The Blyth Standard, 1900-04-05, Page 5A0Ithu Spl'Ig0
You'll find it here in abundance--
doaens of different lines to choose
from. Every member of the family
from the baby to the grandfather
and great grandmother can be
fitted here. Our selection this
spring is the finest we have ever
had and we will take pleasure in
showing our stock whether you
buy or not.
If you want the beet in
pay our store a visit. All house -
bold requirements—the beet in the
aearket—clean and fresh, at moder-
ate prices.
We have secured a few bushels
of choice home-grown Red Clover
Seed. Leave your orders early
if you want it.
A to aterk of skalds Timothy sad
Milks. La sea gee various gratia of
aeede and at at many various prioa—
hmetlma a low pride of seed at the
pries et a hlgeee pride. Oar seeds wW
be aid for their actual worth.
tit asses we win have a tall crock of !
pelta sod a dd .esds Re are and sew
Olt Kampala, Oarrot rd rmnip e..4o.
Bright Bunny days.
The robins are pinging.
Euler is only one week awity.
The avow is gumg away gradually. '
'Phe roads are beginning to get •
You will soon be crying out about'
the mud.
Iowa may he blind, but the gig's'
little brother seer things.
Maple auger dues cot seem to be
muga of a crop this year.
"Aliases .t.inded lfeggnrs"--The
JAW intent on spring openings.
The spring eau Is getting in Its,
Work ant thu *HOW 14 Suet dls1Ppetu'
The (Armors say the mending
eater Aa the llulde ie hurting tttu
Mr. T. H. R►thwell, of Wlarton, 18
the guest of t:uuu. Code, ut Morrie,
ekes *reek.
death Huron spring tell- will he
held at brllcetlel1 ou Wedneed ty,
April 2bt1.
• Eimer hats are built on the three.
ray turban plan ; archit0ete can ,
11 ywiy.
Miss Lizzie McMullen, of Luck now,
fa visiting at the residence of Mr.1
'Phomas Crawford.
Newsp+per• space,1* like space ,In a I
garden. Results depend .un the,
otatyser of °Osieatinn.
It you are looking for an up-tu-date
,bleyole, yin should read the adv.
ot Mr.' J. G. Moser in this issue.
The Listowel lax mills which has,
Matt Strut down ter *time time, is to
he started again this coming season.
Mr. S. Herrington Is confined to
hie borne with an attack of la grippe.
Ez.Reeve Wilford is also on the sick
It's. about time to get the moth
balls out of the buggy cushion and
tinker up the biles in last year's
bicycle tires.
This is the season of the spring
poet, the spring politician, the spring
bonnet, and the man .with an old
juke to spring.
Mies Clara Mason and Master Bert
Browder; have returned hume from
a two weeks' visit with the former's
brother at Rothsay.
Sensible men dont advertise for
fan, or to keep the uewepaper men.
They advertise because they make
money by doing to.
West Huron Farmers' institute
will hold meetlags .in Hill's hall,
Lontlesboro, on Friday afternoon and
evening of this week.
1f1.. E. R. Lockhert, formerly of
6f Helens, has beep Appointed by
the Home argon ,eoatmittee to the
North Bay presbytery.
lir. George Smith is In Toronto
thiol week, where he went with a
eottelghmeot of live stock shipped by
Vern. Watson & Fmtgh.
Rev. C. L. Mills was recently the
recipient of a load of nate ifrom the
members of Trinity ,ehureh, Mal
grave, on the Morris side.
Women all know bargain,, bat
men do not I not one man in a dozen
knows a good hat, a good shoe or a
good ;dirt when he sere it
A volunteer ooutptny was organ.
hied in Blyth on Monday night with
d members. Mr. Ernest Segues is
Met seeretary of the company.
°hangs of adv, for lir. li. R. Doug -
1101 Wu received too late for this
Week. He is making a epedglty ot
Nod bread, cakes and confectionery.
Maobinery has been Invented
which roils kin ine such thin sheets
that 1,800 ce them, piled one upon
the other, are only one Inch in thick -
Itessn. Anderson & Elder and
*WA Mellinnon & Co. will bold
their spring millinery openings on
Friday end. ilatnrday evenings of
Now fir the robins ; but the worm
isn't as active as he might be.
Mr. T. 0. Kemp, for 20 years
manager of the Ogilvie mills at Sea -
forth, died on Thursday forenoon
last. His remains were Interred at
The Bishop of Huron held condi'.
mation at Summerhill on Wednesday
of last week, when a class of 17 per.
sons were presented by Rev, E. B.
Smith, incumbent.
" Father, what does a printer live
on?" " Why, child?" "Because
you acid you hadn't paid hien for
three years and still take the paper."
" Wife, spank the child."
The Walkerton Herald in its birth
column contained no less than three
pair of twins—five girls and a boy—
all within a short distance of Walk•
erten and during the same weok.
Of every 108 rifle shots which
strike soldiers, 43 will lodge in the
legs, 33 to the arms, 22 between the
neck and waist, one in the neck, and
11 In some part of the soldier's head.
The weather last year at this time
was cold and rough, just as it has
been recently, and there was skating
and sleighing up to the 3rd of April,
so that this season is not an excep-
tional one.
A meeting of those interested in
the formation of a football team In
Blyth for the season of 1900 will bo
held in the Central hotel on Friday
evening of this week. A large
attendance is requested.
It is announced that Mr. R. H.
Verity, general manager of the Ver.
ity plough works, of Brantford, for-
merly of Exeter, has been appointed
general superintendent ofthe Massey -
Harris Ga.'s works at Toronto.
A new hat rack that locks up your
hat w'hlle you take the key is being
placed in hotel corridors. A feature
of it is thus should the key not be
returned the bat remains a prisoner,
Key and hat cannot both be token
Mr. JAlnes Ireland moved his lam•
ily to Durham this week. We are
sorry to lose these good citizens front
our town and join with their many
friends there In wishing them .he
hest of health and prosperity in their
new home.
Messrs. James, Andrew and
George t,t.ewart and Arthur Rollins,
formerly proprietors of the Exeter
flour mill, have purchased the Ogil.
vie Lig flour null, Seaforth, tun a
handsome figure and will take pop.
session shout the first of May.
Mr. Charles Chtrk,111,0 of the pro•
prietors of the Kincardine Review,
has gone to South Africa on a pros
peetii g tour. The lOdnhuou goy.
twaturnteecurod him free transpor-
tation to Cape 'lawn, although tie
omelet:1s an opposition paper.
11r. Hod Mrs. Barry Kelly gave a
farewell party to 75 ot their young
friends at their home in Hallett en
lerida,y evening lest. 'Chia popular
host and hostess will leave for the
state of Louisiana ht two weeks and
their removal will be very much re•
gretted by many, many friends in
this neighborhood. May their resi-
dence in the laud of sunshine and
flowers he a pleasant end prosperous
A droned bog was received at Mr.
W. A. MoClean's pork packing eetab-
lishment in Owen Sound recently
that had two fully developed hoofs
on each of Is. front feet. The feet
were cut off and oat he seen in the
office, where they are kept as curios -
Mrs. Alex. Nicol, sister of Messrs.
James and John Barr, of Blyth, died
at her home in Seaforth on Saturday
from heart trouble, which followed
la grippe. She was only sick eight
days. The funeral took place Mon-
day to the Maitlandbank cemetery,
For the Easter holidays the Grand
Trunk railway wilt lune return
tickets at single first-class fare be-
tween all stations in Canada. Tick-
ets will be good going on Aprll 12th,
18th, 14th, 15th and 18th, -and valid
for return leaving destination on or
before April 17th.
Leet week Mears. Watson &
Emigh bought a white Durham steer
from Mr. John Hawkins, of Hay,
that tipped the scales at 2000 pounds.
The aniruai was a beauty In size and
color and the price paid for him wee
8130. On Monday the steer was
chipped to a butcher at Quebec.
Messrs. Harry and Wm. Kelly,
who have recently secured large
timber limits in Louisiana, have
rented their farm, lot 15, con. 18,
Hullett, and on Friday of this week
will hold an auction sale of farm
stock and Implements. Both gentle-
men Intend returning to Louisiana
within two weeks.
Mr, Matt. Floody, who has been a
resident of Louisiana for the past six
months, retnrnod to town on Mon-
day. When he left the sunny south
the lowers were in tutlbioom and
the thermometer was registering
from 90 to 100 degrees In the shade.
Matt, hooks well and reports the other
Blythites in the *oath in geed health.
Messrs. Grundy Bros. & Co. have
retained a Toronto flrm of lawyers
to look after their case against the
corporation of the town of Kincar-
dine. They chin damages to their
credit a11(1 prestige by reason cot' the
seizure of goods by the town of Kin•
cardiae for taxes and they oleo re.
quest that the e'ipnration'a mom
gage minim( their property be die.
cite tared.
The pant month of March has been
a facet one for Woodstock. There
were registered 16 deaths up to Sat.
eddy, which Is probably the largest
number ot death, for a single month
in the town for many yeare. March
of Inst year there were only ten
deaths registered with the clerk.
Of the 16 no lees than five were
from consumption. There were 12
births registered end fur marriugee,
The greatest e$Pnt 1n the aeti000
mica! circle in 1900 will ho the total
eclipse of the aunt on Mey 'lath. All
the noted astronomere of this conn -
try as well as those iti all the untver.
cities of the old world are niready
making srrengenlents to observe the
dazzling event. The government*
of Great Britain, Germany, France
and Austria have notified the United
States that they will send to this
country oheervation parties to note
the phenomena of the total eclipse.
Shoppers L ,
TIIeU Mau Look Just
And may wear entirely different. You cant
tell all the good points of clothing until you have
Olen it lbe .test of wear.
You know if you ha4te worn our kind it com-
with Goon FIT.
Here's an attractive list for spring buyers.
Every garment combines ,extraordinary good value
with correct style :
Men's all wool light and dark colored Canadian Tweed Suite, good
linings and trimming+, sizes 86 to 42, special I6,
Men's brown Tweed Suits, small neat check patterns, sizes 86 to
42, pedal U.
Men's gray Tweed Sults, Italian lining. latest cut, siv's 86 to 42,118.
Young men's spring weight 'tweed Suits, fancy cheek and plaid
patterns, sizes 88 to 85, 14.1.00.
Boys' three-piece Suite, in browns aodagreys, shier 28 to 82, prke
88.60 and 14.60.
Children's two-piece Suits, sizes 24 to 28, something new and
pretty, at 88 and 88.60.
Childres'a fancy Tweed Suits, sizes 22 to 24, special price 47.60.
.peel.•.+..e,►a.•••- e
A CaII is Solicited.
Mr, N. B. Gerry, who recently
snoeeded Messrs. Denotedt Bros.,
hardware mordants, has an adv. In
this issue. Mr. Gerry has moved
his family to town and is occupying
the house until lately occupied by
' Mr. J. M. Rose on Queen street south.
Tho newspaper man is carrying
• his full share of the white marl's
ON HIGH PRICES burden, First came the type trust
which didn't prove so burdensome as
IN CLOTHING expected, Then the. paper trust,
which has carted off hie shekels by
oaroa`eo,oa►e the score, And now the ink folks
Our man-of-war has bom- are trying to forma trust which will
ubarded the citidal of high caOut°athBral erd, tMinnesota, the
prices in Clothing and it has ministers have formed a combine
capitulated. and resolved not to attend funerals
without compensation. At first sight
Beady -to -Wear that seems to be a little limb, but
there is comet! leg to be said on the
See our Men's OVERCOATS, worth 39 other aide, Attendance at funerals
for i7, takes up a great deal of a minister's
See our Men's SUITS, worth 110 for 18 time, and interferes with his work.
See our Men's UNDERWEAR, worth Often, too, the time Is given to those
81.50 for Il. who never go hear his church, and
Made -to -Order who are well able to pay for his ser-
vices if they with to have them
OVERCOATS, worth 114 for 112. Certabtly there are cases In which
SUITS, from 112 to 822. the minister should be paid.
The Grand Valley runway charter
R. McCOMMINS has passed through the Railway
TAILOR AND CLOTHIER committee of the House of Commons,
and only requires to pass through
the House of Commons in order to
enable it to be proceeded with.
This is a proposed line from Port
Dover to Goderich, According to
the maps filed with the department
of railways, the proposed line passes
through Leadbury, In McKillop, then
Nontlnwesterly to Clinton, and on to
Goderich through that portion of
Goderich township south of the Huron
road. The road Is said to be backed
by Yankee capital.
Mr. Frank Daniels made an ex-
periment recently at Wallack's
theater, New York city. Speaking
of it, the comedian said;
'" Between the acts ushers dlstri.
bntod among the audience slips with
a brief printed statement (politely
asking the recipient to indicate by a
check nark in the het of various
advertising forme employed which
one had attracted him to the per
formance—newspapers, bill boards,
window Iltligrapits, or something
else. The people seemed to take
kindly to the Idea, and the response
was most liberal. Eleven hundred
slips were handed to the ushers, and
of that number 991 had been attract•
ed by the newspapers solely."
THE STANDARD has received some
very handsome samples of wedding
stationery, bail programs, etc. Call
and inspect them when requiring
anything In those lines.
Eight members of the 38rd (Huron)
battalion have been taken on the
force to do garrison duty at Halifax.
All of the young men wen° teem
Goderieb except one. Those taken
are: R. Canham, Arthur Yule, E.
Bates, M. Kennedy, F. Haley,Geot'ge
Mitchell and Wm. Yule, of Goderich,
and P. hickey, of Seaforth. Capra,
McTaggart and Dunlop and Lieut.
Guidry were recommended for .eoat•
nr 1es1014.
Mr. Robert Mammy, of Morris,
shows with considerable pride it
certificate given to his father, Wm.
McMurray, by Loyal Orange lodge
Nn. 949, held in Belllbs), county,
Monaghan, Ireland. The certificate
is dated March 25th, 1885. Mr. Mc-
Murray, sr., who died shout four
years ago, joined the lodge In 1827.
The work on the certificate Is very
elaborate, is all pen work, and yet is
easily read.
A furniture factory was burned
out. in Llatowel, and many of the
residents of that town went to the
United States to get work, Now
the town is animus to get its old
residents back, and is asking the
Ontario Legislature to allow it to
Aid the Listowel Cit. by ti
loom to the extent it 110,000, 111
order tied a feet tv may be eetah.
[Med and operated. A clause to
exempt from taxntinn Is In the hili.
Mr. Gavle Spence and Miss Mabel
Laing, of Edinburgh, Scotland, gave
a good entertainment ander the nue.
Om of St. Andrew's church in
Industry hall 'Tuesday evening.
The andteace was a fai••stz'•d one
and the program, which consisted of
Scotch songs, interspersed with In-
structive and pleasing Scotch stories,
was en exceedingly good one, every
number of which was received with
hearty applause. Mr. Spence and
Miss Laing were attired in full
Scotch costume, most attractively.
Tote New York World of March
29th contains the following marriage
notice, which will be of interest to
numerous Huronitea t—Mies Sybil
Margaret Tums, only daughter of
When you get out of your mild
and dont know how to make an
honest living, become an evangelist
and say red hot things that will
create a sensation. At the present
time the citizens of Hamilton are
being tortured by an ignoramus, who
styles hhnself en evangelist, as the
following from the !wanton Times
will show:
" Evangelist Brown, who is con•
ducting special services in the First
Methodist church, Hamilton, deliver.
ed a red hot sermon un dancing Are specially invited to visit our store
Sunday rnorniug. He Bald in his and view the latest models in
city, 'Toronto, hundreds of society
women ' hopped' around bail rooms
and spent many nights in that frivu.
lous way, who do not know the diff
erence between cracked wheat and
roiled oats, or starch and shoe black•
Ing, ' I'd sooner live 1n a hut at
RAttle*nake Point,' ho said, 'then
have to live with one of these
women,' He also said some scorch
Ing things about the dudes wast of
those women crave fur partners."
McKinnon & Co.
Open ng
w-NNlgeegl•Nee• ••
Our Grand Millinery Opening takes place on
Friday and Saturday,
April 6th and 7th
When we will show the finest range of up-to-
date styles in Paris and New York novelties we ever
exhibited. We will show some specialties in Paris
and New York pattern hats, also a full range of
stylish hats trimmed by our own artists. We will
make a special display of Sailor Hats at 30c, 50c,
75c and $ t.
At the same time tee Rill make a special exhibit of New Dress
Goods in all the newest fabrlcs at popular prices, also some novel-
ties in Dress Trimming in Fringes, Gimps and Braids. Our dis-
play of Wash Goods will be worth seeing in Piques, Zephyrs,
Chambray's, Muslin', Printed Satanas, Fine Scotch Giaghnma,
etc. Also some Novelties in Ladies' Capes ti Owned with sequin
and lace.
McKinnon & Co.
former Judge '!'ours, of Goderich, BLYTH COUNCIL.
and Wm. Franklin Hartenatine, of The regular monthly meeting of
New York, were married on Wee Blyth council was held in Industry
needay at the Church of the Heaven- hall on Monday evening. All the
ly Rest, Fifth avenue, near Forty members present, Reeve Carter in
fifth street, by the Rev, Dr. P, Parker the chair:.
High Grade Bicycles.
Clevelands and E. & D. are our leaders.
Btcucle Sundries.
Prompt Attention
elven to Repalrin0.
NDon't We c..n ..r+�'�_
Morgan, victor of the church. Only
Minutes of last meeting read and S I
the immediate relatives and friends confirmed.
were present. The bride wore o
going -assay gown of Gobi lin blue, Wunp Sloan moved, seconded by
with .. hat of old rose. 01.. ,,.,.,..t..d accounts
McElroy, that the followinggeton, Any But -,i F�'i gh
Priced Goods?
a bouquet of Iidiies of the valley. elect".. " paid . h, 41.25'
After a dinner served at Delmonio o'e electric light e. for March, 5; THE ;
Deuetedt Bios., supplies, 15.05; TRs
the couple lett for the south, where ST,tNDA RD, assessment notices, 11,50;
they will spend their honeymoon, H. James, board fur fire engine re.
prior to a trip abroad. Mr. Herten. pnirer, 12.50; Wm. Robertson, en -
'tine is a graduate of the Metropuli• gine repairs, 31r40 ; do., month's sal -
tan College of Muelc. cry as fireman, 58c; R. Sorters,
salary and work, $9.88.—Carried.
II. F. BLAiR. Onus, Sloan moved, seconded by
Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Oflica inl the Coun. Emigh, that the council ast a
Division Court Clerk's once, Blyth, wkole be a +patkeommtttoe, with the
every Monday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. reeve as cludrulan.—Carried.
Permanent office at Brussels. Cion. Metcalf moved, seconded by
Farm to Let. Coin. McElroy, that the reeve and
clerk be instructed to visit Brussels
allelbt. Lim to let reaanablr: three mile. re sidewalks and sewers,—,Cat•,nlud.
from Blyth; *0 surer; two bona.; two bares,
Me. An needed Im wvements.wi111. made or Counoll then adjourned.
allowed for. Appy to T. P. C°U Ili, myth P.U.,
or to 0. R.rtLTor, B'vth P.O. 18(1 - - _ _ -
we01•.. ian for the largest ttSrt of NS. NERR�N TON
New and Catchy Soilless., Natty Smint;
Jackets jut in. We sell Clover, Tim-
othy and ell kinds of S jp, (3. E.
Klxa, Winghapa. $;,tf
How dear to our heart is
Cash on subscription,
When the generous subscriber
Presents it to view;
But the man who wont pay—
We refrain from oescriptiou;;
For, perhaps, gentle reader,
That men may be you.
You make us smile. We dont offer you all
sorts of imagin try discounts—but WE DO s• 11 low
priced as well as the higher priced grades. Just
give us a call and see. We sell the Best for the
money in anything needed by men, from a 500 Hat
or Shirt to one for $3 or more. We have
Nats, Shirts, Collars, Gloves, Neckwear, Underwear,
Belts, Athletic or Bathing Suits, Umbrellas,
or as above stated anything needed by men.
Dont take any notice of price quotations without considering
quality. No house op ear th can sell cheaper than we do - and
g;ve Vett the satisfaction that you expect—and ate entitled to.
When paasiug take a look at our cap window—south
To make room for our new arrivals of
Wall Paper and
Window Shades
we offer big snaps to clear out odd
lines. If you want to paper a room
you can save money by buying
Window Shades hare advanced in
prise, but we have afew left from last
season which we offer for less than pre-
sent factory prices. Try us.
The Cradle.
Ptexarr.—In Morris, on March 60th,
the wife of Mr. John Pickett, of a
The Altar. To LOAN
Aof the bride's
u IN.—At the residence �L i�
of the bride's uucte, 31r, (%har:es Afar-
tin, of Whitechurch, on March 26th,
by Bev. James A. A,idereon. B.A., of at 4i };al ��t
Ooderich, Mr, B. ferry Andrew's, o!' f
Goderich, to )Inion Bar,hel, only R• eeeonable Terme of Re -payment.
daugfrter t Mi '`t'm• Illtutin, .of C• oate of Loan Moderate.F yinent.
East W1tWgaoeh.
The ToneD. G. F. BLAiR,
1Nrcot,—In Seafor'h, on Mareh Sts,,
Amt Barr, beioVM socia of Mr. Alex. sottetrua, arc,
Ntool, seg' d Bo years and 2 months, B• lyth and Brussels.
The e'ee diet nee the ad. in Tritt
S re NDA HD will look for tine goods
in the shop wheue the bargains
are to 1e found.
Scant Tut STANDaaD
Every week.
ts Tour Ad. There t