The Huron News-Record, 1896-07-29, Page 5era �k>� Ni Tt '. � � .� ::._'W!',",1��'�;fti� sh'`-°e:.rP •w +`. fu .fh7R The Huron News - sZTPPI EMIL 1NT. VOL. XVIII CLINTON, ONT., WEDNESDAY, JULY 29. Clarke Wallace Will De There. One of the largest excursions ever attempted in Ontario will he run over the Grand Trunk Railway to Sarnia, by the Orangemen of the counties of Huron, Bruce, Grey, Perth, Middlesex and Lanebton on Saturday, August 8, 1898. Trains will leave Goderich, Kin- cardine,' Southamptiun, Wiarton, Owen Sound, Durham, Palmerston. Stratford, and all inter•ruediate points and run to Sarnia. All points over 50 IUiles from Sarnia tickets will he good to return Monday evening, find over 150 to return Tuesday. The fares for this district are as follows: Kincardine $i 70 Brucefield $1 10 Rile Lr Ripley ow...... . 1 b5 Hensall. .. . 1 03 Whitecjlurch.... . I 50 Exeter 100 Winghain 115 Centralia 96 13eIgrave, 1 35 Clandeboye .. 18/ Blyth 1 30 Denfield 85 Londesboro 1 25 Ilderton Goderich . 1 30 Hyde Park 800 Clinton . 1 20 Stratford $1 25 Ailsa Craig... ..$0 80 St. Paul's. 1 00 Parkhill. 75 St.. Mary's 1 00 Thedford 0.5 Granton 95 Forrest..... . 55 Lucio 90 Cuinlachio......., 45 Passengers from Kincardine, Gode- rich, Southarnption, Wiarton, Owen Sound, Durham and Stratford will take regular morning trains. Special trains will leave Wingharu and Palm- erston on arrival of regular trains from the north, arriving rn Sarnia at. 12 a. m. . An excursion steamer will he run from Sarnia to Detroit in connection with the Orange excursion. Boat will leave Sarnia at 3 p. rn. on Saturday, August 8, 1896, arriving in Detroit. at 7. p. m. and remaining in Detroit until Monday. Returning boat leaves Detroit at 3 p. in. Monday, Aug. 1(1, arriving in Sarnia at 8 p. m„ and on arrival of the boat the excursion train will leave on the, ret urn trip. Fare for the round trip on boat 50 cents. Tick- ets may be had from committee OU trains. Goderich. THE MOTEL BEDFORD.—The hotel on the old Albion block is nearing cow- pletion, and it is expected that its ' lessee, A. C. Pace, will be in possession in a few days. STILL RISING.—The building for the Bank of Commerce already shows some of the architectural points that will give it preeminence over all buildings on the Square. THE COUNTY DIVISION. —.ledge Jones of Brantford, writes that the couautis- einn for dividing this county into electoral districts under the new County Council's Act, will hold its first sitting in Goderich on September 18th at 2.30 p. nr. VITAL STATISTICS.—For the six months ending June 30, 1.4 deaths, 25 births and 7 marriages were reported for the town of Goderich. There were several omissions to report on the part of clergymen and others. VICE ROYALTY Coatrvc.—The Sec- retary of the G. N. W. Exhibition re- ceived the following letter last week from John Sinclair, Governor -General's secretary, dated from the Citadel, Quebec, 10th July "I am desired by His Excellency, the Governor-General, in continuance of previous correspondence, to inform you that the arrangements for his pro- posed tour throughout Ontario have now been matured. A PAINFUL ACCIDENT.— Wednesday mor•t.ing while Win. Kneeshaw was working on the jointer at the Organ factory, a piece of maple flew back, and striking his left hand knocked it against the machine, the result being the severing of a Huger in the middle and the loss of the tops of two others. And in accordance with these His Excellency, accompanied by Her Ex- cellency, the Countess of Aberdeen, hopes to visit the Agricultural Fair to be held under the auspices of the Di- reetors of the Great North Western Exhibition Society on the 23rd 8 ternber at Goderich. Their Excellencies instruct me to s that they look forward with ma pleasure to seeing something of the agricultural resources of your county, as well a.; to making the acquaintance of the directors of your society, and of 118 many people of the district as the time at their disposal will permit." Their Excellencies, in consequence of engagements at Peterborough, will not arrive at Goderich before 1.25 p. ut, on the day above mentioned, and as he has another appointment to fulfil at Brantford on the 24th, His Excellency is obliged, with a view to making the fullest use of the time at his di•posrtl, to arrange to leave your city by the 6. 50a. in. train on that day (24th.) THE LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS.—On Wednesday evening the Water and Light committee suet to arrange the details of the proposed local improve- ments, Slr, George W. Fraser, elec- trical expert of Toronto, was present, and a discussion was land as to the steps necessary in the incandescent light. Au agreement was made by which Mr. Fraser is to superintend the installation of the service at tt r•eutun- erratiou of Cour pet' cent. of the outlay, and tenders for the work will he called for as souu as the other improvements are decided on. ep- ter Mamie, of Detroit, are spending a holiday with the ladys' mother, Mrs. ay E. Black, Elgin Ave.—The Bicycle and clt I Base Ball clubs are unit in for the purpose of having it big bicycle, base ball meet early iu August.•—William Smith, of Chicago, has been in town and at Menesetung park the past two weeks.—.Mies Alfie Sharman will leave in a few days for her school near Prince Alpert, N. W. T.—Tah Craig who is already committed on two charges of forgery is still being recog- nized es guilty of others.—A, M. Todd of this paper was wheeling around the circular town on Saturday.—Our bow- lers went down to Sea.forth hast Wed- nesday and very nearly won.—Our cyclists are now keeping off 1 he side walks, though why the fair sex should he kept off except after dark is eine of the unknowable things. JOINED IN WEDLOCK.—A most hap- py event was cousunuuated at the residence of Sir. Flunk Snaith, on Tues- day of last week. It wa, the enact lige of Miss Alii, Baird Whitehead, of Kincardine, (formerly of Goderich and Clinton', the groom being Mr. Walter S. Anderson, it highly respected young gentleman of the Risme town, Rev. Jos. Edge. of tate North Street Metho- dist chneeh, officiated. The bride looked charming in a pretty dress of white Organdie rutielin, with trimmings of white lace, and appeared with a beautiful bouquet of white sweet peas. 3I Ise Susie C empbeli Made a most hand- some bridesmaid, and was dressed in it very pretty costume of pale green swivel silk and car vied a lovely bouquet of )ink sweet pens. Sir. J. Whelan, of Kineatdine, etrppc•r•ted the groom, and perfurined his duties admirably, After the ceremony and hearty con- gratulation;;, a modern luncheon was served, and the estimable couple left fur Clinton, where they spent it few hours at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Holloway . At 7 u'el ick Sir. and Mrs. Anderson left by train for their home at Kincardine, where they received warm welcome. Knowing the bride personally, 'I iiir• NEWH-REc•oenextends its hest congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Anderson. CIRC LAR CITY BRIEFS,—Bath's bathing establishment is Much inter- ferers with by the want of a side walk 'ver the shifting sand.—Mr. and Mr s. Kernighar , of Cul borne, left list week ter rt holiday visit to Moos'utin, N. \V. T.—Hiss McMlordie, of Hensel', who was writing for a first, left nn the Cambria for Kincardine on Wednes- day. —The logs in the harbor dues not interfere wi th Lilting if judged by the number of rowers out on Saturday et-ening.—There will he Holy Coin - 'minion at St. George's next. Sunrity tuurning.—St. Peter's church is rising steadily and already appears archi- tecturally grand —Mr. Jno. Haldon, our one time High School Master, has been in this neighborhood the past two weeks.—The schooner Zephie is in harbor waiting for it freight.—Engin- eer Warner of the Public Works De- partment is notingthe damages nn the breakwater,here is it large amount of fishing, (angling,) but a srnall supply of fish.—The Chosen Friends will hold their regular meet- ing to -morrow evening.—H. E. Roth- well was in town last week,—Tennis is again becoming popular.—It is said that an immense cold storage building will shortly be started near the G. T. R. Depot.— Regular meeting night of the Public School Board next Monday. —Mrs, Norman Maddlcks and daugh- Port Albert Poiwrs.—.5Ii' Crystal, assisted by his employee, are moving the machinery in the cooper shop and planing mill to the county town. Mr. and Mrs. Craw- ford, of Toronto, (nets Lottie Carrell) are staying at the "Royal" for a few weeks.—John Berdau, of Corouatt, Larnhtou county, drove up to the Pert, accompanied by his little daughter. They are stayingwith Mr. and M18, Huston.—.Mr. David McConnell hits opened out a butcher shop in the Port. --I am told James Crawford is about to open up a coo )erage to manufacture apple barrels. There will be it large lot of apple barrels required in this locality.—The people of this section of Huron would be pleased to hear the opinion of THE A ER•s-RECORD as re- gards the prices most likely to he offered per barrel for fall and winter apples.—(Wo do not expect fall and winter apples to be touch over the dollar mark, probably not quite so high.' ACCIDENTS.—Last Thursday while engaged sawing lug; on the side hill on Mr. Baxter's farm, John Fritzley got his leg broken by a large sawlog roll- ing down the hill and jamming his leg against aiirther tree. John, who is a f;tubus trapper and hunter, says he got caught in a brush heap or the accident would not have taken place. The Srimish 18 a had one, butt under, the shilful care of Dr. Shannon the patient is getting on pretty fair.—While assisting in moving the engine from the cooper shop, W. 13. Hawkins gest a nail run into his foot which wits very painful. However, through the kind- ness of the foremen, Frank Elliott, M. B„ of the circular town, there eves not much 1088 et thus through the acci- dent, as Frank is a very gond vet. in mutters of this kind. 'V `, . HAT FREE SILVER MEANS—IS a question which egrtates the people of this place very much at the present time. The pros end runs are strongly debated on Wall street (the Royal parlors) const every evening. The strongest eu•guulents are mostly in favor of Billy Bryan's plat revile not• withstanding the values of insurance policies in American Companies. if Citnndi is for Canadians let them deal with our forme institutions and we will mule out all right. it matters little ter ue Canadians whether .McKinley or Bryan rule, supreme ie. Uncle SAM'S domains. It is the almighty dollar they are after, independent of our interest. We shunted their silver on a former occasion and can du it again if we see fit. Property For Sale, A CHANCE FGR GARDENERS. in consequence of my see and lack or help, I have decided to offer for sale my splendid gardening pro- perty eoneisting of five and a Salf a.•ree in Clinton, some of the beet land in tib county of Huron, includ. lug hot beds and other mammary requirements, There to on the premises a frame house with oellare eon and hard water. bare and other outbuildings The Bayfield river adJolne the property. Will tell at a reasonable price for half cash and balance secured by mortgage. As I desire to tell. this is a ahaoce seldom mot with. Apply personally or by letter to the proprietor, JOSEPH ALLAN80N, 884.1. f. Clinton WHOLE NO. 924 I. Woo TORONTO FARMERS' MARKET. Wheat, white.... .....$ 65 to $ 67 do red 83 to 85 do goose 51 to 00 Peas 50 to 00 Rye 45 to 00 Oats 22e to 23ii Hay 12 CO to14 (it) do new 101N) toll 00 Straw, bundled 1000 to 1; Eggs, new laid 8j! to 91 Butter, lb. rolls 12 to 13 do Tabs, dairy.. .. , 11 to 13 Chickens 25 to 40 Ducks 50 to 80 Turkeys 8 to 11 Potatoes ....... 20 to 85 Dressed hogs 5 50 to 0 0) Reef, hindgnatters 4 50 to 7 50 do forequarters 2 00 to 4 50 Veal ., 300 to 5 C) Lamb, yearIings , 500 to 0 1)0 do spring, per Ib 6 to 8 TORONTO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Milch cows, each $15 00 to $?'I 00 Export cattle, per cwt. ... 3 10 to 3 711 Butchers' choice cettle,cwt 2 00 to :3 15 Butchers' good cattle, cwt.2 00 to 2 75 Bulls, pee cwt 2 75 to 3 25 Shipping Sleep, per cwt 3 20 to 3 25 Butchers' sheep, per cwt. .2 50 to 2 75 Spring lanlbs.'per head... 250 to 350 Calves, per head 1 50 to 4 500 Choice Bacon hogs, per cwt4 15 to 4 25 Thick fat hogs, cwt 3 20 to 325 Light fat hogs, cwt 3 40 to 3 50 Sows per cwt 2 75 to 3 00 Stags, per cwt 1 75 to 2 CJ Boars, per cwt 1 00 to 1 50 MONTREAL MARKETS. Grain—It is said that some Ontario millers show a disposition to buy wheat, as their stocks are getting down. Business so far, however has not amounted to much. Large quanti- ties of American oats continue to he shipped from this port for England. A Montreal firm is shipping 100,000 bushels, on which a nice profit isshown, as prices in Chicago have advanced 24c to 3c since they were purchased. Four thousand bushels No. 2 white y bought here at 26its. Peas, p� j { a e afloat, 54ir• to 55c ; oats, white, in store, 20e ; rye, No. 2, nominal ; bar ley, feed, Mc to 34c ; ba.rl(y, 44c to 46c ; buck- wheat.. ser bush, 37ijc. Chese— he market is rather gulareand a lcertain. The heavy coun- try y buying recently is said to he due to an effort to cover speculative short sales of last half June make for July shipment. The idea for finest western cheese seems to be about (Sec to 7c ; Quel,ec•s are quoted at (Ne. to ejc, with very little doing in either figure. Finest Ontario, fife to 7c ; medium On - ter io. 6c to (3 c ; finest Quebec, talc to 8 ; medium Quebec, 5ie to 8c. Butter—Choice crtanlery has sold at. 181c to 18jc, but some has offered at 16c. Eggs—There is only a moderate bua- inessdning in eggs at present. Prices, however, remain shoat steady, and choice candled lots are quoted at 9c to 0c. Culls are worth from 8 to 84, and stricf.ly new laid at Ile to 12e per dozen. WORK FOR MEN AND WOMEN, We pay 86 t can doi . No No Scheme, ework. Chld or Pedd inlg This is bone fide. Send stamp for work and partici]. Lars at -mon. THE SEYMOUR SUPPLY CO., Macon is Temple, Camden, N.J. 911.71y. J y•