The Blyth Standard, 1903-01-29, Page 3Cfinz4.4;7uf 44t& GtfJ��,,1'91,d� .1�IGG�p�Wil`sG?� �'lGPitl�Prll&beta* ga,, GIPSY'S MARRIAGE 41 44 411:444444 44 4* That yon loved Inc still the same," singe Gipsy, her ey„e, for one sec- ond eeek,ne her (husband's. Hr stands and watches her. How lovely Mee is. How beautiful are the true, sweet notes of her voice. Laity Dermot, sen., Is playing the accompaniment ; and Gipsy is stand. int; at her side, a email, shadowy figure, with her weird, beautiful eyes and the brilliants In her cropped curls shining like stars, 1:xcllemeut and ner- vou8na0ss save. Bushel cheeks to ta. brilliant crlhmsnt, and her voice trembles ci Iittlo. "AlfcctaLion' 1" murmurs Mies Bheke. But the song goes bravely on, and still Sir lianriee never nvage hie eyes from 1118 Creel Mee, Other ogee aro also watching her. Colonel Bryan, leaning ugainet the door- post, mace steadily at her with a very grave expression on Itis :We; and Mrs. Bryan 118ten8 atten- tively to the Bong, but temps her keen eyue ,flxe0 on the singer's face till the loot note dies away, and in the murmurs of thnnke that fol- low, ego snorts cheerfully to her- self. - Poor Gipsy! Site never dreams of what 18 in etoro for her, when, by and by, Mrs, Bryan conte,' over and sits down by her side, and begins 113 complhneut her on her voice. "My dear, it is geisha, somothhtg out of the commie! And du you know, your song carries ale hack to many years ago—to the very song and the very Saco I remem- ber at an opera 111 London. I have been puzzling ail the evening where 1 had seen the face fund heard the voice, and then I remembered," Oipo. ghee a wild, et i -tied look toward her hur;baud, one thought to We. O'Hagan and her another, who was he a circus, and Olio tutus to Mrs. Bryan, with a great longing to do Justice to her own dead mother at last. -She was Juse like you,'Aire. Bryan keeps saying—•'co pretty, and much a lovely voice. I remember her per- fectly well in the 'Bohemian Girl; my dear. Could sell have been a re- lative?" winds up the crafty old woman, noting every sign of elite - tion on Gipsy's face. With the look of a martyr the girl mamas low and clear. "It nam my mother," she says. "She was a singer, and w -as on the stage." "Ah, then, of course, you Inherit her folie I" answers Mrs. Bryan, af- recting not to notice the general oonsternatton, Sir Maurice has turned 0 dimity i red; Gipsy's heart is beating wildly. "She knows I am not aehnmed of her now," she thinks, "my poor dead mother fn Heaven, who left me her beautiful volcc." Every one note as 11 nothing had A WINTER SCOURGE.. Ln (:ripper or Influenza Responsibly Ior 11 a ndet•tie or Untimely Deaths. La grippe starts with a sneeze— and ends with a complication. 1t lays n strong man on hes back ; it tortures 111111 with fever," and chllle, headaches andbackaches. It leaves l in o. prey to pneumonia, bronchltls, coieutupthou and other deadly Ole- eaees. You can avoid La grippe by a fortifying your system with Dr, t' Williams' Pink Mlle They protect li y-ou; they 0ure you; they up -bus's you; theybanish all evil after el - Rate u tecta. Dr. WIielams' fink Pills ward off all winter ailments. They cure all blood and merge disorders. They aro the greatest blood -builder and 1 nerve tonic that science lute yet' discovered. We know this to be the solemn truth, but we do not ask you to take our word alone. Ask your ateighbers, no matter where you eve, and you will learn of someone who Iris been cured by Dr. Wllllame Pink Pills, after other medicines had failed. It Melton the evidence of your neighbors that we ask you to give these pills a fair trial 1f you are sick or ailing. Afro Emma eloucot, 1 St. Eutalle, Que., says: "Words can hardly tell how pleased I am with Dr. Williams' Pink Phls. I had an attack of la grippe which left me a sufferer from headaches and pains In the stomach. I used several medi- cl(tes, but nothing helped me until I began the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. When I began them I was weak and very much run down. The pills hart oompletely cured me and I not only tun 08 strong as ever, but have gained In flesh.' Tho gen- 4ulno pills always bear the full name, 'Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People," on the label around every bol. Substitutes can't cure and to take them lea wasto of money and endangers life. happened, and they talk away as 1f there was nothing extraordinary in Sir Maorloe Dermorti'e young wife's eleidenly announcing that her moth- er was an actress. Mise Blake Locke straight Into Sir Maurice's angry eyes with a trium- pliant light in her own. "What charming candor l" she murmurs. "It Is not every one who would or could oto 80 courageous as Lady Dermot, Don't look 80 angry, my dear Maurice—as If it mattered the least bit 1" ilo only gives nn angry growl, and 1 goes straight to Gipsy. "My mother wants you to sing again ; Lady Ba.neted is go charmed with your volae." With a swift glance up into his face, Gipsy complies. Tho Dowager Ludy Dermot 111 the waistline, with the tactor a dozen gene ale, is ex- patiating on tho beauty of her ihmtghber-lit-law'', voice, the gift in- herited from her mother, one of the most gifted of women, She teas Os daughter of an Itttlan costa — quite roman- tic—rad; away and went on the Maga anti afterward married Huger Dur- nmut ; and after that be never allowed her to sing in puulo—a11 which oharming confidences aro accepted with a gral11 of salt, and in general are dh,crtallted. Lady Dermot's fleet look of Icy des- pleuaure was not lost on the a8sem- blcot guests, and they aro not deceiv- ed now, when, with a smile Hemet its honey, mile taker Gipsy's hand and leat18 her to tlio plutto; and ouoe mere the lovely voice charms and electrifies% the audleuce. I II Sir Maurine notices the thrill of fondness that makes her falter In the Hong, lie pretends not to do so, :and nu answering snipe meets her wlsttte gaze to-aligh't. For 01100 tapay le afraid to be alone with Klin. She is longing for leo even- ' hag to be over, and yet, when every ono has gone, she le dreading the mo- ment that must crone. For the tient thee, in their short married life Mau- rice line looked coldly at her, for the first time she feels ntrald of lint. She Ronde and watts Ito the, strewing - room, pale and miserable, wishing he would come, and yet feeling relief lu his absence. But Sir Maurice has no Intention. of rcolding his wife; be means to keep 111* temper—and the Dermot temper is none of the best, and des- cends from father to sou with sur- prising regularity and unimpaired Metal 1 el fury—and so, wlten the hist earring() trees she can see the sun tinting the, tions; a t0n8poon of it In a basin of rolls away, and the heavy' oak doors glowing anti branches, and lying im I tepid water is daily used to bathe aro shut again, lin does not go back g patches on the grass. Tine the ince Few things mtlmulate more to the drawing -room where 110 knows larches are turning pale lemoncolor quickly tiro man small nerves whloh Gipsy is waiting for lam, but be- but the horse chestnuts and beeches, t Y Y takes himself to his study' add pre- are tipped with scarlet, and glowing become so weary by the time a woe glimpses of crimson rash out ugatnet man has paused ;t0," TI • I saw your face;" "Gipsy, don't you know me ?" IDs own grows grave ns ho holds It is Myl's veins, the voice of old, and at sound of the weft -remembered tones a whole host of recollections well up In (lpsy's heart. It is Si- byl lerself; and, with a buret of tours, elle puts her areas round lea new-found sister's mak, and, wrought up to a wild pitch of ex- cltenicnt, mingled with an awe. stricken ghulneaa, erica and solo, Iutlf fearing all the time that it utuet be 011 Illuuion, to Insley of the brain. • (limey, dear little, Gipsy, slid 1 frighten you, dear ?" Gipsy holds her tightly 111 her etroag, young arms, clinging 10 liar pstselonaately. You are S1byl, really?" she asks at last, raising her face and looking ;,teadetetly at Iter. Sibyl wilco, and asks: "Did you often wonder where 1 wee, Gipsy?" ('Iia be Continuod,l her close to his breast, never dream- ing how these Words mime one day recoil teem himself. "I)fegraen!" wblspers Gipsy, with oh'.ldllke lima, "That could never be." I trust not,' he rejoins, smiling. "Do you know, G'pey, that. the Der - mots have bout the snmo for gener- ations. 'The sten have been wild, mad, had, many of them; but not ono wort has 13001 been 'breathed agahrtt the women ; 513 now, you know a little of how careful and proud we are of the. fair 1111010 of Der- mot." Doors she know—hits she any idea of the pang that 814ot through hie proud evert to -night when site said her mother wee hu actress—of the blow to Ills pride that her simple t0ords gave sun ? Very tEtely elle realizes, it when, with a child's eling- i ng manner, she whispers: "I am sorry 1" Sorry that, for one ,bort hour out of their whole life, his face 5110310 have worn a frown for her ! CHAPTilelt XX11I. 1)run,naeen Caotle (s unlike Reser to -day ; the long dining -room le de- nuded of everything except thiolead 1111,1 g0n0 Dermole, who, hanging from the wall, look from their 'tabled frames alt to the polished floor. It be the day of the bail, and preptra- tionm go on huelly. Gipsy's little feet have already danced gayly up and Mato the shining boards— she has _.__.1 :Me/Ti1k 3 91 UL1,1lat1'. t Ie S •e Iter Little Ones 11,- 1t. lo Moss and Sleepy. .111 motlteie delight In 8001115 their little ones bright, rosy and happy, but unfortunately tyj mothoredo not one the bent methods to gado this re- sult. When baby is cross and fret- ful they give him •'sootldng otutts," believing they aro aiding elm—but Hip result is Just the opposite, as Moo soothing stuffe nee pois0nousl and dangerous. 1habyet Own Teb- Irt2 shooed always to used and they will be found a prompt relief and 'mealy euro for all the minor all - haute from which little ones suffer. All experienced mothers age these tablets, and all mothers who use them prelim them. Ivies. S. M. Black, Bt. Peters, N. S., says; "1 111100 used posy's Own Tablets for most of the ailments from which little ones 'offer, and I find them the beet malicieo I have ever tried. No mother 'Mould bo without therm in the lionise.." Theme tablets are good for chil- dren of all ages and can be given with absolute ea1ety to cl new- born babe. Sold by druggists or mint by mall at 311 cents a box by writing' direct to The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, Send us your nem on a post card and we will mail you. a yuluclble little look an the caro of infante and young chil- dren. imaged Into all the rooms, and with plensed eyes watched the arranee- melal8, The Dowager Lady Dermot Is commander to -day, playfully as- euring Gipsy that she Is too Inex- perienced to understand such things.) eo Jo Gipsy, meetrese of her owtl house, It Is all like fairy -work. In the l.brary a noble banquet seems the work of unseen hands; glowing ula8905 of flowers meet the eye at (eery turn, and she is told that she has only to look pretty to -night, mad not trouble her head about any- thing Glee. So, Just as the trees In ten Druma- neen woods are flaming red, crimson and gold in the afternoon 0011, tiipey 81ts perched on tr rustle gate watch- ing for Sir Maurine. Through the .tevt�t.ft.lr .u���.4u� QUEER BATHS FOR WOMEN. �k gvr71s7I'7P71t7I'Vr71f' ri"7L" A French woman of title—a mar- qu(se —has been "telling tales out of school," nod to a newspaper writ- er hue revealed some secrets hither- to known to hut few. It was lick that tempted the marquise to chat freely on the Subject of bathe and outer tueans of making a woman forgot that she has turned 80. "Thirty!" the marquise exrIninine with df,gust. "Tho time when one looks askance in every mirror to as- sure oneself that it la really a high light on the hair 0110 sees and not a thread of gray. 'Turkish and Maslen baths," she went on, meditatively, "belong to the domain of medicine. Their action upon the system is too potvertnl and their remelts too grave to bo bo tampered with by the host of beauty seekers. And, uh," she sighed, "the peruicloue, widespread Idea of the cold tub. To American and Eng- lish nerves It Is regarded as bracing, but surely it is most detrimental to the beauty of the skin and the deli- cate hues of a fine complexion. The vigorous rubbing alone, which Is ne- cessary after a cold tub, coareene tho skin beyond redemption end 1000es it grainy, with enlarged cap - Martell. 81111, there are theme 80 wedded to the cold tuh that they are content to go through the day overspread with a bluish tint." The murqulee adere8 the bath 0t tepid water, after which only gen- tle friction Is necessary to produce u general sense of comfort. By 1t her overtired nerves nro soothed while be -r skin take» en a rosy hue and becomes elastle and firm. "But then" site fulled, "there are many valuable little secrets 111 eon neaten with the tepid bath. When 1 have indulged too freely In late suppers and other good things of Ole +tad find In cousoquence that wy slain has become feverish, dry and harsh, 1 seldom Ilegle01 to massage every part of my body with genie reliable (create, using it sparingly, of course, but working It well into the 'skin, and let0r rctnoving every trace of It with a fine linen cloth 1 then am ready for my beloved bath of 10111 water, made aromatic 011 811011 p0eaSion8 Willi a lountllui addition of a decoction made of 600 gentile of finely pulverized carbon- utt of soda, fifteen grams of es- 8en0u of lavender, ten grains of awe:merle and five grams of eueulyp- tug. "Tole nature always finds a place au,ong my no a toilet prepare pares to enjoy lite luxury of a auik and the consolation of a pipe. Presently there oounee a gentle tap at tho door, and a very sweet voice with tears in It whispers, "Maurice 1" Gipsy, lovely as a dream, with wet eyes and quivering lips, lays her bare arms Merrell h1s neck and presses her hot, flushed cheeks to his. "Mediated, darling!" In all tdiolr matelot life she has never oallod elm "darling" before; and his whole soul thrills at the whispered l oars a. ep+ s "My wife, my own:" he says, low and pasalouately, forgetting overy- thhng but hie love for her. "I was brute; not 1 have made you cry, tires'. forgive sire." "Maurice," sato whispers back, with 18 reconciliation kiss upon her lips, L coulu r' t t bell) St dear. I c,tr. lt+u�cmod 118 1f my mother know, dial that 1 9,14.1 tiittur01 then 1118 startled eyes mut the dark piee8, 10 ne rinse sighed deeply. How perfect It ell is—a day that Of course, ego continued more epeakS 131 coatis In its brightest form, gayly, "tele Is but ono of my mauls •t death In beauty and color delight- , secret 111118 to beauty. Once a week fat to the eye. I have brought t0 men basin of tepid Gipsy see ort the gate, with a bunch m iS to e1 h'ch h^ m Leven l' fled n of crimson rode -hips in her haus, and Iv/14 1pour, of reedited t of ext of hynzout Hurd a like quantity of extract of ore age Hovers. 191111 a sponge 1 cover my wive lotiy with tele lotion at spray of blackberry leaves that shine like hams against her brown dress. A touch of frost has made all nature blush; and surely the bright green of summer was never 8u beau - L Iful0 a ten dying gorlca of tvlth0rrd leaves and yellow stubble, as, glow -- Ing and lovely still, autumn gathers up her 1raldiog garb 110:1 prepares 1,, 140. t rabbit steals out amu nibbles cautiously, and Gipsy tvatelme lent intik breathless 1 iterecet, hes earn laid back as he vtgorously niggles away at the food so liberally provided by aetbam:,d of her, an.l I had to epenke' those other brown eyes watching 11en reasoning is beyond his imn.g- 11!111,1aud there is a whack of his tail, - 111ah011. for 111 las well -regulated life, 11101 he is off. allowing all moos as poesiblo of It to be absorbed by the skin. As soon as It has thoroughly dr1o,1 i plunge Into a timid )nth to rinse off Its telekinesis. I cmer;e with my skin as soft as satin. indeed, this weekly treatment Ana the lase frequent arosuatlo bet)r, whirl, I bin's already described, are the beet means, I think, of keeping the lirm 11111 well stretched over the 01)110:(98. Women who allow them - no vee to grow loose nod Hubby -look- ing have eirgely themselves to blame. "Again there aro times when I taken 'meek r0!raeher,' as I call a bath ,duvet of pine oerd:es• It 18 most invigorating to the whole eyotum. From a chemist my mold obtains tbel needles and twigs of the pine, whloh she cute into Sal '11 p;oroe nils bolls for het 00 bout•. Then tete substance hr strained and left to (2001 and helm (a res Memo to add to a bath of tepid water. ,after an exhausting after- noon and the ordeal of making ready to go out to 50010 evening function 1141. bath seems to me of most benefit. "Whets I return late and wide-eyed from a bell 1 obtain Bleep and relax- etion from 0 bath of orange blos- soms, loctoms, 1 Iso procurable at the chem. ler 8. and prepared hi tho same way as the pia) needles. 'To' fwrely softening and clueing - leg the ekht and preventing Ito elm.p- m1n,5 1 11.101 0 a rub whir1(01rle,tya 51581013111118 of glycerinnddellglttfol and 100 grams of rosewater, diluted in two III)r1m of water. "From wh1,t I have already admit- ted you will ecu that I poorly prove the foreign saying that we French- women talt0 full-length bathe In a phot of lion water, and a pot of eo!d 030310. I doubt whether any women owed as much time and money on their ablution!' as wo women of Attlee "!n the summer season, you know," she cot:feemed after a ]Muse, "I go even to the extravagance of a seml- weekly bath moils up of enol luscious Nettle all strawberrlee and raspber- rirr. Pelmet. et. my nnoid declares that it ie to title arnd nothing else that I owe my lateness skin anti conp'eeion. Twenty pounds of elrawborrten to two of rmxpberrles 18 tlio proportion for 'the both. They aro crushed and put into bags mode of the thinnest cheesecloth. Very hot water is poured over them, and in tele mixture, its anon es 1t Is mufticlently coolie% I 0s- mein for half an hour. The roseate I get ?rem this bath ere Nur flolently hutting to brt1ge me over the winter eeoSon, to keep me ratty -hued, velvety grained, omen free rend fragrant. When l have fever my bath 1e pre - peed in the snmo way, but of an enormous 'penalty of spinach. It Is very c(o:ing nod becoming." Does "lit" Mean Skit. There are signs of an existing pro - penalty to constrain the partlnl withdrawal of the word "sick" from the. American language In favor of the word "111." Newspapers In their head -laces and elsewhere epeak nowadays of "a very 111 man." It need to be "a very sick man." Wlay the change? "An 111 wind" is a eat- Isfnetory nee of language, but "nn ill nein" grates on the car, and 80un1is Ilhe an attempt to Improve on n usage that had no perceptible detect. They stay this new %men is a euphemism imported from Eng- land. A correspondent of a Bole ton paper dllsuseee and disapproves it, protesting not only against the use of the unwarrantable adverb "illy,' but against ''the growing use of the word '1;1. in place of the home- ly word 'sick,." Thle Boston pro• ttestitut, quoting Webster, finds that Shakespeare with hardly an exeep 11031 uses "i11" to mean mental„or- nh or Impersonal disorders, "1II nt. ease;' "ill-:utcteed,' "1111 -bred, "In- fer,.” me all fit and famlllar uses, of n. good and industrious little ward, that hue plenty of legitimate work of Ito 000 to 1(0, without being con- etrnlnel to figure its a leeblo eub8t1- tato for •'slok."—harper', Weekly. Hard hire of 111e Soldier. d (144;4'. She—The terstln on the soldier In modern we Hare 011181 be very great. Ile --It So netimea the phota;r:v pier Isn't ready and you have to wast hours% and til0n the pictures may prole failures. old Settles Imagination has n0 room for 1(11(3!1 flights of fancy as this. He only luuke down fondly at hes wife, and kieees tho t4'or from her cheeks. "1 Mall 1(03(00 tutus) you, Gipsy ;you i B It 12 mol nnly 1110 111133(5 that svf- ivill :000/s be the game wild, 11610 m- show hie soft timid Inco again, and for (Melee the cold, ilaurp eaas)ne. alae little thins', unlike everybaly (tipsy turns with a start, to find that The kidn(9ys err. almost. equally sus - 014*'." 1 observed n 0mall, slender prrmou she is nub alone, ceptiltle to sudden elm neve of tem - She laughs, arid sighs, too. 031 to tele moment else Int' not p+"LaL,ttre, and many n s'rlou8 etas of , kidney ,11048100,11048100has its Im•glaning Slowly tiros/311.g the wide. held, her with a et"' whdvh "11" on the light too the( making no sound on kidneys the short, bleached grass, nibbled Pe eoeu working out of doors are down 118 IL has been by et hundred most Ilftely to be delimit of such busy sheep. 11311 now, as Gipsy turns, troubles and troffer from beeknrhes, with startled, wide-open eyes, a look Inmlm.go, reennrit'snn and eripplel, Aching 1101945, bat anyone Is dialer to wit in a draft or e1310sa 1118 Irick t0 a current of coil lee told Nettling on ter meau kl.lcv =ee Verily, Lady Dermot Is snaky plumed,;; ato be amused at such thin, las these, 11101 to watch, as she does, Lite little hole In the bracken where buwiY disappeared. ut he does not r Hence the Backaches, Rheumatic Pains and Lumbago— Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills Prompt to Relieve and of Lasting Benefit. "All, Maurice, why should everyone be alike q 1 try so loud ; but if you kto;w• hew much happier f am out walking or driving with you, when there is 00 one to watch, tate f nerd net be nlw'ny's trying to say the right thing. dour !" Then she asks, sudden- ly, with qu'ntioning eyes: "When it all went wrong to -night, wore you comm you heel married ono?" "No, never for one moment 1" ho ne- wwers, fervently. "My darling, note_ The figure, gall, everything about congestion, a Clogging of these fil- ing you could do or day could ever the newcomer reminds) her NO fore- tering organs anil amide 111-10 a,- mnke mu sorry, ever regret that you ably of her dead sleter Sibyl that, rtngement of the 11 holy dereetiwe are my wife." by the time the stranger reaches awl excretory syetemS. The liver "Nothing--eould nothing?" she tier side, Gipsy's taco expresses won- fails to 0,1(3., the 1051,11become con - persists, with glowing, 031re18ed eyes deriug fear more than anything st:.patel and the leo:nave gets up - that Seem to be reading his soul, elite; and, though she trembles all set. Ho strokes her hale tenderly, and over, elio Is hardly surprised when Beoanse of their direct and com- anewere, half -Smiling, balf-serious. the %amen, raising her veil,dl5clnsee lAnol action on theme organs, Dr. "Except disgrace Should come Sibyl's Lace, white and wan, the t'hrtsxe's Kidney-I,Irer 1'II12 aro of through you on the g0od old name of Ines of Sibyl, whom she has mourn- most prompt end most lasting Ione - Dermot; then I would curse the tiny ed so long as dead, fit for such dorantietneuts. They of 8unprlse and leer sweeps over her facie lder heart thumps loudly, and n. crowd of old memories rush into her mind. are pn-itive in their effects nod are hacked Its, the experience and Integ- rity of Dr. et, W. ('baso, the famous Rceeipt 140)11 nuthw•. Mr. W'elllain Boyne, of N. 11) Mc- Gee street, Toronto, 84078: "I was afflicted 7 1erely with kidney din - ;r, Slone in the bladder, lneorj (1 1(1400, dep:4,its in the urine, 8evero pains In the bock and 5traIta8 aver the Mine. 191112 so bad that I had to get up two or throe tdmem 111 the night and could then only make water with goat pain. "Though long n sufferer mud en - stele to work, I was conflated to 10 1'e:l for three weeks, mad darim0 that tine thou;1'1 1 eou1(1 11111 pos8ih3Y endure greater uti'ery. It was then that I Mean to oso Dr. cense 8 Kidney -Livor Pflle. It le with gra- 111010 that I sxty that they hn00 freed me of all those Symptoms, ;u81 110).10 010 a well 1412131." Dr Chino's Kldrey-Liver Pill'. One pill a dose; ", emits n box: at all dTorontooalertr, .or Jelmaumou, hates ft Co.,