Clinton New Era, 1895-07-26, Page 526 :1"la fetters ill U.ySjlicp$ia. S,rASE. TI1A.T l AEES Tk1.E. LII 01P ITB VIOTIBIS444.51OST :UNl3gA.4Ati.74I. • per) ij.A^tr.+ _ r>ala>4s ttaW Suis :OB- i'S hill"^- &; liiffiin'r.liAv.er Hors ioe 9$$ itUttAltiN : 1*Telerets, m tii$,09WOla111ti,%l9°110110« The editesr of thiL Nowa, in company *lb /dr,Joky, '0 , th wwlltknownr firm of 0'0 Auld Jurry,visit the'home of Samuel , lathe tOWnehip of Darlipgcon, for of p rteininthe partiqulare Of Moe* remarkable of cures b p- t %beat' byr the use Will - kill for Pale People, It was 'had thus been released from and when the newspaper man {{}}, ta<missioeehe said "Yes,,I iv .dhvia bright -testimony in favor of aft" Miami' Pink Pills, for I believe that r'°i# nay 'aid not save my life, they, at all i to r.•elee,eed 'Me from untold misery. ree years ago dyspepsia name npom me • sever. form. I doctored with one of ,he local dpotors for more than a year, bat (ren steadily worse. The medicine I took .nosh me a dollar a bottle, and the exl endit- irre'was worse than useless for it did me no .good., Then my husband thought as I was ;growing worse, it would be better to try ' sorp$th ng else, as they felt that unless a - •changecame soon I was doomed to -tile ter- ; ;qhs of a dyepeptio's life. Sometimes I Would be almost doubled up with the pain, . and it seemed as if a knife was cutting into rue, '•'I then tried a number of medicines r'eggnilmended foreay pepsia, butf. nonee of them gave,Lhe,{? 1?e ,tif, r. often read ofthe remarkable cures Achieved by Dr 'Williams' Pink Pills that I deter. Malted to give them a trial. I got a supply 'and before the second box was gone I found , ruyaalf getting better. I continued the • title of the pills until I had taken eleven holes, wheni • was fully recovered. This ,:`Was a couple of years ago, and I have not now•the/Teast sign of dyspepsia." sirs Woocj.fitrther said that her husband had ft a victim of kidney trouble for a long time and had taken a great deal of medic- ine for his care, but of no avail. When it . was seen that Pink Pills were doing his wife so much good, Mr Wood determined ';to give them a trial, and they noted like ',a charm as he is now entirely free from his complaint, and he attributed all to ' the use. of Pink Pills and would not ba without them in the house. Messrs • Stott & Jury informed the News 'tha't fink Pills have an enormous sale. 'They have handled Pink Pills for years and ,say that they cannot recall a single in- rstance in which a customer came back and -sajdthey were not perfectly satisfied with iihe'results. This is certainly a remark - :able record, but then Dr. Williams' Pink Tills is a remarkable medicine, and cures 4,;3'p hen other medicines fail. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold only • in boxes bearing the firms trade mark .and wrap er (printed in red ink), and may The had otall druggists or direct by mail .Brock om lle,Ont., wor Medicine 'Schenectady, N. Y., bex. or six boxes for $2.50. w,R .NMI/BATOR BABY BOSTON ADDS ANOTHER LEAF TQ HER CROWN OF LAURELS. The Latest Method for Malting Children -- Little Qharlee Euler Lives In a G lass- Roofed 1(1ouse---Given an 'Ounce of Food Every Hour. Boston has achieved a reputation for brains and baked beans whioh is as im- pregnable as the rook of Gibraltar, and if the experiment now in course of crimple tion at tile -Post -Graduate hospital is sue- cesful she will add another leaf to her crown of laurel in the form o1 a baby in- cubator whioh really works. The crinkled little rose leaf of human- ity whioh lies in its metal and glai9 case In the babies' ward wrinkles up its nose and ktoks out its toes, unconscious and uncaring that the geniuses of the Hub oombined the strength of their intelleot In devising an artificial home in whioh little tots who have arrived unexpectedly may bide a wee. A kind of paradise where they may grow into the health and strength with which they should come into the heaven of their infancy., He is a precocious little chap, this tenant of an incubator, for he already has begun to hold on with his little lips to the In• strument which drops barley water and Sterilized milk into his dot of a mouth. Although he still lacks one week of being seven months old,which is made more re- markable by the foot that he came over 8 days ago from the home of his parents, at No.400 East Eleventh stregjt he has had time enough t6 get a name of his own, or rather copy that of his , father, Charles Euler. But little he reeks of name or fame,and if he ever thinks of going down in history as the youngest incubator baby he does not know it. He is just as red - looking as ordinary new -comers into the world, and he squeaks out whenever he gets hungry or thirsty. He even eluded the attention of the nurse and kicked off the white cotton in whioh he is swathed, until his covering had to bo tied at his pink hands,feet and waist by narrow pink ribbons He is a perfect little creature, even if he dbes not weigh but two and one- half pounds, and he makes a cunning pic- ture as he lies on his bed in the incubator with his eyes closed and his fists doubled up. His meals come every hour, and then he is given one ounce of nourishment, all of which he retains on his stomach and seemingly enjoys. Whenever he is fed his pulse beat and temperature aro taken and the result of the observations marked upon a most intricate chart, which may afford an interesting study for his old age, if he lives to the years of discretion. The house in which wee Charles lives is a queer -looking affair, and an uulnitiated person coming into that part of the hospi- tal where the incubator stands might be excused for mistaking it for some kind of new fanglod toy introduced to amuse the children. It is made of nickel copper and tin,and pretty much resembles the ma- chines on the street corners when one buys roasted peanuts: The little bed on which the 6 1iy lies is pla&e'�St almost 1n She -inl:d"d1e dfthe incubator, -and-is-balanced- on soales. A thermometer is placed beside the child so that the temperature of the air may be known at any time without lifting the glass cover. An even degree of warmth is preserved by water, heated by gas, in the bottom of the large tin box which forms the main part of the incuba- tor. Fresh air comes in constantly from a pipe which extends about three feet above the body of this new invention, and is sterilized by being drawn through cot- ton. As the warm fresh air comes In at one end of the compartment where the child lies, the impure air passes out at the other side, so that there is a healthy atmo- sphere for the little fellow to breathe. This is the fourth baby which tbo physi- ofans at the hospital have tried to save by means of the incubator. Two died shortly after they were placed therein, but as they were hopeless oases when the experiment was tried, that result was not unexpected. the third lived for a month In its artificial case, and an equal length of time after- ward in the hospital, but when it was taken home it sickened and died in a few days. Improvements have been made in the tncubaor since that time so that the present incumbent is the only ono which has a fair chance. The doctors and nursed are very hopeful, and believe now that the youngster will thrive. .Hugh Wilson died at Stratford week. He was 00 years old and '-„leaves'n tne. childern. The Hon. Edward Blake, of Toronto, Int„ I iteral arid Irish Nationalist, has en returned for the south division of igfcid Ireland, without opposition” homes Foote, 22 years old, died at inbridge. N.Y„ on Monday under- iculiar circumstances. He was affect• task what, he ate to such an extent f thkt when he indulged in beef he would .'become restless,ander out oand bhands ellow so like an ox, going °.,and knees to eat grass like a cow, after I ',.he partook of mutton his actions were those of a sheep and he would bleat like 'lamb, When he ate chickens he would go out and scratch for worms, hich he hevoured with apparent rel- sh. His father killed some squirts of hich the son ate heartily. He left .he house and was followed by the fa - 'her, who saw his son jumping from °imb to limb of a tree, barking like a .tui rel., He called for him to come n, b4 this only seemed to make the boy want to escape,and he attempt •ed to lump from one tree to another, Missed his footing, fell headlong to the ground and expired in less than five inutell. Jamas R. Nicholson. Almost Passes Belief fir. Jae. E. Nicholson, Florenceville, N. B•, Struggles for Seven Long Years with CANCER ON THE LIP, AND IS CURED BY HOW TO KISS, ° Train Yong Children to Rise in the Right Way, J.1gs may be conveniently, divided into two classed, those whioh belong to and are intimately asseotated with the warmer passions of the'beart, and those wihoh aro purely conventional. In bievy of the exact- ing demands of modern sanitary prin- ciples; in neither case is the habit desirable or even permissible. Nevertheless, is only waste of labor for reedited mentors to protest against the .habit, so far as the first "order" of kisses le.00r}cernod. Mic- robes, however pathogento,Wili bo ignored under these oircunhstanges, and such will be bhe ease unbiL tin'ie, ie no mere. With respect, however, to the second variety of kisses, the matter is different. For the.moet part, the hpthit• is praotieed upon children, both girls and Boys. Among themselves, too, kissing to a large extent prevails. 'But the facility with which diphtheria, measles, whooping cough and scarlet fever are transmitted in early lite renders the habit one whigb common sense will show to bo open to grave objections' However eseontial conventional kisses may be regarded as a means of demeastrating friendship and politeness, parents should nevertheless, we think, consider in this matter the welfare of their children first. Our condemnation of kisses may, forme. ttoal purposes, be restrloted to the objec- tionable but common practice of kissing on the mouth. Among grown up people it is unbecoming, to say the least, whllo toward and between children the practice is open to the gravest suspicion, Children will be trained with the est ease to offer the oheek or the fore tor the proffered caress, and to clod attempt to contaminate the lips. oubation period of all the dis tinned may or may not be in end the e ln- men- o in the ordinary acception of the ri ., . Upon this matter our knowlege, so far, is by no means certain; while on the other hand, recent investigations would seem to indi- cate that the infection of zymotto diseases inpatients is of very much longer duration than used formerly to be supposed, endur- ing, indeed, long after convalescence has been established. Sarsa- AYEISpa� la Ar. Nicholson says: "I consulted doe - tet purpose; the cancer began to but to non rp Eat into the Flesh, Spread to my chin, and I suffered tr. agony for eevon long years. Finally I u week or taking wo I noticed sarsaparilla. Finally, Decided Improvement. The Sir John Meconald statue for the city of Kingston has been shipped from England. It will be unveiled on Labour day. iincouraged by title result. I perse- vered, until in a month or so the sere udder my chin began to Beal. lu three months my lip began to heal and, after utif the Sarsaparilla for six months the lastgtrace of the cancer disappeared.'I Aysr'sjSarsaparilla Arial:Med/at the Worid'a Fair. .. ,i ti .I'ZY,i.0 ltCi/a.ao.: t..'- r"., !s. ANiEW Et* Ifow i•tttent LORther 1. Made, It is distinctly an industry requiring the very strictest attention, says Shoe and heather ruts. • Ninety days must elapse tjroxA the tlrixo &,jreen hide is put in to work until it le turned out all ready for the market, For the purpose of manufac- ture only the best grades of green hider and nlateriala are used, the'foriner being a "tape oft" from• the best liejecti .weetern and bountry cows and steers After being osrrefuliy ezarutntld, the hjdei are divided; into "peeks, or lots of forty each, and the nianufaoture of the finished product aotu- ally oomined. First,' the nojhides go to rise "beam -hone; these are."unhalroci," "llned,gnd bated," for the rival of grease and all other kinds of foreigli substances, at the same time being rendered perfectly reoeptive to the influence et tannic acid. After leaving the tanping viae, the hide. whioh have now beoomb leather, meet their first introduotion to machinery, all the processes rip to this point having been oonduoted entirely by hand. The first machine ter make,ftr appearance, is the splitting maohtne. •' 11 is here that the fu- ture purpose or grade of the leather is de - aided upon. Ao:ording to that deotetoa the hide is divided laterally into the proper number of "cuts," or slices, of different thickness. Each of 'hese differ- ent parts is kept with others • t he same grade until the prooas 1e fin They are next retanned and bleac; ' and go through a softening process o ^.inning. is a diettnotive trade b: < i' f, and states the close: attenti.,'. :ninon details. •The•impor••ative use „ very purest oil, its manufacture int, • .1erent composition, and the applicate. . these to the leather in variable prop„- 's foe different grades of the work, a. . tors whioh determine the ultimate q... ,q of the finished product. CLEVELAND FOR THIRD TERM. WAsaINOTON, D. C.,—The possibility of party uniting on Mr, Cleveland for third term attracts increased attention here,and his nomination, despite its exceptional character, is not an impossibility. Recip- rocal trade relations with Canada and the admission into the United States free of duty of that celebrated Canadian product Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor, on ac count of its painless action and certainty, would be a plank in hie platform. Use Putnam's Corn Extractor. Sure! safe! i.ainless! To Discover a Leprosy Cure. "Is leprosy curable, and what are the best means for its control?" The solution -oi this 'question LS now- being--deteruriaed- -•by the --board of -health at Honolulu, and according to recant advices from Hawaii the matter is taking practical shape. Within the past inonth the board has es- tablished at Kalih, near the city of Hono- lulu, an hospital which has for its purpose the treatment of patients suffering from leprosy, and a careful study of the disease with a view to discovering, if possible, some reniedy or its Guru. The patients, 12 in number, were taken from the leper colony at Kalawao Island, on the Island of Molokai. Hot and medi- cated baths will be freely used. Remedies which experience has suggested will be tested in the treatment of the disease. Careful notes will be taken of the patients' progress during the different stages of the disease. Bulletins setting forth any facts of interest to members of the medical pro- fession and laymen will be published from time to time. Seven Scenes in a Woman's Life. A wee mother is carefully putting her favorite doll to bed. With tender solicitude she carefully removes each dainty garment and fastens on the tiny nightgown. Then, with a fond kiss, she hugs her treasure to her and piaoes It in its little cradle. After patting it gently, mho tip -toes out of the room as the twilight poops curiously in. A fair maiden stands before her look- ing -glass adding the last touches to her evening toilet. Her laver will soon be here! Her eyes are full of innocent love - light( She looks eagerly at her reflection In the glace t How glad sho 1s that she is pretty! She frowns a little at a crimp that will not stay just as it should. A ring oomes at the door and she hastens away to meet her beloved. A young wife sits anxiously watching for her husband. At each approaching footstep her heart beats rapturously and then grows heavy with disappointment I She will not go indoors, It is so sweet out there! The creeping shadows cheer her trembling soul --so she walte and wishes, and the shadows lengthen into darkened night. A mother is rocking her baby to sleep. He looks at her gravely while they move to and fro, as if asking why the bright sunshine must leave and tho ugly shadows hide her dear face from him. There is a wealth of wisdom In his great sweet eyes' He holds tightly to her dress, as if to keep her near him! When at last his eyes are closed, she dis- engages the loving hand,kisses him light- ly—he must not be awakened—and arisoe to put him into his crib. Then she sinks book into her chair and begins to rook him again. It is so pleasant to rest in the twilight, and he Is so sweet tD nurse! A woman kneels by a freeh-made grave. The headboard stakes coldly at her and Rooms to say over and over again the words inscribed upon it: "He was her only child, and she was a widow." With tear -laden oyes sho bands down lower and lower, till her lips rest upon the earth. She longs so to kies the quint form it is hiding from her! And the twilight seems to hurry past and lose itself In the dark- ness. 4, Dare -worn old woman sits watching the shadows come—they aro friends to her —friends that she welcomes—for they al- ways sing the same gong to her, "Ono day nearer home." And she smiles to them her thanks. She, too, repeats, "One day nearer home." And so life—woman's 11fe•a-goes on in the twilight till rest comes to her weary body And joy to her aching heart—till her spirit reaohos its home, whore never a shadow eau fall upon it. , 15 YEARS OF ITCHING. Wm. Golding, commeroial traveller, 130 Esther St.Toronto, says: For 15 years I suf- fered untold misery from Itching Piles sometimes called pin worms. Many and many the weeks I had to lay off the road from this trouble. I tried eight other pile ointments and so called remedies with no permanent relief to the intense itching and stinging, which, irritated by soratcbing, would bleed and ulcerate. One half a box of Chase's ointment cured me completely. CUM COLIC, CRAMPS, CHOLERA, DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY, CHOLERA MORBUS, CHOLERAINF ANTUM and all Summer Complaints and Fluxes of the Bowels. It is safe and liable for Children or Adults.For Salo by all Dealers. MANY PARTICULAR LADU S Who want to look nice, feel good and make the most of themselves, find me an efficient help, for I make articles that make ladies beautiful of face and form, and healthy in body. What I do for others can be done for you. We Can't tell all about it in this advel tisement. Ask ALLEN & WILSON, Clinton,Ont,,»ruggists for my book. These articles are specially good for sum- mer use. FADE BLEACH $1 per bottle. Clears the complex- ion. You 'must have it if you want to get rid of freckles, moth patches, &c. FACE POWDER—White, Flesh and Brunette, 50 cents a box. Perfection for powderusers. VOLA MOE aopal improves face beautyfor mid, wife or wdowFoe to wrinkles. Mrs Nettie Harrison, America's Beauty Doctor, 40 and 42 Geary St., San Francisco. Cal. Eastern! Office, 56Washington Ave., Detroit, Michigan. Thi CAEI September 3rd I Cork Trees. Recent returns show that 1,660,000 acres of land are planted with cork trees in Spnin. It is just 100 years ago since a cork factory was started in Gerona, and the manufacture of cork Is now one of the chief industries of the country. Over 1,- 400,000,000 corks for bottles, representing a value of $2, 700,000 are prodtiood annual- ly, and about 12,000 men are engaged in cork work. It is difficult to calculate the income derived from oork, as statistics in Spain are very faulty, and no acoount is kept of the cork used In the country itself. It is esttmatod, however, that during the present year $5,859,000 was paid for the cork exported. FOR WORMS OF ALL KINDS. Sirs,—I have used Dr Low's Worm Sp- rup for Worms with excellent results. I can recommend it to all others who 'are troubled with worms. EIeMA HIRON, Glen Oak. fE L. a—us Our fall term commences Sept. 3rd,and we expect a grand class of young men and women. Would you not like to juin us. Can you think of a better way to snend three or four months? Send in your name and let us tell you what we are prepared to do for you. -- Engaged.----. Mre" Htoks—" 1 can hardly afford to pay $20 a month." Bridget Broket—" So the girl next door told me." Mag. Hicks—`Did she? Her mistress said that. When can you come?" (ventral Business College, • Stratford, Ont. P. MeINTOSH, Principal. A Qualified Answer. Dukgpe—` ` What is the Order of Cinoin- natti, Gaswell?" Gaswell—" I was never in the town more than twice or three times, but then I gathered the impression that the lienal order was 'beer and bologna." Doctor What isood Por cleansirjg the Scalp and Hair• I seem to have tried overy01^1.st and am in despair Why Mrs R. the very bast thigis PALMO TAR SOAP . itis splendid For Washilg (54,7-6 the (lead it preventsdryne53 thus Puts an end to Dandrufr Cfri, and Freshens the hair nicely. 25$ FORA WISE T1a_f7 Great : Luxury For Bummer use in lighting and cooking over the Wanzcr Lamp ROd1Y THE letter G stands for GROCERIES, so do we, all the year round, and for First -Class Groceries at that. Groceries are to eat, and what ie to eat ebould never be tampered with. Any article we sell is Top Quality. Buying Groceries from us insures e. well supplied table, and gives yon the benefit of the lowest prices obtainable anywhere for high grade goods.1 Fruit is right in line now, and you will want E ..LSV t t ^- P S Onr stock of Jars is large and the price is right. Farm produce taken as cash.—Telephone No. 28. OGLE COOPER & CO. A good meal for 6 persons. Joint roasted, and ve- getables and pud ding cooked for less than 1 cent. A11 put in same time, giving a se- vere letting alone requiring no at- tention; can bo absent for two and one hours;on _ your return you will Lind a nice cooked dinner, aad no odor. do many small dishes can be cooked over it while you enjoy the light, such as oysters, ham and eggs, porridge, water boiled, tea -and coffee made, vtoak broiled. etc., make the lamp very desirable and without an equal for the sick room or for warming the baby's food, and when not used for cooking, a beautiful lamp for the draw - Ing room. Great step saver, making cooking a pleasure. AGENTS WANTED—Send for circulars. Cash Grocery 1 door North of News -Record. ed Cap !! Red Cap BINDER TWINE A limited quantity of the old reliable brand, only 62c. Get it at once. Full stock of Scythes, Forks and Snaths Old Stand Now Stare GARLAND BBOS. Brick Block WIDE Lamp and Manufacturing Com'y HAMILTON, ONT, J. C. STEVE'NSON, —THE LEADING— UNDERTAKER —AND— EMBALMER. A FULL LINE OF GOODS KEPT in STOCK ThebestEmbftlming Fluidused Splendid Hearse. ALBERT ST. ,CLINTON Residence overstore OPPOSITE TOW SALL , Not Damaged by the Frost. o, Our Stock of Sugars were not damaged by Frost, but as the market is higher and excited, we quote no prices, but will not be undersold. Prices obtained by calling at our store, also Bar;aina in everything in our line Iu Black TEAS we have the Dabs Kola Blend at sects a pound, and the Salads Package at 40c., best value in town. In Japans at 25 and 35 cents we beat them all. In fact no matter what you need in our line, we guarantee to give a4 good quality, and ar low prices as can be got anywhere. Canned Goods of all kinds. Soap fin great variety. Hams. Bacon. Lard. Cottolene always in stock. Crockery and Glaesware away dowr Give us a call and see what we can do for you. Mc1IIURR4Y WILTSE, NearPostOflice—CENTRAL GROCERY—Telephoce 40 Adams' Empori um CWiI ANDVSE T cg EFED A Ready Made Clothing For Men's, Youths' and Children. They' are splendid valve. HANDSOME DISPLAY OF MILLINERY Special value in BOOTS, SHOES and RUBBERS. A large line of Tan Shoes, very nice. We have also BARB WIRE, Black Wire, White Wire and Collins Patent Twist. Field and Garden Seeds of hest quality. Special value in Sugar, Tea and every line of Groceries. Produce taken in exchange. ADAMS' EMPORIUM, R. ADAMS, LONDESBORO ..4.1r-� �; mt, LONDESBORO i e Agts. for all Farm Implement + MASSEY-HARRIS Binders, Mowers, Drills f 11►�( �Seeders. Cultivators, Readers and A pr all kinds of Plows �i�✓ff4 , j;, 'dr "" !Ky , , Fall line of Machinery and Plow Repairs y KINDER TWINE—Best brands of Twine at Inw prices. A complete lino of J. Brunsd on & Son, Buggies, Road Cans, Waggons Fine Buggies and Standard Waggons a specialty. Agents for Gould, Sbarplyy,, & Muir Wind Mille OUR MOTTO—First-class l work vendtbest o RepairingalIand0.1lkinds of Jgood Worlr�o I articles. Prompt .TOHN BRUNSDON & SON, Londesboro. �.,...� u...n.... R-I-P.A-N-S ONE GIVES RELIE .,,uy,nln,nnr.h.n.n.n.n te*..nn.n.n.n....n........ n.n.n .n,nrmsn ,isiesto