The Clinton New Era, 1896-09-25, Page 3'' ' OLIN
Eat -Treasurer Harvey of Guelph was
ou1w tte4 for ,trial oil the charge of
erubezxx�ng city funds.
North), pt the M.O.R. ofaces,
,eli ftiorm a train near Lon -
from hitt injuries.
Mr Be
don and
d elteleto W n earthed at Winui.
peg wit chi' , d'p"'�, k d, 'o be that of Thoatas
.Scott, o llf' Bbot during the Red
itiver 1��4lIIo .
The London FreeiPresCeayysr-"John
*Hodgins, an Osborne tdvptiebtpIa mer
•caused a omit s utbh-up on Richmond
street bout ur, o'clockerictray after-
noon. & i drhring h team of horses
attachert ,to dpi$avy Orogen,.- and to
avoidarcingt oiley. car in front cit
dtobineoe &o's,- he drovlfweo cieSt1
to Ma or tti e' ughg. y, to t dtaniiltlg�g
beside the cull` t tion of thewheo H
was crushed j eldgiiie'dreve on•a,
few yarils, when he overtook a buggy
in which Aire W. Weld was seated,
•and the heavy wagon crashed into the
buggy with sufficient force to break
•one of the wheels, and cause Mre Weld,
who is an invalid. to fall. Assistance
was immediately rendered her, and she
was carried into Hobbs' hardware of-
fices. Happily her injuries proved to
be slight. The farmer drove away
without waiting to see wh : t injury he
had caused. An account the price
of two wheels should be se thim.
he days of 25 cents a box for
pills are numbered. Dr. Ag-
new's Liver Pills at ten cents a
vial are surer, safer and pleas-
anter to take, and are supplan•
ting all others. Ail druggists
sell thein.
Ohre Constipation, Sick and Nervone
Headachee, Dizziness, Lassitude, Heart-
burn, Dysyepsia, Loss of Appetite and all
troubles arising from liver disorder.
The Woman of it.
She had read.the sign, "Do not speak
to the motorman," and she said: "I
wonder why not." Then in winsome
voice she inquired of that funottonary,
"Why musn't one talk to the motor-
man?" tie told her it was against the
rules. "But why is it against the
rules?" "Because it 1s." "Then you
don't like to be talked to?" "Oh, yes;
but—thunder! I came within an aoe of
running down that old gent." "But I
should think it would be nice to have
somebody to speak to, instead of talking
to nobody all day long." "Lady, you are
going to stop talking, or there's going
to be a smash-up on this line, and a big
one—see?" "The hateful thing! And I
did so want to be sociable like. He's
married, I'll bet; be's just like Henry
✓£ when he's got the paper under his
nose."—Boston Transcript.
--•THEY REIll twit INA Fzaw `Hoi1Rs.
Ktdneyl•- BiiQb . hi bailing power is the
testi:city oyere dR bailing
,the r t South
Amerlaan Kidney PO 8. , b ie S kidney
epeeito, , ft dissolve. td, erediimites from
the oaten all /oral mAtter,''alltlye in-
flammation and pain in the bladder. It
relieves the most diatres.iug kidney disor-
ders inside of six hoard, and effeota a quick
and permiteeat cure. Mrs_ D. Coghill,
S rtaghlll, N. S. atatee: "I aye very
Mitch distressed with severe kidney trouble
I' was unable to attend to my hoasehdld
!duties. I saw South Arnerioah Kidney
Cure advertised, and procured a bottle. I
hal Ilermenent relief in six boors, and af-
ter using six bottles 1 was permanently
Rheumatism—The most acute and ohro-
nic forme of this dread ailment absolutely
oared in from one to three days by the
South American Rheumatic Care. Its ac-
tion upon the system is marvellous. Mr J.
Gray, ice -dealer, Winghaa,, )Ont, pays:—
"Five years ago I happened with a serious
aooident which brought on rheamatiem. I
was completely laid up, and tried .all kinds
of liniments and other remedied without
relief. Reading of the great ourea made by
Bouch Amerioan Rheumatic Cure I•proo.ur-
ed a bottle, and got relief in a few hours.
I used six bottles in all, and my care was
complete. It is the beet remedy for rheu-
matism in the world."
A Newspaper Contributor.
"What aro you doing now for a liv
"I am
"But yon
tern.' ,
"My dear fellow, I am advertising for
a sitnation. "—Odds and Enda
contributing. to the news.,
know nothing of journal -
It's a Poor Rule, Rte.
"Willie, didn't I ask you to make leas
noise?" said Mrs. Still at the dinner table.
"Yes. you did, mamma."
"Well, I will have to ask yon again."
"Remember, mamma, yon told me it
was impolite to ask for anything twice
at the table."
The Nerves—The great South American
Nervine has no atropger testimony tor it
than that contained in the story of this mi-
raculous recovery: Robert B. English,
Lakefield, Ont., was taken i11 about five
years ago with la grippe, which almost sue-
oeeded in sending him to an untimely
grave. From the effeots of this he con-
tracted a severe nervous twitching, oulmi•
nating in fits. Added to this, rheumatic
complications vet in; physicians proclaim-
ed his case a hopeless ono. So great was
his suffering that he longed for death's
hand to release him. Reading of the won-
derful cures being wrought by South Am-
erican Nervine, a bottle was procured, and
its effect was marvellous. In a very short
time the fits disappeared, the nervous
twitching lessened, and after taking six
bottles he was completely cared. While
there's life and these good remedies, there
is hope. Sold by Watts & Co.
Making Others Happy.
Every attempt to make others happy,
every sin left behind, every temptation
trampled under foot, every step forward
in the Dania of what is good, is a step
nearer to heaven.
Kidney Pills
Kidney Pills
.o,••• • • •••••
*Relief for •
•Lang? •
1s_ Ce7istTI aNiaa4 t1H IVWU
• i*gp„ tam, gPrreitso OW HLOQD.
cove la. $of s or; $TWTis. •
• DEMIEI '*. the ateseetttiv,E$IW
• article are moss maa/R $.'. p gyp{ •
• �B.� ebitid or¢ a "bb W t." >iyp *lined edhi e3ar •
or.R • ice 1We6�0it0o9nrd tabby to
• wit, the lrttlimeedd this.mnnd loit.» 9*. t wee
glad •
• T. IL HINGHAM, Q.a, tton4w •
Ole. and *1 Der ISOtt1e
• DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO., LT�., Monsen •
• • • • • • • • • • • •
A S. chuol incident
She was just a little curly -headed
school girl, who wore one shabby
black dress such a long time that the
children made fun of her.
"What do you think?" they said to
each other, "that little Lousia has only
one dress, and she wears it all the year
But this was not true. it was a win-
ter dress, and one day in spring little
Louisa blossomed out in pink.
"What do you think?" cried the
children, "Lousia's got a new dress."
Children are unfeeling, naturally.
One of them discovered that Louisa's
new dress was not new, and she took
paine to annohnce the fact to the
school, in a few scornful comments.
"Made over! Yes, indeed, and so
old-fashioned) You could see the old
stitches. Some one had given it to
Louisa heard and cried herself hick.
The teacher knew nothing of it.
She was doing sums un the blackboard
and thumping knowledge into the
children's heads.
"Please teacher a girl's fainted."
This unusual announcement roused
all, even the lethargic teacher, into a
show of interest. The girl was Lousitt
—she of the pink dress.
"She's been crying awful," volun-
teered one of the other children.
When the child came to herself she
clung, sobbing, to the teacher's hand
and told her the story.
"It wash',. b -because it was out of
fashion—I didn't care for that ; nor be-
cause it. Was the only one I've got, be-
sides the old black flannel; but it was
made over for me from one of m-m-
rnother'e, and, oh -h, teacher, she's
A tear fell from the eyes of the
teacher, who had travelled that road
"I'm sorry," she said. "I will see
that the children treat you differently
in the future."
And she kept hat word.
.We trust none of the dear young
friends are among these children who
are so vain and unfellingtowards their
little schoolmate. It is hard some-
times to be poor in the world, and to
lose dear fl lends or parents, and how
much harder if yuq are made to feel
lonelier as she was, as her little school-
mates instead of pitying her, made fun
of her. P is no disgrace to be poor,
and not to he able to live in fine
houses, and wear good clothes. The
people who love God most and have
the kindest hearts often are poor, and
our holy Saviour who owned all in
heaven and earth became poor to save
un. Let es then only he ashamed to
wear what is not paid for, and of do-
ing what is wrong in any way, even
in wounding the feelings of others.
At a justice's court at Athens, Ont.,
a decidedly peculiar refence was put
up in a case of trespass. Mrs McCar-
thy leased her farm to Mr W. Vandu-
aen, one of the conditions being that
she was to have half the grain and
roots. She wanted half the grapes,
and tried to take them. Wm. Venda -
sen entered an action, and Mrs McCar-
thy pleaded that as the grapes were
produced from roots she was legiti-
mately entitled to half the fruit. The
justice, in his decision, said nay.
Kidney Pill$
Kidney Pills
No other remedy mitres Summer Com-
plains Diarrhoea, Dysentery, etc., so
prompely and quiets pain so gniokly as Dr.
Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. It
is a pocket doctor for tourists, travellers,
Mesprd. BouciaN, A,e .eoct And Valk.
ase%, Tree French tbaeslatoial in the
Houae4i have been foulp uilty of off.
shelve ]Qafitixatrship and t�l misfiled.
September 2i5
Pills do not cw'e' Qonstipetion.. They,
only aggrvate. Karl's Glover 'Roo Tea
give perfect regularity tat tha,(bowels,,-
fold by J. ff. Qombe, 0111biton.
The ,Gio,ver age it. apnounGQs that it
is not ready tp, proceed Wit the ,ten -
dere for the fas Atlantic service, be-
,cawse there is no provision for an ade-
gpate freight,aervice, and the t`endere
received are net specific or,absoltnte. •
Mr. Laurier stated in the House that
Abbe Proulg had no official mieelon
frorp the lxoveenment. The Premier
sent a telegram to the abbe prior to his
departure for Rome, but it WAS a
personal matter, and he has never
apoken to the abbe on the school quee-
A neglected cough is dangerous. Stop i1
at once by using Shtloh's onre. Sold by 3.
Combe, Clinton'
It'Tfue eSt b " , r
son House St Oa har-
p en
Ines, which for over forty years has
been the summer home of scores of
wealthy southern families, has became
the home of the DemillLadies' College.
During the American civic war it was
headquarters for Confederate leaders,
and afterwards was conducted for some
years by the Hon. Beverley Tucker,
a noted Virginian.
Here Are Some That F111 the Rhymater
With Woe.
There are a dozen words in the English
language in everyday use for which en-
terprising poets have despaired of ever
finding a rhyme, says the New York
Journal The word "month," for exam-
ple, is one of these. "Silver" is another
word it seems easy to secure a rhyme
for. As a matter of fact, trying to find
something to rhyme with 'silver" nearly
drove a London writer of verse insane
not long ago.
As a last resort be advertised in the
newspapers and received but one reply. It
came from that master of verbal 000tor-
tion, W. S. Gilbert, 81r Arthur Sullivan.;
erstwhile partner, who submitted the
word "ohllver." lie wasn't quite clear,
be said, as to what a ohtivor might be,
but he had seen the word in advertise-
ments of sales of farm stook, and had an
idea, which is correct, that it desoribod
a species of sheep.
"Orange" is another word without
rhyme. "Gnlf" is also wttbont an Eng-
lish partner,and "culm" and "onsp" are
alike solitary. Many poets who have
sought in vain for rhymes to "revenge"
and "avenge" will not he appeased when
they learn that but two exist—"penge"
and "Stonehenge " "Coif' is now, hap-
pily for versifiers, crowing obsolete, for
there is no word wnlch rhymes with it.
"Scarf" has been daringly linked at the
end of a line with "half" or "calf," but
this is a practice to be discouraged.
"Scalp" rhymes only with "Alp," but
like "babe" and "a-tro ahe," it would
require mach 1ngenu,cy to find an excuse
for bringing these w rds Into juxtaposi•
tion. "False" has on several occasions, h�
an abuse of pestle license, been assoofatee
with "valse," though the correct Frena:.
pronunciation of the fittrer word woul•
destroy the rhyme.
Of the tames of planes, the Afrin,
town of Tlmbuctoo ha, long i,,•en .`ammo
for being without rhyme. The nears'
suocees that any poet has ever attalr..-
in this respect was when, 1n POMO r`
verses describing a desert hunt, "ens
wary" was made to rhyme with '•n."
slonary" and "Tlmhuctoo" with "this
burk. ton."
•f\, `•
l r�
Positively Cures
In a sorprrsingty short time. it's a sci-
entific certainty, tried and tree, soothing
and healing in its effects.
revues of cbe %oriels,
Kidneys and Liver,
carrYinii offradual
without weakening tb
system. all the impuri-
ties and foul humors of
the see etioes ; at the
same data beAoldity Coof the
Stondiokeuring Bili
D nese,
> rn,Constipa-
tion, Dryness of the
Skin% Dropsy, Dim-
E,s; on Jann-
Debi, Scr'ofttla,
Flutto ring of the
Heart, Nerrousnese
Ganoral Debility.
Vdate'and manyoth
complaints yield
by edithappy_in uence�t
B 1.:.. D
W. C. McConnell de SON,
Couchette, Qua.
report in a Utter thsl rnit•roctotar cured Mrs.
O. G,tru.n df chretdo cold in chest and bronchial
tuba, and arso cured W. G. MCOomb.r of s
lon$tanding cold.
j. H. BUTT?, Chemist,
528 Yonge St, dToronto, writes:
A4 a peetor.r Ube noel eral invalmoio yyrer.lrailon: It
.v sired Ilia a t g 1p liatistmion v3 art she
641te't. to the of the
re mea, vbd s MOW f.lbilies.
t1 rorelaorya e tetngp1Msantto
the tIYt *Oh mneo see dt hdi
iit** lf
.t 'rte"`
e ; ct,:,
She Has Ever Known. Wordy of Praia
from a New York Lady far
"I would like to add my testimony to
that of others who have used Ayer's
Pills, and to say that I have taken them
for many years, and always derived the
best results from their nee. For stom-
ach and liver troubles, and for the care
of headache caused by these derange-
ments, Ayer's Pilla cannot be equaled.
Has been endorsed by the medical
profession for twenty years. (Ask
your Doctor.) This is because it
is always palatable—always uni-
form --always contains the purest
Norwegian Cod -Liver Oil and
Hvpophospbites. insist
on Scott's Emulsion
with trade -mark of man
and fish.
Put up in 5o cent and $t.00
sizes. The'small size may be
enough to cure your cough or
help your baby.
When my friends ask me what Is the
beet remedy for disorders of the stom-
ach, liver, or bowels, my invariable
answer is, Ayer's Pills. Taken in sea-
son, they will break up a cold, prevent
la grippe, check fever, and regulate the
digestive organs. They are easy to
take, and are, indeed, the best all-round
family medicine I have ever known."—
Mrs. MAY JOHNSON, 368 Rider Avenue,
New York City,
Highest Honore at World's Fair.
flyer's Sarsaparilla Cures al; Blood disorders.
tialittli b'+�tlllil:: •
rn c
'C m
'O•°d of : Elegance
In Undervoitr
and she who utlderstt>id
virtues contained in 'a "fisc vire
wool article, exquisittvely finished,
will buy the •• Health Brand,"
both for herself and her children.
Every doctor in the Dominion,
says, ---do not wear underwear
with cotton in it—do not wear
anything but fine, soft, pure wool
nk't '(,ur skin, which will not
irrl Late and will absorb.
4 "Health Brand"
Has been before theP nblic now
for seven years and every day the
list of those who wear it, has been
added to, until we can count
thousands who won't wear any-
thing else but this_ If you study
your health, your comfort and pots,
saflaty. Ask for the 'Health Brand
For sale by Gilroy & Wiseman and Hodgens Brothers.
J.8. 01E03]I I JW s B LYTIS
tU'NDERTAKER Fine Hearse, Large Stock of
& EMBALMER I Goods, Prices Moderate.
Forest City Business & Shorthand College, London, Ont
And you will find them praotical at all points. Students attend this College from all
parts of the country; they have the finest sot of rooms, in the new Y. M. C. A. building,
for Bnainess College work in Canada, gradeates successful in securing positions. Cata-
logue and particulars of either course sent upon application. Good board, ft2.50 per
week; ladies $2.25. J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal
) IR Y
The subscriber, baying the veryttttest improved
machinery, sad ere el.yino the most akt1l€ i1 wor'k-
men is able to do work to hid link in the most
ti ttfafatitor! Manner, at reaeroneble rates sad
ou the ,,tlibOtte<, A OtHil,utliff4ep
fi'tOl'OIIR YIdAUA"b.T 8. isT.Vit,404 c ter01i
' 40111•11114
a1.1.5:- e ,A.
,�:__:JL DICOIFR ,
EGOS retell
FOR 12
You simply treat the Eggs with
PRESERVER, and lay them away
in a basket or box.
Nothing succeeds like success.
two years ago, and have made
started out with a new stock of
principle, and have built up a.
We started in business nearly
a success of our venture. We
first-class Groceries, and a cash
STILL—we can do more, and in order to do so we are enlarg-
ing our store and putting in a plate glass front. When complet-
ed we will have a store second to none. Have you tried our
Tuhe a Cash Grocery
CUM rnr book giving full information, free
of charge.
Farm produce taken as cash.—Telephone No. 23,
O'sid,s a 1, ree repreeenratl"n ,rem Chatham
and vicinity, students from the following places
have registered at the
The Canada Business College
Since the opening day on Tuesday last, Holy
ro,d; Dresden; halt; ?Thetisnd; Dealtown• Rat
Portage: W heatlet; Hanover; stays, Mich.; Rath.
erford; Wardaville; Potrolea; Hatriaton, Orathie;
Detroit, Luoan; Duart; Oest,,; Codnville; Wroxe-
ter; Preston; seaforth,
By another week this list will to largely Inareas-
ed, and it affords the most convincing ov thence
daanod the United Statnd es,tare fulln in all y*rts ali of Cana -
to the
impertanee of making a wise choice in the selec-
tion of a eoboot from which to be graduated,
which means a aueoatsfnt start in life.
The wide will attend no otitis',
i'or ettalogtts of suitor''depirtetlant artisan •
1); liiditi1AOliUL.l1 N " 00',04011111 1
The Best
The lvloney
You do not know what you miss by not using the above Tea.
Every customer using it is a pleased customer.
Our line of SoStansistle entds is t withchonestogoodtprices will be found as low aa
and honest dealing.
PLANTS For a few weeks we will have a choice collection of Reuse
Plante from the BenmillerGreen4House, which we will sell
at a very reasonable prioe. Call and get prices.
earPost0ffic--CENTRAL GROCERY—Telephone 40
Keepe the largest assortment of newest goods.
Quality fine and prices low in;,
Groceries, Crockery, Glassware
TEAS—Black, frmiGo 10 ente per n and pound if yoan are u buy fromualled in guality and ns indeed of Teae. Yon peddlers.BCotl -
pore quality and prices.
SUGARS—We are headquarters, we bny direct from Montreal reflnere. Keep beet
quality and sell at olose prices.
SPECIAL BAZ"SGA.1NS--3 pounds Evaporated Peaches for 25c. 3 lbs Evapor
ated Appleafor 25o. 5 lbs Prones for 25o. 28 Ib Box Raisins for 511
Crockery, China, Glassware and Lamps—We have to make room for our
Imported Goode, and have reduced our prioee on Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Toilet
Sets, Berry Sets, Water Sete, Bread and Butter Plates, Cups and Saucers .nd
Lamps of all kinds. Call and nee onr goods and get prices. No trouble to
We keep in stock '
and make to order
Wagons and Buggies
which we guarantee to be
first class in every particular.'
Nothing but the best material use