The Huron News-Record, 1896-09-09, Page 2:•• • z:7 ."1•!4;. THE OLDEST There are 500,000 French.Canadians in New England who are constantly pull- ing on their friends and relatives at home. There are fifteen Wrench 11eW8- apers in New Ewhich have a AND THE BEST rarge elientage inCanada and are con- tinually discus,sing the advantages of annexation, The recent overturn of the Conservative Government was largely due to the influence of the Can- adians in -New England. Laurier re- ceived his largest, support arid made his largest gains in the French Catho- lic courinuni ties, although the question of Government support for church schools was one cftlie prominent issues of the campaign. In Montreal he got a majority of 25 ; in Quebec out of a total of sixty-five members of the House of Commons, he got a majority of 33, although Sir Charles 'Fulmer, the ConJervative leader, was certain of carrying both Provinces through the influence of the priests on the school issue. But "Continental Union," as they call it, had a stronger claim upon the Frenchmen than the church. When some one said that Laurier's election meant "Continental Union," a French Bishop said :- "Yes, perhaps ; hut it is much more likely that the American flag will float over the citadel of Quebec than that the Canadian flag will float at the top of Bunker Hill Monument." French Canada has no cause for at- tachment to Great Britain, and makes no pretence. It is said that a French- inen never he denationalized, and that fact is daily demonstrated in Que- bec, Montreal and the other cities of Lower Canada. Whenever there is a demonstration or a feast day he hangs out a tricolored flag, not a Union Jack, although he has been under British rule since 1769. The French and the English will not ix. Canada is two countries, and ce prejudice is more bitter and pro- ounced here than sectional feeling in e United States has ever been. Every ection in Canada for fifty-five years as involved either a race or a religious. sue, and the French population have variably voted against the interests Gteat Britain if they could deter - Inc what they were. The French Imitation retain theii. own religion, ieir own language,their own customs, eir own schools, and even their own w. The Code Napoleon is used in ontreal and Quebec for commercial w, but in the other Provinces the ws of England are recognized. Critn- al law alone is uniform throughout he Dominion. And in official life the stns prejudice exists. If an English - an gets a job under the, Government Frenchman must have as good a one t the same time. At the doors of the Parliament ouse and the executive departments re two ushers, one French, one Eng- sh. There are always two customs spectors at every post, and wherever here is a French clerk on any public uty, there is an Englishman also. All he Government reports, the proceed- ga of Parliament, and all official roclamations, announcements and ad- ertisements are printed in both lan- guages. This duplication is awkward nd expensive, but it is absolutely ecessary to satisfy both races, and al - hough the Englishrrian knows that he master here, he is wise enough not assert himself too boldly. Mr. Begaigrand, owper of La Patrie ewspaper who was recently Mayor of ontreal, is an avowed annexationist nd the greatest Frenchman the col- ny has prod»ced, unless it is Wilfred Laurier. He was the founder of the first nnexation clubs that were organized n Canada. He was associated with onore Mercier, who died a year ago, hen he was Prime Minister of the rovince of Quebec. He used to travel ver the country making annexation peeches and startingannexation clubs, nd may be justly regarded aethefather f the movement. To counteract the influence of the 'Continental Union" movement, the ndependence Clubs and the Ste. Jean aptiste Societies, the leaders of the onservative party have founded what re known as United Empire Clubs, nd every loyal Canadians is expected o join, The "U. E.'s," as they are amiliarly known, were numerous and rosperous under the Conservative ad- ninistration, but the politicians and ide-waiters have lost interest in them ince the Liberals carried the last elec- ion. Cough -cure, the most prompt and effective remedy fur diseases of the throat and lungs, is Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. As an emergency medi- cine, for the cure of Croup, Sore Throat, Lung Fever and Whooping Cough, AYER'S Cherry Pectoral cannot be equaled. E. M. BRAWLEY, D. D. Dis. Sec. of r— the American Bap- tist Publishing Society. Petersburg, Va., endorses it, as a cure for violent colds, bronchitis; etc. Dr. Brawley also adds: To all ministers suffering from throat troubles, 1 recommend AYER'S Cherry Pectoral Awarded Medal at World's Fair. AYER'S PILLS Cure User and Stomach Troubles. AN AMERICAN IN CD ANAA. Ills Discoveries in the Liberal Cp am. . AN ANNEXATION PROPAGANDA. OBSERVATIONS OF THE CH17A00 MAN WHO INTERVIEWED MR. LAURIER. Under date Toronto, August 15, the Chicago Record correvondent, Mr. Curtis, who is travelling in Canada - and whose published interview with Mr. Laurier, Premier. of the DoTninion, represents him as favoring important concessions to the Washington Gov- ernment -devotes an article to Mr. Goldwin Smith and the annexation propaganda Of which he is a zealous andactivesupporter. Aftsreulogizing Mr. $uaith, upon whom he called at his, Toronto home, the Record correspon- dent goes on with his general impres- sions as follows: "The Continental Union Associa- tion" is a large and influential organi- zation, composed of English-speaking Canadians, for the purpose of carrying on an annexation propaganda. It is confined to the Province of Ontario, and has a club house nt Toronto,where its literature is printed and rnailed. In the Eastern Provinces similar organi- zations exist under different names. Among the English speaking commun- ities they are known as "Independence Clubs," and among the French as "Ste. Jean Baptists Socteties." You can find them in every city, every village and settlement, and over the line in New England they exist in all the factory towns where French-Canadians are employed, It is proposed this year to hold a convention of all the organiza- tions in the Dominion that are devoted to the cause of independence, or an- nexation, which is the same thing,m with the intention of forming a Board of Management upon which all shall be represented, to lay out plans and direct the propaganda. It is expected that the meeting will be calted at Montreal during the month ot September, and held under the auspices of the "Independence of Canada Club" of that city. The anxiety and opposition of the Conservative Government concerning tne annexation movement made it necessary for the leaders to nhserve great caution and secrecy, and it is freely charged that the officials of the Post Office Department under the late administration opened letters and des- troyed quantities of annexation litera- ture that was sent through the mails. It is charged that the orders of the Government were to detain or destroy all such matter, and that they were obeyed so far as possible. A gentleman was telling me the other day that he recently had occasion to write to the Department of State at Washington, and, being- an avowed annexationist, feared that his letter might be suspected and destroyed, so he borrowed an envelope of the United States Consul, which bore the latter's official card, and took the package to the post office to be registered. But notwithstanding these precautions, it never reached its destination, and al- though the United States Consul was aware of the contents of the letter, and made complaint to the postal officials, he could never obtain any satisfaction. His belief is that the postmaster, sus- pecting the writer of being engaged in treasonable correspondence with the authorities at Washington, opened the letter, and when he found it was con- cerning an innocent matter of business, destroyed the evidences of his own offence. BO. the annexation people have no such fear under a. Libel al Government, and theirrnissionary work will becar ried on henceforth without any attempt at secrecy. It is said also that the means to defray the expenses are largely fur- nished by persona who do not care to be known in that connection, but are earnest annexationiste at heart. Tor- onto is a hotbed of Conservatism, and the most loyal city in Canada, although the American interests are larger here than elsewhere. The newspapers are loyal without exception. Only one paper, tailed the Weekly Sun, which has been the organ of the Patrons of Industry, ever dares to print anything thaatends toward more friendly pol i deal relations with the United States. Now and then it contains an article in favor Of American unity, and objects to hav- ing Canada considered a tailpiece for Great Britain. In Montreal the annexation sentl tient has been more outspoken, parti- cularly among the French population, who do not attempt to disguise their disloyalty. La Patrie, the leading French newspaper of Canada, which has the largest circulation of any pub- lished in the Dominion, talks annexa- tion every day. it does not use that term, however, for it might be offen- sive. "Continental union" is the term-- 111 111, th el 12 is in 111 of 11 th la M la la in 111 a a H a 11 in t d in v a n is to n M a 0 a 11 wP a 0 B a a t I • Not Sometimes But Always. THE GREAT SOUTH AMERICAN REME- DIES AJAR SPECIFICS THAT CURE ALWAYS—A MERRICKVILLE LU M- fi_EfilKAN PROSTRATED WITH NER- VOUS DEBILITY, REGAINS HIH OLD STRENGTH BY THE USE OF SOUTH AMERICAN NERVINE—MRS. J. IIA.LL" AM, OV BERLIN, OST., CURED OF K DN EY DISEASE OF EIGHTEEN MONTHS' STANDING BY SOUTH AMERICAN KIDNEY CURE—BEDRID- DEN FOR FIVE MONTHS, SOUTH AMERICAN RHEUMATIC CURE EF- FEC'111 A. COMPLETE CURE. With the Great South American Remedies it is not the case of occasion- allyshitting the mark. These remedies are specifics for indigestion and nervous prostration, kidney trouble and rheu- matism, and taken by those buffering in this manner are sure to cure. NERVOUS DEBILITY—Mr. E. Merrick, lumber merchant and tnill owner of Merritkville, Ont., became completely prostrated by nervous debility.I tried," said he, "several doctors, and everything in the shape of proprietary medicines, and got little, if any relief from them. Having seen Smith Amer- ican Nervine advertised I decided to give it a trial and I can truthfully say I hal not taken half a bottle before I found beneficial effects. Before taking it I had not only to give up business but I could not sign my own name, either with a pen •or pencil, my ner- vous system was so badly ont of kilter. To -day, after taking two bottles, I am as strong and healthy as ever." KIDNEY DISEASE—Few worse cases of kidney disease -are on record than that of Mrs. J. Hallam, wife of a well- known trour and feed merchant of Berlin, Ont. At times the pain suffered was so intense as to produce fainting spells, and it, was dangerous to have her left alone in the house. She says : "I doctored, and in fact tried ever? - thing, but nothing seemed tel relieve me for any length of time. I saw South American Kidney Cure adver- tised, and purchased a bottle. Relief came in a few days, and the second bottle cured me of all kidney trouble." RHEETMATISM—At 120 Church street, Poronto, there resides Mr. W. J. Tracie, who was a great sufferer from rheu- matism for many years, and was en- tirely bedridden for five months. Noth- ing did him any good until South American Rheumatic Cure was taken. His words are these : "You do not know how thankful I am for having tried South American Rheumatic Cure. For years I had suffered, suffered in- tensely and could get no relief, until I was influenced to use this remedy. How great a sufferer I was is known to hundreds of citizens in Toronto. You are at liberty to use my name in any way you hke."-Sold by Watts& Co. On the journey from London to Bal- moral the Queen's train struck and killed a single man. LIft'S II BURDEN If the Stomach is Not Right. IS THERE NAUSEA? IS THERE CONSTI- PATION ? IS THE TONGUE COATED? NEE YOU LIGHT HEADED? DO YOU HAVE SICK HEADACHES? Dominion Election, 1896 ANY AND ALL OF THESE DENOTE STOM- ACH AND LIVER DISORDER. Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills act quickly and will euro most stubborn and chronic cases. No un- pleasantness. No griping. These little pills are little wonder workers and are farfarnesi. 40 in a vial for 10 cents. Rev. Cs' .non Clark, of Ancaster, fell out of a plum tree on a barb wire fence, which cut his face badly. • Merit in medicine means the power to cure. The great cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla prove its unequalled merit. Andrew Mitchell, a farmer, living on Mr. H. A. Walker's farm near Walker - vine. Ont., committed suicide byshoot- ng himself through the head with a rifle. For Nothers, Wives and Girls. Electoral District —of the— WEST RIDING of HURON Statement of Election •Expenses of Robert McLean A CANDIDATE AT THE ELECTION HELD ON THE 23rd DAY OF JU,N E 1896. The Ablest of Women Journ-alists Indorses Paine's Celery Uompound. Mrs. H. B. Sperry, who is now the eminent and respected president of the Woman's National Pres4 Associa- tion of the United States, is a lady journalist of note and reputation. The active profession of journalisni has kept Mrs. Sperry up to date in information and progress' ve in thought. When there was evilent need of a remedy in her family, she was well aware that Paine's Celery Compound was the best ;nedicine to ase. The following enthusiastic letter, sent to Wells and Richardson Co., shows the happy results from the use of this best of all medicines. DEAR _SIRS :—A few weeks' pse of Paine's Celery Compound by my 83 - years -old mother has been of great benefit to her, and proved to my satis- faction that there's nothingjike it for the headaches and sleeplessness inci- dent to impaired digestion. A niece in my family was also cured of insom- nia by using 'one bottle of Paine's Celery Compound. Yours very truly,_ HANNAH 13. SPERRY. In every part of Canada and the United States women are now strongly advocating the use of Paine's Celery CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, Printing , $ 5 75 44 50 000 25 00 46 00 5 14 8500 0 75 34 00 Goderich Star Printing Posting Bills Organizing and Caretaking Rent of Halls Postage Livery Telegraph apd Telephone Personal Expenses Compound. "VC omen, old and young, know well that this medicine Is speci- ally adapted for all the ills peculiar to their sex. When it is used, the sick and spffering ones are seen, to gatn steadily in health, strength and -vigor, No room is left for doubt to the skep- tic and subborn-minded individual, The joyous transformation from sick- ness to health is going on in thousands of homes all over this broad Canada of ours, and those once alarmed about the safety of loved and dear ones now rejoice as they see the bloom of re- turning health lighting up and beauti- fying features once pallid and wan. Dear sick friends, remember that you cannot trifle much longer with life Your troubles, if not banished at once, may take you off at any moment. Bear in mind that Paine's Celery Com- pound is guaranteed to cure; it will meet your ease no matter how bad it may he. May heaven give you faith sufficient to use at least one bottle of nature's curing medicine, in order that you may he convinced that it is what ,_you need. To cure and make you well yon must get "Paine's" ; substitutes and imitations will never do the good Work. $ 258 14 JOSEPH BECK, AGENT FOR ROBERT M'LEAN, TO A. M. TQDD, RETURNING OFFICER, —WEST RIDING OF HURON. Saltford, August 18th, 1896. ••••••1411111111M10 - Dominion Election, 1896 ELECTORAL DISTRICT —of the_ WEST RIDING OF HURON. Statement of Election Expenses incurred on behalf of George McIntyre Kilty, A CANDIDATE AT SAID ELEC TION AND PAID BY ANDREW MILLIAN, 1115 AGENT. Hall Rents $ 38 00 Printing and Posting 23 68 Express and Postage 4 46 Literature 2 58 Nomination Papers 10 00 Travelling Expenses 8 30 Telephone and Telegraph . 1 50 Organizing . 3 00 Voters' Lists 3 40 $ 94 92 ANDREW MILLIAN AGENT FOR G. M. KILTY. TO MR. A. M. TODD, RETURNING OFFICER - WEST RIDING OF HURON. Colborne, August 26th, 1896. Dominion Election, 1896 —Eleotoral District of the— WEST SIDING OF HURON. ---"t?.STAT EMENT,"' --OF— ELECTION EXPENSES INCURR- ED ON BEHALF OF MALCOLM COLIN CAMERON, A CANDIDATE AT SAID ELEC- TION, AND PAID BY WILLIAM L. HORTON, HIS AGENT. DR SPINNEY tic CO. The Old Reliable Specialiste. • - 83 Yearea Experience in the treatment of the Throat and Lung Troubles, Catarrh, Asthma, 'Bronchitis, Nervous, Chroaic and Special Dis. .a30 114011 APO W0fuep. Lost Manhood rroted—rdney and Bit cored—Glee, annirrNIOXV417C8CnieenaA stricture cured without pain. No cutting. Syphilis and all Blood Diseases cured without mercury. bungmon Suffering from the effects of MUM youthful follies or intilaCrrtt”ns. or any troubled with Woakness,"Nervous Debility, Loss of Memory, Despondency, Aversion to Society, Kidney Tronbles, or any disease of the Genital -Urinary Or guns, can here find safe and er+dy cre Charges reasonable, CS peel to (14C poor. CURRS GU MIA 2.111.1 li), Middie-iged Men-Zherte are many troubled th 00 frequent eyacti- tions_eLthe bladder. often accompanied by a slight smarting or burning sensation, and weakening of the western in a manner the patient cannot account for. There are many men who die of this difficulty, ignorant of the cause. The doctor will guarantee a per• feet cure in all such cases, and healthy restoration of the genito-urinary organs. Con - imitation free. Those unable to call, can write full particulars of their case and has medicine sent by express, with full instructiona for use. Mention this paper whoa writing. Office hours: From 9 a, ns. tO 8 p. m. Sundays. 9 to 11 a. nt.is DR. SPINNEY & C,, 190 WOODWARD AVENUE. Vo (Side Entrance No. 19 E. Elizabeth St.) DETROIT, MICH. ' ess3RISRESMERNINIEMINIMMIIIIIIMEMIMINIMMIENOU Hall Rents $ 44 75 Printing 58 19 Telegraph and Telephone 31 38 8 19 214 00 545 6 79 Postage Livery Travelling Expenses Posting Bill and Stationery $ 368 75 WILLIAAL L. HORTON, AGENT FOR M. C. CAMERON. TO A. M. TODD, ESQ., RETURNING OFFICER, WEST RIDING OF HURON. Goderich, August 19th, 1896. WEAK MENrj Ironi — earnrnoneris aliehl , "LacktMoatVillrnoir Emissions. '10 days treatment sent tree to anyone se ndIng 118 1Sletts. in Postage stamps. STANDARD manteet co., 248 St. James Street,Montreal WORK FOR MRN AND WOMEN. We pay 88 $10 per WOO for easy home wo it. Child do it. No Scheme, Books or Peddling This is bons Ode. Send stamp for sort And ratiofl. lora at onee. TES SEYMOUR SUPPLY CO., 55/400 le Temple, Camden, 8.3. 911-117, Wood's Itosphodine,—The Great English Remedy. Is the result of over 85 years treating thousands of cases with all known drugs, until at last we have discovered the trte rimedy and treatment -a combination that will effect a prompt and permanent cure in all /Stages of Sexual Debility, Abuse or Excesses, Nervous Weakness, Emissions, Mental Worry, Excessive Use of Opium, Tobacco, or Alcoholic Stimulants. nIl Ot which soon lead to Invaldti, Consumption and an early grave. Wood's Phosphodine has been used successfully by hundredd of cases that seemed almost hopeless -cases that bad been treated,by the moat talented physi- clans--cases that were on the verge of despair and insanity --cases that were tottering over the grave -but with the continued and persevering use of Wood's Phosphodine, these cases that had been given up to diet were restored to manly vigor and health -Reader you need not despair -no mat- ter who has given you up as incurable -the remedy le now within your reach, by its use you can be restored to a life of usefulness and happiness. Price, one package, $1; six packages, 15; by mail free of postage. One will FeaSe,slx guaranteedto cure. Pamphlet free to any address. The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont., Canada. 12.0V=vb...116....„1„41.AbrqbAbb....„6„.16.„400.. Phosphodlne ls sold by, respOnsible wholesale and retail druggists in the Dominion. BINDER TWINE . . Amber brand, Blue Star and Composts. Church's Potato Finish and Fertilizer. Pure Englisb Paris Greigh. HARLAND BROS., Hardware Merchants, Clinton. There's many a slip bettbeen cup and lip • 'and there's many ajar of spoiled Pickles all on account of not using The best VINEGAR and SPICES. We are headquarters for Pure Spices of all kinds, both whole and ground. Our Vinegar is the best on the market. Telephone. 23. THE CASH GROCERY OGLE COOPER & CO. Keeps the largest assortment, the new- t!. Ws Irwm est Goods, quality fine and prices low in Groceries Crockery and Glassware TEAS, -Black, Green and Japans are unequalled in quality arid prices; you will Nye 5c, and 10c. pound if you buy from me instead of Tea Peddlers; compare quality and prices. SUGARS. -We are headquarters, webuy direct from Montreal Refineries, keep best quality and sell at close prices. NEW FRUITS and PEELS. -We have already disposed during Holiday season o over four tons and still have large stock on hand, different brands selling cheap aelluilMality. CROCKERY, CHINA, GLASSWARE AND LAMPS. -We have got to make room for out Imported Goods and we have reduced our prices on Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Toilet Sets, Berry Sets, Water Sets, Bread and Butter Plates, Cups and Saucers and Lamps, all kinds Call and see Goods and Prices; no trouble to show goods. +onsa- Terms Cash or Trade.,--.. '7.74 + + + V.i.-`4•:47.47-47+ 4 + + + + +. a+.4,a4a4a4a4 + + + + +aka+ ,# • 04 1+ F*4 r.' King of ell 44:1 Bicycles. WeiOt and F.'1gidity. Every Mn iu'uu1ywsrranted • V: 44 Monarch Cycle Company, R tan Salesroom, greo Wabash Ave. Lake and lidT3led Sts., CHICAGO, ILL. Absolutely the Best. S,Iperlor riateriai and Scientific Worl:- Highest Honors at the World's Colombian Exposition. Staid twoscela stamp for our 34 -page Catalogue -a work of Art. '4 •