Clinton New Era, 1895-08-16, Page 3THE •MENTON . NEW ERA CELERY NERVE : COMPQUI WITH REEk', IRON and WINE. . A NEW AND WONDERFUL BLOOD PURIFIER AND NERVE • TONIC. Cellitkainil ri.o Ipjurious Drugs 1 Every ingredient ie a Health Builder, Certain and Permanent Relief is guaranteed in oases of Con- lltittetierieDyepepeia, Nervoneneas, All Weakuesses, Blood and Skin Diseases. It is based on Glycerine instead of Alcohol. For Pro- . (hieing Soft, Clear Skin anI Bright Complexion and Relieving all ills Peculiar to Women it is Unsurpassed. Said at ALLEN & wIL.SON'S Drug Store, Clinton. Be certain to get "MANLEY'S." Take No other a-tems of Interest. ':.Wereee ARE ALL THE SPARROWS? It° is gen- erally remarked that there are comparative- ' '4r. .few of them about this year. Some people think that the severe winter accounts o thethinning out they have undergone, but probably the boy witb-the gun has had Something to do with it, too. -It is alto MAO that we have this year, in spite of the 14;>ke heavy frosts, more than our usual number of ineoct pests. There may not be o.tuse and effeot here, bat although the sparrow bas been looked upon as a nuis- ance, it is certain be made war on many of the -grabs and bugs against which the gar- .dener and horticulturist fight, and it is bard to say how much balance may remain in his favor. We could spare him a good many grains for the work he is known to do. . We can ill afford to spare the birds. THE KINCARDINE REVIEW SAYS:—.'He (Mr Laurier) knows he was chosen leader of the Grits .beoause he was a Quebec man, a Frenohman and a Roman Catholic and therefore likely to catch that venal Prov- ince" To which the Globe replies:—Ab- Bard. Mr. Laurier was chosen to lead the Liberal party because he has the character and capacity that salify for' leadership, • and the wisdom of the selection has been amply proved by events. At Ottawa friends and opponents know well that it is his ability and not his creed that explains . his ascendancy in Parliament and country. The truth is that in this country a Politi- cal loader is weaker and not stronger be- am:Ise he id a Catholic. MEN AND WOMEN Manama tee FATHER AND 'SON CURED ft LIFE IS OFTEN A NEGLECTED COLD 011611011 c.vnoe. Finally Into Consumptloq. B -EAI( UP rt COLD)N TIMI .r YRIN0 Pyny- Pectoral THE QUiCK CURE POR COUGHS. COLDS. BRONCHITIS. HOARSENESS. ■TM. Large Bottle. 26 Eta. FORGE THEIR FETTERS Paine's Celery Compound Banishes Disease and Releases all Cap- tive Sufferers. re Meh and women forge their own fetters and shackles, They permit themselves to be oompletely bo'Ind and enchained by the common ills of life,and the reenit is misery and intense suffering. The laws of 'health, when disregarded, bring severe penalties; and it is well to know that unless effective treeing are used to remove these penalties, cnrui,ic ailments result, and life is in danger. Medical experience proves that the com- mon ills of life, such as dyspepsia, indiges- tion, headaches, neuralgia, rheumatism, in- somnia, kidney and liver troubles, and blood diseases, can, in a short time, be effectually banished by that wondrous medicine, Paine's Celery Compound. -Week- "nervous-antieufler-ixtg-rnen-and wo— men are soon made strong and vigorous when Paine'e Celery Compound is used. The life blood is pnrified and courses through the body in a healthy state. For pale sallow. cverworked women, Paine's Celery Compound is a Godsend. Itt is just the medicine that makes people healthy and strong during the heat of the summer. Paine's Celery .'ompound has cured thousands and will surely meet your 0880. It is probable thatthe unveiling of the Macdonald statue in Kingston will be postponed till the Queen's birth- day next year. coat's Emulsion is Cod-liver Oil emulsified, or made easy of digestion and as— similation. 'To this is added the Iiypophosphites of ° Lime and Soda, which aid in the digestion of the Oil and increase materially the potency of both. It is a re- markable flesh -producer. Ema- ciated, anaemic and consumptive persons gain flesh upon it very rapidly. The combination is a most happy one. Physicians recognize its su- perior merit in all conditions of wasting. It has had the en- dorsement of the medical pro- fession for 20 years. Don't be persuaded to take a substitute! Stott & Bowes, Belleville. 500. and $t. . RE`3ULT Or L 17. 'NESS. HE WAS ALL RIGHT. And Hie Vest Did Not Seem to Need Pull- ing Down. He had a bland good-natured smile on his face as he walked up to a policeman ori Woodward avenue the other day and said: "I wish you'd look at my vest and see if it's all right. " "I duu't see anything wrong with your vest" replied the officer after a glance. "Is it long enough?" "I think so " "Does it seem to work upt" "No, What's the platter anyhow?" "Bin in town since 7 o'clock this morn- ing" said the mall as he winked and chucked and smiled again, "and ever since I gut here some one's bin tellin' me to pull down my vest. Took me more'n four hours to catch on. I pulled her down over forty tines before I under- stood. I was puny sure she was all right when I asked you to look. it's jest a way the fellers have, ain't it?" • " Yes. just a way." "They don't mean that my vest is too short?" "No." "And they don't no it to hurt my feel- ings?" "Oh no!" "Jest want to see if the old man has any flies on him, I take it?" "That's all." "That's the way I took it, and every time a feller winked and grinned and told me to pull down my vest I winked and grinned and pulled her down—so. I jest bought six safety pins and am goin' to pin her down and keep her right there. Seel' Do 1 look like a man from Flyville? See any insects tryin' to light on my shoulders? He -he! Vest all right —fellers all right—old man having dead - loads of fun, and goin' to keep her right tap fur three days more." THE VILLAGE OF WHITECHURCH DEVELOPES A SENSATION. THE FATHER ATTACKED WITH RHEUMATISM AND THE SON WITH ST. VITUS DANCE—A STORY THAT CAN BE VOUCHED FOR BY ALL THE NEIGHBORS. From the Wingham Advance. Mr Joseph Nixon is the proprietor of the only hotel in the village of Whitechuroh, and is known to the whole countryside as a man who thoroughly understands hia business, and a jovial companion as well. It is well known in this part of Ontario that Mr Nixon's hotel was destroyed, by fire, but with that energy which is,oharao- teristic of him he quickly set to work to re- build. His story, as told a reporter of the Wingham Advance, who recently had occa- sion to visit his hostelry, will be of interest. "I was helping to dig out the cellar", he said, "and in the dampness and cold I con- tracted rheumatism which settled in my 4 right hip. It got so bad that I couldn't sit in a chair without doubling my leg back at the side of the chair, and I oould'nt ride in a draggy without letting the affected leg hang ont. I suffere6 a great deal more than anyone whu has not been similarly af- S:TRgeT PIANQS. The Makers. renew the runnier Tilets'R Clobely, Thb niaufaoturers of street pianos fol- low the popular taste always, and the airs rehdered this year show that the public Is becoming decidedly callous re- garding open air music. One of the pieces rendered is suggestive of the dance which a few inquisitive Trojans witnes- sed on the Midway Plaisanoe, ChicaE. Another racy air is the colnposit6bn "And Her Golden Hair Was Hanging Down Her Back." These airs have been accepted . by the public, and the soulful Italian who turns the prank of the piano seems to think that he is grinding out selections from some divine opera, oom- posed in his own sunny land. There is a ghetto in the central part of New York where the organ grinder and piano man reap considerable profit. A court, sur- rounded by high brick buildings, is ever open to the peddler, tramp and canine. A number of Hebrew families occupy floors in the houses, where they sweat over benches day and night earning con- siderable money at various ocoupatione. The court presents a picturesque appear- ance, with its strings of clothes flutter- ing in the winds and the piazzas ob- structed with squalling, frowsy -headed children and rubbish. Through the open casement of one of the windows a sight of a dark -eyed young Jewess can be caught, as she bends over the brilliant crown of a geranium. Men the piano man comes along there is a clatter of feet on the many stairways leading from the dirty houses and a stream of humanity pours into the court. Mothers with children in arms, bent old men. bright, frolicsome boys and girls and barking ours fill the court with noisy clatter. As soon as the piano music begins the children form a circle round the organ and dance and sing until the air ceases. The ghetto is an ex- cellent place to study human nature, 1f one doesn't mind strong odorsand sights of humanity in its lower strata. ORILLIA'8, PROMINENT 1"N`iJRNT- TURE DEALER GIVES EACTS. Orillia, Feb. 10th, 1894. EOMANSON, BATES & CO,. Gentlemen,—About three or four weeks ago I hid an attack of Itching Piles. I tried two or three different remedies re- commended by druggists as "the best and only cure," etc., etc., but got no relief.— About the time I was beginning to despair of finding any relief, with some slight mis- givings 1 bought a box of your rile cure, which 1 am glad to say gave me almost in- stant relief and permanent cure. I con• eider Dr. Chase's Ointment a God-tend.— ALF. J. DEAN. The ste int engin,- wa-( madeperfect- ly automatic. by a lazy hoy who was emp:uye.l t" np,.n an I cl',-e the valves. Desiring to p'iv instead of to work, he tied a string from one part of the ma- chine to an, -her, thus making the en- gine attend to it. ow I htisiness, he was never hear.] of agai n. and even his name is unk•io.vn. het .t perfect engine was the onrrnme of his laziness. Mr Hugh Ruse, .J. P.. one of the old- est and molt re<peetrd citizens of Woodstock. Ont., died Thersdaymorn- ing. aged sixty-eight. Jof'tn,,yot Ole l heurnaU m aril Muscular Pains "jail ell' Why riot' try rhe,. Menthol plaster my wifelot me one. itcur'ed tike magic For a long time 1 suffered with Rheumatism in he R ek so severely that. 1 could bot Pr PA OE Itraight. My wife advised a D. & L. Menthol tamer. 1 tried it and was soon going about ail {tight. S. C. Buena, Sae." e Corners. prig 25o. The American Girl's Fault. The American girl has learned to feel that in Edward W. Bok she has a strong champion. But Mr. Bok, although he is ever ready to advocate her cause, is not blind to her faults. He confesses that she has one glaring one at least, and of this he writes as follows In the Ladles' Home Journal : "If one wishes to be candid and really criticise the Ameri- can girl not for a score of fancied faults which are not hers, but for a fault which is peculiarly here, it is that she fritters away a deal of time on many things and does not give enough time to any one thing. One advantage which this fault has is that she cannot overcome it. And she should. She shOuld learn the art of application. Wh ver she starts out to do let her do it well. If she wants to play let her learn to play, not indifferent- ly, but well If her taste is for china - painting let her concentrate her mind on that, and learn to paint well. If she is fond of needlework let her train hermit to be an expert of the needle. If her tend- encies lead her to languages let her take up that tongue the study of which at- tracts her most. But if she takes up French let her content herself with French, and not study French one day and German the next. Nor shoulyi she forget that to know the Englielrlangu- gae well is her first duty." Little by Little. Little by little, when a man prays, he ceases to make supplications alone. He prays because it le a comfort to pray. I go and see friends, not because I have anything to ask of them; I do not want their bread; I do not want their silver and gold; I do not want their things; I want them. It is a joyful experience to be in their company. And prayer has pre-eminently that element in it. It is communion with God. It is being in His conscious presence. It is keeping com- pany that to good for anybody to keep. It is interchange of thought It le pour- ing out our souls before God. It takes us nut of our narrow, selfish petitions, and brings us into the companionship of God, which we seek because it is so eweet and blessed. —H. W. Beecher. "1 tea:, h?Ipiny (leg oat the alba•." fected can imagine. How I was cured is even more interesting. One day I saw a neighbor whom I knew had rheumatism very bad, running down the road. I called him and asked what had cured his rheum- atism. Dr William's Pink Pills he prompt- ly replied, and that determined me to try the same remedy. Well, the result is Pink Pills has cored me, and that is some- thing other medicines failed to do. I don't know what is in them, but I do know that Pink Pills is a wonderful medicine. And it is not only in my own case," continued Mr Nixon "that I have reason to be grate- ful for what the medicine has dcne. My son, Fred, about twelve years of age, was taken with a bad attack of cold. Inflame - tion of the lungs set in and as he was re- covering from this, other complications fol- lowed which developed into St. Vitus dance, which got so bad that he could not possibly sit still. We gave him Dr William's Pink Pills, with the result that he is now thor- oughly cured, and looks as though be had never had a day's sickness in his life, and if theee-faetswahich are—known 40 all the neighbors, will be of benefit to anyone else, yon are at iiberty to publish them." DrWilliam's Pink Pills are specific for all diseases arising from an impoverished con- dition of the blood or a shattered condition of the nervous forces, such as St. Vitus dance, locomotor ataxia, rheumatism, par- alysis, sciatica, the after effects of la grippe loss of appetite, headache,'chronic erysipe- las, scrofula, etc. They are alto a specific for the troubles peculiar to the female sys- tem, correcting irregularities, suppressions and all forms of female weakness, building anew the blood, restoring the glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks. In the case of men they effect a radical cure in all cases arising from mental worry, overwork, or excess of any nature. Dr Williams' Pink Pills are sold only in boxes bearing the firm's trade mark and wrapper (printed ,in red ink), and may be had of all druggists or direct by mail from Dr Williams' Medicine Company, Brockville, Ont., or Schenectady, N. Y., at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50. CURIOUS STATISTICS. • '5 what is TOR1A Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil, It is Pleasant. Its guarantee Ls thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allaltf feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relievil teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Case toria is the Children's Panacea—the Mother's Friend. Computations on Smoke Puffs, Kisses, Air Pressure and Politeness. A German lover of figures has made the following curious calculations: A man smoking a pipe of medium size blows out of his mouth for every time he fills the pipe 700 smoke clouds. If he smokes four pipes a day for twenty years he blows out 20,440,000 smoke clouds. . If two lovers spend four hours together and the lover takes or receives 200 kisses —low calculation—and each kiss lasts ten seconds, in five years' time the lover would have 365,000 kisses and their lips would have been united for the space of forty-two days and six hours. If the entire population is considered to be 1,400,000,000 the brains of this number of human beings would weigh 1,922,712 tons, or as much as ninety-six ironolads of the ordinary size. The air pressure on a person' of ordin- ary size is thirteen and a half tons. A man of 50 years of age bas in ordin- ary cases undressed hitnself 18,350 times, and, of course, dressed himself just as many times. When a person on the street raises his hat and:makes a bow,the work of a second, he is carried by the movement of the earth 500 meters round with the planet, three miles round the sun, and nearly a mile forward with the sun. Children Cry for Pitcher's Gastonia. g.Nr ,.,._..Il PAYS -TO — Castoria. "Castoria 1s an excellent medicine for chil- dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its good effect upon their children." Da. O. O. Oseoon, Lowell, Mass. "Castoria is the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not far distant when mothers will consider thereat Interest of their children, and use Castoria in- stead of the various quack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful ,gents down their throats, thereby sending them to prethatw•e graves." Da. J. F. Kutooxoos, Conway, Ark. Castoria. " Castorla Is so well adapted to childrenthal I recommend it as superior toanyprescriptior known to me." H. A. ARonza, IL 111 SoOxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. " Our physicians 1n the children's depart "rent have spoken highly of their expo- encs in their outside practice with Castorfat apd although we only have among our medical supplies what is known as regular products, yet we are free to confess that tlr merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it." TNrmsn EosermwI. AND DISPENSARY. Boston, Mass. ALIaN C. SMITH, Pres., The Centaur Compal y, 71 Murray Street, New York City. r• GREAT ALSAR, • Had to "Grin and Bearlt" when he had a pain, Yon can grin dnd ban- ish it at once by using Paan Davis' ?otin Killer( id e Soto and need everywhere. A whole m cine cheat by itself. Rills every form of external or Internal pain. Doex—A teaspoonful in half glass of water or mak (warm •1^ hn- 1' 1 r convenient). Clothing for Springy vs - Wooden flats. Connecticut has always been prolific in inventors with a genius for utilizing wood in- unexpected directions from the time when one of her sons manufactured nut- megs out of pine knots down to the pres- ent day. The latest outcome of this in- genuity is a wooden hat. A Connecticut man has made a machine that cuts a block of wood into fine strips. These are moistened and then woven like straw into headgear, which is said to be very dur- able. The Inventor sags that the sub- stance is lighter than straw, and that be- cause of its easier manipulation and lower cost it will supersede the other materials. ISUCCESSI tontines to attend _ _ i the graduates of Canada Business College, - CHATHAM, ONT. Miss Lizzie Hales, a graduate of Busi- ness department left Chatham on Monday to take a position as bookkeeper in Spok- ane, Wash., worth $00 per month. She was a clever pupil and will undoubtedly fill the place acceptably. Miss bertha Garret has accepted a posi- tion as stenographer temporarily with Win Gray & sons. College re -opens for fall term, Tuesday. Sept. 3 For catalogue address, D. McLACHLAN, Chatham Western - Fair. READY TO WEAR . MEN'S SUITS The best value in the'trade. f., $3.50 to $5 per Suit London, Sept. 12th to 21st, 1895 SPECIAL. EXCURSION RATES ON ALL RAILWAYS. ESTABLISBED 1868. Canada's Favorite Live 1Stock Exhibition CANNOT BE SIIRPABBED ENTRIES CLOSE : Live Stock, September 12. All other Departments, September 5. Final payment in Stakes, August 15. AUCTION SALE OF BOOTHS AND PRIVILEGES ON CROUNDS. AUG. 28TH. SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS—Wild EantSho w, 50 people —Arabs, Turks, Skeiks, Ladies of the Turk- ish Palace, etc., with Horses, Camels and Donkeys; and a host of others. Prize Lists, Programmes and Conditions of Sale of Booths Free. Apply to CAPT.A.W PORTE,Fres. T A.BdOWNE. • ec, FIRST AND FOREMOST. GET THE BEST. The nahlie are tun intelligent to pnrobaee a worthless article a second time, on the contrary they want the bests Physicians are virtually unanimous in saving Scott's Emulsion is thri beet form of Cod Liver Oil. CURES COLIC, CRAMPS, CHOLERA, DIARRHOEA, IYSE1IRTERY0 CHOLERA RROfHUS, CHOLERA I FAL TUM and all So tuner Cemp'P.:•.ts and Flexes oftb. Eowu:s. It Is tate and tellable for Cltlldrer, or Aen' ts. Fav CANADA'S GREAT ROBT. COATS & SON CLINTON HUBGROCERY INDUSTPIAL FAIR TORONTO SEPT 2ND TO 147'H The Finest and Fullest Disppla ;of LIVE STOCK, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS, and MANUFAC. TURES to be Been on the Continent. Increased Prizes, Improved Facilities and Spe- cial Attractions, etc. A trip to TORONTO at FAIR TiME is an IDEAL HOLIDAY. There is MORE to SEE, MORE to LEARN and MORE to ENJOY at the GREAT TORONTO AIR than at all others put togeth . EXCURSIONS ON ALL LIN S. tir Entries close August 10th. Fo • Prize List, Programs, etc., Address J. HILL, Man ager. °Tor nto. As regular as the seasons; as steady as the Polar star, as constant as thel compass. The quality of our goods do not change; we buy the best in thq market. We have a big stock of WOODEN WARE. If you need a Washtub, a Pail, a Broom, a Mop w' Scrub brush, it will pay you to call. el We have Ben Hur, Bee Brand, Monsoon, Maravilla, the finest og TEAS—Ceylons, Japans, the best that can be had in the market. COFFEE—Fresh Ground, leads them all. Take a look at our window for ti Bedroom Set. ( -J € SWALLOW, - Clinton .1 STRICTLY CASH After the 1st of Fehr iary, I will sell for Cash or its equivalent—feeling as- sured it will be the most satisfactory to all. It will enable me to buy my goods to Netter advantage, and conse- quently will sell at a closer margin, giving my customers the benefit. Thanking my customers and Patrons for the liberal support extended to me in the past 1 respectfully solicit a con- tinuance of your favor, feeling assured that the Cash Systems being the trite principle, will recommend itself to all right thinking"people. Tlie Crown Blend and Russlari BToud—We direct your attention to thus!, high grade Indian and Ceylon Blends. j have had the exolasive sale of these Ten with meet gratifying results; nothing buil high grade Teas are need in these blends; auk for these and take no other; get sample) Sole agent for Sailor Boy orand Japan Teal 80c., 41b for $1. Special value in all Tomei Fresh Lake Herring, Boneless Codfish Fresh Haddook,Finan Haddie,Cannedriel Canned Corn, Peas and Tomatoes, Flout' Oatmeal, &c. Bargains in Crookery,dhintly Glassware, Dinner, and Toilet Sets, etc. Produce taken as Cash. N. ROBSON, - C1into4 0