The Huron News-Record, 1896-10-28, Page 8r
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s,o'' d eh 1a. !iQCJ ,CC,yS .CLQ % v, 1?' -
V41.K aclKl it f��ep �l~ t l i o9.rN
Ghti�ll�e ., taRn�• i,ii* MA i� i� .iii• !•iii !i iii•••••i• !si••ii, • ••0•iii•ii•• •••ii ••• ••ifii••
tB' a t ,' t W f r�' [•ri• �t wi r� i �����!•1}�i i��iMM�f1M1/�. i � o ,i•OR�� A w•f1R ii�l� Mi OOoQ ?
tit' ' I�i � �1 q' �� s � Q )`•k., r1 • . � � �� '�' 'd �
iWOV40 of, tbb ter , r'7 � ..a13 �� -`c�,: �� 4 aM�dY . "'. � y ., �� A. � r
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sibte Nr tb*,. i l to rti , . o .
ie aac+t fcPwn' .� +" v the u P o •:
r nqr
is he alstlallyl turda
4"skropg lahatgu 11p`�,,t,here t those ia 31st, �� •„t i i Yir11P Any that iiarlu tb k'�tv`dievto f �i••has ]seepp guilty PZi1th #baseOct' .r�r=�• c'
� S ` L' •'S ' • • #` ,•}`•'� tiOpa. 'AB ahi� bR@�# �ltlllA' grltL•-.'.
eevere:attacft(Pf` ad+atilep� �teaally �`
Y Td y6d'u a,,� �}
Sib k, Ul¢if= tjie acltatica hoe had the a! 1!.” �► ',,r•,dt .►�.�rr�. }�
�sIND Wouve.-The Chieage, Gana- � ,y
��,11[lc�'tllit fly tel 8dtlt3f4 YL-
dilaq•Amerlcan says of twos went • Airing the pi�8t t�tIrBe wEett� ��''°°��REAT�
( r �"a la ,s >_'' 4 ns ,. i ai ..Ifuvwa .tee t i1�t.•(ilteyi Rt'V, Who we have been holding a 4:�1''�;aM 6.,►p LW■.y d � • +ia �!'. p24Y ford and wife. of Olinton, OZE., .: es a'' t , .
,civiie so i`th � sparing have been
M°stFora�s %ier`,'ai reps. A sale which b4s eclipsed anything of the kin's: ev(r held in the west, We are glad to be able to say this because It
band, a 1oQ� at' our hoe �q777 a� Monroe aetspeor�,iy �Qi bout's that our adyertfaemetlits and our metllotAs�' of doing business' are thoroughly appreciated. ' We are closing the far
wlll show. joytable time. We had the pleasur�o pi lrie'nths business 111 the history of our establishment, in spite of close times and"the scarcity of 1Tlotiey,•and it is another demon ;y
seting Mr. and Mr•s. Ford Tuesda stration of the fact that it pays to sell good goods at low prices. . We are now buffy xpoving to our ,now place w Ives us S'�i
i' RCt1Cle 111 One Of nln at the residence vF 10. &n i
zl ° y J� ,., g ,y; P Y y lra y g shape a.
Barry Bishop, 857 Walnut street, the finest and largest Clothing Store in this part of the c.ou:utl silt ue.,.h'a e b- �atuida . Go v-� evnr iflin` i U
for toe. and, your ; 9. ' for visitors, We have made some heavy purchases of new Goods to be opened in our New House and the prices will be a ,
I s. Bishop bei g a IMIOce of Mrs. Ford, Y " ' q marvel to ood bu ars. We want to im rase ever bed that we a'v 'm� 0d a d 'law rices always leave a good impression.
and it was a real pleasure to meet with g y
r�r1Y. te. QICe In the cit}]�0r for 'so clearheaded•and liberal th[rlker ae p Y Y �. Y % p .
15c Mr. Ford',' who ahvaya receives ra- Stud the following figures for our Inauguration Da , next Sal urda , and you will find that the cannot be
r ) minent appointments from the Me ho- Y % g g y y y:
,," •+ •µ diet conferences of 'Western Ontario.' equalled in any town in the country
K %4
SPORTS.-Mr. Eclito� -Bir,-Hermit
10 5'• U ^' m4 to compliment you on our article k=„
last week referrin to "Clinton as a Special lines in Underclothing ::_
( tt "
sporting town." have often thou ht
��a '11,1•
our energise in the sporting line During the -visit of our W. Jackson to Montreal last 'week he made some purchases of Underclothing that enables us ?;
tr�irG,, r ^*, .•� were too much divided and that to offer goods at 50c 750 and $1 per suit that cannot be sold in the regular way for nearly double the price. We `
• this was a positive mistake. Per-
Er �d111rc�s ' sena]] I admire all manly sports have also a Special line at '750 per suet that beats the trade.
and am as much in favor of
z. one as the other, although I iA
n , AM now thoroughly convinced cricket Our $5.50 Frieze Overcoat----•��r►- -
H {f •jT. D.
fail.. C� ! or bowling, o bath, would meet with wiu . popular approval next year. 'Base ball y`Te have sold hundreds of Qvereoats in our time at8 and $lU, no better than the Big Snap that we are now putting
I also admire, but we want a club or
clnbathat-willmake a reputation for in the market at above price. The above Overcoat ig wade from all wool goods, well lined and big collar, cheap
F,4 CLJffTON. Clinton. Lacrosseg'ivesgreatexercise, at $$. i
y it is true, but I fail to recoguise in it
, •N•e.: A9enta •Pwrl:er a Dile 1vorks, genuine sport. Splitting men's heads
d ° open, breasting their limbs, and other- f {� .
wise maiming the players of either Mens Clothing
side is no► what I cal, sport; it is {
Ht�r�en News-Reeora brutal and barbarous, extremely so. Our trade in Clothing has now reached such a stage that our purchasing power is large enough to take in any quantity
IA Clinton abould have a reputation as a of goods offered to us at a sacrifice in price, hence we are at all times carrying goods at prices that cannot be equalled
tr is $1.25 a lass-91.00►n Advance spotting town and along with many
Ka others I sincerely hope some good by ordinary houses, To mark our Inauguration Day we quote the following wonderful prices for good goods. A'
result may come from the suggestions
Y poxosER 28th, 1ts9u in Tso 01 two
last week. - We want OAT Inauguration Da t0 be the ,
i�>aD Make one of two sports the leading $12 Suits for . $9 �•
mss'• • feature.-Yours truly, INDEPENDENT 10 ++ :........'..'. -. .... ........
................. 7 45 t� y
ALNE �. CITIZEN, 5o pairs of Pat;ta s)5c, regular ............. •...................... i �o biggest kind of a success and the prices on
WELL.- 45 „ $1,25 " ..... . ...................... . . . ... ....... z oo I all goods will do it.
DEATa OF MIs JoeEPa th „ ., $2.00 "
PC On Saturday morning lust the citizens 60 ..... ...................... 3 00
k •�+.and Around the Hub, of Clinton were much grieved to learn
+ of the death of one of the towns oldest rF
ffi1U1� and most highlyy respected residents in ,.,.*We will be pleased to see all our friends whether they
t •. the person of Mr. Joseph Rowell at the h"
19yrnrs ]IND PEARS WANTEM` Higbest pri age of 85 pears and 5 months, who n want to buy or not and every visitor gets the present
El jMtjd,- C3NT&LON BRos., Clinton. resided here' since the year 1874, an:
' who had won the universal respect an of a new Match Safe.
i See the beautiful wedelng stationery t confidence of all who came in Contac
'iIMNIN1M-RECORD101110e. It is superior d With him. Mr. Rowell was born i �
i;. abtc0at -much as yep pay in Che ci s.Castle-on-the-
,, England, near New Castle on-theme +� w✓� �^► �'� �; �'�
' -- Tyne, on the 10th Dec. 1310, and emi t'
q)iuse3p need of Writdrig Tablets should vo y %
t card printed on them- THE 1411 E- grated to Canada it, 1844, settling in
p1y you with all you regiiir at York, now Toronto. In 1882 he, accom
Bout tabTetand 0,11 combined. parried by his youngest sou, took a trip
Yl their New Store.
to California, ]laving to sail from New
! rY Surma Tea--quality guaranteed,- an- York to South America in order to ACKSON BROS■
Emus. 2t reach his destination. Frgm Califor- -- - -
l3, Q. returning
ala he went to Yale, , g "�
Vest price for butter and eggs-CANTELON rp Clinton in 1874. In religion, he was '� a
a Congregationalist and, for many e
years,was deacon of Zion Church, To i�.
11"", E�rov�Foa seL>a-"HaPDy Thought' Range, ronto; was a life-long tonal abstainer, -
tier coal or wood, about se goOd as new ; a bar % ` r�
n Jk ly for particulare at THE N&We- always taking an active part in all
,D,g��• temperance and church work and lived Attractions
a consistent, christixn life. In politica, I
i i�� $I(i 7ixDaarlox.-For the nest two weOke Mr. Rowell was a staunch Liberal, but In
{sj when convinced of wrap in either jr
yam ng a reduction of fifteen par sent on g
t we._ WN. szrrmxsON, Winton part immediately d@nouliced it.
"rw Two 'sons and one daughter survive • linery,
ttiZw FOR seLe=Quiet acid kind•, ikiTH� him; the eldest living in Chicago and r i
enBY 1pgpt; reasonable price. Apply the youngest in San Bernardino, Cal., smTc"%ptoR'D• and Mrs. Hodgens,town, with whorii • P '�
<{ he has made his home of late years. 'l
He leaves two brothers, one in Eng- _
Ala.-Our town ��m is Fine Mantle Tweeds, regulars
i` HAa�+il)I Y land, and the other in the Northwest 1Q ,
* h 'fair ' in giving THE NRws Territories, and also a sister in i Again the $1.90 ]ins ......................... $1i�
.:k fqp creditfor saying that the test England. While always of a robust Heavy black Niggerhead, special $1 35 }"
�` g�anollitbio walk. was places in front disgositian he hardly knew what Mantles �'�� Heavy Curl Cloth, very greasy
of the, Clinton town hall as a result p
sickness was upt'aa 4bout six years ago There are many this season e • and stylish material, black, navy
ti'%y1r o€--the New Era's a dation. The Fact when an acute attack of bronchitis left with this stole. We du not
{ ,M� The wisdom of our ga{r1g past.the and hrowrt, just in, worth regular c
sy o8 the matter is E Ngws-RECORD his ailing. The iinmediatd cause of talk about prices, for you iniddlernen and hu in ourMantlea
Yte}rersai&anything of the •klud. Our y g. $1.90 for..........................$1
�,'+r death was the weak action of the heart, will always find them res- direct from the (Ierman makers
1 , cgtom. has not agitated for this kind caused by the breaking up of his nye- sonable in this particular. has been more than demonstrated. Clothes
of walk ; this journal hes, But it teen. The services at has late home Our Mantlesp�: are correct in style, S;
+ >�p he one of those "small" matters on fiabbath evening, at 9 o'clock, were fit and fini■b, while dioect buying That
in Which our totem. thinks the tax- largely attended, and were conducted par Trimmed Hats mtans closest, prices. This tii'�
payers are not iptereated in. by Rev. A. Stewart, asfl{sted by Rev season's rr1A� tle husin overtops
IIIc. Millyard. The body was taken —AT— , ' all;" Sea ons and itstyle and Are
Y, DEA4n OF A PDPI7LA: y0i7N(i MAN. to Toronto on Monday for interment, ' value like these that have done it. 'j 1
The fallowing from the Mail and Em besides the remains of bis wife. During $1.75,"Tailored" w�
piss of Friday refers to A younman One of Mr. Rowell's pleasant calls on �, Ladies' lieaverc or Frieze 14jantlea,
who has many times visited Clinton,lliTan NEWS-RVCORD we learned the $t� 1.1 I sleuth large from elbow up, high In the highest sense (3
and a brother of Capt. Hambly who following facts concerning his life, `�'2� �1( standing culler and close fitting at g
r hath charge of the Airy here some which we re ublisb from thio paper of '2,50 and throat or turn gawp collar with the word. They have a
o and afterward qualified for p .� / ' I reveers, extra vah e........... . .... $5
years a$ July 5th, 1$93: PAST AND PRESENT.— �« �j easy, graceful rest. Th
the ministry:-"The many friends of Mr. Joseph Rowell, town, wi.s a caller "`3 are marvels Ladies' Mixed Tweed Coats, new
Mr. wtia. S. Hambly will no doubt feel at this office the Other day. The gen- and every week some specials in certain lines are going into stock. best mate�;�he be. '
very sad and also surprise$ to hear of tlemun is a fawn property owner and I sleeve, double breasted, regular fit >Y'
his rather sudden death. He was taken has been a Clinton resident, far many This week, I c slue $fl.... , . $5 WOTkmanB , e b�
+ il2 iviCh 6yphoid fever some two weeks ear, He is a gentleman of consider- Ladies' Sailor Hats Ladies' Tweed (".sats, new sleeve trimmings, the beats
ergo• and despite the best medical at- 3' with cuffs, high stundin collar,
able rnunicip'b.l experience. As far g ever ti?in a0 t0 male.
fY"! tendanm suet umh to the dread disease back as 18W he was a member of the Walking and Dress Hats, two large buttons and fly front, Y g`b a'
�t-> airs Wednesday afternoon. For the Torc,nto Csuncil, and chairman of the and Trimming Novelties. lined throughout with plaid lining, the suits we sell. r.
past fifteen years be bad represented Board of Health of the now famous a very stylish nndcom actable coat $7
theflrro of Bean & Westlake,of Wood- Our
stock, and was very popular on the city in 1853. At that time Mr. Rowell Y Ladies' Beaver Mantles, brown,
�q had a blacksmith shop. He first came We emphasize the character of our Millinery. The hest is herein si lP' navy and black, new sleeve, KA,
read. ,>3e was a comparatively young to Toronto in 1844 and resided on r� and newest in fashion, to meet every particular taste. tans across thratit, double breasted 3 i
train, being just past the pprime of life Queen street, where the city hall is 35
and after a steady struggle in the race, now Nein erecaed, for )9 years. In Doing over Department As..,.-,� special value at. $7
' wasjust heginningtothorougbi�enjoyy conversation we, drifted to the water g g y As good value in better goods its In (iheVOltB, $eaVB ,
11 in charge of Miss Moore. Felt Hats made over into leading styles. We '"
life when death c ease on hint, env n supply of Toronto and Clinton. Mr. g g higher prices. Venetians, are samples;.
A. li widow and six young children to Rowell quite agrees with Tu
Nuws- are the only firm maki rig of er hats, others have is tt their work dune
inonrn his -loss. ,Deceased was a mem' g through us. the right kind at,
]tier o4 the Odditllows' and MasoDie RRcoRD that there should he a public g Wool Hose Mantle Cloth Barga�n8
ins action or analysis of all well water v,i
fraternities, as well as a director of the p price. Loll In and
in Clinton. At the time-1863-when
Provincial. Building and Loan Asso- he w9s chairman of the Toronto Board _ Boys' Ribbed Hose .... . ............... lac them.
dation." of Health, the famous Asiatic cholera Fine Ribbed Hose........ • • • .&ic, 40c Some prefer to have their Mantles
♦ orsted Ribbed Hose Warm
j$pRpe to
N Mp�toAl yyggOiJiATION.-The scourge was an unwelcome visitor and Ribbed Cashmere Hose with dsa• 4:x girder departdment we can guarantee y
' quarter] roeetin of this association bad water he assured us, was not to be T
q g hle knees, •25c to 46c, the best satisfaction in every detail. Our U'nderWear
,'. oPtasheld iia �e Coupoil Ch on trifled with. Away back about 1848 c' value offered. assortment of Mantle Cloths is `,1:;.:
Vttedn•stiay, atter rrbon, the '21st Oct., Mr. Rowell was captain of the Toronto
when the fallowing members were fire company. They were private i �,adiee' Wool )lose... , . , ..25c, 30c and 36c good and values like Chest or bel This f5 Underwear w131`4
p pp
e r,, resent: Dr. Shaw, president;• , Dr, water works i scaeal tdiurAoh was des ~ bur imported
th dare hoick sellers are bei P, tMantle keep
own,the prlct of an srdared erj the time to 01114
R d
M .; Sraysman ec°g.protem•,Drs.Bethnne when the Episcopal Ladies'Cashndere bae,2k*30c,85c,45r, ,(►c Heavy Tweed Mantlmgs,54inches
anEl $ilii+oiNs, Seaforth i Taylor and troyed by fire. Although the then' Our Ladies' fine Uas�there in plain and
�al•s, Se f Anew, Londes- water works system was in operation from light tel h
Tomimon. fine ribs With high ap)iced heel and wide..... . ........................ $1 g
McNash a shillin a puncheon was aid for double sane afre the' lieab value wc; Tweed Mantling, fancy roixturek�• Try Lip Egli Ui'
h c fhor6 ; Kennedq, ry, item : +
ev'erZ&Q yoa1, `regular $1,40 for .. . ......... . .. 1 15 cloth-Ing of all kinds��
)I�#'lgreve • i3ltntsbury, Bdgfleld • Arm- water an $1 for every four in an
etting, %fideae'Id ; ou eadq bn Dr. when theysoldiers werr. e lorderedfrom laid linin
+, iiutex'estin I)apere. were i' y Novelties in Dress Goods Fancy Mantling, p �, values are �lb� �egit��
.,, , , $q tune, T,a�pe- the garrison to face the flery Send. As t stylish and serviceable goods, regtl-
tlan.w o e o nlotrth The cu Iain of the fire company be stood p w linefss a quality in the trader
ore rile flames until his leather cap that for SON, , y lar $1.60............. . . ........
* p xj1p theria. p pi'e,havle fe
I rw at as
be ore arid`' tribe. r11i4 : ivo h "gear ebnbideration. �
i �thetla ia'l� sd pi+gvia) t this .aedd-- wen bdrnad third st to sav8 a printing
age e}'All office lit the third storeq of `x building. Good (Ioode to begin with, •lo'v rices top
� w '
a once tai' Ewir'• The burtliug and •da6t;er from the bbn�cltlde with Is what we ofTe pgcsuf?I a
�enr;tlitl e5out
ttie eoiinfl couiieil,'bltdtilr flstgase f►t' rile burehera etallb. the sit _
it Y� p� +� Gloo4 Roll Butter Wantecj.-----_-- � +
r`: t�tk• g i eb 100,�:iiaVe quatt'tit on trill kfi b goppq@iia the oia p * "`'yY
edtlia toZ h'$Tc�t r>3i rtieeritllliq, liemetlt buildings, tYere all vividly re• +
erste of hcb6a antiitdli?ttlE'la hxr' i eOarkU& -Bob plrbbkbl rhe wast lin
,A '�¢hlib3ddid'finef3tIn°ttt'6ile�ii�l >l�1i1 fat an+� ' or is&M,
ailid`ci3ie"'tlii�tciil tit lr lilt ' tlnt'a'ift tliQib '.la lie, da alld pa au ►ly of wailer]• to �1 Sk 1lce� 1r+PO.>�y�totucis and C t >ti
lie n tci . , ,C , ►rti4bfi ,thou lr rp t c t�.>by . T' r r,
.' Vit')t, -' rte lard l ftrgf�,b.. mi
Sail j hitt of (VI)AV, Idebt liittdrihoilrping to 'a : 't ��j�n li tOn4
�>G't iii 13ty 611 itiYOI+e Th �a i v x,1t a y,`w� 3 1 t4f� a c
mtM�.i y
:.,:: ,.. .'.. v :. ;� �:w..,, .: . •, . .i,.:. ,... :'':1' .1� � f), r, ♦. r ': W:' .", '�`... l,.: •:`• -, '. -...:: .: •,- tv.l ,. ,h.N.
;t 61 ji 'k•::.:Y�x" .+s,."�: ...�� :.�s•.. •.,� ._lYA k;; lei — 1, '