. I'm thinking If elle could get a gold sleep," said the shoemaker, "she'd sown be on the mend. Mo,vbo It ye're pawing the hoose to -mor- row ,we'll no (Melt to ca' In an' juet give her frac 'lastly' to the end of ,,our discourse this morning. Int no' saying it wadna be very helpful."— Scottish American. We believe MINARD'8 LINIMENT is tho best. Matthies Foley, 011 City, Ont. Joseph Snow, Norway, Me. Chas. Whooten, Mulgrave, N. 8. Ilov. R. 0. Armstrong, Mulgrave, N. S. Pierre Landry, sen., Pokemouche, N. B. Thomas Wasson, Sheffield, N. B. I"loaling loon. Nell—There 111 nothing more de- lightful than the knowledge that a emu is in love with you. Ilene—OI I don't know. 'What's the miter with the knowledge that two or three men are in love with you :—Chicago News. Doctor—How wan it that you 11dn'1 hear the cyclone condos:' \ ktiu—A'lty, you soy, my wire had a srwing society meeting to the pnrior at tho time.—Chicago Tawe. Ho (at the piano)—ind what air do 011 Writer? She Well, 1f you give mo my shote 11 take a millionalre.—Ilaltl- iore News. — Mr. Bacon—When n11 the tooleare /heel I oon't want to be alive. Mrs. Bacon—Well, don't worry; you won't be.—Yonkers Statesman. "I any, mm, you know dal dome of collirer oil you said I had to take?" "Yee." "Well, go on an' glume It. Do fel• term have made up a puree of a nickel ter watch me take lt."—St. Louie Star, Coal Dealer Wanted to Bny. Washington Times. Anxious Resident—Hello ! hello 1 Ie this Smith's coal office? Coal Dealer—Yee; what do you want ? A. IL—I'vo only got coal enough In my sellar to last until to -night -- Coal Dealer (lnterrupt(ng)— That's good. What'll you take for It? What Happened. "8be married the coachman tie- e:owe elle wanted someone who could drive." "Well ?" "Well, he drove her to distraction" Piles To prove to you , thab Dtt Chase's Ointment%acertate and absolute cure for each and every form of itching, bleedingand protruding p11sa the manufacturers have guaranteed It. Beet's. timenlaln in the daily press and ask your neigh- borsWit, they think it, You can use it and a boy, at tin dealers or ErDNAaao0,BATTra & oney bark lf not cured. CO.,Toronto, Or. Chase's Ointment Loves Her Still. Chicago Post. " You used to say you loved my voice and that when we got old you'd love it still." ' Well, I do. In tact, that's the only way Ido love It." Mlnard'e Liniment Cures target in Cove. Do Johnny Justice. Omaha Bee. "Jany;mad his mother, *overa- ll', "someone hoe taken a big piece of ginger oake out of the pantry." JOhliny blushed guiltily. "0h, Johnny," she exclaimed; "I dtde't think It wee to you "It ain't alt," repiled Johnny: "part of tt'e In ELIO.' " Pure soap l" You've heard the words. in Sunlight Soap you have the fact. UNLIGIIT REDUCES EXPENSE Ask Orr abe Octagon Per, sp FLANNLL SHOULD Bt: WORN, This Fabricle Much More Healthful Tlnun UWir WOo"ats. instinctively felt to be butter W- aded by woallen than by lawn o' 0011011 ta.hrlca. Ik>uoa the very bvntral sill 0, !menet gurments by athletes and by modib:rd 0. cr.cke., Loating and other sporting 001,8, woo are caaiod ales 10 engage In vl orows passer, ox,.r.use uk.ly to mem pro.dsu perhp.rataan. As.0,merly Ivo; u, woo.len fabrics were obleetouable to many, be- eauc taws irritated the alt and mowed uls0om.ort by prevent.n„ the peeper tuo;tpe of its exudations. Moreover, td'Y were., ria a rule, 80 laxsvy as 1.0 he Intolerable for sum - mel' wear. Theiee o,,,eot.,.nable lea- tuttw Unca now been removed, and to make w•oolien clothing truly moni- tory and suitable for ail 00(0ua, the usual pt'o.eas of weaving woo.leu falirite has been materially moll - that ty arioptdna a metho.l which pro- duces a much less closely woven tex- ture than the ordinary flannel. Tho 1(0 11)1 is unat.O tive, too, that 0(0011en clothing is hot in warm weather; that 11 we wear wool in nadt.or to keep 11.0 warm we mutat wear something different in sum- mer to keep no cool, or he inconsist- ent lu thtory and practice. But this la a mistake. It is oltvdous to all how a noncon- ductor of heat—a woollen garment, for leatance—prevents the escape of the heat of the body to a oolder at- mosphere, or the Ingress of heat to the i0.1y from a warmeratmo.pltere; a familiar illustration of welch Is found in the practice of wrapping ouraetres In blankets to keep us warm and of wrapping lee In a blanket to keep it eo.d—to keep the heat in In one ease and not In the other. It may not be 00 easy to un- denatand wily we should clothe a warm ttoa,r In a blanket to cool It ort or keep 1t cool w ben the tem- perature of the surrounding air le in or near equilibrium with It. The explanation des in the nature and condition of the body, the wool- len fatlrie',o two -fold property of nonebnductivlty to heat and per- meability to moisture„ and the evap- oration of the moisture at the fa- in -tea outer surface. This evapora- tion asperses the hent, thus low- ering the temperature. Thta 1s the rowan the soldier keeps his woollen covered canteen wet In trot 11100- ther. A wet woollen garment dis- poses of the surplus heat and leaves the body cool.—Ilartfol'd 'Pisses. New York and Bosom Via New York Central. The numerous traino, the excellent service, the uniformity of ire trains, lig four tracks, and the location of Its depots la Boston and New York, make the New \ ork Central the fav- orite line to those points. Ari ticket agent w111 confirm the above. Completed the Text. Apropos of mottoes on houses, a correspondent of the Westminster Gazette relates that a man In Scotland whaled to have rut over the door of a now house the text: "My house shall be called a house of prayer." He left the workmen to carry out his wibh00 during kis absence, and on his return 111s hor- ror was great to find the quota- tion completed; "But ye have made It a den of thieves." "We had a wee thing mall room, yo see, so we Just pit In the end o' the verse," was the explanation given by the Bible -loving Seat. Settlers' Low Rates West, Via Chicago and Northwestern Ry., every day from February 13th to April 80th. Colonist 0110 way aeo- ond-olaas tickets at extremely low rates from stattone In Ontario and Quebec, to pointe in Colorado, Utah, Montane, Nevada, Idaho, Oregon, Washington and California; also to Victoria, Vancouver, New Weetmin- eter, Nelson, Roseland, letc. Full particulars, rates and folders can be obtained from B. H. Bennett, General Agent, t: East King street, Toronto, Ont. Monkey Brand Soap makes oopper like gold, tin like silver, crockery like marble', and windows like crystal. ,e Her Majesty's Jewels. Queen Alexandra has, of course, a most valuable quantity of jew- els, bat there are some to which Her Majesty attaches a good deal more value than to others owing to the circumstances by which they name into her posseselon. A beau- tiful necklace of pearls Rod dia- mouds is eepectally treasured by the Queen; it is, of course, of con- siderable value, but Her Majesty treasaree it because it was the first present made to her by the King. A superb tiara of diamonds Was presented to Her Majesty by friends—there are MI5 diamonds in ties tiara, each jewel being the gift of a friend. ISSUE NO. 9. 1903. lits. Wlnalow'u eoonning Syronebenld tituars be used for Children Teething..14 soothes the child, inflame thegum CUM 11111a cone and to the best remedy for Diarrhea. FARM FOR SALE 1. S— "5 110080 AI[M( "1, A_Itt. 1.. IDI A 1 I l I —aU artw„ o{ KI wing tlml,rr; nrcesxu buiknuga; ur11,vu0t Iviol yr mon' seliodl 310 WIorelos; 1 ty 11111,0 to station; low -pmol terns honorable, Angus U. Meekuy, ronrrtt Il uron, Mich. LtALM FARM, 40 ACRES Well LAND i witil g, ,, l ,oil Mega ; price y.1 ,410; terms ; 110.0.1011 nt ones ; cnutlogu. . Clark A Son, Dover, Delaware, AGENTS WANTED WANTED -MAN OR WOMAN TO REP - resent tut soiling Inn,ppthat makes Its own gam for one ren tet day. Wherd offer to right arty. Brava lamp free. Aa- dn•as l'rrloet Light Co., 140 Nassau WeekNow York. 1p INVRH'I'ED 1'I.IEARR tore. STAY! '1 Ill ihug i nveuuon; ctohewsruyn;Iddervyetloorplrsoighent uwtglinitoghnhoo; u4imat•n0mat rei.n0p, e1o1flus1seloifth orefr rddao*im ri0nsnohruAa'nreaco Co('o, Urn meq Colored* 1aN,1FDe— Energetld1 .men, nursery n aotwnedk TV ,mnrotre,V hLd RA1l- DEN, TORONTO, CANADA. LOST, STIIASILO Olt STOLEN—FOOH my premixes at Lvnedoch Norfolk county, about Novetuber 20th, a large dark brown, plotted bInrk, Indian pony ; aware na hind irg from being tired for 0pavin; ants par. sou giving int inflation nx to iia whrren ,ou or deliveraug hltn to John l'hnrlton or usyseg at Lynedoch, will be suitably rewarded. Write nr telegraph to W. A. U1urltoa, Lynwnn'h, butter, NHw Laid Eggs and Poultry Wanted Consignments of Butter, Poultry and ae7 Ist I Eggn solicited. Prieto firm for choice hal Iden. Choice young Chlelene,dry picked,eleaa selling 110 to lair per pair. nail_ pay Bea per lb. for BEEAn'A X, delivered Tereus*. Correspondence solicited. JOHN J. FEE02 front Street r Last, 'reroutes USE 1,000 MILE AXLE GREASE It Pian No Equal Manufactured only by The Campbell M'tg, Co„ of Hardee' Ontario, Canada. For sale by all leading dealers. ST. JACOBS Ob POSITIVELY CURES Rheumatism Neuralgia Backache Headache Feetache All Bodily Aches AND CONQUERS PMN. Blood will tell When an animal is all run down, bas a rough coat and a tight hide, anyone knows that his blood is ont of order. To keep ananimal econa micaUy be must be in good health. DiCK'S BLOOD PURIFIER is a necessity where the best results from feeding would be obtained. It tones neo the system, rids the stomach of bots, worms and other parasites that suck the life blood away. Nothing like Dick's powder for a ran down horse. 50 cents a package. Laming, Mlla & Co., Agents, flONTREAL Pity the Poor Coal Man. ]Exchange, Blohbs—Here's a story aboat F coal dealer being arrested for fro Slobbs—Well, the weigh of rte transgressor is hard. $100 REWARD, $100. The readers of this paper will beleased be learn that there le at hetet one dreaded disown that edenee has been able to cure In an the stages and that fa Catarrh. Hall'. Catar*b Cure ie the only poalth•e euro now knows 80 the medical fraternity. Catarrh, befog a coos etltotlonal disease, requires a coastltetloaM treatment. Hall's Catarrh Coro le taken In. tereaily, acting directly noon the blood ase mucous eurtaces of the system, thereby dys troyln the foundation of the disease, one giving the patient strength by betiding u the coaatltutloa and assisting astute to dol a Its work. The proprietors bayous meets fat In Its curative powers that they Mier Oto Hundred Delineator any cue that 1t IoW IN cure. Send for Ila' of teetlmoalala I Address F 7. CHIENEY A 00,Tel.IA 0. /told by drn glare. Tac. HaBy Pap P111s ate Robot