The Blyth Standard, 1903-01-08, Page 4A. 10641000.1..w -. autos mcitIURCKIE BANTER, JN QENhRAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. BLYTH, ONT tUUO. 11OTES DISCOUNTED, Sale Novo a specialty. Advances made to farmers on their own ,pone. No additional se2urity re- quired. IIiTEREST ON DEPOSITS ,At Current Rates, We offer every accommodation con• eistent with safe and conservative banking principles. 4I4Ii14E1PRIYATE FUNDS To loan on Real Estate at lowest rates of interest. $AL ESTATE AGENTS. Persona wishing to sell will do well to pleas their property on our list for sale. Rents collected. :OIYEYANGING Of all kir ds,promptly attended,to, JINSURANCE, Ivo ',present the leading Fire end Li.o Assurance companies, and re- ,apectfully solicit your account, OFFICE HOURS: 10 A.M. to 8 p.00. Bus11noss ser s. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC., _ $otte19m tor Bank of Hamilton. Money to coke 01Doee, Meyer bloat, Wtngham. d 1, JACEBON, B.A., RQRRIBTER, SOLICITOR, ETC, Gnomon sad Notary Public. Sollettor for Beak Pow,', f Pare, Blyth. hOtIPOoney 'Ai lend, look, over 1 li,y'111t0! E, L.D.B., v DENTIST, traa��a1 os, inpaal 00 he prbesert'tion�oof thh. e nat. *100 Meth. wa1AlA4dllk pries* woras k specialty. e est aunt J0. LINDSAY, M,B. PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON, Eue wor to Dr, Tait. Gradeate of the UM - Wenn? of Toronto, Member of College of Pby Laudon, Miens end deand Rdnbartgh,Reotland host pfish. OBoe and resident', twit lately Qom/.and by Dr, Tilt, Blyth. W. J. MII.NE, 00.D.0.01. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Ublrereity of Triuity College; 00.11.. _utverdty; Fellow ofTrinity Physician' and of ofer°natiO. Cgoroner881 the '00011 00011of 111tron. Odioe, one door hotel, 40111111 street, yth.te of the .T. 1. EUNR8TEP, BARBER AND TOBACCONIST. Choice stook of Tobaeooe, Cigars and Pipes on hand. Agent for the Parisian Steam Laundry, Queen aa..t, Blyth. C HAMILTON, AUCTIONEER AND VALTIATOR, Wed, Loan and 10.001na Agent, Ofdce, on then!net,STAN.in,.o.ty. protopt a ,stent Ott.. Myth, Onion left at Tut STEAMSHIP AGENT. The ■ltinDemptter and Freneo•Oa edlan h}iYen� ort resented Oman ticket" sold to any Itagsse steteameLow anPlanner arates1 waling fur furnished as sppif.atton to Toa Brannan office, Blyth. pea, S. L. TAUBE, MANUTAOTDRING oPTI^..It1! AND EYE 81,EC14List. ALUMS of Speotaotee and Ifyeglasee1 made ft , 6100(1l ettaot!on tine.. to fitting the a Orders by mall promptly attended to. awes* of ppertles, using my name ea I employ . Satisfaction ',S,�Ua W}d. g&AASabliabel 1973 nents of 210 Richmond name W., Toronto, ALM.LADIES' COLLEGE it. Thomas, Ont. {TWENTY-SECOND YEAR) Tice farthest south, and one of the largest and best equipped in Canada. Preparatory studies. Graduating Courses—M.L.A., M.E. L,., Piano, Organ, Sineieg, Violin, Fine 'Art, Elocution and Physical Culture, Domestic Science, Commercial. Healthiest location. Moderate char - ye. Write for catalogue to REV. PRiN. WARNER, ILA., B.D, Whiter Term Opens Jan. 5th. • A large, progressive sobool and one of the haat on this continent. Tnie is a strong state. meat but 10 11 a Erne one nevertheless, The reason our school has a large attendance 11 benne 1t re a wide'awkke, hustling, working, tesalt-produofng school. Recent graduates have neepted positions at selartee tan{10g from 846 a month to }poo per annul.Write for our new Melones W. J. ELLIOTT - PRINCIPAL A. 0. U. W. ilk lodge. No.101, Amnions Order of United comm, meets In the workmen ba11, Milne on the Ind and nth Thursday in every se eight p•w. Viet] og brethren are y invited. le Cvalno, W.M T. J. Boon. ell • @the #attbarb. A. E. BRADWIN, Puswaiu. TRH BLYTH STANDARD, published every Thursday morning, is a live focal never paper, and hae a large circulation is Blyth and eurrounding oouptrv, making It a valuable advertising medium. Sub }cri tion price to any part of Canada or the united States only One Dollar per innum in advance ; 81,60 will be charged d not so paid. Advertising rates on application, Job Printing neatly and 'l,enply executed. Correspondence of s newsy nature respectfully solicited. THURSDAY, JANUARY d, 1908. —Mr, Albert Howlett, of Morris, will build a new house next spring, He Purchased the necessary white brick from Messrs. Fraser at Logan, of Blyth, -.The following gentlemen have been appointed license commissioners for West Huron :—Mr. Hugh McQuarrie, of Blyth ; Mr, ,lames Stevens, of Clin- ton, end Mr. Wm, R. Robertson, of Goderich. Sale Register. Wednesday, ,January 14th, Farm stock and implements. Lot 4s,, con, 10, Base lite, Hullett. Wm. Iouugblut, proprietor. C. Hamilton, auctioneer. Thursday, January 15th. Farpt, farm stock and implements. Lot 42, con. 3, East Wawanosh. Mrs. Mary Ann Taylor, proprietress, C. Hamilton, auctioneer, Messrs, Salkeld Bro,. will hold their annual sale of pure bred Shorthorn cattle en Tuesday, January 18th, commencing et 1.80 o'clock, consisting of eight bulls, ranging in &gee f rom eight to 20 month,, also five females, three of which ore in calf. These ere the best lot they have yet offered, containing members of the t:ady Jane, Sansfareid and Beauty families. Terms—Eight months credit. Sate to be held on lot 5, con I, Bayfield road, Goderich township, one mile south of Goderich. Write for catalogue, etc., to Selkold Bros., Box' 59, or Thomas Guudry, auctioneer, Goderich, Ont, THE CRADLE. LINDeAY,—In Blyth, on December 18th, the wife of fir. J, C. Lindsay, of a daughter. S11oBnoox.—In Hullett, on December 12th, the wife of Mr, J. H. Sbobrook, of a daughter. MANNING,—In Hullett, on January 1st, tho wife of Mr. Joseph Manning, of a SON, THE ALTAR. FRAOER—STEWAET,—At the residence of Mr. George Stewart, cousin of the bride, Toronto, on December Blct by Rev. S. Carruthers, Mr. Charles Fraser, of Blytb, to Sadie, daughter of Mr. James Stewart, of Blytb, THE STANDARD CHRISTMAS NUMBER. Tie Christmas number of THE STANDARD is now ready for distribu- tion. Copies can be had at Mr, Frank Metcalfe book store or THE STANDARD office. The price la 25 cents per copy. All subscribers who have already renewed their anbseriptlong to THIO STANDARD for another year will get one, copy free by calling or sending 00 THE STANDARD office. AU subscribers who renew for another year will get ot10 copy. free. All new subscribers will get one copy free. EVERYONE CAN H1j;I.P THE CONSUMPTIVE. The New Pepe Consumptive Hospital Will Admit OonsumptivesOsol0004, Without,eharge. The appeal being made on behalf of Ohe Few Free Copeumptive Hospital, built under the auspices of the National Sani- tarium Association—the first Free Cop- sumptive Hospital in Canada—ie one that touches closely the heart -strings of every map, woman, and child the broad Domin- ion over. Where is the community, far or near, without its sufferers from thio dread white plague? We are }ill in- terested, in bringing these relief end re- storing them to health, family, and active citizenship again. One important step in this direction has been taken in the erection of the new Free Consumptive Hospital, due to the beneficence of two Toronto citizens, and which is now nearly completed. When the workmen go out of the building, and that will bo almost immediately, all that is wanted to make it ready to receive the consumptive is that it be supplied with bade and other furnishing appointments, mo charge whatever being made for admittance, The National Sanitarium Association are already carrying too heavy a debt to undertake the furnishing themselves, but the way is open for each one to help in raising the $00,000 needed for this purpose. The sum is not a large one. Ten thousand individual contributions of 61.00 each out of a population of nearly 0,000,000 people would accomplish this end. Sonya, of course, with their hearts racked by the sufferings of relatives, friends, orLollow-citizens, will, out of their abundance, do better than this. Fifty dollars will furnish a bed. Wbatisneeded is that the amount be raised quickly, that the many knocking at the doors of the National Sanitarium Association may find a plane open for them, Contributions for this purpose, 11.00 nr more, will be received by Sir Wm. B. Meredith, Chief Justice, 4 Lamport Ave., Toronto ; W. J. Gage, Esq., 64 Front St. West, Toronto; or National Trust Co„ Limited, Treasurer, 29 Bing St. East, Toronto. Fifty dollars will furnish a —The annual meeting of the Orange lodges ooptmaing the Morrie diotrlat will be held in the Orange hall at Blyth on Tuesday afternoon of next week. BLYTB MAREiIT0. Blyth, /an. 7.—Wheat, estd to 07o. Barley, 08o to ego. Pe,a bac to 810. Oats, 90o to 300. Egg., lee En 180. Rutter, 11e to 100. Potatoes, Po to 400. Hides, de to 80. Ray, ed to 87. Lard, 180 to 14.. Pork, 67 to s,8. Flour, CIO to }996. Wood. }9 to 80.80 Wool, 190 to 180. Turkeys, Ile to t0a. Geese, So to 9o. Dinka, 6o to 180. Oblokens, do to 80. Estray Sheep. Strayed on to the premise' of the ander. dgneJ, W 1A lot 38, con, e, East. Wawanosh, on or about D"eember let lent one Leloester ewe. Owner an have same by proving property and Opaying all expense. JAMS. VLNT, Blyth P.0„ ut 200 Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of the Morrie Braoob Agricultural misty will be bald et the Com• merclal hotel, Blyth, on Wa8nesdsy, Jeunery lith, 1003, at one o'c (Ink p,n. The auditors' report will he itemised, oftloere elated, and any other torsions that nen be trmoseted will copse before the meeting. A. E. Baanwta,. secretary. Annual Meeting. The annual general meeting of the share. holden o1 the Londssb0rouYh Creamery Co. will be held in 01ii1's ball, Londooborougb, on Fri. day, January Wird, at one o'oli'ek p.m. A men log of the patrons will be held 1n +he same hall at two *look pin. A full attendance of share. holden and patrons Jo requested Joan Wm, President. W. L. Ocotoore, aeoretery. 0911 House For Sale. A good dwelling bone and one son of laud, part of Lot No, s,0. on North street, In the 391. age of Blyth 1 here lea larpe,:reme dwelling house with khohan and woodshed attached, aim a good frame stable. The house manias eight rooms all well anlabed, good stone re liar, bard and soft water. Tb'ue ere it lotgpood bearingfruit trees, grapes, shrubs, eta., and garden anal Iain. Will be s11d reaeooahle. For tml par - Monter, ergnite of CoAILea F[,ounr on the premises, Or 0. BarnLTor, Blyth, Mit Executors' Notice to Creditors Executors' Notice to Creditors of Alex- ander R'ilson, tete of the Township of Morris, in the County of Huron, .Deceased. Nodes is hereby glean, pursuant to the Stetot'o In that behalf, that all creditors end other" Laving claims against the sr. tete of Alex. ander Wilson, dweased, who died 0n the year 1001 at esid Township of Morris, are regnired, on or before the 2010 day of January, A.D 19.4, to deliver to J. Oc0i1 Bambtoa, barrister, Liao.we), Ont., or to J. A. Jectsoo, berrieter, Blyth, Ont„ eolfoltor for undersigned executors of the late &lootteder Wilson,a written statement of their nems; eddretaes and 000npatlotu, with tun paotdoulars of their Oakes and of the securities (if any) had by them. And notios ie lumber given that after meld 90th day of Jauuevy, 1909 the said exeouron will prooeed to distribute the estate of the said deceased, having reglad only to those claims of which they may have notice, end toot trey will Ont be liable for the proceeds of the 0atafe so districted to anyerson of whose claim ihev had net notice at the rate of scot disttibntiou. Janne Wsben Exsoatora Joan Mums, Dated thle letb day o1 Dooember,1302. 90d We Return Tnanks to farmers and others for the very liberal patronage given in the past season. We are still in the market for all kinds of Grain, Butter and Eggs, Poultry, Etc. We offer you no trade, but the highest price in cash. Wishing all the compliments of the season. Store to Rent. MoMILLtAM & CO. Dlnsley street • Dlyth BLYTH LIVERY and SRLE STALES IFN A Merry Christmas ,fP!l.N1• A Happy New Year pro WE ARE RIGHT IN IT FOPR, CHRISTMAS GOODS We have a large and varied Hoak of goods suitable for the holiday trade. No use trying to enumerate or quote prices. Come and nee for yourselves and you will Ds pleased. J. A. Anderson -411.....731L41(7111-1 4.d^ - it s ill ft i)• 7)t Clearing Christmas Overcoats and Clothing Oddments .Christmas trade, has broken the assortment of several of the ,popular or Most useful lines in Coats and Suits. Those who have been waitini; to see what Christmas has brought will have a great chance fur a few days to remedy any over- sight on Santa Claus' part. Come and see the clearing re- ductions we are making on Overcoats and Suits. Moya's Overooatlel Overcoats that wont fail to give satisfaction. They confine the latest dress styles, they're honestly made in every respect, they will fit perfectly. As for value, you can match thein against all comers at these prkea, and always tlnd them the beat. Men's Overcoats, made of heavy imported 01. - ford grey cheviot cloth, made in medium length, box heck style, ordinary dap pockets, Italian linings, velvet collars, special $7, $10 sad 112. Boys' Tweed Suits for $3.50. Boys' Three-piece Suits, short pants, made of heavy tweed, in Oxford grey, Italian lined, special at $3.50. BERRINOTON, BUTII Dr. J. N. Perdue, V.S.1 HEINaTO1,t PROPRIETOR. 0 99 99 09 90900000 First-class Horses and Rigs for hire at reasonable rates. Best of accommodation to Com mereial Travellers and others requiring rigs. Veterinary office at livery stable. •� KING AND QUREN STREETS, BLYTH, Hurrah for Christmas! Which is the seaeon for merry- making and exchanging ofcon- gratulations and festivity and this is the spot to procure your supplies for the occasion, Bon Bons at various prices, and Candies in abundance of all kinds, the latest out. Fruits and Ousters unexcelled. Good Fresh Groceries and Eatables in Bakery line always on hand, and as cheap as the cheapest— quality considered. Wishing you ell a Merry Christmas and a Happy Now Year. R, R, DQUGLAS .. , 131..YTi'i MINIMMO r,., w Ir. T • A Fii Igagromammx.xstimam. The Popular Clothing House Our Big Annual MUIR $ALEI Is now going on. AU Winter (Foods will be cleared out regardless of cost COME EARLY AND SECURE THE BARGAINS . . St H. GIDLEY .. BLYTH . . faX