The Clinton New Era, 1896-08-14, Page 3u 777 - u. THE CLINTON�NRA- tnlat 1411,90 ., f ,.�.,�.�....� A victim of vsn7ty. CONQUEST$ POA MEDICAL lkehom Cuia ilXarriot#. •., .. s a :.4.. •t, _. ,i.i �,; HOW Toe Rueslan historian o1 rhoro1gAofRCIENCFi Pthe Jamas I� Meagher, writing to the Now @ great Catharine IL gives many ex- A Bea H> exT—i i1iSONIa Cexanaaa - Velaiea `York Sun, sopa: "Whom did Cain 6tti" I a E';.i t.; t 1 t,;r,. inial ;: i:+ u, , .�• i ;t:, as r, : ' P ampler of the cruelty and txsprloes of the Powerful ladles of the courts in dealing AT THE TOUCH or Do. AoNiiw's WONDBU- marry P" He married his sister. 1lor t, with their serfs. rnL CORES. name was Ripha. This, St. Chrysostom Nays, was the tradition of the Jews of One princess, a largo woman of superb . I tried Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart his time. This information may be found Safety and Life Depend duty' kept for more than three yeare a ' and obtained immediate relief, I hove In Duprion's "Concordance of the Holy starved little serf, brought from her as. taken four bottles and now am entirely free Bible." f Cates on the steppes, In a tightly looked from every aym tom of heart trouble, and Cienesie v, 4, ansa of Adam: "And be Upon Paine's CeleryCom- p , . Iron !sage, which stood close to her oboe- I hope that this statement may induce y begot eons and daughters" Joaephge va her door. He was fed on bread and water, others troubled as I was to i th' "�' -' �•"� n I► ound. h and during all these 8 years was not al- g ve 1a moa valuable remedy a trial. writes Tboms saverg eons khbl• relmati.0, bath for in. �MUNAT� and EX'1'ZIMAit lowed to exchange a word with a human Petry, of Aylmer; Quo. You can readil; soap disso ved in boiling water and one ) pinto? kerosene iii 15 pints of water, thor- being• He verify any testimonial quoted in Commend We must'sympsthize with, and, It the P Y was an expert hair -dresser, and when the Ing wonderful discovery of modern mediae Moor, weary acid jaded sufferer whose life prinoess required ole services, she Unlocked the door the science, Thousands have tested its oural ive Is delmiserable and almost unbearable in the h hat weather. of cage and lifted him out � the back as she would qualities after having doctored, fa years, and were pronounced hopeless casae The healthiest of ue have all we can do to withstand the enervating effecta of a oat or dog, When hes hair was dressed she pub him back in his wretched Iron I If as a last resort it has proved such a bloo purifier what sufferings would be spared if scorching days and sweltering nights.— Jail, and, looking the door, bid the key her when the slightest uneasiness at the bears The sick mortals' --hes van help them—moat pocket. The man slowly grew welled and diseased, tottering is experienced, Dr. Agnew's Heart our suffer increased agony during these hot days! with Weakness so he walked, were tried, CexeuReli.— I should not [sot that I sear The trogbIgs tbat bring low the majority Hut.one day his mistress died sad. doing my duty did I not recommend Di of people at this season are nervous pro- denly, and his prison was opened; then it discovered Agnew's Catarrhal Powder to every one nervous debility, dyspepsia, suds- indi- gestion, headache, headache, and a beet of trials that was that she had irsepb stn in this prison because she feared that he writes George Lewis, Shamokin, Ps, ant think that an average of 80 to 90 in ever: result mesal! frogi� impure and poisoned blood. The abdva troubles would reveal a secret which only he knew. --that she wore false hairs hundred whose eyes will meet this is to i lesser or greater degree affected by this attack men ani women because their supply of nerve force Surely we think vanity Is rarely so insidious disease. There is only one oaf, is almost exhausted. Lose of this nerve force and feebleness Is at the root of nearly cruel, It is a harmless, atiraotive weak- nese 1p a pretty girl or handsome bits, sure and harmless cure—Dr. Agnew's Cu tarrhal Powder. No case so slight that every case of sickness. A yet when the girl is forty and the man may' their pretty groom are so ridiou- you can afford to ne lect to usethe remedy � y No case so soute or eep that it true. nerve medicine is what is needed lous tie to be tragical. seated wil. not if health in to be restored, and the dark ( They Bare and relieve and absolutely aura. no ostarri grave avoided. Pares Celery Compound is a perfect and unfailing restorer of nerve disgust the world, which jeers at them. The victims of vaulty aoountieea. re remedy has worked such marvellous cures no remedy has had so much good said o1 force and power to the weakened and de- It is not usually the most beautiful it, and no remedy has the high endo rnation bilitated system. It quickly cares pro- women who are vain. Ib to too often the woman of the medical profession it enjoys, ani in hopeless l stration, sleepleeaness,,headaohe, epe with one good feature or a sin_ latent. your ossa not while Dr. Agnew'! CatarrhalCure indigestion; it cleanses the poisoned blood n loo gle or but a little money, who is to be bad. Sold by Watti and gives new life permanent vitality and parades and flaunts It in the eight of t% tic., Clinton. strength. still luckless folk. It may peep out from Paiva's Celery Compound combines the hair under the white l Bd, ah' the Judge, oa hat of the captain THE LORD'S PRAYER. most etboient alteratives, laxatives and diuretics, and soon restores the sick one to of a football team, who was a sturdy honest fellow until I itepeated by a Brother Tramp, It Soothed completed health. To day it is earth's the tidal wave of success turned his head. Hie )mast Momenta. most most reliable medicine` it is made for your There Is no position in life where van- The way train ahead of us had struck case, poor sufferer, and its use will implant that state of health you are so ity does not hide behind the door, Take care of It It will not make you on open switch and had been ditched, and two passengers pore killed outright earnestly longing for. cruel 0 serfs, but to yourself. It is your and five or sty others more or less In - As there are vile liquid imitations sold soul and body and your character that it Lured, rails a story in the Detroit Free in many places, insist upon your dealer I will deface and damage for all time press. The killed and injured were lying giving you "Paine's, the kind that cures." on the depot, platform as our train came YOU AND YOUR GRANDFATHER. up, and among the latter was a profes- slonal tramp who had been stealing a The full list of Dominion elections protested show that 19 seats held by Are removed from each other a span ride The docker lead looked him over. The vagabond, who had not loot con - Con- Liberals and 45 held by Conservatives will be attacked in the or many years, He travelled in a slow o- a go- age or while yeti take the light- fan• a moment, smiled faintly courts. The following story of a dog's queer is ringng els nixig entrees or the a ed b oar. When ed sena sick be was treated bq old fashioned and askedi-- - "WOO, tom. ,ties the verdict of the adventure credited to the Stratford Beacon. A- dog belonging to a South methods and given old fashioned medicines, bat you demand modern ideas in medicine „ ore badly „ was the TeDiy Perth farmer was following behind a as well as in everything else. Hood's Bar - +Yt, 'I know that I was right !n the binder, when by some unaccountable sapmrilla is the medicine of the day. It ie sqa�' when the two cars cum together. procedut e a field atones became located prepared by modern methods end to Its 2'm as fist as a pancake.W411 i over on the framework of the binder, W hen snapped at by the dog the mouse preparation are brought the skill and knowledge of modern science. Hood's Bar- trump againP" "I'm afraid not. ' ran,,onto the ra idly travelling can- saparilla acts promptly upon the blood by "Air' my Iegs off?" vagli elevator. eThe dog followed suit; there making pare, rich blood; It cures disease NOS you a'lIP Injured, how - s'� was more than the sound of the and establishes good health. binder heard thi oughout the next few That means [ m a goner?" d seconds. 1%er e- wet audible eviden- "Yes`" ces of a dog to distress. Before the Just for Carrfxge Folk, "Wail, I'd hev liked to got over this farmer could stop the team the dog "No," said the old gentleman, sternly, and had somethin' to talk about and had been carried up thy. elevator, "I will not do it Never haves 1 sold any, Owm4 but I ain't dotn' no kickin'. My transferred to the binding attachment thing by false representations, and I will Pard was on the oar ahead. Was be hurt?" and thrown out on the ground with a not begin it now," "No; hero he is." stout manilla cord bound tightly For a moment he was silent, and the At that moment a ragged un around it's body. Part of a sheaf of clerk who stood before him Could ac's and typical vagabond carne forward d ,grain was also enclosed in the strug- that the better nature of his employer bent over the victim and said:— lgltnngg bundle. The dog was not ser- was dghbing strongly for the right, "Wail, Jim, they nay you hev to go." iously hurt. "No," the old man cried again "I will not do it. It is an Inferior grade of "Yea." "Howe are you feeiin' over it?" FIBRE CHAMOIS AD. shoo and I will never pass it off as any. "SOTS- No use to klos, Tom." Men as a rule care more for comfort than thing better. Mark ltti 'A Shoe Fit for a Queen,' and put It in the window. A "That's right; you never was he kicker, nohow. Got any friends?" dor style, still no man is averse to a neat -hanging queen does not have to do much walk- "Na" well coat that keeps its shape through all kinds of knocking aroand. ing. "—Cbicago Tribune. "gin I do anythin' for yo?" The dying man This is one of the extras that Fibre Cha- mats furnishes when used se interlin- To Candy Lovers, gazed at him for a moment In silence, and then whispered:— "Tom, .the ,ing in men's clothing. It not only makes Much of the outcry against candy is the result of wrong methods of nsa It ye or' the only pardner I ever had as knowed the Lord's prayer, Just garments thoroughly weather proof, pro- viding a healthful warmth which can't be can often be safely taken at meal time say' It over to Ice,"' fonetrated by the severest wind or cold, with Good results. Scientists say that the food value of sugar is The old tramp pulled off his cap and knelt down, and as the score ut its flexible spring and stiffness makes the coat or vest fit well. And keep its very great, A pound of sugar Contains much more en- of us un- covered and bowed our heads he repeated pro- par hang till worn completely out. And the beauty is that itfs so Ugbtyou wouldn't ergy and power to support animal life than a pound of meat. If candy ! taken the prayer word for word, and with such feeling as astonished everybody, When know you were carrying anything extra under such conditions that i will not derange the digestive apparat 1t is he had finished he rose and said:— "That's it, Jim, an' kin I do anythin' around, and so cheap that it is in every one a reach. feotly wine and rational to bs lir �� mare?" eater, "Nothing more for him," answered A shocking tragedy occurred at Chil- the doctor, as he looked down upon the pale face. "Your partner is dead." cothe, Ohio, Thursday afternoon, at ( Hahenback s wild animal show, which The big, hearty, healthy mdn is a conti- iagiaingexhibitionsatthefairgrounds. The tent was crowded with a large au- nual irritation to his dyspeptic friend. Constipation Is the root of nine -tenths of 'men, GAVE HIS HAND FOR WEALTH. dience, and the performance wag pro- the sickness of and of a iafrge propor- tiod of the sickness of women. Ii can be A son's novice to win a Fortune Bequeatb. ed by His Father. 9gressing when J. F. Hurd, the lion- mer,walked across the in cured easily, naturally and quickly. Na- a space front of the audience, with his eon, i year and 6 in his ture is Continually working as hard Re aha can to throw off impurities, and to force out �When wealthy merchant died llnn Car - W3., eti moi.the cid, eJrma, and eat .poisonous shim down on the ground in close prox refuse matter. When there is an impediment, Dr Pierre's pleasant pellets itl�ehl'6blild Io � nt FIIte English Channel, put In boats and that •amity to a large lioness, lying chained set outside her cage. The next moment trouble. wheels working again without any They assist in his fortune should belong to the one Whohand first touches the English the audience was horrified by seeing the beast reach out, grab the child violent nature it gentle, healthful, efficient way. There is nothing about their action, and`ye4 is is just Boil " When the day of the trial came a large with her claws, and drawing it quickly back , crushedj the infantile skull "You as certain as if it were twice old violent. do not beoome a sieve to their Oiowd Collected to see the racy Then was bitter feeling between the brothers with her ca, jaws. Seperal showmen rushed to the spot, where ase." They are different and better than any Oth• for When one saw that the other was about to beat him by a few inches he or the lionesp, snarling and growlin ,was and -devouring the child. It wds WIbt the pill the onreofoonetipation, headache kindred derangements. Almost all druggists understand this, drew a knife, out off his hand and threw it to the shore thus securing the fortune. no ggrreatest difficulty that the animal was entions driven back and are oongoi- enough to tell you no'. The druggist afterwards built a line of merchant ves- and cop1pelled to relin- q"uisii� ser prey. 'Tile titiier"hiiliiiftls; who tries to 6611 you a subetiti to ls'Iib't•'b< sels and adopted a hand as his trade ease scenting blood, set a hideous Snarl- Send man tom Sobs"fd— tly mecjicine. -81 cents in One-4ent4tamps°to W1rldts mark, having !t p%iated on the faunal 4f his bout% where it remains to this d ung and growlin ,'cud a f year old afrl, Dlspeiieary performing in cdai � of wild beasts, Y.,and Medical Association, Buffalo, N. receive Dr Pierce's 1008 +Com d$y, his heirs continuing the use of the design.. was res0,,Wd affer a figrd figght. The mon child's'ni'Oher in, a; snako'charmer, pogo Sense Medical Adviser," proftiae y 11- and lnstrated, was a wKirese to the terrible Scene. ' `Canst thou minister to a mind diseased?" Bhe rushed lot -ward With scrooins'of ;agony, int tempted th hurl Herself KILLING THE HORN FLY. make Macbeth. Certainly, my lord; the condition of the mind depends largely, if upon the lioness. The act of the father At thila o6mson`of the year cattle are stiff- not solely, on the condition of the stomach, was pure lyy a matter of carelessness. ering He is newly inane at the fate of his fly. from the Persistent biting of the horn This fly whioh is liver and bowels,for ell of wbichoompiainte Ayer's Pills "aovereignest child. , fly,, smaller than the house congregates III colonies about the base are thing on earth." of at the horns, along up the book and aides, tender points about the flankd, and udder `% jw R"T'" FAM LY ALL PRIZE GOODS. and fly on the belly. Prof. Plom� says this blood as loss tap da °iffifiY H#� I i snake from cattle and sb irritates ,•f9i r.tf them as no doubt to retard the lying on rl q„ the Colored by the Diamond Dyes. tion flesh With beef cattle, and the produe- of milk. The horn fly is very bad in !.f" a , several district's through Western Ontario t at the present time. It is a 4eot worth of note that all the Y mended Many substances have been recom- to keep away the flies, i MiseisaT ' tr best rag carpets, rags and' ate shown at Experiment Station recommends two parts country fairs and exhibitions last year were of dyed with the fast and brilliant diamond pine cottonseed oil or fish oil and one part of tar. This station applied this mixture dyea. to This season, we bear that 'even more none 860 head, at a total Coat of $2.20. L Kero. emulsion bas also been used, spray - extensive work is going on for the coming Ing autumn fairs. The ladies experts it over the cattle with a knapsack who are sprayer. in the art of Carpet, rug and mot making 81011 The flies are killed by the emul- if it touches them. The emulston are now buyin Diamond Dyes in large be may made b i i l . •M tell soli !lid smith' 11411kes s iii i radi►ifl j�biii' zn'bn� r Vitrliai Ipjt t' G. , �.. W La cora t'niflWrdliitMq�,'�"��,� :�f,9Vr 1 . I >b ipaal tli.b1kiPW+",J�idk�d 0++l9ifa dt•. liars+ �� �"ikRl �'bh ^ iil'11Ki. •'* <fi�%h�hi .11 t says that Adam and Eve had thirty-thre e sone and thirty-two daughtera. The eon e of our brat parents married their sisteri The Old Testament was written as 1 preparation for the coming of Christ and the history of personages who dt r not typify Him or relate to Him ar not given. Tho poly and Innocent 4,be i was a figure of Christ who was kWal by his brethren arid Crain and Abel ant their histories are related, while nothin 3 is said of the other children. It may be of interest to your man., t readers to know the exact meantng_ e the names of the patrtarche who liver from Adam to Noe, as follows: Adam i '`Man in thq image of God," or "Th Reasoning Being;" Both, "Substitute( a by;" Enos "Frail man; Canaan, "La I meriting fell;" NWaleel, "The Blessa( a Clod;" Jared, "Shall come down;' Henoch, "The Teacher;" Motbusalah, "His death shall send;" Lameoh, "Tc the humble;" Noe, "Rost," or ,Congols tion. " Now, putting these Engligl meanings of the Hebrew names together, we have the following: "plan in tiht image of God, Substituted by Frail elan, Lamenting fell. The Blessed God, She1', come down, The Teacher, His dean shall sand, To the humble, Rest or Con solation. " Here in the very names of the giro! fathers of our race before the flood, wi find a revelation of the fall of mankind, the sorrows of sin, the incarnation of Christ, how He will come as a Teacher, His death, His redemption, given to the humble ones who will receive His teach• ings, and the rest and consolation of peace from ware and the blessings of civ. iiization. These tiro but a few of the wonderful things the student finds in the Holy Bible. FOOTBALL CHAMPIONSHIP .)FOE 1896. The knowing ones are speculating on the football possibilities of the season, Ottawa to not likely to retain thehonorooftheoham- PiOD8111k, as Queens will put in a team sure to smash all records. It is oftenthe ossa that very slight causes will lose a victory. It is stated that a painful corn made use. less one of the beat American players. It follows that no team eau hope to win this year that neglects to supply its members with Putman's Painless Corn Extractor, the only safe, sure, and painless remedy for corns. A very sad accident happened at Paris Thursday night, through which the ten year old daughter of Dr Burt, of that place, lost her life. The little girl,whileplaying, by some means pull- ed the lamp off the table into her lap. Her clothes immediately took fire, and before anything could be done to ex- tinguish the flames her clothing ww completely burned. The child, who had inhaled the flames, died at 1 o'clock next morning. Dur Manufacturing Interests. What a Hamiltoa M&nuftsotuiev Has to say. James Brayley speaks fpr• the publie good. THE PROPER POLICY. Our representative interviewed Mr. James Brayley, of HanWwn, at hie ofBoe, 68 Hing Willi im Street. Mr Brayley to an enterprising business man, and one of Hamilton's foremost manufacturera. His goods, Saddlery hard- ware, pnuches, dies, etc., are known from H 6ifax to Panoouver, and stand very high in estimation of the trade. Mr. Brayley aatd: "For years I have been troubled with gravel and weakness of the kidneys. I had to standup and clench my teeth when urinating, so intense was the pain. The pains ar,)und my bine where omostlntnlerole. and I tett as though a tot were being pulled down my back by the baud lege. "I went from bad to w ,rse till at last I could not arinat.a at all, and had to be operated on. I bad no confidence In anything, and made up my wind to sud-r torture to my dying day. 1, adit,g the tea-imony published, by the Doan Kidney Pills Co., I saw a simllar naso to my own, and, boing in constant agonv, deolded to give tbom a trial, and get a box of the pills from Spackman's drug store, at the corner of Market Square. ' " It did me no good, so I got another, and another, until I had taken four boxes, and was about giving up when relief came. I continued to take them till the Rain left my back, and I a n now as limber ss an eel. Instead of getting up a dozen times a night I never getup mora than once now. The urine to now perteotly clear and has no sediment of any kind. " I am dellghted to testify In bebaif of Doan's , Kidney Pills, as they cured mo after the last ray of hope had fled." i r Cook's Cotton Root Compound Manufactured by T h e Cook Co., Windsor, Ont-, and Detroit, Mich., is the i only known safe, reliable i monthly medicine on which ladies can depend in "the hour and time of .need." Every lady who reads this is requested to inclose two post- age stampss,with her address, for y - ''and fllval�r:icu arabw�we willsend br rturn triail�in plaiti. sealed envelope. An old••-physictan, 33 years corn- tif ed 'l? tactic e treatin @serosa e of *01b.611, htlti'cfigr 'of th ofirc6: and conn. be <!btistztt@ by lettkir or, in i Perlldtt • Adtiftst stifthkiii dit4e'� 1 IsttiliU{l:'wIHcxAib' s l l t B;�TT�:R �.�3,�T C�C�1.�D, .io' a Z3nei>Sest; or'hh'tirthtind • r,t7oarea�i,q,Gtle•,1 r,; f u 5 .. OPINIONS mm'" years' obssrrutlon of Castors& with the pst:aaago of ntiWans of persons, permit us to speak of it without gasssing. It is Unquestionably the best remedy for Infants pad Cbildssa tlha world has ever known, It is harmless. Children lilt• it, It gives them health. It will save their lives. In it Mothers have soraething which is absolutely safe mud practioa k, R!S&Ot as a child's medicine. Castoria destroys Worms. Castorta allays Feverishness, Castorin prevents MgMating Sour flnx;,. a Castoria cures Diarrhoea and Wind poke. Castoria relieves Teething Troubles. Castoris cures Cementation and Flatalonoy. Criteria neutralises the effects of carbonic acid gas or poise ons Castoria does not contain morphine, opium, or other narcotic err! E�% Faastoria assiraflates the food, regulates the stomach a ad bowels giving healthy and natural sloop. Castoria is put up an one -silo bottles only, It is not sc Id in ibulk. Iion'E allow any one io sell you unytl"K else on the Aes or pr2mis4 that it is "Just as good" and "will answer every �vurpose." Hee that you iret 0 -A. -S -T -0 -R -I -A. The !ao-simile is on eve sigfiatnre of , wrasr. ChlIdren Cry for Pitohees Castorlas Forest City Business & Shorthand nnCollege, Londonyy, Out w work. whole of With Inoreaeed facilitiesd floor , course strengthen d andlrevisled being will easily manta[nith Her pute,tion earned as being the Model Business Training School of Canada. Drop no a postal for catalogue and partioulara. College reopens September J. W. WESTERRVELT, Principal '0 q nantitiee to Dolor their materials for the manufacture of exhibition goods. Y ro x ng at t e rate of one pint of aott•soa� (or one-fourth pound of herd- saverg eons khbl• relmati.0, bath for in. �MUNAT� and EX'1'ZIMAit dorV At At ail fairs of every ten sahib- soap disso ved in boiling water and one ) pinto? kerosene iii 15 pints of water, thor- use, and won - aerfnii>Yitr qul01CA0410n tri relieve distress. ` made c S itor6,tlf home made Carpilta, rags and mete visa the Diafiiond•b ea, knowingfall well onghly whippe$ And churned together. �tt11t��ff taaif � rs a'"a to t! r. �j���j;jlrhproat, o atr�ie. �,rt 0,# rawiva, You do not know what you miss by not using the above Tea. that the fi"nititi u 4yea can never give oat- Every customer using it is a pleased customer. Cbglilf ants nipr 1says ieflafafoa sra�Aflloht ,'. Yov Cott x 8e4fsl'Q tplsaa O>rir pj � � a�� � (eii�lh�iiis a ooloring materia eiiliib iridn r'sda'ililtallowIs for �� ,i g0alr dealer 3_the 8a. Louis JouYnal of ` rioulture 1:- _� _ns.__._. _..-..... �.. ..- �_ r � �����et�sl�i. l . •M tell soli !lid smith' 11411kes s iii i radi►ifl j�biii' zn'bn� r Vitrliai Ipjt t' G. , �.. W La cora t'niflWrdliitMq�,'�"��,� :�f,9Vr 1 . I >b ipaal tli.b1kiPW+",J�idk�d 0++l9ifa dt•. liars+ �� �"ikRl �'bh ^ iil'11Ki. •'* <fi�%h�hi .11 t says that Adam and Eve had thirty-thre e sone and thirty-two daughtera. The eon e of our brat parents married their sisteri The Old Testament was written as 1 preparation for the coming of Christ and the history of personages who dt r not typify Him or relate to Him ar not given. Tho poly and Innocent 4,be i was a figure of Christ who was kWal by his brethren arid Crain and Abel ant their histories are related, while nothin 3 is said of the other children. It may be of interest to your man., t readers to know the exact meantng_ e the names of the patrtarche who liver from Adam to Noe, as follows: Adam i '`Man in thq image of God," or "Th Reasoning Being;" Both, "Substitute( a by;" Enos "Frail man; Canaan, "La I meriting fell;" NWaleel, "The Blessa( a Clod;" Jared, "Shall come down;' Henoch, "The Teacher;" Motbusalah, "His death shall send;" Lameoh, "Tc the humble;" Noe, "Rost," or ,Congols tion. " Now, putting these Engligl meanings of the Hebrew names together, we have the following: "plan in tiht image of God, Substituted by Frail elan, Lamenting fell. The Blessed God, She1', come down, The Teacher, His dean shall sand, To the humble, Rest or Con solation. " Here in the very names of the giro! fathers of our race before the flood, wi find a revelation of the fall of mankind, the sorrows of sin, the incarnation of Christ, how He will come as a Teacher, His death, His redemption, given to the humble ones who will receive His teach• ings, and the rest and consolation of peace from ware and the blessings of civ. iiization. These tiro but a few of the wonderful things the student finds in the Holy Bible. FOOTBALL CHAMPIONSHIP .)FOE 1896. The knowing ones are speculating on the football possibilities of the season, Ottawa to not likely to retain thehonorooftheoham- PiOD8111k, as Queens will put in a team sure to smash all records. It is oftenthe ossa that very slight causes will lose a victory. It is stated that a painful corn made use. less one of the beat American players. It follows that no team eau hope to win this year that neglects to supply its members with Putman's Painless Corn Extractor, the only safe, sure, and painless remedy for corns. A very sad accident happened at Paris Thursday night, through which the ten year old daughter of Dr Burt, of that place, lost her life. The little girl,whileplaying, by some means pull- ed the lamp off the table into her lap. Her clothes immediately took fire, and before anything could be done to ex- tinguish the flames her clothing ww completely burned. The child, who had inhaled the flames, died at 1 o'clock next morning. Dur Manufacturing Interests. What a Hamiltoa M&nuftsotuiev Has to say. James Brayley speaks fpr• the publie good. THE PROPER POLICY. Our representative interviewed Mr. James Brayley, of HanWwn, at hie ofBoe, 68 Hing Willi im Street. Mr Brayley to an enterprising business man, and one of Hamilton's foremost manufacturera. His goods, Saddlery hard- ware, pnuches, dies, etc., are known from H 6ifax to Panoouver, and stand very high in estimation of the trade. Mr. Brayley aatd: "For years I have been troubled with gravel and weakness of the kidneys. I had to standup and clench my teeth when urinating, so intense was the pain. The pains ar,)und my bine where omostlntnlerole. and I tett as though a tot were being pulled down my back by the baud lege. "I went from bad to w ,rse till at last I could not arinat.a at all, and had to be operated on. I bad no confidence In anything, and made up my wind to sud-r torture to my dying day. 1, adit,g the tea-imony published, by the Doan Kidney Pills Co., I saw a simllar naso to my own, and, boing in constant agonv, deolded to give tbom a trial, and get a box of the pills from Spackman's drug store, at the corner of Market Square. ' " It did me no good, so I got another, and another, until I had taken four boxes, and was about giving up when relief came. I continued to take them till the Rain left my back, and I a n now as limber ss an eel. Instead of getting up a dozen times a night I never getup mora than once now. The urine to now perteotly clear and has no sediment of any kind. " I am dellghted to testify In bebaif of Doan's , Kidney Pills, as they cured mo after the last ray of hope had fled." i r Cook's Cotton Root Compound Manufactured by T h e Cook Co., Windsor, Ont-, and Detroit, Mich., is the i only known safe, reliable i monthly medicine on which ladies can depend in "the hour and time of .need." Every lady who reads this is requested to inclose two post- age stampss,with her address, for y - ''and fllval�r:icu arabw�we willsend br rturn triail�in plaiti. sealed envelope. An old••-physictan, 33 years corn- tif ed 'l? tactic e treatin @serosa e of *01b.611, htlti'cfigr 'of th ofirc6: and conn. be <!btistztt@ by lettkir or, in i Perlldtt • Adtiftst stifthkiii dit4e'� 1 IsttiliU{l:'wIHcxAib' s l l t B;�TT�:R �.�3,�T C�C�1.�D, .io' a Z3nei>Sest; or'hh'tirthtind • r,t7oarea�i,q,Gtle•,1 r,; f u 5 .. OPINIONS mm'" years' obssrrutlon of Castors& with the pst:aaago of ntiWans of persons, permit us to speak of it without gasssing. It is Unquestionably the best remedy for Infants pad Cbildssa tlha world has ever known, It is harmless. Children lilt• it, It gives them health. It will save their lives. In it Mothers have soraething which is absolutely safe mud practioa k, R!S&Ot as a child's medicine. Castoria destroys Worms. Castorta allays Feverishness, Castorin prevents MgMating Sour flnx;,. a Castoria cures Diarrhoea and Wind poke. Castoria relieves Teething Troubles. Castoris cures Cementation and Flatalonoy. Criteria neutralises the effects of carbonic acid gas or poise ons Castoria does not contain morphine, opium, or other narcotic err! E�% Faastoria assiraflates the food, regulates the stomach a ad bowels giving healthy and natural sloop. Castoria is put up an one -silo bottles only, It is not sc Id in ibulk. Iion'E allow any one io sell you unytl"K else on the Aes or pr2mis4 that it is "Just as good" and "will answer every �vurpose." Hee that you iret 0 -A. -S -T -0 -R -I -A. The !ao-simile is on eve sigfiatnre of , wrasr. ChlIdren Cry for Pitohees Castorlas Forest City Business & Shorthand nnCollege, Londonyy, Out w work. whole of With Inoreaeed facilitiesd floor , course strengthen d andlrevisled being will easily manta[nith Her pute,tion earned as being the Model Business Training School of Canada. Drop no a postal for catalogue and partioulara. College reopens September J. W. WESTERRVELT, Principal '0 ..-...r.....n•r..n,n............................. ................n.r.. ........•..n...........,...., .... u......n.ve,>,. s ONE GIVES RELIEF • F rF r ..p i <r r s The Best We leap in sleek 1 and make to order dorV Wagons and Buggies gg rnhicil we guarantee tobe . first !:lass In every Particular,* The WonWYrµ -• r +' 'Sa . 1 'Zr ,�a 'ri'i roc You do not know what you miss by not using the above Tea. Every customer using it is a pleased customer. ' Our line of Staple Goods is complete, and prices will be found as low as o is considtent with honest goods and honest dealing. PLANTSFor a few weeks we will have a choice collection of House'' Plante from the Benmiller Green';House, which we will sell a .� at a very reasonable price. Call and get prices. 11 cMURRA.Y & WILTSE, ti „y 'f vearPostOffice--CENTRAL GROCERY—Tolephors 40 +`r J- We IRWINi'11;1;t Keeps the largest assortment of newest goods. Quality fine and prices low in: Jroceries, Crockery, Glassware 'EAS—Bleak, Green and Japan are unequalled in quality and prices. You will save from 5 to 10 cents per pound it you bay from as instead of Tea peddlers. Corr " pare quality and prices. UGFAHB—we are headquarters, we buy direct from; Montreal refiners, Keep beet quality and sell at close prices, PECIAL $ARGFAINS--e pounds Evaporated Peaches for 26o. a The Evapor aced Apples for 25o. 5 The Prunes for 25c, 28 lb Box Raisins for 81; rockery, China, Glassware and Lamps—We have to make room for our Imported Goods, and have reduced our prices on Dinner Bets, Tea Sets, Teller Sete, Berry Sets, Water Sets, Bread and Butter Plates, Cups and Baaoere.rid Lamps of all kinds. Call and amour goods and get prices. No trouble to 0"7 goods. ..-...r.....n•r..n,n............................. ................n.r.. ........•..n...........,...., .... u......n.ve,>,. s ONE GIVES RELIEF • F rF r ..p i <r r s We leap in sleek 1 and make to order x �t Wagons and Buggies gg rnhicil we guarantee tobe . first !:lass In every Particular,* Nothing but the 1mwt material pilo -• r +' 'Sa . 1 'Zr ,�a 'ri'i �4e';: I IPA