The Blyth Standard, 1893-09-21, Page 4•ts, 4y.! • DRESS GOO S ••••••••••••••••04..... Our Stock this Season surpasses anything we have ever shown before. The newest makes and Colorings, tgivin_g you a dress length that no one else will have one like it Dress Trimmings are as fashionable aq ever. Our Dress Goods and TrImmings match. Some months ago we gavd an Import order for a line of Lady's German NiadePilantle..s for Fall and Winter, which are to hand. We invite you to inspect them We will show you the Finest • Fitting Mantles in the Market at Moderato Prices. Our General Stock is Large. Attractive and will compare favorably with any in this business. ISI II I 1111 1 wi 1,1 AkAii INI.A111.11 1111101,1 11.1 I lk 1, 11 I I .411,111ii I NOTICE - The Highest Price in Cash for any Quantity of Tub Butter and Eggs 13 Dressed or Vain always in Stock, II' you are going to build it will pay you to call and get Prices fr.: our building Lumber implement Repairing done on Short notice and in First -Class Style fS'ASH & DOORS Cheap, OUR Shop is wel equipped for all kinds of work in the aboye line and you will find it will pay you to pat- ronize us. AISTINVII1 eidettE80.1 .OFFICE and WORKS JUST EAST OF G.T. R. TRACKS, DINSLY,Y 6'11, BLYTH. .•••• NIONto&n01111101M0 FALL FAIRS. Merida, at Blyth, Oct. 10.11. East Wawanosh,lielgrayo, Sept 28-29. Dungannon at Dungannon, Oct. I 2-13 .111 kg 11 t lisussels, Oet. 5-6. "Wingletin at W loglut in, Sept 26-27. „Centre Huron at Clinton, Sept 26-27 treat Northwsstern at Gooerieli, Sept. 20.22. ,Contral at Guelph, Sept. 13 21. klorth Oxford at Woodstock, Sept. I 26-27 tlifornington and FAllec at Milverton, Sept, 26-27. Mitcneil at Niitchell, Sept. 26-27. North Perth at Stratford, Sept 28-29 North Waterloo at Perlin, Sept. 2h-28 West Wellington at Harristun, Sept. 27-28. North Bruce Union, Pen Elgin, Ftp. =-_-s - Itch, Mange end Scratches of every &bad, on human or animals, cured in no minutes: Ly Woollord'e Salutary Lotion . aritatited V .1. 91. Ilamilton. ffheumatim Mired in a Day.—With American Illioinnat•ie cure for Rheuma- tism and Neuralgia rielicalir cures in 1 to 6 dal's. Its action upon tho system is remarkable and nirsterious. It re- moves at once the canee end the disease inunediatelv disappears. The first does wreativ benefits. 7,) cents. Warranted tor J. M. Hamilton. • • BLYTH MARKETS. Fall Wheat hpring Wheat . lour per 100 . littriey Peas Oats Pork 14tga, per Doz. (Cash) (Trade) Nutter in rolls, per tb. Butter in tubs Lard par lb. . Chickens per pair Geese . • . Turkeys . lawless • •Ilides per th. , • l'otatoes ter Lush. 'flay per ton 'Wood per cord ool per IL 59 61 , 57 59 1 75 1 75 85 45 50 52 . 28 . 84)0 . 10 . IS . 18 15 1)5 25 43 oe 08 50 500 1 50 18 90 8 25 10 11 19 19 15 25 05 9 07 01 54) 05 2 00 WWII° American Agony for VIGOR " MEN EMI, Quickly, Permandily Flostored. 1Veakness,Nervousness,Debility, and all the train of evils from early errors or later excesses, the results of overwork, pick• eer„), worry, etc. Tun strength, development and tone given to every organ and portion of the body. Simple, natural methods. /tome. diate Improvenicid ac, rt. Failure impossible. 2,000 references. )took, explanation and proofs mailed (sealed) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO., Buffalo, N.Y. OdVtdri, TRAMS RINKS, DESIGN PATIINTO, COPYRIGHTS, ate' :abetinten"'M natIon and treo Handbook ato bureau far aecurlod patents In America. VON CO., lel ntioAnwite, NEW rotor, tIZYugitaV itgr4 Veber; P;XCibt rcb•b1eore friatific AlltetiCalt V,;trtrt TrZtil'ittffntif,i7.9:0PIrgitt.Ftig man should bo eltbout Weekr Year; 41.50 slg mantl.s. Addreks 31 Ns 6 t.ap,, PUBLIBOARII, arsi Bleeds:ay. Took My. , A SPLENDID Assortment "Bac li a c he the scavengers means tho kid- of the system. I ' Ivey* are in "Delay is 6. trout/e. Dodd's dangerous. Neg- . Kidney Pills nice • I eeted kidney 1 4 prompt relief." troubles result se "76 per cont. in Bad Blood, '1.. of dieease is Dyspepsia, Liver 1! first caused by Complaint, and ri disordered kid- the most den - '4 neys. gerous of ad, -"Nightaswell Brlyhts DIS0288, try to hay* a Diabetes and hen/thy city Dropsy," , without sewer- "The above art% at good diseases cannot health when the exist where h dneys are Dodd's Kidney °logged, they aro Pills are used.' Sold by all dealers n. sent by mail on receipt price so Cen116. rer bOX Or six for 16,50. . L. A. Smith & Co. Toronto. Write too Kidney Talk, 42 7 VALIS-IES! , just (pelted out Carter Si McKenzie's I at right Prices, don't fail to see them 1 They ere an new S(•yles inade in the Ilargest and hest Trunk and Valise factory Canada. We are in a position to turn out - Double & Single HARNESS RRORS OF YOUNG AND 011):, perside Weakness, Falling Itten,ry, Leek sr . ; Lion, Niles! Dees,' p042150017 coed by tinsellonai %Older. A Isa Nervoto 0014)48, 0),,.. • swot 11) 1.011 ot Ambition, b, awed Nil/elm, week Lose of Power nilas in the Bock Mem • gudastana, Drain la trine, towline! Lamm Eli ep- Aranilau to Mid ly, Excatene . • armee. Add, ook, enclociag 8 cent atenia for r, • 1111)1*, 111./(111111, , ; 44i'vt CORRESPONDENCE. EONDESBORO. One of Loielesboro's oiliest resid- ents is very low, In the person of W. Driintelon, sr., whose extreme age can 111 withstand the power of dis- ease. Mr. Arthur Woodman is again out. after being laid up for a few days with a lame haek. Miss Mabel Bell has nicely recov- ered from her late illness, Mr Broglen met with a severe accident Tuesdity evening of last week. He weut up on the roof of Iii s house to clean of some shavings and pieces of shiugles left on by the carpenter. Na being accuatetned to walk on the foot, he took his hoota (lfl4)1)11 tried in ids seeks, with the result that he slid th tam the roof and ea me to the gr mind, falling on his feet and putting one of the ankles out of' joint, Second to none in the County. Our steadily increasing trade shows that the public appreciate our work. We are using the very best stock Yee elm obtain and are bringing up our weak above thta e sndard. Our line of Sweatds Paare excellent and Clieniatr than ever. Our Misters aro the finest line ever offered in illyth, A full line of evorythin usually1:0541 in a first-class sirup. 0E:member 10* place. Carter,80 McK When we assert thatenzie ta•Mteseksseass,s1,11411 • _ aUcla 1111.1)1Nti LUIIIBER Kidney Pills ,40 Cur c ,Dackache, Dropsy, Lumbago, Bright's Dis- ease, ,)other forms of Kidney Trgtthles, we are backed by the testimony of all is who have used them. 42 ra"..M OURS 10 STAY CURED. V Sr ft% dilmega or as recall* oi Kiss. $it la Lk. L. A. Swith & co,, Torosto, ItelliKINVis41114.41 A N 1 SAWN 1'kM! 107,01.4 01(1- Ci 11 )nlott 4 lltgi .r PhOtt 10 51 8,1111, 1101 )0 4,1 N. i102.• Iltr• di,lodi tan... la les , •. ‘t f.tt i tv,tt .tnuil,ot 10,11, to 11;1111 1'. (J. 1,1 AT rat. ...411.L. E. Li IN lltiTt.iN, Vint, the long 1.1, tnIII tile comity, is prignstril lo I .:11roA1,oll 810, tekt motto law abWee Sinai 1 U) 'timber. ' cli.ef Shoo ch ri— Si•Allii•I 411 ••••-•-- AUBURN. _ The Atwood Bee has the following interesting item concerning a Huron county clergyman : "Rev. R. Hender- son and bride, ot' Auburn, returned fr in their honeymoon trip among the Thousand 'shunts last Friday, and spent the remainder of the week visitieg friends in this locality. As is usuill on such oceasimis, the bride was the observvd or observers. and Ws meet illy picked to pieces, One old 41141180 01 fact Scotch lady peeped over her glasees and carefully scrut- inizing the bride -elect, rem irked : "Ave, my, but isn't MIN. Henderson Joat a dear girl; it would be wee( if oor meenister would get yen as guild" The old lady expressed the senti- ments or 114 /111 111 reference to the 11 01(10. Mr. 11,,talerson preached an . re.e.s.x. tu.0,1444.„.sess'Ir• )0 Sunday oritinz in hie Mother's pulpit, cheosilig ns the theme of his ,l54- (5mese, " Chit Cross of Christ." Ilk ,eouglits were well dole+ Ted mei cl..arly end forcibly ex prescol in goal Aeglo-Saxon. The hest wishes if hie Atwood friends go with Mr. and Mrs, Henderson on their journey t 11 r. itig,11 life." ' 1.1'..INGSTOta - --42— WEST WAWANOSII. Anderson AND Elder On Friday afternoon, of last week, Councillors Kirkby and Proctor let the contract of opening the side -road between lots 20 and 21 In the 3r4 con. Prank Bell and II. Sellars got 50 ruck of voilow swamp at 81,00 Per red; W. Bray 20 rodsat 70 cents per rod; Geo Turvoy moves ti stuall bridge for 166.00, and 1). Errington does all the levelling that in neces- sary l'or $110.00. The work as to be completed by the 20th of October. _ . MANY INTEREsmir PARA- GRAPHS. SUMMARY OF ALL KINDS OP ONTARTOS N ER11. Patrick Hamilton, a 13 year-old boy, wits accidentally shot and killed by a companion, near Owen Sound Tuesday. Some person attempled to rob the Lucan postoillee the other morning, but the ever alert postmaster over- heard the sneaks and frightened them off. English Spam :Liniment removes nil I 11,1rd, soft or calloused Lumps and 131811t. ishes from horses, Blood Swtvia, tlur53 ' Splints, Sting Doti% SweeneY, Stales • Surains, Sore aud Swollen Throw maus etc. Save 00 be use of ou bottle. Warranted by J. M. Haiudten Gearge Bower had the thumb ef his Agin hand almost severed by the (Jaw at the shaigle mill at the 1240 concession of Astifield on Thursday. Tee doctora have little hopes of tug the thumb. Wm. Cook, of the 1 ith concession of McGillivray, was 11,1%. lug a ilew 'muse erected this smuttier, aed iiad it all bat completed, wlien tlie ether someone set tire te it, lawilitig it to:the ground, It WO iitsured for 11 noliiinal 511111, Miss Wilsey, daegliter of a prom - Moe. farmer Men,illop township, wid.sue a school tett:01100 named Dolg. i No, 3, for 0,1,10 danittgtal 4ed breacili of promise. Tim 'r is 0 42011001 trustee, teal the petiole are widely 1111d Welt A suniewhat unusual gathering • ocearol at the Ilarliureev Celeeiery oe Sunday Mat. '1'his WAS the meet- • ing ef three lathe)) whose united ages 110111 up to 21.8 years The ladies were MIS. Laidlaw, inether ot Mr. J. C. Laidlaw, of Seaforth, whose age Is 83; Mrs. Hannah, mother of John Hannah of Tuckersmith 84, and Mrs. The refreshing showers of Otto McGregor, of Harpurhey, win) has were badly needed fur the pasture reached the age of 81. All are still and fall wheat, hale and hearty. The hum of' the threshing maeltine 011 Friday last as Mrs. John Miller, ia heaul in almost every direction. •of St Helens, .was untieing it horse S. Clark's gang makes her hum the from the hiteeing post in front of loudest. Mr. A. 11. Congraars drug store, Mr, Wm. Eggert end wife are Lucknow, the animal euddenly visiting ander the. parental roof, sprung at her and sank his teeth Mr. Win. Fluker 61%, Sundayed at into her nose, from which the blood 'Mr. Johnson's, flowed freely for a few minutes, Mr. J. Medd and sister were visit- The force ot' the savage brute's ing at Beaverton last week, attack knocked Mrs. Miller down , upon the sidewalk, and her head Mr..Tolinston's new house 13 near- ' striking upon the planking, raised a ing comrletion large lump on her forehead. One of the wonders of the world Mount Forest has adopted a cur - passed through here last week in the few regulation. It provides that the person of an apple buyer, which the school bell be used as the curfew, puzzled the farinots.to know who he 1 h t igt t e age of the children under SIR. JOHN THOMPSON AND 00, AT CLINTON. GENERAL INFIMMATION OF WIiAT 18 GOING ON A liMIT LIS, iippfes flouted. Six barrels of first-class fall apples wame . psusked fur oltnping. catt at THE STANDARD 011100. Artetlou Sole, Mr. C. Hamilton will sell by public maim at the retitlence of Mrs. McIlveen, lot 42, con 3, East Witwanosh, two farms, farm stock and inglements. Silo commences at 12 o'clock. Luncheon served during the sale. Terms liberal. Ladtee' Atte Mott Mfiti NIMENS 01/011 her shop on the 2htli et' Septeinlair and will be prepared to color and make over Felt and Straw hats in all the leading fall styles. 815)43 54 few doora north of 'PRE STANDARD 0.1ice, Myth. Ilard nit 7110 IToppet*N. The followleg 1014. sure preventa- tive to the grasshoppees, 6 having been tested told proved satisfactory. Take equal portions °Ilium and miles mix together and •'catter or SOW SO I 11O on the turnips while damp with the morning dew. It is much safer thin Paris !roan and equally effective to the hoppers. %ramp CH I emit foli, Grand Trunk Do wee' Wt ts eLiys the a tramp convention ii 54 itt It swamp near Strallinzl tut over 150 epeeillikkiii tht) y Rhodes class aro gathered I, 5100,1 re:aiii1eNtso 1)19 stt!01rlog m losses hi prop irthni • tir tile il()er old:tit:gates. ',e ce 7' per WE= STREET, ELT= cap, 1st Livingstone, 2n4 Baldwin, Capt. Wigging, (if the Salvation SeArtbi 511018 °Poo, 11A Baldwin) Army, who has beim in command of 1I)tt Itteill corps in tioderich for the tl I ft ) f 't1 2m1 Livingstone. !Ultra By n Dog. The Goderieli Star says:—Last Sunday at noon a terlible thing, 10) - fel Mr. C, K. Grigg's little nine year old Minnie, by the savage attack of I a dog beieuging to Mrs. Charles An- 1 derson. Mr. Grigg's little girl went r aceross the mad to !Mrs. Anderson's 1 on an errand, when the dog attacked her, ktax)ked her down and fiercely lacerattrig her right arm and right side. `Phe child's cries attracted past seven mon , e 01 (II 5,0 811 Iriday, where he will henceforth , Mier Ile was a painstaking and nergetic otheer and carries with 1 hi») the geed will of all who know dm Capt. Wiggios is succeeded ut Ensign Cass and wife, of Strath- oy, who 11/100 the reputation of ' icing earnest Christian wurk s, attention and Mos. Audersen s niece, Miss MeNal), eeeded with great dillieulty beatitig the dog' from his \dada It was fortunate the rescue took plitee lb dbl., as the dog' inight easily have killed the child. The woutals were of a terrible nature and hied profusely. Dr. Machell was 840)1 10)', and De who was passing 81 1)18 time,. WitS callett in. The wounda were eauterized and dressed and the little girl is progres- sing 110 favorably as possible under the circumstances. The deg has not yet bowl shut. 1110 Knight was here. Rev. J. 11, lleetor, the most original, `A it,ty and eloquent colored lecturer in the Dontleion gave Ilia renowned lecture "rile Devil dressed in the aletetslist church 11.300, un 'ruesday evening. 'Filen) was a goud attendanee 0 meidering the meagre publicity ()I' Cm event. His lecture was one that will be reineineured tor a long thne by those who heard Mtn. It was 11411018(mm1 log•ie and eloquence, and the points were (11)13001A with nide-splitting tlinor aint (dived Vt. jenis of wit. A eolered geut1entan is som ,what of a curiosity in Illyth, especially to the ouete tut a11i1 the good liatuie of she orator gavo our citizens a good opiolou of his jitee, awlien.to at times roared ,Witli laugliter btu. the it•cturer brought lds taus home wen sued) effect that sileece would be restored iustaidly. Should 1 voile)] 1: a' Ilia) a crovdeil house. hie ileeen, 011.; ihy tit liguiti we The city papers are all right and many %vim heard him ti peak 11 all should read them, hut it is the 'rues lay eveiting would be delighted loeal paper that adVertises Your '10 110•Ir leeture etteminiscei.ces of buaitiess, your sehoela, your churches, the War, your numerous societies, sympathizes pree5ateeg or' !Mena vim yoll in your alllietion, and • rejoices with you in yiew prosperity 'rids Presbytery heid a regular In short it is your Meal paper that meeting in Clinton op September 12. mentions a tit MIMI I id 11501 one items I oilistc,„(1 or missioaary meetings 01 which you are interested during ministers were resoinam.bied to ox- idic year, and whieh y di not find In the city papers: . Big /Mop /is LetrubN The bottom Ilai 4001111,13 0I1t, ef the Ameriette market, mid it is doubtful 11 )483' of the buyers will be able to take the lanib• from the farmers at the prices agreed upon early hi the season. 11r. John Freeman, ailed'. alo, who hai been fur years 11)1 extensive buyer thia section, was in the localhy notifying the farmers that owing to the present rtate of the American market he is unable to take the Iambi unless the farimre a re w li lig to greatly reduce eitatiki pulpies for the pups() of prettied ag missionary serinolis, and iit absimee °flume etelianger that every iniaisdir preach one)) or twice a year 011 the elanns of missions. As there is it dilference or opihion us Le what coustitutes a family, in many cases, for reporting to the Aasembly, a basis WAS agreed tmsni for reekom Mg base families aid Moved to be primed. fur tee Ilse of bet:31511s. A eirealsr from Dr. Reid was road respetiting me amount expected from this Presbytery .ror Assembly Fund anti the clerk WAS instructed to ite 10) defaulting congregations inform - was. Mg them of the sum expected from Mrs. II. T, Taylor and family took the law be all up to 14 years of age; prices. We underatand the wen,. iu the,Torento Fair last week, the bell will be rung toe minutes the red action asked amounts to about 'rhea) was also read a circu- lar trum Dr. Cued -Irene setting forth before the proper tune, as it warning; the anhunta apporti ined to this Bob Medd boasts of cutting 12 ares the Lour at which the children are tu elle dollar per head. , Pretsbytery tor home inissl ins and augmentation of stipmel a viz , (l430k) for the fortner all! $950 for tlie latter. Tne clerk was Instructed to notify those congreg alum which have failed to contribute to seine of the schemes of the church, and request then, to contribute in the future. 31oderation In a call was granted to the congregation of Be y- ard 1. 'rhe estimates of expenditure of corn in two days. Remember you be off the streets being as follows:— had kt Massey binder 84 54 Bub. April, May, June, July and August, T. Clark. has put In has time with at 9 o'clock; September and October J. Fluker, and has commenced at 8:30 and for Cm other months at business in the tailor shop. eight o'clock. Any child found on Mre. &mete house on the boundary the streets after these hiura without IMRS destroyed by flro a tew elm proper guardianship or proper author - ago. Cause unknown. ' ity shall be warned to go home by the chief constable who is to see to J. Johnstone aurl Faegon Brothers ringing the bell, and failitig to com- had the tatafortune to lose aeon each I y the child is to be escorted home last week. Grand Concert. A grand concert under the auspices of the 1. O. F., will be held in Industry Hall, Blyth, Oct. 1 1th, The following distinguished artists witt appear :—Prof. 'rhos. A. Baker, of Toronto, the celebrated aerio- comic; Miss A. Y. Seott, of Toronto, pianiat ; Miss Edna Curtis, anti Miss With Youne. graduates of Whitby by the chief and the parents notified Colle.ge ; x.isses Sage, violinists, bell was submitted and the nuance Coon huntims has commenced. that the first offence thereafter is riagers, etc., aasisted bY Mr. Dave committee authorized to raise the Mr. J. II. Medd, V.8., Dungannon, punishable bye, fine 01 /SI, second McGill, bass soloist ; Mr. Fleetly and stun required in the usual way. The has decided that 1118 not good for offence, e3, MINI and every subse- Mr. plummet.. If you want to have next meeting of the Presbytery is le a good time come. Ailind,sion 25e11, be held in Bruceileld on November children 15e, reserved seats 35 eta 14th, at haldpast ten a. in. lifORRIS. Doors open at 730, concert at 8. Subocenits 01(440 150011 served on all • DON'T YOU KNOW That to have perfect health you 111.11St Plan of hall at Metcalra book -store. 'blooper° 1.400.1 id to take hoods SAMS. Canada ftn. Clinailiali8• MSC, Whinll IS to bo tried at the Our Wollie Shortreld who went to parilla, the best blood purifier ana maottoba a few, weeks ago is now A grand comity Conservative Middlesex Assizes. strength builder. It expels all taint 1 „... supposed to .be viswing the Prairie scrofula, salt rheum and all other lm' Demonstration will be held 0101101011 A Kintail en respondent writes ; Mr. McDowell sr., of Hallett Is str„brt12. on Tuesday, Sept. 26111, when Sir '"rile storm around Killed] on Friday and Saturday 1V113 01 1 0 et' the worst Province, ow1.11,0tua,a.tistethraosantuneltim.?huilds up t113 gives nerve a Johnstone.of Cypress River, Man. visiting at his two sons, James and Hood'e Pills may be had by mail for .EI..CIP.°113'ttletit*e' 11.sioititi,illiti;rniosftelf:jolit''IllrileIlit;iaff,toultlf ex Pvriellee' I f"r Searrs. Tree3 wer° _ Jpt.elifennTech;ompson, premier ; llon. Geo. blown deem and other damage done. Oe last Thursday morning a bolt 230. of C. I. Hood & Co. howell, films A Mr. Ilawden, 01 1,011110(1, traveller of lightnnig struck. a green tree io, lion John Ilazgart, man to lire alone and lots taken unto queue offence $5- 1408011 a wife. Good luck John. blood,havo pure tl -be w to the what sses in the Rankin murder - Mr. Marshall'a bash and get It on GOOD FOR YOUR CbtILDREN. lion. N. Clark Wallace, Controller of and had 10 .51)15' eye,' night. He anti for a drug firm, was blown in Imre Minister of Railways and Canal's and his horse and rig were turned over fire. The ball of tire was semi by Youty4 People .o,..,1) as old will bone- Customs will speal«in all the issues many I'Jf the neighbors in that sec- fit by a comae) of Membray's Kidney-aud ef the day. Single fare returti on the Loa 1. • tloh Liver Cure o,masionally. It is not nee- • ., d f doctorf r t ver ' fele tickets have 11OCil arreng'ed for over Two tramps looking very much ailment if you kea) this household moll - like men, but dressed in wonica's rime at hand. It is better than powdered clothes are wandering around Mr, rhubarb, castor . oil, liquorice powder, , ( .i . seen, etc.i;ind just as hariniess In pm - i k 1 i •h h! , 1 1 Mill en 1 )n te) to f et. mask o rnei. Vs 3' er doses. se Or He I; they get Lheir 1401g9 Such pers(ms !)""vekscomplaitit, Canadian cholera and impute blood. It will 153(4010(0 4110 tiver, Clinton Bfriirt6 Baer's. should be taken bite custody. the Grand 'Prank Railway. A spend train will leave Belgrave at 11:15 a. m., fare 55ets ; Myth at 12:25, 011'0 3ects ; Londesboro 1210, etre 20e18 ; People that vieinity is, Where do and sour stomitift, cramps, biliousness arriving at Clinton at 195 p. stomach and kidneys. Muni) Bros. are doing big thresh- I ieg in Mullett wonderful new combination is 11. 4Iark's Head:1,1w. No10,144'1% And LiVer ,rotviers; niee to take and perfectly Tile towniship fathers met in tin ' letrittles3 Mrs Mary Keats, Maia hall last Moutlity. 1415. str,teL Hamilton saya: "For years —ini fact all my life—I have been trouble 1 1 (7,meelllor 0,t1 h•is r••1•• s ••••• •• l•• `••4 .,;1 1 1 •• from Ms receat visit to slaintab and ''' "Im ' -0111! lw.lr o1 the West. - \ boon treated V many doctors, bet with • very httle good rivsults. A friend ream - W. J. 851 0, Iliel Me, nift$, muted your inedicine some time ago, with a pailful accident the otheil and 1 have found it to be the greatest day, lie was watering his tealo, tbitieesysioureetopenirfeec--tiyi fitwetatlideeriefitittrillywos,•rd beside another teen at the eseek, the pot bo without them for more than 1 can horses started kieking 411 )51141 another t. 1." Mr. Flook, station master, 6,'!', and be got a 80, ere kick Just below 1 , Haillih011, says; "l'hey, cure) iny ow h ,see w hicii will jay win eff at istta.,set vt rrreeehiydtirtmehies,pweilti,ele svIat. hitadh,fioar werk for two Week*, Sold b,r all medicine do.d.aa. The county rarea at Clinton on Wednesday last p1000) tplite a suc- cess, thouge ill luck seemei to .log the Seaford) boys, as two of' them had their wheels mei two others eelleide 1 .0 eritfell 111(0 epee, sp. eting their 151210 05)411 of I wituthig. ey 1 lig is Me su emery: I mile, teivive, lot Cooper, Clinton; 21141 Winter, Seefeell ; mile open, 1st Cooper; 2111 I iv i ngstone, Seiteirth mile Class P., Fritz, Dash weed; 21)11 (Archie, Seafortle 1 mile epee, I 40 Li vingstatie, 21111. 1.5ie1e0 ; 1 mile Clinton town, Ist Cooper, 210111 2 mile handica.p, clei. B., 1st k'intz, 2ial S'aider, Brueedel 1: 2 111110 handi- k 0 k. ,..... Mr. Melo MI8on ,.--14:-.—.:by of A. stalwartm teaster 10 1,1ee the Glens FAIN, N. 1.-., Imills.r Company, says that 41001 110 and Ids elle Idglity return:gni. T oods Sarsailltn t•ar, o atHf.„1.10 wiln btt .ngth after a 0t".'0I0 11.11403, felt nal. eratle, coula not stow:, and 14n1 no 2)544' 1110. When she took Hood,' teneon•nellin Elle began to pick up and was sotta all right. 1r:ight0:, .a1actxperht n cIiviW aaeldled:111 tliesPrlug he 1:10 allrundow: hd wilacoanddb. cews in the itetneh.liood'i:4ilIa 13411ny1ot7dzall ndie - itcr and heavier " than for yearspast Thowenals, 903 441111001 Millions or l'eeple, testgy 10 110 wonderful value of Ilood's Sarsaparilla for that tired feeling nr acalalbS1 of mind, nerves or body. 1110 the helping hand which restores Pin loomk and strength. Mr. John J. Scully, President o f the Seamen's F Union, MS Cather- eelin . 11,1e1 Itgrael ie.t, vD,c,itirnoal at 'rib: wrttes as follows, "C. I. llood & Co., 1.0W:11,1iass.: "Gentlemen: I feel in duty bound to Makes7(hounefl 1 I Sarsaparilla, I it, • rived front II ood I been troubled with nervous dymepata, was Sa asps, tired and languid, wIth no 1504441( 00 to k wor; my sleep was irregular. 80 I ogon W• eak taking Hood'sriga. From the very first 11 seemed t) be just the thing for me. The nervous dyspepsia has How entirely gone, my appetite Is excellent, 1 can eat heartily without distress attco- Strong wards; I sleep well, and ean now go about my work without Ma's tired feeling ito frequent before I took Hood's Sarsaparilla nave taken six bottleS and recommend It as Menials et MedIciaes.', J. J. ScULLY, 1.Pl.diLbot ,scuir; overhd.11 e ionndrit,1 bis So ui Hood THE DOCTOR PASSED RIM. Oravenhurst, Sept 18 About a year ego the newspapeis contained accounts of the (moonset's° Of Sato Murrsy, 44 militant hreakinan of this place. 'Ile was paralyzed as, a consequence of an injury received while zoupling earA, e.nd for two years wits unable to work. Several doctors, amongthein, some To- ronto Specialists pronounced him Incur- able and his case hopeless The G.T.It. Co. paid him his total disicility claim, and the Brotherhood of Railway Train- men were about to pay a similar chum, when Murray astonished everybody by his return to health. It was proven at the time beyond a doubt that Murray's recovery was due to Dodd's kidney pills. A few (lays ago Murray are died to a lite insurance cotnpany to take out a policy en his life. 'Iwo physicians have just' examined him, proneuneed him& desir- aole risk, and reconunendod the com- pany to issue the polies. That is the kind of work Dodd's kidney pills do. The Taman 0111 fair was held on Thursday and was thoroughly successful. The trotting stallion Gold :Iling went an exhibition mile at ;Windsor in 2.1 21, the fastest 1 c Hid mance ia harness on a Canadian track, Mrs. Ilenry Sawyer, of Mitchell, died the other day from cancer of the 55001101. She c.,uld not swallow any food whatever, and seemed, to starve to death on that account. The apple erop in Oxford county is said to be much better than was ainicipated, Buyers are offering only 51)050 barrel, however, as the guides' is said not to la; SS good as last year. A week ago Friday :two sports of the township of llay, Mr. (Merge O'Brien and a Mr. McCarthy teem 4111 1/4)041 Were Squire Snell on a charge of violating the game JAWS. Se) lumber 14)1, the open season rev (fuels sho,,ting, they went to tho swamp early to be on hand the mom- ents the birds would rise, and being unaware of the law which prohibit* tho shooting or killing 11' duck moil i half an hour after sunrise, they I blazed 10083' before the sun bud even I peeped &sive the horizon, only to attract the game warden, Chief Gill of Exeter, who Wat; 011 the lookout I for early birds, and who promptly I arrested them. They were each r fined $5 and costs. The action of 1 the game warden seems rather harsh, but he says he must draw the line somewhere, and if the offenders were innocent of the law, the sooner they am made acquainted with its clauses, the better for the game and the sporting fraternity generally. y V enataide aro pre $pared to meet a legItt mate deniend b)i• a mild, efficient and reliable faintly physic. They arc mel, mercury, or mineral sub- $ purely vegetable, containing tto p • caloH stance of any kind, act upon the Molnar)), liver, and alimentary clam, 5,5 euro j,Iv,,r Complaint, constipation N insea, Ilfliuuv8000, Head/Idle, liabgefill,11, So tr Stemaelt, Distress after Eating, Jaundice. A cold play lof broken up and a fever prevented oy promptly taking Reod's Pins. Hood's Pills Ans prepared by (5.1, Rend & Co., Apothecaries, Lowell, Masa. Price zs cents per box, Sot') al druggists or sent by roan on receipt of price ENTIRELY NEW COMPOUND &Ira cure for all lleadpaIns, Biliousness and Stomach Complaints .kto,:#51: 25 Cents Makin() a box CO. 4. TAU 154; (TM sniffs Headache, Neu mania and Uses Powders. Mee (Wilde Itarortaia Okkt In Ail Drumm* mot Medicine .Ltak.ct Effectual Permanent Agreeable 000P08.111 DV J M. HAMILTON ESS THAN $1 is the eost per week to use Microbe Killer. The one Great Cause of Its Popularity is, that it niakes no Unfounded Pretensions but Performs ail that Is claimed tor It. its use you not only hut cure Catarrh, Treat and tire Asthma. T1184.nna ono -Bronchitis, 'treat and nue Rheumatism, Treat and cure Skin Diseaees, Treat and cure Lung Troublea, Tient aud cure Nervous Disorders. Treat and cure Rectal Ailments, . llut treat and cure all forms of Chronic I iisesses when all else has failed. , 130 NOT WAIT UNTIL TOO LATE For sale hy nil Chemists. Advice nee from Head Office. ria0E-11 01 111, according to sized jar. I. 671/S Cf! I ,91 r Tile S. Star ts Agent for BLYTIL ONT. 001000 .00 eepewas we,kO er0001ta4. (ib. WU) 00410,1,6i0Ilt 3 1001111 41 t -t11111, ARIBtO. • NnunnelJt posItion. Good ohm,. tor - AdVallerrIMIL 1501IIA11, 1.Yr11all. 1 fir'IF:14,:::I.Ei';',,`:INY:r:'iF/4ock ow,. 0),, n, NI rd 4' etock true to 1m,, cs,1 ride trva•Ltner4 .,...• P.3. ' trot. t. 211414/. „ to( stn in our , onh—s. HO ; . 110. from other hnroe, on e.tr,Atnt or 1,1* plate and pecan.' 0003111,11, Rno, 0.00,0 1411;-, •..n. Tv,: walla, UN to a (Ate l,e,'a4sou1 l00 tall., 10 903 nr car, • ran rek r.,1 A 111101700% OM, " A, k 1.1,, tor artteniera. Imre, , r Ln !,,,,11-j. 1 ,) 1084. j'.°011t(". wit •,tbI2teo1lr)uwpblu,5o.r''n' tor the core 4 '1) 1541 P4015050183,).1..11010011 auk Ivan owl la1.0, 1.) ,r1 ara trout 144500 k00421144e0104, S9ar Sterntich • ., • ileaklache, AyrIm iy, 125 1100,1 t,Iceplosc IleluncInly 1 st.Dolt. tilt 41,114, . CoripbriVe sines+ rod ITer ('2150, zttpli,,evleetTiningi=totanaErvsezaleare Metn%rny Medicine Company el' n00)0111E30), (Lltniied), PETERI3OROMM, . . ONT. 0ATIA7D,7XA21F'THF FOLLOWING ,,,,,,,c:,,,,,imi,11LNTF3ip(ilu,QEENsTItET 111,4711. SCLIF15'LER8, from different styles 118(1 4500108 that defy com- petition. PLOWS, l'Inery's and Coelishutt's. PINDE1tS, agent for the Nnx, In iTiros; w Steel Bidder, superior to all matte, simple in construction, tei light dra 1,, r eit twine 5)01)', durable ill COPS( 11101011, MOWERS, four different pis, call and examine our big 33 Mower,Li,RSD, ItclIoriLiemS,ansstel (54454!', celebiatik Heosier Seed Drill, none to equal. ROLLERS,o liollef, test on the market WAGGONS, the Stem bell Waggon weir ill llec ill rill, SOC1i01 I e ir over 30 years acknowledged to lie impeller tend (glen's Q. I_ZZLI\Ifal..T00L1 '41.1