The Blyth Standard, 1903-02-19, Page 2Scarlet Fever FrevAht in
Virulent Form.
llnhitnnt Pe.rindel'Isolation ;s Piave('
at Six 1%'erk8 by Prot'int nil Hoard
orllealtli '1 heDeath Marc -'t'uls•r-
ouI08Is Regale' Wes,
Toronto report - Tho quarterly
mooting of tile 1'rovtocial Board of
Uo4Ih was held in Dr. Bryce a oftlee
yesterday, and W4d cue tame to -day.
The report presentee,: c,; coutag.ous
tiledat a ata,e., teat s. 8.1 .t leve: ale]
emwlkpux. existed ill 011441110 in a
ulnru VLt411.u. luta teal) 41 41,41.
Daring' ottinittly tucre wevo ten
tleaul8 ,rout .tm...lrw, Tee complaint
waw neve! teat Moro wad cot a mu111-
cittobty er tee 1 reviece properly al-
tercate' tau t'acu14a.1U,a law. becre-
ta1'y )uye4 aullmincoa teat no had a
1)111 w'ulah het wuuta present later,
11mern,dug the Itwonauou .101, 11111
mak,ll f li more woek.ale.
Tao scathe fever returns made to
the Loar,a s„owed teat the d, atd rate
lir 1plk,i wits 11 OR cent. 10 T0401140
durtug the lust nix mentos of 1Ju2,
there 111&4 been 7111 cases and $$
deaths, wh,le la .lauuary, ,9J3, there
bud been 1(,4 case” and ;it d,14tee.
Reverie; ware also prseute,,, 44,,1940'-
ing that good resttl,e wore uutaimd
from vacc,uatlun In ame1loraung anti
preventeug the 'wrote of smallpox.
New scarlet lh'1c1 Belau intents.
Thu board i,ansed newest Impurwut
reguleteuue to co„nucu0u wife Near -
tet Tuve'. It wan ueundell 40 ]duce Il
on the same tuouug}�jtte 8tualleoe and
di1,11w0'1(, and to Hos end tho ful-
iowuig rules wore pureed, and an
Oreer-m-Ceuuclt will bo applied for
co:firmfug teem:
Taut isulattuu hospitals bo eetab-
Benuit, need teat all cases must be I
remove:! lucre.
Teat mtsdcal health officers, when
lnlor'med 01 eased, anal! Immediately
isuht.o t,acm tutu quarantine ani t1 -
weed persons, eituer at IlomO ur
some place of detention.
1'aceolld who have not had tho dis-
ease, Out have come In contact with.
lt, 8141411 not leave trate pre mdse.' until
the periou of Incubation is past.
if moulcut 1,etalt4 0ftleor8 permit
persona to keep e118ed In Lucie own
Iwusee, tuey must be quarantined.
The maximum period of incubation
le limited to a week, and the mini-
mum period of Isolation Id six week8.
\\ben scarlet fever oocurd iu a
scho.,t a melcal exauduatlou of all
('1,,osed passes, w1e.her in the cl..s--
rww or at Louie, meth be heli daily,
until the period of incubation is
Leath Hate 111 per 1,000.
llr. Vaux, the Chairman of the
board, 111 els annual report stated
that during 1902 there had been 110
epidemic of a formidable character.
During the year the Model 11athu,
basal on 90 per cout. of the imputa-
tive, trete 2.e::08, au overage of
about 12 per 1,441,1. T.Icru had been
a mortality trout tubereulosle of 2.-
;1St; diphtheria, 141; ty1.11uld fever,
863; amulet fever, 282; whooping
cough, 144; mrx1skeN, 106.
Thu Chairman said he had received
a number of reports urging In the
man 01 tocrcul.8 8, cum,.ulnory noti-
fication, isolation, dl..lntection of
rooms lately occupied by eon,ump-
tiveN, disinfection of sputum, and gen-
erally strict 144tent,on to well r: cog-
nized hygienic measures for the pre-
vent.On of contagion, au1 al the ,awe
time that care bo taken that public
ant14go111sn1 was lot aroused by too
radlcai measures bring adopted.
The Toronto City Couucil voted
against the firemen's Union.
Mr. J. II. Legrls, ex -M. 1'. for
Maskinamge, has been appointed to
the Senate,
Mr. Maopbersoa's maj,rlty la Bur -
rape has increased to 2814, with At -
lin yet to hear from.
That by-law granting $25,000 to
the Pusitnoh Lake & Besieger Street
Railway was carried at Guelph.
The final referendum returns give
for the aot, 199,74e, against 10:1,-
548; total on elle lints, 601;,;77.
Dr. Parkin was the guest of the
Upper Canada CoLege Governors
and Old Boys at rt farewell dinner.
Pulp manufacturers walled upon
Sir Wilfrid Laurier to ask for an ex-
port duty on pulpwood.
Mr. E. A. Dunlop teas nominated
for the Leglelative Assembly by the
Conservative' of North Renfrew.
Toronto St. Andrew's Society )las
deaided to aid In the erection of a
Berne cottage at the St. Louie Fair.
Toronto Public School trustees aro
dissatisfied with the abandonment of
the investigation into inspectors'
The Toronto special committee on
panel` has recommended that the
(Qty Engineer consult nu expert and
present a report.
Tho Toronto Pulite 8011001 lnspeo-
tore have mime to an agreement
and the hive:ale:aloe has
abamlou ed,
It is rnportiel that the Northern
Peell14 Rtt:lw'ay ha8 applied to bu1111
410 !Mice of railway In Manitoba
thin year.
The protest against the ele:'!14n
of Mr. A, 0. Mackay, Liberal M. P.
P. for 1\orth Grey, was Wed at
Owen Sound.
Schools and churches 1141111' Mount
Albion have been closed on aesolilt
of n bad case of smallpox in the
neighborhood. ,
Three Toronto deputy returning
()nieces Iwve been nummulted on
Charges of ntlecmWnet at the refer-
endum, to appear before Judge Me-
Crimmon. Three other men are
charged with personation.
A special train consisting of 12
earn laden with silk passed through
Wln11leeg early on Sunday
Eleven of th r Dare were cuad11041
to Preston, Ont., for dletribution
in the United States, and other
four were for Montreal.
The directors of the Canadian
Paelde Railway declared a d111Jcud
of 2 per cent. on the preference
stook, amt 2K per cent. on the
pompon stock for the half year
email December last. There 1+ a sur-
plus for the half year of $3,_'02,970.
In view of the thereaee In the 01808
of wile -beating in Montreal, the
Society for the Protection of Wo-
men and Children hag appoluled a
deputation to ask the OoverrImrut
to substitute the east -0' -nice -tails
instead of imprisonment as u puniSh-
At the meeting of the Toronto Dis-
trict Labor Council last nista a
short discussion upon the firemen's
union follow/el the rending of the
Org:Olisa ion Committee's report.
It recommended that the Council pro-
test (1gatuet Chief Thompson or
any committee of the City Connell
endeavoring to kill the union, and
that 41111011 Well keep In mind the
names of aldermen 'who voted that
Toronto le undergoing just now
a mile epidem:0 01 iuftucuza. Doc-
toral agree that it le far removed
(lout the genuine Parisian let grippe
that was liras feet here 1a all its
severity about tell years ago. The
after-effects are not nearly sodew-
gerous or so 80rluus. The prceeut
type le utostly bronchial in charac-
ter, and Ms due largely to change-(
able weather, and in some eases
to cold houses.
BRI Weil AND FOREl(lti.
Several per40115 perished In a bile -
surd in Newfoundland.
A Stift fight between lnsu.g tits and
conetubeia.y took 00.00 wit„iu seven
tuilcs of Mustlla city.
81r Charles Gavin Duffy, formerly
an avowal lri4411 rebel, and liter
Prime Minister of 1lctorlu, tiled at
Nei engines on the Midland Rail-
way, Boge an,t, chatted a speak 04 132
miles an jour widle drawing loads o4
:330 tons (etch.
A committee of Congress reported
In favor 01 a measure udmltUno :e -
((Uttered brood animals into the
1.4ritel Stales duly free,
honduras 144411 other republics are
involved 111 disputed which may lend
to a general war lin Central Am-
It is reported] that the Austrian
reserves have been warned to hold
themselves In roudtuess for active
Lord Salisbury will make h':e Drat,
speech since he retired from the,
1'renller'shlp tot it banquet to be
gluon In London ou March 3rd.
It le reported In the lobbies of the
French Chamfer of Deputies that
the condition of the Pope ie4 very
critical, 'Phe report cannot be 0un-
lkrmed, and Mtn Source cannot be
The London Daily Mail publishes a
dometeil from liu44terna111, saying
that war has been declared between
etre Icuuela on one slue and Salvador
and honduras on the other.
U:. hermael Myu ter, one of the sm'-
ge0us who attended Pr,s.dcnl McKin-
ley after hid adnassmatlou at the
!Stu -American Exposition, died last
War .Minister Andre has issued an
order forbidding officers and em-
ployees of the Ministry for War from
participating 111 the renewed Dreyfus
Dr. Cear118 Douglas, M. 1'. for
Northwest Lancashire, has written a
memoir of his brother, the tete Pro-
feeeor Halliday Douglas, of Kuox Col-
lege, Toronto.
Mr. emirlee Day Rowe, the Cana -
than recently elected to 11(e 114111811
Parliament, says he hopes to bring
the Alaskan question before ladies
meet and to }mind upon the duty of
the Government never to yield to the
U111ted Stades.
Marconi, who la now in London,
wit return to Canada two menthe
hence, after viewing Italy. He praises
Canada and says great dissatisfac-
tion exists there at the obstacles
placed In tiro way of eetnbil0hlug a
commercial service by the 1301ti.11
In a Foreign Office report by Mr.
COIleul Beckett, which was issued
recently, it Is reported that in the
mingle Siamese district of Chieng-
wal during It)02 110t fewer than '60
elephants, representing a monetary
value of 48,300, were stolen drum
I3rtthe ! forests. This show., a re-
duction of seen compared with the
ptern 114 year.
The Wind.
Now, In hie joy,
A whistling boy;
Now, somber and defiant,
His every breath
A threat of death,
A blind, demented glant.
• t -3011n B. Tabb.
Five Armed Dien Stop an Express
in Montana.
Butte, Mont., Feb. 16.-T110 IBtlr-
iington express, No. 6, east -bound,
404144 hell up shortly after midnight t
014 the Northman Pacific (reeks eight
miles east of tide city, near Iiome-
stead, lay five maeke11 men. They
covered the sides of the train with
their gene, uncoupled the engine,
mall awl express, and ran them ahead
of the train about two miles, where
the robbers fired two charges of
dynamite, blowing the safe to pieces
and wrecking the express ear. The
trainmen of the passenger train,
after the robbers had left 1110 engine
11111 curs, haetcned hack towards
1lulte and met an up -coming freight
trail, the ergine of which was un-
coupled to run to Butte, and the
alarm given.
A sheriff and posse and force of
polio” have left for the scene on a
trnle. Tho railroad officials asked)
the penitentiary taactile at Deer
Lodge for their bloodhounds. Every
official In the county line leen called
to South Butte, and all appronchea
to the city aro carefully guarded.
The sheriff 1)1 scouring the country
and a fight between the ° MMOere and
robbers ie believed to be imminent.
The safe, according to the railroad
people, contained nothing of value,
but repents vary as to the 'anoint
of booty secured by the bandits.
The express messenger says that
they did not get more than $500,
while in other quarters it Is said
the plunder will amount to several
thousand doll/ire nt least. It Is 41150
said that several of the mail peuc1108
wore rifled.
(tett Mrd Offered.
Helena, Mont., Feb. 16.-'11ae North-
ern Pacific Railroad Company has
offered n reward of $5,010 for the
arrest and conviction of the five men
who ere said to have held up the
Burlington express just east of Butte
this morning. The company will pay
the $5,000 reward for the enitre
gang, or $1,000 for each member
L.ztraordhnary Itace Nib,h Inhabits
1staud of Spain.
London, Felt 16. -Lieut. Ikrhi-Alex-
an,lor, who has just returned from
the island of Fernando Po, the
14ml of Spain ie the Bight of
Bl fen, Western Africa, gives an In-
teresting deacrlptlon of the curious
Inhahitnuts of the practically pre-
viously unexplored interior of the
Islauul. They arc known as "Bo0blee.”
Very few of them have ever weal a
white, man, a1111 they never leave primitive dwellatg4'141 the ro;k8
exenpt on organized drinking bouts.
The race 19 rant dying out from the
effects of rum and pule wiu0. The
11ativee are meetly quite naked, ex-
cept for a curious straw bonnet.
They paint their bodies relit] colored
mud, are unspeakably Kathy, for they
never wash, but occnslonally use a
knife to scrape off the surfaeo dirt,
and create artificial dcforint:lea by
tightly enwrapping their limbs. The
Fermindo I'o natives are exceedingly
timid, and when sighted by the
whites bolted Into the depots of the
jungle, where they set up (01145ome
wails, At certain hours each day the
villager' are quite deserted, every-
one, including the children, going oK
on a carouse.
The liouteunnl 14,11144 that, alillougl
he searched for Orin assiduously, tae
could finch no truce of the burial
places of the natives of the Maud.
Killed Husband and Fed Chickens
11'1111 Hls Boner.
Monticello, Feb. 16. -At the hoar
frig 111 11,0 case of Mrs. Lafayette
Taylor, charged with the murder of
her hueb:aud, Peter Yerklns, an uncle
i V r n of Mrs. Taylor, testified today that
LEA 1 ING souT11 RUSSIA. she told him the ]itis an Band e
the killing of her bbetvuld and the
hurtling of tin WO LIN cnitnly as
thought she was epeaking of the
killing of a chicken, Yerklns said
she came to hie place at Ulster
Heights, on February 1, to sell him
a ho•ee, as 8110 wanted the money
to pay a bill. She sail; "I am go -
Ing to leave Taylor and go to work
In a boarding-house at Woodbourne.
You need not fear Taylor any more,
for I haver fixed him with the rod
dog "
Yerklns exclaimed; "You don't
mean to say you have murdered him,
do you ?" to which oho replied, "He
came in drunk and raising trouble.
I ehot him once and the ball gianoed
off. I shot him again and he fell
on tho floor. I then burned his clo-
thine amt putt new paper on the wall.
I ne10dy tad fed the bones
to thbure"
/tweeting to Yorktne' testimony,
Mrs. Taylor told him that she had
read of a family that did not got
along very well and that the woman
killed her husband and burned the
house. Site also told Yerklns that
elle burned the carpet and all of her
clothes that were spotted. Silo also
asked Yerkhne for some paint to paint
over some stales.
The hearing ended to -night, and
Mrs. Taylor was ordered confined in
3.111 to await tho action of the Grand
Jury at the May term.
81. Petersburg, Feb. 16. -The Gor-
man national committee, 11.1:4111 1s
opposhig the. Polouization of East-
ern Prussln, is successfully recall-
ing the German settlers t1{ South
Russia, 11y offering them land tin-
der easy condltimla around Posen.
Two thousand Gerona fnmllfes,
according to the Volyn, are prepar-
ing to leave Kltondr In the coming
spring. hundreds left last year,
An invtee:0e of lynch law by Rue -
slur peasants has just occurred in
a suburb of Kiev, which heti long
been terrorized by n bend of thieves.
The peasants, armed with clubs,
unexpeetedl9 attacked the thieves
lvii1:o the hatter were drinking and
boat a number of them to death,
The absent members of the band es-
caped to neighboring villages, but
were hunted down and subjected to
the same fate.
Another case of lynching IN re-
ported from Stavropol, where four
men were arrested for horse steel-
ing. After the local chief of police
had examined the accused, he step-
ped Into the market place and In-
vited the assembled p0441ante to
take the law into their own hands.
Three of the thieves were killed on
the spot and the fourth had to be
taken to a hospital. The chief of
police was arrested
01 THE
North American Life
Assurance Company
HEAD OFFICE --112-118 King Ste West, TORONTO
For the Year Ended 31st December, 1902
Deo. 30, 1901..To Not Ledger Agouti., ............... 14,194,309 61
Dona. 31 1902. To C;aeh for Premiums.. ...... $1,049,652 71,
" To Cush lneume 014 tllt'a'lamellae 221,187 17
- --- 1,270,810221
$5,463,1149 82
31, 1902. By Payment for Death Claims,
Profits, eto....... . $ 374,51314
By all other paytnetrtrt,..., ... 316,55153
-------- 651,864 47
$1,773,785 35
Dee. 81,
1902. By Mortgagee, eto...... $1,070,708 98
" Debentures, Market value 31,097,53552 1,080,60172
" Stock and Bonds market
value ...... ...... $1,501,76400 1,455,729 87
" Reed Estate, Including Company's build-
ing....., 404,684 89
" Loamon Pollees, etc 321,64'2 92
" Loans on Stocks (nearly all on call..: 851,25700
" Cash In Banks and on hand 89,16517
Ptemluma outstanding,
of collection) ....
" Interest and Rents duo
Dee. 81, 1902. To Guarantee Fund ..
" Assurance and Annuity
serve Fund
Death Lowed awaiting
proofs, etc. ...... ... ...
$4,778,785 35
etc., (leas coat
198.982 10
and accrued 88,045 76
,.3 60,000 00
Ho -
4,385,565 00
... 50,203 4.5
34,495,768 45
$5,1.10,818 21
Net Surplus 1118,04470
Audited and found correct -JOHN N. LAKE, Auditor.
IThe financial position of the Company Is unokoellel-Its percent-
age of net surplus to liabilities oxceede that of any other Home Com-
New Insurance issued during 1902 $ 6,600,24100
Exceeding the beet previous year In the history of the ,
,Company by ever one million dollars.
Insurance In force at end of 1902 (net) . $30,437,26800
L. W. (4 Stlmll, Esq., F.C.; 1(94(1, J. K. 151301144\Fa Esq.
ll. SeeTAE, Ee'., 0UF J'h.
WM. McCABE, LLB., F.I.A., F.S.S.
L. GOLDM N, A.I.A. J. TIIO'ItBURN, "Af.D„ (F.dln).
The report cootakhing the proceedings of the Annual Meeting, held
on January 29(11 last, stowing marked proofs of the continued pro-
gress and weld position of the Company, will be stmt to polfcyttolderst
Pamphlets explanatory of the attractive Laveetment plans of the
Oompany, and a nope of the Annual Report, showing pts unexcelled fin-
ancial position, 1vl1l bo furnished on uppitcattoa to the Head Office or say
of the Compaut'e 11gencle8.
One Perin 141' n Pec:duasfon limed In
Shoe Cutters' Strike,
Lyon, Mane, Feb. 16. -Several times
the striking same cectere and their
friends have resorted to the cue of
bad eggs for the purpose of "peesuad-
Ing" those who 11;4Ve accepted pewee
in &Oma of the shop' where the strike
le on to quit the olty, but net un-
til thin evening have they gone 8)
far (1.s to 1114411111t women in this way.
A dozen women employed (1.9 ntitohor•
to the factory o, George E. Niehel-
son & Co. left the place at 6o'olook
last evening to take the street ears
i0r their homes. They were escorted
by M'.chac1, J. McNally and two other
11lembers of the Boot and Shoe Work-
ers' Union.
McNally hers been a target be -
fort, The; police force was guarding
other /shops anti when a crowd of 200
persons met the women on Broad
street nu policeman was to eight.
A great crowd immediately collected
end Mien some ono shouted "Give
It to them, boys," a shower of eggs
larded upon the women and their
escorts. McNally drew a revolver
end covered the retreat of h1Iperty
with they hal slefety boarded their
Later *Naliy was one of the site
corts of some new hatters who/ire
working at the Nicholson factor,.
and an attempt was made to as -
emelt these people, but the pollee
haul reached the shop and scattered
the mob. Twenty women stltohere
&ought refuge in Lamers' Hall to-
night, afraid to go to their homer►
Squmte of pollee officers were seat
out to escort them and this kept
the rioters at bay.
Young 1Vlio I'le:aded Guilty 01 Mur -
111'e Denies it Now.
Now York, Feb. 14. -William h0oyer
Young, convicted of the murder of
Mrs. Pulitzer, watt reported to 6e
quite ill to -day at the Tombs, Warden
Vardercarr saki 'Young is suffering
from a "general nervous collapse."
Young talked freely about his camee
despite his lllnesa.
"I am not thecae," Bald he, "and 1
emphatically deny that I ever al -
tempted to act as 1f Bonne. I don't
wish to appear that way. I am very
sick, as all Can see, but aside from
my phyelcal weakness my mental
weakness Is certainly not one of in-
"I never killed that woman. As
God is my judge, I never killed her,"
he declared. "I know It and others
know it and some day It will be prov-
ed that I did not kill her."