Clinton New Era, 1895-06-14, Page 5We sett the Best WA,TCEHS . CLOCKS • JEWELERY SILVERWARE J. B. RUMBALL Watchmaker, Jeweler, &c., TelephoneExchange Wilson's Root Beer. A healthy and refreshing drink. Ten cents for a bottle that will make five gallons. Guaranteed equal to any on the market. Try a bottle, you will like it. We also have Mires famous Root Beer. Lime Juice at 25 and 500. per bottle. J. E. HOVEY, Dispensing Chemist. Clinton Stirling S]IVER NOVELTIES Ladies' Belts, Belt Pins, Shirt Wrist Setts, Long Watch Chains, Brooches, Stick Pins, &c., In great variety. Gold and Silver Watches, Clocks and Jewelery at H. JACKSON'S, THE JEWELER, 1 JUST RECEIVED Tanglefoot, Wilson's Fly Pads, Briggs' Fly Traps, Wilson's Root Beer, Lime Juice, Paris Green, Hellebore. We have DA? Expert, Optician visit our store each month. Next visit will be Wednesday, June 26th JAMES H. COMBE CHEMIST and DRUGGIST, PHYSICIANS `UPPLIES, ETC. .. FOR JUNE , Owing to the season being well advanced we have many lines of Spring and Summer Goods Which we wish to clear, and they will be offered at Sweeping - Reductions during the month of June. If you want to get $1.25 worth of goods for $1, bring the cash and come and see us. We have too much Reade. Made Clothing I Come and get a Suit at your own price. We have too many TWEEDS and SUITINGS We will make you a first-class Suit for little money. We've a large stock of CARPETS The Leading% Attraction This Weep is The second lot of beautiful SHOW WAISTS The case of Midsummer PRINTS, hot Weather weights, The grert snap for the people in our $8 _Navy Serge SUIT for 54.75 WASH GOODS for the million. You can scarcely mention an article that is not here. GILJ 07 do WISE1VLANi. CLINTON MARKETS Corrected every Thursday afternoon llThuroday, June 13, 1895. 095 a 095 0 95 a 0195 O 38 a 037 0. 46 a 0 50 055 a060 250 a 275 550 a 550 O 10a012 o 9 a 0 10 O 40 a 045 Hay, New and Old ,6 03 a 6 00 Sheeepekins 0 25 a 0 30 No. 1 Trimmed Hides 4 00 a 4 25 Wool 0 18 a 0 18 Wheat, spring Wheat, fall Oats, Barley Peas Flour per owt Pork Butter Egg eper doz Potatoes which tae will sell at wholesale prices as we are going out of this line of goods. We have a fairly assorted stock of BOOTS and SHOES • In this department we have a fairly assorted stock left, and OrateOrNt6 still selling them at cost, as we are not continuing the Boots and Shoes. Come before they are all gone. We have left a few Ladies' Spring and Summer Capes, at prices never heard of before. MILLINERY—We will, till the season closes give big bar- gains. There are many lines to clear, and you can have them at your own figures. THE MONTREAL CATTLE MARKET At the East -end abattoir market this morning the offerings of live stock:were 460 cattle, 200 sheep, 200 lambs, 350 calves, 20 lean hogs, and 30 young pigs. There were a large attendance of buyers at this market, and on the whole a very fair trade was done, notwithstanding the hot weather and at the early hour a number of large dealers had sold out, but the impression was as the supply was larger some would be left over. A pair of good steers weighing 1,250 lbs. each were bought for shipment at 3}c per pound, the lowest price paid this Beason but the buyer could not get any more bar- gains like the above one. A few other small purchases were ma le at 41 to 5oents, the bulk at the present figure; fair to choice butchers' stook, sold at 4 to 4/ c, and com- moner grades down as low as 3c per pound live weight. TORONTO • 'LIVE'" f3TOCK'MARKET BULLS FOR SALE Two Thorobred Durham Bulls, both red bred from A 1 DairyOows. W 1LTER CUNNINGHAM Lot 33, Concession 13, Hullett, Londeeboro P,0 Horse and Buggy for Sale For sale, a fine young driving Mare ooyered Buggy, Harness. Rug, Duster, &e. Tho buggy and harness are almost new, and the whole out- fit will be sold cheap, either entire or in separate articles ROBT A, MOORE, Rattenbury St For Sale, Lease or Exchange. - for other suitable property, Store and 8 roomed dwelling, woodshed and stable. Buildings all new, No incumbrance. Apply M. G. OLIVER Whitechurch, Ont. lm For export cattle the market was slightly better to -day, but the feeling for butchers' cattle was weak and prices for that line if anything were lower. The range of prices was given to -day as being from 4c to 5+c per lb. the latter for choice. There were three loads of heavy cattle, the best of the market, reported sold for $5.40 per owt,bnt most of the loads of heavy cattle sold in the region of 5c per lb, and up to 5i per lb. Butchers' cattle—There was a weaker tone to this trade to -day, paused chiefly by the return of the warm weather. Local butchers were operating sparingly and the buying for outside points was slight No- thing can be quoted above 4i c per lb .and be a criterion of the prices paid. Transac- tions were made mostly in the vicinity of 3} o to 4c per lb. Plumsteel & Gibbings, CLINTON 0 FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS Lot 88, Maitland Concession, Goderich Township. For terms and particulars ap- ply to JAMES SCOTT, Barrister, Clinton FOR SALE OR TO LET A comfortable Cottage on Mary St., suitable for small family;will be either sold or rented on very reasonabe terms. Apply to ARTHUR COUCH, Clinton. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE The very comfortable houso on Queen Street at presont occupied by C. A. Hartt, is offered for sale on reasonable terms. The house is well built, with stone foundation, and has every ac- commodation. The lot is three-eighths of an acre. Hard and soft water. Apply at residence Brick Cottage or Rooms to Let Situated on Townsend St. Large airy rooms, hl n callings freshly papered and kelsomined. if preferred would rent the rooms singly. Apply to MRS C. E. HOVEY Is this Important to You? Many of our readers will oall to mind the announcement which appeared in the col- umns of this paper, last summer, of a visit to Seaforth of that eminent authority on Hernia (Rupture), Dr J, Y. Egan, of To- ronto. Hearing of the great success which resulted to quite a number of patients af- ter his lash visit, several in this neighbor- hood have written requesting him to repeat his visit. Along with this the special in- vitations of several phi sioians have induced him to advise this office by letter,regnesting us to notify our readers that he will be in Seaforth, Queen's hotel, Tuesday and Wed- nesday, June 25-26. To those of our read- ers who are ruptured, we would urge the advisability of calling upon this gentleman and find relief, and not put it off. He guarantees a cure in the case of every child in a few weeks. Parents should take ad- vantage of this opportunity. Remember, yon must do something sometime. Why not now? He will give hie opinion and ad- vice free, and this, if no more, may prove very valuable to you, showing yon your condition. Physicians arecordially invited to call and examine the instruments, Sall his own designs and manufacture) High medical authority prononnoe these appli- ances the most perfect instruments for this purpose, ever produced. Such is the evi- dence. Mark the date of his visit. POSTS FOR SALE A' car load of drat -r ;s 8 foot Cedar Poste for .le at Clinton Station. Pince In}c each. Also poets 81 feet long. suitable for Page wire fence, 1110 each. Mao for sale at Twitchell'sShingia yard, a quantits of 8 foot Cedar Posts al 101 c. each, JOHN i,ANDSBORO or JAMES KEANE Clinton, 4,' PIANO TUNING. The undersigned bas returned from Evano Bros., Piano factory, Ingersoll, where he has acquired a thoro knowledge of piano tuning. He is well recommended as a Piano tuner and e prepared to tune any pit no at a reasonabk price. Satisfaction guaranteed, Address J. W MOORE. box 113, Clinton. The Foresters. Through the courtesy of Mr Geo. Swal- low, Court Deputy of Court Clinton No. 470, we have received the following inte- rebt(ng facts concerning the Independent Order of Foresters :— During the month of May the number of applications for membership received by the Medical Board was 4022, of whom 3,611 were accepted, showing an advance of over 500 on the highest number of applications ever received in any one month. The surplus fund of the Order, on the let of June, showed the high total of $1,- 317,000. On the, 80th of May the corner stone of the Forester's Temple was laid by His Ex- cellency the Earl of Aberdeen, Governor- General of Canada, in the presence of an immense concourse of Foresters and their friends, Tho Forestric year closes on the 30th of Jane, and in every particular it will be the most prosperous year in the history of the Order. The increase in the Burping has been 9360,000.00, and in the membership about 18,000. For the month of June it is expected that at least 5,000 applications will be received. During the year new oonrts have ave- raged 35 per month. Tne High Court of Ontario will meet at London, Ont., on the 8th of Ootober. Discount Sall :f Furniture 10 per c. off for spot Cash, for short time only. LOTS OF NEW GOODS JUST COMING, BARGAINS in PARLOR SUITES NICE SUITE FOR $22.50 fSee our $1 Rocker, best I ever offered for the money. New Picture Moulding in. Bedroom Suites from $10.50 J. C. STEVENSON, - Clinton The Finest 41.dPHOTOGRAPHS co are taken by • � H. FOSTER COAL AND WOOD YARD E Subscriber has decided to keep on hand both Coal and Wood of the very best Potatobugquliay, and will deliver the same at lowest prices. Or - dere taken for future or presont delivery of coal. All kinds kept in stook. PatronageATLEsolicited. Mlle W. WHEATLEY, Huron 8t xcelsior STRAY CATTLE. Strayed from the farm of :Mrs Proctor, 14th con., Goderich Township, about the 16th of May. 14 head of cattle, all yearlings except2, which are corning two. Two of them are nearly blank, the remainder red and white. Ten or eleven of them are steers. Any one returning them or Living information as to their whereabouts will be suitably rewarded. WM. ELLIOTT. :Bayfield line, Clinton P. 0 PU BLIC NOTICE. An agreement of sale of Furniture business nom me to J. H. Cbellew,ol B'vth, has a"peared of late is these columne. tending to mis.ead the pabli, That wi ting exists and was made years a, •; but the revival of it is intended to convey the idea that it is of recent date, and that there is only one furniture business in Blyth. 1 con- duct no such a buelnese, but A. E. Scott has an extensive one and has without doubt the finest Underteker'e ont8t in the County of Huron, and conduce fn-erals with all the deportment be- coming the occasion. Hs has just etarted a apodal sale of Furniture, and bids you come quickly for snaps. T. W. SCOTT. Blyth. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. In the Estate of George M. Bowers, late oe the 7'own of Clinton, in the County of Hui' an, Painter, deceased. On the 6th of July. 1895, at 2 p.m., at the late residence of the deceased, on Huron street, Clinton, there will be sold at public auction, by David Dickinson, auctioneerthe following real and personal property of the deceased, viz: FARM—being lot No. 37, in the 12th conces- sion of the township of Goderich, in the County of Huron, cootaining 80 acres, more or less. There is a small orchard of old bearing fruit trees, with a number of now fruit trees not yet bearing. There aro a log dwelling houso and a frame barn on the promises. The property is about four miles from Clinton, on a good road. TOWN PROPERTY—being part of town lot 29 and town lot 30, on Huron street, and town lot 31, on Mary street, in the said town of elixir. ton. There are on the property facing on Mary street two comfortable frame ono storey Cot- tages, n street, excellent substantial ate of frame two storey Dwelling House,with good cellarand other eon- veniences, and with the last named houso a frame paint shop and stable. PERSONAL PROPERTY — consisting of several buggies, one mare, a quantity of fire- wood, all the household furniture and effects, inohiding Piano, together with all other the personal oftocta of the deceased. TERMS.—The farm will bo sold subject to a mortgage of $1,000 and interest, and possession of the same can bo given next fall, after the tenant has removed crops; possession can bo got to do fall plowing, etc., immediately after harvest. The town property will bo sold sub- joot to a mortgage of $000 and interest. The real estate will be sold in separate parcels or en bloc, to suit e purchase money udownoon the dars. Ten y 9fetho sant of le and the balance in 30 days thereafter, without interest. Further terms end particulars made known On day of Saloor upon application to W. W. Farrar), Esq., or to the undersigned. • JAMES SCOTT. Solicitor for Joseph Copp, Administrator D. DICKINSON, Auctioneer. Clinton, 30 June, 1895. r. )ft, 7p The cheapest and most effective insectide on the market, applied dry. No mixing required, al- ways ready and safe to handle. Being a strong fertilizer, it strengthens the vines, makes the potatoes larger and better. Applied to the vines with a very fine sieve in the morning when the dew is on, it will re- main until the whole crop of bugs then hatched out is killed. Pure . Paris Green . "Government Standard" We sell both these articles at close prices and will be pleased to have your order. CASH DEALER, LONDESBORO