The Blyth Standard, 1903-02-19, Page 3LyadtmutM_ 9Stagiet 1:*******1111c+tris GIPSY'S LflARRIA6EGIPSY'S 4,444.44;44444444 Mise Blake Is apparently listening! to the Inane adoration of a very' young Hurn who Inas heard that she lots moony, and flatters himself that his birth, position, and appearance i aro equal to any such sordid charms, and looks upon her as combining all tho qualielos of a Wife—the three "Ps"—face, figure, and fortune. lhcy occupy ono of tho sofas; and she lies back in an exquisitely languid attituuo, her diaphanous (irupertes daspuscd with Dateless grace, her gold head hying beak, and her fringed eyes looking into his adoring face. Ilo hag rettel ed tato stage whom he tuition oven the gelled programme Iu bee Idle fingers, when he (cels frauti• Dally Jealous of tiro rose that car• noses her milk -white nock. Ho would like to take up those white, indo- lent arms and kiss then, or do any other Idiotic thing. And nll the time the calm beauty sees only 0110 kingly head, only ono face— and that not tiro face of tho wor- shipper at her gide. At the mere sight of adr Maurieo Dermot hor heart beats as it will never beat for mortal man again. • "And to think he would hire been mine but for her 1" site %aye to hor sell, passlonately. And very likely ho would; eon. Stant. dropping wears away a stoats and to all human probability, If Olpey had never come to Drumau• eon Castle, Miss Blake would In • due tlnio have been mistress of 1114 ancestral home. She watches Glpsy now and sets her white tooth together, and she notes the maddening charm that Boo moot of all In her 0yee. She watches Colonel Bryan take up a long, fur -lined cloak auld wrap It round her, and then open the heavy door outside, Tho moonlight tat white and ehlnSng. Mies Blake, [eluting forward at little, sees Sir Maurice's wife de- liberately clued the oak door again. She turns with an odd smile to hor oompuolon. "Married women can do anything. Wouldn't it be aottstdered very dread- ful If I asked a gentleman to tako me out upon the terrace? And yet tiro ONLY A Melttt'P ('OLD) Yet it May lewd to (:'onetimptoa and an early Grave. If your blood Is poor or watery, a touch of cold or u]Ducntt will settle in your lunge, and tae slight cough of to -day way turn to tiro racking ooneumptivo's cough of to -morrow. Weak lungs aro caused by weak blood; walk blood Ie an open Invita- tion tor contemptine to lay upon you the hand of death. Stop teat wage by enriching your blood and atrrugthening your lunge with Dr. WLlleuus' fink fills. They mako new„ rich, red blood. They add resonating power to the lungs. They have saved huudrede from a oousumptivo's grave. Hero Is a poet - five proof that Dr. Williams' link Pills Dore where other medtclnes fail : Mies Bathe Henry, Charlottetown, P. E. 1., says; "Sumo months ago 1 got aught in n rain storm, and the wotting was followed by a cold. At first I paid but little attention to it, but as the cold clung to ane and fin- ally developed into a hacking cough, I became alarmed and consulted a doctor, who gave me a bottle of moonlight looke vory tempting"; lied she givee him a full etralght look —u look that Mrtnge the blood throb- bing to him brain. '.0'111 you come?" be asks, eagerly. "If I ask you, will you mono?" "Yes," she snym, qulelly, and gath- ers herself and her slatting raiment together. "Wait till this dance be- gins," she whispers, thrilling him with another magic look. "1 want to moo tiro moonlight ; but I don't wain', every one to gee ani looking at 1t " She speaks sit riottiy and looks so Lovely that he makes up his mind that beloro they hove finished con- templating the moon hr, will possess himself of the ruse at her breast. A most alluring waltz emptleg the old hall epeetltly, and with a smile, (tall arch, hall paual.ve, the beauty of tiro oouttty suffers her swain to wrap her snowy muoulders In a cloak —a work he 'legend over ecstatically —lord they, too,. pass out of the por- tals into the world of mystery and moonlight without. • • • • 1 Not one word does 1111sy say its elle hurries Colonel Brya.i round to the terrace, which runs the Whole lengie of the more Moderil part of .ho castle. The tower itself, Ivy -clad and grim, Inks down upon them, w1.11 1110 muuu'm rayl makfl:g dla- 01011(s of mica ivy leaf. Ocdunol Bryne keeps pace with the hostess' tieing steps ail they palm by a the lighted windows, twit eau hear the etruing of muslc. 0.ico she looks up at lam as they pang out of the moonlight holo the shadow, and he s.arte visibly. D.ms he thlak of outer dark, paesouate eyes wpr deed to Ida own, speaku,g of love and happlitean 1 Ho Inc hardly time to think. "Thiu way 1" whispers Gipsy, breathlessly ; and he cannot but notice the suppressed anxiety in her voice, " Here—come and look dim; the river lm mo pretty from hero." Mutely he obeys, and follows her to a little buttress built out from Um terrace and looking sheer down on to the river. S./ale aro placed around; and many it eultlnier day it has pleased Lady Dermot, the dowager, to derma) tea from this exalted position. Then tilpsy turns, and, full In the moonlight, gazes up at him. It Is only a look, for, before oho hag time to *oak, a voice cries: "Paul!" lnpsy flies away and ho is left annus with Sibyl, • • • • The moon mutt be vory attrac- tive to -night, or the cool air very enticing, for Miss Blake paces the terrace Indefatigably for some ten minutes, apparently listening to the Indiana rhapsodies of the man at her gide whose volae Ie shaking, partly from excitement, but chiefly trout oold, Miss Blake heard tud heeds not; she looks up and down, but there la not a sign of Lady Dermot uud Colonel Bryan. A few steps further on, and mho comes upon a scene that even olio can hardly believe—Colonel Bryan stand- ing gaunt and grim against the sky, a woman's olaopod hands upraised and laid upon his breast, and a wo- man's taco, dt torted with agony, upturned to his. The moan's rays ohne full neon her. There in no mistake—them outs be no;ie. It fa tint face of Sir Mau- rleo I)ermot's wife ! A few sobbed out words reach Inas against hlm, and Iter throat swells. For a eeaoud she 1s tempted to tell Mut all, and tion the recollection of his own worde. "If through yon should now disgrace o,] the o.d name of Dermot," send, back the tido of speech, and Sir Mturlce's mother ue(er recovered eenlnand of herself as quickly an (tipsy does sow. Look. lug up. situ Nays, with ]L heir -smile: "Only a little, Maurice; and 1 was afraid to go back to the ball- room by myself' —a np cell half-true, and yet oho hates herself for the deceit as ho answers, fondly: "And tine Is my dance, (loar. 1 have been looking forward to tho walls with my wife." I Alias Biako walohos the husband ami wife enter the room, and notices that Gipsy looks strangely troubled. They are close heslde her, and she nntea tlipsy's one brief, trusting look at her hesitan1..l'e ince, and sees 1110 answering etn11( as be tuolreles her wltli IlLs arm :lad sweeps her away Into the whirling, twirling vortex. "Hypocrite 1" whlspertc the beauty, through her teeth, her eyes searching 1hrow,gh the crowd for a phew dross and a man's tall form ; and, though laudleuld and wife know It not, to- night as the beginning of the end. CItAPT1:tt XXV. Tho night Is waxing Mlle at Ura- manoon Castle, and the merrl:ng will soon 0e struggling Into birth. The chaperons begin to look Brod, 111 the tangle word "sup- per' thrille through the room. The young p:oplo think more of the ex- tra uai.nes, whlle the chaperons are 4ustainine exhausted nn tura on chicken wings and champagne. Lord Bautard elmflle(1 up to \tree Bryan. She 18 worth propitiating with at little attention note and than. fell ()via ILI Bills Mot to Make, 'thee, Blight, Good Natured and Well. A crying baby is an unwell baby. Tito little eiutp is not cross for the fan of it. Ile cries booause that is the only way ho has of expreshtg the fact thole he is either In pain or discomfort. Most of his little troubles are due to some disorder of the ,stomach or ilotvwls, and if Palty'a1 Own Tablets aro given both rho trouble and t'oswu1tlug 6001911mem will d4alppeal You can take a ano- ther's word for at, and Mrs. 'John T. Sutherland, of l3. )s(IeLh N. B., eatye: "1 think Iia11y''.4 Own Tablets the best me/Moine In the world for little ones. My baby was fiery Groes and wed to keep oto awake half the night be- fore 1 got the Tartlets. Now she sloops soundly, is gto,l-natured alai le growing splendidly." You ertn gavt thews Tablets with perfect safety 10 a new born babe. They are guaran to the feast. They are Just too late. The supper room le oruwdmd, every chair and plate Med. Lord Batitara's face tall~. Airs. ltry (3 turns to hlm, with a twl ikle In her heady eyes: "1 think, Lord Bautard, the game is up indeed." "Humph 1" he grunts, not appre- for eve/lithe' frocks, eepoclully in elating her wit. fawn and grey. Pat•islans always They have, however, the fehelly of choly their goal sense In dressing seeing the Dowager Lady Dermot 111 complete harmony, and their rlslwg amt mothg away, g"". 111114. for gray is very pronounced. her torn Inco over her arm. .N. Y. Tlwns. "All file hot thlt,gs gone!" grunts Lord Bnntard. "We stayed a little Notating could be prettier than fol long." tills lies French bl0ue0. The mat - and 10 t i apply Mrs. Bryan 011111 used In Its creation 1s mauve and return to the supplattey of l:ot[ lame liberty silk. The neck is out out on, when a ft'exh supply of hot game slightly, and filled In with an em• may appeal' piecemeet of guipure bordered with Tile Dowager meets Maurice le the teen velvet. A loaf appiiea1(ml of doorway as site in unlace away with her tattered Spanish lass, lace mounted over green mousseline "What le the mutter with your farms bretetletike p10001 on the wife?' she whiepers. "She Is looking waist. The largo box -pleated sleovos miserable." are mot at the hand by deep cuffs "L dont think so," replies 5L' edged with velvet and further adorn. Maurice, looking all the 3611110 at ed with mousseline embroldery. Gipsy npproaeldng with Cnlo 'd Mousseline also mate* the modish 110y1111, who appears equally glum. er vat. .1 hedge ekiri is 0 urn with Lady Deriuut dues trot seem fes- lite blouse.—Nash. Star. live by any menus, and the eyes that respond to her husband's gleno, are simply miserable. "Get my wife a,glaso of Champacrne," i ho says, hastily', to Colonel Bryan; enol thou, turn. ng to her, he whis- pers, "Don't look so dreadfully bored and unhappy, darling; pepplo are no. tieing DO' His words have ten times more effect than ally kinder ones could have hail, She would have burst est crying if lir Mautl:e's manner had been a shade more affectionate; his half -bantering, half -serious tone stcalles her immediately; and, after n sl girt tremor of her mouth, she iu all right, and she smiles back at her husband its elle passive on to the scupper table. 1 Colonel Bryan le very stern, very alotructed, and Gipsy 16 silent, 100; her thoughte are with poor, unhappy :ethyl. 11 s Blake survey -s her 0aun- 1y, nod uotloee the signs of supprees- ,s l agalnl low lh Lucca. "1 followed )0n"":ro1example, Lady Dermot, and took rt turn on the ter- rane. It was trice In the moonlight," sir remarks, quietly. A hot, burning flush, scorches thin spring and summer fabrics, But there are many signs that larger skirts will be the rulo.—Tribuue. In Ports they are wearing a great Boal of velveteen, both striped and spotted, sometimes trimmed with fur. 1L Is being used in p,11e 'Medea vlpay r uwv. ,'t', ne CotRtnued 1 DRESS HINTS. 1 Gray clout gowns ore among the very newest fashions, made - with deep flounces or bands of amen! to contain no °plate, or polo obelus sleepy stuff, and are a sure euro, for all the minor ailments from which little ones suffer. Sold by me/Beale dealone or sent post paid at 25 cents a box by writing direct to the Dr. William Modielne Com- pany, Brockville, Ont. He thieks of her iliuners, and he thinks of her wine, and his pully features distort thomsclveed lute u smile, "Have the pleasure of taking you hito supper, Mrs. Bryan?" ha puffs cwt. Full well he knows that elle llke- tvlse (Loot's her supper and makes a steady, lengthened meal of 1t. 5110 announces her assent to Ile proposi- Ilon with her Irlenelleet snort. Per- haps sh0 la not exempt from the 111. kale 41011)s hr]e is 1 human t ore . o nu , and would rather sup with a lord than an esquire, even though the lord were void of all the attributes that go to make a pleasant compan- ion. Perhaps her maLcioum old heart rejolegs a,1 rho knowledge of the fact that, 11 Lord Halliard oecortd her to 1110 Malap1e1, he cannot take Lady Dermot., sailor, who presently 11101,e% off graciously, la her Spanish lace and her topazoe, on the arm of a portly netghwrltig &Loire, who pule his Feat 11101 through a yard of tho Spanish lames, and tells her, cousui- 'ugly : Lucky It to a flimsy, Lady Der- mot !" A flimsy, lanced—sed 11 coots good - Mese 0luy kuowe how much n yard. Mrs. Bryan hears the pleasant sound of the tearing of that lace, hears the squire's awkward apology, and sees the look on her ladyship's face—:t look that Apeako not old volumes, cut a: whole library. Mrs. Bryan bolo she is hardly W need of supper after such a mental treat as this; but elle turns, with an stir of 0prightliness, U, Lord 1/1 (1terd. "Charming bull 1 Lots of ugly wont - en ---very lciv pretty ones; Mut not enough mea--a0undance of teal, - medicine. Unfortunately, It did not tlowers1"—taking In the rote el help ole, and 1 began to grow pale, Blake. (10111141110 Wm at liar right hand. lost in weight and my apPolito mom- " Oh, Paul, you did love me once !" "tome along 1" she //aye, pleasantly, pletely lett me. I was now regularly And then elle tarns to her adorer, to the 1011010 row. "IVe elderly people under the caro 01 the doctor, whowhose teeth aro rattling like caste- ore to have the first of the supper. You must be famished silting 40 long." latterly people! Mia+ Grlmshaw's sdver evitet positively rattles on her brcastboue with rage. A glaro is Iter may reply. The Baby advances to Lno rescue, with n heroism that is fine of its kiral. "1 am glad to rest for a little," she says, with a simple air. "Rest for a little i" snorte back Mrs I:ry1u1, teking up the gauntlet. "My dear ere:wired, 1 thought yet would be glad to oleo out of your chairs, even lu stretch your logs a bit.^ The whole six are petrified tvith anger and oousternatlon ; but, as Mr,. Bryan might po.sibly say wore, things, they wlsoly hold teeir tongues —at Icaet In her presence. Lord Bantard turns to her with n confidential air. "We won't go to yet. Dermot told mo Just now the hot things weren't up yet. Game—capital things at sup per. We won't go till the game in up.' Presently ile shuffles off. and re turns with haste and alacrity, and offers his fat elbow for Mrs. Bryan's acceptation, that snbatltut08 and medicines said , his arm engem! hor. "Now, Mrs. Bryan, the game Is np," told me my lunpss wino affected, and lets: that 1• waw threatened with consume- " Come, let us go 111 ; It 19 too ti(un. Tito doetor'e treatment tail colt," not seem to !•merit me in the leant, "Yee," lie assenam; and 110 cppears 1 steadily grow weaker, and finally to hove noticed nothing of the drama was compelled to remain in bed. At enacted before h'm. this limo a friend urged me to try Mien Arles Blake returns to the Dr. Williams' fink Pills, and even ballroom there Is a cold, triumphant brought me three boxes before 1 look in her ryes as she glances at finally consented to take them. I Sir Maurice. have reason now to bless my friend'e ; " Fool 1" site thinks. "And yet 1 persistence, tweauso I felt hotter le -1 could !oleo sworn Ilii wino loved him. fore all the pills were gone, and 1' Lei hi& teett revenge will come!!" glac:ly continued rho trentm nl1, and ' While Minx Blake Is thus cogitating, wits won able to be out of heti and ' In a deep window of tate staircase take a walk each day, I am now ht ' site Gipsy, white and agitated, She the host of health, and tveiglt ten has flurried In through a side pounds more than I,dl(1 before 1 took door, and esealped for five min- slak. I feel that I owe my 111e to Wass' quiet and rest. She presides 'tor Dr. William/' lank I'Ills, and hope' throbbing forehead ;loftiest the 0001 my experience will benefit some glass and tries to slop shaking anal other sufferer, shivering. All diseases which come from poor I "Poor, pear Sibyl!" Glory sighs. blood or weak nerves (stn be driven "How terrible to think of tier, and from the system by the use of Dr. then to hoar all the music and nolle Williams' Pink !'ills, which may be' downstairs." heel from any dealer In medicine, or ! There Is a stop on tiro stairs, and will be Neat post paid at 500 per 41111 springs up no her husband box, or els boxer for $2,rO, by writ- • reaches her. Ing direct to the Dr, Williams' Metal- I "Darling, what le it 1" Aren't you clne Oo Brockville, Ont, Remember well?" ha asks, anxiouely, putting t be ")set tie good" do not cure ' For a moment she Matte her heed 0 ho e11ueklee, and leads her gallantly gray squirrel, and with blouse of tate 53610 fur. Bolero jackets, with fael:gc of ermine uud linlsltet tv1Llt ruffles of whae dice, are attractive and expensive enough to Insure their popularity. --- Small buds predominate an flower trimmings, tiny pink ruse buds, asleep au their green loaves being 11:v1011011 forget -mc -note on the white hats; small roses an all other shades; small 1 roils of various kinds; berries of 011(01eut sitides. Holly berries formed one entire hat. Sleeves are to be restrained In their wild wiredr towards the grotesque, particularly as regards that vagary, 1110 wide sleeve wan a 1.0:0.101 be- neath it, trade of some flimsy lab - rte. Bat sutshe 1 sleeves are being dedeel, 101(1 (01110 aro given delight - L11 little elbow outfit that bulge Just lit the helud of the arm, white othere are to he made, of stripes of velvet and set In such a way that they look pleated, and aro very faselnathig 1u effcat. The 01011 drir 00)111 may he expeetel to lengthen, for there Is ev- ery elein011 of an effort belong made to strengthen the exigtiwg faint re- gard for the fasblons of the fortlee, though these ere not to bo seen un- til warm wi•athor brings musllns.— Loldun Hail. _-- Examples of the fuller skirts o0 0',11111113 gowns acro noticeable. Both thin and heavy unate•lals seem suitable for more ample skirts when reserved for the evening. For the daytime women will be probably less (tasty In respect to putting more stuff into skirts tad watt for the NOW 'IN HS AliLLE Nil.1. 'ulvrrs.it,r:,1 <':airu 110a Brea hi lit l• urrr u'rhou„a"d Veers The course of still at the %ail- vers,tp of Cairo would have many (11trnetnt13 1111' Amswinall eallege boys/ t.su> dislike, the drudgery ,d reel - end chess -roe'- disclaino. Au Arab student peesehee 11ni ell with coley of the korai, a Wank/it and n 11,111 of bread A vaennt 1'ace is 11ssiete,1 him on the floor matting, 161i011 becomes his derudtur,y' while Ile stn ye. Ino studies when lie phloem, then he sl"rps or pets, alter which Ile 1)110011 the 'sett for learning. This ix probably the palest univer- mitc In the world. It tuns founded in Odle .1,D., and team a thriving Insti- tution ts fore Oxford wetted its doors. We matriculated be removing our shoes and found nearly 5.000 Nth - dente, singly or in groups, engaged in study or meditation. "Nal warfare between /defense and religion p,Isuo here," whiepered Doris to mo. "I've been watching this man. Ile is pouring over a map of the United Mates, muttering ntertn- while "Alin It 1 ABalt I Nobody 15 greeter than Allah!"' "Original research Is unknown to the .1roe," 1 explained. "They aro rho mere (('0 11 outs of knowhxlge that was antiquated when America was discovered. Their minde are thus oc- reeled with utterly (lead themes. Religion Is the haste of all knowledge, and a year or two must be given to the koro]. The student then pro - 1 1/ study law, 16111011 1s undc•r- etoiel to he 'a eonlprettenslon of the pre'r'pts of (:(ill In relation to the notions of men, some of which It Is our duty to perform, while others are quoting the /lefhlitlon of Juris- prudence of Ilio greatest of Arabic thinkers." "Let we Bea how mash g'ogrep11v this man knows," and without fur - 1 tier 13(13, Dorle coated herself beside till) sttdest. When addressed he re - 1 plied roe'teoasly in F'reeelt that he linllal from Mokhnh, an Arabian city near the mouth of the fled sea, and Ilnd heel two years lin the nniver- slty. :1t our request he located esv- eral of the largo cities of North Am- •erice. bat he wets aequ:liutd61 with Ino' history of 1114 otvn people, and he lorknl the enthuslawn of a real 1 student. "1 bevy brrome attached to Egypt;" said Don0, as Wo drove back to the hotel, `Thr hurl and the climate are de- lightful,"' tome/telt/el her /nether, "but 1 eacnft full In love with' the Arai. Ifie vanity r0n'wm0s Makes him Lim morbid. Nut content with leather, teumeu out ul heaven, he thinks e:u'Ill wag made for lint /lone — lucky man 1"—"Destiny of Botha" A llnssinu artillerist claims Heft experiments in the 11us13111 army have p001(w1 that tit" ow u!' yellow speetnclee by gunners and riflcm"o enables them to shoot more twee- rately by ;10 per cent. than when they use the 1;1133(1 eye, espedally in variable light. Dreadful Pains AND Swollen Ankles Kidney Disease Developed into Dropsy - After Fifteen Years of Suffering Cure Was Effected by DR. CHASE'S KIDNEY -LIVER PILLS Dropsy lea natural result or neg- lected kidney dlrnnse. When the kld- n07s become deranged uric acid is lett Ln taw 1)100;.6 11114 t'oo 1)131 be- comes watery ail vltlnle+h F1"81( tad weight gradually de?case and arungth is sI'wily veilausted. 5woi• 1,11 ankles and logs are among the iiret lldlratfonl of dropsy, end this ympt0m arises from the fart that r0 vystem le filled with water that :hone! pass db( by way of 1110 kid - 1111.8, Titre le prob,bly no ailment which 171.th4 to 15(1011 drraulfully 131in111I and utn.1 diseases ns derangement of 110 tidacye, and conxequettly the gnu,] licit Dr. Chase's KIiney-Liver Pale o In checking kidney disorders and .rrvrntln1 dropsy, Bright's dlidenne, .labetes, etc., 030 neve,• h', estlnmt- Mr. Arthur Walden, Ferryvlll' , Carleton Co., N. B., writes: ' My wife I was a great sufferer from kidaoy dire,as' for several years. She was t•oubLol with pe Ina in the entail nt the leak and 111 the aide, 003 greed - ally losaug flesh and growing weaker. She got into a very bad state, suf- ferer! fire:1.1Ni Mills, and her aald'o would swell up so that 360 were, 11011..1 of drops,v. R'0 hal a book of Dr. (Ihase'o in the !tease, awl remel;1 about lir. Chase's Keane;; -liver Has, 'heeded to try therm. Mallei eine 00630 with flus leoulmsnt. 'Hy elf„ hail been entirely rurcd, and srtya she would not by Witten 1 1),'. Chase's Kidney -Liver fills for ten tinter the prier." "1 nun awing 1'r. Chnges Nerve hood thyself, 1.3111 it is 1)1111d111.g me up WOO- 4.1s,1 Dr. C'hai'n e Kidney -Livor 1)1111, 0110 pi11 (1 Muse, :;:i reins 0 lox, At ell eeid,rs, or 1:,luuumon, hates & Co., Toronto, t 1 . ,