The Blyth Standard, 1900-04-05, Page 8LV
er. , of Too Much Religion on One
and and Too Much License on the
Other -Personal Example Power,
that MAY,- s •. . .„.•Wereeteete. eleteeee '
Motet Reportsll BANK OF HAMILTON.
onto out and state on the
*1* V or 40 yenta of air, or even IO t4hbOtall IbYellif.' Filloo 1•1
"Thal 'bait v
try to change the c
f 1
nks of your ohilde life whets It
ditkel at thy neighbor an 1
and num of, that in
lite, It is toe tate! It is too Wel els met accordingly, '1 ho law owl the 'I
farther tes at the Romeo of ille atel prophets -The litho sum of all that 11 rifle 'VVeek. li
nefirMit tn the mother's heart, where le coetalmed In the Old 'Nebo:twist, I.__ ...... ............ , _..... .. _el
the charneter Aka., end try to take pertainiag to roon's (Minket toward1,---.--.....-.....2....--,---....1
It in the right direction. Hot, oh, my
tom& be eatorot to motto a line, a oi. itstetnehoe,thitehr4. matt hisobbriieft,hmoyetveeciont4T0-, 1(1.41f,IDA,,,,DAligNCial,:vatitAT,4,13MAlariprEil;c89. at
;Ina 'lee, between innocent laterite on id o t
it or Tri til at the atrolght huportant Wheat metre to -Jay :
the one and vicious preclIvity on the ' -
Cailt, lily.
other. Do not think your ehildren are gato-Or, by this 0100111)1 010. refer-
eeing to ruin beeeuee *bey snaps a ring to the preoept just laid dowe. Chlease ....,.... - .„ -- R1(151.2
redo!, Alt houthy ohudeeu matte a But, in 'general. GLIM 11 the narrow New York - ... ... ... -- 0721
tacker, Rut do not latsgb at your gate of ituntillty, repentsioe and true M lwaukee.... ......... /PO ad --
ehlide tin below it III smart, It you eonyerekm. It is the entire abeenois of St. Louie ... ... ... ... 0 70 11.8 0 09 3.8
do, you 18111 cry atm +while because en that makes Ole gate narrow, and Toiodo - ... - ... ... 0 71 071
It le amiteloup. Remember it is what we aro told bo enter in. Luke soya Detroit, red ... .., ... 0 71 0 71: 1.4
Outi do mare hart What Yon 00 that Oltrirte (oe itinonal0 to enter In." Detroit white ... . 0 7'1 1-2 ---
You ;Mimeo 50001* 10011(1 have got la lief, of carnal affections, of fleahlY Duluth, Tio, 1 hare 000 1.4 ---
wanted, and batten my I ten. itetgoing into the bone. TOere's tDrotell tgallidaa. Ti)ttede.1,1flet4.uetteirt-teeTheoln "owl 7411,:aettiaemitall-eT:roll:": esh' 7.: .1- 0(14 88 0111 16
pr. Tannage 0•111 interest V,.0.11 E'k e,l'Y lotottueltY. 1 Neve yea telt ?totY No. He On% Would have Bald:
element to parents Who evil parsueth it to hie own destrue• j d - '' a'
It white 1e to full of advice tee nim'ef •e"
oei met( I find that yeti hey, berrrme some;h1nefi mimeo tlfather won t go
th a glad father; hut a foot. the vs.. of your lentil that war You a stupendous question to aide but 1 oTili, way la easy oi meat it is Toronto, March 51, -- Flour --Oil,
tartan patents. $8.80; Manitoba
2 ebodeee boeiee or blights hrtneort the two and to Iran Otte chit., to eek until too late, "Are the children 14. Leat1011 unto Ilfe-Splrltual life fiaberse 48„55, all on track at Tu
area for Clod and for heeeen le the ant- eater When the element, are melting ()Meet. in being united to Christ. ronto•wtwatooniario red 404 white, 05
I heart. 1 know there, are
with fervent heat and 0o4 /hall burn Without Christ the soul to dead. Eple
re seem to have no explain! IefY or everY inteltitant parent.
to correct the ,world up and the ery of "Fire. 11, 5,11. The Ott of which WS are guilty to 65 1'20 tiorth and welt i geote. 71a
!fl the welfare of their ehild- tIonin go to Mork end tit
tuber "y,,, owy boy ell thin, and the boy Is plaited at end flee!' eholl rtreund amid the moun. (jaw v. 40) IR rejecting Qom, oto euoirth, 8;3n;dtowr:01.; iirto,Isl/noa No. Ail a_ nt a %err Itr•
ta the risks I took in life. If ukked at and picke4 at. That alweye Mane and the valley, will your chit- too. Few there be-V'ow cora to ro I ro
O out well, ..„11 eight; le he turns is rukeue. There * snore limp In one dren he Pate! flounce their einful phantom. That . cru at 750,
he pill hees to beer the come. (nod thunderstorm than in nye dove of 1 wonder If the subject ;strikes a tial it -Although the narrow way Oats -White ones quoted et ere to
s. He has the same chance that /old Menlo Reiter the old fashioned chord in the heart of any man who itad .
muse be sought, yet 11 1. possible to _ 27 1.2o "n•
xii, ,,,, thee owe oe meow," atyie of chase/env-at If That be poem- Christian parenrage, but hea not 10011 nal It. Ali menial d besaved lf .tinddiattry..413,1 bitruloetyett. aa6talgotof tar 2 t
or, O. weals
as be ought? Ond brought you here n may sa
pbard might Just as well thrum Aare thaw the (regime and the scalding they will meet the conditione.
the morning to have your Memory re-
lanto tato a den of !lone and my, which have destroyed ou many. ts-It la a delleate °Potation - 110.-ClOoted at 800 north and
There No also a cause of great see- %/hod, tsie you have a Christian am Though
(roe-, ' early on the brute creation are kind etude, sometimes because our young cesery? "oh, yes,” owe nnp nm. ..11 to correct the faults of other', and lvelliirt.na_Mciliaylontettainet, au brat, at *to
e - Ile lambs, tole care of yourself."
;email' to look after their young. 1 eecoltle are surrounded by 00 mans' *000 ' there waa a good Women, mY should be performed with great care
anti *torte at III17, in ear lot., 5. 0. be
Ping through a woode, and 1 temntatirene. A castle may not be token mother wall good." HMV ;the watched ani skill. We knowl nothing In nature -
-,-,-.-1 - a abrill cry In a neat. 1 climbed by a straightforward plege, but IUP- you when you were sick! Others wear- of It Mare Wirero and steady love than Toronto,
bird', nest, and 1 found that - woe Were be inside the castle an me- led, If she got weary she nevertheless that of parents to their obliteren ; 011011whilat -Firm ; 48.) nerth end
bird hed left the brood to my, and In the -night he Moves back was wakeful, and the medicine wee our hearealy Father's love to til is emi,
e jitlt ilea Is a very rare °cent'. the bolt and swInsa open the door. Our given at the right time. and when the much More than thee but it 11 impose Corn -Canadian, 48c to 44c on track
le Eden to attic Your, ellitdr011. Po Wide 1e the gate -The gate of nube• Duluth,' No. 1 north, 01 8.1 0 01 3.4
too, April 1.-'rble . nor, MOW One* 011 Olio mean? I gave family tu into the ark It he staid woe kww many anuesetanto and ie
noonattirlti, s, libertine and a get." In. frt er mays out I'll stay OM," .t. 19. olio of .!„ tor ••• ••• 065 1-8
; tot proverb, w.. Tile son earn: Now, faUter, what is Are sour ehildren eafe? I know It le 5' • 7
1011110 ru H. many go n Laurent ere* WA Produce.
YI o bring up their ehildrett
Met too your meet etek It. Are yOur chlittren safe? . .
le the heaviness or 11,4 'OW 11111' 10 ?I0 &nd
iestostone and ee to strike the tee. A mother whet) the house Writ On fire brOhno and Popular( and requires no tario putouts. In bags, 38.45 to $8,65;
3. 5 to 38.15; Hue,
senalght rollers), g
stooge 0.ay Salami, 001. Alum liAwsett euVerItY and ton great ent out the houmehoid Food*, meny ar- effort: The traln will run down an
in stoke the hippy Twadom tides of wasteful furniture, bet forgot. Moline without stattm.
idea that the trend or evil rt:
eisetallY a bird win pick your roans folks have foes without, and 'pillow %Val hot she turned it. And, oh, slblu to tell how 1110011 more. Nothing In Toronto ; Awoken45 1..2o to 46e
agt mbar then surrender her they haye foes withen. Who ;Iota not then when you began to go astray what bol am tandem the way to heaven On track,
le 0UFkooping or your touch. umeletend It? WhoM
le the arl there a 1110111 was to her heart' eitber narrow de diffinult to eny per- TORONTO FARMERS' MARKET.
*1 runt you 12 you come too who le not aware of the tact that the A eon. "Let an the world forsake their Wheat -One hundred bit MS 02 10000
Meet tha whelps; even the barnyard young people of thie day have tremen- alae and all the world eon walk roll 1 1-2o weaker, at 70e.
Illewl, with Its eltuney toot and heavy dem temptations. abreast in this goal Troy."
Wing, will come at you if you ID -Some man will come to the yams ()9t0'..301 red bushels gala 1-2e
Preach Ite young too nearly, Ana God people and try to persuade them that PRACTICAL SURVEY. higher, at 32 1,13e.
certainly Intended to have fathers and purity and honesty and upright- Among the many things which len- Barley -One tundra) bu hele sold le,
inothera u kind as the brutes. nem itre a glen of weaknees. Some der the development of Christian char- weaker, at 44e,
t corms through all our bowie- man will take a deemattc atotode. actor two are eapecially hurtful: Can- Hay and Straw-Fifteon Made of
tOdkal, and he says, "You eke and he will talk to the young man, kering care and a harsh, upoharitable hay sold at 912 to 318, and two loads
PIMPS Of the bodies of your children and he will lay; "You mtust break NAM. The Mit destroye faith in (Sod of *raw at 38 to 39. Demand for
and the minds of your children. What away from your mother'a apron and hinder' In our relation to Mtn ; straw was weak,
ore you doing (or their Immortal string*. You must get out of that the eacond, by leading to evil ;surmise Drewel Hoge -Firm, at 90.75 to 37
souls?" I read of a ship that found- puritanical atrolght-jacket. It le time ing and rash judgment, destroys con- leer cwt. Live hose will probably bo
mod, A efeboat war launched. Mane you were your oven wester. You are
paesentitther ere veere In the water. verdant, You are green. You are un-
w one hand beating the sophisticated, Corte with me; III firlence in mess and hurta us In 0110 firmer next 'week.
relation to them Butter-Falr recelpti met a modor-
ir .s ohand holding her Dhow you the world. I'll show you A warning against harsh judgment, ate demand at 21 to 25e. for dairy
...% toward", tbe lifeboat life. Conte with me. You need to see Ye. 1, 2. DD00 not prohibit one's pro- pound Polio
that impassioned 0 to the ono * t 0000110g Judgment when necessary. Egg!-Fatr denoted for Mainly nw
"t' "III" n" Midi" .404 the world. It won't hurt you." After n
. Bads an eelso In ry peomeo too:t awhile the young nen says: "Well, I but warns agalnet cultivating or en- laid at 10 to 17c.
11 the scene comes beck. You re-
member the chairs, you remeineer the
table, you remember the doorsill where
you pisyed, you remember the tonea of
her voice. She seems calling you now,
not by the formai title with which 100
Odr000 you, saying "Mr." this .r "Mr."
that or "Honorable" the; or "Honor-
able" that It 10 just the fleet name,
your first name, she calla you by this
monies. She bids you to a better life,
She nays, "Forget net all the counsel
I gave you, my wandering boy. Turn
Into pates of righteousness I am
waiting for you at the gate," Oh, yes.
God brought you here this morning to
have that memory revived, and I shout
upward the tidings. Angels of God,
.end remelt the news! Ring! Ring!
The dead le alive amen, and the lost
M found!
Can't afford to be odd. I can't afford tertninIng cowrie:nu Writ, winch Poultry -Fair receipts met a like
this end to- "nave mr chum- site to Judgment tipon and watches
n way throligh 1)2.,Innocence
3 to and He 'er myself." Farewell to
to moles all my friends. l'll just
for imperfections of character in
at wan ere says: "I have
.on tolerably well. The corm "6.
Wh.feh Once gene never fully others. The man posseased of this
oorld les bereted nue and 1 have lesion out because you repent of 6111
. Do not be under the de- eplrlt sees 110 good in other*. All ono
ltd many a hare weenie. It doesn't
ovate much difference whet haproos 1:oliuogyetfarridev,footrievelor orinintsocesonne
SUNDAY SCHOOLszquewnhciecali sees le colored by the medium through
wheel he looks. (
APRIL s. imoo.
to me, but aye toy chill" You see, l .fles zone never fully comes beets. laatructions cow:orates reproof. Va.
have & ettbJeet of etupendoes import, tut, how many Dane est for the 8-0. Ho who would admenieten reproof
and I am gains, as Clod luny help me, yowls! Styles of temptation just that will be salutary must be in 0
to show the ranee of pareutal solicitude stated to them, Do you suppose that proper moral state and poesessed of a
'!-)111/1 then 11121 alleviation. at that "- a eon who went clear to the clopllie right aVrtt, lb mut first cas: the
i, ikitude.
Precepts slid Promises-Matti:1-11.
csf dissipotion went down in one
Hopt.-1111/1t 114 golden text?
Soltuoi-e, hat omer ye would that
mon mimed oto co you, du ye en Pes
so them. Mott. vie 12.
What le the central truth? It le a
nantir4:: way which leruleth unto Mo.
What le the tople Soklag and
Wlutt, b. the outline " I. A warning.
inetruattas oonoernutg reproof.
Ile The fatheritoo4 ot Otei and the
erotherhooe ot male IV. The two
When urea the time ? July, A. D., 28.
Where was the teem? Mount Hitt.
Who were the (*None? Joens. His
Teeiples. Tim multitude.
What are tit) opmeal retelltige?
none U. lel; Luke xiii. 28, 21'.
Connentareve- 1. Judge not -Rash,
itmeh, unelteletnble Jude:netts; the
thinking 02 11, Wit 2.1'3 Oil Seems, and
peaking it aceoreingly.-Clarke. Un-
kind, condemnatory, uttealled-for Oldge
meats, Which aro neither by
iuty nor prompted by lees -Lange:
That ye be not judged -It is the pre.
rojtative of God to judge teen. If we
Judge other.; we muet expect to be
by othere 00(1 110*' arty wit alto
bo edged by God.
2. It shall be meaenteel to you again
-"In the moral order el th nag an
uteittet blow w:11 recoil on him who
has dealt It With your measuro .hal
t to measured to you." Our Mg.
meat of others frequently condemns
8, The mote, cte.-The "-pl etre." as
.:oxel to tem "benne" "Ott one Otte
mit-levet binds al; to ourselVell; A *Wen
tile other, envy etesi nutroe give WI
enerelog eyes in. respect to others.
Whop we titan Wive tie notch zeal to
eorreet °uric/tem wa have ittel:tr
Von to remove and eorreet other, we
Abe_ know our own +defects better
teem now We knoreethooto of our neigh -
thine own eye...That man le
wholly unfit to point others to the
way of lite who is himeelt walking
to tho way that leads to death.
"Thom who blame others ought to
be blameless and bartnleas them
5. Thou hypocrite-0)er Lord tears
off the mask and glebe people their
right name. A hypocrite ie one who
professor to what ho is not ; who
°taints toff a devoted Chriatian, while
his heart la vile. Eat in this ease o
Is called a hypocrite because
does not apply to lemeel; the mea-
sure by which he Judges W• brother.
6. That which (.holy unto the dogs
-Do not give the sacrificial meat thee
has been ooneeterated to God to the
doge. Cave not the holy ordinance*,
which have boon Instituted for the
true followers of Quiet, to unholy
and sinful men who try to destroy the
characters of others by evli•mietakIng,
backbiting and elanderieg. "Doge,
alludee to that which to bow, unclean
and Ilinatored ; wine to stubborn re.
sistance, sensual gratifications mid
Impute:lee." Your pearls -Precious
things. Trample them -They will re.
ject and despise them, and turn them
The first five to hi
imam out of he oven eye -see, con -
The first MOO of parental solieltude, treat plunge? Oh, no! At first It
flu rad forsake Cs own faulits. He
Oak gelato tenni the l'aliefeeteellee,a, was * fashionable hotel. Marble
6,- of parents on their own WW1. eve "” floor. No unclean pleturea behind 110 must lieu delliiy." To remove a for-
e.:‘,•; somehow want our children to avoid the counter. No drunken hiccough eIgn substance tram the eye of au-
' e Mir Mune We hope that if we have while they drink, but the click of cut other requires (sear might and a dell.
e ilaneee.,Oheyowlilea.tOtheeemee glass to the elegant gentIment. You steed of good. He who would deal with
rata touch, else one will de harta in -
'•'""Y '" they °"` ack that Young men now to go Into soul, In administering eeproof must
omit our excellence& aome low restaurant and get a drink,
have clear ep1r1tue.1 eyealght and en -
('7 apt to be mimes of
ikaheane meat'. a '"" tumult miler But the fashionable and
and he would say. "Do you mean to
lightened moral ionalblittbes. He most
not be blinried leinehmes,
intereet, or prejudice.
'1he fetheebood of Gal and the bro.
agreed of man. to 7-12. The under's.
Ing thought of versa 7 to 11 is that
Got le a /Dying, tender father. "Men
are exhorted to ooze unto God, wait
the permeates that ffe a most gra..
elms and compassionate parent, who
posses al: heavenly earibly good;
knows what e wacesaary for each of
Hie creatures, and irttenieely reedy
to commusloate that wleoh they need
moat." Han hal kat Got and home.
Ho ahonld "ask" the, way back, "seek"
moat dillgeatly until he Rads the
door, and "knock" 'Importunately un-
til It Is opened-.
The two ways, trs. 18, 14. There is
a wity to 0400.10, another. to failure;
a way' to reepeotability and' honor,
and a way to di/1*race and dishonor.
In the morel world there la a way to
life Deed e way to death. Succem Is
not won In the broad way of Inoltrt-
tion or pleabure. 'There is no 0:eel-
Iseee ,withent Bread labor." He who
woutd gain 'Ilk" in: the kingdom must
enter in et the "oontreoead” gnte and
walk tho "straitened" way.
Brave Men Fall
t, nide him 'intoning
I am netonlathed at
II your father sae'. if
11 1 Where elle you get that
cigar .„ , I picked It up od the
sereet.' What would your father say
• aled yeuippiegther my if they knew
ether?" "Oh," he route, "that's notto
-teen My tatter smote*" There tenet
is 02 us ts.tbw whaLwould like to
Ye our chillness 130 (17 all Ger ev-
e, And Mat la oaose of ere
uti on the part of atI of us. We
mi many fault' We du not went
meted and stereotyped in the
:end ettarnetere of threw who conic
titter tee
'rhea witiOude area from oor eon.
eleillunlelehey and unwistioltt of
1 of twenty pare • re
ont who unde
y and skillfully to
y oar
lae; Perhaps not more than owe
east et twenty. We, nearly all of use e NM? &aye the young man.
- er PA one Me er on the other, Here Is e to shot up?" Push them all
the elegant hotel is not always close
by, and now the young man le ntt the
down grade. Further and further
down, untlt he has about struck the
Imam of the depths of ruin. Now he
IN In tete low restaurant. The cards
so greasy you can herd!): tell wile has
the best hand. Gambling for drinke.
Shuffle' aws.y, shuttle away. The lane -
lord stands In Ma shirt hierWen, WW1
he hands on his waiting for on
order to nit up the linnet
The clock strikes 12-tht. tolling of
the funeral bell of a soul. The
breath of eternal woe flushes in that
young mates cheeks. In the lots of
the ganIght the eery tongue of the
worm that never 'died. Two o'clock
in the morning,"anil new they are
sound asleep In Meer chain. Land-
lord comes arolInd and aye: "Wake
u , make ilpi Time to Mut tip!"
father who reset I 13111 101111 to
ng up nny ehltdion right. My eotte
`Oaten know nothing but religion, shall
We Whit* but rilligion." They are
tad out at slit 0 (lock in the morn.
Melte the Ten rommanclmerits.
wakened up from the sofa
y neat to recite the Weal -
catechism. Thee bedroom wale
vered with relleleue pictures and
tions of scripture, and when the
looks for the 1307 of the month
out oto the nisi* ate Now they are
going home. Going home! Let the
wife crouch In the corner and the
ehlidren itide ur.der the bed. What
was the Motors of that young man?
He began he dimipationi In the
barroom of a Fifth avenue hotel and
completed hie damnation In the lowest
teometimes sin dose gat halt In
that way, idometimee .In even tomes
to the drawtng room. There are lap.
Woke for it In a relifieus allnanfte. roux heart. sunnettmes admitted In the
II mildew come to the house he 10 higheet ettelea of society. He is so eie.
twitted to take the boy elide arid gant, he Is so bewitching In hie matt-
WM• . .1"143t a Feat 111114111. 4_,18,. nor, he is so renned, he e so educated;
morlung, noels anti nigew• no one suspects the sinful design, but
me paean on, anti the parents *re otter awhile the talons of death come
Ing for the return of the son at forth. What 15 the matter with tha
t. 11 1. aloe e'elee.• it 1. ten home? The front windows ha
la eleven o'elock, *1 )0 twelve been opened for six months year.
alt-paat twelve °Mime.
attling nf the night\ A shadow has come downe thet do-
mes in and hastens gentle hearth, a sireettiv thicker than
e accosted. His woven °restart, ght and hurricane.
•y bf that parent makes lent
"Oh„ I wish I had buried my chit•
en when they were email!" Loge of
perty? No. Death in the family?
Hadnees? No, Dome villain,
loved and' • diamonclett lift -
et cup of donmetie bliss untlt the
t struck it and alt the rainbows
round the rim and then dashed
tenon and woe, until the bare-
ness clapped theirhends teed
es of the pit uttered a loud
says, "1 have been out,
ho ism been out, and he hae
wo, and he has started on the
to ruin for this life and
for t ilte to omne, and the
sire to his wife:. "Mother, the
coneninolnienta are a failure. No
0 of Westminster catechism. I have
• my very beat Ser that boy. Juin
bow he Was *riled Ont." Ah! ntY
14 YOU *tatted that boy with re -
'Yoe had na gympathe with
1111gritileit. You had no com-
mon. A man of %virility nate to
"I Oreen't much (halve tor re-
• ets flethw was as 10(14 man
e t Wed. but he jammed religion
y throat when 1 was a boy
gel depleted with ft, and I
it wanted any of It shim," TAM
erred en one vide.
the dlealplIne is an ratite fol..
Many householdo because the
Orli a,a4 the mother
net ;I'll 1 .10 fs*hev 070,
r 200414
fikesekoed apt% lewould aims!
sat 1 ain dotal to keen tuY
The reedier save "Don't.
ed th
into d
les of de
all the vo
"Ho hal"
'She statist
to them great
been destroyed
ful homes ha
han never been made up
Klee of how mane have
and how many beautl-
e been overthrown. If
the Meddle ould be presented, It
would f mese you blood In a solid cake
at your head,- Our great cities are
full of tempted s, end to van mune
tildes of parents bile temptations be-
come a matter eat solicitude.
Hut now tor allevtatIone, Firs:
of an, you eave • melt a great deal
of trouble, Oh, if you can early
watch the ebIldre 1 educate them
tot Ood and heft
yeerieof my life
an mom.. an 101 o y 000000 1,
said Tont ?wee. A oat to Va. •
7 Ask--geek-knook-Thla versecom
-and after It had be , days 001 mine very 10011001004 directions. In
git41/1; "Imhte"ts seen so. Maar there comes a ceOlon lie outset every thing, by Prayer and euppilea.
*takes by tooreat moo, perinea le legit, The helm 1 net work. Mon, we are to make oar reeueete
eta of tbachildren. Whitt I. the matter? 13 Lt left- known unto God ; and then we nee
1011,01 40 gr as hp p10050.. WOrthY. It never was yee.verergos, Can 10"neek"-contInue to ask and loteek
Id*01• oat mem, Here, my you mend (1 00103 It le too late Nowa 4t the door of His matey,
to Um theater awl op- she soei with 260 passenger* In10 to
8. Every ono Gest neketh retelveth.
Itelnee twin, do no. watery grave. What was the Igor tn etee-Chrlet binds !Unwell to hear
to piety cards, you Ax that vowel?Wbat was the Haat toall. A
answer No soul can way ht
'. GO when you prerare it for the germ/ In thil do • rain that tempo ae God has directed,
when you want dock. AM my friends, do not wettritto "If we bring Cheet's words and
ao' at" airs 111 your children get out Into the wort
iy and ask him beyond the Narrows and out on t Chrert's sacrifice with us, nos one of
1/10tiose to stotosob, liver sod kidney Iroublee
m some a, and 52) 1*) the rosette in loss
of smote*, pelletal in the blood, backache, Der,
rimless heedsohe and tired, Melees, rundown
mineg bat there's no need 10 fee: like tilet,
igen to I. he% Gardner, IdavIlle, leo. Ile
gays:" Illeetrie Bitten ate last the Plano tot
*man Whoa ha had ria (Men, madon't oars
mums' he ihmor elm 1. 414 mereto nor
money stress* eel mod appetite than soy.
mins 1 maid lake, 1500 01143 100 eartheng mdi
have stutre man on efe," Only unseal J.
11 liaradton'enrag loom, homy bottlessav
TWo Very 014 Prople.
heW reek, einel I. -Noah R.tby evie.
Netted his 128th birthday at the
Pleeetteway ithushtunde nt arielto3, ..N•
te-day. Baby Is 1:1111,1, but other.
wee is lit rem rkably gool heelllt. lie
SOSS he well live to be 150 yeere of
act; ntrenl, Apr!! 1. -Mo', eltrietine
Reeteur ited yesterday anent:get at
her residence, No, 83 Rose (14 Lima
lane, nt 101 years 1131(1 0 months IA
age, Ste hid been married twice and
her five elms mei &tighten; Native
demand. Pritee were unchanged. A
few Wein fat chickens were quoted
at 111 a pair, *
Wheat -Two hundred bushels et
goom sold weaken/eel at 700, and ono
load a spring at 70o.
Otto -Two beds sold firm at 82 1.2o
to 88e.
Barley -One load Amid unchanged at
Hay and Straw -Twenty load* of
hay sold at 313 to 313, and one load
of straw at 38.
Ennui Hogs-Iftrme et 48,78 to 97
per lemedredweight,'
Butter -Large rotelpte an, fair do- .
Mead at 24o to 21to tor deity pouad
Egge-Liberal sunplly Met a
demand at 180 for atrIctly new fa.
Poultry-Wss plentiful today and
demand good. Cleckees mold at Me to
etio • owe 8a to 0o and turkeys at
13e 'to 14o.
Capital, all paid up, $t,soo,000. Reserve, $5,0oo,000.
Total Assets, $13,163,057,
A general Banking business transacted. Advances made On all milts*
securities, Partnere' notes discounted and money advanced to filed cal t le, etth.
and pudica the harvesting of the crops. Debentures bought. Collootleiii
made as the most favorable terms. Drafts Wiled ret_yable 00 .11 principal poet.
le Canada and the United Suttee. Drafts on Groat Britain antl tit.: Continent et
&trope bought arid sold,
Deposits of ?l and upwarde received and Interest allowed trent date of
deposit to dote o withdrawal, interest *1)1011 10 principal in May Mid Novem-
b.rsub year. Spacial deposits oleo received at oat -rent rate,. Deposits may
withdrawn without formality or delay,
0. BENNETT, Sall•AairdiTs
Newspaper Advertising
(3 UR
of a
The shrewd merchant knows
it and acts accordingly,
To bring trade your way these
growing times use mowwwwessei
Red Hat From The Quo
Was tbe bell thee he fele Steadman. of
giorerk, Moo It the Mall War. It mooed
horrible tLeert that uo treallesent toped tnt. so
rean. Tien Buoklen's Ands* g erre eaves blot
tooeseate8reisee Dona, Bolls, Felon*, mum,
gkla Ntttptioas. nest Pile Cate tm earth, gro
Iwo Cure onstauteede Sold by 7, U. Hawn.
Far* Prather, Wholesale,
Teronto, Marcel '31.-Ilay, balee, eer
tote, per toe, tte . to $9,60; strew,
baled, rer lot. 01' ton, $1.75 to 352:
Potetowe enr lots, per bag, 37 1-2 to
40e• better, el: eve, tube, 17 to 18o, ;
hatter, inediutn, tube, 10 to 15e.: but.
tor, (eery, Ie. rens, 14 to 20e.; butter,
creamery, Ile rollt, 22 to 21-e.; better,
large rune, oar la, 10 to 18e.; butter,
creamery, bores, 20 to 22e.; eggs,
hell, 10 to 12e.; agga, new laid, 181.2
to 14c.; honey, per Re, to 10e.; tur•
keye, per lb., 12 to 14e.; chickens, per
nett% fin to 75e.
'13tIttah Market:1.
Ieverpool, March 01, 12.30. --Wheat,
No, 1 earthent tiering. Oa ad 'SO. 1
CUL, 11:1 atOCk red winter, no stock ;
corn, old, 4e 1 1-4t1; new, 4e Id ;. peat.,
Se 7 1-24 ; pork, prime western rums,
58e gei ; lard, primo western, 33e Iht ;
A ni"rtZttli refineti, tIlis 01; tallow, Aue-
trallan, 20o; Amer:Man, good to fine,
21ile ild ; Wenn, long Clear, light, efle
el ; heavy, short clear, heave',
1.18s; cheese, white, 51Ie thi ; oolored,
Ode 41.1. ; Wheat nominal. Corn firm.
Llverpool-Open--Wheat, sPot noln-
lne1; futeren steady; May 5a 10 1-8(1.
July Ea 0 8.41, liaise spot firm ; taxed
Amerienn, 111 new ; 4e 1 1-1,i old;
futuree strong ; Tray 4. 13-81), July
do 052-8']. Flour, Minn., 170 itti to 18e
London -Mose -Wheat on pi:Aimee,
buyers indifferent operators. Melee ott
pastiest*, Yellers tine buyers nnert.
Englieh country markete quiet. Maize,
tmot Anterlonll 1101011, if:w Si. mom,
Anon , 223* ed. Maize, cargoes relemen,
492 Ibt, f. o. r, t. Steam,: May, June,
21s 04 paid, old style.
Evport cattle, eho'co 81.70 to 84.00
export cattle, rght, 31.25 to 94.00
export choice, 31,03 to 34.10
exprnt butte, light, $3.21 to $3.60
loads of good butcher.' and exportere,
Mixed, 91 to 31,10 1.2; Marlin,' eat.
tio, picked lots, le Lee te $1.50 ; buteli.
ere cattle, geed, 33.70 to 33.110;
tobute9lateAr5s; oattle,betellp:t111.edlcoutanittitnotilx. est12,.0$03.4405 your
grocer tor FINNEMORE'S
88,35; butoters' leferior.
1/1'2.61) t° FAMILY FLOUR 11s the best on the
32.80; fowlers, heavy, 33.80 to
34.12 1-2; feeders, tight, $3.50 tit mgrket.
ti:;7115';3114.e28 ti°kerfl'10$2;151vt°39 '.9S.r.IIY:'11311141112°11: lhort notice, bet»9 a practical mil:
G'ISTING and CTIOPPINa done on
sheep, ewes, per cwt., 33:21 to 21875;
ler am sure to please you.
sheep, bucks, per owt. 32.30 to $`1.00;
lambs, Irked 0W11,9 and ntethero, 013,50 GIVE NE A TRIAL,
Highest market price ;mid for ell elate
see of wheat.
Milinteha and British Co umbla, °eels
2, and New EranswIOK 1,
Bradstreet/I 011 Trade.
Trade at Montreal Om; boon weer:
01011 actIre Olt week': The altIptuents
nt geode for the spring aud summer
tradr, cout'nn.r, on a Invigo Lenin. CO.
lection3 aro tntrly good,
At Ifetentiton lepatoes mope up tu
the expeatetiono of tradmo. Cons:din
able shipments of settee continuo to go
eut, and Um betlook la senerallY con-
sidered very prontielog. Rstullere from
tho country who have been 110 the
market lately report the onetime, 101
the early spring and early summer
trade very bright. Values In 011 de-
part:Monte of trade ere firm. '
liminess at the etAti4 ettlem ban been
rather eteet lately. Trade at London
oentinuei fale for this season of tiir,
year. The snow blockade Interfered
with boniness to some extent. 'The
busittotie situation nt Winnipeg loot
not changed much. Money le in event
domed, and rates are firm. The
Wholesale houses at 'Toronto lInve Ivan
bitty vreok making Iarge .hip'
litenta goods the trade of tho
uoutttry tor nnO near. Tito outlook
for the balenoe of the seawall trade
watt never brighter.
Their Business Booming.
Prehebly ao Meg hoe mused me a
novel trade at e. M. leannon's
Dp*g tors se elves *way to he many
is en of ea many tree WM both es etOr.
711*'. New theowery for Oonottoptioa. 01.
time le came enormous to this valuable
remedy, horn ebb tad tam it always earn and
never aiseppolata Coughs, Colds, Alithena,
hteeebleie, Moor, and all throat tad ling
disuses meetly oared. You est) Mk it before
haying by aattlog• trial bottle Uwe, lugs use
loo audios, livery bottle wettented.
/laving assumed control of the above
nerned mills ton prepared to supply
and deliver Flour and Food to any part
of the town at reasonable prices. Ask
.0 • ..___ ......____ ., to $3. 5 ; lambs, pot *Wt... $1.50 to
$3.75 • sheep, butenene, 33 to 34 ;
);"`"Irhg1"2 8t°"k•Itreeding' hop, 'choke, over 100 and up to 200
Pacific Railway Company has 6.0. s- ., hoge, relit, nutter 14E1 pound...,
Alentreal, Apri: 2. --The Canadian rnds, $1,02 1.2 ; hogs, thick fats,
na toe a earies of handaones cash 3 ; hogi, corn fed, 33.12 1.2 ; hogs,
prises to be aweediei at Me Strinni- lowo. 1325 ; hogs, stage, 32.
peg Twentieth Ceneury Inemetrial Ex- ' ---
Walden next July, dor tborough-bree SEEDS.
()oaks bred end raised be Manitoba In Chicago to -day timothy closed
ee 'the Northwest I/relic-rtes. There fic lower at 52.40 noneinal for Merch
will be fifteen prises in all. This 6 and clover at 38.10 asked for March,
In line with the ccmpany's policy in all por 100. In Toledo old primus clover
eneearaoing the live stock industry elated steady at 34,05 and Ma rth at
of the eareellan avec by the Laporte- $5.55 eteked.
Wan of thoroughbred tires reeently. ---
__..........._.___ NOTE8.
Working Day and Night. tomo complaint has been reeelvve
The busiest and mien lett title thine that from country centres of trade this
!TN One snots a rir• gone New tad PIUS week of the backwerdneee 01 businesa,
seer/ pm la a seger.mated sh bale et pram, The reason Wan the recent 'snow
inetstaiassawsme,sestetostren In tatle-------
Weak 0 now, cornet the evil now. iWhat man la thee et you -No ow Mips mtfel in eleMMuP ebe heallb•roads at many pointe almost linpase.
hewoe upers. Thore are Juslook at the eharacter of Your 11 SO Wicked nos to give hi; elela it onlymbol, goldbyI.natation.
sod larger teefollen '' childnm now and get an intimation of Ogee 12 120 should ask bread, TO child _-__________ There never watt a tittle In the ((0-
1 012(1. feieg ''Illy I- fllellgienter , what they are going to be. test can le Imre repreilentINI as te,king whet le Emprest. Dowager Alarmed. tory of the Dominion iv heel the fete -
to t." radierse auseweag two, whkt hie prortivity in and what does sot anewer onr request:I mien: Lendon, Aire
hang on's/41* 14/1 SUM In *0)0by toe wee' that boy divides the morieenry an:I wholesome, TI13 Lord
2. -The Pekin eOrres- 1111144 calling for prompt ,101!,,,r. •
tor.",rine mills were so buy on (tr-
' :metalling; . 0 olneers his sM will be ana what style of die- they will be for olir gout psll":), or the DnIIy Nor( 0137.: "Li they an r....-,vr, Tap utiles have «d-
oe" 04e Aw aw" rst wow you ought to bring upon htne el, le oe then, treng etel-ettine HungI
e '41'9% Vii":'' ' ''. e .3: ea: 1e- towed their prices repeatedly, bat
tate." The It* Y -Ott env bow he divides that apple: pantie are eemly 011,1 „,,,,.: „oo .I,, 42, ,-,1,. ., v,lin,l. :be Chinese authorilles that has no effort on the demand.
°Meer eaya„., alie He takes nine -tenth.; of It for. himself. eo et g'. Its t.; tiemr chlidrett. From here :hat Kong Ts Wel, tha rerorap. 'Ilto etatement of the chartered
"No" he ste12 w nee he eeee nn,..,,,,,,o, ,„ )„, ,ister watered affection they are ready to 01, 1(1(1 ordered 1,000 uniforms to Hong banks for February woe receivei Mae
1 neve, web, fl.) 'it' W,ii, 00 290 go, and *1( 121* life he will provide everything temeganry te their Hon • Ma RIneree. Wwager ,was week. The note circulation ;Mows 1111
nee; ,, e put a awl to the waist (12* bolt parj of etterYtlanin, ant
1.1 . , 1114 1104 Com ort. 110W Much mOre mur alumni by lb0 news, awl let expromioa of 35170,11(7) over January,
le slot mr wrote' he I De If ladallt and IrliP.D - wit um whom naeore ts }pap Mug Chang has wee a formal pre.the1 f 1 th
P11 be f h s deeth. and at c me o apt mon ane
Ily with your oblidren, You and who fs Inf,illitelY no)), and teat to the Bthleb Got warm of Hong g4,174,000 greater than for the Name
the %take of o river and you Pad give_food tnolP to them that Kong egelnot permitting Ming Yu date a year ago.
111 mum, It bee sot isis him. "The Weed often gime atones WePe propaganda," D. (I, Ihm makes the btelnees (all.
*0. tolleo You menet _for broad and ownottts for NU." but tom in Caimaa the past week 27.
Inst go to tite more, God woe doe.. Rood thinge-The Dr. William Vendee, Rate quarto- agalnet 23 the p2er104 meek and est
river, go to 'velure'. Shullegh Outfit, eves "good tiae officer at El Paso, Texas, eons- the corresponding week ot 1iMP. Dy
down es the Cliolat et* tho Mgr itearit, emitted suicide at hie home est night Province/11 the past week the failures
elidta la'- mitt ahagld do to yo, etc, by firing a bullet through brain. were: Ontario and Quite, each 11;
tour% tliat t
the idle*: • '
ofeeer. "rota'
OOeeie eIOJee'
T. J. 1113CKSTEP,
Barber and Tobacconist
Choice Stock of
%sow, Cigars and Pipes on hand.
*our Yon TUN
a laiwans 'sketch and deserlettex mar
eSeattuan oat erasion tree weettne
'Mies teprobably estentabls. Commutes.
nseled. Itemelevokou redone
ems tree 010.81 Kemp for aeauring paleate.
Paints Worn Mouth Munn 11 co. modes
withmit memo% In tbe
Milt Horton.
1,11100*0.04 53*700*9000114*05114, we°1*.r.:41,11$1t10 Newk
• ---
Sale Notes a specialty. A.dvaiseell
Made to fanners on their ow*
notes. No additional seourity re-
We offer every &mom modstlen Dow
Blatant with gen and conserretiVe
banking principles,
To loan on Real Estate at lowest
rates of interest.
Permons wishing to sell will do well
to place their property on our list
for tale. Bents consent.
Of all kinds promptly attended te.
We represent the leading Fes and
Life Assurance compante, and re-
spectfully solic your aecouat.
OFFICE HOURS: 10 AM. TO 5 r,m,
!Ugliness AIM Geom.
(811 1* the emahlm)
e. 1 Queen Street South, Myth -
Licensed Auctio»ear and Valnetor.
Land, Lau and 'laureate Agent.
Office, on Queen street, Blyth, Orders
left at TIDO STANDlit,D O* will multi
prompt attention.
0. A. 000KE, LOA., HALL
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Md.
malty of Tsirnto, and graduate of the
Royal College of Dental flurgeone,
Special attention paid to the preurv1.
Mon of the natural teeth. Office orar
3. W. Ben's Isamu store, Wien streak
Blyth. Visits Auburn let and SA
Mondays of each mouth.
Physician, Surgeon and Acooushee.
K.D.O.M., University of Trinity Col-
lege; 11.0., Queen's University Fel.
low of Trinity Medical College; and
member of College of Physioiani and
Surgeons of Ontario. Coroner for the
County of Huron. Ofiloe, one 11100r
north of the Commerce! hotel, Queen
.ea pot
WinThasi 11 0
all) 1.111 o
er CA a IS Winehare Jo it 07 7 511
7 04 8 31 Bel rave /0 30 7 37
71(3 8 45'yth ('41 7 St e
7 24 8erty,i
diesshororo I10 83 7
71? 4 23 Clinton 10 15
50 0213 Londe 815
pm.; 0olu--1.11' 6tif‘e"34,,,.*
Mails C2ue..4olytKiwill-10,111.
8101 -1' peel .1.14t itta, it*
ik OIL