The Huron News-Record, 1895-02-13, Page 7Thi' Haan News -Record
1 A6 R Year• -11,00 In Aevenee.
WEDNESDAY, SDAY, 1'za;RR11ARY 13th, 1895.
11111 Mir•
You 'are little builders,
;f dWorkiug every day.
kick by brick, brick by brick
character you lay ;
Every word you utter,
Everythin you do
Renders the fcuudation
Either false or. true.
1)j ,a beick ofthonor,
Bre a brick of truth,
While the work's progres sing
Childhood turns to youth.
As the walls are rising,
See that they are plumb,
Strongly put together,
For the tune to come.
When by their own merits,
They must stand or fall,
For the master -builder
Justice hetes to all.
Buildiug for the present,
For the future, too,
Character that smile clay
God himself shall view.
—Lizzie I?e Armond in Our Little Ones.
Little Things.
A Food -by kiss is a little thing,
With your hand on the door to go
Bu+, it takes the venom out of the sting
Of a thoughtless word or a cruel fling
That you made au hour ago.
A kiss of greeting is sweet and rare
After the toil of the day,
And it smooths the furrow plowed by
The lines on the forhead you once call-
ed fair,
In the years that have flown away.
'Tis a ' little thing to say, "You are
kind ;
I love you, my dear," each right,
But it sends a thrill through the heart,
. I find—
For love is tender, as love is blind—
As we climb life's rugged height.
We starve each other for love's caress,
We take, but we do not give ;
It seems so easy some soul to bless,
But we dole the love grudgingly, less
and less,
Till 'tis bitter and hard to live.
My Iain;;{lOM.
Down by a shining water well'
I found a very lithe dell, w
No higher than my head.
The heather and the gorse about
Jn summe)' )loom were coming out,•
Some ydrUw and some red.
I called the little pool a sea,
The little hills were high to me ;
For I am very small.
I made a boat, I made a town,
.'I searched the caverns up and down,
And named them, one and all.
And all about was `nine, I said ;
The little sparrows overhead,
The little minnows, too.
This was the world, and I was king ;
r me Ike bees cattle by to sing,
For me the., swallows flew.
I played there were no deeper seas,
Nor any wider'plains than these;
Nor other things than me,
At last I heard my mother call
Ont from the house at evenfall,
To call me home to tea,
And I roust rise stied lertaOd ti)y dell,
And leave my heather blooms.
Alas, and as my home f neared,
How very hig my nurse appeared,
Hoiv great and cool the reserve,
—Robert Louis Steveiis(in:
The Board of Health met in the town
hall on Feb. 4th at 1 o'clock p. in. All
the members present, viz : R.obt: Mc-
Ilveen, John Manson, John Johnston,
Thos. Fraser and J. T. Cairns. Thos.
Fraser was choven chairman. The
board wishes to draw the attention of
all parties having animals die in this
municipality that they are required to
bury the same immediately after death
or by neglecting to do so they may in-
cur t-healt
ptirp y specified by statute.
If any complaint is brought to any
member of the Board, such member
shall notify the clerk who shall then
call a meeting of the Board instead of
notifying chairman and causing delay.
J. T. CAIRNS ,Secretary.
The Hallett Council met in, ondes-
boro on 4th Inst., according to: otice.
Members all present. A comm', ,e of
theCouncil accompanied by Mr. Al sley
the County Commissioner went to ex-
amine Wallace's bridge and found it in
better repair than expected, and came
to the conclusion to let it stand for the
present. Tenders for the supply of
.)elm plank were accepted from Ben.
Anell, M. Sprung. James Webster and
.James Young. The Auditors detailed
:statement and abstract of the Trea.'uir-
•er's accounts were submitted to the
•Corncrl and were carefully examined
:and finally passed. .1. T. (Xarrow, Esq.,
•was appointed Township Solicitor.
Several accounts were ordered to he
paid and Council adjourned until called
he'll:0e Reeve .—J AMES CAMPBELL,
Any tendency to premature baldness
may he promptly checked by the use
of Ayer's Hair Vigor. Don't delay till
the scalp is hare and the hair -roots de-
irtroyed. If you would realize the hest
results, begin at once with this invalu-
able preparation.
Mayor Fraser, of Amhersthur , olid
a graceful act n few days ago when he
instructed Mr. Colin Wigle to send 4e
barrels of flour to the different, heads
of the churches in that town for dis-
t` bution to the needy. The flour was
t in 25 Ib. sacks ant'. 320 of these sacks
ave been put in a large number of the
poorer homes there.
A young man in Lowell, Mass.,
troubled for years with a constant suc-
cession of boils on his neck, was com-
pletely cured by taking only three
bottles of Ayers Sarsaparilla. An-
other result of treatment was greatly
improved digestion with increased
A FoWI et Grid. lrpotloal PAW) pad
Itamorkebl• Beauty.
- The popularity of buff plumage is
doubtless responsible for the Buil
Plymouth Rock. This popularity is, in
itself, something remarkable. For Years
and years the BuflCochin had the honor
of being the sole representative of this
color. Then the Pekin Bantam ap-
peared,which was but a diamond edition
of the BuffCuchin. This was followed
by the Buff Leghorn and Argonaut,and
then appeared simultaneously the Buff
Wyandotte and Buff Plymouth Rock,
In some cases these two varieties were
bred from the same yard of fowls, thoso
with rose combs being called Wyan-
dottes, and those with single combs
Plymouth Rocks.
The Rhode Island Red, a buff fowl,
the males of which aro of a deep reddish
buff, was without question one, of the
ancestors of the Buff Piyinouth Rock,
The Rhode Island Red is of a mixed and
uncertain origin, but there is good
reason for believing that it owes its
color to the Cochin—either the Part•
ridge or the Butt With the Cochin,
Plymouth Rocks, Wyandottes, and
other varieties were bred, }producing
a fowl of medium size, with clean, ye)
low legs and with both rose and single
combs. In some cases it is probable that
the Rhode Isl;urd Red was crossed with
the Plymouth Rock; in other cases the
..,c,..' 4
Under the new Management business cqn•
tluuee to flourish.
Our Stock comprises everything required in
a first-class Bakery and Restaurant --such as
Plain and Fancy Cakes, Pastry,
Superior Bread, Confectionery,
Cool Summer Drinks, &o., &o.
TY and lrricos reasonable.
Picnic parties dealt with on the most liberal
terms and Bread delivered to all parts of the
Better value than we offer cannot be obtained.
Give us a call. Staud next the Grand Union
Hotel, Clinton.
JAMES BOYD, Proprietor.
The Menlo Mutual Fire
Insurance Company
Farm and Isolated Town Proper-
ty only Insured,
L. k es, Prosidcot, (.`1ii.tOn P. 0. ; Goo, Watt,
vice-president, 1larlok P. O. ; W. J. Shannon,
Secy •'nese ., Seoforth 1'. 0. ; M. Murdte, Iu• I
pector of elating Seaforth P. 0.
Jas, Broadfoot, Seaforth ; Alex Gardiner, Lea
bury; Gabriel Ellir•tt, Clintr.n ; John Nan
nali, Seaforth ; Joseph Evaud, J3eeehwood ; Thos.
Thoe. Not11 T.R, Harloek ; Robt. McMilion, Sea.
forth ; J. 001101i:5 , Egurundvtl',e; Geo. Hurdle,
Auditor .
Parties desirous to effect insurance or trans
act other business will be promptly attend
ed to on application to any of the above olficerr
addressed to their respective post chices.
Plymouth Rock and the Buft Cochin
probably have been crossed; and in
these ways. as well as by selecting from
the Rhode Island Red without author
crossing, the Buff Plymouth Rock has
arisen. Ar.jiret there was a great di-
versity oftypes among the Buff
ItoPlymouth Bocks, very few having the
true Plymouth Rock type, but breeders,
Wise Iin their
1\ ,e dayand
generation, h •
through selectiosecured a greater uni-
formity in Shupe, so that to -day typ;cal
Plymouth Rocks can be secured of the
popular buff color, Doubtless much
yet remains to be done before the
variety is perfected. There is a
strong tendency in It, as well
as in some of the other new buff
varieties, to produce moro or lass black
in the plumage, especially in the Wings
and tails of both sexes and - the tips of
the hackles of the liens. But so mtich
has already been accomplished that ft is
reasonable to expect that in a few years;
the plumage of this variety will
equal that of any other buff fowl. Even
in the Buff Cochin this tendency to black
in the pit age '.ts, though years of:
selection q • '116'''ti, c . its effrcts to a
minimurl kee
In the Bei
tsmouth Rock, when fl
fully perfected, we have a medium-sized
fowl of great practical value and of re-
markable beauty. The color is a soft,
rich, even buff, a color that cannot bo
surpassed among solid colors for beauty,
and a color that is i)s useful ns it is
beautiful, for it harmonizes with the de-
sired rich yellow of the skin and legs,
produced pinfeathers that are incon-
spicuous on the dressed poultry, and
does not readily show stains and marks
of soiling. It is it color, therefore, that
adapts the fowl to all sections of the
country, and makes it of value to the
practical poultry raiser. — American
The Boat Breed of Fowl..
The question of which is the best
breed of Cowls narrows down to this:
What 'fowl do you like best? Which
style and color takes your eye ? Can
you give the proper housing and care
that the tenderer breeds require? Will
you have to subject your fowls to just
ordinary houses and care? The breed.
one fancies most will in the majority of
cases receive the beet care, which natur-
ally results ht the most profit. If one
prefers fine feathers and a beautiful
form and carriage rather than a strictly
economic fowl, there are many breeds
from which to make a selection. If a
general purpose fowl is wanted, the list
to select from was never so large as it is
to -day. If beauty and utility combined
aro wanted there are several breeds to
select from, either one of which should
satisfy any reasonable person. There
is much truth in the saying, "feed makes
the breed. The best breed in. the world.
whichever one may be considered
by the owner, will be a failure and dis—
appointment if kept under unfavorable
conditions and injudiciously fed. There-
fore we would add to the above, "feed
and care make the breed." We do not
know of any breed which with proper
care and feed will not prove reasonably
profitable both in pleasure and 'money.
In making selection one's circumstances
and surroundings should be taken into
account ; where one breed would be per-
fectly hardy and thrive well, another
breed would not do at all well. There-
fore it behooves one to 'guard against
letting a sudden fancy run away with
good judgment.
Those who are just considering the
subject, 1 would earnestly advise taking
plenty of time to look the field over
thoroughly before making up their
minds. One is apt to he favorably im-
pressed with the appearance of a certain
breed, which after due thought would
be rejected for good and sufficient rea-
son, whereas if on the first impulse it
had been bought, it wouldrove a dis-
appointment and entail a loss. Those
who are continually changing the breed
very seldom are satisfied with anything
and usually end by giving the whole up
in disgust.—American Agriculturist
Camels In AnetrsIla.
The imported reindeer is flourishing
in Alnska, as the imported camel is
flourishing in Australia. Thousands of
camels were taken to Western Aus-
tralia from India, and the camel cara-
van has largely supplanted the bullock
team there. They thrive upon the na-
tural shrubs of the country, such as salt
bush, wattle, acacia and mulga. They
breed well, and the native are better
than the imported.
are the moat powerful, safe surd anti' reliable
Pill of this Sinn in dTee Market. Most
effective remedy' id suppressed menstruation
and all female troubles arising from At.
Druggists sell it, Beware of Imitations and
see that you get the Genuine Winchester's
English White Lily Circle Brand. Pennyrorgat
Pills, with White IAl y in centre of circle. Our
boa bear our signature, Winchester Chemical
Co..on eery side. Ask your Druggist. If be
don't keep it Iie will get It for you, or write direct
to us and we will send it upon receipt of price,
132 by Mail, Postpaid. $end 00. for Particulars,
Winchester Chemical Co., Chicago, 111.
Names of the District Masters, Primary
Lodge )fasters, their post office
addresses and date of
A. M. TODD, W. C. M., Clinton P. O.
John Neil, W.D.M., Centralia P.O.
219—Root. Hutchinson, Greenway, Fri
day on or before full moon.
632—Th )s. H. C.)ur+ev, Luc'tn, Satu
day on or before full moon.
493 — Richard Hodgins, Saintsthury,
Wednesday on or before full `noon.
890 — George Walden, Itiaplegrove,
Wednesday on or before full moon.
924—Edward Gill, Exeter, 1st Friday
in each month.
1087—James Kenniston, Parkhill, Mon-
day on or before full `noon.
1210—Wm. Mowsen, Moray, Thursday
on or before full moon.
1343—Jaynes Boyce, Centralia, Tuesday
on or before full `noon.
610—A. Nevins, Centralia, Fridayon or
after full moon.
James Calwell, W.D.M., oderich P.O.
145 --James Cox, Porter's Hill, 1st Mon-
day in each rnonth.
153 —Addrew Millian, Saltford, Friday
on or before full moon.
182—Geo. M. Cox, Croderieh, last Tues-
day in each month.
189—F. McCartney, Holmesville, Mon-
day on or before fall `noon.
2(32—Tames McLean,
Saltford, 3rd
Wednesday in each month.
306 --T H. Cook, Clinton, 1st Mon -
clay in each mouth.
D. Cantelon, \'V.D.M., Clinton P. O.
710—David Cantelon, Clinton, 2nd Mon-
day in each inontti,
813 'Robert Scarlett, Winthrop, last
Wednesday before full moon.
028 ,Joseph Rapson, Sihulmet•hill, 1st
Monday in each Month.
703 --Win. Homey. Seaforth, 1st Mon-
day in each month.
Robert Pollock, W.D.M., Bayfleld P.O.
24 --James Pollock, Bayfield, 1st Mon-
day in each month.
308—Win. Consit, }Iillsgeeen, 1st Tues
day in each rnontl-
8,3—Robert McKinley Blake, 1st
Wednesday in each mot h.
73a—Wm. J. (Clarke, llerrsa1., ist Thurs-
day in each month.
1035- -War. Rathwell, Bayfield, 1st
Thursday in each month.
KdNoTE.—Any omisainns or other error,, will be
promptly corrected on writing direct to the County
Moetcr, Bro. A. M, Todd, Clinton P. 0,
.. ".."'A7iC+,pWrc7tG"'•i+l"+%it'4T!`;tW„d'll.'r"i'.w.e .
"'t? x;"..°"+a,37 '�''+'iir...�,
Harper's Magazine
IN 1895
will be begun In the December Number, 1894, and
continued to November, 1506. Whutver maybeoDe's
favorite among Engli,b novelists, it will be ounoedod
by ail (Atica that 'i 1ioMA4 HARDY stands IOretoOSE as
a master stunt In fiction, and the Simpletons may
be expected to arouse enthushtnn) Dot loferlor in do -
gree to that whleh.tine marked 'rsllby--the moat one -
useful story of the your. Another leading feature
will be the Personal ,lteoollecllons of Joan of Are, by
the Stour Lours un CONTE, Her Page and Secretary.
under which guise the most popular of living Ameri-
can mngozim) write:, will preseut the story of the
Maid of Oricane. In the January Number will appear
a profusely illustrated paper on Charleston and the
Carolinas, the Oral of a aeries of Southern Papers.
Northern Africa le attruoting moro attention than
at any ether time sine° it was the gnat .1 umpires,
The next volume of HARPER'S MAGAZINE will
uoutaln four illustrated articles ou this re:tion. and
throe of them will depict the preoent life there.
JULIAN RALPH will prepare for the MAGAZINE a
series of , fght stories, demisting typical phases of
Obineeo Life red Manners Residue the long stories,
there will begin 1n the January Number the Drat ehap-
tore of A Three Putt Novelette, by RICHARD HARDIN°
‘VIS— the longest work yet attempted by this writer.
complete short stories by IT miler writers will con-
tinuo to be a feature of the MAGAZINE.
Send for Illustrated Prospectus.
The Volumes of the MAGAZIN11 beg'n with tbo
Nurnbee fe- June ordDee-tuber of each year. When
no time le nrertioned, o,bseriptinne will begin with
the Number caned at the time of receipt of order.
(:loth ease- for binding, 50 Penta each --by nail,
postpaid. Title -page and Index sent on applica-
Remittances should he maple by Post•offioe Money
Order er Draft, to avoid chalice of lft',
Newspapers are not to cop!/ this advertisement with'
OW the express order o/ Harper & Brothers,
Harper's Magazine, = one year, $4 00
Harper's Weekly, _ 4 00
Harper's Bazar, = Is 4 00
Harper's Young People, " 2 00
Postage Free to all subscribers in the United States,
Canada, and Mexico.
P, O. Box 959, N. Y. City.
Harps is Bazar
IN 1895
Elegant and eteiue1.5 designs fur Ont•do'r ".1d
deer Toilettes, UIa.') from hutiVit rnod018 by SANDOZ
end Cuneurs, are an important feature Phone ftp•
pee every week, accompanied by minute descriptions
and details. t•er Parte Letter, by KATIHARINE IEE
Feria r, 10 a'1,w1Jy 1,,,l, -011 t of the latest styles and
caprices in the mode. Under the head of NOW York
Fashions, lain direclious and full articul,ra are
given as to hunt es, fobs ifs, trimmiuga, and accessories
of 11:e costumes of well- dressed women. Children's
Clothing rerelvre practical attention. A fortnightly
Pettorn-sheet Supplement enables readers to cut and
make their OW LI gowns. The woman who takes HAR-
I'Elt'S 13 111 id prepared for every occasion in lite,
ceremotdons or informal, whole beautiful dreee is re•
AN AMERICAN SERIAL, Doctor Warrick's Daughters,
by REBECCA IUAIRBINO DAVIE, a strong novel of Anted -
earl life, partly laid in I'enusy Ivnnia and partly in
the far South, will r ceupy the last half of the year,
My Lady Nobody, an intensely exciting novel. by
I,AARTEN M.t.,RTENo, author of "God's Fool," "The
Guido. Glary," etc., will begin the year.
Elotays and Foetal Chats. To this department
SPECTATOR will centributo her uharming papers on
"What We are Doing" in New York aoob:Ay.
Answers to Correspondents. Qnestiona receive the
personal attention of the editor, and are answered at
the earlioet possible date after their receipt.
Send for Illustrated Prospectus.
The Volnmee of the 33A7,AR begin with the fine
Number for January of each year. When no time ie
mentioned, subscriptions will begin with the Number
current at the time of receipt of order.
Cloth Cases for snob volume, suitable for binding'
will be sent by 1)rail, postpaid, on receipt of tiles
each. ''I'itle•paye and Index sett on application.
Remittances should be mule by Poet -Mike Money
Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss.
Nrerrpapers are not to cup,/ this advertiserrlcnt with
- out the exeress rade, of harper & Jlrodhers.
Harper's Magazine,o ne year, 84
Harper's Weekly ,o4
Harper's Bazar, g 4 4
Harper's Young People " 2
Postage Free to all suh,cr)bers in the United States,
Canada, and 3fexico.
P. O. Box 950, N. Y. City.
Harper's Weekly
IN 1895
rd&RPER'8 WEEKLY ix a pictorial history of the
times, ltpresents every important event promptly,
accurately, and exhaustively in illustration and do-
ecriptive text of the highest order,
Thematter in which, during 1894,1E has treated the
Chicago Railway strikes and the Chino -Japanese War,
and the ommtnt of light it wise able to throw an Rorer,
the instant attention wax directed to thatlittlo-known
country, are examples of its almost boundless re-
sources. JULIAN 'intro, thediatinguiehcd wrlter and
correspondent, has been sent to thr seat of war, and
there joined by C. D. W ELDON, the well-known Ameri-
can artist, now for many years resident in Japan, who
has bean engaged to en -operate with Mr. RALPTI in
trending to0ABASH'S WEI,KLY exclusive informa-
tion and illustration.
Daring 1895 every vital queatloa Twill be discussed
with vigor and without pr, Judie° in the editorial
oolumns, and also in special nrtldaa by the highest
authorities in each department. Portraits of the men
and women win., are making history, and powerful and
oanetic political cartoons, will continuo to he charac-
terietin foatnres. Thin Buoy World, with Ito keen and
kindly comment on the leaser doings of the day, will
remain a regular department.
FICTION. There will bo two powerful aerials, both
handsomely illustrated —The Red Cockade, a stirring
romance nfniden days by STANLEY S. WRPMAN, and a
novel of Nes York, entitled The Son of Hie Father,
by BRA Nnr1sMATTAEWx—aeVeral novelettes, and many
short stories by popular writore.
Send for Illustrated Prospectus.
The Volameo of the WEEKLY begin with the first
Number for January of each year- When no time lo
mentioned, anb.orlptiona will herds wish the Number
current at the time of receipt of Order.
Cloth cases for each volume, enitable for binding,
will be sunt by mall, poetpa►d, on reeoipt of elm each.
Tille•pagjeand Index sent on application.
Remittances should be made by Post•oatce Money
Order or Draft, to avoid chance of lose.
Newspapers are not to cowry this advertisement with-
out the express order of 1iwrper & Brothers.
Harper's Magazine, - one year, 114
Harper's Weekly, = '
Harper's Bazar, _ 4
Harper's Y dung People. " 2
Postage Free to all subscribers in the United Stott*,
Canada, and Mexico.
P. O. BOX,059, N Y. City.
For gale nn cagy form, en bloc, or divided to 8011
purchaser ; one quarter cosh or other gond aeourRy,
balance a fila per cent., or will exchange tar a good
form. J. P. TISDALL, Banker, in the Mc. dr w111
abow premises. The land eoot$1,000 and the bending
over 58 0011.
D. CAMPBELL, 98.4 Main W., Hamilton, Ont.
Believing that the only satisfactory way of being UP TO DATE in business is to sa11
and buy strictly for Cash. i have decided atter Febraury 1st, 1895, to adopt the CASK
SYSTEM, believin that it will proye the most advantageous to evbry housekeeper in toren
and country. In order to do so I will mark all goods dgwn to Rock Bottom Cash Prices.
My Chistmas and New Year Special Bargain Days were wonderfully successful, everybody
Was pleased and surprised at the quality and price of our goods. We are still offering Pam '
lines at Bargain Day prices.
Tllia is one of our apecialtiea, having had 86 years exporfence in this particnla
TE S. lino. Extra values In Black Green and Japan, sole agents for Ram Lala aad
Tetley's Indian and Ceylon Package Tea,
Crockery, Glassware and China Goods.—Dinner Sots, China Tea Sets, Bedroom
BBututs,teFirPlveatso,'clock Teas, Berry Sets, Cheese Dishes, Water Sets, Fruit Dishes sad Bread and
La{nps.—we have Hall Lamps, Table Lamps, Parlor Lamps, Piano Lamps, Hanging Lamps
and Lamps at all prices which we are selling at from 10c to 20 per cent. below regular prices.
Conte and see for yourselves, no trouble to show goods. Produce taken as Cash.
J. W. Irwin, McKay Block. Clinton.
Leslie's Carrie
manship and material. Saf-All the latest styles and most modern improve-
ments. All work warranted. Repairing and repainting promptly attended
to. Prices to suit the times.
1ier-FACTORY—corner Huron and Orange Streets, Cljatop, 657—
Don't Come Home and Kick
up a dust by finding fault with your wife or iter kitchen help because your dinner is not
ust what it should be. The women are not to blame, the fault lies at your own door.
Through a mistakep idea of false economy you have been induced to purchase cheap and inferior
groceries, and I speak advisedly when I say you cannat look for domestic felicty aslong as
you continue on tbat line. Moral—the best is the cheapest, in grocery as well as any other
commodity. Therefore try our new season's Teas, all of this year's growth. "In Blacks."
English Breakfast Tea at 40c. per lb., extra value. In Blends of Indian China and Cylons we
caa suit the most fastidious taste. Also, we have the best value in Hysons and Japans. Tty
our Japan at 6 lbs for one dollar.
Wo have now in stock for the Holiday Trade New Raisins, Valencias off' Stalk Selected.
Laifers, Sultanas, London Layers, New Currants in Cases and hall' cases, New Peels, Lemon.
Orange and Citron, Figs, Mats and Elmo 10 lb Boxes. New Prunes, Sphinx Brand. Pure
Spices, Essences, Extracts. Candie and Nuts of all kinds. In Crockery, China and Glassware„
full lines. We offer Dinner Setts, Tea Setts and China Table•Setts at rock bottom prices.
Como early and have first choice. Special inducements to cash purchasers.
N. Robson, - Albert St., Clinton.
General Builder and Contractor.
This factory o y tae been under the p6fboiidl siipttt+ision and one owner for eight
years. We carry an extensive and reliable stock and prepare plans and give
estimates for and build all classes of buildings on short notice and on the closest
prices. All work is suprrvised in a mechanical way and satisfaction
guaranteed. We sell all kinds of interior and exterior material.
Lumber, Lath Shingles, Lime Sash Doors, Blinds, Eft
Agent for the CELEBRATED GRAYBILL SCHOOL DESK, manufactured
at Waterloo. Call and get prices and estimates before placing your orders,
The up-to-date Grocery is
Tell us your,vvants, and we will do the rest if ylna.r wants refer to Groceries.
is what we aim to give over Customers and by careful attention to. their wants we,
hope to secure and merit a portion of the Public Patronage for the coming year.,.
Bargain Day Prices, aur Every Day Prices; Every Day Bargain Day with us.
THE CASH GROCERY. Telephone No. 23_
Stand 1 Door North of TITE NEWS -RECORD O;1iee.
Sole Agents for the Celebrated Monsoon Tea.
Weekly Free Press, or Hamilton Spectator
twice a week, only
$2.00 A Year.
We club with all the city weekkes at regular rates.
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King of all
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Highest Honors at the World's Columbian Exposition.
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Monarch Cycle Company,
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Lake and Halsted Sts., CHICAGO, ILL.
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