The Huron News-Record, 1896-08-19, Page 10r
—IN OUR --
Odds and Ends Window.
5 foot Curtain Pote
Fringed Linen Shade on
Slightly damaged Razor
Good Comb and Brush
Webster Dictionary, 1281
Framed Pictures
3Table Mats
Ladies Leather Belts
_ :yFrait dish, Butter dish,
stand, Sugar bowl,
pitcher, in Fancy Glassware,
each 100
pages..$1 00
A ()HIUKETER. — Wm. Smithson,'The baker the raade
town, is a thorough Englishman and
thean name be cricketer. Se awndn 011n-ssed �e�e�e,bp, Q de„dm � e Tb a bi er the Trade
arra between Waterloo and Clln-
tou here last Friday and feels almost
as young as he ted to be in the fifties ,wey.b.e-lbm:t.e�ebelt.o*:.,e
and sixties.
Tte W. D. Fair Co.
BIDER.—If the enormous crop of ap-
ples is any indication, there should be
as abundance of cider this fall. Last
week Mr. 8. J. Andrews started hie
cider mill and treated Tan
RECORD staff to a copple of gallons.
LAME TOMATOES.—Gardener Allan -
son has many tomatoes twenty inches
in circumference and yesterday pre-
basket of,them.RNo doubt he will
be on deck as usual when the Fall
Show takes placean
Foon has been
d in his line.
Formanyyars Mr. All
a prize leader.
BUILDING. --Messrs. Hartwell are
about to build a fine residence on On-
tario Street. Mr. S. Davis has com-
menced the erection of a residence on
the Huron Road, and the Harland
Bros. have begun alterations to their
frontsAlbert St. e the
one o
ofi iwill k
the finest the town.
All these are from the designs of J. A.
Fowler, architect.
OMITTED.—Iii addition to the prizes
in the printed list for the Horticultural
Society, the following will be given
Best hand bouquet, amateur 50 25
Best table bouquet, • • • 50 25
Best basket of flowers, "
Hand bouquet,annuals only, .50 .50 25
Table " 50 25
Largest bouquet amateur'
Best hand bouquet, professional .50 25
Best table .50 25
Best basket of flowers "
A WELCOME V1sITOR.—Last Satur-
day THE NEWS -RECORD received a call
from our old-time friend Mr. Goe. E.
Pay, of North Bay, at one time en-
gaged in the dry -goods business in
Clinton and one of our most popular
citizens. The gentleman is now en-
gaged in the grocery and produce busi-
ness and is, his friends will be pleased
to learn, doing well. He was a dele-
gate to the Forester Grand Lodge
meeting at Sarnia, and dropped off at
Clinton to see his relatives and
The HW!ren News-Recora
{1.26 a Yeat—sl.eein Advance
WEDNESDAY, AUOUST lath, 18516.
inn and Around the Hub,; wt Cla.
PLUMS AND PEARS said. Highest price
Servant Wanted.
Wanted a� good general Servant,
MRS. G. J D. MCTA(3GAItT, Clinton.
Apply to
d FLOATER found on Albert street
qualities to was
�a theFloatingBath Soap. its wearingWe sell 4 cakes
Liar 26cta, at The Cash Grocery. OGLE COOP-
ER & CO.
CREWE SKIPPED.—Last Frida ' sales-
man James' Connolly shippedfrom
Clinton the last half of July make of
Holmesville cheese, comprising some
130 -boxes. The lot was purchased by
Hibbert, of Montreal, at 7tc. per ib.
Never was there a truer word spoken. It baa been our
watchword from the start and our growth proves the truth
of it. Nothing but the best Farnitnre at any price, but
the prise le se low ea the lowest. We are offering
Bargains in'
--""111P-High Grade Furniture,
and invite an inapection of our Stack.
Furniture Dealer and Undertaker, Clinton.
Heavy Ribbed Hose, fast black, for
Corsets —
Our great Corset Sale is a big suc-
cess. See our 75c line for 5Qc.
Cricket is looked upon as a gentleman-
ly game, and it is. People are sur-
prised that the local Club should have
such difficulty in securing an Umpire.
For the game between Clinton and
Waterloo last Friday no less than
twenty were asked to act as umpire.
Every one refused, but finally a spec-
tator consented to act. This is not as
it should be. Our cricketers should be
encouraged. Local sports advertise a
town and all these commendable or-
ganizations should be encouraged.
Horticultural Society will hold its first
exhibition in the Agricultural Hall
here on Aug. 25, 28 and 27. The hand
will be in . Becase THE
NEWS -RECORD could enob seeuits way
clear to become a member one of the
officers declared a boycott on this
paper, and so far it hits been carried
out. However, while we wish the
o f this everr leto
rule suy- ive might add
be adopted and
carried out such a worthy institution
as the Horticultural Society is almost
certain to not meetwith the ,success it
day Mr. Thomas Britton showed us a
12 -inch branch from a plum tree con-
taining no less than 38 well matured
Beauties. The yield this year is ex-
eeedingly abundant. Mr. Britton's
sample is one of the best we have seen.
VEGETABLE PEACH.—The other day
Mr. S. J. Andrews, town, showed THE
Nuawe-REcoltD a vegetable peach
grown in his garden. It is yellew in
color, the skin rough, the meat white,
and the flavor like that of a musk
melon. Several callers pronounced the
vegetable a mock orange, while others
gave it almost every name except the
proper one. The vegetable p
ggrroown from seed procured from the
States, and grows on a vine
similar to tomatoes.
Reeve, estate and financial broker,
Toronto, is on a wheeling tour. He
has taken in and onuntry as far as the
Thu Thursday reached
Forest City
Clinton on the return journey. While
here he was the guest of his acquaint-
ance, Dr. Freeborn. He visited rela-
tives at Constance and left for home
via Stratford and Guelph. Mr. Reeve
expressed pleasure in viewing Huron,
a section of country he did not expect
ing:d so He is atile and Reformer in politics.
erous look-
ol t cs
LAWN SOCIAL.—On Friday evening
next, Aug. 21st, the ladies of the Rat-
tenbury Street Methodist church will
hold a lawn social on the spacious
grounds of Mr. W. Doherty. A pro-
gramme of unusual interest is being
arranged and everybody who can attend
may count on having an enjoyable
time. The factory will he en fete,
running in full blast. This will be a
splendid chance for our citizens who
take an interest in Mr. Doherty's busi-
ness to see how organs are made, in-
cluding keys, actionsAtuning,hand pol-
ishing, etc., etc. We are sure it will
he very interesting to have the whole
matter explained by those who know
the business. It will give our people a
chance to see what an immense busi-
ness we have in our Doherty Organ
Factory. Besides the Band, there will
he other musical attractions. The
shops will be opened until 0:30. The
Ontario St. choir will be in attendance
and perhaps the choir and orchestra
from the Goderich North Street Metho-
and country are respectfully r intown
Ova "FAT" TIME.—The general pub-
lic have long since come to the oe a
sion that editors of newspapers
"fat" time. This may be true, but
speaking Onthe edfacts
reverse. feditors in Huron we
do not know many of them to be
supremely happy, contented or fleshy
looking, except probably the editor of
the Blyth Standard who was married
a few days ago. Think of their un-
paid subscriptions, day and night work
and is it any wonder? Take the
Mayor of Clinton as an example—agen-
tleman living in luxury and the Chief
Magistrate of a progressive town—lean
and lanky and poorly fed from out-
ward appearances, and still he enjoys
a good meal and the delicacies of the
season --as palatably as the best of us
hungry mortals, hut he fails to put on
flesh. Then there is Dan. McGilli-
cuddy, of Goderich, who works and
works and twists and twists. and
—well,• catches onto everything
in and out of sight and lives
rides ta bike as expert ndhe banks of ohandsome
as the keen edged tool from a fresh
file, and he refuses also to take a.dvant-
age nature's offerings. James Mit-
chell of the Star walks, and is also thin
and spare. Then there is M. Y. Mc-
Lean, M. P. P., of Seaforth, who con-
tinues as lean and lank as ever and the
Sun man, Neelin, eo lean that he is
probably beyond redemption. The
newspaper men of Huron are
gqon the
le restt from active laboan and gaunt r require
learned something of the great benefit
of a genuine holiday, and as a sugges-
tion would like to have every news-
paper in Huron arrange for a combined
holiday week annually, thdetall to
be arranged as finally agreedpp
ing excursion
c could bepcamp-
ing for to
some suitable place on tflost favorable
termaivith almost zany of the railway`
or steamboats,
Sailor Hats, just what you want,
new shapes, at a small price.
0:41 rSai%
W. H. BEESLEY & Co.,
The Ladies' Favorite Establishment, Clinton.
AMERICAN MONEY.—For some years
a majority of Canadian business men
have accepted American silver and
payer money at par. Although c eines,
out of this country some years
American money, particularly silver,
again secured a big circulation here,
Yankee business men and monetary
institutions have never been asliberal
toward its. Only Inst year
incident n
hforcibly illustrates
fact occurred.WJJ Parkhill, (an
extensive lumber merchant), a
delegate from Midland to the
Grand Orange Lodge of B. A.,
which assembled at Halifax, N.
g;, went via Boston and combined
pleasure with business. At Boston the
issue of a Canadian chartered hank was
ur steamship tick-
etofficused at a railway epained that the money
et office. He exp
vaas Worth more than American cur -
sound basis. and thaThis did our nks were on a
not avail any-
thing. Mr. Parkhill found an exchange
office and then was compelled to pay a
liberal discount. This particular inci-
dent goes toshow beow Ci nadin an Unney
is treated in g t
States, while it is ail undisputed f worth
that American money
nearly as tnuch as Canadian. It is not
to be wondered at, then, that our banks
and postoffiees have decided hereafter
'not Ptveoy per Centept . discican ount money heatreafter
veal be
well be the rule. This is considerately
more than American silver is worth.
The sooner our readers realize that a
dollar of. American money will only
_pass for 80, cents the sooner they will
accept nothing brut Cavtatilan issue,
coney that is worth its face.
Were given away
On that Great Day.
Our Midsummer Semi -Anne Bargain -
Day has came and gone, and the other
half of 1896 will pass away before we
will announce another Bargain Day.
And in writing this advertisement we
Confine ourselves to our own experience
and your own judgment as to the great
value our customers received. It is not
necessary to say anything further in
praise of those great days when goods-
oodsare given away to every tenth pur-
chaser of every tenth article.
The Famous Clothiers, Furnishers, and Hatters,
Clinton, Ont.
With a business record of nearly half
a century, may still be found in the same
business at the same old stand.
Having secured the services of my nephew, A. J. GRIGG,
who is a practical and thoroughly competent watchmaker and
jeweler of many years experience, to manage my business,
the public may rely on receiving the same courteous treat-
ilient and honest values as heretofore.
We haye a complete stock of all the standard makes of
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry,
Spectacles, &a,
And will quote prices which must appeal to the judgment of
shrewd buyers.
Repairing, as usual, will receive our best attention,
The Little Lots
We're very anxious to clear out the little lots, odd sizes, &c., of Silmmo.
Hosiery, and to do ithave whittled a flood sized piece off the price*'.
every pair of Children's Cotton IIose in the store. Your boys and
will wear out a good marry pairs of stockings before the anmmerl
over, but they won't cost intuit) if bought here.
Just as anxious
To olesr out the odd lines of Ladies' Nose, and now you can bay a lith
that was 45o for 30c, and one that was 35c for 25o. Just a few pairs''
each left,
Newt Collars
The new Linen Collars and Cuffs are here, we would have bad tj
sooner, only owing to a strike at the factory, we could not get our•o
filled before this. See them, they're the correct thing.