The Clinton New Era, 1896-09-18, Page 6k'1itOmber i8a 189 RE 0L NT, lit KINGS . AOgsve's Foilti' Gtii t ()IMES Nmvi tt Vara ul Tama Mlseroe-Tinme re No 1b - ' so ;i IiOkla PoxNT WITH TfEbr, THmx Cutup ,nils? Pin aicxalis Paxsonram ?mill -I gimia Gesise IN TSIATY MINIITSs. Brow rummer -If the heart palpltIste., etterm, tires randy', it indicates diseases -a .day's . neglect' ux ymean death. pr. Agnew's Gem. feather Heart he, regarded by phyeioitane eft the .greatest known' ,remedy for the heart. George Oritee, Customs bead ofiloer, Ooruwall,eays: "I had acute heart trouble for a number of years. I was unable to attend to bueineei. The alighted exertion proved very fatiguing. a9y phydelan recommended Dr. Agnew e Lure for the .Heart. To -day I ant as well as ever, and able to attend to business." CAranna-Thie`diagusting tntlzubraneous inflammation affecting the throat and sen- eitive cavities of the head, was at one time regarded no incurable, and could only be checked it its extene:on by the use of red - bot irons and the etrongeet of acid sprays. Thi' fallacy cf such drastic treatment hag been conolueivelyy exposed in the appliance of Dr Agnew's Catarrhal Powder. It will Dara the moat atabbc r a Cas is -ie absolutely painless, and is easily applied. H. W. Franoie of the G. N. W. Telegraph Co., Brampton, eaye: "I was amartyr tooaterrh in the head for ten years. I tried every remedy I could procure, with little or no -benefit. I got a sample bottle of Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder. It give me `great relief, and after using four bottles I wee completely eared." Pnaee-Dr Agnew's Ointment relieves t d cures all forms of Piles in from 3 to 6 nights. Comfort in one application. 35 cents. Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills oure constipa- ion, biliousness and elok headaohe, Never gripe. Easy end pleasant, Forty doses, 10 ,aerate. Sold by Watts & Co Clinto... WHY WHEAT IS LOW. - 11.;.Washington, of Ottawa, gives Ibis as the reason of the low price of wheat: The cause of the low price now prevailing for the raw products r,f the and the world over, usually attrib uted to over -production may, with more reason, be attributed to theefforts each protected country makes to pro- tect its farmers and wage-earners .against the so-called che'in labor of all the o; her protected countries. Each country having a sui plus it must sell outside its borders, and each protected count] y having high tariffs specially directed agr'net this surplus of all the rest, the surplus of all, or nearly all, are forced into the British market where . notariffs exist. This forced competition among the protected na- tions to get rid of their surplus prod- ncte in the only market left opened to them, enables the people of Great .Britain to buy , these surplus stocks wirtually,at their own price. BMA OUGHT TO KNOW Having deed Burdgok Blood Bitters for 15 years I eannot -keep from recommend- ing it to *there. I have sold hundreds of bottles from my store, and as I keep other medioinee I ought to know which sella beat. it is a wonderful medicine. Your), very vino -rely. Mia Donau) KENNEDY, Box 110, Caledonia, Ont. Ottawa Notes. Smoking will, in future, be prohib- ited in the Commons Chamber. There is a smoking room, and members smoke is the party assemby rooms. While here Robert Bickerdike, pre- sident of the Montreal Board of Trade, began an agitation forthe erection of a monument; in honor of the late Prem- ier, Alexander McKenzie. It ie desir- able that theQ Government take the matter up, and erect in a suitable posi- tion in, the capital city a fitting monu- ment in memory of the late Liberal leader. Mr Taylor moved the second reading of his Alien Contract Labor dill, and wanted it referred to a select commit- tee. Its object was to pltotect the Ca- nadian laborer. Mr Laurier acknow- ledged the , importance of the bill, but thoughtthat If the United States could be prevailed upon to withdraw its act, this measure need not be made law. Sir Chas. Tupper agreed with Mr Lau- rier, and urged the mover to withdraw the bill. After further debate Mr Laurier said if, by correspondence which had taken place, the Govern- ment came to the conclusion that no- thing more was to be expected from the American authorities, and they persisted in maintaining on their stat- ute book this unfriendly law, then there would be nothing left but for Ca- nada to adopt a similar course. The eentiment of the House appeared to be very strong, The only thing now to be done was to learn whether or not the American law was to be maintain- ed. if it became necessary to pass such a law in Canada its terms would be word for ward with tbat of the Un- ited States. There could be no com- plaint in that event. Retaliation was to be deplored, but there were occas- ions when retaliation became a neces- sity on the part of a nation, which rep- resented its own dignity. Fruit growers a»e of the opinion that more Canadian fruit will reach the old country thin season than has ever been sent from here before. Men who make a business of buying and selling fruit are making preparations for the ship- ment of large quantities of apples. "My baby had croup and was saved by Shilon's .Cure," writes Mrs J. B. Martin, at Huntsville, Ala. Bold by J. H Ccmbe Clinton. ' ',A Canadian, just returned from Chi- ,rago, says that owing to lack of work crime is rampant there. A prominent citizen was held up within a block of the city post office at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Two men 'resented their revolveie at the citizen s head and re- lieved him of all his valuables, after- •warde escaping down a friendly alley. 'This robbery was.eommitted while.one or two hundred people were looking on. The peace and security enjoyed in Canadian cities is in happy contrast with this. A SPECIFIC F03, 1a Grippe, for Colds, Coughs, AND LUN© TROUBLES, AYER% PE TORAL. "Two yeas ago, I bad the grippe, and it left me with a cough which gave me no- rest night or day. My family physician prescribed for me, changing the medicine as often ;3s he found the things I had taken were not helping • arafs,4n • ;uf , • tm, Y ine, but, In spite of his attendance, I got no better. Finally, my husband, -read- ing ono day of a gentleman who had had the grippe and was cured by taking Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, procured, for ine, a brittle of this metitoins; and before 11 had taken half of it, I was cured. I have used the Pectoral for my children fetid In My fanaity, whenever we have needed it, and: have found it a specific for wide, aotigbti, and lung troubles." -- Matt WoOio,1 oxth $t.t Itlkton, Aid, etos Cher Pectoral $4onors Itt thrl i'a-,F lir The Tileonburg Observer gives an account of an infant son of Mr and Mrs John Ball, of Houghton township, who was born about 14 months ago with three eyes, the ext ra one being situated in the spine, at the waist line. It is provided with an eyelid and eyebrow exactly like the other two in its head. The eye was bandaged to prevent in- jury, as it was as sensitive as ordinary eyes. Recently the child fell and hurt the eye, which then came out. SUDDENLY ATTACKED Children are oftert"attaoked suddenly by painful end dangerous Oo1io,?Cramps, Di- arrheas, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Chol- era Infantum, eto. Dr, Fowler's Extract or Wild Strawberry is a prompt and euro cure which should always be kept in the house. Thin flread and Hatter. Many pbysbebans, according to a leo turer on die Mkn, are ordering thin bread and butter,for •delloate-patients,, especially t?rooe snffering trona dyspepsia, consumption and anemia, or any who need to take on flesh. This thin bread and butter insensibly induces persos to eat more butter, than they haven any idea of. 'It is -eitraordintery, gays the leotur'er, bow short a waya'pat of freeb bntter will go if spread oa natiibo-r- of thin ,liege of &read. This is ono advantage, and a great one, in the fending of invalids, for they are thereby provided with an ex- cellent form of the fat ghtoh is so essen- tial for their nutritionV in a way that lures them to take it without rebellion. But the thin bread and butter has an- other advantage egnsliy as great -it is very digestible and sasily asabnllated. Fresh butter made from cream is very much more digestible when spread upon thin slices of bread than the same amount of cream oaten as create, per se, would be. Different Plane. The Professional 'Revolutionist -It's no user I've seen a dozen of them, and not one will join me in my conspiracy. His Wife -How is that? I thought they were all bitterly opposed to the Govern- ment. The Revolutionist -They are; but every one of them has a conspiracy of his own. Wingaor too Wind. "I used to find time hanging heavily on my hand, but I don't now. The days seem to fly." "Then you are happy?" "No, I'm not, I've a promissory note coming due, and don't know how to meet it " Frugal. "i}nmsly never treats anybody, does her "Treat? When he's thirsty himself he just gets out his telescope and looks at the Dipper. "-Chicago Record. 'SUMMER COMES. With the dowers and eQeaahine. Bird!, pour out their Inelody Anal the chirp of the grasshopper will moon tempt the fisherman to mttotelt forth hie halide and green the shadow of biro flight. The playful mosquito will da icer Most to aootho weary plpagare Beekere,into the reale*, of dumber, and the dinging, ; asking oorne Will remove every semblance of comfort, make .ad the song of the birds, and evoke oloudiaese in the Bout, that even the brightest sunshine can- non dispel. Corns are thorns in the flesh, but Patnaw'e C'ainlem9 Korn Extraoter re- moves them in twenty-four hours. Put. nom's Paialees Corn Extractor h, the beet. Useful Mate. Window soreent of Japepe a cedar fret- work me to favor; they are used either In titq ,natural light color or finished to rreoaooamn'blo olive wood, cherry, nab or rna- $lnmber roils of down, deo rolls stuffed with curled hair and oersted with good ticking are offered ready mads for covering. They are easily covered and make a rich aooe.soi°y In furnishing by any Clever honeewife. Picturesque trifles In furnishing often give a touch of refinement; for instance, there are the lovely little porooelatn can- dlesticks, in the form of a full blown pink rose, resting on a spray of green "leaves in fine porcelain. Very deoorative screens, threefold, in scarlet silk embroideries with long trail- ing branches of blossoms and with tropl- oal birds, all in fine stik, are attracting enthustaetie admiration They are espo- olaily handsome in large parlors where they light op somber corners most efleo- tively. Where windows are bunt low, as in very old-fashioned houses, leaving oon- 6iderable apace between their tops and the ceiling, pretty railed Shelves make a pretty furnishing. They may be ebonized, mahoganized or deoorated to match the woodwork of the room. The newest iron bedsteads which are making their appearance are very deco- rative, and not unreasonable in price. Besides the braes finish these bedsteads are finished in enamel effect and all the delicate colors used in enameling furni- ture, and this finish is associated with ornamentation in braes knobs, balls, bars and spindles Mnob more pleasing than the ordinary cheap frame for plotures Is a frame made of nicely merited pine, stained by rub- bing into it with a woolen rag bronze - green oil paint, thinned with tumour tine. This paint, thus applied, brings out all the beauty of the veinage of the wood, giving a pleasing effect. The frame should be finished by a narrow, burnished gilt beading or molding, which may be bought by the toot at a rea- sonable price. To remove the finger marks from var- nished furniture rub them with a cloth dampened with sweet oil. To remove them from oiled furniture use kerosene oil. 40 RED -COATS Put to Route an Army ofFormi- dable Trespassers. OONsTIPArION, Drzenstese, PAn semen TEE BEouLDua BLnnme Sloe 'Sammons, Da- PaNsamD Fannaso, BLoeristo Ana EATING, baeiT'Lft$ . ANb 1NBOM2t k, nrscr/r fritoir Alt Xt,r,Aozivls i1d1#It. • 0t1 Agdew'a Livete i'il1e 40 little Bod- Cd$�,iktinti of i ,,cents will ret yogi it it %Iliorit orrlir'w' 11Pi14i of ieitimotly'Hto p o'v4 it, • Li Bung Chang, while at Winnipeg, received a .despatch stating tot"tita Queen had conferred orders Of Knight, hood on himself, his two sone and the Chinese Ambassador who accontpan- fee the party. The Grandeur of a Church. We should never think of oomptaining of the 'grandeur of a church. It oannot be too grand, too stately or too oostly. At best, it will but faintly express the glory of Rini whose house It is built to be, and almost as feebly the depth of gratitude which men ought to entertain towards $1m to whose honor they have built it. Let the light sift down through lofty "agate windows" Mall the splendor of gold shadows of pictured saint and an gel; let the roof rise high with ooetly stones, ribbed and covered with soaring branch and bursting flower. Let the walls glow with the costliest adornments of art and skill; let the whole glorious house be dim with far-reaching shadows and bright with the splendid lights, dim with violet and bright with the crimson; let it speak of awe and mystery and vastness, and of light and beauty end bightness, too. Let it be the beet we can give, and the noblest we oan do, and we shall have only done what en- lightened Christian judgment will jus- tify. -Bishop Thompson. A wedding .of nn unusual nature Wok place at Belvidere.' The .: pr'lnci- pals were, Wm, Rowe: and Mite" Han- nah Lozaw-, both 'of Washington. Tho groom was 71 and the bride has just turned 17. Rowe walks on crutches and is bent near 1y double from the ef- teoteof rbeumattsnx.; 'Berta 'it big pension and is qquite Wel.Ile has been paying attention, to a Lozaw since she weal], years old. The•young bride's parents express indignation over the marriage, Thousands of cases of Consumption, Ara them. Conga, Colds and Croup are oared every day by Shilob'a Cure. Sold by J.H. Combo, Clinton: Mr Hugh McIntyre, J. P., of the third concession of Lobo, has en orobard novelty -apples and peeve growing on the same tree.. Two years ago he grafted six dit- $beot varieties of pears on different kinds of apple trees and they are growing in Ipv- lineao side by side. There are no finer pears in the township than those growing nn Mr McIntyre's apple trees; and the crop is very abundant. The graft ie said to be something unheard of in this aeration. One advantage of taking Ayer'e Sarae- partlle to purify the blood is that you need not infringe upon your hone of labor nor deny yourself any food that agrees with you. In a word, you are not compelled to starve or loaf, while taking it. These are recommendations worth considering. A correspondent from Nipissing, Ont., tells a story that would indicate a laxity of law and morale more oharaoteristio of the wild and woclly West thakof staid Ontario. A clergyman not being available a young couple went to the township clerk who agreed to marry them for six months, re- peated the Lord's prayer, then ordered them to innate one another, pronoanaed them man and wife, and closed the cere- mony with "And may the Lord have mercy on your some." Consumption is enred by the nee of Shiloh's Cure. This great Cough Cure is the only remedy for that terrible disease, - Bold by J. H. Combe, Clinton. Loose clothes and downy cushions bring only a neggaa- tive eort of comfort to the woman who is suffering with acme disease or de• rangement of the organs distinctly fetuinine. Some clothes and some sitidns !slake the G nn and ditess. �iort brill ever completely • A,��leve but a radical cure. The effects of such disorders sin not limited to mere local disoom(orts but ex- tend xtend over the whole body. Perhaps the nerves are most affected, and this in turn disturbs the digestion. After that there is no telling what form to trouble may take. With irritable nerves end pool. digestion, a woman is on the straight reed to the grave. Women are notorionmly negligent to mats ters pertaining to their beeltlya.,Too many of them understand too tittle shoed their ownhysi make-qp. They do not un- derstand ter possibilities or their limita- tions, and they do not know enough Ibont themselves to know when a oymptom ib really serious and when it ie test -me nat- nrally makes them overlook the plainest of danger signals. The start of everything is simple. The start of so-called "fetdule complaints" may be a very alight thing in- deed. It may be that in the beginning some small hygienic measures would atop the trouble. Certainly at this time, a little bit of the right medicine would stop it. When the trouble becomes worse, it is harder to cure, but still it can be cured. Dv. Pierce's Favorite Prescription will posi- tively cute any trouble of this 'character. It may be absolutely relied uppn. It affords immediate and lasting relief to woman whose natural modesty has kept her from consulting physician.. The whsle story of the "Favorite Pre- scription, re- scription ' and what it has done for thou- sands of women is told in Dr. Pterce'e Common Sense Medical Adviser. This is a roo8 page book, profusely illustrated, written in plain language for the nee of every -day people, and gives in a clear end lucid way an immense amount of Valuable information about bealtb and medicine. It will be sent free on receipt of ei one -cent 'etamps to cover oedema and maing only. Address, World's Diepeneaty Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y, Business Change ! The*undersigned having purchased the Furniture and Undertaking business of Jos. W. Chidley, will continue the same at the old stand, Huron Street. Having had many years"experience in both lines of business, he feels qualifled to attend to all orders, and will carry a well assorted stock of FURNITURE and FURNISHINGS We make a specialty of the Undertaking business, being a professional and experienced Embalmist, and all who require my services in this line may rely on courteous and prompt attention. We, have also added a new Hearse to our undertaking department. Al1'night calls will be answered at the shop. All kinds of Fprnitnre Repaired, Pioturee Framed and tlpholetering• done. Orders Respectfully Solicited. H. C. BARLETT, - Huron Street Dining Room Set, complete $14 50 canal price only • $18.75 Consisting of sideboard, Extension Table, 6 High Back Chairs and 1 Rooker. We carry the largest stook of Fq,rniture in the County - when your clothing is interlined with the light and durable Fibre •Chailols. It positively keeps *out every breath of cold wind and frosty air and keeps.in tiie natural yr3' r warmth of the body, "because it is �" ��^, • f; a complete non-conductor. You'll l v' enjoy genuine fall and winter corn- / fort with it through your clothing, for only a few cents extra expense. The Real Fibre Chamois sells now for 28c, with a label on each yard and there is also a label on every ready-to-wear suit which is interlined with it. Always look for them. . J. H, C=I E1L [JI3IAT, Z �,Y•TI3 Wood's Phosphodloo.- - nglish Remedy. Is the result of over st years treating thous- ^ <.. eases with all known drugs, until at last we have discovered the true remedy and treatment -a oombination that will effect a prompt and permanent oure in all stages of Sexual Debility, Abate or Ereesses, Nerveue Weakness, Emissions, Mental Worry, Excessive Use of Opium, Tobacco, or Alcoholic Stimulants, all of which soon lead to insanity, Consumption and an early grave. Wood's Pbosphodine has been used successfully by hundreds of caeca that seemed almost hopeless -cases that had been treated by the moat talented physi- 'otane-.cases that wore on the verge of despair and insanity -•cases that were tetiertag over the grave -but with the continued and persevering use of Wood's Phosphedine, these cases that had been given up to die, were restored to manly vigor and health -Header you need not despair -no mat- ter who hail given you up as incurable -the remedy IB now within your reach, by its use you can be teetered to a Iffe of ueofnium * and happiness. Price, one paeka,8, tit etzpackages, $51 by mall free of posttees. Oar viw pl a:e;:leg, leant idle cxrs.Pamphlet free to AO address, :,.ThM Plodcorrtiintly,'' K W'ittd`eor',Ont,dttriade Wood's Plailliketiedr is mid by roil aniibte wwlrolkbnle t r.tiIl iaititp l a�rh btiiitldtwitil, 1.17.3"13 Pure Ginger, Pure Tumeric, Pure Pepper Pure Cloves 1' Alspice, " Mix. Spice, " Keyenne, " Cassia it India Spice, Curry Powder, Curriauder Seed In Spices you want the beat. We desire to furnish you with pure goods. You may as welt have the best. There is no satisfaction in using poor spices. Extra White Wine Vinegar is also necessary. (3 -EX) SWA L.1.,()W, Clinton Silverware Premiums We are going to give for a time to CASH PURCHASERS to th amount of $26, their choice of a Large range of Silverware as per list It will be worth your while to call and get a card and see the goods. SUGAR—Special prices for Sugar in quantities of lib 1be or over. Try us. O,!►TMEAL-A fleet class grade of Oatineal cheap. BOOTS and SHOES— Special bargains in Boote and Shoes. STRAW HATS --If you want a Straw Hat cheap this ie the place to get it. Highest price for produce, would take a quantity of Oats in exchange. ADAMS' EMPORIUM, R.. ADAMS LONDESBORo fINSISSINOINSSIXONNIIIIIMINOW OPENED OUT AGAIN ! I beg to announce that I have resumed business at the old stand, and would respectfnlly solicit a continuance of the patronage so generously extended to me in the past. The stock, which is all of prime quality, and well assorted, has been bought by me at considerable reduction on cost, and my customers may rely upon getting the beet goods at bottom prices, N. ROBSON, - Clinton. mmemsomew Clinton Sash,-Doori BlincI Factory COOPER BROS., - - - PROPRIETORS, General Builders and Contractors. This factory is the largest in the county, and bas the very latest improved ma- chinery, capable of doing work on the shortest notice. We oarry an extensive and reliable .tock and prepared plane, and give estimates for and build all close- d of buildings on short notioe and on the closest prima. All wore is wipervio- ed in a mechanical way and satisfaction guaranteed. We sell all kinds of in- terior and exterior material. Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Lime, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Etc Agents for the Celebrated GIRAYBILG SCHOOL DESK, manufactured at Waterloo. Call and get prioea and eatimetee before placing your orders. resseessmemseemear BINDER TWINE Amber Shield, Blue Star and Composite. Church's Potato Bug Finish and Fertilizer, Pure English Paris Green at HARLAND BROS., HARDWARE MERCHANTS, • - - CLINTON. ww,asaa.. THE BEST PHOTOGRAPH S ARE TAKEN BY HORACE FOSTER rDR. SPINNEY & CO. The Old Rollabl. Specialists. 83 Yoetrat Experion'oo fit IM treatment of the Throat and Law Tumbles,wdS�NNe.ua, Chronic pal D aws dm= Mad woo•a. 1!N inhooU tro itiadf pyerm.nenttby -Gsheet, Gonorrhou. Varicoc.laaad =pet, withoutodpaia, No cutting. Syphilis and Mil BI Diseases cared wtthhowt oseram7. load, % Sefertag frau the offset of O ,,Mutter foiIIaa oe iadiseretlgns, tlbwabIN with WMMtinua, Nerrbn•;; awe >,[ , Deepoicdeney, Aerosis to Society. Kl Trotrh a, sr ealp dliissss of sh. . vrkuryl Or- `stY, eui Kers ]lad safe and speedy can. LRI re.ignable, pptc to to the poet. CUIULS OUMLA.NTE �ldale-ii5 U VU with f �'treatCs- with tai d•wt avoca- tion of ti,s a ei M Til d often n .cam ever • ateiptht mo tst oro buaula +Yrogstisdt, end we.tete{n�ofSho�tyati`itlttiamatmer •patleatcantMt.ticcswbtxnA: T4sg+tlrssr-� Men who die oftritedll$eutty tenon* oftha di'diifr. 'lM'd.ctaxfrill t tr feet rt/in .11 aneb, este:;,.nrd health,. re torattan otos.ten . H' atltxtibn free- TFIMennabla to call, din `dribtq ftait p 01 o 00tROine nem Wetpnpia;'witlt fe f in.twctiai l for . MSWatl`rr;t(II. -fit O]Ktebaulk+ lRtood• 9 r, rat. w A 1w fpr 111446ret-btt'r ft o. ea,• 111 #Q r to ,111�+b,'i!lIt111 7Q ;00Av MS. Iii 1 .111. - t Nff , htrs1`a,1k. ::, API ' T1s .... - 'a