The Blyth Standard, 1902-10-23, Page 5BUTTER —Tbe coal strike is ended at lest —Mrs. Jabez Welker Is rapidly and the miner's will resume work at recovering from her recent serious AND EGGS °"6e' illness. —Rev, John Holmes is•eondneting —Shelburne public school was special meetings in Jackson's church forced to suspend last week owing to 'The nndereigned Is prepared to buy la Morris, lack of fuel. all p. Butter and wi E;o offered el our — Che Bank of Hamilton will soon —Mr. Wm. Mood of Berlin, spent shop. Farmers will o well to Bell all Y. I+e ahelr Tub Butter. Fresh Rolle will establish a branch at Culedoula, and the Thanksgiving halidays with his 4000 be In demand, Brintt your Butter possibly at Dunnville, mother, Mre. James Porte('. and Eggs, and all kinds of grain and —Mr. henry Miller, of Mliverton, —Mrs. Menzies, of Eaat. Wawa - set the highest price in cash, was the guest of his danghter, Mrs. nosh, spent Thanksgiving day at the MoM1.LLAN & CO. C. t(. Bceae, for Thanksgiving. home of her brother, Mr. George plmloy street ▪ Myth —A court for the revision of tbe Powell. Blyth voters' Ilet will be held in —Mrs. Seatter, of Hagersville, and end Shipment Industry baI! vn Monday next, cum- Mrs. Dr. Jacques and daughter, of mencing at 1l a,m, Jarvis, were the guests of Dr, and —Master Clyde Herrington enter- Mrs. Carder during the Thankeg{v- tatnod a number of his young friends ing holidays. Waexpecta2ndehipmentof Women's on Monday evening from el: to 10 —Mr. James Stewart left 1n our end Children's Fleece -Lined :Underwear o,elook. All present had an enjoy- office on Monday a raspberry branch is a few days. The demand for these able time. loaded with beautiful berries, He .holes linea has been heavy. In the eneantims we think we can supply all —Mr, W. A. MacKinnon, chief of plucked it from a bash in the old those who are looking for euoh goods, the fruit inspectors for the Dominion, cemetery on Dbieley street. although our stork is quite limited. writes from England that the ship- —Mr. P. H, Murray, who was en - We ask every ntaa, woman and child moots of Canadian a les thisyear to sec our apeelalttet in Werra under- PP gineer at the Blyth floor mills for clothing and Hosiery, and compare have been of poor quality. the past nine months, has parcbaaed weight and prima. .Our stock of Warm _Next Sunday will be Sunday the American hotel in Brumfield and Footwear wits never so complete se at 'oboe! day in Trinity church. The left yesterday morning with his ptwesnt, We esu show you lines that children will meet at 10oand 'clock familyfor hoe new home. Mr. and you cannot see elsewhere, aid at prices -lower than others eek for inferior goodsat the 11 o'clock service they will Mre. Manny leave many friends be- Oursten is the cosy corner, let us make aft in the front Beata. The Psalms, hind them in Blyth, who all join in you fed nay by giving you something ,hymns, prayers, lessons and sermon wishing them abundance of . good delicious to eat and something comfort- will have special reference to the luck in their new home. able to wear, All at Sunday school. Parente and all —Fourteen boys of the senior LCtAb UP•TO-pITR STORE, others interested are requeated to be four b Blase In the central school at present, Kingston went on strike on Tuesday T. W. SCOTT —Mr. Samuel Graeey, who dis- against the principal, who, for rats- _ posed of his furniture buslnese in behaviour, had depraved the of ten Wingham two years ago to Meyers, minutes of their recess. Tuesday TOWN T0PICS Bali Bruit., and .who has since been morning they rofused to enter school, residing 1st Blyth, has purchased the and when approached by the princi- -ldrs. Wm. MoEtroy bas returned Interest of Mr. W. P, Dymond In the pal demanded the time deprived from her visit with Loudon friends, firm of Dymond & Mttebell, Nati- them. The principal reilased, and, —Mears. Watson dt Emigh ship- ture dealers, St. Marys. Mr. Gracey as the boyo persisted, he ordered acar of huge to Coilingwood on hes gone to St Marys leu his family them to leave the 'school premises, ted will not move there for sometime This they did with many cheers and —Mas Clara Coulter was thn yet. We join the many friends of a defiant manner. The matter will gtesst of her dater at Thorndaie for Mr, Gracey in wishing hili abund- go to the Kingston school board for Thanksgiving. once of sumo in his new business adjustment, —Mr. and Mm. J. K Bradwin, of venture. —Mr. A. B. Macdonald, who had Wingham, spent lest Friday end —From the Hamilton Timed we charge of Mr. 0. F. Blair's how office Batalday at ye editor's home.take the following:—Tho Clinton In Blyth for a year and a half, has — Mears. Thome Watson and New Era, whose editor has been commenced the practice of law in John Fraser, of Lucknow, apent visiting the west, declares that Win- Goderieh and has opened an office at Tbanksglytug day with Blyth nipeg is a very dry place on Sunday, the corner of Hamilton and Newgate friends. all the bars being closed tightly streets. Mr. Macdonald is already —Mrs, Myles Yunng and Miss against elegem. It says this Is the well-known in Goderioh and vicinity, Lockhart spent the Thanksgiving remit of an agreement among the having studied for some years with holidays at the home of the latter's hotelkeepers themselves. Keeping the (ate firm of Garrew & Proudfoot. prow in 8t Helens, the law Is very commendable, bat if Daring the time that Mr. Macdonald - David Negate and Miss we were offering an opinion it would was a resident of Blyth he proved McBeeth, of Pafeley, spent tact Fri- be that the New Era man is not just himself to be a capable and pains - day and hlaturdey In Blyth as the the sort to hunt oat the " blind pigs" taking lawyer, and he has the best siesta of Mr. and Mr*. D. M. Me. and "speak agates" of a big city, wlehes of many friends here for Ma :tut . Be isn't built that way, so to speak, future success. —Unties Mina and Lon Proctor, and never had the tralnirg—for —A very pretty but quiet wed - who are attending the Forest City wbleh he and his constituents may ding took place at the residence ot Buatnesa college, London, spent the he thankful. Dont try it on now, Mr. John Mettle, Westmoreland Thanksgiving holidays at the home Bob; ire hard to teach au old dog street, Blyth, on October 8th, when of their mother in Blyth, new tricky, you know. the eldest daughter, Lizzie, was —Mr. D. Fraser is leaving Bel- —Mrs. Hugh Boil died at the real- united in the holy bonds of matrimony grave for the Soo and on Friday of dence of her son, Mr, Wm. &II, on to Mr. W. Cunningham, a prosperous ebbs week will offer his bourse, land Thursday marring last, after an ill- young farmer of Morris. The inter- red furniture for sale by public nese of three weeks with heart esting ceremony was performed by auction. Mr, C. Hamilton will be trouble and bronchitis. Deceased Rev. John Holmes, pastor of the abs auctioneer. was one of the early ploneere of Hal. Myth Methodlet church, in the pree- -Mr. Samuel Crawford, who baa lett township, where she resided on ace of only the immediate friends been in the employ of Mr. J. T. the 6th con. for 60 years. She was of the eontracting parties. The Carter for the past four yearn, left on horn in Ballymote, Ireland, nearly ,bride was becomingly dressed In Monday morning for Egbro, where 80 years ago and came to Canada blue ladies' cloth and satin. Mr. end he has secured a situation in a bar- 60 years ago, settling in Hallett, Mrd, Canninghem left the neat day new ahoy. film is a good. faINitirl, For the past 10 years she was a rest. for their beautiful home on the 716 A i A A A 4 4 A A A Al Al 1 A A 1 A 1 A 1 A A 1 ') A A A A A A A McKinnon it; Co. $lath. More New Goods This week we have received several cases of New Seasonable Goods, which were bought below regular prices for spot cash. They are opened out and ready for inspection. Below we quote a few prices to give you an idea of the values we are offering : -- L ep.etal Ione of Ladies' Waterproof Coats, In black and colors, some have yokes and veivet,00llare, others have stitched collar and no yoke, length 61, 68, 58 and 00 inches, regular prices are /8,50 to It, but you an take your °bolos of the lot for Is. Another lot of those Heavy Wool Fleeced Men's Shirts and Draw- ers, bought below regular,prioes and we are piling the Boo line for 45c. Ladies' Ceperines, in electric mai, high storm collar, satin lined, long front, a tails, good value at 1*, our special price 14.50. Ladies' Caperines, in electric seal and Russiia.able combination,' long front, high collar, a tails, great value at*. Also a large assortment of Capsrinee, In different oomu3 attune. the very latest styles, at 47.60,48,19, /10,119 sod {ti, Ladies' Fur Ruffs, iQ all the new shapes and different kinds of fur, at 75c, 11, 11.50,12.25, *5.44,10, 1e48 sed 110. Ladies' Astrachan Jackets, in all sires and,langths, aCguerantsed perfect, at 420,115, 180, $5 audit°. Men's Fur. Coate in great variety at low prions. McKinnon & Co. 81yth. READY FOR Y.O. We have just received entensive addition to our FALL STOCK of LADIES' and GENTS' WATCHES, and we have some great bargains in CLOCKS—our stock Is up -to -dew and our prices right, In JEWELRY we are bound to snit you—we can give you splendid choice and clone prices. We carry a full supply of the NEW PRESBYTERIAN BOOK OF PRAISE in all the different agl.a and prices. Very special values in WiNBOW SHADES and WALL PAPE& iudnstrione mechanic, and a popular dent of Seafurth. Seven weeks ago line of Murris. The bride received to close out ends, REPAIRING carefully done and at right,prlaa. young man, We aro sorry to lose she came to Blyth to visit her eon many veluabie -and useful presents,' Mw from Blyth, and along with his and while here took 111, resitting In which testifies to the esteem In which litany friends extend beet wahes for death. Mr. Bell died 10 years ago, the young couple are held. Their his future ptoeperity, Six children are left to mourn the many friends will unito with us in From the Hageraville Newe we loos of a beloved and kind mother. wishing them mach happiness take the following reference to a The children are John, of Clinton ; throughout their married life. Blyth boy : "Mr. R. B. Carter re- Wan., ot Biyth ; Mrs. Fowler, of Sea- —Last week's Mitebell Reoorder signed bis position to Mr, S. W. forth ; Thomas and Samuel in Da. contained the following : "The writ - Howard's drag store last week and kota, and Richard in Manitoba. er dniebed his fail fair visits, as a left on Monday to accept a more Deceased was a kind-hearted woman fruit judge, at the Blyth fair last lucrative one in Port Elgin. Al- and possessed tunny friends among week. He saw some very fine lines though bere but a few months Bobby her acquaintances. The funeral of fruit there, and the inside show as was juedy valued by •hta employer took place on Saturday forenoon and a whole is far ahead of the average for his close attention to business and was very largely attended. Inter- country fair. Everybody gods to courteous treatment of customers. ment was made in the Roman Catho- the Blyth fair ; all the newspaper With the young men he t►4s exceed- tic cemetery in Minn. men and all the members of perlla- ingly popular whether in the field of —Rev, J. Edmonds conducted the ment for miles about, and the sports or in the social circle and his harvest home services to St. Paul's crowd ran pretty well up to 8000, departure will be regretted by a .chureb, Wingbam, on Sunday of last while the fakir was no where to be large circle of friends." week, and both Wingham papers seen," In addition to the above, the —A pretty wedding took place In make complimentary reference to Recorder re-pablibhed the eompll- At. Michael's church, Blyth, ou Mon- Mr, Edmonds as a preacher. The mentary reference to Blyth fair day forenoon, when Maggie, second Advance says: "Successful harvest which appeared in the Seaforth Ex. daughter of Mr, and Mas. Fratmis home services were held in 5t, Paul's poeltor the week before, and added Mccasghey, of Blyth, became the church on Sunday last, Rev. J. the following: " We can endorse all wife of Mr. Frank Schuler, of Brue- Edmonds preached appropriate ser- that is said here about the Blyth eels, Rev. Father McMenamin per- mons. In the morning, hie text was show. Blyth Is a pretty village and formed the marriage ceremony, and ',Honor the Lord with thy substance,' is surrounded by a magnificent Miss Fina Hamilton played Men- etc., or the duty of giving. In the country. The art exhibit, the deisshon'i wedding march. The evening, he spoke from the words women's department and the fruit bridesmaid was Mise llarriet Ale- ' Oh, that mea would praise the Lord daplay of the Blyth show are among Gengbey, of Clinton, and the grooms- for his goodness, sod for hie wonder- the largest and best we find oats(ds mann was Mr. Thomas Kelly, of Blyth. fat works to the ,children of men.' the cities." The bride looked very pretty in a The church was prettily decorated THE ALTAR. dress of blue broadcloth, trimmed with grain, fruit and Bowers. Spe- SCRULan—McCauci at•.—At St. Mich - with blue satin, white applique and tial and appropriate music wag ah9l a church, Blyt '-tic Octobe Mr pearls. The bridesmaid's dress was rendered by tbe excellent .choir el Frank Schuler, to Maggio, second green broadcloth trimmed with the cliercb. The offertory was daughter of Mr. and Mrs, F1'aiols green applique. The bride is a nearly 1100," Tbe Ttmea adds : McCaughey, of Blyth, popular young lady- and was the " Harvest thanksgiving services THE TOMB. recipient of many beautiful and were held in St. Paul's ,church $toss,.—In Blyth, 00 October I°th, Mrs, couple on Sundaylast. The church was Hugh Ball' aged 79 years. 9 mouth's durable presents. The happy Y and 13 days, will reside in Brussels, where the beautifully decorated for the occasion Whv glue away your Fowl alive 7 groom is foreman of Mr. Philip and the choir furnished special See what we ale payiQg, Dried Apples, Attunt'e planing mill. Tea STAND, music. Rev. J. Edmonds, of Blyth, ileo Sutter, Mc. A SWAP stock, ,Atte extends congratulation' ?Reeked two splendid sermon*" Qao. E. Kew, Wiugba¢t, illi FRANK METCALF STATIONER N9 BLYTH The Popular Clothing Hou A Fine Showing FALL FArBRICS For Trousers, Top Coats and Suits, (Come early and choose from a complete stock.