Clinton New Era, 1895-07-12, Page 5GREAT MIDSUMMER T Dilgit DNESDAY . July17t_ Almost every one knows the class of goods this store has the name of carry- ing; they also know what Bargain Day here means. Not only will the balance of Summer Stuff be cleared out at ridiculous pLices, but every line of goods within our four walls will go at Bargain Day Prices, so if lvou want anything that we have, your chance is on the 17th of July. 14 nds beautiful French Flannels, all different pat- terns and colors, and finest wool, regular 50c, for 25C 5 ends double fold Dress Goods in Fawns, Grey and Blue Grey with Brown mixed, regular 25c. These . are lovely Tweed Suitings, bargain day only15c 3 ends, double fold, all wooi Tweed Suitings, 50c25c ends, double fold, all wool Whipcords in Navy, Prune, Myrtle, Green, Garnet & Brown, 50c, for 35C end Black Wool, double fold Grenadine, 60c. for 39c end, about 10 yards, Black Figured double fold Grenadine,rregular price 25c, for 15c remnants or ends, fine all wool double fold Serges &Cashmeres,,.worth from -,50c to -$1.253, all at half -price - 13 , 202 and 11 yards, 3 ends, fine Black Dress Goods, regular 60 cents, for .. 39c 2 ends, Dove and Fawn, Bengaline, both sides alike all wool, double fold, regular 60c, for .... 39c 16 ends, lovely double fold Nun's Veiling, in Olive, Pink, Blue, Gold, White, Navy, Nile, ' all on Cream grounds, regular 60 cents for............ 45C WASH GOODS A lot of 15 pieces, all assorted patterns and colors in newest Pongees, 32in. wide, fast colors, worth 15c 9c 3 pieces Newest things, Bedford Cord Wash goods in Pink Cream grounds, worth 18c for ..... .. 9C 1 lot Fancy Muslins and Scotch dimities, all lovely dtxlors and this season's goods in Lemon, Pink light Green, light Blue, Cream, White and Black and White, regular prices 25 and 30 cents, for... 15C Chambrays in Pink, light Blue, also a lot of Fanoy Cotton Crepons, were 18c and Die, bargain day 122c 6 ends best fine all wool Delain, were 40 to 50c, for 24C 2 pieces fine Delaine, regular 25c and 30c, for.... 15c All our finest and best Ladies' Shirt Waists in Blue Pink, Fawn & White, were $1.35 & $1.75, choice 98C All our best and widest fast colored Prints, 10c and 122c, bargain day . ... . . 2 pieces 32in. Twilled Flannelette, 18c, bargain day 2pieces Crepon Gingham, regular 15c, bargain day 10 163oes beautiful, soft fine Gingham regular 12c... 5 pieces Grey, Cardinal and Brown, 32 inch heavy Flannelette, regular price 15c, bargain day.. .. Best. 36 inch Heavy Sheeting, regular price 8c, for 5 doz 46x19 Cotton Towels, regular 25c per pr. for 7 dozen all Linen Towels, regular 40c per pair. for ,4.' lot of Table Covers,TrayCloths,Sideboard Drapes 8c 10c 9c 5c 9c 6c 15c 25c Carpets, Oil Cloths and Linoleums 1 end Hemp Carpet, regular price 12c, sale price 9C 1 end Hemp Caapet, regular price 25c, sale price 19C 1 end Hemp Carpet, regular price 20c, sale price 15c 1 end Union Carpet, regular price 45c, sale price 35C 3 ends Union Carpet, regular price 60c, sale price 45c 2 ends All Wool Carpet, regular price $1 sale price 75C 2 ends Tapestry Carpets.regular price 45c sale price 35c 1 end Tapestry Carpet, regular price 50c. sale price 39c 2 ends TapestryCarpet, regular price 60c, sale price1150 3 ends Linoleum, 2 yards wide, regular price $1.50 98c —sale price---- PARASOLS--our entire stock 2 only, Parasols, regular price $3.75 for 82.50 1 only, Parasol, very beautiful article $4.50 for.. 2.90 2 only, very fine goods, were $3.50, for .25 2 only, very fine quality, were $5.25, for 2.00 3 only, very fine quality, were $2.75, for.. 1.75 4 only, very fine quality, were $2.50, for 1.0 2 only, very fine quality, were $2 . 25, for 1 only, very fine quality, was $1.40, tor 1 only, very fine quality, was $1.10, for Some of the best and choicest goods we buy are in this lot; secure a bargain 105 SMALLWARES and NOTIONS Veilings, Hosiery in Tans, Fast Blacks, Creams, Greys andWhites, both in Ladies', Misses and Children's, Corsets, Silk Mitts, Silk Gloves in color and Black, Em- broideries, Insertions all widths and patterns, Laces in cream, butter and white all widths and patters, V` hite check Mnslins, Nainsooks, White Victoria Lawns, Love- ly white stripe Muslins, broad, medium and narrow. In fact this entire department ' must give its share to the array of bargains on the 17th, so keep posted and secure as much as you can while it is passing HOUSE FURNISHINGS Window Blinds, both with dado and fringe, Cur- tain Poles, Lace Curtains, Chenille Portiers, Curtain Net, Art Muslim, Cretonnes, Eiderdown Pillows, Ladies' Waterproof Cloaks, Spotted Window tuslins, Smyrna Rugs, Moquette Rugs, Cardinal and Red Wool Mats. All these and numerous other lines to be sold that day at away below cost. MEN'S CLOTHING Men's Fine Tweed Suits, regular $13,25, for .... S9.50 Strong, all wool Suits, regular $10, bargain day.. 7.50 . 1 only, Fine Black Worsted Suit, regular $15, for 10.00 Fine Tweed Suits, all sizes, regular $11.75, for.... $8.50 Strong, good wearing Suits, regular $7.50 for.... 5.50 Good Diagonal Tweed, regular $7.50, for 5.00 A few of those good Navy Serge Suits left,$4.15 for 3.50 3 Suits, Fancy Scotch Check, Black, were $SI, for 6.75 A lot of Odd Pants at a big reduction. BOYS' CLOTHING 7 Suits Boys' Clothing, 2 pieces, regular $2.50..$1 50 5 Suits Boys' Clothing, 2 pieces, regular 2.75.. 1 95 8 Suits Boys' Clothing, 2 pieces, regular 3.00.... 2 25 11 Snits Boys' Clothing, 2 pieces, regular 3.50.. 2 76 9 Suits Boys' Clothing, 2 pieces, regular 4.00.. 2 90 15 Suits, sizes 29 & 39, 3 pieces, regular 5.50... 3 95 Young Men's Suits from 32 to 35 breast. 25 Suits ranging in price from $5 to $8 50, to go Bargain Day at from $3.60 to $6.50 MEN'S GHATS AND TWEEDS All our Gents Straw •Hats at half price All our Youth's and Children's Hats at half price 1 end fine all wool Tweed, was 60c, for .35C 1 piece Grey, all wool Tweed, regular 50e, for ....300 1 piece Fawn Wool Tweed, worth 40c, for 25c 1 piece Grey Check Tweed, worth 45c, for Besides several remnants and ends fine wool Tweed 33c at half price 2 ends fancy Grey Check Tweeds, were 55e for36c Boys'eand Girls HEADWEAR dozensofLadies' Fancy wool Tam O'Shanters, Ladies', Misses and Children's Fancy Street and School Caps, little Boys' and Girls' White Sailor Caps in Cream and Blue, Boys' Navy Cloth Caps, Girls Navy and white Cloth Caps, Girls' Cardinal Caps, Children's Fez Caps, Boys' Tweed Caps. All let go that day as bargain day prices, which means away below cost MEN'S FURNISHINGS Braces, Socks, Ties, Undershirts and Pants, Top Shirts, White Shirts, both laundried and unlaundried Men's Regatta Shirts with or without collars, Men's Fancy Neglige Shirts. 411 laid before the public;;on bargain day at prices to clear them out at once. 'There is but one way tobenefit by a chance of this kind and that is by getting here as early in the morning as possible, while there is time and room to wait on you; otherwise the crowd soon becomes so vast that you have to take chances with the rest. And as the house is to be full of bargains that day, our adviceto you is try and be as early as possible, and each person bring another along to help share the bargains. As everything will be sold only for Spot Cash, y9t3, may expect cheap gcods that day. GILROY 8C ViTISIAMAN - Clinton,