The Huron News-Record, 1896-04-29, Page 3y, `., "t r
`) t1
1.,-. - . nw":, n??'_.'s [ v r � .- .L + i!P - . t:, .. •, , ,�9
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0 ,_ , 0 711I.- S
rya jj�rya
I ,k� i
' a ;lflt>11?A lt,:', �_ - PAillameut 1866,
(` riff ) ' ...-9 I
I I .Zai - $2,000,000 t
�1!,1�, To %1.876,,,900
,4044 Moe, - MONT$EAL. �
I.- 1f. RMA MOLSONI�President. f
p,'� 0 t,0$9=AN • UQMAS, General Mana or,
gotep di800,4nted, Collections made, Drafts
iuswed, Sterling and American ex-
change bought and sold at
lowest uVrent rates. t
INTausla Abl,owap oN Darosrra, b
_ r
F`-AiR7��7��3_ a
Abney advanced to farmers OR thatr own notes r
rgth one or more endorsors. No mortgage re-
Iulrod as security. i
gcoember, 1896. Ob.;;..,
Go, D. McTaggart l
Nedea nted, - - Draft,i Issued.
Interest Allowed on Deposits.
Clinton, Junesth, 1891 668y
-_ _
DR. W. CU N N,
L. R. 10. P. anlIL. R. C. S.,,Edinburgh. Odloe—
Ontario street olinton. Nlkht calla at front door of
residence on R%tteubury street, opposite ProBbytor-
Ian church.
J. L. Turnbull, M. B. Toronto Univ. ; M. D. ;
M., Victoria Univ. M. C. P. ,t 8, Ont, ; Follow
of the obstetrical society of Edinburgh. Late of
London, Brij., and Edluburgh hospitals Office :—
Dr. Doweley, s stand, Rattenbury St. Night calla
answered at Office. _
Oman in Hodgea's Block, Rattonbury St., Clinton,
'jut. Night calla at game place.
Jas. S. Freeborn, M•D
L. H. A Q. 0• P., I„ M- C .P, R S. O., 6cc., &o.
Graduate of King's 6c Qu Ban's college of Physicians,
Dublin, Ireland. Licentiate of the General Medical
ccanOR, Great Rritain. Member of College of
rhysiotawa and Surgeons, Ontario. Formerly rest-
dert o Lae Rotunda Hospital (Lying-in and Gynoe.
cological), Dublin. Special attention to dis"Beg of
women and children. Otfloe audreBldenee,Rattonbury
St., next door to Ontario St. Methodist parsonage.
pi attotxy.
T. 0. BRUCE L. 0. Sol,
Suroeon Dentist. Member of R. C. D. S., of Ont-
teetk-t,xitactgd without pain by the use of a harm-
less &-% pleasant local anaesthetic. No unconscious.
( 11 nese nor 111 -elects %roompany the use of
It �6 edy, and many -in and around Clinton can
fy to Its genuinones9. Special attention given
to o preservation of the natural tooth, Office,
",aster' Btoe ,over Ta)•lar's shoo store.
Ra Agnew, Le D. S., I D. S,
Graduate of Royal College of Dental Sur -
OUR of Ontario. Honor Graduate of Trinity
University, Toronto. Beet Local Anaesthetic
for gainless extraction. Office opposite Town
Half, over Swallow's Store.
Night Bell answered.
Will visit Hensall every Monday, and
Zurich the 2nd Thursday of each month
wwl, _
. Conveyancer, &a. offioe--coiner Hamilton and
St. Andrews -ate., opposite Colborne Hotel, Goderich.
jj}� O. HAYS, Barrister, Solicitor, &a. office,
JL R. North Street and Square,(near Registry Office,
Goderich, Ont.
�• Money to lend at lawe@t rates of interest.
Barrister, 4C.,
Money to Loan.
. •1
NOTARY, lkc.,
Goderich, - Oat.
Ofaco—Over Davis' Drug Store. Money to loan.
Goderich, - - - Ont.
;7 :'
ofiloo—Cor. Hamilton and St. Andrew'a Ste.
{, .,
817 -if
ou tp . t0 Igtod.
-_ _.- --- - - --
?►1{'ONF,y to lend in large or small sums on goo
M mortgagee or personal security at the lower
oareenb tabes. H. HALE, Huron et• Clinton.
?, .
i`" •
1' '
Mone to lend on good security at 6d and 8 per
cent. to C. BIDOOT, Albert 8t., Qlinton.
k: ,
Wm. Moore Has Remove
I . , .
T sin better than ever prepared to supply the pn
,e With the Latest Improved
utiliser Sowing Machines.
1r S`
Iteedt a in stock end parts supplied for all mate
Mach ads• Agent for the Oels anted Condor Ohn
"rf ".e
snd,•tllp,rnsost t9 table,wa■htra and Wringers. Th
wdit dkltloil fns[ eiettod Invitai.
I", ,.,
A,, •.
{WM. i�iOORE
k'Yt s .
EAet of commercial Hotel, Nnrphj street, Cl tato
+p, .,'TN' ilJ Ty
me"$ orioo;lb Monday' of OvAry
$Death. Bail Sad ftat, g1'sny
block. VISKIDW brethren alw*T$
made wolcouie.
, JR. Bao. J. P, BHEPPARD, D• 1fl
-ILINT'ON Lod e, Ne. 84, A. F. ✓¢ A. M. meats
d every Frlda on or after the moon. visit
is brethren ao Iplly )nvltdd
. J. HOLLOWAY, W. M. J. B. RUMBALL, 8110•
Clinton, Dec. 8, 1896.
K.. 0. T. M.
Hearus Tout No. 68, Knights of the Maccabees of
is World. 01,008, 42,080 and $8,000 Polloies. Mem-
arehip over 108,000. Assessment priuoiplo—ham
over excoe.ied 12 aasesameuta in a year. Cheapest
ad sate It in extatepce. btoete in Orange Hall, 011u -
m, first and third Friday of every month.
3RAN and SHORTS in Large or
Small Quantities.
0 lbs. Choice Oatmeal for one Bushel
The Beat Early Seed Potatoes, and all
:finds of first-class Clover, Timothy, Field
end Garden Seeds, Flour and Feed of all
Linda. , Closest living prices for cash, SALT
n stock and for sale. TEAS of the choicest
,arieties and blends, Excellent value.
I W. HILL, Huron St., Clinton
Central Butcher Shop.
Subscribers doAre to notify the public that they
havo bought ont. the butchering bnsiuoss lately con-
lncted by Mr. Jas. A. Ford, and will continue the
game under their personal aupervlaiou. Orders will
have prompt and careful attention. Fresh meats of
all kinds will be kept ,n Benson, Bold at reasonable
rates and delivered anywhere in town.
(Successors to J. W. Langford.)
Having bought out the above business, we intend
to conduct it on the cash principle, mild will supply
our customers with the best meats at the lowest pay -
ng prices.
New Butcher Shop.
The undersigned desires to intimate to
the people of Clinton and vicinity that lie has
opened a butcher shop in the store of W.
Core, Huron Street, He has had many years
i f is that he can ive the
`� ,.
: I I
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; , 1:f'.;' . �4"� ,;�"'.,',,
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yy wnry,,' {,,,,,„ ,y. �t yyr■rr�,�� . a .. ,,:,.. r #T!� A�`,4)[R
s 'F21'-IIi� 'I✓.T4'' :t4�fli%ltf "%Lop..11'' 1 i�Mi, '.L S W 1 ✓.+ s - �.^+,1%p w Ill Y:nQ .. J la'Ir . Ri;'t ,? ,} . 1. , . ,. .? n e `"+ ,�1„ •+••
i 1 y411911t1, -' .y� * tatolmes eft erim alry �i'- Iver
yY �y
5. !i- Ar '';�4, .. �. ., ,lr �ti ,f±,k?t. p . t'Xl :li:! M 8,.!n" co ,'eA ''(/'+),�:� u+,t� k,'!
N t1A1i1 s thrOU Mout the Countryfind Ml.
%W� j'08WRP;; A P&II,
n{p !}yi' 1gRP4g, 29th. 18 sends around tr1welling daires to const. mption,. which 16 .
.Lllff�,lil,l+>4e r -°"' '.' ,BfbQw w1at lappllances etre needed and mostunfortunate.
I u . Ir
t a b. t)1Da lora B
af611utdDt "� ii. FKIrD 9'RADb? dfISREFRRSI'l VTA- what course "should be followed to ob-
Rtdtpp rrelolol?Atha e.leoA+nPct►at %r 710,AT6. tf�it} Products of filo highest grade. Its best use is before QU
yet Fq 4" . gal end get prlat?.. toe B
by cow. p"Utplya "004•i',4 It makes purchase of these high fear consumption; w elle,
.714' I,t �Vj xU� Grit newspapers have, for sometitne, grade products, sends agents to .Eng- you begin t0 get than, weak, been endeavoring to make their read- land and elsewhere to sellthem, to
UARNZ68 EMpOWUM, IMLYTil, ONrr advertlse' . their quality and enhance : run down; then is the ru-
etre believe that the pattial revival of P
theirusarket price, dent time to begin to take
NOTICE. , 1 trade in the United States is due to the It establishes quarantine and em- g
+-�t I "Will reform" brought about by the plpys agents to prevent the spread of carer and the best way to
There being some misucderstandi oil with re• passage of the Wilson Gorman bill, contagious diseases in live stock. take Cafe is to 'Supply the
lard to wruokage, let It be distinctly understood They always overlook the fact, how- In order to place Canadian butter on system with needed fat and
shat It any parson take$ possofulon of any kind ever, that the present eustotns duties abetter footing in the British market, r
1f wreckage and fall. to report to me t snap a[ special shipments are made under the Siren th. $Cott 3'BmitislOn
)ace take proceedInge. Remember this is the of the United fat lites are still much dneetion of the Dominiou Govergment g
ast warning [&hall give. CAPT. WK. BABB. higher thin in Canada. So that when and sold under the ,nost favorable con. Of COd-liver ell, Wit hypC►-
Re elver of WT004 Ocidertoh,
(Ioderich, sept. 7t'61891. honestly put the argument should be : ditions so that the fact has been est.a.b- phosphites, will bring back
If the still heavy tariff ,of the United fished that Canadian butter can sue -
FOR SALE. States brings prosperity to that coup- cessfully compete with the finest glum
pness t0 those who
grades of the product of the h'lve lost it and make
The property at present occupied by the un- try, the much lower tariff of Canada chief dairying countries of Eur- '
ion[g�aacn�d as a rgaidepoe on the Huron Road, should bring more prosperity to this ope. There is now every pros- strength Where raw cod-
uthyTownof QodeAch,consistingofonehal.fof country. Speaking of the effects of Pectof the batter t;•ade of Canada be- liver oil would be a burden.
an sora of land, good frame bullae -story and a 'tariff reform" upon the business of the fan farmers its bas the cheesereat a cru[[ otlt to A subsrirute on swilark, ewe arrgi,rat.
7alf•-seven recuse, Includingkituhen, hard and d This gam,, BOWNB,Bellevi le, Ont Sec. and $g.00
loft orator, good Stone sellar, stable, wood and the Unitted States, the New York Coin- is altogether due to the wise action of _ _
rarriago houses, There are also some good fruit mercial Advelltiser puts it so that it the Dominion Government, and Mr. ��.,�■ ���� �
trees. This pproperty Is beautifully situated and will he recoil understood h Canadian Derbyshire, President of the Ontario V
very suitable forany'pereonwishing toliveretired• y Y CrearneryAssociat.ionand ex -Pt esident '
For further partioulare s ply to readers, thus : of the Ontario Dairymen's Association By. Humphreys, gpeciacs wesotenttfleallyand
E..OAMPEON, carefully prepared Remedies, used for year& in
649-tf Barriater,Godortoh. "The Commercial Advertiser long and others prominently connected with private practice and for over thirty Years by the
ago pointed out that the towering the dairy industries have acknow- people with entire success. Evtuy single Specific
claims of a universal advance in wages ledged in the strongest passible terms am
special cure for the disease named.
J. Ona STEVEN S®NI under the Wilson Gorman tariff were the great value of the service thus ren- so. BPRCIFIV FOR Parona
absolutely unfounded. We showed dered to the fartners of the country, i -Fevers, Con bons, Inaammatlone...23
Furniture Dealer, &C. that while in many industries -notably Mr. Derbyshire says: -"The Govern- %-Worms, worm Fever, Worm colic..-, .1A5
in the iron and steel trades -there bas ment could not have wished for it more 3- DiarrhenTeetbluff t collo Crying, Adults
4—pinrrhen, of Children or Adult&...... .25
THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND been a partial restoration in wages splendid justification of its action than 7 --coughs, colds, Bronchttls.............. .25
FUNERAL DIRECTOR. duringthe pest few months, the total the results which have followed. Our S -Neuralgia, Toothache, Faceache.......23
amount paid to labor was still far less butter was introduced into the English e-Readuohes, sick Headache, vertigo.. .25
Opposite Town Hall, . Clinton, Ont than in the corresponding months of market, Rnd its superior quality be- 10-Ryepersta. Plleell&ness, pQnetlpatlwa. .25
181`2, under the McKinley lfrw and the carne known. The old country buyers 11 -Suppressed or Paluf LI Periods... .25
GO TO THE administration of $enjatuin Harrison. soon learned that Canada could supply 1l—[ropes, Too Profuse Periods-...-...... .25
We showed, also, that there were no the flnest ualit of creamer butter de- 18—Croup, Laryngitis, Hoarseness ns.. .25
Union Shaving Parlor q Y 1 14-Sn1t 12henm, Erysipelas, Paduson... .25
signs of any g$neral revival of industry rnauded,-cud on the English market 15-Ifheamntfsm, llheumnuo Pains...... .25"
until after the election of an over- it is the very best they want and are 1a-Malarla, Phil,% Fever and Ague...... .25
19—Catarrh, Influenza, Cold In the Read. .25
whelming Republican house of repre- willing to pay for. Professor Robert- ,
For first-class Hair -Cutting seritatives ; that the movement toward son managed the whole buAnbss very 20-whoovinix Cough ...................... d5
and Shaving. better times did not beaottie strongly skillfully, and last year's venture ended 27-Kidney
D btfiiy.....................1 00
Smith's block, opposite Post Office, Clinton apparent until the adjournment, of the by costing the country very little -a so -Urinary Weakness .................. .25
J. EAIERTON, Proprietor, mischief -making Fifty-third Congress small outlay, indeed, for the opening up 34 -Sore Throat, Quincy, ulceratedTbroat.25
deprived the Democratic party of pow- of such a inagniflcent new market. if kf �� it DR, HUMPHREYS' ry p
(i(� er to inflict further injury upon Amer- it had not been for what the Dorninion SPECIFIC FOR GRIPy e
WATTS & ican interests ; and that the in) rove- Governmel)t did, the butter inakin
d g your vest pocket.
meat in business was pri primarily ue t0 business would have flattened out Fold by Draggl.t., or sant on recelpt of price,
CHEMISTS & DRUCCISTS popular- coutidence in the complete re- and evierybod connected with it Da,,ia.ria.*a'LIAHUAL(E.I.rgBdk Hevi.od,).Aa8o8ass,
turn of Lite Republican party to nation- would have been discouraged. It HDAPuUX18'nHD.CO., III A 113 Wt9lRm8t., FEW YOM
Great Northwestern Telegraph office, al authority. would have been disastrous. But now SPECIFICS.
Albert Street. - Clinton. The facts are so ohvions the, there our butter has established itself as _T ___- __-_.
is no need of printing arrays of figures lit only on the English market as our
PROPERTY FOR SALE OP P g g cheese bas already established itself."
rn RENT.-Advertteergwiu find' The to bolster theta up. The chain of
If Nows-Record"one of the beet medium■ Callye and effect is rntimifest t0 every Steps ttt'e ca lleltr taken r do the
In the County of Huron. Advertise In mind with sufficient intelligence to un- same for the cattle trade by arrangingVcRATSJRADEMAR�s
'The News-Rocord"—mho Double Circulation Talks derstand that two and two make four• for the shipment of chilled beef to be
to Thousands. Rates% low as any. The countr 's industries were ata placed in the hands of leading ' M �tmint, its workingmen idle or employ- deztlers throughout Great Britain and PUMPS1 PUMPS labelled Its "Canadian Beef." By thisPRIGHT
ti :s reduced wages, up to the clic- means it is proposed to establish the
-- tions of November, 18&l, which trip- P P CAN I OBTAIN a a PATENT? For o
If you want a first-olasv, wall -made pump, one that pled the Democracy s0 that it could special Cillallty O£ 011r 1)eP.t, '2nd CCeate a rempt answer and h honest l fifty
write so
wig give you satisfaction, send your order to the special demand for it. $300,000 will he (1 N N 8: CO., who have hadnearlyss.oommyeica-
undereignod. He will dig and clean wells and do It at not 1Pg1a1tLtP; then inti ications of 1t re- P eaperlence In the patent business. CommunlIn-
the closest prices. He also handles a first-class sum tion of industrial actiyity began appropriated for this purpose and hone $ton c ncerning confidential. Ata a dbo w of In -
the formation concerning Yn[enls and how to ob-
FORCE PUMP. raduall to show themselves ; orbs❑ there ran be no doubt whatever of the tainthemsentfree. Alsoacatalogueofineeban-
fx Y success of the undertaking. Provision teal and scientific books sent free.
JAMES FERGUSON the Democratic Congress died a dishon- Patents taken through Munn k Co. receive
est death in March, they rapidly is also being made for increzLsed cold a ecialnotice Inthe SclentiHeAinerican,and
11 p y storage on the Canadian steamship true are brought widely before the publlewith-
Oppoeit Queen'aIIotel - High Street Clinton. multiplied ; t0 -day, WI)P.n t e Demo- b. P out cost to the inventor. Tbis splendid aper,
809-tf Critic art is shackled, and the re- lints In order that our farmers may issued weekly. elegantly Illustrated. has bY Taper,
P have ample facilities to take fall old- largest circulation of nny scientific work in the
storation of protection confidently an- P world. 83 a year. Sample co iessentfree.
F g C 0 DI B tici ated by manufacturers and bu,i- vantage of the important trade that Bonding Edition monthly, $ .6oa year. single
p co les,'l5 cents, i>.very number contains beam -
Will W. Hess men, lad ustry is once more assert- will thus be PstabllSlle(i• tl foul platen, in colors, and ppbotogragpa of new
(MEMBER OF ASSN OF P. L. S.) ing itself, and there is a fair, thou b TheEte are cul a few of the things houses with pinna, enabling builders to dyalles the
g Y g infest .with designs and secure contracts- Address
uot,by any means a keen, demand foe done by the Conservative Government MUNN do CO. NEW Youic. 361 BROADWAY.
Provincial Land Surveyor labor. These are the plain facts. for the benefit of the farmer. A PERFLCT TGA
and Civil Engineer, Their relation to each other is indispu- _- _-
LONDON, CU1�Tz•, __-_-_ RECEIVED $100 NORTH OF GOOD in am Aft
OFrrcE—At O. J. Stewart's Grocery Store, Clin- FROM EACH BOTTLE.
ton. 781•ly 8mo* _—,
experience, ane ee tl
best satisfaction. Ile will sell strictly for Cantelon Bros - S OOT, OF BT. JOHN, N. B., CURE.
Cash, and at the lowest possible prices. ' SOUTH AMERICAN KIDNEY CURE-.
T� ( , words. He had suffered for a long IN THE WORLD TEA
111, W WRIGHT, - Clinton. ION MERCHANTS. \s.' time from kidney trouble, and coin- FROM THE TEA PLANT TO 7HE TEA CUP
Groekery, Glass& Chinaware minced to think—as r will certainly be- -
��E HOGS WANTEDI came the Case if n remedy l8 not Kidney
ed -that he was fated to'die of Kidney
ALBEit'1 ST. CLINTON, O)vT. � ° '•Monsoon " Tea is pat up b)' the Indian T,: -t
disease. He read the claims of the rowers aaa sample of the best qualities of Indian
Highest Cash Price for Butter and Eggs manufacturers of South American aerie Therefore they use the greatest care in the -
762-1y I K,dney Cure, ,with scepticism, perhaps. selection of the Tea and its blend, that is why they
BILI, HEADS NOTE, 11 But he tried the medicine:, and felt put rkuapgp , the eelvea and sett it only in the ellgmal
Highest Marks Price Paid. L r packages, thereby securing its purity and excellence,, Lotter Heade, Tags, 1 I benefitted within two days, load using put up in Ib., r lb. and 6 Ib. packages, and never
ALA D. CANTELON, Clinton, Statements, Circulars, Business his own language: "I have tztken sold in bulk.
Card@, Envelopes Programmes, I in all four bottle and consider that I ALL GOOD GROCERS KEEP 1T.
1798-tf• INetc., ete.,printol'in a workman• have received $100 worth of good from
like mannor and atlo% rate@,at ,\ \\ / each bottle." The figure is not nearly If your grocer does not keep it, tell him to write to
Tue. NEW@-R&connotfloe. high enough, foi- when kidney disease '" STEEL, HAYTER & 00. -
E3. THOMLINSON, // is toot st,tiyed, death quickly follows, 11 and 13 Front 9tregt East. Toront^.
Mrs. Whitt Teaoher of Music, ___ --- --
VETERINERY SURGEON, �� __ _ _ _ _ --�-
Honorary Graduate of toe Ontario Veterinary Col- Pupil of Si.. Charles W. Landon, of Philadelphia. \ n
Iage,Toronto. The Mason Method used exclusively. Licenses in South limon• Old Dr.Gordon's�emedyform en
Treats all diseases of Domestic Animals an tb It is ooneidered by the loading Magical Artistes that _—
moat modern and Scientific Principles. no method develops the technic so rapidly as Dr. Towx CLFRK NVM. COATS,
Croon -
Mason's and Technic. •, Ac n ru seting of the License (%con- 141
Day and Night Calla Promptly Answered. Clinton's New Trca.nurer• missioners for South 1luron, held in '121 l
lto@idence—Rattenbnr Street, West, Cliton Ont Piano, Organ and Teabk, over
for see of pnpfile .F Amo,
y Apartments in Beaver Block, over W. Beeeley's,Albort - _ -_ __ .. _ - Hensall Tuesday, the following liven- P fb5 1F
_- street, Clinton. ses were granted for 18)tl:-
J, E BLACKALL, Veterinary ' - M hat The Government liar Bonc
Surgeon, honorary graduate of NOTICE TO NEWS -RECORD READERS. TOWN OF fJEAFORTH.—For Tavern,
Ontario Veterinary College, for the Farmer.
� W. Flannagan, J. Dick, A. Davi(1s(ni,
disosses of all domestic animals The publisher would esteem it a favor If rear' , J. H. MCUiinChy, .Iam('s NVe'.Ir, T. J.
on t'ie most modern and scientific would, when meking their purchaeee oent)on at Contributed by Major R. R. McLennan, M• p•, yte hens; for Bhp 1, F. Dawson, H. 8fe64NN1NO r►R6'IMONfN 5ECONOMONTH
principlo@. SdTCnlle attended to they saw the merchant's dvertistc.ent in -f ur for Glengarry. 1) i
night or day. O e 1 on Issas street, next New •Nswa-RECUED. The Canadian Government has pro- Jackson & Son. CURES 165
Emoffioe Residence —Albortstreet. Clinton, ----- / tected the products of the farin from VILLA(IEOF EXETER.—For Tavern,
___ _- _.___ _____ The McKillop Mutual Fre outside Competition,pre.serve.dandtnnit T. W. Hawkshaw, W.T. Acheson, J. POSITIVELY i.
Teacher of Piano up a bome market worth many mil- I.eathorn, W. Zinger; for shop, F. J. Lost Power,Nervonsnabinty,
_ lions of dollars annually, arranged .the Knight, Farmer Bros. Failing Manhood, secret Di-
MlijB Hallie E. Combe /nsuranee Company, tariff so that the necessaries of life are VILLAOR of BAYFIELD. -For Tav- senses, caused by the errors
1 nearly all admitted free, whilst the (,In, E. Elliot, E. R. Swart•&; J. Pol- andsxg, mies ddle-aged
Toronto Conservatory of Music, cer taxation on food and animals which Young, rntddlemtil a old THIRD 00
tifieates in Piano, Harmon and Intro- lock, six months. of
a n{; xcessee, resto
Harmony Farm and Isolated Town Proper- the farmer raises himself and which he of footles and excessc:,, restored to health, man-
ductory Theory, t only Insured. does not require to purcliase if be does TOWNRHIP OF STANLEY, For Ttty hood and vigor.
y ern, W. Cook, R. Graham, H. Shafer• Price $1,00, 6 boxes for $5.00. R^nt by mail,
not wish to, is im used for his protec
CL=N'SO^�T, ONT- 1) TOWNRIiIP OF TrJOKERBMTTIl.—FOL' securely sealed. Writr (arena book, ".Sfnrffing
oiyican&. tion an that he virtually pays no tax Tavern, Wm. Kyle, Jarnes Coleman. Fnctr," for btcn only, tong you how to get wall
___ - —__ _.._ _------ -- -
.11 - - George Watt, President, Harlock P. O.; James on necessaries, while the average duty and stay well.
Gia Trowh� Broadfoot,Vlce-Prea., Seaforth P.O.; W, J. Shan- on luxuries and articles i voluntary ToWNRHIP OF i1AY.—For Tavern,
ran, Sony. Trans., Seaforth P, O.: Michael Murdie, lose is 50 c., thus makingthe. tax on W. Nicholson, If. L. Peine, C. Orel), Address, QUEEN r-7EDICIRE CO., Box 947s
4 tnRpeotoroflosses, ReatorthP. o. the farmer its light as possible while JameR Uoxwoith, W. it. Hodgins.
Horseshoer and General Black- Seaforth;, h70NTr FAL-
Jamoe Broad toot, Beaforth; Mlohael Mordio,Sea• the rich man hots t0 hent the burden TOWNRHrP OF STEPHEN. ---For TaV-
8mlth, forth; George Dsle_Seaforth-George watt, Harlock; and Pay about. eighty-flve per cent. of ern, R. Horn, W. Moffatt, A. Hill, W. -- -- - -_ ---
Thomas E. HayR.Seaforth; Alex Gardiner,Leadbury: the taxes. Out of the revenue rained Clarke, C. L. Moser, .1. Donohue, J. Bicycles at Church.
Albert Street, North, - Clinton. Thomas Garbutt, Clinton; John McLean, Kippen. in this wfty the Government has con- Hstnnan, Josoph Brenner, W McCann; ___.
JOBBING A SPECIALTY. AOW1°T@' strutted railways and canals at tt large W. Holt, wine and beer. J,nat week Rev. Jenkin Lloyd ,Jones
Thomas Nollara, Harlock; Robert Mebflllan, Sea- cost in Order to provide facilities to en- TowNRFIIP ()F URHoRNE• —For toy- announced that ,ill hicycllRts who at -
Woodwork koned and first class material and forth and JameR Cumminge,Egmondvllle. able the farmer to get his produce. t0
work guaranteed; farm Implements and machines Parties desirous to effect Insurance or trans- ern, Joseph Stephens, A. Walters. tended tile ylirlday n)Orning, services
p market as cheaply as possible, while at OaKland Music Ilall, Chicago, would'
rebuilt and repaired. act other business will be promptly attend- in the several states of the union and
_ — ed to on application to any of the above officers ad- have their bicyClt�s taken care of, and
Card of Thanks.
dressed totheir respective post aDlaeR, Of Other countries this is done by d;- LITTLE MONEY NEEDED. ns n result of th;. aunnitncement a
�] ((�j -- rect taxation. number of people who ride the wheel'
THE TRIUMPH V� LOW In addition to this the Government --- were present. it was the first, trial in
is doing what it is not for any other Chicago of the experiment of checking
TO MY MANY PATRO-NS i industry :By establishing experimen• HOW TO DRESS THE YOUNGSTERS the hieycles of church -goer,•, at the door.
I desire to tender m e cera thanks tal farms'at a large coat, on wbich ex- WELL. of the house of worship, land the result
y A Nappy, �'(OIN erts are made to test what are the -.___ was gratifying.
for the very liberal patronage accord- best grains, grasses, and frulta to grow, - - - ---'--
r ed me in the past and 0 inform the r,, " ' how they can beat be 1 rOWn, by What DIAMOND DVER KEEP THE CHiLDREN RUBBING IT IN,
public that I em still in the Carpet MARRIAGE process of tillage and by use of what IN NEW CLOTHES.
P Never use n liniment for rhumatism,
Weaving Business on East Street, I manures, what are the best, classes of _ -
Goderieh, noxi the Bicycle Factor stock to raise, and how they can be says (t high medical authority, Don't
y y. i EVERY M�� �'bO earliest and Chea est fitted P<)r the y p rub it in --drive it oat. Take some -
d p p Little money is needed to keg the
Personal and mail orders will ae nanal I� �°O"la market. How beat Cheese and butter children well and handsomely dressed. thing that removes the acid poison
1vow thtl•ClI t1ND from the blood -take something that
receive prompt attention. All classes 5 D can be produced, what grades of cattle Thrifty mothers rarefy buy neW cloth-
e P TRUTHS; the Plaits will im mve oar digestion, and build,
of work a s ecialt at the lowest Poe are best fltted for this purpose and ing for theft• little ones, yet theyy P Y g
p p p Facts -the Old Secrets p always Appear nicely dressed. This i, up the cod to the perfection of robust
what are the Chen est and best foods yy
sible prices, and satisfaction guaran and the New Discover- for such cattle. It sends out free Sam- p Dyes,health, Tiiflt "something" is (scoffs
b• teed, 1$ 1� iesof Medical Science the result of using the Diamond colors Saran arilla, a remedy tient obtains
ole packages of grasses and seeds to which make nil the fttshionabl>? colors P
W A Rots East utreet ry Its applied t4 Married Farmers throughout the country to en• the beat results in the shortest time.
g Y with but little work and trouble,
Life, should write for able them to test new rains raises , $1, of all druggesta.
t f `r our grains, Father's suite and mothers dresses
, &e., for himself, and see which are the can be taken to feces, re -dyed, and Work has commenced on Stratford'R
GOD)CRI(lH. boon, balled "PER- P Y
rn best suited for this soil.
e - t1t0" FEC`T MANHOOD." made over for the To and girls at a new sewer system, and there will be
We Must IfAvo Help. 7.b tiny earn maiY we will mall ons copy It employs experts to ascertain dis- very sinall expense, When this work no unemployed men in that city in it
We pay man and women>dioeot`l8 per .veer for Entirely ft reo In plain sealed cover. eases and inspect pests which affect has to be done, be sure you use the few days.
easy home work. No books or peddiinq, steady em- u A rellugb froa tthe quacks.'" Addresfl the farmers eropA and live stock and Diamond Dyes in order to get good -
r ployment guaranteed. Bend stamp.ter work ,Ind what are the beat remedies and colors. The use of Imitation dyes Make a point to Ree that your blood
IN partioulare at once. HERMANN to SEYMOUR, 219 �qC �i uu N.Y.the beat preventive for them. means loss of your materials, as well is purified, enriched and vitalized at
9ont�&818xnh Street, Philadelphia, Ps I D� ![iGHICAI UIq Hull�1lll ! It publishes reports and bulletins as waste ►aF time and money. this season with Hood s SarsaparilltE. ,: (, l