The Blyth Standard, 1893-09-28, Page 1'VOL 7, No, 7 CIIURCII NOTES. No service to Trinity church next tido y evening. Rev. J. ',Philp, of London, will preach anufs'erde ry sermons at West• field on Sunday next The Trustees of the Lueknow Metrwdist church are having a new shite roof put ou the eliareh lo the village. c a Rev. Mr. Geddes of 1Phiteehurch, oJIciated at the Sacruntentai Serviced in the Presbyterian church hero Siuwdhy last to a very able manner. There k nut much probability of the Rev. limbs. Johnston, of Liadaury, acceding the wishes of the emigre ga.i a of the 1Viaghaul Presbyterian Church to become their pastor. Tito next meeting of the Epworth League of 0. E. of the Methodist church was 111 have been a Tem per- oniee nreethng'hut is postponed for a week. Mr. 3. llerriugton leads next '1•uedday evenings tweeting. Crossley and Hunter, the evange- lists, have Ire( holding it series of xli:el•i:;gs at Petioles the Inst two veok in the akatiif. rink. The large rink is pocked every evenhag, .airs on Sundays • Lt s a it fa1 almrst tumuli - elide to gain adnriasers Upwards of five hundred have found, there way to tho enquiry roam. The town seems under a wave of religious conviction. The evangelists are doing a great work there -Coin. NpTICE. T'of10".E IS HEREBY GIVEN, •1' that a Court will be held, pur- suant to the Ontario Voters' List Act, 183.), by Ills Huhw' the Judge of the County Court ol'the County of Ilnrun, In the Court Rout, at Blyth 011 the Oirtcea hta- of t•1 It 1 October, t, lar at ten o'clock, in the forenoon, to hear and determine the several complaints of errors and onli+•:Som in the Voters' List of the Municipality of lllvth for 18d:3, All persons having business at the Cort are req aired to intend at the sahl time and place. Dated this 2Utli day of September 18:)3 E. D. eft IMMIrERLAI.N Clerk Of the Municipality of Blyth., D1'.NTISTRY -r. a. mlTva, =...eras•, DENTISDENTIST- CLINTON Vi+its Blyth every Monday, at -11.15 )N'$ I1) lin. Teeth extracted painlessly by the nso of the most approved local anaesthetics. All °aerat,mas m Dentistry performed with care and at Reasonable Prices. Office Hours --I O a.m. toe p.m elk DENTIfT ' j of EXETER. 11. Ii LVS.l1.I N L D. S. SPECIALIST in Gold Filling, Plate Work, and Ditfi,•ult extracting. 1 practice ret COMMERCIAL HOT BLYTII, every' Timidity. Painless Ex- tracting. _ "Call Early in to day. FROM OUR Si'RIBES. HULLETT. The trustees of Schou! Section No 6, Hallett, (Ihuluek) have ahowi their apiweeded' RI of the services 0 their esteemed teacher, Miss Mon Leith, by re-engaging her sur nex year, at an iocreasel salary. The trustees of School 'ection No 8, Hallett, have eilgegal John Me Paddzun, 0 brother of a feriae teacher, for next year. Mr. Stickle declined re-engageinent, as he pur poses going neater les home. They have also re-engaged Miss alelaruge lir at a small increase uI'salary. A two-year-old mare,, belonging to Mr. James Steil for which he had been ottereu a large am unci took sick on the Iitir grounds at Chicago, where she was on t,xhibitiou with other stuck belonging to Dir. Snell several s Ito' he left fur home a day tut e , and died at Loudon, although haviug the best veterinary sane. BLYTH, ONT., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER ,8 1893 11touR1S. " BY -THE -BYE TO BLOW UP OTTAWA. Con:tem-The Council mot pursu- ant to adjournment memben'a all present, the Reeve in the chair, • ntinutea of last meeting read and pawed, f Mr. Win. Kelly appeared in refer- - once to having Erglneer brought on t to locate a drain from S} lot 4, cern, 7 011 motion of Caldbick, seconded by Howe, the•Cl rk was instructed to • notify the Engineer as soon as 1110 . ueeeseary requisition is filed Moved by Ualdbick, seconded by Proctor, that R. Lang be grouted an order for $762, being payment 111 full f a. bulldlug Brandun's bridge,= - Carried. Moved by Proctor, seconded IJowe that the Reeve be granted an order fin. $38 to pay for ditch 811(1 culvert opposite lot 14 on 6th con. lioe.- Carrled, Nooses by Kirkby, seconded by Howe that John Money be reap- pointed Collector at a salary of $65 on furnishing satisitetury security to the anwuut ut' $14,000.00-Caarried. Moved by Caldlack, seconded by hector, that the clerk be instructed to notify Mr. Dickinson that he is required to go w• in defense of the Arbitrators Award mot that lie eat• ploy whatever legal counsel he deems net:co ry in the matter.- Carriee. By•Law No. 12, 1893, was duly rail and lamed. Accounts were ordered to be paid as follows: For grovel S. Walker $7; J Oakley $3.81; L McDonald $•1; G Hewitt $;I; A ,Mel/maid $8.15; G Jackson 75ets; C Wheeler $4; 11 Jaekson $6.25; G. Skelton $1.90; D Farquharson $1,50; L. Hewitt $1,45; P Barr $1.75; 11 Brewer $3.50; J Leech 111.90; Geo Peacock $3.60; Corp.ratlun East Wnoano811 $2.80; IV Martin $2.35; It Souch $1-95; Jae - Proctor $:3 80; E Littief'au• ditch and culvert $2t 47; IV Oakley repairing culvert $2.50; W Shedden, lumber and repairing culvert $6.10; J..:eck- sun, culvert betwee•1 lots 5 and 6 cot 9, $J; J. McElroy, flitch opposite lot 11 con 8, $I5; W McCracken, plank 50cts, W Marin, I Misting approach to Brandon's bridge $27.25; Misses Exfurd, charity $7 50; Jno Nethery, repairing culvert $3; John Nethery, remission of dog tax wrongfully 1011ected $1; Jew:s Briton, balance Engineers fees $10; J. Pruct.or to pay fur ditch at lot 4, lith eon line $31.01 J McCaughey, ditea and culvert on sideline between lots 1; On 16, con. 8 $15, rr he, I Gamed then adanurned to meet again on Oct. 230 W. CLA if it, Clerk. BELGRAVE Our annual Fall Exhibition opens to-murtow, The badeuteut of the Presbyterian church is autos to Ise exc,tvatett. Rev Law occupied site Presbyter- ian pulpit in Bluetits: a week ago Sunday. A number from town attended the CJuscrvative Demons truti, u fu 1. Uliutot t ut,sday. A grand euturtainment will be given ill the Fu, restur'o (aril are to- morrow evening, 'Die annual Harvest home And Children's Day service was held last s'bbath in the Presbyterian elurcu. On Monday a grand social was given in the church when the folk/ly- ing geuticulu,• delivered addresses: limy. Law, Rev, Geddes of White- church, and Rev. MCLOuI, of Bly tu. A ala:efaal collection was taken up fu aid ut the omitting fund. WEST WAWA) O8h1 Mrs. 1''. Robertson, of Lucknow, hate been vi.iitwgat her sister-iu-Len's for Chu past tow week. ,1r. J. llickingbottum spent a few lays at L0000.1 I'aur. .firs. Oliver (1.111181 daughters in t11it lc,,‘ Lig tor Mo(t:int, where ate going to aside in future. las Taylor, 01 leavertuu, spout Suallay at R. Meal a. IA'. Ike Farrow, of llullett, spent 0 tewld.tye 1iaitiu4 at 11. T. 1ay Iur'e of Beaverton. The man who runs the red peddling wagon id louktugaf't,rJoe's interest until he returns from Maul - tuba. Very friendly, John. Miss Kirkpatrick is oe the siert list tit present. IVe hype to hear of her speedy recovery. Mr, E. 'McKenzie had a very neer row escape while rcturuiug nm. prV• 1 oast chinch last Sundae evening, 4sed by some corelesa drivers run- Ea- . mg into his rig which frightened his horse, but lucky for him some active yang mon caught the horror. TL'. R. Medd, the only exhibitor frorrl these parts, is determined to show that his stock is up to the stan- dard, as he carried off a number of prizes from Godorieli show. the A. IL'TiElRNAY, NO7 AIt I' PUBLIC Fire., Life, and General Insurrance Agent /1111/ MINCER. MONEY f0 LOAN At aha lowest rate of Interest on First Mortages, -OF FICf .-Opposite Slater & Sims Queen Street. - • - BLYTtI MONEY TO LOAN. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE Largo sums of Money to Loan on Fano Property at the Lowest current rates of Interest. No Commission ehatges to Borrowers, MANN INO & SCOTT, Barristers. &c., - CLINTON URNITUR E WESTFIELD. The anniversary services in con- nection with the Methodist church here will be held next Sunday (1) V) the 1st of October. llev. Jos. Philp, 1 of London, will preach morning, afternoon and evening. 'I'ea-nnoet- ting on Monday evening following. Admission 25e. children 15c. A splendid musical and literary pro- gram Is in course of preparation, Everybody invited. Mr. John Redmond jr, who has been visiting in Chicago and Mil- waukee for the past weeI, has re- turned I rned home. Furniture Miss Rachel Redmond, J. J. Diit- chell and P. Kelly were sight seeing Furniture at the London fair last week, Stock Four Times Leger than ever. Quality the best Style and Finish Guaran- teed. Going at Prices that will 'surprise:you. Inspection Invited. J- H- Chellew X00 TUBS Butter Waii ed AND.ANY QUANTI/IY OF The lr;hest Price in 41 J ' (Jtfi Y i aY``UU • © a. will be pail for any quantity dt:f'i.'0 C(j tiC.X1, ejoor to ' Metcall's Grocery Store, Dinsley Street Blyth ohn McMillan I Mr. Wm. Carr is staying with his 'daughter, Mrs. 11, Slater, in Blyth, at present. Our teacher, Dir Morrish, took in the Toronto exhibition. Mesdames McDowell, Stackhouse and Challenger araivcd safely home from the Toronto fair. I Miss Annie Densmore is staying • in Wingliain at present. Our old friend, Jiro IIooyer, is the latest addition to the happy papas around Westfield. We wish him alCCesa The Quinn Bros. who have been vi9111ll gat their home on the 3rd line for the past two neck, returned to Michigan on 'Thursday. DIr. Newton Campbell is at present engaged packing apples. The John Cook machine is doing extensive work this season. Pile Joe Johnston is laid ep fur repairs most of the time. 1Ve are son ,y to learn that Miss Botta Mowatt is 1, ing serieusly i11 at the residence of her sister, 51rs. Phillips, in Blyth. Mrs. M. Buchanan a vas visiting Mends In Blyth one day last week. The brig, "Ladles Favorite," man- rerl ts•, t',ir, 1h., 1I, my and Guns mate ife)1ill, made its usual calls on Sun- day. Captain Henry is trying to settle the (i''isher)y question, and !USW! is nego:utl[ng about the expediency of opernteg another Ger. man pies toIrish trading vessels. SALE IREGISTER. Auction Sale, farm stock and implements, at lot 20, con. 13, Hellen, on Saturday, Oct, 14th. Sale to commence at 12 o'clock, lunch served during sale, C. Floody, prop„ C. Hamilton, 0001. Auction Sale, two farms, stock and implements, lot 42, con. 3, Fast 1Vawunosh, on Saturday, Sept. 30th, side at 12 o'clock, lunch served dues ing sale. Mrs MOIlyeeu, prop., C. Hamilton, auct. 1)I1f:U. CLARK. -hl Blyth, at the residence of N. II, Young, Esq., 011 Septeul- ber 20, Mrs. A. J. Clarke, of Sca- fort), Aged 89 years. Snowstorms at Port Arthur on Sun- day, followed by a heavy frost. Mr, M. C. Cameron, Q. C., of Gude- rich, passed through town on Satur- day oil his way to spend Sunday wit's his son•initw, Dr. Wilson, of London. Mr. Cameron wore a soft broad -brim hat, and would have pats ed for a southern planter, on his gray down. On his return lie sported a brand grew' hat that gave him as much more dignified appearance, and he laugh- ingly remarked: "I've brought the other hat back with me, but they wouldn't het me wear it in the city." -Clinton New Era. VITAL STATISTICS. -The death rate, per thousand of population, in Huron, Iu 1891, wet 8.2; in 1886 it was 7.0. The male children born in Huron the sante year numbered 657, and the female 667. There were 359 marriages performed that year, 271 of the contracting parties being Methodists, 252 Presbyterians, 08 Episcopalians, while other denomin- ations each had only a few. During the same year 271 males and 211 fenralea died; 80 of these were under one year of age, and 63 over 80; the number of deaths in each month was pretty nearly the same, but January leads by 56. The fall Assizes for the County of Huron opened at Goderich on Mon- day. Hon. Justice McMahon pre- sided; Colin McDougal, Q. C., acted as Queen's counsel, The criminal docket is very light, being only a ease of arson in which a true bill ens found at last assizes. The defendant is not yet in custody. The civil list comprises sixteen cases, but nothing Iulportaut. Owing to the absence of a prisoner for trial, His Lordship was presebtei with the customary pair of white gloves in reply he said he was pleased at the state of affairs In the county. While a little boy named Long- land, aged about ten years, was teas- ing a bull dog in Gllkinson's stable, Leamington, on Tuesday afternoon, the brute seized him by the calf of the leg and chewed it badly. He hung un to the buy in spite of all efforts to make him let go his hold, AIM even after the animals brains were pounded out and he wasdead, bid jaws had to he pried open before the lad was released. Ills wounds are very dangerous. • Anarchists in New York intend In- stituting a reign of terror. .". Out of 560 banks that suspended Ott EJuited States only 72 have re- sumed. . It is reported tint Rev. Dr. Wild, late pastor of Bond Street Congo e- gationtat Church, Toronto, will likely be a McCarthyite candidate for the Commons In Haldimaud. •". A well-to-do farmer who couldn't "afford" the luxury of a et a year newspaper, sent a couple of dollars to a down East Yankee, recently, to learn how to raise beets. In due time he gut this answer: "Take hold of the tops and pull." A " Did you ever notice that almost every night at the post office. there are front two to three persons actor one porson's mail matter. Why is It suis While it annoys the post officials in answering 80 many calls for one person's mall, it unnecessarily crowds the office and keeps others waiting longer than aced be. We noticed three of one family among the crowd waiting for the mail the other night. • " • a A POINTER FOR LARD ABERDEEN. Ills lordship, as a statesman and man of honor, will undoubtedly feel deep regret, as well as indignation, when he learns of the state of things at Ottawa. lle has the power to do a great deal to improve it, to bring about the changes that ate needed, and to prepare the way along which Canada must proceed In the fulfilment of her destiny as an integral portion of the American union. 1Te must Cruet that bond Aberdeen will take advautare of his opportunity without waste of time. Canada must be free. -New York Sun. According to the New York Sun, the chief duty of Lord Aberdeen is to make the crooked ways straight and the rough places plain for those who are working for the annexation of Canada to the United States, The Sun probably does not see that, coupled with the expression of ouch an opinion, its fulsome praise of the Queen's representative hi Canada is the most offensive Kind of au Math to him, MONEY MAKING molt 11 )YS, rose boy, T shot some particular fru1(1800reafa either' cultivate or vegetable, go into the peultiot business on the shares or form a partnership with my mother In the preparation of fruit and vegetables for maistet. 1 would work hard, deal honourably, and prefer that no especial favor be shown me. I would be more independent to know that what 1 had I had earned; and I ata smte that later in life I would have cause to rejoice In those earlydays of busiucsse training. The boy on the farm can usually have a piece of ground, rent free, on which to try his skill. Ile can set out a strawberry bed, borrowing the money for the plows- if need be -of his father, and giving its note in a businesslike way. Off of this lie cannot hope to make anything the Irrst year -there may he a few berries for table use -but the second there will be returns and so on. The most prominent small fruit grower In Wisconsin says: "I can raise ten bushels of ripe, luscious berries with no more labor than the farmer puts on ten bushels of wheat The wheat sells for 70 or 80 cents per bushel, my strawberries for $3 per bushel. The average cost per hex of my berries, is two cents I never sell them for less than ten cents per box," Now If 1 were a farmer boy, I would deliberately settle in my own mind, what business I wanted to engage In rememhring that there aro losses as well as gains in everything. 1 would read upon the culture end ntardetablcnels of different fruits, of celery, of asparagus, of many diff- erent things, and then try to choose hntelligentibly. I have a theory (based upon the experience ot'success- ful men) that most people do best by making n specialty of 801110 one thing. Some of our boys may think they have not time to run a little Industry of their own, but in the case of the majority, "where there's a will there's a way." -Velma Caldwell Melville. FALL FAIRS. Morris, at Blyth, Oct. 10-1 1. East Wawanosh,Belgrave, Sept 28.29. Dungannon atDnngannon, Oct, 12.18 East Huron at Brussels, Oct. 5-6. North Perth at Stratford, Sept 28-29 North Bruce Union, Port Elgin, Sept. 28-29 The Prohibitionists of North Grey Jaye Dominated candidates both fur the Legislatm'e and Commons. The Patrons of Industry aro expected to follow suit, and the McCalthyites will likely be heard frons alae, Of course the old parties will prises nom• Incee in the field. North Grey wilt certainly not suffer in the next election through lack of material to choose from, a v ;ala Jllig'il 1'rloe3 Pot SIJ Leos. , :2.6 ; former prict a $i, $7, fi'er'y remains the same --10 sir'• 1,-a:t btyles; airy bettor), mai acid belts u1( 1 or strong current. Less thou halt of any other eom anyaud more teatimanial4 than all the teat to- gether. Full list free. Mention this popes. W. ?. BAIIt,B DO. Windsor, Om I An Anarchist Plot Discovered at Calamity Pa., against Government Buildings. Calamity, Pc., Sept, 25. -While August Hesse, It Feencl.'-'uIladinu miner, and his wife were returning home from a yleit to a neighbor's house last evening they were Beet upon by a party of French-Canaidian miners and shot dead. Noel Mersou was captured, but August Brice fled. 'there are two societies enlmlg the foreigners, the one open and a vowed anarchists, and the ( her having nothing to do with Anarchy. Marson and Brice are leaders among the former. In some way Mrs. ]Leese became acquainted with the doings of the Anarchists, awl Marson and BtAce were chosen to hill her. It is said this society had a plot to blow up Canadian Govertnucnt build- ings. Constable Mehaffy is authority fm r this abatement. Ile said : "The murder 18 the Indh'ect outcome of the Wittig of a Frenchman about a year ago Then Mrs. Reese learned some of the secrets of the a•utrchists, and gave away the information that Marson and Brice were going to Canada on Monday. They had plans' all laid out to blow up some of the, Canadian Government buildings. "Both men were 11011011 to day they would end the Wefts before they left We will catch Brice soon." Marson has confessed tint he shot Mrs. Reese. CLINTON WELCOMES 8111 JOHN. The Canadian Cabinet Ministers, on their tour tear through Western Ontario, are meeting with utllouuded enthusiasm everywhere they go. At Berlin, then Clinton, then S.ratford. Tuesday, people eo Clinton to and the yeomanry from the rich farms sur- rounding turned out in large numbers to do honor to the Premier of Canada and his colleagues,' and a rousing meeting was held on the Market Square in the afternoon. The party visited Stratford in the evening and were tendered another nnognitl. cent reception. 'I'lle weather w18 cool but pleasant. To the Hon. Sir Joint S. D. ThomIon. K.0.11 0., C.,M.1'., Premier o the Dominion of Oneida and Dliniste of "'Mediae, Stn. -On the occasion of this, y r first visit to the town of Clinton, e -Municipal Council extend to Nei 1 -wort cutdlal and hearty. welcome 1 behalf of our citizens of est •y nationality, deli shades of polities, land of all creeds. We welcome you as the Premier of this Dominion and RS the representative of that form of ' constitutional trovernment w111011 gives to the people the fullest enjoy- ment of every proper privilege and ,freedom. We extend to you our congratu:a- 'tion upon your recent selection as a • member of that august tribunal to which was referred the settlement of an international dispute betw:•en the mother country and the United States 11'o rejoice that this arbitration gives promise of a time when all such 'matters shall be dealt with in the • form of peace and war shall be no more. We are also much pleased to . believe that in the choice of yourself' as a member of that Board of Arbitration the iBritish Govern - 1 inent overn•1ment lots ncknowlcalged the principle that the services of colonial ttatesmeu should not be overlooked, and may he of great ad- vantage to the empire. We trust your stay in our midst for a short time may be a pleasant one, and once more extend to you and your colleagues the heartiest welcome. Signed on behalf of the Council of the Town of Clinton. GEo D. MCTaimanr, Mayor. SUMMER WEAKNESS, And that tired fooling, loos of appetite and nervous prostration are driven atony by Hood's Sarsaparilla, I;ke mist before the morning 8011. To realize the benefit of this great medicine, give it a trial and you will join the army of enthusiastic admirers of Hood's Sarsaparilla, Sore, efficient, e; sy-Hood's Pills They should be in every traveller's grip and every family medicine chest. 25c a box, 444 A NEWSPAPER SENSATION, Collingwood, Sept 25.-A hug sensa- tion was created in this vicinity a couple of weeks ago by the Collinnwood Bullet- in's account of the case of Mr. Valentine Fisher, who has been cared of sciatica of nearly thirteen guars' standing, by Dodd's kidney vills. Everyone who talks with Mr. Fisher is 81(101ily 1011- vinced that he was a marvellocs cure. The general conclusion s'on is that there maybe many more like lain, who are using remedies for rheumatism, sciatica, dropsy or other diseases, lint fait to obtain relief, because they it, not attack the seat of the diseas', which is in many of such cases. the kidneys. Au vont. W110 doubts the efficacy of Dodd's kidney 'mils mat' soon ods convinced by wriNm; to Nr Fisher himself. or Win. Killian'. Esq.; Principal of rho collinovond Cullcum tc Institute, ('apt. 1'. A. Basaelt, or A, H. Johnston, E. all of 8hotn 11.0 well acquainted with Mr. Fisher, and know the histely of his illness. Wishes to nnnoun2e to the public that, on account of a1 pres8 of business she witti'be amide to have her usual Fall Opening, but the latest styles in Hafts and Trimmings will be on ex- hibition in her showroom Saturday, Sept. 3011, 1. 1;00, it Ilii to; t your profit to call and see her select stock before buying elsewhere. Miss Habkitic is still at the head of the Millinery Department and will be leased to have you call nu1 look through our stock as It is no trouble to show gado. Before in the history of Blyth can you get such values in Roots. & Shoes, Trunks, Valises, Groceries and; Provisions I tis you can now at T. W. Scott's, the . noted Fruit and Produce Dealer ui • Saturda. Huron. And !tow is it! I do aii a S e/ t r 30th immense trade. Take ll kinds f ta d o Fano Produce, eels to the best rise -I we extend a cordial invitation to the Ladies to markets, buy for Cash and cense- . queItly can do better fur you 11(11 ° inspect our T any other person in the tr ade. 1 hope MILLINERrade. the trade in Produce oduce this season is just the beginning of larger trade relations It' you want to be fairly dealt with and make surd of getting 1 l of l . the 1 rice f01 nl kn ds i duce an P1 Make Illy enure your headquau'ters. Whole No, 818 ALL OPENINGk; —ON— T. W. SCOTT Greal!y 1 P!eased Is everybody that, has examined our TEA SETS, TOILET SETS d DANS SETS E Greatly pleased is every-b:xly that buy our Boors *Stois Greatly pleased is everybody that deal with us Urett1y pleased are aro with the immense trade that roles our Nay. We hate passed into stock Chu week Hundreds of Dollars worth of Sleight, Beautiful -aild8 We are always glad to see you whether you buy cr not. Plenty of room here. SSCP & MANTLES DRESS GOODS ININNON CO MAMMOTH HOUSE - ;.3 LYTR THE HUMAN RACE Can't get along without CLOTHING. We are here to supple them. And being here for that purpose we are determined to do itIv a little butter, more thoroughly111010 ad and anlage• unary to our customers than anyone else. Now we have ready for inspec- tion one, of the finest 801ee1(0 stocks i General Dry Goods it nae been cur pleasure of showing since we commenced business. A Great Run is sure to follow our announcement of a Special Line of Gents and Ladies' UnJerwear at Prices suited to the pockets of all. Herrington A McKellar BARGFAINS ! ).N CLAIMING AND GENTS FUi{N1Sil1NaS 1 GREAT BARGAINS IN CLOTHING! Do you want a nobby suit ? LOOK in at our samples and prices. Everything in GENTS' FURNISHING'S. you will save money by dealing with the Opposite Queen's lintelotci QUEEN STREET, BLYTH 1 POPULAR CLOTHING HOUSE. OUR SPECIALTIES ! caDuzvizo, m For this week at big cuts in Prices: A few Childress Carriages at about half price as we are determined not to carry them over. About half a dozen Express wagons is all we have left out of the large lot we got in the spring, out they inustgo for what ever they will bring. If you have anyneed of a nice linen or felt Window shade see whet we aroolle.- ing; eve can surprise you with our prices. «Ye have a very large lot of Photo Albums nought away Mown in price, our customers shall have the bonetit as long as they last. School Books are in full demand again. You will find our stock complete in all kinds of school !requisites. Our Grocery & Crockery Department is still booming, '?'e do not depend upon offering odd lines at less than cost to attract Customers, and then charge them on other goods. Thelarge Patron- age we 81.0 enjoying has been built up on fair and honest dealing, our Motto being, "Honest Goods at Honest Prices." Parties having Plurals, Pears, Crab apples etc. to offer willfind it to their ad- vantage to see us before they sell. Wo do not have any Agency or single market fo, disposing of our fruit, we are oiler, to sell in any Market wherever we can get the best pr1rcas. Hence the advantage of nat being confined to the fluctuations of of any olio market. We mein the fruit business to stay. Call and see us. x11427= 214;ijtgall StV THE POPL'LAIR Gk0EBY. In Anil DO11't Yeii Forget It ! w1.n111ra8 to CiW^'iiu!'w"."d When you want any- thing in Candies. Lemons Oranges. Bananas, Cool Drinks. Ice Cream •--.TJ1AI' W. 11..'lTeBRIDrs is the Minn to go to. REMEMBER -1 make a BARGAINS tN STOVES COOK STOVES COAL STOVES WOOD (IIEATING) STOVES Very, very Cheap for CASH, Paints and Oils Every description and Color of faints at CORRECT PRICES. A very Inrge Stock to choose front Denstedt -:- Bros. ZSZATT IZ • - ®NT. The Leading . . . • . Hardware Store headquarters For all kinds of Fur- naces, Builders' Hard- ware, Stoves, Tinware Cutlery, Carpenters 'fools, etc., and', every- thing in Hardware Line ffIRp r "f1 .1107 A111 FURNACES Now is the time to pr'epar'e for the eels went her, We can give y ou the best Ilguree and guarantee you nu Al job The Old Reliable in full blast. New Arrivals every Week. Had Quarters for Barb and Plain Fenc3 Wires, Nesting for Feuce8 and Poultry. Also It FULL STOCK Of (Vire and cut Nails, 8(11108, Shovels. Hoes, Vette, feel a fact Tine et General Shelf IL11i111V.1111:. 1 1',a,l h... ..i "ilu, `i, o1, true, Copper (rare, Creamery Milli Guar Euvetroughiug ml hooting dune 011 abort notice. Nothing but First -Class Steel: used. Headquarters re. blot Air Furnaces, for tvood or coal, I still o1Yer my Stca 1 a S WV FS ata great %elation, Hides, hkina, Rags, Wool Pickings, Old Metal taken ia; cxchaI: ;e sot Speeinityof m, own Business. Irighost Prices Paid, W. H, McBride's' 3: G. i OSE ; 1