The Huron News-Record, 1896-06-17, Page 4v
Apt* '
4>t><� i� 'Oder t4 reduce our e all � will wi�1 sell; them at .2.26
*Rile they last. This is a ehalace to get a saddle at
less than many dealers pay for them.
'ho A*
would not hav'e
Spring Rollers
on their
Window Shades
wlien you can get a
nice 2 }-d shade mount-
ed for 25c.
Of course they are not as nice
nor as durable as the one here
illustrated out but they are
better than anything else you
can buy for the money and the
Spring Roller is a great con-
Our opaque shadings are hand
painted and guaranteed to
neither fade, crack nor curl.
Cooper's Book Store, Clinton.
sew du¢rti.etmeittL
Shirts—Jacksou Bros.
Property W. Foster.
The better—J. W. Ohidley.
Read on—Gilroy & Wiseman.
The German—Lack'Kennedy.
Time and tide—The W. D. Fair Co.
The Government—Allen & Wilson.
Through thecolumns—Hodgens Bros.
The Huron News -Record
1.26 a Year -9140 la Advanc,
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17th, 1896.
At the offieit.1-ntriiin ion for West
E niers-tf - Goderich yesterday M. C.
Cameron was plwod in the contest by
the Reformers, G. M. Kilty by the
McCarthyiteit, and Robert McLean by
the Conservatives.
Such is the heading of a leader in
last week's Signal addressed to THE
NEWS -RECORD. The reason why it is so
addressed is to draw a herring across
the track, the clever scribe naturally
concluding that if its readers are di-
rected to something worthy of perusal
less reliable sheets like the Signal will
be passed by. Well, in the issue men-
tioned we find the following: —
"We beg to calf the attention of THE
NEWS -RECORD to that engrossing sub-
ject—the price of wheat. Take Mon-
day's market reports :
"At Ontario points red and white
quoted at 65c.; Nu. 1 Manitoba hard,
66c. to 67c. ; No. 2 Manitoba hard, 64c.
to 65c. At Detroit, No. 2 red, 670.; No.
1 white, 70c."
Now it wilt be noticed that it says
take Monday's market reports, but it
does not quote, and for a good reason;
the whole thing is a downright lie, a
most daring invention equal in rascal-
ity to the Weismiller one. As we stat-
ed, the Signal gave no facts, merely an.
assertion that the merest child will
not have been fool enough to swallow.
Having declared that the state-
ment was a hold, brazen lie, it/ will
be necessary to prove it ,is such and
had we space we could fill these col-
umns with solid evidence from Cana-
dian and U. S. papers. But we are
not going so far. We will take Daniel
in judgment against himself. Ac-
cording to the intended meaning of
the Signal, Monday must have been
the 8th of June. Well, on the 4th, four
days before, the Signal's market report
shows that Ontario wheat ranged from
75e. to 80c. and on the llth, the day on
which the lies were sent forth, the
sheet shown Ontario wheat ranged
from' 5e. to 80c. Now we haves these
copies of the Signal in our office and
any benighted grit who is afraid
to be seen in a Tory office
may call on the mayor who is hoard-
ing the copies of the Signal to be used
at the convention to show the deprav-
ity of the brother quill who wonld He
for ten cents. on a bushel of wheat
We have the papers and they set forth
all we have stated, and the only way
our very esteemed contemporary can
get out of the lie is by Fraying that the
reports were not corrected or that the
commercial editor is a fool. We do
not think our ootem will adopt either
of these dodges. They are too plain,
therefore we expect to see the glaring
statement sent forth last week banked
up by even a stronger lie.
We should not have noticed this par-
ticular untruth onlyfor the fact that
grits will pin their fith to aIle Hit is in
a grit sheet, and hawk it around as
reliable testimony. The fact that such
a deliberate misstatement was sent
forth at the last hour shows that its
Writer intended it for an ignoble pur-
Who founded Confederation ? The
Liberal -Conservative party.
Who consolidated Confederation, 1,
bringing in Prince Edward Island,
British Columbia and the Northwest?
The Liberal -Conservative party.
Who bound the Dominion together
by the Intercolonial and the C. P. R. ?
TheLiberal-Conservative party.
Who can be best entrusted with the
destinies of the Dominion ? The Lib-
eral Conservative party. -
While the Grits, Patrons, McCarthy-
ites and P. P. A's have combined to
defeat British Connection, the Nation-
al Policy and the Conservative Party,
the Dominion is full of loyal Reform-
ers who are standing out for Home and
Country. Among them is A. F. McIn-
tyre, Q. C., formerly a member of the
Liberal association of Ottawa, who
"I am not in accord with the federal
party on the issues on which the com-
ing elections will he fought.
"It would be nothing short of a ca-
lamity if the people should endorse Mr.
Laurier's trade policy.
"The mere suggestion of such a poli-
cy, in the event of a so-called Liberal
success, is at the present time disturb-
ing the trade of the country.
"How much more will it distil: h and
unsettle trade if, upon a Liberal vic-
tory, it should be put into operation ?
"This is not a time in my mind, for
tariff experiments.
"If our people should be so stupid as
to support a policy at the coming elec-
tions as would be absolutely an experi-
mental one, they will see such a furth-
er drop in values as the country has
never experienced,
"This I feel confident is the opinion
of the leading bankers, merchants and
professional men—in fact, of all who
are conversant with economic ques-
Mr. Laurier
In his campaign speech
at Winnipeg, Sept, 4,
1894 as reported In
the rrorouto Globo.
"And now I will
ark you, what is
the policy of the
Liberal party? f
refer to freedom of
trade such as exists
in England, free-
dom of trade as it
is practiced in Gt.
Britain,freedom of
trade as was in
vogue at the time
of Cobden and
"We shall give
you free triide,and
although it will be
a bard fight, we
shall not give in
one inch or retrace
one step, until we
shall have reached
the goal, and that
goal is the same
policy of free trade
as it exists in Eng-
land to -day."
Mr. Laurier
In hie Lotter to Mr.
G. H. Bertram, of
Toronto, dated
June let, 1896
"Whether a pol-
icy of absolute
freedom of trade
would or would
not be injurious to
the manufacturing
industries of this
country, is a ques-
tion which I will
not stop to discuss
here. There is no
occasion for such
a discussion,as the
intention of the
Liberal party is
not,and never was,
to establish abso-
lute free trade in
this country."
Isn't he a daisy to lead a great moral
party ? A nice man for a nation to
choose as its Prime Minister ? Shade.;
of Annanias 1 yon must grow green
with envy, Is It reasonable for his
party to expect the intelligent people
of Canada to place any credence in a
man sofall of contradictions as Mr.
Laurier ? -
Y9 . soul X; tt b � ala001(0'J 'lt
OW.b.04 44004?nI
bo Pplaot4ie�,
R 1
��, ..k n� l?;e4�#'allx�: r�,9 ho�`h, .t►.v�ry',�A�
Gdelaao that leo ol:eb0Jsw>wli;vo t+rte
wilt be euatai'bed icy' , a gao4*rtrolr dng
waajorfy. Tits Gl4•itlbayo seabed oo>ls•
batting the argeniellt of Coase!yativc@.'
and reaorted to ohm. - Ale is .a fore-
ore-ruin er of whit is aura to follow on
the 23rd of,-.4be triumphant re
turn of the grand old Conservative
Party and the oodoroatlau of a polio),
that is destined to make Canada the
greater part of the Great Britieh
Empire, Seats will doubtless be lost
hero and there through divisions °meed
by Grits in, the Conservative ranks, but
depend upon it seats will be gained
and the British Canadian Conservative
Party will come out of battle the
In 'Wet Huron an alliance has been
formed between .the Grits and Mo.
Carthyites. but right and justice should
prevail. If Conservatives are true to
their own interests, true to their Home
and Country and British Connection,
and all that goes to make a nation
proud and great, Robert McLean will
be elected by a respectable majority.
Only ONE CANDIDATE can be elected,
and no MoCarthyite should in such a
close riding as West Huron dream of
success. Mr. McLean stands on a
platfc,rm and advocates a policy that
appeals to tho inmost feelings of a free
and tolerant people, and we will be
greatly mistaken if the electors turn a
deaf ear to such open and above-boa'd
principles Electors in this particular
case are the watchdogs of the future of
ayoung and prosperous country possess-
ing many noble heritages, Sacrifice
now may mean the loss of all. Loyal
electors, etand by your guns. By your
votes and influence demonstrate that
your patriotism is for Home and Coun-
try—that you will not, onoe for all,
allow your birthright and the sacred
rights of your family to be bartered by
tho Laurier party.
East Huron is in line and E. L.
Dickinion is the future hope of that
Riding. He has made a gallant and
noble fight and there is every encour-
agement for his return.
South Huron is a Grit stronghold.
The old member, John McMillan,
is on the stip hunt and ie canvass-
ing Grit and Tory in a face. Never
before has he oxhitited such a nervous
temperament. And why 4 Because
he knows Thos. E. Hays is likely to
win. The Conservatives of South
Huron will win if they turn out and
vote. The Riding is not hopeless.
The, revulsion of feeling there against
the old member is something astound.
A last word. The three Hurons
can and will be redeemed if Conserva-
tives and all loyal electors are true to
themselves, their homes and heir
country. And they will prove their
faith and redeem the three Ridings in
voting for McLean, Dickinson, and
If one could believe the lying
reports the McCarthy candidate is cure
to receive nine out of every ten votes
in West Huron. It is declared that
he will be supported by all the On-
tario. Government officials and ward
heelers of that party. Fancy such
strong party men as License Inspector
Paisley, House of Refuge Inspector
Coate, Division Court Clerk Ferran,
Bailiff Dickenson, James Smith, Tom
Brown, and others of that ilk voting
for Kilty 1 Why, some of these gentle-
men endorsed the nomination of
Cameron and we are credibly inform-
ed put up money to pay his expenses.
Such rot. Conservative electors, do
not be led into such a trap. Your
straight- course is to vote and work for
One week more and Hurrah for the
Conservative members, McLean, Dick-
inson and Hays.
The Conservative party will be re-
turned to power by from 25 to 40 ma-
Do old-time Conservatives desire to
elect M. C. Cameron ? If not, vote for
A vote for Kilty is a vote for Camer-
on. If yon do not believe it call on us
and we will give you the hard proof.
On the night of the 23rd the Globe
may be expected to again hold to its
famous majority of one for Laurier,
including all the successful McCarthy
A good and; faithful Clinton Grit
declares that M. C. Cameron should
withdraw from the contest In favor of
G. M. Kilty from the fact that he is
certain the fatter .will receive so many
old-time Tory votes.
The West Huron McCarthy candi-
date, if his followers are to be believed,
&Ands on half a dozen platforms. So
does M. C. Cameron, who said the
Orangemen were bloodthirsty.
If you desire to ruin the Doherty
Organ Factory vote fot Cameron or
Kitty, 1f your wish is to retain our
population give employment to
the laborer andand artisan and build up
Clinton, then you must vote for
Robert McLean. He is on the aide of
A tariff is a tax on us only when progress, peace, and prosperity. Make
levied on goods we cannot produce. no mistake.
xeit . �tot 8uxn8h1u0 of ,.ho e
A T� ny r 1 .Fl . �� � }yj� j}„7M
l "�ai•g.
renewe life and vlta'ilty tiffs 1Pad,
and through ,..'lm arta
aeryi, ettoisx n gtb4 v gor
acrd energy to the whole
body. Read - t1 letter;
britt' !► 8 a r l l t a
helped me Roiidertally,
chazrgec4 elekne@s to health, eunl-
shine. No pea can deputise what I aut-
fel ed. I was .deathly sick, had Rick head-
aches every taw 'days and these terrible
tired, despondent. feelings, with heart
troubles so thgt I could not go up and
down stairs without clasping my hand
over my heart and resting. In foot, it
would almost take my breath away. I suf-
fered so I did not care to live, yet I had
much to live for. There is no pleasure in
We if deprived of health, for lite becomes
a burden. Hood's Sarsaparilla does far
more than advertised. After taking one
bottle, it is sufficient to recommend
itself." Mae. J. E. SatITn:, Beloit, Iowa.
Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. $L
Prepared only by C. 1- Hoed & Co., Lowell, Mas@.
Hood's PMS cure headach. Ills,6 cents.
The pigs feet and beer Grit candidate
of London is pledged to prohibition.
The National Policy has placed many
mechanics in Clinton in comfortable
The Doherty Organ Factory would
not have been in existence on an ex-
tensive scale were it riot for the
National Policy.
The National Policy has been the
means of converting many dollars to
the pockets of Clinton business men.
Your friend is Robert McLean,
If you think each nation must study
its own interests, take care of its own
industries and its own people, then
vote for Robert McLean.
No man ever got rich by sending his
customers to foreign competitors.
Still this is the policy of the Reform
Everything the farmer buys is cheap-
er in Canada under protection than it
was under free trade, a sound reason
why you should yote for McLean.
It seems to be a happy faculty of
those opposed to the Conservative
party to stretch the truth to a danger-
ous degree.
England built up her industries under
the most rigid system of protection
the world has ever seen. If you desire
Canada to become the greater part of
a great British nation vote for McLean.
If the Conservatives of West Huron
prove loyal to Home and Country
Hobert McLean will he the next mem-
her for this Riding If they are not,
then M. C. Cameron will be returned.
In reply to the Hamilton Times the
Spectator 811y1 it does believe in pro-
tection "at he,i-t," and at liver, and at
lungs, and at all the rest of its viscera,
and that is one of the reasons why it
favors imperial trade federation, a
scheme by which the whole empire will
he protected against all foreign nations
—the grandest scheme of protection
that has ever been devised.
E. F. Clarke, E. B. Osler and T.
Dixon Craig are Liberal -Conservative
nominees. They endorse the Govern-
ment on everything except the mani-
toha school question. Because they
refused to go the whole hog McCarthy
has addressed meetings against every
one of these candidates. And still
some people declare that a vote for the
McCarthyite candidate in West Huron
is not a vote for Laurier.
"The McCarthy candidate is certain
to lose his 5200 deposit," said an old-
time Grit the other day, "but I will
vote for Kilty in order to lead you
Tories on 1" Exactly what THE
NEWS -RECORD has contended. Any-
thing to slip Cameron in. If Conserva-
tives are so blind that they will not see,
the result will he that they will assist
in electing M. C. Cameron, a man who
represents a party they are diametric-
ally opposed to. Vote for McLean.
The other day N. Clarke Wallace
held a meeting in favor of Gritism and
against his old-time friend and support-
er, Major Sam Hughes, both Orange-
men high in the Order. Hughes was
present and had his say. Wallace was
condemned' by resolution at his own
meeting and the vast assemblage
cheered Hughes to the echo. THE
NEWS -RECORD is personally aware
that there is no more staunch Orange
Protestant in the Dominion than Major
Hughes. He believes in obeying the
Constitution under which he lives, and
has the endorsat ion of all liberal -mind-
ed people and the brethren in his own
Prominent members of one or two
churches are working for the Me-
Carthyite candidate, while others of
the carne persuasion are working for
the Grit candidate. How good Chris-
tians can get down from the teachings
of He who died on Calvary and advo-
cate on Biblical lines political support
for their choice is beyond comprehen-
sion. This fair Canada has too many
boodler "Christians" and false pro-
phets. We have no respect for people
who pray on Sundays and on week
days deliberately lie about their politi-
cal opponents and resort to deception
and worse than fraud. This is plain,
but nevertheless it is true, and it is
only -ut of respect for other than the
guilty that the names are not given in
cold print.
,anal to.
aJlatUo Qeat Armt,o ..
Fx �..
J t
:another shipment . �eream sink
bi�Gl�.. e. ,�, �lc���s *QM ;lUe to �9+�,
f poli Alio .cal .ileal, only 12ic.
Light weight all wool double fold dress stuffs, only 20e.
Beautiful black silk Grenadines, worth 750 for 50iir
Handsome thing/ in Satin striped Muslins,
Wide fine lawns, great values, from 10c to 250.
Latest things in pinhead and spotted lawns.
Blouses in all styles and Shirt Waists from 50c up.
Shot silks for dresses and blouse waists, only 25c.
Cream silk parasols, beautiful thing, $1.50 up.
Great variety styl'sh laces of all kinds from lc to 25c•
Gents cool' coats and vests from 51.75 to 55.00,
A great speciality in Gents, boys and childrens suits at
this store here just now, see them.
The Elections
Everybody knows that the 23rd of June will settle the Elections, the
people will decide which policy they consider the bettor. Our policy
is both Liberal and Conservative, Liberal in Belling goods, Conservative
in bolding to all our customers.
Our Platforn—Good Goods and Low Prices.
For the next two weeks we shall offer SPECIAL BARGAINS in the
following lines :
Tweeeds, Suitinge, Pantinge, Wuratede, (inade to order). Ready Made Cloth-
ing, Hate, Cape, Ties, Collars, Cuffs, &c.
Boots and Shoes—we have Special Bargains to offer iu these goods, we have
many lines that are nearly sold out ant have old sizes that wo wish to clear
that we will sell leas than cost. They are Bargains. We cannot give prices as
there is not enough in each line to keep up the supply; come and see, we will
show you what we have. If prices don't suit, you need not buy.
Millinery aild_Summer Dress Materials well assorted.
0 -- - —.
PLUIIISTEEL & GIBBINGS, - Albert St., Clinton.
We repeat that a vote for Kilty by
any Conservative isa vote for CamEr-
on and Laurier.
If you want a man of the people vote
for McLean; if you want the lawyers
to rule you for life, vote for Cameron
or Kilty.
A vote for McLean means a vote for
good times. A vote for Cameron or
Kilty means power to Mercier's gang of
boodlers and the consequent dark days
that follow evil companionship.
Voters, it is now in your power to
choose between the eviland the good
and if ye choose the former you may
be of your own free will bringing on
an other 7 years famine.
We hope Conservatives will be on
their guard for personators. If the
work of last winter is repeated these
gentry should be [promptly locked lip.
The Grits have decided to not op-
pose Clarke Wallace. Why do the
Grits of West Huron not pursue the
same course and call off Mr. Cameron
and throw in their support to the Mc-
Carthy candidate.
Suppose there will be 4,000 votes cast
in West Huron. The Riding is close.
For illustration we will say tbere are
2,000 votes for Cameron and 2,000 for
McLean, hut one old time Tory votes
for Kilty. This vote elects Cameron by
one of a majority, and still some peo-
ple refuse to see that a vote for Kilty
is a vote for Cameron and Laurier.
If you see it in the Tan NE
RECORD its true. If you are in dou.
calf on us personally and we will give
you the cold proof.
The McCarthy Belgrave meeting
last Friday night was not a success.
Several gentlemen present were nom-
inated to occupy the chair before one
could be secured, and a good number
Of Grits were present too.
John Mc•Millan's meeting at Bayfield
last Friday night did not give him
inuch hope for success. Mayor
Holmes spoke for McMillan and Mr.
Hays followed. He offered Mr. Holmes
half an hour more to make some points
in the Grit policy clear, hut he failed to
accept such a reasonable proposition.
The meeting was strongly in favor of
the Conservative candidate.
Mr. G. M. Kilty, the McCarthy can-
didate, was in town on Monday inter-
viewing his friends and is quite confi-
dent of victory. Among others
he met License Inspector Paisley and
the local Grit Organizer, Mr. Wm.
will not likely he knoats. The result of wn until le ythe
ballots are counted next Tuesday night.
Mr. Robert J. Thompson, of Ochre
River, Marquette, Manitoba, in writ-
ing his sister at Clinton, Mrs. J. A. k
Fowler, says the elections are boiling
pretty good there and that the Laurier
party are working the school question
as a hubby, but that it does not
amount to much. The trade question
is taking a first hold on the electors
IA00 ONLY �f
i1 111
The Higienlo Boot
Oh I what a thought, in summer cool, in
winter hot. A circulation 'neath the foot
insures a clean and healthy boot.
W. Jackson.
Fred T. Jackson'
The New Boot and Shoe Firm, Clin;,on.