Clinton New Era, 1895-06-14, Page 2�' Xt lRA. ..' DE 91,111.1 0L1NT[.T,.NEW .ERA ONO roe's Celery Compound Does a Wondrous Work for Mr Samuel Neighbors and Friends As- tonished. lei Results Never Accom- plished by any other Medicine. The,ase of Mr Samuel Hanna, an es- teezpbd resident of Manvers, Ont., has at - the °ted attention of hundreds living in the district. duce Mr Hanna's cure, by ':the use of Paine's Celery Compound, sool'es who were previously skeptical, are .how ahorgughly convinced that every word and aentehce of praise written in favor of Paines Celery Compound in the past is true and ;deserving. As a speedy cure of disease, a strengthen• er and health giver, the- vast majority of men and women in Canada admit that Paine's Celery Compound has no equal. Mr.lfanna writes thus about bis wonder- ful euro:— _ "After severe sickness and suffering for a 4l to length of time, I am happy to state that I z m was made wel), by Paine's Celery Compound 'To be raised "up from a low and weak state inside oI two weeks, ie .a marvellous work, which nothing else but Paine's Celery Com- pound oculd have accomplished. "After using half the first bottle of the Compound, I was able to dig the holes for a forty rod fence, and help to build it. Be - +e, fore using Paine's (3eleiy Compound, I scald <;. not sleep, and her no appetite. Paine's Celery Compound is worth its weight in gold to any sufferer; it is the best medicine in the world." eta NEWS NOTES The Livingston Brothers, of Galt, Ont., propose to build a large linen and fine cordage factory in Buffalo. School teachers professing the Ro- man Catholic religion have been barred out of the public schools in Bailees City, Kansas. Mrs T. 0. Hawkins, Chattanooga, Tenn;, ( says: Shiloh's Vitalizer "Saved My Life." I consider it the beet remedy for a debili- tated system I ever;used." For Dyspepsia, Liver or Kidney trouble itezcele,_—PrioeTh Ota: . : W. F. Guest, a St. Marys bigamist, who was serving a three years' sen- tence in Kingston penitentiary, has been pardoned after serving one year of his term. The Republic of Formosa has collaps- ed, its President has escaped from the island, and the foreign residents there. are in safety. The native and Chinese soldiers, however, are said to be looting in all directions. RELIEF IN SIX HOURS—Distressing Kidney and Bladder diseases relieved in six hours by the "Great South American Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a great surprise end delight on account of Its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder. kidneys, back and every part of the urinary passages in male or female. It re- lieves retention of water and pain in passing it, almost immediately. Sold by WATTS & CO Medical men have repeatedly declar- ed that the cyclist, whether man or woman, who doubles up the body while riding becomes physically de- formed, presents a most ungraceful ap- pearance, invites spinal disease, and loses a great part of the benefit that 3night otherwise accrue from the exer- cise. A clergyman in Denver, Col., has however, made a much more woeful declaration. Cycling on Sunday has been his theme, and he has stated sol- emnly that "there are 10,000 men going to hell on bicycles." It is high time that the good man employed some ex- pert wheelwright to remove the con- tents of his head. KARL'S CLOVER ROOT, the great blood purifier, gives freshness and clear- ness to the complexion and °urea Consti- pation. 25 ote., 50 cts., $1. The tailor shop of Mr Slater and the bake ship and residence of . W. Cle- ment at Buriord, were burned. Loss about $1,500; building and contents _partly insured. With the blood full of hnmore,the heated • erm is all the more oppressive. Give the ystem a thorough cleansing withAyer'sSar- aparilla and a dose or two of Ayer's Pills, and you will enjoy summer as never before n your life. Just try this for once,and you'll of repent it, Kate Rodehouse was arrested near was arrested near Caledonia on the charge of abandoning the child found dead Sunday night at Hamilton. For years I have been a great sufferer rom itchy skin trouble and salt rhnem. My ° hands and ankles were literally raw. The .first application of Dr. Chase's Ointment allayed the burning, itching sensation. One box and a half entirely oared me. It is also instant relief for chilblains. Henry A. 'p,;¢rmenter, St. Catharines, Ont. • John Grant, of Parkhill, has been -to•and guilty of stealing $5,000 from the Canadian Express Company in town. Douglas Stevenson, the, six-year-old sop of Mr T. McL. Stevenson of Barrie, 'atm given a dessertspoonful of carbolic acid by his sister in• mistake for his :rigular medicine, with fatal results. A special from Victoria B. 0, gives itn nccotlnt of the wreck of the schoon- 4er' Kodiak on Kodiak Islands,also the less of the schooner White, of San "$lraneieeo, near the same puce. Ten of the crew of the White *ere lost. Many` were frozen to death while lash- ekl in the rigging, and other's were :drowned. The survivors crossed the iritluntains through the deep snow to • Odyak, where medical attention was ive14 them. Harry Harsom, F. A. tifedney, A.O'Brine Andrew John- zon, ,F, .floggers and W. Ball nad their amputated to save thier lives. 'Q PIIEvaNT ,0014-MSIONS AT•&EA. '4 /ReW 7teellt Meetricltia8 ha* b vented Qoom.. TOO Wan.; 14ve 't anues, T' P '( RHriela, a /Or' ' N'o k oleotadeao, has invented a oorppasa which he gam, will avert all daakter ot'nelilsiotle at Nem. "'Phot, Is one thing cofilileete4 with nal' Invention," he said to a laiew Talc, World reporter, "wliioh 1 cannot make publio. That is the oolmponent parte of a ohernios' Hula which is placed in the bee° of the compass. This fluid, by the way, will go a long,way towards proving that in the very near future chemistry will play a very important part in the work of utilizing the enormouaaforgea, of .elgotri.cit,y, "It is only three years ago that I made a recipe, if It may be galled such, of this fluid. I had known something of the ac- tion of eleotrielty on oertain ohemle ls, and in the course of my expertmente with my compass I made several fluids, all of different strengths. One day, .with severalUfrlends, I went to Lake Mahopao to test the compass. The affair worked perfectly when the contents of one of the bottles was used, very badly with others, andfagatn not at all with some. "I was delighted when I found that the compass was a sueoess with one of the mixtures Ono of my friends casually asked' me how the contents of that bottle differed from the others. Then I realized that I had made a fatal error. I hod not marked the bottle, and was as much at sea about it as my friend. That was three years ago. I set to work at once to rectify my mistake and 'spent several thousand dollars in having the contents of that bottle analyzed, but all to no pur- pose. Perseverance pays, however, for sevral mdaths ago I succeeded in getting a formula for the successful mixture. "The compass is about two and one- half inches in dlartieter and throe inches high. Under the needle is a strip of mot - al. Beneath the face of the compass is a saucer, in which the chemical I spoke of is placed. The whole is connected elec- trically with an enlarged horseshoe mag- net 10 feet long made of soft iron bars 12 inches wide. The poles of the magnet are connected by wire with the ship's dy- namo,thus giving ns the electrical power. "The moment a ship enters the mag- netic field of the vessel which carries my compass, which I calculate -at six miles, the needle of the compass is deflected in the direction of that ship. In turning it passes over the metal plate on the face, and as it does so it closes an electric circuit which sets alarm bells ringing, telling of the approach of the other vessel. "When I first brought my compass to the notice of shipping men the cry was at once raised that the magnet would seri- ously affect the ship's steering compass. Such is not the fact, for this can bo pro- tected in the way usually adopted in all steel and iron ships. This is done by lay- ing narrow strips of brass, flush with the deck, around the oompasa These strips act as a fence, as it were, against all magnetic influenoes on board. "T was on the steamer La Gascogne six years ago, looking at the compass. Suddenly I noticed the needle shake and turn half way around. Capt. Fontein, who was near the at the time, and of whom I asked an explanation of the mat- ter. pointed to a steamer four miles oil. 'That steamer,' said he, 'is loaded either with steel rails or canned goods. It has deflected ourneedle:-by magMt1 attrao- Lion.' That set me to thinking, and my magnet is the result. "Two weeks ago I ma< an appoint- ment with certain persons connected with the Navy Department, and before going I decided to make a final test of the magnet and compass. With a couple of friends we hired a trig. We steamed up, down and across the bay, the magnet and com- pass working perfectly all the time. "I am not* at liberty to tell whom I saw in Washington, or what was said, but I do not think that I violate any confiden- ces when I say that this summer experi- ments will be made in rough water on a vessel furnished by the navy. More than that I cannot say at present. "Friends have advised me io part with my invention for a lump sum offered by a syndicate of local steamship men, but I refused thinking that the Government can put It to better use, as it will not seek to monopolize it, but will aid in plac- ing It on the ships of ' every nation. Of course, I am selfish enough to believe it will be better for me in the end." THREE WISE SAWS. Cowper it was who spoke of the tea "cup that cheers but not inebriate&" "No flies on him" is not a recent ex- pression. It occurs in Don Quixote, in Sanoho's wise sayings. "A feather in his cap" was permitted, In many ancient nations, to a warrior who had killed one of the enemy. The body of a dead man was found on the C. P. R. track about two miles east of Caradoc station, on Friday morning. The right arm was broken, the left foot crushed and the head com- pletely crushed and cut off. An in- quest was held at Caradoc station and averdict of accidental death was given, exonerating the company and their employes from all blame. The de- ceased appeared to have been beating hie way on some train, and having fall- en off was run over and badly mangled by some train during the night. From papers found on his person his name appears to beW. F. Spears, of Ottawa. Wm Lyman, of Thedford, Ont., yes- terday recovered his nine-year-old boy, who had been sent to Bay City byMrs Lyman. Lyman said his wife lefhim because he would not live in Canada. When the father and , son metihoth danced about in gssat glee. ALL MEN Young, old or middle-aged, who find them- selves nervous, weak and exhausted, who are broken down from excess or over -work, resulting in many of the following eymp- toms :—Mental depression, premature old ago, lose of vitality, lose of memory, bad dreams, dimness of eight, palpitation of the heart, emissions, lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, headache, pimples on the face and body, itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizzi- gees, spooks before the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eyelids and elsewhere, bash- fulness, deposits in the nrine, loss of will power, tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, constipation, dnllneeo of hearing, loss voice, desire for solitude, excitability of temper, sunken eyes, snrronnded with LEADEN cream, oily looking skin, etc., are all symptoms of ner- vone debility, that lead to insanity, unless cured. The spring or vital force having lost its tension, every function wanes in coneocinense. Those who through abnee committed in ignorance, may be perma- nently cured. Send your address and loo io Stamps for book on diseases peculiar to man, sent sealed. Address M. V. LIMON, 24 Maedonnell Ave„ Toronto, Ont., Canada Phase mention this paper. • A VicE p'QR CVCUST8. An unduly long bandle-bar Is weak, it ePreads the rider out too much, and it unsteardie the steering. Riders should uover dtsoontinue a tiling for any length of time, because there is no better tonic; but If they are oompelisal tor some reason. they should immediately adopt some other form of excretes. To leave an tusuffioient length of han- dle -bar stalk in the tube, though less disastrous to the machine, le more dan- gerous to the, rider, for the hwidle-bar is apt to come out into his hands, oeoasion- lag an awkward spill: When you hear n grinding, olioking noise at the chain -wheel, don't jump to the oonclusion that kour chain is slack. Try the main bearings. They may have worked sufficiently loose to throw the wheel out of line and cause the unpleasant noise of the oogs. Cycling strenghtens the muscles of the ankle immensely, and is nearly always beneficial after a sprain, that is to say, when the ankle is recovered sufficiently to enable the sufferer to hobble about on it. To use it immediately after the sprain is sutcidal, and will only prolong the period of convalescence.—Golden Days. HUMAN ODDITIES. At a London plane of amusement one of the attractions is a hypnotized man. Ile is kept asleep an entire week, in constant view of the audience. ' At the age of ninety-eight, Mrs. Ann Featherstone, of Columbus, 0., has just out a large tooth. This perfgrmance was preceded by an illness of three weeks. With a single blow of his fist, adminis- tered on the jaw, Sonor Guerrita, of Mad- rid, has been known to knock down a bull. This year his profits from bull- fighting have been $75,000. He has killed 1,400 bulls. Charles E. Mintram,who died recently at Pine Bush, N.Y., had attained twen- ty-two years of age, but was in all other respects a baby. He grew after he was one year old, and at the time of his death was only two feet in height. B. B. B. Purifies, renovates and regulates the entire system, thus curing Dyspepsia, Constipa- tion, Sick Headache, Biliousness, Rheuma- tism, Dropsy and all diseases of the stom- ach, liver, kidneys and bowels. It also re- moves all impurities from the system from a common pimple to the worst scrofulous aore"t�pwu5as i Literary Competition. The Toronto Saturday Night, a recog- nized authority in Canada on matters per- taining to literature, refers as follows to the short story competition offered by the Dr. Williams Medicine Company of Brook- ville:— "It is gratifying to find this large business firm interested in literature, and the nature of the competition is such that a keen inter- est is sure to be aroused in all parts of Can- ada. There ie perhaps no portion in the world that yields material so abundant, °situations so piquant and characters so striking for the writ ng_ef-short-stories, as tray be found -in -Canada and more partic- ularly in the North-west Territories. We have seen what Gilbert Parker'+hae been able to do with hie all too limited knowled- ge of the Hndeon Bay country. Had he or any other trained writer as complete a knowledge of our great Northwest, the tra- ditions of the forte, the halfbreed and the Indians, as is possessed by hundreds of our readers, the literature of the world would be enriched. Winners of Dash prizes in other competitions are excluded, so that there is no reason why beginners should not try a hand." Three hundred dollars is offered in prizes the amount being divided among the beet five stories received. Stories for competit• ion must reach the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont., before the lst of July next. POOR LO'S AWFUL FATE. The manufacture of distilled spirits, locally known as hoochinoo, has been carried on by the natives of Alaska for a long period, and at times during the days of the Cassiar excitements it was freely purchased by the miners as the only liquor obtainable, owing to the strict enforcement of the prohihitory clause against the importation of li- quors into the territory. Hoochinoo Is nothing more or less than raw alco- hol, being distilled mainly from brown sugat or molasses and cornmeal. Un- diluted the stuff has a double -proof strength, makes "drunk come' freely, and but a few mouthfuls will set a man howling with demoniac glee, and nothing but an Indian with his copper - lined stomach, can stand a protracted spree on it. The Kake Indians probably lead all others in the manufacture of these spirits, and as proof of their knowledge in the art of making a double -proof article we give the particulars of the awful fate of an expert Kake distiller, which happened recently on that Is. land. It seems that this Indian, while en- gaged in the manipulation of his little coal oil can still, imbibed too freely of its tricklings, and in a di unken stupor lav down by his fire of cedar logs and fell asleep,with his face uncomfortably close to the lire and his breath fanning the flames. Through some reason known only to the medical fraternity gas accumulated in the stomach, and the breath of the sleeper reaching the flames. this alcoholic gas ignited. The sleeper suddenly leaped to his feet with a terrifying scream, and fell back again writhing In agony. The man was burning r.rternally. Smoke and even flames ware issuing from his mouth, and his agony was something awful. His loud screeches brought the mem- bers of the camp about him,who looked on in silent, terrcr-stricken awe, unable to do anything for his relief. The combustion continued until the Indian was literally consumed inside and for some time after the spirit of life had fled.—Alaska Mining Record. The top of the Doe Run lead mine at Flat River, near Bismarck, Mo., caved in, killing three men and badly injur- ing a fourth. It is officially announced at Stutt- gart that the fatalities which resulted on June 5th, from the cloudburst over the Wurtemburg portion of the Black Forest amount to 60. At Balingen alone 80 houses were demolished by the rise of the waters of the River Eyach, and many buildings were dam- aged. Children Cry for Pitcheee Castor/34. WPr3.144104.:the tqut,ogle. A woman was in a to 'board ae. Wabasb avenue cable car. At the same time ti one -legged luau watt in *Many tio., leave the car: The woman eo111ded with the ,man, knocked his mita, boni' tieF hie' aria and he: fell upon; the pa Atter the wofnan:had made berseltaeoure in the peat of the oar abe turned aud'made a profuse apology. The ruin was in no mood to accept it. He ehook Me orutob before -her and..canted .her. _The..wgmen's- faoe grew orlmeon. The oonduotorenjoy- ed the occurrence. In, doing so be step- ped on a man's oorn. The man toppled and fell against another man. knocking off tiel.Patt tr'adailk Oat, ser tiling: to. catch it he fell off., He raved and swore, and the man who had knodked,' off the hat, being pugnacious, ;jumped from the oar and there tvasia fight. The conductor was beard to mutter : "Always a woman. " —Chicago Tribune • Dr. H. F. Merrill. Results Astonish MEN OF SCIENCE. AY E ID'S A MEDICINE WITHOUT AN aUtellilia_ Statement of a Well Known Doctor "Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is without an equal as a blood -purifier and Spring medlciee, and cannot have praise enough. I have watcher' its effects In chronic cases, where other treatment was of no avail, and have been astonished at the results. No other blood medicine that I have ever used, and I have tried them all, is so thorough in its action, and effects so many permt.ne•.t cares as Ayer's Sarsaparilla."—Dr. II. F. MERI:ILL, Augusta, Me. Ayers214. . Sarsaparilla E,dmitted:nt-th'e-'Wortrr`Firdr dysr's Y'Elts for liver and bowels. "Commend to Your Honorable Wife" —Mere/maxi 1 Ford► and tell her that I am composed of clarified cottonseed oil and ler fined beef suet ; that I am the purest of all cooking fats; that my name is itQlen that I am better than lar$, and more useful than butter; that I am equal in shortening to twlc* the quantity of either, and maks food mach easier of digestion„ I am to be found everywhere is 3 and 5 pound pails, but am M ads uror fly Th. N. K. F&rbtak Company. Wen:tni ton and eaaraalas MONTREAL. fUU iOUR OUTING GO TO PICTURESQUE J IIICRINUC ISLAND. ONE THOUSAND MILKS OP LAKS OW AT SMALL ■XPIN$t. Visit this Historical Island, which fs the grandest summer resort on the Great L..kes. It only costs about 13 from Detroit ; $15 from Toledo ; 18 from Cleveland for the round trip, eluding meals end berths. Avoid the heat and dust; by traveling on the D. &6 C. floating palaces. The attractions of a trip to tl' , Mackinac region are unsurpassed. T Island itself is it grand romantic spot, itk climate most invigorating Two new steel passenger steamers have ret Been built for the upper lake torte, costin '3500,000 each. They are equipped *With every modern convenietiee, annunciators, .nrth rooms etc., illinated, throughout rev electricimtl ty, and are guaranteed to be rhe grandest, largest and safest steamet8 ,5n fresh water. These steamers favorably ,•ompare with the great ocean liners in eon- - f ructrin and speed. Four trips per week I,stween 'Toledo, Detroit, Alpena, Medd- nee, 1't igniie°, Petoskey, Chicago "Soo," 'larnuetre and Duluth. Daily Between .eland and Detroit, and Cleveland and 1: i 'e The palette' equipment ,rakes traveling on these steamers thor- n •igh.y enjoyable. Send for illustrated .'ire pamphlet. Address A. A. • ..+ N't z, G. P. A., D. ft O., Detroit, Mich. To smokes To meet the wiabes,ot their customers The Geo. E. Tnpkett 04 Son Co., Titd., Hwqultonl„ Ont,, have planed upset the market ' A CP.MUtNAI' ON PLUG. OF Iii ca" .,. -, x : r syn a �.. •n r,,,:, .,•.,_...:. SMOKING TOBACCO This supplies a long felt want, giving the consumer one 20 cent plug, or a 10 cent piece or a 5 cent piece of the famous "T $ B" brand of pure Virginia Tobacco. Tin tag "T & B" is on every piece I -P -A -N -I, [ONE GIVES RELIEF JERSEY BULL. SIGNAL 11VB'1'IsJ� BRED BY MRS E. M. JONES LIROCRVILLs ONT. ro eo$1aufl anti lithrt Tagil Tbls high bred registered A. J. C. C. Bull for service at Hillside Stook Farm, London Road,. one mile from Clinton. Tested butter records of some cows closely related to this bull. Bertha Black 281b,. 10 oz. in a week. Croton Maid, 211bs 11 oz. in a week. Miss Satanalia, 201be. 6 oz. in a week. Terms—Thorobrede 04 Grades, $1.80, with the privilege of returning if necessary. H. PLUMSTEEL, MoKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co FARM & ISOLATED TOW N PROPERTY ONLY INSURED OFFIcsRs. D. Ross, Pr,sident, Clinton; Geo. Watt Vice Pres. Harlock; W. J. Shannon, Secy -!'real. Seaforth; M. Mnrdie, Inspector of Claims, Beaforth. DIRECTORS. Jae. Broadfoot, Seaforth ; Gabriel Elliott Clinton; J.B. McLean, Tuckeremith : Thos. Car bet, Clinton ; 0, Gardiner, Leadbury ; T. E Hays, McKillop. AGENTS. Thos. Neilans Harlock; Robt. McMillan, flea - forth; J. Comings, Egmonsville. Geo. Murdie, auditor. Parties desirous to effect Insurances or tran- sact other business will be promptly attended to on application to any of the above offices adreesed to their reepeoitve offices PROPERTIES FOR SALE OR To LET JAMES SCOTT. Barrister, Solicitor CONVEYANCER &a. Commissioner for Ontario and Manitoba. Office immediately South of Gilroy & Wiseman u W, BRYDONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC, ETC. Office—Beaver Block. .T,Ip-staiZs, Qpppsite Foeter'Q;(Ph9to Galery, 1 - CL` ZNTON DE, WM, GUNN, L. R: O, P. and L. R, 0. s Edinburgh. Office—Ontario Sreet, Clinton Night calls at front door of residence on fatten bury St., opposite Preebyterl(l,q,ebgxch , DR J. L. TURNBULL, M. D., TORONTO University, m D. 0.51., Victoria University, M. C. P & S., Ontario. Fellow of the Obst,etrieal Society of Edinburgh, late of London, Eflti„ and Edinburgh Hospitals. Otfloe.—Dr. Dowseiy's old office Rattenbury St. Clinton. Night hell answered at the eam° place. D R, J. W. SHAW, PHYSICIAN, BURGEON Accoucheur, etc., office in the Palace Block Rattenbury St. formerly occupied by Dr. Reeve Clinton Ont. JAS. 8, FREEBORN, M.D., L.K.&Q.C.P.I., M. C. p. & S. 0., Graduate Kings end Queens College of Physicians, Dublin, Ireland. Lioen. tiate General Medical Council, Great Britain Member of College Physicians ana Surgeons, On- tarto. Formerly resident of Rotunda Hospital, (Lying-in and Gyaecological) Dublin. Residence' —Rattenbury 8t. east, next door to Ontario.St, parsonage. TAR STAN13URY, GRADUATE OF THE Medical Department of Victoria Univer- sity, Toronto, formerly of the Hospitals and Dispensaries, New York, Coroner for be County of Huron, Bayfield, gilt. ' DR. McLELLAN, Or 284, DONnes Sr,, LONDON, SPECIALIST The Medical and Surgical diseases of the Ey e, Ear, Nose and Throat. Full stock of Spectacles, Len- ses and Artificial Eyes. Hours -10 a. m. to 4 p. m. "Vill boat the Rattenbury House, Clinton, the first Friday of each month. Next visit will be FRIDAY, JULY 5th: DR. BRUCE, DENTIST. L. D.S., Royal College of Dental Turgeons of Ont. D.D.S., Trinity University, Toronto. 7Special attention given to the Preservation of the natural teeth. Office, Coats Block, over Taylor's oboe store N. B.—Will visite Blyth every Monday and Bayfield lst Thursday of each month. TWO ROOMS TO LET IN T E. BLACEALL VETERINARY SURGEON MACBAY BLOCH. eJ . HonoraryGradate of tbeOntarioVeterinary College. Treats all diseases of domesticated and One in Front and one in Rear. Rent Moderate. mais on the moat modern and scientific prinoi- w. COATS, for Executors Est. Jos. Whitehead Pies Office— immediatelysoutb of the New Ere Office. Residence — Albert St., Clinton. Call night or day attendedto promptlaj FOR SALE. The undersigned will Bell at a sacrifice, Lot 451 or 12, Railway Terrace, Clinton, Particulars upon application, JAMES SCOTT, Barrister &o HOUSE AND LOT FOR 18225,. A frame Cottage with five rooms and pantry and summer kitchen attached. Situated near centre of the town of Clinton. Convenient for a retired farmer or a working man with small family. A special chance that will not last. Apply to T. U. CARLING, or QUEENS HOTEL HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE The commodious and conveniently situated house on Ontario St., recently occupied by Dr. Appleton, is offered for sate on very reasonable terms. The house is adapted for ordinary family and has every convenience and requisite. Full particulars on application to JAMES SCOTT or R IRWIN, Clinton. 110TO8fLZ•NBON, VETERINARY SURGEON, nary College, Honorary rsyT condo, Treaof ts allt diseases of Domestic Animals on the most modern and ScientificPrinciples. lmyanswer d,RedeuoeyRtteand nbuht ry S., west Clinton MARRIAGE LICENSE. JAMES SCOTT. SR., IU leeurer of Marriage Licenses, Library Room and Residence, Mary street, Clinton. JAMES CAMPBELL, LONDESBORO ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, Nol witnesses required MONEY TO LEND IN LARGE OR Small sums on good mortgage security moderaterateoil nterest. H HALE, Clinton. MI W. FARNCOMB, MEMBER OF ASS'N OF Civil Engineer, rLondoan, Ont• Office LanSurveand Geo. Stewart's Grocery Store, Clinton. MRS. W H ITT, M. C. M FOR SALE The following valuable reaidental property in the Town of Clinton, is offered for sale. Lot 107 and part of 108. Victoria 8t., and part of lot 113 High Street. There are two comfortable dwelling Houses upon the property, in an excellent °tate of reprir. For further particulars and terms appl to A. MoMURCHIE or to the undersigned. SCOTT. SPLENDID FARM TO RENT The farm on the 16th con. of Goderich town- ship, known as "Mrs Barr's" Is offered to rent on reasonable terms. It contains 80 acres and pos. session can be had at once. The house and one field will be reserved. Full particulars on appli- cation to D. A, FORRESTER, Clinton, House and Large Garden for Sal Tnat comfortable eix-roomed House, belong- ing to the estate of the late E. Finch, with two lots, Noe. 662 and 663 on Gorden street, Clinton, will be sold on moderate terms. Has good well. wcodshed, &c. The e arden is well planted with choice frnit trees. This is a desirable chance for a retired farmer. Apply to T.M. CARLING Auctioneer, or to H. HALE, Agent, Clinton. Clinton, Jan. 9, 1895. FARM FOR SALE. Lot 7 Bayfield, Goderich township, 84 acres; 44 of which are cleared and in good cultivation, 40 acres good Hardwood bush unculled, Maple bush, Cherry with a few acres Cedar at rear end of lots, good frame House with outbuildings; good bear- ing orchard of which got 0140 for Apples in Oct- tobor last; small spring Creek crosses lot; 2 miles from Bayfield, 12 miles from Goderich, 7 miles from Clinton; no incumbrance on the farm owner wants to give up farming. Prion 82700 hall Cash, Balance on tinio to cult Purohaser Address JOHN E. EAGLESON, Bayfield P. 0 FARM FOR SALE That valuable farm five miles flow the thriv- ing town of Clinton, being lot 41, con. 8, Goderich Township. containing 80 aoree, more or less, nearly all cleared, well underdrained, end in a good state of cultivation. There is a comfortable bone°, new barn and eh ed with stone foundation 66x60, never failing well, four acres of orchard, convenient to church and school and good roads in all directions. Will be sold reasonable; $1,000 requiredldown, the balance may 'remain on mort- gage. For particulars apply to B. SWITZER, Clinton P. O. A thoroughbred registered DUR- HAM BULL for sale cheap. FARM FOR SALE. That fine Farm of 127 acres, being lot 18, let con., of Hallett. All cleared but about ten Gores; ten sores in 'all wheat- balance all fit for culti- vation; never ailing epring; good orchard. Frame house and outbuildings. Situate just at miles east of the Town of Clinton, and is considered a first-class farm* Possession given at any time. He would be willing to take house property In Clinton for part payment. Apply to eitbor W. SMITHSON, Step -ladder works, Huron street, Clinton, or EDWIN SLY. on the premises. Terme reasonable. Retired Farmer Wanted '1'o purchase good central Clinton property. Oost over $9,000, soil for $5,000, Ton per cont cash, balance to suit, at15 per cent. Principal," only dealt With. Apply t,o D. J. CAMPBELL, 289 Main W., Hamilton Ont 1 CU x a in nimbi. bite& au t pttel0 ilatteree of soi e.saaWas y* A, Wille TEACHER OF MUSIC, Pupil of MrCharles W. Landon, of Pbiladelpnta The Mason Method used exclusively. It is con sidered by the leaeing Musical Artiste that no method develops the technic so rapidly as Dr Mason's " Touch and Technic." Piano, Organ and Technioon, or Muscle develope for use of pupils. Room] over Beesley's Store, Beaver Block Albert Street, Clinton. R. AGNEW. L.D.S D.D.S. DENTIST. Graduate of Royal College of Dental l orgeone, Ont. Honor Graduate of Trinity University, Toronto. All operations in Dentistry carefullb performed. Beet local Anaesthetics for painless extraction. Office opposite Town Hall over Swallow's store. Will visit Heneall every Monday, and Zurich every second Thursday of each month. C91"Night dell answered. A. O. U. W. The Clinton Lodge, No. 199, meet in Riddle- oombeHall on the let and 3rd Fridaye in each month. Visitors cordially invited. R. STONEHAM, M. W. J.BEAN YOUNG LADIES AND GENTLEMEN Send 9 cents in stamps. or 10 cents in silver, and we will send you by return mail the PERFECT LETTER WRITER A neat little Book, being a perfect Guide in the art of Letter Writing. It contains Lettere on Love, Friendship, Business, etc., with valuable instructions and advice. Every young man and woman should have this Book. Address, NOVELTY PUBLISHERS, INGERSOL'L, ONT CLINTON MARBLE 'WORKS. COOPER'S OLD STAND. Next to Commercial hotel. This establishment is in full o' oration and al orders fills b d in temost sotiefacto y way Ceme- tery and granite work a specialty. Prices ae reasonable as those of any eetablishn.ent SEALE & HOOVER,Clinton. Im BUSINESS (H A ME The undersigned begs to inform the people • Clinton and sueroending country that ho has bought the ,tock of BOOTS & SHOES of Air Geo. Stewart, and he will continue the b ueineee in the same place opposite the Market. He will Bell for cash only, and offer special Bar- gains for the next 80 days, He hopes by strict at- tention to nae,neaa to merit:, snare of Public atronage. Repairing a specialty. • JAMES YOUNG SEEDS : SEEDS We will exchange CLOVER and TIMOTHY SEED OATS, PEAS, WAEAT & Barley 101be. Rolled Oat Meal to 1 bush, Oats. GHve ns a call. MEP & CONNEL;L.