The Huron News-Record, 1896-04-01, Page 8Si
fly �e1O aptly, (bey are---Tbe Best --
Mad the rest. The trouble is the(
they look alike. We are agents
for The Hyslop tlyoles--they are
beet, In Bicycle advertis-
ing language has beet) so thorough-
ly scanned for forceful and often
exaggerated expressions that we
deem it prudent to run them all
up in the above truism and term
them just ° -the beet—their record
ierovee it. It !e useless to try to put
about the rest in quantity, when we
aay—the best—we do in quality,
they are beyocd question the
moat complete line tor all practi-
cal purposes ever turned out by a
eingte manufacturer. -
See THE REGENT at $85 ; THE
FLEET at $75 ; or even THE
CRESCENT at $50.They are
staunch, graceful and honest. In
a few days we will have them t'or
put inspection.
The W. D. Fair Co.
Agents Parker's Dye Works.
...� ..*tl0 0►e.#:tlt<`l` t he,.
Venlig, else OteliBOVielti*Meeteelktiele
was last night Peettpeeekete eteeetelet
the entereilatbent tit'hili" 17tia�I ebe
Irext Morality an ifiltorrt?.stu tit dlreias
Wilt be delivered by Mir, Ise n ns
feu on "Free Trade as it la inng-
land," and there should be 'a large.
attendance. On Apt it 14 and 21 there
will be addresses by Mr. Phillipa and
Mr. Patterson,
000D STUCK.—Mr. H. )tlumeteel, of
'Hillside Stock Farm, Clinton, has pur-
chased from Jas. S. Smith, Maple
Lodge, the bred Durham Bull,
"Nineteenth highly ice of Thule." This
class of bull is just what the farmers
should patronize, as in his breeding is
combined beef, butter and milk. Hie
darn bas a tested record of 521fes. of
milk in a day and 15 lbs. of butter per
11NtittelletTION WEEK. From March
22nd to March 28th was enumeration
week at the Clinton post office. On
enquiry we find that the•inail matter
was comprised of 3,818 parcels, and
the total portage $84.73, which went
through the hands of Postmaster Por-
ter as follower—Ordinary letters 2,2thk,
registered 30, free 15, post cards 935, 1lc
per 4oz. packages 452, le per 2oz. pack-
ages 93, 5th class 23, total postage
of the late Mrs. Thos. Jackson last
Wednesday afternoon was largely at-
teneed. The floral tributes to sueb a
noble memory were beautiful. Rev.
A. Stewart (Willis Church) conducted
the service at the home and grave, of
whose church deceased was a memheir.
The Sons of England were present in
a body. The pall bearers were Messrs.
_Jaaiea Scott, S. G. Plummer, . Geo.
Swallow, John McGrava, R. Ransford
and R. Irwin.
RECORD is not fault-finding when it
repeats that enough attention is not
paid our fire brigade by the powers
that be. The pay of these men is not
sufficient to have them study what is
required of them. Instead of a mere
pittance they should .be paid for the
work they do. A stated sum should
be named for every man for every
fire he attends. With alt due respect,
we contend .that the present brigade are
not well up ib fighting fire and that a
new order of things should be adopted.
If a system of waterworks is required
to grapple with ouch a matter, let our
representatives tache hold of the ques-
tion at the Council Board,
The Huron News -Record
1.25 a Year -81.00 In Advance
�na[11 'Around the Minh.
town dills,
tj iotca 9eiaitef tt111I5 ler salo—ZAaSi t::r tura.
Goose, rinck, and chicken feathers
taken in exchange for furniture at 3.
a Stevenson's.
3.15'; Parke offers for sale Hs driving
horse, buggy and harness, singly or to-
gether. Any one requiring a nice driv-
ing outfit would do well to see Mr.
will he special meetings in the S. A.
barracks on Good Friday, .April 3rd.
Brigadier Margetts, of London, the
Provincial Secretary, will lead on. He
wilt be assisted by Ensign Oglivie and
(,`ai`rtian Comstock, of Stratford; Cap-
tion and Mrs. Sloate, of Godericb; Cap -
thus and Mrn. Clark, of Bayfield; and
Capt:an Orchard a.ttd Lieutenant Han-
cock, of Seaforth. A special public
Meeting will be held in the afternoon,
commencing at 3 5o'eleck, and in the
evening a half night of prayer com-
mencing at 7.30, to which all christians
and friends are melted.
To have poor,ebeap furniture in your hOUaO that comes
apart and cracks and breaks and sooner ot• later goes
for kindling 1
If you want Genuine Bargains for real solid values
without fancy words, but articles that are eloquent in
themselves, come here.
We have a line of Fancy Tables, New Goods just
in, that we've placed at 45c., 55c. and 75c. They are
durable as well as ornamental.
Would like, to have you see them whether you buy
or not.
Furniture Dealer and Undertaker.
FAME ABROAD.—The March num-
NI' of Cycling, published in Toronto,
glee a, very • good picture of
George F. Emerson, and says
"Starting in the business five years
ago, Mr. Emerson bas each year
branched ont until now he is well Afln
favorably known among the wheehnen
of north-western Ontario. His boast
is that, havini, supplied his share of
the mounts in the past, he has men in
all sections of that portion of the
country, Huron county in particular,
who are willing to boort his business
at any and all times. Each of his pat-
rons is in fact an advertising medium
for hien. Like the cat in the song "they
all come back" when they desire to in-
vestinnew "hikes." The Clinton man's
repair business has kept pace with his
sales branch. He has a fully equipped
repair shop, in charge of well.-,pq tied
mechanics, and being himself}, of, a
mechanical turn of mind, he kr ws
when a "job," whether simple on diffi-
cult, is turned out right. It is srial1
wonder, therefore, that his repair( .rade
is now the largest in, Huron county.,'
are now 61 inmats and this number
will likely be increased this week,—Of
the61 inmates 36 are at present taking
medicine.—Miss S. E. Hodgins, of Kin -
Ines, a thoroughly competent and re-
liable Iady,has been officially appointed
assistant Matron and will, we predict,
prove worthy of such an important
trust.—Capt. Ottaway, of the S. A., is
hilted to conduct religious service next
Sunday. Rev. A. Stewart officiated
last Sunday.—Geo. Nichol, one of the
inmates from Seaforth, has been left
fief dr six hundred dollars by a de-
ceied brother.—Already there has
been over 2000 visitors through the
Thursday the House of Refuge Com-
mittee,. Messrs. Either, McDonald and
Holt, also the Warden, met in Clinton
to determiup sortie necessary additions
and the purchase of implements, &c.
Xn order to prepare for spring work
JO etor Coats, Manager French and
1Jonald were authorized to pur-
eliase a team of farm horses to weigh
about 2,400 lbs. and a choice will he
made from all the teams offered next
'1:'ttesday ; implements -will be procured
Its follows :--Orue single plow, two -fur-
row plow. spring tooth cultivator, scuf-
fler, pair iron harrows, land roller. seed
drill, ladders, heavy waggon. buggy &c.
1t new cistern, or cisterns, will be put
i1f-o supply the Rome with soft ^cater
and plans for the seine will be dr..,.,•!.
filketches for an extelision to the build-
ing will be made in order to secure
snore room, the present hospital space
heing occupied for more euitahle
purposes'. Some small furniture was
ordered for the doctor's office. Soon
the hum will he heard at Huron's
Industrial Farm.
Show Room
�pr�l Znd
.. and 4th.
Who have money to spend on their Wearing Apparel
can figure acs they please. Be it a small boy, or a big
man, they can put it to their bonefit by looking at the
different lines we halve for their use :—
Our Own Make of Men's Suits at $ 12 00
" "10 00
cc cc cc cc ,c '7 00
"443 00
2 00
And some lines of Special Value at $1.00
and $1.50.
ST. PAUL'S CHURCH.—Set vices att'St.
Pa uta church during Holy Week will be
held on Wednesday evening at 8 p: m.
and on Good Friday at 11 a. in. and 4-
p. m. On Easter Sunday the rector will
preach morning and evening, and the
services, especially as regards the rnnsie,
will he of the usual festal character.
The following is a list of the music
prepared by the choir under the direc-
tion of Miss MdHat•dy
lymn 179 SCHILLING
Our I a,.cover
eDcum 1. LEWIS totoweE
Benedict us BACON
Anthem .....• The Choir Angelic.....HANscoM
;Jeri Tibi Tot'sa
Hyman 180........ ..
Hymn 182... ....
Gloria Patria
Ma gniflcat
Nunc Dimittia .
Annbem....••The Choir Angelic"
Hymn 18.5
Offertory. ... "Gloria in iCxceisis". .. MoZAeT
Hymn 23. .... .
I. O. G. T. --The supper given last
Friday evening by Clinton Star Lodge
was large attended, about 135 being
present. The lodge was opened in the
usual manner by the (\ T., W. Moore.
He wa.s assisted by Chief Tempters
from Kinhm•n, Londeshoro, Blyth.
Auburn, Summerhill and Porter'p jlill.
The folic wing programme was giben
Duett, Miss T. Brown and Mr. Brown,
Auburn; speech. Mr. Young Londes-
horn; recitation, Mr. McGregor,
Londeshoro; solo, Mr, J. Foster, Clin-
ton; address, Mayor Holmes; mouth -
organ solo, Mi'.I3ainton, Blyth' speech,
Mr. C!, Lowery, Summerhill; song,
Master Ettrt Seale. Clinton; recitation,
Aliso. Brinton, Blyth; sp.ech,' Rev.
TItre is, Clinton; recitation, Miss Bar -
reit, Myth; reading, Mr. Tudor, Kin -
burn; .speech, Mr. McDougall, Porters
Hill; recitation, Miss Stenzel, Clinton;
speech, Mr. J. Gray, Blyth; musk', Miss
M. Goodwin, Clinton. With the
customary vote of thanks from the
respective lodges, the meeting was
brought to a close.
FIRE. --Last Wednesday evening
shortly after ten o'clock the fire alarm
sounded and smoke was seen issuing
from Harland Bros. hardware store,
three doors north of TRE News -Ree
men office. In a very short time a
gocd stream of water was flowing
from Fair's mill and' this soon had
what threatened a serious conflagra-
tion in check. A few minutes later a
stream was playing from the market
and nil danger was averted. There
was about $500 dernage to the building,
the principal damage to stock being
from water and breakage. The fire
evidently originated in the cellar on
the opposite side to where the furttttce
is, and the cause is enshrouded in
rriy'stery. About 8.30 the premises
ware as usual inspected and there was
no sign of fire. The store was then
closed for the night. The building and
stock was insured in the Phoenix,
Northern, Caledonia and Lancashire.
Mr. Edwards, of Toronto, was here on
Friday and adjusted the riniins for all
companies to the satisfartion of all
concerned. Herlend Bros. have Mr-
ried insurance for over tltirt t years end
during that. time paid several thoant-
..... .. HA WEH
WILLIAM pnANi ON I211 At).---Cititells
re surprised to learn of the death of
William Shannon on Monday morning.
Several years since the gentleman had
a severe attack of In grippe, from which
he never fully recovered. In fact 1he
disease so shattered bis whole system
that it was only a question of time.
He was able to he up and hround until
(Ip. rn. Sunday, the vital spark taking
its flight eight hours later. The late
I%fr. Shannon wins the very embodi-
ment of all that goes to make a good
citizen, loving father and devoted
husband. He was born of Irish parents
in the township of Chinguaconsy,
(Tenney of Reel, nearly 48 years ago
and. resided on the farm homestead
nearly all his life. Nearly a quarter
of a century since he married and
leaves hie wtdovb, two sons and four
daughters to mourn their great loss.
Poor years since the deceased took a
lralf Interest in the electric light worka
here, his eldest son, Bert, taking charge
of the work. He was a faithful mem-
her of the Methodist church, the Home
Circle and A. O. L. W., under whose
.tnspiecs the funeral will take place to-
day at 2.30 p. ni. The family will have
W hen we i
will show
all the lat-
est Novel-
ties in•Mil-
linery in
Paris ,Lon-
don and
New York
S tyles.
You . are
Beasley &
,the sympathy of a large circle of ands of dollars in premituns, this•he-
friends in the r sad bereavement. i ing their first loss.
`'etset e
The Ladies'
Favorite Es-
t a blishment,
11011110000 04100001110
following paragraph from the Wood-
stock Sentinel -Review of March 20th
refers to a son of Mr. J. C. Millet, cif
the Hotel Clarendon: The parlors of the
Hotel Oxford contained a jolly crowd
last night, assembled in honor of Bert
Miller, the popular clerk at that well-
known hostelry. John A. McKetl?ie
presided over the gathering nnd dur-
ingthe evening presentett Mr.Miller
with a iiandenme hahv carriage "corn,
palsied by a verbal ltdrltrerieStp1'essiveof
the high a teern In which `Bert" is
held by the donors of the gifts. A
parse of money wile also presented.
The company numbered about twenty,
every one of whom spoke in the high-
est terms of the kindly relations that
have always existed between them and
the genial clerk. Speeches, songs and
dancing were included in the merri-
ment and a right good time was
spent. Bert is to he congratulated on
so marked a manifestation of his
friends' regard.
Tne LATE MRS. KELLY.—There died
at Fairview, Pickford township,
Mich., on March 13th, 1896, Mary Ann
Kelly, wife of the late Sergeant Kelly,
of the town of Goderich, Ont., having
survived him six years and four
months. She was horn in the city of
Dahlin, Ireland, in the year 1808, being
therefore at the time of her death,
the ripe old age of eighty-eight years
and five months. One daughter And
two sons survive her—Mrs, Robert
Campbell, Sr., of 1'lckfor•o township,
Michigan ; Jacob Miller Keily, of Man-
itoba, and Joseph W. Kelly( 0t Pick-
ford township, Michigan The de-
creased spent her girlhood tlsgs behind
her father's rnunter, wire', «'as a nier eb--
ant in her native,'tc en. She was
weddrlt t'O Sergeant Kay of the thine
light aotgoons, nql emigrated to (tfr-
n(A about forty-five years ago, hr;1d
e 1Fnt the feet, six`yerers of her lmeg life in
'Chippewa Cottttter, elichiga.n, and tried
at the easidence vtil her youligest 'son,
:Memel W. Kell jr. A large circ}e of
aeill'`esnetteirh'their it9ss.
44 r,'
Boy's Blue Serge Suits $ 1 50
2 00
3 00
3 50
4 00
a, c
cc cc cc
Boy's School Pants $ 1 00
cc cc
cc -
v4 *!
son, town agent, reports the following
travellers during the 'past week:—Gab.
Sprung and sister for Fargo ; Ben.
Sheppard and wife for Sault. Ht e. Merle,
Muc•h., .Jas. Ford. for Portage La
Prairie ; and John Henderson to Mor -
dell, Mail,
FIRE AND 1`51 nny(F,- The fire last.
week brings to mind the fact tlutt the
171.1'1,^;writers Association in their t -e'
port would fain recognise the Wates•'
works systetu introduced tht•ough the
courtesy of Mr. .lamps Fair. At the
time THE NEWS -RECORD said the As-
sociation was very unreasonable and
the fire last Wednesday is still further
proof that we were right. The addi-
tional service, unrecognized by the Un-
derwriters, saved the seyeral Insurance
companies some hundreds of dollars
and probably thousands. The fire was
of such a nature that water was re-
quired at once to avert more serious
results. To Fair's mill is due the main
credit for the extinguishing of the fire
last Wednesday night.
The Famous Clothiers, Furnishers, and Hatters,
Clinton, Ont.
Spring " Thoughts$
Just now the feririnine fatty turns to thoughts of spring attire.
Whether it be Millinery or Shirt Waists, Dresses or Dress Goode
—Laces or Linings—Gloves or Veilinge—in abort, any of the
thousand and one things to be nature:ly remembered at this
season of the year—yon'll find The Palace strong at every point
desired by the most critical shopper. '
Brief Town Topics.
This is "All Fools Day."
D. Cantelon, Jr., is on a business
visit to Mount Forest.
No religi,Iue )body will he found more
economical than they local S. A.
A Couch's big sale last Tuesday was
very largely attended and prices were
fair. The proceeds amounted to about
Renewal subscriptions to THE NEWS.
si'd RD have been numerous during
4l e past week.
Mr. J. P. Doherty is on it hnsinese
visit through Western portions of On-
to rio.
Sunday was the firat genuine spring
day in this section The snow nielted
like lard on a hot stove and•err-
gulfed haul end soft blockades.
hes at last.
beenbra ker14,41a erring is winter s,seoty stere. ,
Great efforts have been made this season to maintain our
old-time and well-earned reputation for Fine Millinery,
including styles from Paris, London and New York.
Newest fancies in Feathers, Flowers and Trimmings, at
prices always the lowest. This season our Millinery
will be found upstairs et the front of the etore where
we have one of the beet lighted and moat commodious
show rooms in the west, with every convenience for
Millinery buyers. Our oponing days are
April 2nd and 4th...
The Millinery will be on view Thursday Afternoon, and
we make a special display in all deparlments'Chureday
evening from 8 to 10 o'clock, to which you are cordial-
ly invited,
in Millinery . .
Calle for bread eeperience in tho buying, and a keen dieser-meet 'of'al{`1
that's newest and best. The first consideration is stylar, . and no old
stock is wanted at any price. The market abounds witch opportunities •
to buy last season's hate and trimmings. You can get them cheap, of
course you can, but if you're wise, and want to he in•style, leave•them •
severely alone. Our styles and low prices cannot be disceented.
CN T�N.-