Clinton New Era, 1895-06-14, Page 7"r{qr rr,r'.7' .ti McTeod's _... System RENOVATOR AND °TREE Tested Remedies. SRE1IFIc M D ,"ANTIDOTE: ,For Impure, Weak and Impoverished ` Blcod Dyepepeia, Sleeplessness, >r altlq- °tatiOn of the Hes*t, �iver Qoinplault ``Neuralgia, Lose of Memory, Bronohitie `(dol t4fllption, Gan., Stones, Jalihdioe,. Kid nay and Urinary Diseases; St. Vitus Deride :IremalelIrregnlaritiee and General Debility LABORATORY, MEMO J: 111. 1oLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer Sold in Clinton by'. iJ.11.'COMBS, andALLAN & WILSON BUTORER.SHQPB *T PAYS TO'i Central Butcher Shop 'corium &WILSON• Subscribers desire to notify the public that they have bought out the butchering business lately conducted by Mr Jae A.Ford, and will con- tinue the same under their personal supervision. Orders will have prompt and careful attention, Fresh at rreaassoof nablelraite kinds dna liveredt ,n season. anywhere in town, ARTHUR COUCH, CHAS. N. WILSON CLINTON. BUSINESS CHANGE Central Butcher Shop Last week we uetieea the .plasingof aetudent. Here ,41,vb t a r 1mdeyminks of ogr,work; pNQew Yerle Feb 16, 1895. Mr. D. McLAcuLeN, Chatham, Out., Duals ant, -Having had Mr B E._yatett? a graduate of your Collo o with ueeos etp,4ogralsh• .er, type -writer, eater , Wet: :Wiesepiant r for three menthe, Wet 1s eiliip volute kpew that be gives peered ea action, and' if Olppr college does its work as well ip every case a ,in his, it 1s sue of the greatest blessings fout� he business community, or in fact, for any ot.the great army who need such men, that ca rbc imagined. $y reason of,giy acquaintance with him, the Canada Busintse College, of Chatham, stands very high in my estimatiou. Trusting that its success may continue, and that you may be so fortunate as to seoure;such men as Yar is for yoo1r aelsoldra,r Iam, yo ENRY 11 DADLEY Vise -Pres. and Director, ,Christian Men s Tem- perance Union. For dreseCatalogue of Canada Buatnesp college ad- . D. McLACHLAN, Chatham The undersigned having bought the butchering bneinese lately carried on by tMr John Soruton, hei wi l es1ry'on'the same in the old stand: As he will' give personal attention to all the details of the business customers can rely on their orders being promptly, and satisfactorily filled. Ria mottgis "good meat at reasonable prices." Cash paid for Hides, Skins, &o. 11 LACK KENNEDY Albert St., Clinton. FLOUR AND FEED STORES. New Flour & Feed Store CAS13 AND ONE PRICE. •The undersigned'ia6 B to inform the people of Clinton and vicinity hat he has opened a per ely Cash Flour and Feed Store on Victoria St., near �McLennan's Bakery. A full stook of FLOUR, MEALS, CHOP STUFF, BRAN, OATS WHEAT, dco., at tbelowest living prices g for Cash only I am in a position to give the very" best value for Caeb or trade. Goode exchanged for grain at the highest market price. e Giveo alle -■ call and I will do my best re - outside ROLLEDalue. Goode OATMEAL guaranteed pealty; ormoney very beat to be had.) 0, OLSON, Victoria St., Clinton Flour, Feed & Seed Store The undersigned desire" to intimate that ha will keep .on hand the very best FLOUR and FEED Of all kinds also the choicest variety of Clover, Timothy & Small Seeds Which will be sold at close margins for cash. SALT also kept on hand. He will also keep a choicevariety s stwiof ll find bbe lee lent valve. h con - J. W. HILL HURON ST., CLINTON. POWDERS Cure SICK HEADACHE and Neuralgia. .iu .ep lir nor,lt4 also Coated Tongue Dial. nest, Biliousness, Pain in Side, Constipation, Torpid Liver Bad Breath. to stay oared also regulate the {towels. VARY 14105 TO TAKt. PRIOR 26 Cat rei AT DRuo Grommet. Valuable PROPERTIES For Sale or to Rent. 411. rf w 'l it() $ALT 'P4 TtiE Bi.QOR OlifteFa a � 1R1 OS,' Of the InitieU00 of q latewiltsed „Belittles} le the olr0rtMtiC. i A. itiarxber ° of Mariarkable rafts have been mads by Dr, 'hclilaa Ru!Ae}lt the. wolf-knowu Yala,s`ItMedioal Soboo1 protest - am. by the use of saline lnjootions, whish have revived pedants when all other measures had been tried fn vain, and fully restored them: to Welsh. . So interest, Ing have bean the., results of these expert - manta that they have attracted the greatest attention amongoinedioal men. One of se of partioular interest was that of Moser I.iererman, who bad nearly bled to death, when the dootori decided to try the saline infusion. The *suit was most remark - abler and to -day{ Leserman la in the full enjoyment of his physical powers. With the view of learning more of the method thus e*nployed a New York World representative+sought an interview with Dr. Ruaeell aif his office on Elm street, New Haven„- With charaotorlstio profea- aional reluctance he finally consented to talk on the subject. He said: "Tho saliu,{9 infusion le not original with me. It bas' boon used in various forms for some tiree.in medicalpractice, though not asfregeiontly as I would lute to.see it used or as .I believe it will in time be em- plgyed. Tho process is very efinple, yet there are eertatn conditions needful for its sucoes j and it is at the same time not void of Eiianger. "Lesorman's ease, to which y refer, was partioularly notable. He was ffering from internal hemorr- hage of iu`the rectum. All the appliances ggoegore ueed_jn s.�net4 oaeeit wei a trigf} �n iiain, an Anally as a last resort we de- olded to try the saline treatment upon him. He had suffered the loss of so much blood that great weakness had resulted, and death was only a few hours distant unless other relief oould be had. COMMERCIAL Hotel, Clinton. A splendid stand, where good business is tlone. The house has excellent accom- modation for travellers and public generally. Terms made known on application to JNO. ROSBIER, Benmiller. Also HOTEL at Exeter North— Will be either sold or rented. For par- ticulars apply' to J. T. WEBTCOTT Exeter, or JOHN_ROSSIER Benmiller. GOOD'S Flo►ur�Feed Store BRAN & SHORTS In large or email quantities. OIL CAKE and MEAL OF ALL KINDS. 10 poundsChoicehoishel of Oatmeal for 1 bs. D. COOK, CLINTON. BANKS. The Molsons Bank. Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 1855. CAPITAL, - $2,000,000. REST FUND, - $1,300,000 HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. J. H. R. MOLSON F. W. THOMAS,....General Manager. Notes discounted Collection; made, Drafts Is- sued, Sterling anis American exchange bought and acrid at' lowest currentr erae.s. Interest al- lowed • Money advanced to 'armee on their own note wffhlone or more en orleecaritly o mortgage re- quired H. C. BREWER, Manager. Also, FARM of 200 ACRES— being lot 12, let Con., West Niesouri, good soil, 140 acres cleared and in good shape of cultivation, 60 acres good beech and maple bush. Also FARM of 50 ACRES— being East:half of Lot No.,4, 2nd Con. of West Niesouri. dill give party who wants to do business a particularly good chance on this property. Any of the above are good investments, and all particulars can •11e- obtained:; on application to JNO. ROSSIER Benmiller wVOOD's PHOt3PHODINTE.. ,The _Great, EnKIJ1h Remedy. farPhulkagos Guaranteed; lay pr permanently promptly; and cure all forme of Nervous Weakness, F.Otiaalons,Sperm- atorrhea, Impotency and al effects of Abuse or Excesses. o r Mental worry, emcesutroe we of Tobacco, Opium or Stlnrw Before and After. tants, which soon lead to In- Has beenpresscribedo r 35 9 ere iandn thousaeariv nds or cases; is the only Reliable and Honest Medicine L -notes• Ask druggist for Wood's Phospbodlnerlf heofters some worthless medicine in place of this, Inclose price in letter, and we will send by return man. Price, one package. $1; six, $5, °moss it please, six will Dura Pamphlets free to any address. The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont., Canada. SoldIin .Clinton by ALLAN & WILSON, Druggists. , 1, per,' . 1,11 .n4'i:: p Mita E EGRET Of the marvelous success of Burdoole-. Blood terslUcs inn ecc cur t1 poivecrQBitver:every organits,spft of the bodivy:: The Liver, the Bl000d, the Bowels, .the Stomach, the Kidneys, the Slain, the Bladder, In fact, all partsof the .hunnail system are regulated, puriflei , an4 restored. to petrol, natuttal action, by this medicine. Thus it CURES all . . diseases affecting these or other parks of the, system, Dyspepsia, Constipa- tion, Bad Blood, Biliousness, Head-. ache, Kidney- and Liver Complaint, Obstinate Humors, Old Sores, Sorofula, Rheumatism, sNervous or Geners.l Debility, and all irregularities of the system, caused by Bad Blood or dis- ordered action of the Stomach, Bowels, Liver or Kidneys. Thousands of testi- monials warrant the assertion that MEDICINEheFOR YOUNG SPRING OR OLD. "The saline preparabl9R . la oampoaed simply of pure water and common table salt, used in the proportion of about six - tenths o1 one per Cent. But it Mae to be thoroughly sterilized and repeatedly filter- ed iltered before it can be used, as all impur- ities must be removed tar the result will prove disastrous to the patient, since the solutien at Once enters into the afrou- lation. The ,apparatus used 1s very simple Tho one I have here, and have used in the several cases I shall mention, was made by myself for use on my own brother and was hastily improvised, but has proved very efficient." The doctor produced an.ordinery glass tunnel, of small size, such as is common- ly used by drpggists and chemists. To this was attached some eight or ten feet of small. dark rubber tubing, at the other ' extremity of whish was a email glass tubing about eight inches long, bent at the end to an angle of about forty-five degrees. In explaining its use Dr. Rus- sell said: "The end o8 this email glass tube L fixed in the artery of the patient's arm by means of an incision previously made, and is fastened with a thread. The fun- nel is then raised to a proper heights and the saline preparation 1s turned into the funnel, and by the flexible rubber tube passes down into the artery and is absorb- ed in the circulation. "(creat care has to be used in this pro- cess. Not a drop of air must be left in the tubing. for an air bubble may cause the death of the patiopt. To obviate this danger, the tubing is4111ed with the mil- tare anil-every partials- of "sit is thna- forced out before the glass end is ateaoh- ed to the artery. "In Leserrnan's ease ale pinta of the solution were injected at the first ezpeaN- ment. It took some twenty minutes for this to enter the circulation. The treat - Ment Was ``sdmiliistnred filtlree-thriee{iet this case, with a total 'Meehan of fifteen pinta. The result was most gratifying. The hemorrhage ceased, the patient m- oo -erred, and is now apparently as well as GEO. D. McTAGGART. BANKER ALBERT ST, - CLINTON. A. general Banking Business ti ansacted NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts keened. Interest allowed on deposits. Rob O Ry Cigar FA-RRAIV & TISDALL BANKERS, CLINTON. ONT It's no because I'm Scotch but you canna smoke a better Cigar than "ROB ROY," They cost 5c. but I get sax of them for a quarter. CMP1Rt 70aACCo 00., MONTREAL. Thirty Years Of Torture. HANDS AND FINGERS TWISTED OUT OF SHAPE WITH RHEU- MATISM. THE STORZ OF AN OLD MAN NOW NEARING THE FOOT OF LIFE,a HILL—How RELIEF CAME TO HIM AFTER REPEATED FAILIIREB AND Diaappointments. From the Kemptville,Advance.. "I am now almost at the foot of the hill of life, having attained the 76th year of my age, and never during that time have I made a statement more willingly and conscient- iously than now. My body bas been tortur- ed by pain fol upwards of thirty years, oansedlby rheumatism, and there are thous- ands enduring a like affliction that need not if they would but heed my experience and avail themselves of the proper means of re- lief. The disease first affected my hip and spread to my lege and arms. Like many sufferers I spared neither trouble or expense in seeking something to alleviate the pain. The disease•had made me so helpless that I was unable to put on my coat and my hands and fingers were becoming twisted out of shape. There seemed not the shadow of a hope of relief and very naturally I be- pARLOR siiiirE came discouraged and disheartened, and I heard Dr Williams Pink Pill I for six HWW�3ON AND BRUCE Loan S Investment Co Advances made to farmers on ndtess at low rates of interest.their own over. "'shave a brother living in Waehing- bonablDS=Ce One day I wa ziotified' of his denfiere't s gimes and hastened at onus to bi.,bedside. I found him very low. Not d�eeiring to take the trill responsibil- ity into Iiry own hands, I called into con - This Company is Loaning Money on Farm Security at Lowest Ratoe pf Inters MORTGAGES . - PURCHASED SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. 3, 4 and 6 per (lent. Interest Allowed on Deposita, aeteoreiing toamount and time left. A, general Banking Business transacted" Interest allowed on deposits. Salo Notes bought J. P TISDALL, Manager ..ls ..•- 1._..Q_ .w.. .v.i MANITOBA SCHOOLS Look over these prices. SUGARS Special quotation inybbls. SellingEby;$ leas than wholesale prices CANNED GOODS Put no by THE BEST PACKERS. Tomato e Corn and Apples, Pumpkins, Salmon and Mackerel. TEASExtraordinary valves in Japan, Black and Green. Good Japan only 16o a pound. 'Chinese Mixture only 20o alpound. RICE -25 pounds for $1. RAISINS -28 lb. box for $1. PRUNES, CALIe FORNIA APRICOT and PEACHES Largest and best assorted stock of CROCKERY and GLASSWARE in the county Selling at close prices. See quality and price. J. W. Irwin, Groper MACKAY BLOCK, • - - - CLINTON. 4- time after time have I given rip in diepair. While in Arizona three years ago ofs. sent boxes in order to give them a fair trial. I followed the direction very olcsely and by the time the fourth box was finish- ed the pain had greatly lessened and I was mush improved. My friends having wit - I was unable to put on my coat. nessed the wonderful effect upon my body conld not help admiring the Pink Pills, and being about to leave for the east, I gave r the remaining two boxes o them. Unfor- tunately nfor- �� G FACTOR!fcr near I a yeard ftgettingr another ottosRUMBALL' ■fcr nearly a year after returning to this� �`'part and I felt that to me Pink Pills were one of the necessaries of life: Last spring I procured a few boxes and have been taking them since with a very satisfactory effect aliltabion-(-two of the most, noted°phyei' am glad to say. Now I feel like a new map Have you seen that Parlor Suite, Upholstered in Raw Silk. with Oak Frame, that we are offering at $23? If you are needing anything in this line, you should see them at once, as we can get but a limited number. Curtaill Poles for 22 Cents We cari gi"e-you--a-Our-tain --Pole with.. ends,.. rings, braoketsT .. ...._ .,>, ._ and-:pins..ailompplete for 22 cents. In every line of Furniture our prices are lower than ever JOSEPH W.CHIDLEY, FURNITURE DEALER AND UNDERTAKER. dana4!1`tthat city. Every known remedy entirely tree from pain or stiffness of joint. , was"dXhansted in his case but the patient I have slight numbness of feet and half way t continued to grow worse. Strychnine, to the knee, but am confident that these digitalis and other chemicals usually em- pills will relieve this feeling. Although well ployed in injections were tried in vain, advanced in years, .1 am able and do walk end notwithstanding all our efforts the many miles a day. For rhuematiem Dr. patient steadily declined. He was in ' Williams' Pink Pills stand preeminently fact, dying, when, asa last resort, I men- above all other medicines according to my alleneiktherledinetreatment to the consult- ' experience and I urge a trial on all Buffer- , yjg-p yeiolana, stating that I had tried It ing from this painful malady. successfully in other cases equally deeper The above is an unvariehed Statement of OFFICE—Cor. Square n North St., Goderioh HORACE ti ORTON Manager nea.m,iller 'x O7 ata, We finally decided to make the test facts as told the Advance recently by Mr in this case as it was clearly evident George Belleck, an esteemed resident of HnuroStreet, Clinton We have in stock a few Buggies and Waggons Which we guarantee to be of first-class material and workmanship. If you want a good article at the price of a poor ono, call and see no. F. RTJM$ALL. - - CLN TTCIN that only a short ties Whit elapse at best Miller's Corners, and no one bearing the 1 before the patient would die. earnest manner of its recital could fail to , "I hastily constructed my apparatus, be convinced of Mr Belleck's sincerity. 1 bending this glass tubing into shape by • But if this was not enough hundIeds of , aid of a spirit lamp. I had a young phy- ; witnesses could be summoned, if need be, sheen so eaglet me, and when we began to prove the truth of every word stated. 1 the ant the patient's pulse Was Mr Angus Buonanan, the well-known drug- 1 154. -were ltisti>,11ess and life was et a very low ebb. After the operation the patient sank into a sound sleep, from wfltoh he awoke greatly refreshed, and to -day is as well as ever. "Another experiment made was on Thomas H. Sullivan, ex -Road Ooajmla- eloner, of this city. He had all the symp- 1 ache, nervous prostration and diseases de - toms of Asians cholera. end had there pending on humors in the blood, such as been any possible chance for his having scrofula, chronic erysipelas,etc., all disap- o" exposed to cholera infection wo i pear before a fair treatment with Dr. Wil. should have e oa,rioluded-4t-nas that diaiessa Hams' Pink Pills. They give a healthy A council of doctors was held, and It glow to pale and Ballow complexions and was decided that unless something like a build up and renew the entire system. arinnolo was wrought in the case the pati- Sold by all dealers or sent postpaid at 6Oo ant mast die. The consulting physicians a box or six boxes for 52.50, by addressing sans for me and desired me to try the the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, assliae infusion in this ease. They had Ont., or Schenectady, N. Y. Don't be oxen It successfully tried by me In the persuaded to take some substitute. I am one of the Board of FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL .TREES NORWAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH AND ASTRACHAN PINE, Tho latter of whish we maks a specialty. LARGE STOOK ON RAND The above ornamental trees and shrubbery will be dold at very low prices, and those wanting any thing In this connOction will save money by par chasing here. Orders by MailE 'll be promptly attended JOHN STEWART, BENMILLER OArirs!imntio fs gist and popular reeve of Kempville, speaks of Dr V. illiam's Pink Pills as one of the most popular remedies known, having a great Bale among his customers and giving general satisfaction. Rhuematism, sciatica, neuralgia, partial paralysis, locomotor ataxia, nervous head - VainSble itself s, 'ria, . to aprets t,ud Pcat oitea addtpnt A. ^n. RruIW•. r,YJ„fid.>1-o:1I.ta.ont.-�, hoapdtna. whore Surgeons, and their faith in it was great. The test was made. The patient was in a stats of utter collapse, and the body al- most pulseless. The heart's aetiori was feeble and fluttering. Not long after the experiment was made pulsations became s ger; and the patient grew better, and tg. 1 is pdrhiet1y 1va11+ 1' Dz. Russell has tried the saline prepare - Mort in several other oaseswhere all hope has been abandoned, "5ti ,net with saocess. There is no secret abort the preparation. The preeantibns mentioned by the doctor must, however, be rigorously observed. Besides, the tem- perature o1 the solution must, while using. equal that of the blood of the patient. I: it le learn, a chill is likely to follow, with fatal results• A romps/tan noises. A tubular boiler 1800 yoare old has bete discovered at Pompeii. It is made of sheet metal, probably ooppor, in the shape of a large amphora, or two -handled jar, xt'ifih a hollow apace running half way up ttie centre of the jar. In this alpacaail ort p3aiood a cylindrical Are -box resting bail+, which aro tubes three-quarters of ineh in , water space.The fueloseems ito have been oharoma. A 6,000,000 foot gas well has been struck at Leamington, in the new field controlled by the Standard Oil Com- pany. The well will be "bottled up to be saved for the time when the supply received through the Walker pipes is exhausted. CATARRH RELIEVED m 1010 s0 MINUTES. One short puff of the breath through the Blower supplied with eaeb bottle of Dr. Agnew's Cater rhal Powder, difernios this Powder over the sur- face of the nasal passages. Painless and delight, tui to use, it relieves instantly, and permanently Mares C.tarrh Hay Fever, Cold's, -Headache, Bore W r Throat, Vo 111 Cn leand Deafness. e0 cents. At 4OR OCIAT1c fulls., W. wwu.WW.w✓.✓brUP2 W.W WaAa/•. R—I—P.A-N—S ONE GIVES RELIEF. ..nu•a✓u.aYa,•.✓. ✓••...rwa•.W a✓a....r..Y.rww 3 WOW, rw,....r•w.✓.✓m W.✓•✓.w•.r,an .Wu••....A STILL at the FRONT The undersigned wishes to inform his man customers and friend° that he has moved to his N©� ther Shop on are, where be lepr Street give his oustomere better accommodation than ever. I have secured the services of a good woodworker, and am prepared to doaall ll kof dws k of wood -Work repairing. As to the q Y that tbo old standashown, d w it nisei° pt ups. In hie showrooms there will be kept a well escorted stook of Sleighs,Cutters, Buggies, Plows, Harrows, Etc, Which he will °ell at prices to emit the times. In addition to tide he is prepared to do all kinds of Bioyele Repairing. Special attentionwil bo gIv en to Horse Shoeing and all Custom Work. A11 work and stock guaranteed to be first-class and prices low. JOHN TEDFORD, Clinton For Twenty -Five Years D!JN'S- ROBERT B IN P !) -:- DOWNS, OLINTON, Manufacturer and Proprietor for the best MAW 11l11 Dog in use. Agent forthesaleand appli. ration of the Iffirnsuaa PATENT AUTOMATIC Bouaa CLEANER. STEAM s,TTTNGSfurnished and app edonahor notice. Rollers. Engines, and all kinds s etaohlnery repaired ezpeditfoUa y and in asatiefaotory manner Farm Implements manufactured and repaired Steam and water pumps furnished and put fit poeitipn. Dry Ii,ilue fitted up on applioatio* Chargee moderate. THE 'OILED SPRING. Wove Wire Fencing. 00111MOIMINIUMMUM 00ww011wnlwAl4 t�lA�Ar•AAIAAtl�A�1�1�t111tM ,iRMi2222Af�Al1l2Afatilf�RflR:: Villa rRAMAIfROMMUNI rlO RMIO Otute O M carom o eiwAisaatisslasRealalwralamommliMM Meagre Stanley and Steep looel a enta for; the above fence, which is claimed to be the best fencing wird menutttetiired oitie kind Farmers intending to use this fending are requested to ant their posts Sifoot long. 2'ANLEY & ST REP, C llntOn 1