The Blyth Standard, 1903-02-05, Page 4JAQIES mcIIIURCKIE BANKER. the f 1}Ith fltanbarb. A. E. BRADWIN, PURLnWAR, A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED, MYTH, ONT X.ItlO. EMS DISCOUNTED, Sale Notes o ,, acuity, Advances wale to }.1', n• o on their own :uee, No ,rhl.iional security re- qulrod, INTEREST ON DEPOSITS et Current Rates, 1C; otter every accommodation nom sis'rn1 with safe and conservative hanbaClg principles. UNLIMITED PRIVATE FUNDS 'To loan on Real Estate at lowest rates of interest. BEAL ESTATE AGENTS. Femme wi.t low to sell will do well to place their properly on our list for gale. Rents collected. CONVEYANCING 0f ell kinds promptly attended to. INSURANCE. We represent the leading Fire end Life Assurance companies, and re- spectfully solicit your account. OFFICE HOURS: 10 A.M. to 8 P.M. Dulinoss (garde. E. L. DICKINSON, • BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC , %me& Odes, Mar eyer block, ark of Win¢ ern. to THE BLYTH STANDARD,ubllshed every Thursday morning, le a live !.coal news- paper, and has a large circulation in diyth and surrounding country, making it a valuable advertising medium. Subs scription price to any part of Csnsda er' the United States only One Dollar per annum in advance ; $1.50 will be charged if not so paid. Advertising rates on application. Job Printing neatly and Cheaply executed, Correspondence of s aewsy nature respectfully solicited, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1908, Noble Missionary Work The 18th annual meet ing of the Huron Presbyterial Foreign Missionary society was held in Knox church, Goderich, on January 20th, There was a good attendance of delegates, all the auxil- laries connected with the society being represented and many others in sym- pathy with the work attended, The Morning session was devoted principally to receiving the reports of the treas- urers and secretaries from the several auxilaries and mission bands, 'These wore all of a most encouraging nature and showed not, only an increase of membership} and contributions, but pro- gress all along the line. The amount cunt ihuiet this year by the auxiliaries was $1524.48, and by the mission Lauds $299.89, making a grand total of $1819.87, being sn increase of nearly $69 over the contributions of last year. The following are the contributions by the several auxiliaries : Bayfield, $19,07 ; Blake, $28,25; Blyth, 1115.41; Brum- field, $166,86; 'Clinton, 1154; Duff's church, McKillop, 818.04; Egmond- ville, $190; Knox church, Oodefich, $67.88; Union chnrch, Goderich town- ship,127; Hensall, $158; Kirk eon, 108' Leeburn, 122; Londe/Moro and Burns' church, $72; Auburn, 112; Seaforth, $217.41: Smiths Hill, $81.50; Thames Road, $120; Varna, $15.06; making a total of $1522,48. Mission hands, Bay- field, $6.25; Brucefleld, 120; Clinton, 880; Exeter, $27; Goderich, $20.05; Hensall, $38,12; Klppen, $45; Roxboro, 110; Seaforth, $14.87; Thames Road, $29; making a total for mission bands of $296.89; and a grand total of contri- butions of $1819.87. At the conclusion of the morning ses- sion, the ladies were entertained at a most bountiful dinner, served in the lecture room of the church by the ladies of Knox church. This was very highly appreciated by those so entertained, as it avoided the delay and trouble of going to their billets for dinner. The officers of the past year were 611 reelected for the current year, and are as follows: Mrs. Colin Pletcher, Thames Road, honoraryresident; Mre Neil Shaw, Egmondvillpe, president; Mre. J. Hamilton, Goderich, let yice•president; Mrs. Sewers, Brucefleld, 2nd vice•presi- deut ; .\Its. F. H. Larkin, Seaforth, 8rd vice-p,'sident; Mrs. R. Irwin, Clinton, secretary; Mrs, Archibald Scott, Sea• forth, treasurer ; Miss K. McTaggart, Clinton, secretary of Supplies; Mrs. J, 8. Henderson, Antall, secretary of literature. At the afternoon meeting a most in- teresting end instructive Bible reading was given by Mrs. Fletcher, of Themes Road ; an exct'lent and helpful talk by Mrs. Shaw, of Egmoudville, taking as her theme, the relation betweenrayer and missions, Mre. Johnston, of Pais- ley, sister of Rev. Mr. Wilkie, lately of Central India, gave a most able address on "Some of the duties, privileges and opportunities of women in Christian lauds," Mrs. Nichol, of Blake, who was a delegate et the annual meeting of the Provincial society, recently held in London, gave a very interesting report of the proceedings there, taking up some of the more important subjects discussed and giving the gist of the die cuesione and conclusions, anA furnish• ing some hints on the workings of local societies which may be of much advan- tage to all concerned in the work. The afternoon was concluded by a most earnest and inepiring address by Mrs. Gibson, the oldest member of the Gode- rich auxiliary, During the afternoon Miss Gemmill, of Eguioldville, rendered a vocal solo very nicely, At the evening meeting, which was presided over by Rev. Mr. Anderson, of Goderich, and atter Rev, Mr. McLen- nan, of Kippen, in a neat address, presented the greetings and congratu- ations of the presbytery for the good work done by the ladies dur- ing the past year and wishing thein even greater success in their con- tinued efforts, the address of the even- ing was given by Rev, Murdo MecKen- , e, of Bonen, China. Mr. MacKenzie IA been 14 years in China and was foroed to leave there, with others, dur- ing the Boxer uprising. He still hes on his person several seers which testify more loudly than worde could do of the hard usage he was subjected to and the narrow escape he had from being mas- sacred by the enraged Chinese snobs, Ile delivered a most able, eloquent and touching address. It wag well ceku- lated to arouse the most indifferent and callous listener and had a moat etimu- a laving influence on the audience. The addressee were interspersed by pleasing ,roll rendered vocal and musical se:^ctious by Mrs, Anderson and Mr. Ttioutsou, of Gederich. A very euccess- ful tneetiseg and a pleasant and profit- • able eyeniug was brought to a close by i Y„n..v n,,,' nn�l �,innu, wort aro you,north 7 a vote 01 thanks to the ladies Of Gude• That aepen,ls ,t1,,,,, west v..e ere sort'u t,rich for the kind and hospitable menner °tere + bu+,nor„'r •;mote+n�' in which they had entertained the dela• alw., ys alfa Lie nu to R't a eo-u1 posltLybnt W,e Fat.e6, and by singing and devotional edli.'�tinn lel, �,: hn R111,'tl111'-u,0,a. Ulye am its orou.tunl:, to lei: ,, •.11 whet wa ore •1„log exercises, os x000.:, wr.to today for out catalogue.—.w.••– Studeute,dlnittedaceu3itoto PRINCIPAL ANT —Girls to learn Milliners, W. J. ELLIOTT Apply at the Great Cash Store, -D. M. MOBEATH, Blyth. 25h ABSTRACT STATEIIIENT -OF- RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURE Of the Village of Blyth for the 'Year Ending December 31st, 1902. 1902 RECEIPTS. lan. 1 Cash on baud Deo, 81 ,tn ” " Y E J A. JACKSON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Conveyancer and Notary Public 8oltoltnr for anises of Rl, th end Baba of Hamilton. O!$ces, Preiorla block, over Powel'I store, ninth, Money to lend. $. JKROME, 1,11.8, DENTIST, Came In the rrrtorta block, Blyth. Special attention paid to the preservation of the not• witch gg000tdkwork. ornate Gold wou w ais rka specialty consistent t 0. LINDSAY, M.B. PHYSICIAN AND 8UBOBON. S°ocenwr to Dr. Telt. Graduate of the Unl- vardty of 'Toronto, Membra• of College of Phy- aielane and Burgeons set Ontario, Formtrly of 1.0dynnersotel t:London,130.and reii:! y 060011' p.ed by Dr. Tait, Blyth. N$, M.D.C,M. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. M,DA 1L. University of Trinity College; M.n„ Queen's University ; Fellow of 'felony Meaiasl College, and o, of member Collegef Physicians for cians and Surge Coroner he ' nnty of Huron. Oiace, one door north of the :Outlast Mel hotel, Queen street, Blyth, T. J. NUCK8TEP, BARBER AND TOBACCONIST. Choke eta* of Tobaccos, Cigars and Pipes on bund. street, torn a Purlaian Steam Leona), Q C HAMILTON, AU0TI0NEER AND 74513870R. Land, Loren and Inenrenoe Agent. Once, on D40D 021106 streetfelt erecceive proh. OrdempttSTAN. attention. BBADWIN, BTEAM8it1P AGENT. Tbs 101de6Demprtar lines r+prseonted. Ocean tlokete sold to any part of Euro e. Low win- ter rhea now to Corea. Names of steamers end duotalinfurnlehe on application CO It STANDARD a paoF. 8. L. TA13138, MANUFACTURING OPTI,^J1N AND EYE SPECIALIST. All kinds of sl'eotwe'ee and Iiyeglaa.ee made 10 order. 8peulal attention riven to fitting the eye. Carders by mail promptly attended W. Rewire of partlae using my name es I employ no travelling agnate whatever street eatietsotiuo t • %. 51,tabllet:od 1878. Hui Itiultmou lamADIES' COLLEGE St. Thomas, Ont. (TWENTY-SECOND YEAR) -- The farthest south, and one of the laiwost and hest equipped in Canada. Preparatory studies. Graduating Courses-M.L,A., M.E. L., Piano. Organ, Singing, Violin, Fine Art, Elmo ion and Physical Culture, DOMINO ic Sconce, Commercial. Healthiest location. Moderate char- ges, Write for catalogue to REV. PRIN. WARNER, M.A,, B.D. Money -laking Education 1 ,,,l r4 al 1 �. 113 1 2 )� tfatfard,\, 1 87 89 Taxes, balance of 1901. 201 58 'Taxes, balance of 19024598 97 Poll tax '22 00 Percentage on taxes, 10 618 Dog tax 46 00 Rents 88 68 Debentures.... ,.., 6080 00 Sundry receipts 88 81 Bills payable 1761 00 Arrears of texas.,...,6 22 Sinking fund re A, Gra- ham 288 80 Licenses School purnoees Weigh scales Loans 1902 Dec. 81 168 67 105 00 196 80 400 00 $18784 25 EXPENDITURE. Interest 1206 82 Streets 497 60 Fire protection 271 18 Printing, postage and ate tlottery 85 26 Miscellaueous expenses 1 53 Selariesend allowances 702 76 Charity 90 Street lighting 892 78 Sinking fund.,-150 00 Taxes remitted 151 70 Count • rate..,. ,,,.... 152 70 Schooly purposes 1160 00 Debentures andcoup'ne6187 68 Bills payable 1765 00 Law costs 8 85 Park , 8 75 $11788 41 Cash in hank 1988 07 Cash on hand 7 77 118784 25 Css11 on hand School building ASSETS. 11995 81 5000 1,0 Taxes unoollected .,. . 201 60 Fire protection sinking fund de- posi ted in Batt k of Hamilton 1709 96 Fire hall 400 00 Fire engine and equipments 8300 00 Water tanks, iron piping, land 700 00 Lockup 250 00 Two weigh scalae and land . ,., 850 00 Sidewalks and sewer , , , , 11777 82 Loan on flour mill 6000 00 *82684 T2 LIABILITIES. Fire protection 18000 00 Schooldebantm•ee .... 4572 01 County rete 102 7u Consolidated debt debentures unpaid 2282 69 Sidewalk end sewer dehentures,11777 82 Flour hill debentures 8000 00 School board , 955 00 And no mistake we are headquarters for bargains in. Dress Goods, Eto. Until stock -taking which will be in about zo days. 0 An almost reckless cutting of prices for the sake of clearing the left -overs. e A FEW PRICES $1,18 and $8 Coats for $1, $1.50 and V. 10c Wrapperettes for 8c. 1* Wrapperettes for ler. Some very special lines in Drees Goode worth 6Oc, for 80c, Etc., Etc, Come and see. $29089 72 Balance of assets over liabil- ities 8645 00 182885 72 We, the undersigned auditors for the year ending December 81st, 1902, do hereby certify that we have examined the treasurer's books, compared the sev- eral eceral items with vouchers and stamped the mime, "audited,” all of which we find correct showing cash on hand De- cember 81st, 1902, amounting to ono thousand, nine hundred and minty five dollars and eighty-four cents( ($1995.84). We hereby certify that the above Dopy is a correct statement of receipts end expenditures for the Village of Blyth for the year ending December 81st, 1902, N. H. YOUNG Auditors.Wtt. CAMPBELL Auditors. A.O. U. W. IF WANTED—If you Want anything yllym 1C3I' N 141, Ave,. ,,t, (baitedvolt„r,. in Dress Goods, Furs, or Overcoats conte Working!, u,,,'. , in the w o�,.wen hall, 5111 a to Onr Great Clearing Salo. Batter, t, a toe end ,rad 4th Thursday.in esory 20c, )Fresh Eggs, 2Oc, MTS. Wright we• an as eight 0.0'. caping brethreb aro wen last week's 15,00 Prize, Ono, E. b,lsdratty locket. YI Con. ci, W,Y T, J, H un. 1 t13G, W Ingham. 26tt eso, isaeoseas. J. Aa Anderson - rn^ 4YTHVIWIt�4 Look ! Look ! Look ! Look ! What can 1 get for a " dollar ? " How often you hear that expression. Let us tell you what a " dollar " will do here. For ten days from this date you can get :— E1:25 Flannelette Blankets for. $1. 11 cards of 10c 1Vrapperette for $1. 10 yards of 1lc Flannelette for $i, $1.22: Flannel iValst Ends, 2i yards, for $1. $1.25 Ladles' Black Satana Skirts for $1. $1.25 Honey Comb Shawls for.. $'1. 9 yards 121c Bleached Cotton for $l. 12 yards 9c Factory Cotton for $I. 4 80c Linen Towels for $1. $1.25 Linen Sideboard Drapna $1. 4 yards any line of 300 Dress Goods for 13. 7i yards 15c India Lawn Muslin...—. $I. Dten'e Heavy Tweed Pants, $1.25, fur $1. Any $1.25 Boot In store for $1. Any $1.25 Hat In ,tore fur 01, 10 yards of 1211c Print for $1. Any $1.25 Gloves, men's or boys', k $1. Any $1.25 Umbrellas for $l. 28 lbs. Quaker Oats for $1. $1.25 Men's Cardigan Jackets for $l. A fair proposltfon :-17c cash fur Butter, 18e trade ; 17c cash for Eggs, 18o trade. Butter and Eggs taken for all lines quoted at cash prices. Cut this list out and bring It along. Test us, See If you cant save money. Our prices make buying elsewhere costly for you, The World Wants a Man. The publishers of the 'Toronto World want a representative in every postal district in Ontario, They ere trying to secure 50,000 subeo•ibere before the end of the present year, end are offering liberal commissions. The World scored a distinct euoeeee as the first one-cent morning newspaper published in Can- ada. It is easy to Ret subscribers for a bright paper like the World at only $8 a year, or 81.50 for six months. Bright and entertaining always', the World is conducted on broad principles, filled with good reading for all good people. It has been called the "farmers' daily” because So much space is given to tnerkete and farm news, Mr. W. F. Maclean, M,P , editor of the World, says that the World has now over 6000 well-to-do farmers on its subscription lists. New snhacrihers, who send $8 direct to the World, Toronto, mentioning this journal, will receive credit up to the 15th of April, or nearly 15 month., for $3. Any subscriber sending two new subscribers at $3 will receive the World free for one year. Myth Couucll. The regular monthly meetitlg of Blyth council was held in Industry hall on Tuesday evening, Those present wore Reeve Sims, Conn, Sloan, Coun, Milne and Coun. Stothers. Minutes of Iaet regular meeting read and oonflrmed. Coun. Milne moved, seconded by Coun. Sloan, Chet the following ae- couurs be paid: -N. H. Young, auditor, 18; George White, drawing tire engine to tvoolete mill fire end plowing snow, 18.50; Wm. Cempheli, auditor, $8; Alex, Ehler, salary as treasurer, peerage and stationery, 141,85; James Barr, salary for January, 825' T. W. Scott, audit'.re' supplies, 700.; E. Livingston, electric light for Jenuery, $41 25. less 12,12 for lights not burning, $39.10; J. A. Andersolr, rent of industry hall for 1902, $60; THA STANDARD, printing S. HER!!TO, B6YTH Thomas McCreight, refund of poll tax, al. -Carried. Coun. Sloan moved, seconded by Conn. Milne, that the list of members of the Itlyth fire brigade as presented by their secretary be eccebted, and that we purchese a minute olid time book for the hrigade.-Carried Bylaw No. 4, confirming the composi- lion of the Blyth fire brigade, was read three times end passed on motion of Coun,, Milne and Sloan. Coun. Stothers moved, seconded by Coun. Sloan, that the auditors' report es presented be accepted. -Carried. Couucilthee adjourned, armee..• -At Brantford the other day, 61r. Alex. Ferguson, a Lusher of Burford township, who resides on the border line between Brant and Oxford coun- ties', was fined $40 by Squire] Leitch and Howell for selling diseased meat for food. The evidence was of a con- flicting character, especially the expert veterinary teetimony. Themagietrates held, however, that the crown's evi- dence was clear, and that defendant had aleughteretl two steers which were suffering from lump jaw and had dia- peed of them to a local butcher There might be many such cases as this if engniriee ware only pushed, and in the interest of the public who are the sufferers by such criminal deception itis to he hoped other offen- ders will be taught the law on the matter. BLYTH MARKE70. Bluth. Feb. 4. -Wheat, ant to aro. Barley, $eo to 420 leo, 68:: t0 etc. Oa,.. 300 to ei' l yg„ lea to 160. 1101"?, 17u t, 18a rote, en, 610 to MM. Hides, Ga to eo. Bay, et t, 87. Lard, 190 7014 pore, 87 to tel. Floor, 01.90 to *2. M. 02.00 to ae Wool, lie to leo 't'drkeye, 11, to 120. Oeeee 8o t0 90. Duos*, 0s to 1W. (thickens, de to 9c. Cedar Posts For Sale. The ondersig'ad has a large number of radar pole which le will soh reasonable. Thi,y are at W 121ot B6, ono, 4, Eaet wewsooeh, WILTer financial statements and balluts,113.21; sown 12.gr60.5.0., Ont. aid Good Carnes and Saw Mill For Salo. n 1-W4 Int 8t, non. e, East Wawanosb, °on tat. log10)10081, 00 ,area 'Neared au.l to a g,oa state o1 cul tvetion, ''20 sores i srtia!ly cleared and 29 arr.e of t tuber lents , The soil lea good loam. There (a on the phos a good Irma deep - toil bones mzM, one aunt a ben storeys, with ttoheu ettao1he wood -abed 2000, aId atone cellar under 1311 eine of home; Rood cistern; good wth and wind mill on„anniont to 1011es a ni outhoilt nsa; tram, barn 60166, will atone rtablea ander Bath; two frame dee bnga 18028, one and a half storey'; a steam saw mi 1 alxees two etoros, 8th boner, engine and ell owed. easy machine y for nuuutaomrlug l.tmber, lath and *Weirs, ail 1n goo, order. No. 0-r4 lot 8t son. 33 East Wawano,b, oa, telelag 100 gore, 80 acres cleared satins a good *tate of contra fon, 29 sores of timber land. There 1s on the pluoe *good frame barn 40x69 end 90 feet high w,th atone erables under Cha full dos; semi frame deellion sem, one and a ball storeys w lh ono ernes, jitm,.b attaobed, No. o-Ei lot H8 con. 7, East Wawaneah, cos• Mining 1110 acre., 90 acre' cleared and in a go d taste of aultivelfon, 10 saes of timber land. The 1011 la a good clay loam. On the pages there is a good frame dwelling '920g i, Nom cel- lar, wt,b kitchen a0taehed 18[98, one and a half atorale: herd end a .It ester; gond frame butt MM. watt 03000 ensiles under; triune stables and abed 54se0; good orchard,'Phis plana 16 well drained end has • never failing spring thus Ong +hrnugb 1 , For tall partlealare apply to TIOUAS R, Tag. Loa. Weelleid P.O., Out, or to C. 11aY1LT'Ow, Blyth P.a,., Uut. 19012 Wheat Wanted. Highest Market Price Paid Blyth Flour Mills. C. H. BEESE.