The Wingham Advance, 1919-06-26, Page 6Chats with the Doctor RaGHT ATTITI.ME TO 'PIM DOCTOR. The general public from the doe- ter's point a view tiny be divide4 in to two classes of eatrentists. Game people have a Reel or blind, gee:area- tioue tette in. the docter% onutiscieuee end otanipatenee, egitecting hint to to everything. They expect him to diipay 110 dellbt, but to be able after seeing, the patient itte say with ahao* lute aceurecy What is exactly the ne- ture Of els complaint and eatttetlY what genres teh dement will tette. In so tar as he displays prudence, can - Lion or thougbtfulness such people reckon, hire, -lawn-Patent. If the pa- tient gets well to the -Inman be all credit; it the patient dies the doctor ia abnie to blame. Others agaio take the opposite line-. Teey regard the doctor as one who knows little or po- tieing about eel lob; they treat all his obserelitions with ecepite:sue and on- ly Cali him te.sea matter ef form or to etliet pertinackeiue eriereln Both of these groups c perseus are entirely mieteleen In ilteir tanned.), aa neither of theeu treat the debtor eensiely or fairly. The truth is that the average itoette: le neither oreniscient no' au ignoremus; neither impotent, nor ore- tpetent. He j, dealing with a Material the most unstable atie the most var- laia•le. Unlike this - pbysicist el the chemist or the engineer, Ille Material is alive and wiltuen and illness he could know ael the latinite variations th the minds. •and bodies _of Individual men •and welnen, his :Mellen ecued ttever be an -exact one or his art oue O f flatferer accureey. Tee best and the -wisest doctor is the least ccetain and degmatic. 11 knows certain -metal rules and tier - tato general facts oe elpseet uuiversal applieeeility, • but • exilerience has elgrene WM that individual variations are se greet.that these -factsare also infinitely variable la detail, and that eensealuently- the tales also require constant modleteatien. No one better than the doctor know thew true. Is the preverb :that pate man's -meat is another ,maieenpolsOn, and the teeat- ment. that rnaye be. Most beneficial te one person engering:trom an eilment may be by noeneattn the best another pereon suffering tram the same dee- .. . eaSe, Patients etteet learn to appreciate the ,honesty ,'efef epee doctor who is straightforward and- humble enough candidly to earplaap:11ae various posei- bilities of the daennand to lay openly before the, patientfriends -so far as they aro in e- Peattical to understaud, the variatts thanks and difficulties in- evitably inviSayed. Only quacks are really dogmete, LESSt)S OF THV WAR. The war has ltae an entirely bad effect on the lends and nerves of the peopee.• Hat abe Driitish civilian population has letfant by experience certain thinge.whian may ultimately have a bet:le:0CW :effect on the public health. For -.One .:thing, people have discovered how reletively small au amount of fteed•ea'altefIcient to eattin- tain a state of VOW_ physical health. This lesson taped:tally has been learnt by members Atf theeevell-to-do °lessee', who befere the Warewere accustonted to eta far :toe artueh, especially of ineat end ether latianuleting foods. -Then, again, .• thousands of people mist have retilisatlebow greatly their Ifealth has, ineifrovea ,from the tlimita- Lions of the ainetteteot aleehol obtahn able. Date and lulait;e lit .physical con- ditions are adrillealile- providing they ere wisely, used -kb -et •s, kept laagelY ii resergel Meetly they become merely hantual they dose their mental valeta male do a great deal of aetua physleanharm. • . The rational: lite, tot mc,st people, is uedoubtagly one mat very far remov- ed fromenecetioleme tempered by not too infriament relaxations of striet- nese in 'the form of -teasel or ration:al °tele% It is like work and .play over Again. All play or all work makes Jack a atilt boy. And .se with physical luxury and physiettlestsceticistn. During the war the periodic feasts and parthaic relaxations have been almost difebtainable-. Let ua hope as they -nein come within our Teach we 4.e.0 FOOTBALLaat's menn. The condition kneeve its footbanerer knee is A,lajury to. the knee -joint usually duo to a nue It cobelste le a displace- ment of the eenteluner cartilege, a smell gristly pad *Mee liee between the ends of the long bones ef: the leo, This pad I, as its name irritates, ehaped like a halfmcent, and ininning with the leg twisted sidewoys this cartilage is pbech- ed out Of its place by the oblique pres- sure, and peoteuderl from between the .bones, showlng, aa a sman swelling on the side .0f thee-„Jointe It may be dis- placed either I•nwarrle or outward, but the inward posttlen is far the more us. LSIR WILLIAMS • • WILL- issasomminegeigerAttnangiegriggligaliganall CHAPTDR I. "Tell me the truth, please," Sir William ead grimly, but quietly; and the doctor; after a rooMentary glance at the laird etern face, told him. $ir William stood motionless for a =meat or two, thea Isis lips twitclaed, and lie nodded. "Thanks, Morten," lie said calmly. "I had an idea that it was had; but I did not think it was as bad as that -as near,' As he spoke he reachee tor hie hard felt hat end held oat las Imed. "Well, I've had good. time, in my way. It isn't everybody's way, per- haps; too much work, and too little pleasure, some would tbink. But work has meant pleasure to me. No; I meet complain. Thanks once more, Good-bye". Doter lvlortoe went to the window and watehed the square, upright fig- -ere as it went down the street and out of sight; and he. shrugged his shoulders and muttered; "The old motes a plucky one, to the last." Sir William's eaTriage awaited him at the end of the straggling village street, but he signed to the coachman to drive off, and. followed, walking steedily end by no means slowly, across the square and out into the open• country in the direction of Brantley Hall; add as he passed them the people bowed or touched their hats with, that significant Indica.tion of respect which the werld is so ready to pay te wealth, prosperity, and positiOn. At the brow of the bill, from whence the Hall, a fine, old -rash - toned mansiOn, Could be seen, he stopped, and, turning his back tei country -Beet, looked long end stead- -HY at a gen a misty eraoke which hung abteste a cluster of factories and houtes; tonat wag there hie treasure, and consequently his heart, wait, Be had •begun life ea one of 010 factory lads :down in the bettont of Bramlley Pit, and it was there, eliegb- ing the eteep and slipperY reeee the ladder of success, 'that b,e had made the vast fortune which had oh - talned 'him the house of an an- cient, a -noble family, and his bar- mnetcy. Often, when as •a boy he had coveted it, little thinking that hie covetiuge Would lend to posaession, little dreaming that he woe* in the fulness ot time toed it in :the ances- tral hems of the county family to strbach had once belonged every acre of the estate which now owned Sir William as master. And now he was going to die. With a quick geeture of the hand, as it he were bidding the place good-bye, he smothered a eigh end Went on ee the Hall. The great def4 Wee Oen- .fata him pronsritly, tor every teerfalit ee the vast peace knew how pergelle was to keep the imperilous old Man waiting, and Sir William passed through the wide halt and entered a, small room at the end. It was not only a Meat room, but one so plainly furnished -it eercenon deal table; a -wOodea ehaiy, tend etie rathtsr Without arma and or the cheap, eat description 'were, with the eXeepe non of the huge safe in the corner, almost all the furniture -that is looked more like an office than the "den" of a wealthy baronet. There was no attempt at ornaMent, none ot the •kneekknackS widish mot men Barrelled themselves; no pria or for !Mew -rods; for Sir Willittra bad never had the least idea of rport, and no feeding for it but the coatempt which the hard-working, strenuous man of business has for an emanation Which means "wast- ing time." The only picture had its face turned to the wall. Sir William sank into the hard wooden enair, and leaning his arm upon It drew a long breath and gazed thoughtfully before bine hie rugged brows knit, his lips tightly eten, pressea, He eat there tor nearly half an hour, then he retie and crossing the Nom slowly turned the picture and looked at it long and fixedly. - It was the portrait of a lad, a hand- some boy, with eonaething of Str Wil- liam's strength of eXpreselon, but with fitter features, a more iteneiti'Ve I,et it goes to him. If he refettea, then it gene to her for me and eitterws,r4 to -you." Mere was a pregnant ellenee; then elesketh shook his heed. • "Ute will will not Awl, air," he geld, in a Welt voice. Sir William siuged. "Do you think 1 ant the Man to make an lavitild Will?" he oath, grimly. "/ have had e eiatnsels! OD11110n, have taken every precaution. The clauses are so sim- ple that a chiuld coUld not Mistin- deratand them. tNo lawyer could 'Wiggle out of them. And I made it when I Was Of sound esind,1" be add- ed, grimly. The younger mall leaned Mick aid fingered his lips with hie. long, thin fingers, ltle ead ecarcelY grataped the thing M Ito full significance; Settreely realized how he himself wee aetected by this absurd, this grotetialte will. 9 am BO BIWA or the result, of tile eneeese of rety-etalet, that I have pro- videcl :for yoa-have made you safe. I have left you the Pit Works and twenty thoueitnd Pounds, alesketh." The Pt Works and twenty thou. send pounds -a generous bequest, in- deed, But how •Mail, how con- temptibly small compared with the )3randy estate and the vast fortune ot which Sir 'William was disposing in so farcieal a, fatilliOn! The pale face •grew pallid, the Hesketh had to enoisten his lips before he Mild Inake6 the suitable respouse, "Yen are very generous to me," he gale, huskily, "Very generous! 1 dId not expect anything beeone a elltell sum -as A reenembranee." ''SIV Wi'lllam nodded and waved We hancl, the form and face welch are usually •deseribea as "distinguished -looking." Hie features were snitch gliarDer thole those of Sir William, and his Mee was at that pattern which often goes with almost black hair and eyes. It was the face of a man of intelleet; and one would have. guessed him to be the general manager ot the Pit Works, a.nd Sir William's nephew, tee eon of his only brother, His mem was HesIteth Carton; next to Wilfred, he was lieir to the baronetcy:, - "I beg your pardon, sir," he sale, "I disturb you? I wanted the pass -book." His voice was low-pitched and musical, a voice that metalled the face; but the tone was rather thie and sharp, and had inland jt -as had the eace-a note of reserve. • Sir William reached for tho Pass- book and held it oUt then drew it back and loolted at Hestreth. "No, yen don't disturb Ine; feet I wanted to see you. Conte end shut the door." He signed to a. chair and Heaketh sat down and waited calmly, his eyee fixed impassively on the old Man's rugged taco, bajcilYinWeta,"8' jsuit6itbeo d igatern,q matter-of-fact way, "SaYs Vat P- ing to die." Hesketh's eyes were downcast for a mOmenth, then he Welted up with an expression, of concern and auxietY, "I -I -you- this is a great Wangle sir," he said, in a very low voice. , 41•To, scarcely -oh, Volt mean to Yon? Thank you, Hesketh; much obliged. Ale well, we must all die some time; and, as I told Morton, I've had a good time. I've got all I want- ed -and I suppose eew men can say that, not a very old Dean, as age gees easy But we won't mingle our tears aver the inevitable." • But it is inevitable, sir?" asked Hesketch gravely, "Surely you will hay? other .4,dvace, 4 Londe special isan Sir William' declieed the suggestien Wlth ft etireg of his shoulders. • "No Pea ee said gravelY. "Mor- tonail a eleVer Mae; and Fee never known him wroeg, And he wanted, Me Bottle years ago; but Wita thai thick orit then, and too busy te peke 'heed. it's always got to the end ef my ettner, 4 is so, you may be sure, lett I witet to talk te you business. ? As he skope his eyes wandered to elle picture, and Hesketh's follovang them, aaw that tb.e portrait had been reveraed and wits now hanging in. its 'Proper position, He did not start, but hie rather thin lips eame together thighfly, and he averted his ems from the picture instantly. 'SOP course, I've made my will," re-' speed Sir :William. "In. fact, I have madetwo'Wills." He drew the news- paper from the documents and laid ht llak4, knotted hand upon them, 9n one -yes, I'll tell you, Hesketh; It is better you should know the whole state of the case -I left everything to yOu." Heeltete's face 'flamed for a ma- The injury • ts generally ezused by a Molith, and eyes in Welch a eertein eat, nobility, a touch of tenderness, shone MU with the leg twisted under the bode but wrench sideWays may also cause through the stales of boyhood's au It, as in getting out'of a moving vihiald. dacity and 'spirit. mueit in intensity, atom° times being se 1 Thie was the portrait of Sir Wil- • The pain felt at the time varies very other cases being sb acute as to be un- son, Only child, Wilfred, slight a9 to be hardly, noticeable and in Meta's elelY bearable. The textile:go very often slips Ai it Was the old story-tsvo strong back inte, place 'or ahnost so, but some- Will in cOnfliet and the deuce to pay, erable incoevenienee expertenced in The father had been fond and proud times remains inspiaced, wbeo consid- walking. Almost iinteledlately following the injury the kriee AtirCitS up and fluid collects Under and round the knee -cap. A. small swelling appeare a.t the side of the joint, which is 'tender on pree- eure, and the knee can neither be com- pletely bent nor dempletely straightened without etain, walkimr there rney bo 'eery little pain., but a corteges and char- acteristic emit is assumed by the patient the beet being rattled, and the knee .kePt ntightly berd during the whole motion. of stemeng. 'Where dereartilago has gone back in- to positien there is little to be done but the house as it he were 040 0 f The young Man tad given his. lath. and, If there Is much fluid, to Ilse Inas- on to restore it to position. This loving hesitated at" the 'deer amt. Too ing however, the surgeon Must be eetied up - been done very great care Must be taken back, had' Wetemtired -brokenly "Path - to prevent the recurrence or tile COD.. erl" Del' Sir -William had hardened 1131100. und this is hy no mewls ease'. • hie heart; .o.nd as .now at thls mo- und amen: till the- condition has become nrant being pentshed. be theentemory Often the dispheeement will recur again , utmost obrordee arid the more often the ' Or his SOU'S taee, the tone of that."Pa- eartilage Mips the there • Iiirely et to (her!" silp again. Tee best preVentlee In most 1 It, was not the first tline he had of his boy; proud of his good looks, his high spirits, his perfeet courage, and his very daredeviltry; but he had wanted to rule the boy as he had ruled all With whore. he had eome in contact; land there was too much a his :father in ,hine tor Wilfrid to sub, There had been the usual lit- tle quarrel% then the one big one in Which the father bad bade his son begone, and had tarried hen out of • to eeep the knee -Joint from undae atrain. • 10Weat Of the metal% Page andebandagheg te reduce the invel- * U.A ling, Where the pee le dleeleced• er mane% tor 13 4"BU 14"4, IcP"`"4 &Wee le tile wearing- or o. long period, b indeed for years, of truss or siring eon a prey to vernorse, had eaDeri pad which surrounde the knee an ex- litineed that paternal yearning which erciaes overture on tile point at whieh thrice in the :beneein e even the hard - the cartilage silos out, Nevin:lung it I 4at nf Men* and he bed Written to trom dlacement, Even with tit s , eafeguerd cote must 'be taken in walk- , Wilfred, tO the tvild Austrellan Bete Mg, espettialty down hill, and on uneven tlentent where Sir William hilfl traced Pround, ots a ettdde» throwing of the other teeming or tniseing a. etep may e.nd the portrait had rentained, Until weight on to the injured leg through the Pat there had beeti tie reigy; easily cense distil cement. Boarding a tais Moment, With its taee to the 'Mb or tram writ e It is In motion is another fertile cause ot accident As the weight tomes on the lea at the same time as tee ehlewees swing. MURDER AND SUICIDE. ((anadian ?reef) Wire), Sorel, Que., June 1. -After at- tempting to murder a girtwith whom he was in love, Aurelian Rondeau, a inerried man, shot her father, Philip Merterd, who protteted her, and killed him, and then tommitted suicide yes. terday. 'To the great and Noneet mind the best perquisites ot Mae* sr# the ad- nawspaPer; then lead "Corms in!" The vantages it etre% a Men of' doing good. -door o seed slowly And a young man Addison. IN WU tan and thin, With wall. The father's hand had been extended, Wilfred had refused it, and Sir William% heart had hardened But death heals all quarreia; and the old man as he gazed at the half- • laughing lips the frank brow, the strong yet tehder eyes, Wented his on badly. • tie turned away at last and, unlock. Ins his safe, took /rota It IMMO docu- ments and opened them out on the table. Ile had scarcely done so when there ealne a' knock at the door. Sir WIlliam folded the documents quickly And covered them with a Meet, alth tita herh glistered; but .sir NvInim, was 1ooki4g ,t4o eapare abseetly, ae4 when he :glanced lip the momentary tiesh ired gone, the eyes met hie steadily, with eat:1114g, hut grave interest and attention itt t1:04' empression. "I made this soon after Wilfred had --gonee, end you tame. Bet blood is thicker thee Water— I beg your pardon, nesketh, I forgot Unit yea, too, are Of my kith aet) kin; 7.911 ate' so unlike your .father. No matter! My son is my son and though Wilfred has behaved badly, has premed him - Sete unforgiving and unrelenting— You know I wrote to him?" he broke off, in it leWer volee. Reeked; shobk his 494; "Yes, and he did not condesenea to reply." "Perhaps the -letter did not reach him; the geewer may have zeiscar- Tied, guggeste4 .1-.19ehetlet The old men shook his hen, "Nal I learned that he as in the :place tq which I wrote-Mintona. A.nd let- ters do not miscarry nowadays, ex- cepting in fiction. But let that pale. I have forgiven him. Perhaps I was as much in :fault as he Was -- Geed ktordr he broke off Impatient- ly, "what is the liee telling :about Anyhow, I can't disinherit' OM DINT getter; I must give him a chance." He was silent for a moment, his browns knit as is he were broodilig; then he looked up with something like a start, and went on; "You remember :Clyne :BrarnieYf' Hesketh inclined itis head. fie was devoured by curiosity, anxiety, but • his Manner, his face displayed no sign of it. "It vvas about her we -quarreled," said Sir William. "I wanted hire to Marta' her." Hesketh'e eyeeflashed for a mo- ment. "Why?" he asked. The old man frowned and bit trill Up. "I WAS indebted to her •father," he geld, "I bought the land, the Pit land," He puttied and oliregged hie shoulder& "Oh, it Vag all striiight enough, Yee, yes; 1 latOW. • Det was in difficulties and 1 had lent him money grimly. "I'd do it agaia ,of eouree; but --1 took a liking to the girl -1 Wanted to make up to her -- there, there! , My reasons do not matter," he broke off, with his %rent- ed imperiouseeits. "Wilfred refund." liesketh looked down, eCitreely knelv her, slier' be iald, §4.-XtIliani flushed, "What had that to 40 lYitil it? He could' have known tier, courted her. She Wan ee nice e girl ait any man eould wish tor; and a lady, a Brarnieyi refused point blank, ineulted me -and her. There, it makes me hot to think of it; all the old bitterneta arises in me. Let's say, no more about it. He Will have seen the :folly, the madness, of his Woes by thie time, I'll Wager. He'll miry her fast enotige now." Itosketh AO it glance at him. "You mean " "I mean," cut In the old man, tonal- ing one of the "that 1 NaVe left the eatate, and my money to elytie Etrambile." Heeketh rose then sank down again quiditly, biting his lip in annoyance at his diepley of emotion. Nth eondition that she merribo Wil- fred. et ite refuses, then the W11010 "I'm glad you're satisfied," ho said, gravely. "And, mark you, Hesketh, in leaving you -the works and this %Legal I am giving you a chance of •Malting a fortune. What would I -eave giveit for such a chance! I entered the works BB a Machine -liner-. but you knew all that. I found there shaky end rotten; I leave them as sound as a rock and AB prosperous as any business in the country. And yell% carry them, still higher, you've got brains, Hesketh; you'll do hig things. There's a tuture before you. Oh, I'm not blind. I've been look- ing on while I've pretended to notice nothing. You've aeon interesting yourself in politics; spouting at the meetings, and all that, alight! I never cared for that sort of thing; but you're cut out for it. And you can go ahead. Garden is getting old; he Is almost sure -not to stand at the next election There's your oppor- tunity, Hesketh. Well, you can seize, you can--" 14 stopped suddenly, his face twitched, and he leaned back heav- ily. Hesketh rose and approached "You are tired, sir," he' said, with appropriate anxiety. :Va Williams pulled himself togeth- er, and rage, eteadying himaelf by the erM et the substantial 'pain nothing -4 liege teary' he fetid. NA glass of Water-e-Ahilltat H1 - kettle It is time to dress; Ahoy) goes the gong." Hesketh felt himself dismissed, but went out of the room relunctantle. The lighaof the early spring day was waning as he went up the wide stai,e, still flanked by the portraits of tea Dramleys; for :Sir William had bought the old place, bought it lock, stick and barrel. Hesketh went tc; the' win- dow of his dressing -room and looked out on the velvety lawns, and trimly - kept Italian gardens, the park, and, beyond it, to the hills dotted with the' homesteads of the fades which had gone with the house. And all this was going to pass to a girl, to Wilfred, the prodigal son, if he married her, lied he, Hesketh who nes flattered hinaself that he heel tilteti teat eon's place, was 't6 he eke teat eiftb: lhe"iinprobable reyer0On of the estate and tot:tune, with the Pit Works to console him for the loos of the rest, Most Men, especially Most young men, would have been satisfied; but Hesketh was greatly dissatisfied. The works were Well enough, but he had grown fond of the 91.4 house and 14,4 Wittl: thebr hrs: toric associations. It was true: he otud make a :fortune out of the bust: neiss"araich had made Sir William's, but he would not be Master -Ot Bramley Hall, or the wide -stretching lands. Wilfred, the prodigal, Would be that; sad there would be a vast dieterence in position between Sir Wilfred Carton, :baronet, of Bramley, ane plain *Mi. Hesketh Carton, the Pit Werke: (To be continued.) Keep your eye on this Brand IIPThe one Tea that ne;*ei'disappoints th most critical tastes. do.—Als. en a Sealed Packet is Your Safeguard6.6ra • ON WRONG uns. Referna Needed in Legal and Chality Weals. A change itt our legal system must be made which wilt take account of the coMplex life of the present, as against the old-faelfloned form of liv- ing, which brought with it temptation, greed and jealously. Perisons who, On account of wrong environment, have stooped to illegitimate means to attain their ends sheethl be corrected, with elecipline if you please, but not with 011141 punishment, After correction they should have the chance to male an honest living; they should pot be Qatraeized as at present, so that there is nothing else lett for them to do but te return to it life of grime Whieti sooner or later reaches the depths, when the state is forced to spend thousands end thousands for their up- keep. The creation of beggars has never been due to the exercise of kindness. All beggars are made, more or less, by the charity system. With charity aboliehed and every individual under- standing teat we are all born to work Mid enioy our work ha accordance with our fitness for the work we are called upon to do, there will be nO need of charity, and crime and dis- ease will be lessened tremendously. - Editorial by Misha Appelbaum in Hu- manitarian. IT4PlagYhltahhtg: Baker's chinaMon buns, elwa4% 80 unlike "the kind mother used to bake," May be made almost to ease for those, by buttering, rolling In A bit of einnamon mixed, with sugar, arta beeweing for just a few Minutes lie the 9Yeat- Tht) ahtnahlail Mine are never brown enough entrhotv, ee, tine will not make them overdone. Apple sauce served With a dressing or ice gold orange Mice is 4enciots. Whett eompelled to serve berries 'without cream, try entitle Marehinal- low-whip instead, It js really almost as good, perhaps quite so. It can be Made at home or bought, and has the advantage of keeping Indefinitely. It has proved a boon to many 8. home - wife, when the cream lute gone sour, or when a pudding or other dessert iteeme unteMpting, and reqtliree a little extra touch to make it pat - right, Grow epearraint in your garden, end make a perfect summer drink, by ertiehing a .few .leaves of it In a glass and adding: a little lenion juice, starer end ice co* water. Without the. lenme Wee it will lee enstPid. Herneenade baked beans ie 20 mire. Utee-vvell you would think they were home-made auyhowi nut they are really only ordinary, 'bought, canned ones, rettoved from the can to an earthen Welt, a feW stripe of bacon laid on the tee, and a little black nth -- lasses mixed with the beans -then the whole baked for a little while till brown. They have quite the home Mule flavor, Even 6 Bostonian might be tooled! • • TOV MUCH OF A SUCCESS. "What's the matter, old man?" ask- ed Driver, as No met hie friend, "are you feeling seedy?" • "No, not exactly tlfat," replied the friend, "but I'll Admit 'I've beentt were lied of late. Toti .remember that I hired a man to trace my peclig'reet" "148,",replied 10TIVer, "Whateel the trOuble he been. successful?" "$uccessful, 1 glhould sae bet has," Said :the friend, ',I'm havieg to %fay hint hush money."-narper's IVfoga- sine. • MIttard's :Liniment Cures colds, Etc. - 11. • Sir John A. and the Soda Glass. Sir John Macdonald was a anan with his feet iM the earth and his heacl net so far above it. Be seldom sought to climb to moral elevations where the footing might be insecure. For a time he drank freely, but any whisper of censure only stiltsulated Conservatives to fiercer personal loyalty. He said himself that the country weekl Tether have Volta drunk thee feeerge prowl:, sober. He tole D'Arcy MeGee "Teel Goverement oat afford two drunkards and you've got to stop." His drinking was exaggerated, as Were his other faults and follies, by sleep - (1eck-4o your wife insist* co hay- ing her own way in everything? Peck -Yes, but she changee her Mind lee often it Joel At all isionetemeten-nalola ton breeletoritete boring cells into the cavities of the vessels and plugEi them 111). Before the leaf falls from the tree all the elaborated materiala which it contains teat can be of further -use are mobilized and stored in their proaer places in the body of the tree. After these valuable materials have beets removed front tlee leaf, what remains ie devoid of the active green chloro - to a bright tight or is examined in see-- phyll and the cells are nearly empty, as may be seen if the leaf is held up tion under the microscope. The yel- low granular bodies ot disorganized chlorophyll which remains give the predominating yellow color to autumn - el feitage. The rede and browns are produced by various Aecoropositien products which comprise the cell cop - tents and which are formed under the emotions resulting from the maturing eZ the lear.-Front Scientific American. a dip, It le a Liver Pille-aMang 041 the ail - merits that man has to contend with bave their origin in a disordered liv- er, Which is a delicate organ, pe- sullarly susceptible to the disturb - Emcee that corae from irregular habits or lack of cale in eating and drink- ing. This accounts for the great many sufferers. Of theee there is none superior to Parmelee's Veget- able Pills. Their operation through gentle is effective, end the most deli- cate can use them. • • & PIM RECIPES. Pour 'Good Ones Give Variety, Needed p0130, tia le totemplified at the present le) thee Was le current use watt evi- day by the -nomadic tribes of the Sou- • Poireeh:f fry:till wdeemoi rpctatipoenr,s• dan. The necetioity for cheaper meter- dently felt, aa no moaner watt paper invented than it Was used for the Pur• - duced into England btr Willlant of Orange, and the flint attempt at their Manufacture in that country were Intro - course, made in sheets, as the ability to roake paper in continuous retie was fellowed IMMeiliatelY. They were, of not acquiroedtilllsterlu. uTcoacu. lIneuceessful Anther - Attar MY hda eav te hdeoniti. wOrld will realize what 1 Sympathetic Friend - Well, don't worry about it, old chap, YOn'll be out of harmfs. way then, • Take it fairly Weer sitee of eettriele shiee it an :pitraeil it. CO tip smali one onion and tout tomatoes and fry • them in one ounce of margarine; add a teaspoonful of pour and stir then add a cull tit natter, iatne chepee4 parsley and pepper; stir engl thee add the flaked fish. Simmer ter half an Isom. Serve in a berher 0 Pe-ehed WA.= toes or` beile4 Hee. FILLETED BAKED liA.DDOCK. haddock weighing about tea) • wends makes two good-sized fillets. Grease a casserole dish, put in the fillete cut in fours, season with salt, RINIMINIMMIRSMIMM INVESTOR'S SERVICE BUREAU "CAN HELP YOU." Do you own either Mining or 011 Stook? Are you expecting to buy any? Have you any to sell? Do you want expert Informa- tion or advice on any Mining or 011 Stock or Company? Then write us. We are at your service. GEORGE A. LAMB & CO. 1 WALL STREET, NgvyyRK. el, y; 1111011011011111, 01401101111110•0 411•011•01•00101111•SONIMPONIP lees and insensate opponents. Very often the attack was so violeet as to bring chivalrous souls to his side and actually reed in his favor. Down to Middle' life and beyond Sir Joins Mac- donald had periodical "sprees," ane pothing that he attempted was Ione badly. Sometimes he was disiblea for public duty. The authoriges seem to vigree that not only may a a'spreekt come unaware, but that it is as Un- certain in its going as in its coining. Begun in Complete privacy it May de- yelop verioue phases 0,nd attraet More Ohne 'notice than is desiraale.--:Sir johe Wiiitson, 1.4 The Caneelle-e aleige azine for Decenaber. Wretched from Asthma. Strength *aody and vigor ot mind are ittevit- ably impaired_ by tee visitations of asthnaa. ,Who can live under th'e cloud of recarring attacks and keep bodynand mind at their full effic- iency? Dr. J. D. Kellogg% Asthma Remedy dissipates the eleud by re- moving the cause. It dews relieve. It does restore the suffered to nor - teal hodily terint and mental eappi- US$. • •g 4** • TRE LEAVES • And 'Why They Pall ill the Autumn. gloalaswipaimi.o*Imo. Leaves fall in the autumn, not be- cause they have been. killed lay the frost or because they are forcibly tern from the treea by heat?), winds, blet because they have served' their put - pose te the tree and Wye bee e als- earded by it. Boni -tenets tell us that their fall Is due to the interposition of separating layer which is fore:tett during the period of vegetation and welch eats iteross the articelatiOn est the leaf -stalk. Exaetly how this process takes place is et less eortsequence to us thee the knoWledge that it it a natural proeess in the life and growth of the tree and eot merely an accidahtal When the leaf falls the vessele which eonneeted it with the branch become filled with brown massee Of Mend mucilage which has come from Pepper and lemon juice and pour over a little melted butter or margartqe andlialf a pint of milk. Bake in 4 het oven for twenty minutes, Sprinkle with beeadcrumbs and grated cheese, and let the fish get browe on the top,. Serve hot in the cesserole, CURRIEle PRAWNS, These can ne quickly preperecl if Yeti have a tin Of prawns at haml. For the eurrie sauce chop- an (anon and a few slices or apple finely tine fry them in one pence, of margiee. Stir ie half it diesertspoenful of Curry Powder and the same of flour. Sett to mete. Ada a quarter of a pest of 404 Or milk, cook gently for twenty Minutes, stir in the prawns, add few -drops -of lemon juice and a little chut- ney, and when heated through serve with a border or rice. This flange -can be used for any lett-ever fish; • • eeret Possibilities Overlookut He was 8. suburban grirtlen faddist, who innocently lieredeall his Trieeda by asking them dowii for week ends and showing them aeotaid 'his two -by four estate. Zuet now it was Browri from the office. lee showed 111111 hla three tose trees, his pocket aertAbbery, els half inch fountain Jet with • little 'etude and pair of goldfish. He el -meted hire ilia summer house,. which would tincerne Modate two people at the seine nine. "Never know whet you cen da with a. bit of ground until you tryie sate tiia lioet. gleefully. "Quit -quite sot" returned the visitor. "But why don't you take a strip off the flower bed -say about aix inches wide - turf it over and make it Into e blooming golf links?'-New4e:"oark Peet. Minard's Linlinent Cures Garnet 10 powisf FEATHERS Write us tor -prices on (gaudy naw goose, duck, chielten, and tutkey feath- ers, any quantity. Higheat prices aid. Geo. 11. lieee Seen ree 00., 1 -lm - Red, 62 :Bey street, Toronto, Bird Farming. _ It is Quite within the bounds of Possibility, sates the Stran4 laftegaainea that vvittun it very few years bird farming Will be practised in tee trop - 1c, becauee the least eivilized of menerespond to the possibility of mak- ing Money; arid, whatever our pence nal views may be, it cannot be denied that the demand for the skins a.nd fea there of lairds is an ever-increasing ope ,and is following the growth' ot national wealth With coramittees for economic pre - starvation in the great capitals of Eu- rope, and with a trade willing to ac- cept their findings and give prompt ef- fect to them, we may look in a little time for the end of a reckless killing and the recognition of the simple truth that a live bird, capable of re- producing its species ana renewing its plumes, is far more valuable then a dead one, MInard's i..-11-1.1nTerturee :Olifflthariat rte If a practiceisis It:I:Wide ellgt dusting a little powder inte gio-vee leetore put- ting them pa, the gloves will keep tliete ehepe better and wear longe', Ir the wick of the oil lamp is too ashore is crowded, or le out eneyealy, the lamp will pot give o perfect light. The top of the wick should be rubbed alff May day after it is used, A pima Wee* Phospholize. The Great nagl ish Remedy. Toms and invigorates the .N.theiti )1erveueBvetern, makee taw blood l& old Volta, Cures Nervato 11ebilitp;.11/ental and Brain TrOrrU, 1,g81001/e. descV. Loss ofzf Ileart, "aims cowry.. Price $1 per bo, sorrov. Palpitation Of Po for 85. One will p Om, el% will cute. Sold byall druggiste or matted in pieta pkg. on receipt of price. New pamphlet maileektree. THEWOOD ningscins ecreetieetiTteetne (formsrisWIthre) 100••••1110111111Main•04.•••11.. ISSUE NO. L0, HELP TED rErITALE. • or blotting paper is excellent for this; It removes the charred particles from ' the 'Wick and does not break the threads, which cutting often will do, A boiling of the wick and burner in vinegar and water will clear it up wonderfully. Plenty of time must be allowed for the wick to dry thor- oughly. When popcorn refuses to pop as it slioald, It Is covered with saaater ter about flee minutes or till thgroeghly wet, thee 41'41110 ii44 dried, tt will he femme yery much improved. R is best to let it dry about 24 hours after soaking. When pressing tuehe in crepe ee chine use a piece of "tissue pettier be- tween the iron and the riget &14e. The eell be Ewell ane et the same time protected, In order to thread a needle easily yelth worsted, take a scrap ef cettetit wool and twist it around the GO of the, werstedi this will Anew the yarn witeetet ferther Vogel% M Ina mini ielniment Cures lebterneete - - 4•10 The Valient Sheet 1310 eagle has beet' usea as a device on royal banners from very remote notes. It was ethe eneige of the anatent kings of Persia ewe Raevion. inc" ACITh, ens adapted VArioes other figures- on their camp atandards, but Marius made tee eagle the chief epaign of the legions, and to the pubdivislon assigned venous other figures. Constttntine Wee the first emperor to Introduce the two UeAded eagle as a royal, or natiopal device to Indicate that les empire had two heeds or kings, but was nevertheless one body er empire. The two headed eagle is pow used to eignIfy a double errintre. Austria claims to be the successor, of t o elaettare of Borne, and Also of the arlemagne, and tee one head reeve, gents the eAstern and the other the West - ere empire. Beset°, also has te doebte headed eagle, having added that of Pot, and to her own. -London Standard. • • • Evolution of Wall Paper. Wall hangings have beeused top the covering up and embeillehment of wall eurfaces from the earliest times. Probably the first of the kina Were skins of beasts, Thee with the introduction Of 'weaving came Woolen end fibrous cloths, plain or embel- lished by needlework • or paleting, Says the Practical Decorator. Leath- er wag a further development, doubt - leas originally euggested by the ne- ceeSity of keeping Out -drafts and colds in the tudely-tashioned buildings of early date, and the dwellers in tents used and dill use them for thie pur- Send Your Cream To THE Best Market in Canada We supply Cana and pay express, each weekly. Write for cans now. Don't let your blest enetith go by without taking adveMege of our price*. Representatives weeded in every loccity; Write u*. N CARR & CO d 193 King St. East Hat/talon, Ont. 0.IRLS AND WOXEN WeeteVelita Mindere, ete. Awn:antic** Pele whlle learning.And every Agelettipee given in terteling begliinere this work. Only short experience mitered te des*. Orli efficient workers. Bleasant work, satiaractery remuneration. Fur full par. tioulanie apply ellingeley Mtg. fete, Xerente ford, One R EalABLIC WOMAN 1.0011, 13AteeTOR- 1urn-orte willing to assist with, thew care of patient& flaatteriem tar cow aannefivee, et. Catharines. Ont. IMIM WANTED—MAIM, uPERINTIIIIDAINT FOR WOOLLEN ee Mlle for night work. Must thor- oughly understand Carding and Spinning, ane be a good manager of help. Good position to right man. Apply, ending eerie and full detailof experience, to elingeby WM. Co.. Brantford, Ont, NV ANTED 130Se WEAVallt, FOR beelergeloffW4caraez,ilirros...Ta man. Apply, stating age and full dome§ of oenerlence, to P. O. Bog; 65, Hatuiltors, KISOELLANEOUES RDAIIT BY nomxmow ExPnoza -- Money Order, If bet or stolen you get your money back, -UTO OWNEres AND MEOHANICta Don't lose your tools. Stamp yottr name en every one and be tneured tweeted leas and theft; We will make for you a Eltamp hand cut from tool steel, It will lest a We tline; send 30o for each letter of your name and 10a postage, le, only your initials aro required send:U.4 'Crown Stamp az Die Works, waterdown, Cntario, NURSING. LUISING1--IsTURSZS EARN 110 TO $11$ weok. Learn, witkout leaving penes. Send for free booklet. Reeve College of Science. Dept. lee Toronto. Canaea. BUSINESS CHANCES ' A.W2,1ILL TO RENT -WATER POW- "' or -the last owner cleared over $5,000 a year; only about $4,000 or $5,000 capital required to operate. I. E. Weldon, solicitor, etc., Lindy. Thi e is to certify thee fourteen yearo age 1 got tho cords of my left Wrest hearty seeered, and wea ter about nine Months. that I had no use of rree tome, ttnd tried other Liniments, also doctore, and eves receiving he benefit. By a per- suasion from a friend I got MIN.A.RD'el LINTMENT and used one bottle whice completely cured ,,in, and have bden using MINARD'S LINIMENT In my family over since and I find it the EMMO as when I first used it, and wottid pevor be without it. Jetig. ?let, Pete ISAAC T1. MANN. lkeetanedie, r. 9, ww......±...mr•malaiilledAwroilsmi•••••••••••~•••••••=4, PARRS OR SALE 200 ACRES-PETEIRBORO" cOUNTY. 50108coiemaPedr,t8.bbalelanhecleuspeaa' Irre baanrdn tIm125- ber; rime orop now in; all for *800. Write or phone C. le Doherty, leiemount, Ont. • ONE TEN .A.CRE, AND ONE erti ACIttI fruit farm, all varieties or trutt. soil, °lee loam, with good euildings. farms on the Hamilton, Ntaaata Falls. Stone Road, street car stops at farms, also they adloin the town et BearnavIlle. Will sell or exchange. Apply, 11 J. Grif- fiths, 1150 College street, Toronto, Ont, 50n ACRES SANDY LOAM, 25 ACRES e' in bush, 75 miles from Toronto, 'Good house and barn. Will sell inaeock or seetions. Apply, Albert Brennen, III Getting Past Dundee, ,11, Highland farmer handed a rather irttp looking box to a porter at a small railway statioh in Scotland.' eIthe ye think it is strong enough te trust in the van?" he asked. "I doot hoo," replied the porter, "but we Will see." He lifted the box high in the air and let it fall With a crash. "It'll get that here," he said. ",4e' it'll get that" -giving it another bang -"at the junction. Aft' at Dundee It eeill get Platt" The third etlege burst the box, and Its eontents were etattered over the pletforat. Tina pore tee shook las head. "Na," bit think it wire% get past Duilded. Ws gain' farther, We lea strong enough," * TORONTO EAT STOCK SHOW At the anhual meeting of the Tor - Onto Vat Stock Show, held reeently, it Was decided to again have dassea tot female cattle, also that insteed of ree quire* ninety days' owrierehip of ear- losula of cattle that it Visual be tart* tient If owned by exhibitor at time of entry. This will be weleome lieesitt tO Baft6 exhibitorif who were Unable to compete in some of the eltievel Inet teat I I OR SALE -SECOND HAND WATER. too thrashing outfit. Address Ezra Pritchard, ele,aford, Ont. REPRZSENMATTVES WANTED WANTED- ONE Olt TWO FIRST cia,ss representatives, .. preferaely men with wide acquaintence who have had experience in Insuraoce, books, stocks or other similar experierice. 'Un- ueual opportnnity for live Men who &NI hard werkere. Chance to bettorne mana.- ger of your own office if you dellver,the goods, Address, with full „Information. Glenn Craig Tobias, 550 Tang • Edward Hotel, Toronto, HOME BUILDERS. Write tor Free Book of House Plans, amid information telling how to ateve from two to four hundred dollars on your new home. Address, Hailiday Company. 21 Jackson West, Hamilton, Oat. NO CURE, NO PAY. FREEI want every Man, Wentan and Child who is seffeelme with BRONCHITIS, COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHIAL ASTHMA, .A0A.RSENIOSS to test the marveloua HEALING POW- ER Ole BUCKLEY'S WHITE BRON- CHI= MIXTURE, by gritting erre bottle from your Druggist, and use it for five daye. If you do not find it the beat you have ever used, it back and get your money, XL your Druggiat does not seit it, phone Main 34 I'll see you got it, Take no substitute, nothing in the • worm like h. ten times more powerfel then any known Cough clue. Backed up by hundreds of testimoniale front Petnila right at your door who have been eur 8.11,!will °lily be too pleased to flare sh same pm application. Oa is the trifling price that stands between your health and happiness. You heve everything to gain and nothing to lose, Made only by W. X, Buckley, Chemist, 07 Dundee. $t. East, Toronto, 15e extra for mailing, I bettlee mailed free for 11,75. we* BIRD MANICURIST. 1*1 How Ono Oonviot Makes Spend - ins Money, This is the story of "The Canary Bird King," -who is Convict B-5576, sixte block, Eastern Penitentiary, Convict 13-55% has it regular job real:Omit% the Uails of canary birth) Ip.tbe institution, Thereby he came a tidy sane which buys him tobacco, candy end other choice little luxeriee tot on the prison bill o' fare. There are many canary Write in "cherry Hill" prisou, as the sombre Eastere Pepiteptiary is called. Bob incKente, the idolized keeper, is known as the Golden Rule Warden, Soh allows the men to have talking lauleailies, pool tables, brasa hands, baseball Mame and umay pets. mee have manatee in their win - OW& pretty paper on the Wells, pie- tnree, earetets, light, eauelc, end Oen- ara birds. There are se many filar songsters in ape sectiou of the prisen that ts IttloWn ae the avian', CoeViel TI -5576 lived near the Weal, lahds before con:shag to take tip his *tow eettleenee, Hence his love er birdie When he found 00 many ean- ariee around bim he decided tei t'. come their manicurist. So he pat his Nte." in the weekly prion paper lit front ef his cell, wimko•mi•ii••••••••••.....1***.6•01...reirgimm Dv. Motels Female Pill For Womens A:4mM* A selerailleally _sweltered heady efelt worth, reeelemitided by PhYsigeat nele * 14. soitty hart ereitory le lettented Tie !malt:erne ox with Signetuee 'Enielortbee er Falude e' adroit side Ateapt 739 other. r rugilotor by ifg Pelted trillion Amu, Lynam &On. Ltd.. 11•••t•• Gss &PO• **Wet et orke WO.