The Huron News-Record, 1896-07-01, Page 3BUSINESS PIREOTORY � 100. ---_-_ TO THE. `F:AgRMERS. the Huron Neuss-Reoord
It , ltig,
L. 0., L, No. %1O, • Study r 4R g 11.2b a Yen
you can get r-✓I1.00lu Advance
--�- QjLXr4 'QIYv Tellable Harness, �-WRDNLSDAY. JULY 18t, 1890.
T11 �1gL�gN , 1111 moats Hall Monday of McKay
month, Hall 2nd ant, McKay I manufacture novo but the BUT or BToclt.
blook. Visiting brethren always lletoart of shops that welt cheap, as they have
Incorporated by Act of Parl(W-jaooE 1866• milli'
made welcome, got to live Call and get prices. Orders DR. DR. J. S. FREEBORN, W. U. by mall promply attended to
CAPITAL $2,000,000 P. CANTELON, JR, Sec. J. P�To�iN . SUEPPARD, D, M Tongue - BELL, Nasty'
SET, - - >�1,9715,000 I lY0gI1C. HARNESS EMPORIUM. BLTTII, ONT
CL1NTON Lodge, No, 84, A. F. & A. M. meets
Sead OffiO0e , - MONTREAL. L/ every Friday, on or atter the moon. VisitNOTICE. -_
log brethren cordially envitod J-�
J. H. R. MOL6014, President. A. J. HOLLOWAY, W. M. J. B. RUMBALL, Sao.
F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, General Manei at. Clinton, Dec. 6, 1895, There being some misunderstanding with re-
___ _ gard to wreckage, let It be distinctly understood Ts Proof Positive that.
Notes discounted, Collections made Drafts that it any person takes possession of any kind
issued Sterlingd American ex- X. 0. T. M. of wreckage and falls to report to we I shall at
anmeronce take proeewtinge. Remember thle is tht
change bought and sold at last warning I shallglve. CAPT, WM, BABB.
lowest current fates. Kearns Tent No. 66, knights of the Maccabees of Receiver of Wrecko, Goderlch, You are in Dangers
the World. 81,000, 82,000 suJ 99,000 Policies. Mem- Goderlch, Sept. 7th 1891.
INTIBaeT ALLOWED ON DAroslrs. bership over 100,000. Assesilment prinolple-hag
never exceeled 12 aaseebments in a year. Cheapest
and satevt in existence. Meets to Orange Hall, Clin• FOR - SALE. -'
Money advanced to IArmara on their own notes ton, drat and Lhlyd Fridayof everymonth.
with one or more endorsers, No mortgage To -
quilted Die
as 46purlty, , Tho property at present occupied by the un- TIIollSaUdS LIU Each Year
H. 0. BREWER, COOKS FLOUR deraigued as a residence on the Huron Road,
Manager, in the Town of Goderiah, consisting of one half of
I)eoembcp,)NQ6. CLINTON. FEED STORE an acre of land, good frame house -story and a
y half -seven rooms, including kitchen, hard and �pallt L11/pD mi1o11}tle
NeTaggart clintou. soft water, good ether cellar, stable, wood and From 1rVl Trouble.
carriage houses, There are also eomo good fruit
AINIKE R BRAN and SHORTS in Large or trees. This property Is beautifully situated and
verysuitable oralry'person wibhingtolivorotired-
Small Quantities. For further particulate a ply to
r OIL CAKE,' LINSEED MEALS 642-tf Barrister,Godrrloh. Paine's Celery Compound
A GMVER.e L BAVKIVG BUSINESS 10 lbs. Choice Oatmeal for one Buehei J. Ce STEVENSON, Promptly Cures this
1'fid L S.AOTRD, Oate
---,�. Furniture Dealer, &c. Insidious Disease.
Nolee Diso7unted. DraPi I8sued. D, CFops, CLINTON THE . LEADING UNDERTAKER AND
Interest Allowed on Deposita: 76241
Clinton, JunoBth, 1891 e68y( R FUNERAL DIRECTOR• i
HILLS FEIR`��" OIU�I Opposite Town Hall, Clinton, Ont The liver is the great housekeeper,ot
tZil Cl>IZ.our -health. On its right and proper
ET, "THE action depends our enjoyment of life.
Diite' Wa GU N N, T " „ Union Shavin Parlor one of the simplest indications of a
R,'C. P,'and .'R.O. S.,tEdinburgh. Osiie- The Best Earl Send P tAtoes and all disordered and diseased liver is it -nasty
Ontario street Olint6u. Night calls at front door of y t, For first-class Hair -Cutting tongue -furred and coated. The coat -
residence' on IlAteubary stroet, opposite Presbyter- kinds of first-class Clover, Timothy, Field ( and shaving{. '
Ian church. g ed tongue is proof positive that your
and Garden Seeds, Fleur find Teed of all
S1mth's block, opposite- Poet Office, Clinton liver is not working wd*. Other
DR. TU R N B U LL. kinds.'Closest living prices.for cash. SALT J: EMERTON, Proprietor. symptoms tare as follows : nauseous
in stock and for sale. T:FAS of the choicest �1 (�1(l taste in the mouth, pains under the
.1. L. Tt1rh3ull, bf ' B. Toronto Univ.'; M. n ; varieties and blends. Excellent v(hue. WATTS � & C O-
�, M., Vlctoria Univ. M. C. P, do S. out, ; t llow shoulder blades, and in the region of
of the obstetrla%i, 3ocmty of Edinburgh. Late �f �r
London, En ..'aud'Edlbbur•h hospitals Office: aTt W. $ILL,; � 1R n t•. -Clinton the kidneys. The mental symptoms
Dr. Dovreloy a stand, Rattentiury•dG.- Night calls - Of liver trouble are often far worse
answered at Office..,;, Central BUtdh �e hOp . Great Northwestern Telelgraph office, y • p
IQ s SI IJt1 R•a ' _ than the bodil ills. Sufferers ex eri-
_ OC)UC13 & I pN Albert Street. Clinton. ence mental .tinguish, gloomy forebod-
PROPERTY FOR SALE OF ings, melancholy, and It general feeling
Oinse in H ally a s Block, ace.d,tbury St., Clinton, '
Jut. Night calls at same plane. Subscribers desire to notify the public that they jj $ENT --Advertisers will and "The of disgust With ]lie. When these
have boa ht oat the butoherf basil late) con- 0 News ecoid" one of the best mealums
1+ py ducted b�A4r. Jag. A. Ford, and ill Continue the) in the County of Huron. Ai'vertlao in. bodily and mental troubles are experi-
e�a9+ S. FL e'V uny D same ander their personal eu'�ppervisiy� . Orders will "The News -Record"• -The Double Ciro I tiop Talks eneed, your liver tells you it Wants
have prompt and carntul attetltiop. T`rekh meats of to Thousands. Ratesp. low ag,apv-
L. R. & Q. C. P.., I., M. J P. & S. O., &c., &c. 'all kiude will be kept in soasoiaw.aSfd at reasonable help. If help is net given at once,
Gradurte of Hlnq'a& Qzeodd Uotlege of Physicians, rates and delivered anywhere fin town.
Dublin, Irelugd..; Licentiate of the ganeral.Maliloalo piT'IYip ! pTTMBCt-y., sickness and death must result.
Councit, G"T lt•ltitn- Mam�er of Col l'e` a of;: ARTHUR COUCH, -CHAS"'N,.: WILSON. iJ.j� A7 iJ1fA, A7
g • • Thousands have found Paine's Celery
lays 6,6,a and Surgeons, Ontar.o. Formerly rest- CLINTON. ---
dopp 'vee Rot'aoda Hospital (Long -in and Gyuue- - If you want a first-clagv, well, made pump, one that Compound a sure and certain cure for
),Dubl:a. Special attention to diseases of will give you
satisfaction, Bend your order to the
typ nd,phtllrraayy�� Ofnoe and residence, CENTRAL BUTCHER SHO P , nnderstgned. Ho will dIg and oledS'wells and -do It at liver disease. It always acts promptly
car to Oa'txtttlo clt. Methodist parsonage. - the closest prices. He also hsndlos a first-ola is On the great nervous system 'and re-
", y PUMP.
FORD & XURPHFORCE Y, stores that healthy and natural action
(Successors -W J. W. Langford.) JAMES 1!'i3RGLi80N that the liver moist have at all times.
tt 4 Havingbought out the above business, we intend OPpogit Queen'asotel - (High Street Clinton. Paine's Celery Compound drives from
--- j-'��. �1p -- tpdnotr 1t on the aaBh prlugttplo, ped -:will supply 809 -ti the system all the poisons that have
D z i�1Ce; uT _can _Dentist. k, out,tot>jere trlth,the baht lea at the lowest gay
njrprfaes � Q �1 accumulated; and the sick one regains
nl �. ... FQRIa &-MIJARHY. F. 11 . F H R N U O B his old-time vim and energy; the
OFFICE -Over Taylor's Shoe Store, MEMBER OF ASSIN OF P. L. 8.) muscles rind tissues are made hard and
New Butcher Shop.
Clinton, --Ont: Special attention to pre- -- - ; "' flrlm, the Skirt: clear Lind- so that
servation Of natural teeth. Provinoial Land Surveyor
N. B. -Will 'visit Blyth every Monday, and The undersigned desires to intimate to , perfect health is the result.
Bayfield every Thursday afternoon during the the people of Clinton and vicinity that he has and Civil Engineer, Read this letter written by Mrs.
Plummer. opened a butcher altopp in the store of W. George Durant, of Elms, Ont, No
Core, Huron Street. He has had many y rare LONDON, ONTO
L. D. n n Orrice -At G. J. Stewart's Grocery Store, Clin- stroll er roof can be ;given' of the
Rel �gIIVVP, Ls Lel 8,y Jia lis Ss experience, and feels that he can give the ton. 761.ly6mo" g p
beat satisfaction. He Soil Bell strictly for .8ft virtues and powers of Paine's Celery
Casb, and at the lowest possible prices. Compound in the cure of liver troubles:
DENTIST. ORDErits R&sPEOTFULLXSOLICfTPD. s�yt�•p y� "For many years I have heen a
Graduate of Royal Coll agge of Dental Sur • Cantelon Bros, sufferer from liver troubles, and have,
6eons of 'Ontario. Hono-Graduate of Trinity X W Clinton. e
University, Toronto. Best Local Anaesthetic WRIGHT,t GENE RAL GROCERS & PROVIS• doctored With several physicians, but
for paiule?sextraction. 'Office-oppusiteTown LIVE HOGS 'WANTED ION MERCHANTS. only found relief for xweryshmttime:
Hall, over swallow's Stora. My husband advised me to try your
Night Bellarewered. Grockery, Glasses✓ Chinaware Paine's Celery Compound. I did so,
Will visit Hensali ev a -v Monday and - and found so much relief from the first
Zurich the 2nd Thuraday of each month
. Conveyancer, &a. 015oo-cornor Hamilton Ana
St. Andrews -ata., opposilo Colborne Hotel, Goderlch.
sm-tf .
RO. HAYS, Barrister, Solicitor, Qac. ofrrce, corner
• North Street and Sgaare,fnesr Registry Office,
Goderlch, Ont. 67.
iti honey to lend at lowest rates of interest.
`r Barrister, circ.,
Money to Loan.
=? NOTARY, c�rc.,
C oderioh, - Ont,
Omce�-Over Darts' Drug Store. Money to loan;
M.. 0 •'x JOHNSTON,R .
Godelich, - - - Ont.
j Offile-Orr. Hamflton and St. And row's Ste.
(ti ;
r �92'r
j►TONEY to lend In large or small sums or good
L1fj mortgagee or personal security st the lowest
oarrent•ratos, H. HALE, Huron at. Clinton.
yMoney to tendon good aocnTRY at 58 and 0 per
g cent. Apply to C. III UT, Albort St., Linton.
Wm. Moore Has Removed
Righest Market Price Paid.
D. CANTELON, Clinton.
Honorary Graduate of too Ontario Veterinary Col-
lege, Toronto.
Treats all diseases of Domestic Animals on th
most modern and Scientific Principles.
Day and Night Cane Promptly Answered.
Residence-Rattenbory Street, West, Caton Out
J. E. BLACKALL, Veterinary
Surgeon, honorary graduate of
Ontario Veterinary College, treats
diseaaes of all domestic animals
on tho most modern and scientific
SA pprinoiples. AWCalls attonded to
night or day. Ofilce on lamas street, next Now
Era oaloo Residence -Albert street, Clinton.
Geo,.. _Trwhf.11,
Horseshoer and General Black -
J smith,
Albert Street, North, Clinton.
Woodwork ironed end first class material ani
work guaranteed ; farm Implements and machines
rebuilt and topglrad.
Cara of Thanks.
I desire LO tender my sincore thank(
for tho vera -liberal patronage accord•
ed me in the past and to inform the
public that I am still in the Carpel
Weaving , Builinese an Esst Street
Godericb, next the Bicyole' Factory
Personal'ana mail orders will as uaua
roceive prompt attention. All classe(
of work a specialty, at the lowest pos
Bible prices, and eatisfacflon guaran
W. A. Ross, East Street,
Don't Build Without A Plan
I ant better than ever prepared to anpply the pnb- �+ t p'
,c wlth tho Latostlmprored J. ADES :FOWLEB & CO,,
sinner sewing 31aclanes. Architects and Civil Engineers
Needles in stock and parts supplied for all mskos Arc opening a permanant office in Clinton and ar,
of Machines. Agent for the Colebrated Leader Churn proparod to eapply Plana, BpoalOaatlona and detail
and the moat re fable Washers and Wringers. The For any olaas of work at most reasonable raten.
moat critical Inspootfoil tnvfted.
_ Patent Drawings prepared and patents obtained.
WM, MOORE, Valuationo and inapections carefully made.
East of Commeralal H tel, Hurval Street, Clinton 26 Yea? s Fxpe)-ae)rcean i%YLt(/7'20,
680.6 Mall Address -P. O. Box 210,011nton.
cy?.. .r V_ ' - . .^•'.��
ALBLIi It ST. CLINTO111, 011Ti
Highest Cash Price for Butter and Eggs
T62 -1y
faHeade, Letter Heade, Tags,
Statements, Circulars, Business
Cards, Envelopes, Programmes,
etc., ete.,printei in a workman.
tike manner and at low rates, at
Tull Naws-Racoon office.
The publisher would esteem It n favor it roar' ,
would, when making their purchases oentlon at
they saw the merahabVil dvertleen,ent In'PRr
The McKillop Mutual Fire
Insurance Company,
Farm and Isolated Town Proper-
ty only Insured.
George Watt, President, Harlock P. 0.; James
Broadfoot, Vice -Pres., Seaforth P. 0.; W. J. Shan.
non, Sooy. Tress., Seatorth P. 0.: Michael Alurdle,
Inspector of losses, seaforth P. O.
James Broadfoot, Seaforth{ Michael Murdie,Son.
forth; George Dole, Seafortb; George Watt, Harlock
Thomas E. Haye,Sestorth; Alex Gardiner, Leadbu ry
Thomas Garbutt, Clinton; John McLean, Rippe n.
Thomas Neilars, Harlock; Robert McMillan, Son -
forth and James ODmmlDgp, Egmondvlllo.
Parties desirous to effect fneuranee or trame-
act other business will be promptly attend-
ed to on application to any of the above officers ad.
dressed to their respective poet omcee. ;
Omeral and Nevous Debility,
WeAk" a of Body Aad
Mind. Effects of Er•
rags or Excesses in Old
or Young, Robust,
Noble Manhood fully
Restoxe(L How to en-
large and Strengthm
ti Weak, Undeveloped
Organs and Parts of
Body. Absdutely un.
failing Home Treat -
menti -Benefits i n a
Men testify from
A 60 States and Foreign
Countries. Write them.
Descriptive Book, ex-
planation and proofs
mailed (sealed) free.
ERIE MEDICAL Well Buffalo, N.Y.
True hills have been found ngainst
IDr. Jameson and his associates in the
raid on the Transvaal.
bottle That I continued, and I am now
using the third bottle. Your Com-
pound has scone snore for me than any
physician. For months before using
the Compound I never had one night
of sound sleep; but now Ican,go to
bed and sleep soundly and 'naturally,
and feel like a new creature in the
Regarding bi-metallism, Sir Michael
Hicks -Beach said in his speech on Wed-
nesday that British credit was based
on the gold standard, and which a vast
majority of bankers and nrerchanti:
think should be maintained.
Nervous Prostration.
Cured effectually by Scott's
His heart was affected.
" Overwork as a student at college
brought on an attack of nervous prostra-
tion, says Mr. Gilbert, a riiiiway
missionary. " I was exceedingly ner-
vous and if I exerted myself my heart
commenced to flutter violently, and I was
warned that even ordinary exercise en-
dangered my life. But thanks to Scott's
Sarsaparilla I feel better than I ever ex-
pected to feel, for I can now address a
meeting without effort, can walk a brisk
9ce for two hours or more without ex-
ustion and am free from that distressing
palpitation. In my work I have often -
time recommended Scott's Sarsaparilla,
and have seen many cases where its
effects have been most marked."
Scott's Sarsaparilla acts like magic in
restoring shattered nerves because It re-
builds the nerve centres. Nervous head-
ache, nervous dyspepsia and all nerve
derangements wear on the system.
Scott's Sarsaparilla makes new blood and
muscles and strong nerves. Of all drug-
gists, 6f per bottle. Dose from half to
one teaspoonful.
1101t. is learned that the London General
Omnibus Com )any has contracted for
five thousand Canadian horses, for
which they w!ll pay an averge of forty
pounds a head.
Agpew's Ointment will cure all cases
of ltchin Piles in from 3 to 6 nights.
One application brings comfort. For
Blind and Bleeding Piles it is peerless.
Also cures Tetter,galt Rheum, Eczema,
barber's itch and all eruptions' of the
skin. 35cts-
Sold by Watts & Co.
Tho lllrtatratloi, Well the W Iw1e Story of
Tlrelr Construction.
The obIginters Of autay old-faahlefted
houses are dark and stuffy. They need
light and air, which can be, aeeured
by letting windows Into the roof,
Double -roofed dormer windows are not
particularly attractive, are quite ex-
pensive to build, and frequently leak.
Besides they do not give the proper
amount of room Inside that Is needed.
} ,
A much better plan for roof windows,'
Has been endorsed by the medical
shown In the accompanying illtultra-
tion, which tells Its own story oI con-
profession for twenty years. (Ask !
utruction. Here we have graceful lines
your Doctor. ) This is because it
and the maximum of room IneMe, the
is always palatable -always uni-
ceiling of the room finithing push right
form -always contains the Purest,
out the addition. In front of the
windows, if desired, can be construct-
Norwegian Cod -Liver Oil and
ed a window box for Ifowers,as shown.
HypOphoSphttES. insist
In this case a gutter must be placed
on ftott's Emulsion
=t r
I •
with ti�id_e X-77 man
,ry and fish.
• �� t
f Put up in So cent and $i.00
sizes. The small size may be
enough to cure your cough or
* ;1
help your baby.
above the window to catch the drip.
The rafters for such a dormer wlndow
call be cut from seven -eighths -inch
boards, these being perfectly strong to
support the weight of the dormer roof,
which is, of course, very light. Cut
from boards it is very easy to get the
curved roof. Such windows can be ad-
ded to a roof very cheaply and will
give the greatest satlsfaotion, as the
writer knows by experience. -Orange
Sadd Farmer.
The Slrnple Architecture of the Mud
ltesidences in New Mexico,
Architectural engineering is a branch
of the gentle art of making mud pies
In the land where the adobe houses
grow. In the land of sunshine, where a
rainy day is so rare that iti is marked
with a red cross the native *Contrac-
tor and builder wastes no time ngur-
Ing on itu rength of material, the
crushir11,41t of tubular columns, and
the will,-Vre, sure per square foot of
elevation.�ie does not pore over -blue
prints of ``plans, cross sections, and
elevations, nor does he whittle down
his figures to the finest point, so as
to come under some other contractor's
bid. He simply' rolls his trousers up
above his knees, digs down in afavor-
ed ditch or pond until he strikes the
"'dobe mud,", and in a short time he
is ready to begin operations.
Adobe houses are brick houses, but
the brick is sun dried and made with
straw. The clay or mud of which the
brick is made is a natural cement,
peculiar to the and plains of New
Mexico, Arizona, Nevada and that belt
of States and Territories. It is turn-
ed out in the most primitive manner,
and the Blue Island brickrrlaker who
might happen upon a balfbreed or
Mexican 'dobe -brick maker would view
the operation with amusement or dis-
guest. Kiln -burned brick, made of
blue clay, however, would not meet the
requirements linposed by the climatic•,
conditions of those countries where
adobe brick is used.
In summer an adobe house is cool;
In winter it is warm. Its thick walls
absorb the occasional rain, and al-
though the sun-dried ar(Ccle, 1t does
not crumble, and It stands for ages.
A man who recently traveled through
New Mexico was much interested in
the dobe houses. For weeks he inquir-
ed and searched for a dobe house in
the hands "of the builders. At length
in Santa Fe he stumbled upon a
c(vuple of men stamping with their
bare feet upon clay in a wooden trema
He inquired and found that he wad
looking upon two Mexicans making
adobe brick. In describing the pro"
cess he said :
"The men actually dug up the 'dob*
mud from the bottom of the ditch
which alvirted the road. They mixed
it, or, as we say, 'tempered' It, with
water until it was of a stiff, clayey
consistency. Then they chopped alfal-
fa hay Into short pieces and mixed
It with the clay, and their material
waa ready to make into brick. A.
Rood frame lay on the ground. This
frame lay on the ground. This frame
was filled with the 'dobe mud mixed
with hay, and one of the men got Into
the frame and stamped the mud down
with his bare feet, at the same time
tamping it with a stick. After the
frame was packed hard he scraped the
surplus mud off with a stick, so that
the top surface was level with the
upper edges of the frame and then
lifting the frame from the clay he car'
ried the brick to one side of the road
and stood it on its edge. The next
brick he made he leaned Walnst the
first one. and soon be had a dozen
large bricks --each twice as w1de and
long and thick as an ordinary brick --
drying In the sun. One of the men
told me that the bricks would be ready
to lay in three or four days, and than
they used the mud which the bricks
are made of for the plaster.
"The walls of an adobe house are
ve thicksometimes two or three
fee and n the ordinary one -storey
ado house, which is characteristic of
that region, they are built up perfectly
plain until they reach the roof. The
roof is supported on wooden beams,
laid edgewise on the walls, and the
bricks are built up level with the top
of the beams between the Umbero.
leaving the edge of the rafters expos-
ed. The roof has a slight slant, and
is made of adobe bricks. When it rains
the water soaks into the roof bricks,
but does not begin to drip dawn into
the rooms below until the rain Is over.
T•tlen the family moves out until the
water is through with Its dripping. I
saw an adobe house in Santa. Fe
which was built in the sixteenth cen-
tury, and, as far as I could see, the
walls were as strong and good as any
house around there.
It IA estimated that an adobe house
costs about $100 a room, but there are
mansions built of this material which
cost not less than $20,000 to construct.
When the "Americans" settled In New
Mexico, Utah Arizona• Nevada and
the lower part of California they ac-
cepted the treele-sd condition of the
country and built their houses of 'dobe
mud.- CChfca.go Record.
Hr, Humphreva' Specifics aro Scientifically and
carefully prepared Remedles, used for years in
Private practice and fpr over thirty years by the
people with entire success. Every single specific
A 6p001111 caro for the disease named.
xo. I ePBe1Jn0 BOR ealoa0.
1 -Fevers, Congest onW Inftammationo...25 N;
S--Wgrmq, Worm Fever. Worm Collo.... .25' yy
3-r1'0ethIngo Collo, Crylm wakefulness .23
4 -Diarrhea, of Children or Adults ....... .25
7 -Coughs, Coldsi Bronchitis...............25
8-Neuralgle., Toothache, Faceache.-•,,.25
9 -Headaches, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .25
10 -Dy ipepelat Biliousness, Constipation. .25
11 -Suppressed or Painful Periods... .•.d5 I
1'L -Whites, Too Profuse Perlods........... .25
13 -Croup, Laryngitis, Hoameness ...... . 25
14 -Balt Rheum, Erysipelas, Eruptfong.. .25 3
15 -Rheumatism, Rheumatic Pains...... .25
10 -Malaria, Chills, Fever and Ague...... .25
l9 -Catarrh, Influenza, Cold In the Read..25' x
20-Wheloping cough ...................... .25'
27-Hidney Diseases ........I ............ .25 c
2S -Nervous Debility .....................1.00
30-Vrinary Weakness .................. .25 ..:
34 -Sore Throat, Quincy, Ulcerated Throat.25
i4 77
Put up to small bottles ofpleasant pellets, just fit
your,zest po0ke4 ?I
Sold by Druggists, or gent prepaid on receipt of price. ,^ti
Da ReMraaEva'MANOAL(Enlarged A Reveled,) MAILED rasE, „J -S
nt1UP11RK18-MIND. CO, 111 $1113 trRaaa,eL, NEW YORK
Ilia Adawk
MMON''s mum
"Monsoon" Tea is Fut up by the Indian Tea �'� ..
growers as a sample of the beat qualities of Injian
Teas. Therefore they use the greatest care In the
selection of the Tea and its blend, that is why 4*y
put it up themselves and sell it only in the original
packages, thereby securing its purity and excellence,
Put up In lb., 11b. and g Ib, packages, and fiever,
Sold in bulls.
IF your grocer does not keep it, tell him to writetto
h and is Front @treat East. TorontA
men, sul%rang from the effects �ss�sl�ttttasf
of follies and excesses, restored to health, man-
hood and vigor.
Price $1.00, 6 boxes for $5.00. Sent by mail,'.
eecurelyseoled. Write for our book, "Startlir:�-
Facts," for Men only, tails you how to get well tui
and stay well.
Address, QUEEN MEDICINE CO., sots 947v
The marriage of Mr. Rankin Daw-
son, son of Sir William and Lady Daw-
son, of Montreal, Miss Coates, lleic•e of. t
Sir Peter Coates, of Paisley, Was cele-
brated in London.
Dear Rditorr-Please inform your
readers, that If written to confidenti-
ally I will mail in a sealed letter, par-
ticulars of a genuine, honest bottle
Care, by which I was permanently rc;-
stored to health and manly vigor,
nfter years of suffering from nervous
debility, sexual weakness, night losses
and weak shrunken parts. I was robbed
and swindled by the quacks until I near-
ly lost, faith in inankind, but hank
heaven, i am now well vigorous and
strong, and wish to make this certain
ineans of (-tire known to allaufferers. I
have nothing to sell, and want no
mnney, but being a firm believer in
the universal brotherhood of inan, I
Inn desirions of helping the unfortim-
rite to regain their health and happi-
ness, i you perfect secrecy and
11,14 i do not wish to expose, myself
either, address, simply : P. O., Box
388, London, Ont.