Clinton New Era, 1895-06-14, Page 6""1,;( Miss xr..s oishtnrre, tigadaelle CHREO��,�PE MANEN LY. �.r..rr �swr ltr TAKING • Ayer's Pills 41 was troubled along tlino.with sieit, headache. It was; usually accompanied with severe pains lathe temples; a Nene of fullness and tenderness hi one eye, a bad taste' in my Mouth " tongue Coated, heads and feet cold, and see guess at the gammatirtra was not until I ° itaiga, Began Taking 'bur's Pills: ithat I received anything like perms' tent benefit. A single box of these pills did the work for rue, and I am nor tree from headaches, and a well man." — V. H. Htrrosiavoe, East Auburn, life AYER'S PILLS ' Awarded Medal at World's Fair Atiete iii rsaparitla tis the Beat. S°ARKb, The trolley has invaded tce lr: id oi' the Pharaohs. Cairo is to have a'syston, All harm from trolley railroads has been prevented in- Budapest, Hungary. 'There the roads aro in cuts below the /street surface, where pedestrians never ige. . The first electric light was produced by •Bnmphrey Davy, in 1808. The first prat • 'Zeal dynamo was built in 1s:;, and was t used to run an electric light at the lhighthouso of South Foreland, Eng., Do- 41,ember.8, 1858. .A grate fire, produced by electricity, is Zt recent London invention. The "awls" ,ere formed of combination of fire -clay and abemicals; they are almost instantly' sande to assume a red-hot glare and the elusion is perfect. NOTES FOR WOMEN. John Hunter, . the famous anatomist, $floe said that the feminine love of con- versation was a consequence of a pecu- liarity in brain tissue. As artists women have shown more taste than originality. They paint land- scapes and portraits beautifully but rare- ly achieve great pictures. The brain of woman is absolutely smaller than that of man, but is stated to be somewhat, larger in proportion to the weight of the body. iss, A woman with a military nose and ffiltraliaentrchin is certain to make her . , rk. All female society leaders have had such facial neoalfarlties. Babies and rapidly growing children derive more benefit from Scott's Emulsion, than all the rest of the food they eat. Its nourishing V\, 'owers are felt almost immedi- ely. Babies and children thrive on Scott's Emulsion when no other form of food is assimilated. Scott's Emulsion stimulates the appetite, enriches the blood, overcomes wasting and gives strength to all who take it. For Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Brom. c!::;is, Weak Lungs, Emaciation, Con- st,r,.ption, Blood Diseases and all Forms of '•.ti sting. Send for pamphlet. Free. Scott A Sowne. Belleville. Ali Druggists. 60c. & $1, BRISTOLrS PILLS Cure Biliousness, Sick Head- ache, Dyspepsia, Sluggish Liver and all Stomach Troubles. BRISTOLll'S PILLS.. Are Purely Vegetable, elegantly Sugar -Coated, and do not gripe.or sicken. BI ,ISTD S Act. gently but promptly and thoroughly. "The safest family Medicine." All Druggists keep BRISTOLa'S PILLS Thom is a butterfi Pl India whieb,' pureeed by a'bird, simply alights .oke a bush or a tree and becomes invisible by mirnielrinff tin) leapes,` A'.Nertt}' rF 06444 .0 carries rill out/it of lines wii,loiz e;gtende eight miles to length, and hes.usuglly Axed upon it the amagng number of 4,680 hooks, every one of whish .?#zuet be baited. Lion tamers, as a rule, prefer lions to lionesses, and dislike a troup of both saxes i441xed In suob oases the clanger of entsriug the ,eu is quadrupled, and Ada - chief Is pretty sure to result sooner or later. The particles of sand, stones, Shelle and the like, brought up in the tallow with which the sounding load is covered, fre- quently furnish indications of groat value as to the posit}on of the skip, IN FOREIGN LANDS. , It is now claimed that the population of Greater London is between 4,000,000 and $5,000,000. Tim peasants of Brittany and Nor- mandv drink apple older instead of wine. They like it hard,and put It up in tasks and keep it the year around. You can always go in Paris bgttled holder whtoh, comes from the provinces mentioned. Themagistrates of Brussels, Belgium, have ordered that all gambling houses in the city he closed. A German statistician has figured out that Monday, and not Friday, is the real unlucky day. PERSONAL NOTES. Pope Leo XIII does not 'wear the real tiara on solemn occasions, but a papier- macho imitation, as the tiara itself la much tee hearty. Archdeacon Farrar has been appointed dean of Canterbury, to suo0eed the lata Doan Payne Smith. "Gen." Ballingtoq Booth, of the Sal- vation army, has renounced Queen Vic- toria, and will become an American citf- ten. Mies Winnie Davis, the daughter of the late Jefferson Davis, is writing an "old fashioned" love story, to be called the "Veiled Doctor." ALMOST CRAZY SUFFERING FROM CONSTIPATION. EXPECTED TO BE IN THE ASYLUM — AFTER ALL OTIIER REMEDIES FAILED B.B.B. MADE A PERFECT CORE, RESTORING ROBUST HEALTH. GENTLEMEN—To say all I ought to in favor of B. B. B. would be impossible. It has been a great health restorer to me, and I do swear by it. I am a different man now to what I was ten years ago, when it was was expected I would be in the asylum, but now I am in perfect robust health and it was the B.B.B. that did it. I suffered for five or six years from constipation, some- times so severely that I went out of my mind. I tried various doctors, both in the country and in the city, and took medicines too numerous to name, but everything failed to have the desired effect. When I used Burdock Blood Bitters, however, it succeeded beyond all expectation ,, requir- ing only two bottles to cure me. To make it still more certain that B.B.B. is tha real cure for constipation, I may say that some two years afterward I felt the symptoms returning and took orre bottle more, and f om that time to this present day `(over eight years) I have never had any return of the disease. I never knew any medicine to work so well. It does not seem to be a mere reliever, but a sure and certain cure, as I can certify to, for hundreds of dollars' worth of medicine and advice, failed to do me any good, but three dollars' worth of B.B.B. made a permanent cure that has given me years of health and comfort. Toronto. Yours truly, C. L. KILMRR. WAR AND ITS AWFUL COSTS. The cost of_the McTT?Smn war was 869,- 000,000. The total number ed Man to the world's navies is 287,000. In the last 200 yeens tepee has spent 4003,000,000 In war. The engines of a first-class man-of-war Dost nearly $700,000. In less than 300 years Great Britain alone has spent £1,850,000,000 in war. The French army costs every year 075,- 000,000 francs; the navy 209,000,000. The peace footing of the Russian army calla for the service of 170,000 horses. The annual oost of the British army is £17,000,000; of the navy, ,£14,000,000. Austria spends every year 15,000,000flor- ins on the army. Twelve florins equal $5. During the retreat from Moscow the French lost or threw away over 60,000 muskets. The wars of the last 70 years have oost Russia £885,000,000 and the lives of 684,- 000 men. Italy spends every year 14,000,000 lire on her army and navy. Twenty-five lire equal $5. At Waterloo there were 145,000 men on both sides, of whom 51,000 were killed or disabled. The annual army expenditure of Greece is 18,000,000 draohma. A drachma is about 20 cents. It is estimated that the world's cannon has cost the world's taxpayers a little over 840,000,000. Tho estimated cost on both ides of the great civil war of the United States was 500, 000,000. RHEUMATISM CURED IN A DAY.—South Am erican Rheumatism Cure, for Rheumatism and Neuralgia, radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its ac- tion upon the system is remarkable and mystori- one. Tho first dose greatly benefits. 75 dents. Sold by WATTS & CO., Clinton POINTED TRUTHS A sneer is Satan's best imitation of a smile. We have all noticed how becoming"eelf- denial is in other people. No me,n leads a Godly life who does not oonneot'God with his daily life. Onr religion may bo of a robust type. but few of us aro willing to test it :triol a ool d Sunday dinner. 1f we lied nothing to do but enjoy our religion there would soon be no religion in the world to enjoy. When a young man has the first symp- tom of skepticism he imagines that he is cutting hie wisdom tooth. Do not throw down your work overt' time /the mind drags As a rale it 1s when we grind hardest that we grind fin- est The secret of heppinose M in thinking of other people's troubles and of our own joys—nob of your own troubles and. other pllA'Pkee jbye. One raeebon why we ate so slow to sal* the problems of the laab day 1a that We •are more reedy as dee for oterrighas than to live for the right. No other method of home dyeing gives colors ane -half so fast and beautiful t}{ DIAMOND D'1t1'.a.: All the colors) marked "rase give full, bright, and handsome colors that sunlight will not fade nor soapsuds wash out, two things that are not true of the inferior imittipns of Diamond Dyes. Do your Dyeing at Home with the Original and Reliable Diamond Dyes. Bold everywhere. fa"Directlqu.Hook and forty samples of colored cloth tree. Wxr.Ls a kucitaaDsorr Co., iiiontreai, P.Q. FROM THE f•H„ Ee,oT• The peasant w•imen of Japan do not wear any form of head-uress. .In India, it it said, the native barber will shave you while you sleep, so light is his touch. Some of the little bronze images of Chinese deities are supposed to have an antiquity of 2,000 years before Christ. Tho taking of the census in Japan 1e simple, but the figures are utterly unreli- able. The houses are counted and an average of five persons is allowed for each house, The Imperial canal, o1 China, was begun iu the year 750 A. D. and not oom- pleted until 1350. It is 2,100 miles in length, and is by long odds the moat im- portant artificial waterway on earth, When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla, When she was a Child, she cried for Castorta, When she became Mise, she clung to Castorla. When she had Children, she gave them Castor's. HYMNS AND:THEIR WRITERS. II/ "Jesus, Lover of My Soul," was wiit- ten by Charles Welsey just after an escape from a mob. "0 Sacred Head, Now Wounded," is a translation of a translation. The origin- al hymn was the "Salve Caput," by St. Bernard. "There Is a Fountain Filled With Blood," is the most popular of Cowper's hymns. It is considered one of the classic lyrics of the English language. "And Are We Yet Alive?" is by Charles Wesley. It is the opening hymn used by Methodist conferences the world over and has been' so employed for one hundred years. "Nearer, My God, to Thee," was the work of Sarah Flower Adams and first appeared in' a volume of hymns and an- thems published in 1840 by Rev. W. J. Fax. "All Hail, the Power of Jesus' Name," was written by Edward Porronet in 1770 alio nblished anonymously In "the Gospel Magazine in the following year. All else from the pen of this writer has been for- gotten. "My Soul, Repeat His Praise," is by Isaac Watts. It was one-half of a hymn which he entitled "Mercy in the Midst:of Judgment " The other half is the well- known hymn beginning "The Pity of the Lord- " "Oh, Might My Lot Be Cast. With These," is part of a hymn by Charles Wesley on the primitive church. It had originally thirty verses. Many of Wes- ley's hymns were very Iong, some having forty or fifty stanzas. "Come. 0 Thou All Victorious Lopse to by Charles Wesley. Is was wriblse for the quarrymen of Portland and coos tainod several allusions to their business, which were readily recognized and heart- ily appreciated. SUFFERED FOR OVER 30 YEARS — TRIED EVERYTHING AND EMPLOYED TWO OR THREE DOCTORS A well known farmer says: Lot 232, Thorold Township, Welland P. 0., —"For over 30 years my wife had been a sufferer from most dreadful headaches; at times they were so bad she could neither sit nor lie down but her head seemed as if it would split. She tried everything she could hear of and was attended by two or three doctors, but could not find relief until we got Stark's Powders for headache, bil• iousness, costiveness, neuralgia, and the liver. Since then she has been free from suffering, and any tendency to pain Stark's Powders remove immediately. They are the only medicine she ever;got that has been of benefit."—.Jonathan t'age. Price 25c a box 5 boxes $1, at all medi- cine dealers. Nice, immediate and perman- ent. June 7th. DANGEROUS CONSOLATION. All Right to a Day or Two. Hut the Day ever Costo. "All right in a day or two" is the thought that consoles every one who is suffcrtng from any indisposition that does not pros- trate him. In the case of a person bed- ridden for months with disease of the Kid- neys being asked, "Did you not have any warning of this condition you are now int ' " Yes, I was bothered at first with back- ache, with occasional headaches, but did not consider myself sick or the necessity of medicine further than a plaster on my back or rubbing with my favorite liniment. It was months before I began to realise that it was useless to further force myself to ignore my condition. The backache had become a pain in the backend sides weak and tired feeling, high -colored thine with obstructions and stoppage, pain n the bladder, palpitation of the heart, poor appetite, indigestion and >< dull, languid feeling, with entire lack of energy." Had the first signal of distress from the Kidneys—Back-ache_received the assistance of Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills, the after state of misery and suffer- ing would have been avoided. A ;few doses dispel fust symptoms l delay re- sults in liver, heart and stomach becom- ing affected. It is useless to expect to overcome this complication without a persistent and regular use of Chase's K. and L. Pills. Price xge., sold by all dealers. Edmanson, Bates & Co.,Toronto. Children Cry for Plitcher'a Casten,. 4usr isAtcgs. '. blanks i4 watered the old station helm fzz WIlk9sbarra the other day and was killed by a yeduntiier St. I'atrielt, The skeleton et i eziake feuzid atnon the timbers of the Diamondblot*, blo, Youngs town, Guise, .the other day recalls the klillug'ot a:.itna$e:.charn er.in the bl1j14:, ing some years ago. The snake soaped, and this IS supposed to be its skeleton. e A bunch oi,' eleven rattlers was killed recently within two blocks of the Colum- bus, Ohio, postoiIJoe. An'«1Qpldeznio'! of sna1 os, as they .Gall tt°leoally, iseatingup the fitoldfleh in the Delaware Ohio," cemetery. The West Virginia liars, who have been somewhat overshadowed lately by those of Indiana, are:trylpg to ,reooper repute -12y toles Of * enaket. they Iivin %iri,,yhep- herdstown. Ile has scales all over his body, is sleepy In winter and likes to sleep after meals. I.iclwover, Indiana bravely responds with the tale otr.Chris. Lyznap ssp oidnian of Indianapolis, who attributes his good health to his habit of wearing snakes in his hat. A -healthy appetite, withperfect digestion and assimtiation, may be secured by the use oflA yer'sPls� They dense and strengthen the whole aijfinehtary canal and remove all obstructions jo the natural tantalum of eith- er sex, without any unpleasant, effects. It is stated that the United States Government has decided to make a thorough investigation into the Colima disaster, which cost so many lives. SH1LOH'S CURE is sold on a guaran- tee. It cures incipient Consumption. It s the best dough cure. Only one cent a dose. 25ots., 50ete., and $1. Ex -Premier Gladstone is still confin- ed to his bed. Though his condition is not serious, it is not improved. HEART DISEASE BELIEVED 1030 MINUTES Dr Agnew's Cure for the Heart gives perfect re- lief in all cases of Organic or Sympathetic Heart Disease in 30 minutes, and speedily effects a cure. It is a peerless remedy fo, Palpitation, Shortness of Breath, 'Smothering Spells, Pain in Left Side and all symptoms of Diseased Heart One dose convinces. S.,ld byWAT1s & CO„ Clinton Wets.. 60 Cts. and 51.00 Bottle. One cent a dose. It is Bold on a guarantee by all druggists. It cures Inolplent Consumption and is tha best Cough and Croup Gare. Sold by J. H. JoMBE. FoikDAfvo,u FP (.'; •, GENTLEMEN FIND PAL MO -TAR SOAP EXCELLENT CLEANSES..TtfE Ij i.,(es.e SCALP, RELIEVE ' d; THE DRYNESS AND \ t ! SO PREVENTS HAIR i c our, r —1 uls C,,c� l`E,f u25 POWDERS Core SICK HEADACHE and Neunlgla In 20 MINU1.29, also Coated Tongue, Dizzi- ness, Biliousness, Paln in the Side, Constipation, Torpid Liver Bad Breath. to stay cured also regulate the Liver, VERY NICE TO TAKE. PRICE 26 CENTS AT DRUG) &TONNE. CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE Stratford, Ont. IV HAT OTHERS . HAVE DONE. . Youican do if you want to, Let us talk the matter over at least. A card to us wiil do it. The trouble to us is nothing, We are always pleased to make your acquain- taince, and have something of in- terest to tell you. Handsome catalogue free. P. McINTOSH, Principal. L C. STEVENSON, —THE LEADING— UN DERTAKER —AND -- EMBALMER. A FULL LINE 07' GOODS KEPT in STOCK ThebeatEmbalming Flu !dosed Splendid Hearse. ALBERTST.,CLINTON Residence over store OPPOSITE TOW BALL LIVER. AND STQ,A,CII TROUBLES Women, children, Teachers, Scholars, r hin ors, Lawyers, Merchants, all busi- ness ness men to enjoy good health and per - fora) their work must have liver and stomach in good condition. One half the misery of life is caused by liver and Jatonmett troubles. If you are a sufferer know that . Allen & Wilson. sell HepaticWafers. $1 pays for one months' treatment. Only 3 to 6 months' treatment necessary. DIRECTIONS.—Ona wafer a day after breakfast or on retiring at night Once a week in addition take a Seidlitz Powder or Citrate Magnesia. Mrs Nettie Harrison, America's Beauty Doctor, 40 and '42 Geary St.. San Francisco. Cal. Eastern Office, 136Washington Aye., Detroit, Michigan. 0 Not Damaged by the Fra9t. Our Stook of Sugars were not damaged by Frost, but as the market is higher and excited, we quote no prices, but will not be undersold. Prices obtained by oalling at our store, also Bargains in everything in our line In Black TEAS we have the Dale Kola Blend at 50cts a pound, and the Salads Package at 40o., best value in town. In Japans at 25 and 35 Dente we beat them all. Iv fact no matter what you need in our line, we gnarantee tq give as god quality, and air low prices as can be got anywhere. Canned Goods of all kinds. Seal"sin great variety. Hams, Bacon. Lard, Cottolene always in stook. Crockery and Glassware away down Give us a call and see what we can do for you. MCMTURRA.Y & WILTSE, NearPostOf.ce—CENTRAL GROCERY—Telephone 40 4. GOOD buy SPRAY and spray INVESTMENT a PUMP fruit Bross WE HAVE THEM—ALL CUTTING YOUR LAWNSBRYGETTINGOM 51 to $I 0. PREPARE FORONE OF OUR 18 inch Lawn Mowers only $5.50 AVOID THE TROUBLESOME FLYS BY PUTTING ON Screen Windows and (EARLY). WE HAVE THEM VERY C New [aeSure NARLAND BIIIJMackayBlock Doors REAP. SiBrick Block Gld Stand LASH I5 RING GOOD EATING is the keystone to health. You can buy the keystone kind of Groceries at The CASH GROCERY In Canned Goods, Vegetables, Meats and all kinds of table delicacies, we carry a full assortment. Teas & Coffees Sole agents for the Celebrated "Monsoon" Indian Tea. a Specialty Extra good value in Young Hyson, 51bs for $1. For Prompt Delivery, or Good Goods and Fresh Groceries, or Low Prices and Fair Dealing. Farm produce taken as cash. --Telephone No. 23. OGLE COOPER & CO Cash Grocery 1 door North of News -Record. a Featherbone Skirt Bone For Giving A light, pliable, elastic bone made STYLE and SHAPE to Ladl• es Dresses For Sale by loading from quills. It is soft and yielding, conforming readily to folds, yet giving proper shape to Skirt or Dress. The only Skirt Bone that may be wet without injury. The Celebrated Feather - bone Corsets are coil with this material. Dry Goods Dealers. Adams' Emporium WE HAVE RECEIVED A GRAND STOCK OF Ready Made Clothing For Men's, Youths' and Children. They are splendid value. HANDSOME DISPLAY OF MILLINERY Special value in BOOTS, SHOES and RUBBERS. A lare line of Tan Shoes, very nice. We have also BARB WIRE, Black Wire, Write Wire and Collins Patent Twist. Field and Garden Seeds of best quality. Special value in Sugar, Tea and every line of Groceries. Produce taken in exchange. ADAMS' EMPORIUM, LONDESBORO R. ADAMS, X14 .., k tG est J. Brunsdon &Son, , s� *uKr. LONDESBORO • O,zt r" Aute. for all Farm Implement •,n14.--'1 �qtt,y� '> :�� (71.5z.,,„."''""MASSEY-HARRIS Binders, Mowers,rills jj�uta Seeders, Cultivators Soufeere and �1riCisa� all kinds of Cultivators, p y i5r u 1;1. Fall line of Machinery and plow Repeals BINDiER TWINE—Hest brands of Twine li!i ! 5 -,day w' . • " at low prices. A complete fine of �:«,q *. 4',. 7,w, Boggles, Road Carts, Waggons .. ,s,:.,;,'^-....,',,, a,„2 -..---,D._\,,,--- 1' Pine Buggies and Ste.ndeg+d Waggons Sharply n spedalty. Dern ROITirp-4311111-uitl a work end beast mriel; prices conetetfint with Hood attialee. Prompt ationtion glean to Repairing and all kinds of Job Work, JOHN ERUNEf.DON & SON, Londesboro. tai ,'nra:...A �'�•V_ „1--:,:a.'i: W,(.,.,a'`. ,.