Clinton New Era, 1895-06-21, Page 6JO ''UL EXCLAMATION OF SIR ALEUNDEIt MO'FATT, OF MILLBROOK, ONT. 'o ne's Uelcry, Coluipound Victorious Alter the Doctors Eared. Mr , Moffatt is of opinion that all his A►uffering+ and trouilales had their origin in liver Complaint,'a terribly dtMgerons mai. *dy that Is dragging many a man and wo- lpaan to the grave. This disease may le acute or chronic. In the acute form, here are violent burning pains conveyed to the shoulder and right arm, short Dough, aver, irregular bowels and constipation. In the ehronio form of liver complaint, 'there are many morbid eonditions, . euoh as yenl&rgment,somtehing,abscesses and degen- Oration. The symptom are, weight in dtopigoh; flatulence, nausea, bilious vomi- ting, loss of appetite, thirst, white and dry #ongae, bitter taste, and a host of other miserable conditions. • w Long experience has 'fully proved, that Paine's Celery Compoand is the only med- icine that can suoceasfully grapple with the rdeaded disease of liver complaint. -Uonestand=able dootora are advising, thein attests to make use of Paine's Celery eMonad, for the great reason, that they seek neenwistirs I know of no other medicine that gives such prompt and effective results. The cure of Mr Moffatt amply proves every statement made in favor of Pause's Celery Compound, and clearly demonstrates the feet, that when physicians fail. to oure, nature's med- ioine is Sure to do the good work. Mr Moffatt writes thus:- " Having been a sufferer for years from severe pains in the side, back and breast, caused, I, firmly believe, byla sluggish liver, I received the treatment of eminent phy- sicians, hysicians, and was compelled to wear a fur coat summer and winter; I was also advised to wear a chamois vest, but ting seemed to do me good. "At last I was advised by kind friends to try Paine's Celery Compound; and after us- ing six bottles, I find that I am perman- ently cured. Paine's Celery Compound has indeed done wonders for me. You may publish this for the benefit of suffering hu- manity. NEWS NOTES 11l<r Robert Riddell of Westminster banged himself. York County Council has decided to abolish toll gates. Two members of the Ladies' Orange Benevolent Association were fined $20 each at Hamilton for violating the in- surance ant. KARL'S CLOVER ROOT will purify your blood, clear your complexion, regulate year Bowels and make your head clear as a bell. 25c., 50o., and $1. Sold by J. H. Combe. It is now stated on excellent author- ity that no propositoin relating to the UIndson Bay Railway will be brought before Parliament this session by the i il-overnment. 1t is reported that in Dakota the 'other day, a man named Korn and a Miss Maggie Wheat were united in marriage. After the event was con- <cluded the organist very appropriately ,played: "What shall the jharvest be ?' (CATARRH RELIEVED IN 10 To 60 MINUTES. °One short cuff of the breath through the Blower Inupplied with each bottle of Dr. Agnew's Oatar xrha1 Ponder, diffuses this Powder over the sur - /ace of the nasal passages. Painless and delight, Ifni -to use, it relieves instantly, and permanently Bares Catarrh, Hay Fever Colds, Headache, Sore Throat, Tonsiiitis and Deafness. 60 coats. At 'WATTS Bc CO'S., Clinton. tE Seven Senators serving on the Di- a-'carce.Co n1nittee resigned on Wednes- eday, because their repii9 regarding - certain case that they had investigated bad been reversed by the Senate. Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry .cures Diarnccea, Dysentery, Cramps, Colic, ‘Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum, and ,ill other looseness of the bowels. Never travel without it. Price 35c. Mrs Lucy King, an American wo- trnan, threw her new-born infant from an excursion train at Rouse's Point, Quebec. The child was not injured, and is at present the property of the State, the Sheriff having seized him as ```hreasure trove." A GRATEFUL MOTHER. RELATES HOW HER DAUGHTER'S LIFE WAS SAVED. 11,21lE3IIAAND GENERAL DEBILITY HAD BROUGHT -HER TO THE VERGE OF THE GRAVE—PURI- CLANS FIELD OOT No HOPE OF RECOVERYt.•-- DR. WILLIAM'S PINK PILLS AGAIN PROVE L LIFE Seven. From the Ottawa Free Press. A personal paragraph in the Free Press some time ago simply stating that Miss Sophie Belanger, 428 Cooper street, Otta- wa, had recovered from a serious illness •caused by anasmi% and general debility, has apparently awakened more than usual in- terest among her relatives and acgnain -tames. So much so, indeed, that a report- er of the paper found it extremely interest- ing to visit the family and enjoy a chat with Mrs Belanger on the recovery of her daughter after she bad for two years been considered irrecoverably a victim of this terribly enervating and dangerous disease. Mrs Belanger is a very intelligent Frenob-, Canadian, wife of Mr Joseph Belanger, whose wall paper and paint and glass es- tablishment is at 146 Bank street. Miss Sophia Bale,nger, the whilom invalid, vas- eillating between life and death, is a prom- ising young lady of seventeen years. She She Lay on a Couch Like one Dying. its a student ander the nuns in ,$t. Jean Baptiste echo& on Primrose Hill. Over two years ago she fell sick and rapidly 'wasted away. The nature of her disease appeared to be a profound myetery to the phyeiolans as they were called in one after the other. Despair seized the family as they looked upon the once beautiful, apirit- ed girl, laying day in and day out, weeks and months on her couch, simply slowly vanishing and they powerless even to raise a smile on her wan lips. Each succeeding medical man gravely told the parents to prepare for the worst. However, Mrs Bel - angor is not one of those women that give tip in despair while there is still hope, as her own words will denote. ',It Wag a terrible time," eke said. "We lted.been told again and again that nothing dotiid be done to save Sophio, and had all xiteetbeen forced by appearances to believe lit.• i bane now to say that but for Dr "'Ghillietne' Pink Pills shy would have been 3 her gaave instead of attending school , every day the livliest of the lively. It`be. gan like this; the poor girlwas coming to me three or four times a day exclaiming, 'Oh, ma; I have such a terrible headache. I cannot stand the pain of it.' This went on for a Iong time, weeks in fact, until we be- gan to look at it in a very serious light. We had almost every French doctor in the city called in, but with no result. Sophie got worse and worse. Her face was smell end yellow while her lips were ae white as your collar. She was listless and apathe- tic, and•so weak she could not raise her hand to her head. A leading doctor forced her to take a certain kind of powders, which seemed to be taking the flesh from the bones. Her akin became hot and parched, her eyes sank into her head and she lay on the coaon as one dead, taking no interest whatever in things going on around her. Then it was we became ooiafirmed to the popular belief that she was going to die. It was agonizing to look at her, but we became ;partially resigned to the fate that appeared to be overtaking ns. She was watched day and night, but we could detect no change unless for the worse. All hope had gone. I had read of the cures by the use of Dr Williams' Pink Pills, and about this time I noticed a description published in the Free Press somewhat similiar to Sophie's case. Something seemed to urge me to give them a trial, and now I thank God I did. I sent for some and began giving them to her one at a time. Before long we saw an improve- ment, and gradually increased the dose from one to two, then to three at regular intervals, -. It was incredible to note the change. Her Dolor came back, a different' look in her eyes, her general health and appearance gave us all new interest in her. Before the fourth box was gone Sophie was able to be up and around again, and a farther use of them fully restored her health, or rather snatched her from the brink of the grave. To Dr Williams' Pink Pills is due all the credit for ,ve had stop- ped doctors medicine, and sifrrply gave her these, following the directions around the box. My daughter's life was saved by Pink Pills and no one knows better than her mother. I wish to tell everyone of the cure, as it is almost impossible to believe that the poor thing that lay there, and the happy, may cheeked girl who goes regular- ly to her classes are one and the same per- son in such a marvellously short apace of time, and you may be sure I am advising ailing neighbors to use this w'onderfhl med- icine." dust as the reporter was leaving Miss Belanger returned from school. She was MS picture of grape, health and beauty, her lithe physique denoting health in every movement, while her face showed the warm, ruddy glow of health. She cor- roborated all her mother had said besides adding some new testimony. Happiness now abideth in that home where misery held sway too long, and Mrs Belanger rests her faith in Dr Williams' Pink Pills, which will do for other weak girls what they did for her daughter. CANADA'S GREAT FAIR FOR; 1895 "Greater and better than ever," " Ex- celling all others;" and "it draws like a magnet," are terms very appropriately applied to Toronto's Great Industrial Fair, the seventeenth of which will be held from the 2nd to the 14th of September next and the Directors announce their determ- ination to make this year's Fair eclipse all former ones. They have issued a very neat- ly gotten up prize Iist, a Dopy of which can be procured by anyone who so desires, by dropping a post oard to Mr H. J. Hill, the Manager, at Toronto. Already many applications have been received from man- ufacturers both in Canada and from abroad for space to exhibit their products, ecd present indications point to a greater and grander Exhibition than any of the previ- oua ones. Cheap exoursione will as usual be run on all railroads, and this will un- doubtedly be the most popular holiday out- ing of the year. Numeroae new and inter- esting attractions will be pr'oyided. Al- most everyone who claims to keep posted on the progress of our country goes to the Toronto Fair, which is generally admitted to be the best on this continent. At the Agricultural Committee in Ottawa, Mr Craig horticulturist at the Experimental Farm, advocated the erection of cold storages in the fruit districts of Canada, in which fruit may be stored sufllciently long to tide over a glutted market or a period of weak demand. THE BEST OF ALL. We'have been mnoh interested, of late,in the many dolls possessed by a neighbor's little girl. She has them of all kinds, col- ors, and descriptions, but the ono that pleas- ed ne most was issued by the J. C. Ayer Co. Lowell, Maes. It is the "Doll -Bride," has a beautiful face, many changes of fashion- able clothing and hate, and is certainly the gem of the collection, as well as a work of art. We were surprised to be informed that they sent the doll to any one, with the complete outfit, for only 12 cents in stamps. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorlaa THE ' M ANTONr NNW' ERA The bye-e1e tion in Anti onish On Thursday, for the I Anse of sselnbi!, caused by thee resignation o Mr OE V. Mcisaac, M.P., resulted in the return of 14Ir Angus ltIcflillivray (Liberal) by a iinajol'ityof nearly 800 over Dr.Fraser (Conservative,) Of the seventeen students who grad- uated at the Detroit `School of Dentis- try, Friday, eight were from this Pro- vince. Ontario boys get along where ever they cast their lot. These young men will practice their profession in the United States, as their diplomas are not valid .here. TQRIE QF ; MQNTE ,A L O. B4sne 9 �TIao 'true, nUfly I1'aIS:t ;ZLut Al>i l ply Xtltege9ti11 Bilk who should ' this be, gipping some UFA 'ern qutla at the marble table but an. old friend whom 1 Will Oil : Mr. Specta- tor? He lives at Mot •Carlo; he has passed a snore of seasons. here; he has plenty Of money; ho goes to the Casino every day and every seyglting, and he never•pays a cent. t is hie occupation in life to be an obseer of t)hiugs and to Intuit the ways of man and womankind. In the summer he will Mark them at Alsedes.Bainss 'ab I,ausan. ate or at Trots - Re know eyer}'ahipg abut what is. going: on just'AoWTato."iilgnty;" what. Russian princess pawned her diamonds last week, and what Cuban spgar planter did not die of apoplexy at the Hotel Carmboie but poisoned himself with prus- sie acid. "He was a fool, sir," quoth Mr. Speotator,:"Why 'didn't ho go t0 the Administration? -Why didn't he make his declaration? They knew well enough that he had lost 200,000 francs in the oourse of tens Bays. Tho .would have paid his traveling and hotel esepenses baok to Paris, or back to Brazil for the matter of that. Ile was a fool, sir!" • Mr. Spectator went on to explain that when a cleaned -out player made a candid admission of his impeoujiosity the administration gave him a sum of issonoy sufficient to defray his journey by railway to the place whence ho Dame and his incidental expenses en route. He mentioned one ease in which a whole family of five persons were allowed fifteen Ionia apiece to take thorn from Monte Carlo to London, the sole condi- tion attaohed to the Iargesse being that the recipient should not re-enter the'Cas- ino unless he or she recouped the Admin- istration for their outlay. In the case which he oitod, one of the party, a lady, who had not gone farther than Nice, re- ceived some weeks afterwards a handsome remittance from England. She went back blithely to "Monty," repaid the fifteen louts, re-entered the Casino, and backing the douze dernier, not forgetting zero, won £300. "You are not to be- lieve," added Mr. Spectator, "a tithe of the sensational stories printed about rein- ed gamesters hanging themselves to trees in the gardens, or blowing out their brains in the reading -room." The major- ity of these canards are set on foot by ob- scure French newspapers which have not been subventioned or bribed by the Ad- ministration to puff Monte Carlo. One of the pleasantest characteristics of my friend Mr. Spectator is that every time you moot him he has a fresh story to tell you about an infallible system for winning at roulette, and this time he re- galed me with a succinct narrative of what I may call. the "Wellington boot sys- tem." Capt. Backum had played for many years a large number of systems, and by the time he was five -and -forty had played away a handsome fortune. A happy thought occurred to him: He al- ways wore Wellington boots. His capital was just five louts. This he changed into five -franc pieces, and he never staked more than one piece at a tinio, and if he won he withdrew his stakes after the third coup. His winnings he carefully placed in a side pocket, and whenever he Imd won four pieces he changed them into a louts and slipped the coin into one of his boots. Ho played for seven conse- cutive hours before his stock capital was exhausted.' Then he returned_ to . blice,_ somewhat heavy of step, and, drawing off his boots. found that ho had won a hundred Louis. "This was two years ago," continued Mr. Spectator, "and only last week I found Backum at a third class hotel at Nice. He was In a dressingegown and slippers, and looking by no means cheerful. "Bow about the Wellington boot system?" I asked. "Utter collapse," he replied. "Confound- ed run of bad luck." "And the boots?" I went on. "The boots?" he replied. "I pawned them yesterday afternoon." So this is "Monty" in full awing; "Monty," with its ups and downs, its ceaseless whirl of gayety and dissipation. There is no rest at Monte Carlo. When you aro tired of play there aro dramatic performances; there are concerts; there Is a pigeon shooting; and in the spring and summer thorn is plenty of yachting. But alt these are only side issues. The Grand Trunklino of Monte Carlo loads to the Temple of Mammon. It is crowded night and day by people lusting for money which they have not earned, and it is the Road to Ruin. Bishop Taylor's Work in Africa. In an interview with Bishop Taylor re- cently about his work in Africa he said that the results were fairly satisfactory. It is believed to be an absolute essential that the people accept the Christian re- ligion- "King Hedge's case is an example," said the Bishop. "He had been fairly well educated years ago; had lived among the whites on the west coast. Ho was, In a sense, civilized; but he was no. a Christian. Well, ho wont back to lits lit- tle tribe, threw away his clothes and wore the single garment of his tribe. He took seven wives, and in all ways became a sa vago. "Recently he became converted, put away all his wives but one, dressed like a white man, and used all his influence to help the missionaries. " "Which wife did ho keep, Bishop," I asked. "Tho Bret ono, or the last one?" "He kept the one that was -the one that was most -suitable. Each of them had her home, and was comfortably sit- uated. Most of them had chlld.ien. He selected the one that had no children, that seemed to caro most for him, that was most attentive. He called all his people together and told them he had ao- cepted Christ's laws. One of those laws wasjthat a man could have but one wife. He said -'I have seven wives. Chief Do there has seven. We pan have but one.' " "And it is a country of unmeasured, perhaps immeasurable, wealth," said the Bishop. "The soil will produce mar- vellously. The temperature is from sixty to ninety degrees the year round. There la no winter. It is a land of iron. There is much coal." But in all this his interest is only in- oidontal. The man's heart and soul are in the missionary work, and his whole church watches and applauds him and re- poses abundant faith in his wisdom. 1,0 oSte sts Hod Se't5 f1Upt1611S etc. tomes SKIN 5.7 R flet wil,Il;� z5a PAtMa -TAR SOAP A BOON AND A 33LE$SING. A boon and a blessing to ` mankind is Hagyard's Yellow Oil, the great pain des- troyer and healing remedy for external and internal use. Yellow Oil, cures all ashes and pains, rhuematism, lame baok, sore throat, oroup, deafness, cramps, eontraoted cords and lameness. BABY'S BURNING SKIN. Skin Peeling Off, Skin Literally Afire, Cooled and Soothed by Chtae'a. The great feature of Chase's Otatsiteaat-A4 most instantly it toucher itching, flit.*• tag, ecreniatic skin, relieving the.palik- . Is a boon to =others whose children era Offerers - There is nothing uncertain , •fret$ It err Otte way er speaking rarest it t ' "My rix -year sold daughter Bella, was ted wtth''iasoma four eternonttht -the Wad. seataYmwto every r ion 'being Zhinte advertised, , mtr Noe d, bo ght innumerable medicines and soaps and took the ohlld to medical speolalistr In akin dis- eases, but without result. Slimilya weak age I purchased a box of Dr. Chase's Ointment, anti MA Bret applicatien ehowed the curative edict of the remedy. We have used only one-dzr* the box, bat the change is tory marked, dandy say my child its cured. (nidI can coca- gned) MAXWlilll , JOHNSTON, 1SS! Ann Street, Toronto. A face that was a scab Is forehead M chin tared in le days. Oa behalf of the Fred Victor Mission Bible Claes I wish to express our gratitude to you for the box of Chace s Ointment which you MD - plied in aid of our charitable work to the infatat Child of Mrs. Browerig, 160 River street. Ten days ago the child was awfully afRioted with scald bead, the face being literally one seat, from forehead to ohin, and in that brief time a complete cure has been affected. Surely your gift was worth more than its weight in gold. EDMUND TERM 104 Slerbonrne Street, Toronto. THER1# OFCAIHG. S CIATICA..Rptf U MATT S . VEUQAl,G1A - AINS IN BACK (VIDE Old ANY1413CUTAlt Pac5 • j,lES IN USING jil EIWI H o l- ' . re tot AMa 11.100" t +~Int evalltialiti ll! POWDERS Care SICK HEADACHE and Neuralgia in 20 MINUTES also Coated Tongue, Dizzi- ness, BilioSaness, Vain in the Side, Constipation, Torpid Liver, Bad Breath. to stay cured also regulate the bowels. VERY M1OE TO TAKE. PRIOE 26 CENTS AT DRUG, bronze. CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE Stratford, Ont. WHAT ABOUT THE You are thinking of tak- ing a commercial course. You want to become a good bookkeeper or an expert shorthander. Per- haps you don't want to be FALL, either, but want a good every day practical edu cation. You want to begin about Sep- tember. Let us show you how we can help you, Write us for samples of work and catalogue. P. McINTOSH, Principal. HtfRON AND BRUCE Loan S Investment Co This Company is Loaning Money on Farm Security at Lowest Rates of Intere MORTGAGES - . - PURCHASED SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. 3, 4 and 5 per Gent. Interest Allowed on Deposits, according toamount and time left. OFFICE -Cor. Square n North St., Goderioh HORAOE 11ORTON Manager O'u J. C. SflVENSON, --THE LEADING— UNDERTAKER —AND— EMBALMER. A FULL LINE OF GOODS KEN' i11 STOCK ThebestEmbalming Fluidused Splendid'$earse. A.LBERTST.,CLINTON Residence overetore OPPOSITE TOW BALL FOR@ LIVER Y AND STOI iM 11 TROUBLES HEPATIC WAPE: Women, Children, Teachers, Scholars, Thinkers; Lawyers, Merchants, all busi- ness well to enjoy good health and per- form their work must have liver and stomach in good condition. One balt the misery of life is caused by liver and stomach troubles. If you are a sufferer know that Alien & Wilson sell HepaticWafers. $1 pays for one months' treatment. Only 3 to 6 months' treatment necessary. DIRECTIONS. --One wafer a day after breakfast or on retiring at night Once a week in addition take a Seidlitz Powder or Citrate Magnesia. Mrs Nettie Harrison, America's Beauty Doctor, 40 and 42 Geary St.. San Francisco. Cal. Eastern Office, 50Waskingtolli Ave., Detroit, Michigan. Not Damaged bythe Frost. Our Stook of Sugar° were not damaged by Frost, but as the market is higher and excited, we quote no prices, but will not be undersold. Prides obtained by calling at our store, also Bargains in everything in our line In Black TEAS we have the Dalu Kola Blend at 50cts a pound, and the Salad, Package at 40c., beat value in town. In Japans at 25 and 35 cents we beat them all. In faot.no,matter what you need in our line, we guarantee to give as god quality, and as low prides as can be got anywhere. Canned Goods of all kinds. Soa#'tin great'variety Hams, Bacon. Lard, Cottolene always in stock. Crockery and Glassware away down Give us aaoann and see what we can do for you. McMURRA.Y & WILTSE, NearPostoffice—CENTRAL GROCERY—Telephone 40 ,A DOD buy SPRAY and sp ray INVESTMENT a PUMP fruit trees WE HAVE THEM -ALL KINDS, FROM $1 to $10. PREPARE FOR CUTTING YOUR LAWN BY GETTING ONE OF OUR 18 inch Lawn Mowers only .$5,50 AVOID THE TROUBLESOME FLYS BY PUTTING ON Screen Windows and Doors (EARLY). WE HAVE THEM VERY CHEAP. New sure iVlaekayBlock RAR LAN B BROS. Old Stand Brick Block LASH IS RING GOOD EATING is the keystone to health. You can buy the keystone kind of Groceries at The CASH GROCERY In Canned Goods, Vegetables, Meats and all kinds of table delicacies, we carry a full assortment. Teas & Coffees a Specialty For or or Sole agents for the Celebrated "Monsoon" Indian Tea. Extra good value in Young Hyson, 5lbs for $1. Prompt Delivery, Good Goods and Fresh Groceries, Low Prices and Fair healing. Farm produce taken as cash. -Telephone No. 23. OGLE COOPER & CO, Cash Grocery 1 door North of New9..Record. Featherbone Skirt Bone For Giving STYLEand SHAPE A light, pliable, elastic bone made from quills. It is soft and yielding, conforming readily to folds, yet giving proper shape to Skirt or Dress. to The only Skirt Bone that may be wet without injury. The Celebrated Feather - bone Corsets are cords with this material. For Sale by leading Dry Goode Dealers. L adies Dresses Adams' Emporia!n WE HAVE RECEIVED A Ready Made Clothng GRAND STOOK OF For Men's, Youths' and Children. They are splendid valve. HANDSOME DISPLAY OF MILLINERY Special value in BOO'S, SEIOES and RUBBERS. A large line•of Tan very nice. We have also BARB WIRE, Black Wire, White Wire and Patent Twist. Field and Garden Seeds of beet quality. Special value in Tea and every line of Groceries. Produce taken in exchange.. ADAMS' EMPORIUM, L7 a ADA /\ LONDESBORO 1� L ri (hoes, ;dins J. Brunsd on & Son, LONDESBORO Agts. for all Farm .Implem.ent MASSEY•HABRIS Binders, Mowers, Drilla Seeders, Caltivator., Scanlan and all kinds of Plows Fall line of Machinery and Plow Repairs BINDER TWIN'S -Best brands of Twine et low prices. A templet° line of Buggies, Road Carts, Waggons ....., cw o 4,..�y "'t"4 Fine Ruggles and standard Waggons +1N �.h�-w •wa N' -` R o4tY — wr"/r a spoolatty. Agents & Muir Wind Dallis OUR MOTTO-3Irettela estork for mtiaadcsconisawith good ' attention given to Repairsgnall kindof Job Work. JOHN BIWISTEIDON & SON, Londesboro. Prompt 404