The Clinton New Era, 1896-09-25, Page 1to sea sola vLortne
There is tiwayq aatisfac-
tion rf ct in I a fit
suit that AjRo--J-1 -1-y TEITI EMB., r
is perfect in its fit and fin- L .L�.
lob --one that looks well ' khat wide-awake and reliable ooraeepwldeuta and worthy of reeotdlaq for puli.toetlon. o
andkeeps its appearance. Tuokersmith. v
l3owiQlt ILL The many friends of Mr Fack
Good Clothes are the kind
we turn out, and you don't
have to pay high prices
for them here.
Let us show you �rur new
fall Suttings.
They am,
And all the rage in tht
eitiep,vthose Dresden Sill
Tiee'yrve are showing.-
They*.have just come u
and are the newest color
and .combinations. W
sho*. three styles, Bows
Four-in-hands and Nat
row Sande, They areth
correct thing. See them
M 7 41 n 1�:
Goderich Township
FARM SOLD.—Mr Peter 'Cook
'Sold his farm on the 7th con., to Js
Cox, of Porter's Hill, for the sur
$2,900. It is known as the old I
man f arm, and has been sold at a
reasonable figure.
FINE REsIDlammE.—The"Glebe" f
on the Huron road, owned •by Mi
Driver, has this year been orname
hy a fine two story brick reside
From the road it commands a fin(
pearance and adds much to the bet
of the farm, and is greatly admire
passers-by. The contractors, Buc.
an and Rhynas, of Goderich, are t
congratulated on their good works
ship, and this structure will, no do
.give them a good recommend.
RUNAWAY. --0n Monday evenin
,this week as,- Mr Cantelon and
:grandson, of.gile, were driving a
the 7th con., on their way home, i
'horse shied and ran into the ditch,
setting the,b gy and throwingtb
•cupanWeout. The and
freed itself:
the rig and started up the road
was caughtbefore going very far.
Cantelon was thrown violently
and fell on his side, injuring hit
•considerably., while the boy receii
,cut on his eyebrow. The necei
repairs were made to the harness
the two again started for home.
NOTES.—The wind on Saturdal
did a good deal of damage to tb
pies, a great many were blown of
trees and quite a number of brat
broken. A good many of the a --
^~ took Wednesday as a holiday, o
to Goderich fair; quite an inter
taken in the fair by a number o
-farmers as they are making a
number of exhibits; we hope the;
,not be disappointed in their•endee
Messrs F, Beattie and Wm. Fulle
.tended the Western Fair last i
ing Miss Dodd, of Clinton, took cl
,of the League Meeting. The me
,was well attended, and all lis
with interest to Clie. earnest woi
the leader on "What we sbauld 1
ing to save the lost." On Tuesday
ing Migs Stephenson, of Clinto,
dressed the League; her inters
topic on "Giving thanks" seemed
appreciated by all. We extent
thanks to these young ladies to
excellent way in which they cot
ed these meetings. A social and
ary program on the life of P
Burns will be held Tuesdayyeveni
the League meeting; a collectiol
be taken up to defray expenses; t
cordially invited to attend.
Nara.—The annual Harvest
services and dinner will be held
Methodist church here on Ocl
and 19th; further announcement
be made later. Mr Geo. Steph
who was so badly kicked b a horse a
few weeks ago, is now able to be out
again. The corn barvest is now near-
ly completed in this vicinity. Miss
Muir, Clinton, spent a week visiting
friends in our vlllage. Weare pleased
to have our organist with us again
after her long illness. Miss Mary Mc-
Cully spent a few days with friends in
Leadbury. The Good Tempplars held a
very, pleasant meeting Wednesday
will be sorry to learn that he is at pre-
sent in very poor health. We trust 9
he may shortly recover his wonted
health and strength.
THu FAIR.—The Stephen and Us -
borne Agricultural Fair held here on
Monday and Tuesday was fairly sue. i
eessful. The horses, cattle, sheep, hogs
and poultry were first class. The
ggrain, roots and vegetables were good
but not as much was shown
ae In other years, Fruit was best ever
shown here as to quality and quantity.
The fancy work was very good. Car -
Hagen, buggies and implements were
fair. Theattendance was not nearly
as large as previous years, the weather
being cold and threatening to rain.
NOTES. — Mrs G, H- Clutton, of
Stratford agent a few days in Leeburn
and Hullett last week. Miss Edith
Horton has ggone on a visit to friends
in Hullett. Mr John Clutton, who has
been in Hamilton for some time is ex -
T • dl t
pected home this week. he awn as
week blew down a lot of apples in this
neighbor hood. Mrs J. Hamilton was
leader of the U. E. Meeting on Sunday
ACCIDENT.—G. Fulford met with
what might have been a serious acci-
dent on Saturday night. He w%s driv-
ing toward town with two other
young gentlemen, when the horse took
fright and upset them into the ditch.
George got O with a few scratches,
but the buggy wilt need some tepairing.
...�. Benmiller
DzATz.—The funeral of Mr Patrick
Gunn, father of MrPeterGunn, passed
through the village on Saturday on its
way to the Roman Catholic cemetery,
He was ill for quite a Ion time, but
still death occurred sooner than was ex-
pected. He was an old and respected
resident of this vicinity.
CirmwH.—Rev E. Becker was pres-
ent last week at the S. S convention
of, the Evangelical church in South
Easthope. There was a very small at-
tendance at League last Friday night
on account of the rain; the meeting
was led by Mr Albert Allin; next Fri-
day evening will be a missionary mett-
Rtgr,.—Wesley and Wm. Fish-
er returned from the London Exhibit-
ion on Saturday, with their stock;
Wesley got several prizes for his pi
and Win. got. two 1st's for bis mates
colt. Quite a number of other bo
attended the fair, and all seemed w
pleased with the trip.
NOTES.—We are sorry to hear Bleat
Mise Annie Stewart is not improving
much. Mrs Becker and Mrs Paul
Maedel left on Tuesday for New Ham-
burg, on a visit to friends of the for-
mer. Miss Lizzle Scharffee, of Sagi l-
aw, is visiting relatives and friends in
this vicinity.
. ut
it is not knownywbere abouts. v
NOTES.—George Johnston went to
Woodstock on Thursday, as a judge
on cattle; he is well known as an ex-
cellent judge of animals; he lately pur-
chased an improved Yorkshire white
pig from Mr Davis, of Woodstock. Mr
Andrews, of Gorrie, occupied the pul.
pit for his brother on Sunday evening,
Rev. Mr Hamilton atter concluding
the services on Sunday, went home
and took to bed, being used up with e
NuW Housu.—The new house of Mr
E. Lear, on the 18th con., is completed
and be is now in occupation cf It. ' He
has been living in his driving shed
ever since last May, and finds the new
house much more comfortable and
commodious. It is a good house, and
adds to the appearance of this fine line,
and was built by Mr W. Cooper, of
very severe cold; we hope to hear of
his speedy recovery. R.B. Jeffrey bad
a few holidays, from Saturday to Toe&
day evening; Mr Crane, of Blytb, at,
tended to the station during his ab.
Bence. Mr Ftobt. Cole Is not very wel'
atpresent•. May Bell, youngest dangh
ter of J. Bell, has been unwell Por z
time, but is progtessing fine now. -
(From an occasional correapondent,)
NaTlts.—Mr H. Bell left for Detroi
Jae. Snell was this week to resume his medlca] studies on Wed
avieto actin a nesday. Mrs Whiteley and her bro
g al judge con- tber, Mr Houson, are visiting in Be]
Ion with the fall fair. Mr John grave at present. Mr H, Ruddell ha
ping has corn standing nearly I5 returned to Morden, Man., after i
high. The Toronto papers of last abort visit among relatives. Mrs (Rev,
k contain an account of the wed. Mbdd has returned home after an ex
of Mr Jas, 0• Clarke to Mise Fan- tended visit to her mother and friend,
Brielteuden, of ;that city; among W L. Ouimette says he is navy; read
Mina Lizzie
G�t1�este present being, M s to Will b�f *Inter apploe; as nl1 shipment
,lxVhdeh, dartghtpr of 11I.i' „It;tlward. tv i o r this ettttib It r4illbts; tilt
tush n, 9
rid' n of, s iia n i ,
r ,
ediri'>�� of titito and hdraefiaalt,
i,etrLY' in-.��tM -
Its 0
PREGo>rnr,--Mrs Reid; and three of her
hildrea, from the vloinity of Lrioknow, are
bitting old soqusiza*if ea in'ISiabley and
Tuokeramith; she formerly resided -fat Mr
Avery'e, London road, and is at present the
nest of Mr Innes,
NoTris.—Mr Jae. Baird. sr„ visited
at Greenock and other places for the
Pppaat week; he returned on Friday; he
of the opinion that tfrere are many
worse places than Stanleytownship.
Fall wheat is growing rapidly, the late
rains are suitable for the growth of
t. There are many apple packers on
the rounds now; the crop is an enor-
none one, many trees have broken by
the weight of the fruit; if some of the
wasted fruit could be shipped to places
where it would be appreciated, it
would be a great boon to humanity,
but railway freight is high. Mr and
Mrs Calder, of Carlotta, who were vis-
iting at the home of Mr Douglas', near
Blake, returned to their home on Sat-
'Ali men think all men mortal but themselves',
The rider on the pale horde visits with
equal feet the palace of the king, and hovel
of the beggar; the rich and poor, the old,
the young and the middle-aged, are alike
visited by the fell destroyer. We have to
record this week the death of one in early
life, who passed away on Sunday morning,
at the age of 29 years. The deceased Annie
Stewart, daughter of Mr John Stewart, 4th
concession of Stanley, was an amiable
ycang woman, highly respeoted by all who
had the plessareof her acquaintance. Till
last spring she was a healthy and robust
young women. In the spring, however, she
caught.a cold„ which settled on her lungs,
and she continued to decline until the time
of her death. Her long and lingering ill-
ness was borne with great patienoe and
christen resignation, and her end wan full
of hope. The large number of people who
followed the remains to their last resting
place in baird's cemetery, testified to the
high respect in which the deceased was held
and was an expression of the sympathy felt
by the -community for the bereaved family.
SOLD.—The August make of cheese
at the factory here was sold at Ac per
]b, and was shipped on Tuesday. Pat-
rons should supply as much milk as
possible at the flatter end of the season.
as that is the time when, usually, the
highest price is realized.
NoTEs.—The following pupils of our
school are at present attending the
Collegiate Institute: Ethelbert Mcll-
veen, Willie Mair, Arthur Huck and
Mabel Muck. It is said there is to be 8
wedding ere long in which one of our
ypz'oung men will be the principal. Mrs
Mr.Kle returned last week from a visit
to Bright. Mrs Hyslop, of Detroit,
has been on a visit to relatives here.
Mise Adams, of Constance, was the
guest of Miss Flora Miller last week.
Mr Jas. Miller had the misfortune to
( lose a fine horse a few days aqo; the
animal broke its leg and bad Abe kill-
ed. We understand Mr Miller has giv-
en up his father's farm which he has
had rented for a number of years; we
do not know what hP intends doing.
Mrs T. Wallace and Mr W. Wallace
took to the sights at London last week.
St Helens
NOTES.—We are pleased to see Mrs T.
Sanders able to be around again after
her recent severe illness. Misses Mc-
Donald and Salkeld spent Tuesday 3`
last week in Wingham. Mr Jae. Joh
Ston and Mr Wm. Dyke, of Whitb
were ([:tending to hustness and visitin
friends in this vicinity last week. M
Williams, of Brantford, has returns
home after spending a week wi"h he
sister, Mrs Alex. Durnin. Mrs Littl
and Mrs Armstrong, of Teeswater, A
ited Mre David Todd last week. Mis
Lizzie Gordon has retu. e(-(1 home, afte
spending some time wits t! .: udr- i "
Brussels, Grey, Belgrave. and otbe
places. The Presbyterian mange hA
been undergoing some fixing and fur
Dishing, and will soon be in better or
der for more than one inmate (?) Th
Misses Todd are taking charge o
household matters in Wingham, whit
their sister, Mrs McDonald, is visiting
under the parental roof. The C. O.
lodgA is doing nicely, having had i
membersbip enlarged lately. Th
members of the I. O. G. T. Ink o
having a box social ere long. 'We ar
sorry to learn that Mr Henry Wood
is on the sick list, but lippe to hear o
his ultimate recovery. Apr R. McGee
of East Wawanosh, was in the villag
this week. Mr and Mrs John Jamieso
spent Sunday last with the latter's pa
re,Its. - Mr Hugh McDonald has bee
engaged to teach S. S. No. S. West Wa
wanosh, for 1897; we congratulate bi
on his appointment, Mr Jack McLea
who went to the old country with
s shipment of cattle for Mr E. S. M
L Lean, has returned. also Wm, Moor
? who abcortipanied him; both look hal
and heartafter the begeflt of the re
breezes. 4r and Mrs Geo. CrAnstoi
have returned from their i>?!t tt�
fJuelph; we wish the younit .0
e health androe erit in tboi Icer
p p y
sphi3re, ,
..w,8'� �x,_'........A.c•,...-..aYy..d.a._.xa.,a:r,iw..
`BrqucspiflelQ` ' -_ To Kill two Eire
kt t
set hgo�y_ _inn Michigan on Tuesday ev.
0. Hxe-
i+y 2a
jzifq as Matke attended
visiting itroll
Exhibition time
:qra. ow In the capacity of judge of!
Mr A. T. Scott and bride
next wear make
to have
very severe cold; we hope to hear of
his speedy recovery. R.B. Jeffrey bad
a few holidays, from Saturday to Toe&
day evening; Mr Crane, of Blytb, at,
tended to the station during his ab.
Bence. Mr Ftobt. Cole Is not very wel'
atpresent•. May Bell, youngest dangh
ter of J. Bell, has been unwell Por z
time, but is progtessing fine now. -
(From an occasional correapondent,)
NaTlts.—Mr H. Bell left for Detroi
Jae. Snell was this week to resume his medlca] studies on Wed
avieto actin a nesday. Mrs Whiteley and her bro
g al judge con- tber, Mr Houson, are visiting in Be]
Ion with the fall fair. Mr John grave at present. Mr H, Ruddell ha
ping has corn standing nearly I5 returned to Morden, Man., after i
high. The Toronto papers of last abort visit among relatives. Mrs (Rev,
k contain an account of the wed. Mbdd has returned home after an ex
of Mr Jas, 0• Clarke to Mise Fan- tended visit to her mother and friend,
Brielteuden, of ;that city; among W L. Ouimette says he is navy; read
Mina Lizzie
G�t1�este present being, M s to Will b�f *Inter apploe; as nl1 shipment
,lxVhdeh, dartghtpr of 11I.i' „It;tlward. tv i o r this ettttib It r4illbts; tilt
tush n, 9
rid' n of, s iia n i ,
r ,
ediri'>�� of titito and hdraefiaalt,
i,etrLY' in-.��tM -
Its 0
PREGo>rnr,--Mrs Reid; and three of her
hildrea, from the vloinity of Lrioknow, are
bitting old soqusiza*if ea in'ISiabley and
Tuokeramith; she formerly resided -fat Mr
Avery'e, London road, and is at present the
nest of Mr Innes,
NoTris.—Mr Jae. Baird. sr„ visited
at Greenock and other places for the
Pppaat week; he returned on Friday; he
of the opinion that tfrere are many
worse places than Stanleytownship.
Fall wheat is growing rapidly, the late
rains are suitable for the growth of
t. There are many apple packers on
the rounds now; the crop is an enor-
none one, many trees have broken by
the weight of the fruit; if some of the
wasted fruit could be shipped to places
where it would be appreciated, it
would be a great boon to humanity,
but railway freight is high. Mr and
Mrs Calder, of Carlotta, who were vis-
iting at the home of Mr Douglas', near
Blake, returned to their home on Sat-
'Ali men think all men mortal but themselves',
The rider on the pale horde visits with
equal feet the palace of the king, and hovel
of the beggar; the rich and poor, the old,
the young and the middle-aged, are alike
visited by the fell destroyer. We have to
record this week the death of one in early
life, who passed away on Sunday morning,
at the age of 29 years. The deceased Annie
Stewart, daughter of Mr John Stewart, 4th
concession of Stanley, was an amiable
ycang woman, highly respeoted by all who
had the plessareof her acquaintance. Till
last spring she was a healthy and robust
young women. In the spring, however, she
caught.a cold„ which settled on her lungs,
and she continued to decline until the time
of her death. Her long and lingering ill-
ness was borne with great patienoe and
christen resignation, and her end wan full
of hope. The large number of people who
followed the remains to their last resting
place in baird's cemetery, testified to the
high respect in which the deceased was held
and was an expression of the sympathy felt
by the -community for the bereaved family.
SOLD.—The August make of cheese
at the factory here was sold at Ac per
]b, and was shipped on Tuesday. Pat-
rons should supply as much milk as
possible at the flatter end of the season.
as that is the time when, usually, the
highest price is realized.
NoTEs.—The following pupils of our
school are at present attending the
Collegiate Institute: Ethelbert Mcll-
veen, Willie Mair, Arthur Huck and
Mabel Muck. It is said there is to be 8
wedding ere long in which one of our
ypz'oung men will be the principal. Mrs
Mr.Kle returned last week from a visit
to Bright. Mrs Hyslop, of Detroit,
has been on a visit to relatives here.
Mise Adams, of Constance, was the
guest of Miss Flora Miller last week.
Mr Jas. Miller had the misfortune to
( lose a fine horse a few days aqo; the
animal broke its leg and bad Abe kill-
ed. We understand Mr Miller has giv-
en up his father's farm which he has
had rented for a number of years; we
do not know what hP intends doing.
Mrs T. Wallace and Mr W. Wallace
took to the sights at London last week.
St Helens
NOTES.—We are pleased to see Mrs T.
Sanders able to be around again after
her recent severe illness. Misses Mc-
Donald and Salkeld spent Tuesday 3`
last week in Wingham. Mr Jae. Joh
Ston and Mr Wm. Dyke, of Whitb
were ([:tending to hustness and visitin
friends in this vicinity last week. M
Williams, of Brantford, has returns
home after spending a week wi"h he
sister, Mrs Alex. Durnin. Mrs Littl
and Mrs Armstrong, of Teeswater, A
ited Mre David Todd last week. Mis
Lizzie Gordon has retu. e(-(1 home, afte
spending some time wits t! .: udr- i "
Brussels, Grey, Belgrave. and otbe
places. The Presbyterian mange hA
been undergoing some fixing and fur
Dishing, and will soon be in better or
der for more than one inmate (?) Th
Misses Todd are taking charge o
household matters in Wingham, whit
their sister, Mrs McDonald, is visiting
under the parental roof. The C. O.
lodgA is doing nicely, having had i
membersbip enlarged lately. Th
members of the I. O. G. T. Ink o
having a box social ere long. 'We ar
sorry to learn that Mr Henry Wood
is on the sick list, but lippe to hear o
his ultimate recovery. Apr R. McGee
of East Wawanosh, was in the villag
this week. Mr and Mrs John Jamieso
spent Sunday last with the latter's pa
re,Its. - Mr Hugh McDonald has bee
engaged to teach S. S. No. S. West Wa
wanosh, for 1897; we congratulate bi
on his appointment, Mr Jack McLea
who went to the old country with
s shipment of cattle for Mr E. S. M
L Lean, has returned. also Wm, Moor
? who abcortipanied him; both look hal
and heartafter the begeflt of the re
breezes. 4r and Mrs Geo. CrAnstoi
have returned from their i>?!t tt�
fJuelph; we wish the younit .0
e health androe erit in tboi Icer
p p y
sphi3re, ,
..w,8'� �x,_'........A.c•,...-..aYy..d.a._.xa.,a:r,iw..
`BrqucspiflelQ` ' -_ To Kill two Eire
NOTEB.,Miee X. Scott, who' has begs r
shy gnest of Mia Win Scott, left for R1tL t118 one Spy.
set hgo�y_ _inn Michigan on Tuesday ev.
0. Hxe-
While the Central
jzifq as Matke attended
visiting itroll
Exhibition time
:qra. ow In the capacity of judge of!
Mr A. T. Scott and bride
next wear make
to have
LagGy work,
call and your eyesight pro
returned from their trip on Friday
petty tested. It yon need glasses
ulgbt o! last week. Mrs M-A.V. Arm-
we will fit you right. If you don't
Aroug is seriously ill at present.
Piano Co., `
need them we will tell you so. Or
igeutof the Mason d Risch
ii you are wearing glasses that
�f Toronto, was in this village in pur-
don't suit you we will make them
Z t.
shit of business during the latter part ;
suit you byputtingtheright lenses
( "
A last and former part of week. I
in your old frame, or we will give
best in frame
4� �
B. McMurray and Mise Lou of
friends in this
you the lenses a good
for $1, satief ac.
K{rkton, visited neigh•
and guarantee you
boyhood last week. Massie Jae. Foote
tion or refund your money, The
and Ed. Wanless visited the Sunday
same lenses in a silver or gold
Schools here last Sabbath; they area '
frame upwards from $1 according
visiting committee from the Stanley,
to quality, Test free.
Hay and Tuckersmith Sunday school
Association. Mr and Mise Fisher, of
Ripley, visited friends near here last
The sacrament of the Lord's
Druggists and Opticians
Supper will be dispensed !n Union
in Octe' I
situ slob your recipes, prescriptions, &o
g g p
kind Our.
(a r.
church on the second Sabbath
her. - Miss B. McDonald will again fill I
Our drugs are the you want, pure-
prices aro as low as pure drugs can be bought
her old situation with Beesley & Co.,
Clinton; the re-engagement season
after season speaks volumes for Miss
McDonald's ability as a milliner.
The Silent Messenger
(Another correspondent)
NOTES,—MC R. Somerville and Wife,
of Port Huron, visited in the village
last week; they lived in Brucefield 30
BROWN.—A couple of years ago a
years ago, but few of their old friends
bid them back of
young man named DrPffnt whose
welcome as many
them had on that journey where
was in Klneatdine, WA9
no traveller ever returns,
employ of Harland Bros., but his
health failing he went to California
DEATH.—After a long and tedious
with the hope that it would be rector.
Illness Mrs Kennard passed quietly
ed, In this, ucfortunately he was nn -
away at the age of 65 years and 4 days,
successful, and he died a few days:
the body being interred in th
She was a member of church,
but for the last two Fears she hits been
to divine service; she
west. He was engaged to be marrie
to lady town in the
unable attend
a young of course
bas now joined the congregation above,
of a weeks.
from which sickness or sorrow will not
deter her. Two of her daughters, Mrs
ELLIOTT.—There are many old-time
1, 41
Cooper, formerly of Kincardine, and
friends of Dr. Marshall Elliott, former-
Miss Maria Kennard, of our villa a,
ly of Goderich township, who will re -
to learn his deatb.
preceded her in death. She leaves be-
gret exceedingly of
which occurred at Aberdeen, Dak.,
hind her an aged partner, one son and
six daughWrs to mourn the death of a
from consumption, on the `]6th lust.
loving wife and mother. She was
buried on Monda in Egmondville
Deceased was a promising young man
of 37 years, who had worked up an ex-
Bayfield. cemetery y tensive practice in the west, but his
CHURCH. — The annual Harvest health giving out, he found it neces-
Home service takes place in Trinity Blyth sary to travel, and spent much timg in 41141'
church on Sunda morning,the actor New Mexico, California and other
.Officiating. Next Sunday ill be Child- THE FALL FAIR.—The Biytb fall fair states, but all without success. He got 's
rev's Day at St. Andrew's church, ia.nearly always about the last on the. his early medical training with or. 4.
when Rev Wm. Graham will speak list, but it is by no means the least, as Dotvslay, of Clinton, and was a,parti- '
it usual] draws a large crowd, and is cularl bright young man. He was
e ecially to the little folks. Rev Mr y Y g y 8
p invariably a good exhibition. It will unmarried. Th
3tyan, of Adelaide, assisted Rev Mr a remains were brought
be held this year on Oct. 6-7, and the to Goderich and inferred on Sunda ?
Smith, of Trinity church, on Sunday ye
probabilitiee are that everything will being accompanied
Morning, while r Smith again deliv- b p oil here by his brothel` -
ered an excellent sermon on "Prayer." a contributed to make It a success. William, who was compelled to return
The genial secretary, Mr H.McQuarrie, to Aberdeen on Monday,.,
CHURCH Nares.—The Epworth Lea- will furnish all Ticrce_8se yarfolTwuou
sue service in the Methodist church. F �oeeitand. The Slid* trill, be held on S1�LLg:--Jamea H. Kelly; *ho died
nday evening, was takers by Mr a n'eti grouhd'for the flrat time. in Detroit, on Saturday, at the :4tge of
'Mh'mson; his subject 'was pre- NOTES.—Mr McQuire., leaves town Ere years, will be remembered by some
Etfil't!"'d in a pleasing mannert Mr Th m_
this week for Springfield) Masa. Rev of the old Clintonians, as the publisher
son -also occupied the Methodist pulpit Mr Higley has returned from a visit to of the True Briton, a paper that pre.
the Sunday evening previous, the -pas- St. Thomas. Matt Floody and wife ceded the CLrNToN NEW ERA, but stop -
for being absent. Rev. F. J. Oaten bAve returned from the honeymoon, ped, publication about the beginning
sand wife took a trip to Tcronto last and settled down to the stern realities of M. After leaving here he follow -
week. Rev. S. Bond and wife were of life. W. Levy, agent and farmer, ed privancnting in various places. He was
guests at the Methodist parsonage last .}las shipped out. Our new school is ade agent for the Forepauh eir.
week• well towards completion, and is a cre-, 'cue for several years, visiting Nnton
DRATae.—There have been two fune- dit to the contractors. to that capacity. Returning to De -
rate to the Bayfield cemetery during troit, he became interested in Demo -
past week. The first was that of Mrs cratic politics, and was depputy city
Connor, the aged widow of the late W. Holmenviilile, clerk under Col. Louis Dllman and
W. Connor, who is said to have been TExPLARa.—Thb Templisrs of Tem, August P. Kronberg. He was I1
over ninety years of age. The second pprance vial"d Varnarcounell•on Tues- netted with several societies. He AS
was that of Miss Matilda DowsenI of da evening, and spent a very enjoy- an organizer for the Druidv, and h4`9,1.
the Babylon Line, whose unexpected able evening, A good program was so belonged to,the Elks, A.O.U. W.,
death occurred on Tuesday. Miss Dow- rendered, consisting of readings,recita- and Myrtle Lodge Knights of Pythias,
sen had been ill only a short time, aLd tions, solo, duets and choruses. It is His wife and family survive him.
her many friends in Stanley heard to be hoped they will soon return the
with sorrow of her early demise. She Y isit. MURDOCK.—The Lucan 86n of this
was only 24 years of age. week thus refers to the father',bf Mrs
MORE PROPERTT CHANGES. — Mr NOTES.—We are pleased to note that Hoover of Clinton:—We have this :
John Ferguson, jr , has purchased the Miss Lucy Andrews succeeded in car- week to record the death of Thomas
valuable lot on t e corner opposite theKeploical
ing of! the mirror presented by Mies Murdock, which occurred on Friday
River hotel. Mr T. J. Marks has add- g in the 75 yds race. Moat of after a lengthened illness. The deceas-
ed the eastern portion of the block to sports took In Goderich fair, ed had been for some months unable
the property on which his residence Mrs Johnson and Mise. B. Pickard re- to attend to bis business. He was in
stands; it formerly belonged to the turned from London Monday evening; his 72nd pear, iib of which had been
Connpr estate. The last of the Eber- Miss 0. McFarlaa accompanied them. spent in Canada, and the last 22 in Lu-
hardt estate has been disposed of, con- Holmesville cheese was shipped Wed- can. He was a native of the county of
Sistipg of some eleven acres, on the nesday morning. Antrim, Ireland, coming to this coun.
lak0ank, and two lots on Main St., ANNIVERSARY. — The anniversary try In 1840. The funeral took place on
near the English church rectory. We services of Holmeaville Methodist Sunday afternoon to the Presbyterian
understand that Mr Marks has secured church promise to be of unusual inter- cemetery, and was oneof the largest
the property near the River hotel, at eat. On Sunday, Oct. 4th, Rev. R. seen in Lucan for many years, testi-
present occupied by Mr Wm. Woods. Millyard, Clinton, will preach morn- fying to the esteem in which the de-
NoTRs.—Miss Etta Sellars, of Macki- ing and evening and Rev. W. God- ceased was held by those who had
naw, Is visiting at home. Mr Jno. Eb- win, of Goderich, in the afternoon, known him for so many years.- The S
8t•hardt, of Saginaw, Mich., is here on On Monday a public tea will be ser- bereaved family have the sympathy of
business at present. Misses Wyn and ved from 5 to 8, after which addresses a large circle of friends in their be- ;
Hilda Moorehouse, who have been vis- are expected from Revs. Edge. Godwin, reavement. y{
i.ting friends in Michigan for several Mill ard, Olivant, Becker, Andrews, GORRELL.—The death of Mrs Gorrell,
months, returned home this week. (of Londesboro) and others. The choir '.(
Mrs Marks, of Brucefleld, was in town will furnish excellent music. The bud- wife ay a Alex. Gorrell, of town, on I -q
on Saturday, attending the funeral of les of the congroution have decided Monday afternoon, was not an unex- ;c'
bet sister, Mrs Connor. Mr H. F. Ed- h pected event, because she has been on
not, to canvas t, a congregation for the border -line for several days. Ne- k_
,wards . returned on 4�((Qnday, after provisions, but ask each airtl nil to sup- verthelesa, it called forth the most „ x
spendingg a pleasantwe6k in the neigh- ply as usual, and to makecb'okedmeats sincere expressions of regret, because
borhoodofLondon. MrJohnston, who a Special feature of supply. she was universally esteemed anal re-
moved here with his family about a sppatted. in February last an attack
year ago, has returned to Manitoba, A WONDERFUL INSTITUTION of grip fastened on a frame already
t having sold the, Doaka Yarm, purchased ph sically weak, and she never was
byy him at tbat time, to David Dewar. y
ri 11Ire Haaclrle and her granddaugtiter Amongst the wonderful institutions, of able to rid herself of it. She was ' Da-
Ethel, of Seatorth, are visiting friends this cbuntrytbe Family Herald and Wtekly tive of Toronto, but only resided there
s here. Robert Keegan is home on a vi- Star of Montreal fano doabt really remark- for a few years when she moved to
able. Nobody, whoever or wherever he or Duffln's (-)reek, (now Pickerin�)and it
barsit e, present.
ulna day with his bio ller,j hr she may be, can take up the family Herald was there that she married Mr Gorrell
tt; principal of the Public School, last and Weekly Star and inspect its one bund- in December, 1845; in 1855 they came'
Miss S. Smith, who has been red and twenty-eight columns every week west, and after a abort residence on
a week. her sister, Mrs Elliott, of the without exclaiming oat of sincerest admire- the Huron road, Goderich township,
tion that the paper is really a marvel. The Mr Gorrell bought the farm on the
Athlon; returned home this week. Mr Family Herald and Weekly Star of Mon- baseline a mil north of Summerhill' {'
John King, of Clinton is the guest es treat is known far and wide, not only in where trey elided for 25 years, ant
friends here this wee. The Misses Canada to its very remotest hamlet, but during this imp no home erttonded
Brannigan ars the n w captains of throngliont the Vnited States and Great greater h pitality than this 'one.
e the Salvation Army; we are informed Britain, and what makes striotio Caned- About itb
ears ago the moved tb
that they are sisters of the "Irish'
F. Nightingale." Mr Alex. Frazer, of fang go pleased with it it t at English poo- Clintonhave reside here ever 7
is Mornington, spent several days as the pie as well as Americans look upon the since became a convert to Chiu-
eRnest of his brother, Mr John Frazer, Femily Herald and Weekly Star ae a titin tr and principles about 45
t last week. Bayfield Fall Fair to on wander, and the colony that produces and years ago, and her life has been one of
e Oct. lot -2nd, this year, and a gbod one supports it as being one of the immense constant and consistent devotion to
e it is going to be. Apbles took quite a vitality, religious requiremants. She has not
f "drop" on Saturday, gut the Evapor- known what good health was lot
ator,and cider mill are still running full A• SnpTE�i' WVDDrrra.-+-,A. quiet . years, being a victim to dyspepaltty ;t
e blgbt at the old prices. wedding took place at the residence of and although towards the last #ser eaix��
n yy� a balanaa of otic ilay$a1t] budget fe un- the bride's sister, Mrs W. 7': Pridham. ferings were intense, they were b Ely y
e��M46 b held over till boat Beek. dwill keep Toronto, when Rev. 0. W. Gmy, M.A.. with Ohriatian fortitude and trlut4phi
n tlli then,�ut U of livelyYnter"t to tbo people. of Gagetown, Mich., and Mise Plena She was the mother of nine chlldrotl rs
------•-- Cook, (Evangelist) daughter.. of Mrs aoven sons and two daughter69, 5fx tilt
m ;9ttittf'arth. Adam Cook, Clinton, was united in thb acus are in the west. tier, 'i Iltid
Tat Qi#enrntoKenrr- '1"ho baseball sham marriage by Rev. J. A. Rankin. The son, AJex, died in Toronto so�m0�ekl�ii
a ionthip of the ,county .vii11 be decided et b ide was supported by her slater, iGiQ^ ago, he be�ng atnt6e timOe protn�ue tiy
8"forth on Monde afiecaoon, wizen the l ag' le, (look, the.,,groohi by Mr Wm. engaged in husi ea . tie -$ia
a, 'W oadiot and G6dorloh t"tris will ,creat on Strainbets. Tho wedding, tool; place at Miss Lizzie, is at llotnti;t 0
athert:.I Iiti1l
e Illki-i tirelition �rounds. rphis will tie the 0 a. w,. and afte rpartakfog'of&•wedding Bacon, is a resident of Toronto. ,T81
a fihitl.tYi►tolt this t+iiltibtl. olid as .soh team ht+eakast the hapiyotlutltl left on the Det' Giorroll has the siritlere e�rat
t:- nom. , 2:l.:..,,iA-- O.,rn.,rrw wn�' iLi�k'ArY «1i2,irs,
' 0406DOIL enslauslaara will Do vu nand on,-
>tidd►y� ° thbrgob4: pit tea of tilltti , rltrts�r itierixtit: )"(0b ►t Itili
�► d� ,