The Wingham Advance, 1919-05-22, Page 21
ee""Al,5K4 kl"P.",•-t-`se.
Jolaale 3: 1-10.
COMMentarg.-L jonalee repentance
Ana work (Jonah, 3: 14). 1.• The Nt'0111
ttto Leal came unto Jonah -We
know little or this prephet aside from
what laegiven ue in his prephecy. Ile
Was the eon a Amittat and his home
ftn. the northern part oe Brael.
'rho weenie athie-Goa in moray gave
•Tonarb eetexid call to arry the ries-
sago to Nineveh. At the Gra call,
thetas" of going the COO miles ncrth-
east to Nineveh, he started west-
ward to Tarshia, la Spain, A, dietance
a 2.000 mites. lila clieastrous experi-
ence on that trip made him walla.'°to
Obey th,o second call, although the
Very conditions that turned him aside
the first Gum still prevailed. 2. Go
unto Nineveh -Ills mission wan to
Nineveh,which was the great WY of
Assyria. „This nation was bostile to
'Mel, and within a few decades car-
ried is:mei-into captivity. That great
city -The gay ravel have hael a POPU-
IatiCal of more than a million, and
;faith was called to go and cry aeainst
it' (ele. 1: 2).. Farrar ealls it the
leaden a the ancient world. The
areacbing that I bid tee-Tbe reason
for the mission to Nineveh is given in
fhe that call- that Sonalt received,
*where the `Lord said, "Their wickedaees is come up before isle" (ehe 1: 2).
The city was a stronghold for heath -
exiting, and the sins which accome
panted their religious Observances and
resulted from them had come up be-
fore the Lords, whirliaew the kind of
truth that the NineVitea needed aid
the kind that wottld prove effectual.
a.,sit,thrge ‘deyee joaney-Counting
twenty miles as a day's journey, the
distance around NineVeli was sixty
Thie was surrounded by a wall
oue hundred feet high and broad
cough a the top for three cheviots
to be drivennlereast. .gWithin the vast
Space thus enclosed rose palaces of
almost inconceivable eize and gran-
deur, amidst gardens and grounds in
whiChathee higheet art -lead ereated
every; beautygtlia could gratify pride
Ile ravish the Senses.Onepalace alone,
disclosed in its rains by the toil of
the explorer, revealea ._ twenty-seven
huge gates of entrance, guarded by
colessel• ImMan-headed bulls and gt-
giattelloris, and seventy-one halls
Med chtenehers, „ aelerned throughout,
round all their sides, by great
. aeuares of alabaster covered with
sculptures of •the warlike deeds a the
'king of hinge and varied scenes from
alvil or Military lifeeh--Geike. 4. Be-
gartetti 'ulster it day's journeee-
The Goma ,seenis to be that as he
entered the city and proceeded on his
wage he delivered the Message which
God had. given him, ler the people.
Yee ferey dam and, Nineveh shall . be
etverthrown-The cup -of Niaeveh's in -
Agility was almost full; and unless the
people- should repent* there would be
- hut . ;eaty,. dgge elaefore the city Would
he Reetroyed. 'raking' this proclama-
tion in connatien, With what took
Place later,. we must. conclude that
there was an implied condition in
the decreed destruction of the city.
If the people did not turn away from
their wickedness by hearty repentance,
thus would be elestroyed.
IL:. Nineveh'saapentance (Jonah 3:
g-10.) 5. the people of Nineveh be-
lieved God -It was a strange sight
prat met the eyes of the Ninevites,
eerd a strange message that greeted
„their are., as the, fereign .prophet in
his Deaner phophdreegarb and with
hie denunciatory words passed through -
ant their city, yet with the work of
ehe lioly Spirit the message teok ef-
rect and the people believed God. pro-
r)hlainied a fast -A sign of humiliation
and repentance. put • on sackcloth -
Whey ayeeed theneeelyes with a
4ear0e 'Made ' Of gat's-hair,
(Which was a rsenhol of sorrow and
setourning. The regentance seems to
Aiwa teen Immediate and general. 6.
the King of telheveh-ene pined him.-
eelf upon a level efith his lowest sub -
May r,5„ 1119.
vk'IMNto.1 dam, a ti acriAck.d. t,,-,::., Fr -0111,4
mil WM trilt huff
No, tut% fgt. 111t {M.
1 fttve item Mei tbyt uth.ri1 PC15. tile Ifuttt
kb. 4,04 If Jakob 14 maw.rua alwoti sirer11.
kW. dablts.
)'Tbr WLlt1Il 1101Pri5 in Soda%t tt yl)allithorb 1 alwaya
yob that IA *Wye cmgh to bo,a oll tba adraltior,cy of lbo big
bath) and mat diough lt bavi Il tbc c.,aLitr tI litraoa"
"Oil 5 itacdard for INtal cbotwng"
11)4 towel:, pain Unto Opt.P110 VrA(.1CIER HOUSE) (The
nom ritnty) drag Milt11101 5ti54s'4te..4 alt• riarotha
urva, and homo artnonwiont.
lo act it II Oa ocarcet Wog to come% your Lung witty Pa that
bc onsgincll
Bduattd I b10110)111tqW (UM tha Unim NM IAA a th,er mituagg
rido from Om CYPIV.
mormys flddobJ 5015).
410 tr ttolt • 55 f.•••••1•••
BM?' What •effeet did itlit Preeeltlat
have aeOn the NORIO? What ilto,
clod do With the City? WW1 In what
(thee repentance conelet? What ere
the trate or repeat/ace?
eect, and all bumbled ihemselves be-
came or their sine. sat la ashes -He
deft his costly throne and took the
iioweet place, exp:essing his deep sor-
row. 7. neither man nor beast -The
eafte was one of momentoua interest
aud demaeded the deep, est humiliation,
Kell E,ars "It wag the manifestation
of the thought, that just as the ani-
mals waleh live with man are dream
into fellowship with his sin, so their
sufferings might also help to appease
Cie wrath of God." "Men and women,
.old ana youug, high and low, and even
'the cattle themselves, all kept such a
Vast !ea the tatal egettnence trom food
implies," 8. cry mightily unto God
'-This shows the intensity of feeling
that prevailed. Tbere was a marvel-
ous change groin their sinful practises
and idolatrous worship to prayer to
the true God. turn.,..from his evil
way-Peayer 'to be etfectual must be
accompaulea by a turning away from
all sin. 9. who can tell ir Cod will
turn -The very fact that Jonah's mes-
sage, "Yet rorty days," showed a
few days' delay in the execution of
the sentence, gave them hope that it
they should repent and turn away
from their sins, the Lora would ac-
coalingly turn away his anger from
them. 10. God saw their works -He
man eau not see. Man sees
T muff Fi..
Topic-Ahe nature and fruita of re-
I, Itcontanee.
II. Its fruits,
1 Repentance. -Repentance helds
Its place as 4 eardinel doctrine of the
Cagletian system and an experienee
insepere.ble from a true Caristian life.
Throughont the scriptures its Place and
importance are recognized. tinder tne
ceremonial dispensation, in which
material blessings were the prominent
inative and their withdrawal of pUne
'aliment, repentance is an indispens-
able condition of Material or moral
restoration. In the later apiritual
dispensation it is inseparable from
Chrietian. experience and privileges.
John preached repentance, and Jesus
throughout his minietry enforced the
snore imperative demand and com-
manded that it be preached In Lis
name. That it might become peed rle
was the purees° of his exaltation
(Ata 5:31). It was the keynote of
apostolic preaching, as it must con-
tinue of all true evangelism. AnY
preaelthig which modifies or minifiee
this essential truth is radically anti
fatally defective. Repentance origin-
ates in a "godly sorrow," which
breaks the heart for sin and from
sin, and regerds its character rather
than its consequences. The opostlo
establishes a sharp distinction In mor-
al value when be add, "The sorrow
of the world worketh death." Re -
great, though deepened to include the
moral element of remorse, does not
constitute repentance. It means the
entire and eternal renunciation of sin
in desire and deed (Isa. 56:7). It
has primary regard to the law and
Its requirements. Though essential,
it is neither meritorious nor expiat-
ory. In itself it pos.sesses no moral
value, and is not the ground of for-
giveness, It offers no atonement and
renders no satisfaction. It may as.
sure the future, but makes no pre -
the outward signs of repentence, but vision for the past,
God sees the condition a the heart. II. Its fruits. -The repentance al -
They brought forth "fruits meet for 1 ways produces results. John demand-
repentence," turning from their evil ed of the flocking multitudes that
they "bring forth fruits meet fee re-
pentance," the rich by becoruing un-
selfish, the publicans, holiest in their
'collections and accounts and the aced-
iers by ceasing froni vie:acne°, false
aceusation ared mutinou's discontent,
Ile warned them against expectationa
,founded on ancestry. Nineveh re-
pented at the preaching of Jonah,. and
p king d peasant sat In sackclojta
act ,01 Pilate in putting the Galeliteans alde by side. Threatened desteuction
THE DAY'S WORK Loam. Clox Xen Sick
Time of
ILondon, Ont. Iteport.-London Street
DEPkNO.3 UPON C.03 BLOOD TO NOURSH. T E 4600Y '''',Itl!‘ovulavt)Ylvil„:"Itaitirfit
Weak People Need a Tonic, One Which Acts Directly
Upon the Blood and That Does Not Weakeri the
Body by 'Useless Purging.
saw as a
ways. Cod repented-ne charged his
Purpose in keeping with their changed
attitude tot -ear -a him.
III. Repentance and salvation (Luke
13; 1-5; Acts 2;37-38). Jesus empha-
sizes the necessity or repentance as a
condition. ef salvation in lejs referenee
to the Calilaeans and to these upon
whom the tower of Siloam fell. The
mons who teld him about the cruel
There are thousands of people ate caused Inc lutense pain and 501110
throughout Canada who are wIthoUt
ambition or strength to do their day's
wOrk, and Who are always tired out,
have but little appetite and a Poor
digestion, They cannont get a re-
freshing night's sleep and are sub-
jeet to headaches, backaches and ner-
vousness because their blood is Ina
Pare. To men and women in title
condition, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
give quick relief and permanent cure
because of their direct action on the
blood, which they build up to its nor-
mal strength. As the blood becomes
rich and red it strengthens the mus-
cles, tones up the nerves, makes the
stomach capable of digesting food,
and repairs the wastes caused leY
worry or werk. In a word, the use of
Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills meane res-
toration to perfect health.
to death, may have believed that they
were especially wicked, and retribu-
tion was visited upon them fer their
sins. This maY have been the fact,
but it is also a, fact that by no means
all the punishment for sth is vieitea
upon the guilty In this life. We know
nothing more than is given here about
Pilate's crime or the tragic death of
the eighteen who were crushed by the
falling power of Biloem. The teaching
of Jesus here is not regarding the
judgments of God upon the wicked,
but regarding the ueeesslity .for re-
pentance. Not only shoulaethe Gan-
laeans and the eighteen who were
killed by the falling tower have re-
pented, but the ,necessity is laid upon
all to repent, otherwiee destruction ,is
certain. Repentance includes a thor-
ough change of attitude toward 'sin,
with a desire for deliverance from it.
Acts 2; 37, 33. Tb.e people who
beard Peter preach at Peneteost were
deeply moved •and asked the 'apostles
what they should do. Peter's reply
was, "Repent, and be baptized every
one of you in the name of Jesus Christ
for the remiselon of sins, and ye ehall
receive bhe gilt of the :Holy Ghost."
Jed= theBaptist eame preaching re-
pentance; Jest's eare pheaching re-
pentance; and the apeetles went forth
with the same message.
QUESTIONS- Upon what mission
was Jonah sont? What eburse did he
take upon the first call? Where was
Nineveh and how far from the land of such cases and all those who use
Israel. How large a city wae Nine them can certify to their superior
eveh? What message diel Jesus de- power.
averted and an unpromised par-
don .secured, The prodigal son re-
pented when, humbled and hungry, he
faced homeward, framing his confes-
gin as he Went, demanding nothing.
and asked only a servant's place, with
bread. Contesion accompanies *re-
pentance, as forsaking follows it. Bob.
are conditions of moral restoration
(Prov. 28:13, 1 eohn 1:9'. Iftestitation,
evaere neceseary, is aa inseparable re-
sult. Ceremonialism •retniired the ree
stoeagon of the thing wrongfully se-
cured, and in some cases eagith multthe
lied value (Exod, 22:4). Zacheaue op-
ened his purse with his heart and
prornfsed n fourfold restoration of all
efteees collections, together with half
his Virtue for benevolences. The
parables of the lost sheep and that
silver express divine solicitude arid re -
Wang, 'When repentance is sineere.
It ' awakens angelic interest and -re-
joicing and, acampanied by true lath,
results in ealvation. W.II.C.
A Pill for Brain Workers. -The
man who works yith his brains is
more liable to dera.ngement ot the
digestive system than the man who -
works with hi`e" hands, because the
one calls upon his nervous energet
While the other applies only his
muscular strength. Brain fag bee.
gets irregularities of the stomach and
liver, and the best remedy that can,
be used is Parmelee's Vegetable Pills.
They are specially compounded for
Miss Jessie McLean, Trenton, N.S.,
says: -"I was as weak as it was Dos"
sible for any one to be, and yet be
able to go about. My blood seeihe
to. have turned almost to water. I
was pale, the least exertion would
leave me breathi is, aria white I
went up stairs 1 would have th stop
and rest• on the way. I often had
Severe headaches, and at times MY
heart would palpitate alarmingly. A
good friend urged me to try Dr. Wil-
liams" Pink Pills and I have reason
to be grateful that I took the advice.
Soon alter beginning the use of the
Pills I began to get stronger, and by
the time I had taken seveu boxes I
telt that 1 was again enjoying 'good
health. i think Dr. Williams' Pink
halls -are a blessing to -weak girls and
/ shall always warmly recommend
it Always Begins n
The ()aside
Whether it's wood or metal,
everything inside and. outside the
house bens to wear on the
The moment the surface is
exp4ed, decay and rust attack it.
, 0
So that everything with a (
surface needs protection.
"100% rare"
Par bnlidingso outside
and in.
Pella today -walk on
The ono perioct itoor
4tWeadtac," Stains
rettow tho old.
nit eelthsteteweslue to
e4ve you surface protection for everything about the house
LI' outside wood, brick arid stucco -for metal roof and
Metal trimmings -for floors, walls and furnitare.
Paint for protection as well As for appe4rance. And use
the Paints arid Varnishes that have proVecl their protective
qualities under every condition of climate and weather -
the thrie.tested Martin-Senour products 4,
1Vho mAiitlitlEHouR ea.
days 1 (ua ,not touch a, thing hut a
cup of cold water, and even that dis-
tressed inc. As a result I was very
Much run down, lend slept so poorly
that I dreaded night coming on. I
was continually talting medicine, but
was actually growing worse instead
Of bettor. Hayti% often read the
cures made by Dr. WIlliaraix' Pink
Pills, I finally decided to give them a
trial, I have had groat cause to bless
this decision, for by the t1alet.1 had
used 4 couple of there' was no
doubt the pills were helping me, and
In less time than I had anticipated
the pills lied cured, me, and I was
again enjoying not only good diges-
tion, but batter health in every way
than before."
trod, have eoncluded to appeal, tittougb
their union, to the City Council to settle
the time trouble by an immediate ref-
Mass meetings of day and night erews
hold at neenight and this afternoon m-
alted ineaxeh ection beteg taken. Itep-
resentatives of the conmeny pleaded for
a return to daylight saving on the ground
that the company is in had financial con-
dition, and that staiglard time operation
is responsible for a falling off of re-
venue of eV) a day. The men, who were
recently granted wage increases, dtd not
wish, to appear ungrateful, but were
Personally strong for standard time.
The opittiort io held that a referendum
cannot settle the Issue, because the
Council has no power to pass any time
by-law, no matter what vieW the nas,l-
ority of the electors might taae, but oven
should the people favor standard time
there is no escape from the muddle
while the railways pursue their preoent
--- 4*
Could Hardly Live for Asthma.
Writes one man who after years of
stiffer/leg has tertiol complete relief
through Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma
Remedy. Now he amows how need -
.less has been his sufferings'. This
inetchless remedy gives sure help
to all afflicted with asthma. In-
haled as smoke or vapor it brings the
b.eep so tang needed. Every dealer
liaTnii4 wPi°nnkdePluils $000088 0is due 1
that they 'go right to the root or the '
has it or caa get it for you from Iris
disease in the blood, and by making wholesaler
" DR IN -11001.0M
the vital fluid rich and red strength-
en every organ and every nerve, thus
driving out disease and pain, and • ' ' s '• •
making weak despondent people
bright active and strong. Mr. W. T,
Johnson, one of the best known and
most highly esteemed men in Lunen -
burg County*, N. $., says: -"I am a
Provincial Lend Surveyor,. and am
exposed the greater part of the year
to very hard week travelling through
the forests by day and aamping oat
niglit, and find the only thing
that will keep me up to the mark is
De. Williams' Pink Pills, When I
leave home for a trip in the wood') I
am as interested in having my supply
of pills as provisions, and au such oc-
easions I take them regularly. The
result is I am always fit, 1 never
take cold, and can digest all kinds of .
food such as we have to put up with
'hastily cooked in the woods. Having
Proved the value of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills, as a tonic and health
builder, I am never without them and
I lose no opportunity in recernmenel-
trig them to weak people I meet,"
The sufferer from rheumatism who
experiments with outward appliea-
tions Is only wasting valuable time
and good money in depending upon
such treatment the trouble still re-
mains, and is all the time becoming
more firmly rooted-hardet th cure
When the proper treatment ie appli-
ed.' Treat this disease through the
blood and you will soon be ria rof
the paths and tortures. As 4 cure for
rheumatism Dr. Williams' Pink pills
are unequalled. They act directly ou
the impure, weak blood; they purify
andestrengthen it, itad so root °ratite
eause of rheumatism. Mr. P. Lowia...
-postmaster at Eseurninac, N. B., says:
was attacked with rheumatism,
which settled in my elbow, shoulder
and knee joints, and at times caused
me great suffering. The trouble was
'particularly, severe last apring and I
decided to try Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills. After taking the Pills for some
time the rheumatic pains dal stiff-
ness iu the jointe 'disappeared arid I
have .not had any return el the
Mrs. W. Ritchie, Parkbeg, Sask.,
says: -"Two years ago I was attack-
ed with eczema on my hands. I tried
almost everything that was advised, .
but as the trouble was growing worse
I consulted a doctor and took his
treatment tor some time with no bet-
ter results, By this time my imads
were a mese of sores and I began to
despair of finding. a mere. A friend
strongly advised nie 10 try Di'. Wil-
liaras' Pink Pilis , and I decided to do
se Atter using two boxes I could
see an improventeut and I got a fur-
ther supply, I used altogether eight
boxes, bY which time every trace of
the eczema had disappeared and
there has been got a, single symptom
a the Arable since that time. I
gladly yecomixrend Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills for troubles of this klad."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills should be
kept in every home, and their ace -
Mrs. William Dale, Midlatid, Onte atonal use walkeep the bload pure
says: -"I suffered for a long time and ward off illness. You. can get
from a severe forni of indigestion, Grego pills through any medicine
and had doctored so much. Without dealers or by mail at 50c a box or Or
benefit that I had all but given up boxes for $2,50 from The Dr. Wil -
lupe of getting hater, Everything 1 Hams' Medicine Co., Brackville, Ont.
••• ••...•••••••.•••••••••.•.O..
Rapped by. Press for Their
Big Conference at Ottawa
On Important Subject.
Canada Has Reputation and
a Fine Chance.
A Berlin cable: Condennattien of
demonetrations before the Reichstag
and in tinter -den -linden againet the
allies is voiced by several neee-
papas, especially tna Tagebiatt,
aserlbce the outbreale to the •eller
element," and eays they were unripe
youths and denouncea their conduct
cjaileieh, and unseemly." sayo
that no. aneible and decent person
can desire that the great seriousneee
of the 'present days be misrepresent-
ed by undignified howling. Be de-
clares the d'emonetrations did not ap-
pear to be Barlow to the allied repre-
sentatives living In the 'Hotel Aden,
and that the crowd outelde did not -
interfere with or speak to the for-
eign correepondente when . they left
the hotel and walked dewn the
The Vossische Zeitung, in this con-
nection, prints a letter triticising the
Government for permitting
elements" to a dominate Berlin that.
signe arid placards are posted it the
French. and English languages and
that many feveign actors are permit-
ted on the etagee in Berlin. The cons -
;emulation rails at stores which dis-
play a notice in English inviting
Araerica,a officere to have their por-
traits paiated as a souvenir of their
stay in Berlin.
• 0.
As a vermicide there is no prep-
aration that equals Mother Graves'
Worm • Exterminator. It has saved
the lives of countless children. ,
Dr. Martel's Female Pills
Prescribed and recommended by Pbraciatall
soldier imlf a century in Patented Tin Box
with eigaature "Knickerbocker Remedy Co."
At your druggivt.,-.--.666,...a-Accept so ober.
Theodore Wolff, in the Tageblatt,
Dairy Produce -
Butter, creamery, dairy $ 0 50 $ 0 55
Do., creamery .... 0 60 0 65
Margarine, lb.. ..... Q 35 0 40
Eggs, new laid, dozen.. 0 52 0 55
Cheese, Ib......',.........0 40
Dressed Poultry -
Turkeys, lb ..... .... 0 45
Fowl,lb.. .... 0 42
Chickens, roasting .. 0 45
Geese, lb.. .. .,.. 0 30
Fruits -
'Apples, basket ...... 1 00
bbl„ .... 10 00
Vegetables -
Asparagus, 2 bunches...
Beans, new, qt., ......
Beets, peck .„.
Do„ bag ..... • • • • •
Carrots, peek .
Do., bag
Do., new, bunch ..
Cabbage, new, each
Cucumbers, each. ...
Celery, head
Lettuce 3 bells. eor
Onions, imp. box ....
Do., do., lb.... • • •
Do., green, bunch a
Leeks, bunch
Parsley, bunch.
Parsnips, bag
.Do., peck ..... 25
Potatoes, bag ..2 00
Rhubarb, indoor, 2 for. 0 25
Do., outdoor, 2 for .. 0 25
Radishes, bunch
Sage, bunch ...... 0 05
itpinach, peck 0 60
Savory, bunch 0 05 0 10
Turnips, bag.. .. 1 25 1 50
Dee peek 0 30
Beef, forequarters. ..$17 00 $19 00
Do., hindquarters . . 28 00 30 00
Careasses, choice . 23 00 25 00
Do., medium . . 19 00 22 00
Do., common .. .. 17 50 19 00
Veal, common, cwt. .. 13 00 15 00
Doe medium .. .. 20 00 23 00
Do., prime 25 00 26 00
Heavy hogs, cwt. . 23 00 25 00
Slicte hog, cwt. .... 26 00 28 00
Abattoir hogs, cwt. 28 00 29 00
Mutton, cwt. .. 18 00 20 00
Lama, tb. 0 28 0 32
Spring lamb, each 13 00 15 00
The wholesale quotations to the re-
tail trade on Canadian refined sugar,
To:onto delivery, are now as follows:
$10 16
9 76
9 66
9 66
10 16
9 76
9 66
9 66
10 16
9 76
9 66
9 56
10 16
9 76
9 66
9 56
10 16
9 76
I 06
9 56
thearitieh Tees and for lighter horses
on the, continent.
Canada's opportunity in England is
„to take the place formerly taken by
Denmark in supplying bacon to Eng-
land and by Russia in supplying eggs.
Her pre-war trade in cattle ie also cap-
able of further developments.
In the opinion of air. Arkell, the
Canadian Government, will soon not
have to supply oredets. An interim --
Goal system of credits will .have to
be developed by the Inter -Allied Coun-
cil in feeder to get into devastated
areas the products greatly needed for
reconstruction. Provisions for that
would be made in connection with the
signing of the Peace Treaty.
The Resolutions Committee, meeting
to -night has two members for each
The principal source or contention is
ass to whether one incorporated com-
pany is neceseary or not to cleat on
behalf a the stock men of Canada
with the countries needing our pre,
ducts, Many do not want to relia-
quith control of the livestock export
business already in their hands.
Ottawa Report - At what Dr. J. G.
Rutherford called the most xepresene
tellers gathering ever held. in Canada
a men who are engaged in and know
the live stock industry of .Canada, pro-
posalare being made and discussed
for getting and holding European
markets for ,Canadiap. live souk, and
for developing the industry in Canada.
Representatives or Provineial Horse
Breeders' Assopietions, Cattle Breed-
ers' Associations and Provinelel De-
epartments of Agriculture and Agrieul-
tural Colleges were at all the sessions
morning, afternoon and evening. The
meeting Was called by Mr. II. 0.
ell, head of the Live Stock Bratigh of
the Department of Agriculture, at the
desire of the Deputy Minister, in order
that he might aequaint the liveetoelt
ladustry generally with the Market
coniiitiOns In 1.120 alritisli Isles, Friulge
and Belgium, from which he had jot
returned, after a trip of investigation.
At the morning meeting air, -Arkell
tssured his hearers that Canadian
bacon, ponitry and eggs have won au
enviable reputation during the War.
Commisslat houses or buyers in Lon -
dole or other British cities had all
their sitocks of Cenadian aeon taken
during the war for the use of the
army, while the American dry salt
heavy fat bacon was sold to the pulite
under a controlled piste. People have
grown tired of it, and never want to
hear even the name of it nowadaYS.
The tradesmenreceived so many COM-,
plaints about the American bacon and
so few from the army that they Will be
Sure to boat Cenadian bacon ite the
days to come.
Miller's Worm Powders not only
make the infantile system untenable
for worms, but by their action on
the stomch, liver and bowels they
correct such troubles as lack of ap-
petite billiousness and other inter-
nal disorders that the °twine create..
Children thrive upon them and no
matter what condition their Worm -in-
fested stomachs may be in, they win
show improvement as sea as the
treatment begins. •,
Traveler (on tho aerial express) -I want
to drop into Meleville,, conductor!
Conductor (looking at watch) -Strap
on your parachute -you 6.walk the plank
in seven minutes!
Withoespeet to the deinand for Can-
adian live stock •generallst froni over-
seas, Mr. Arkell said; "I don't think
there need be any question as tiithe
demand for all our produets provided
we can maintain the Quality and or-
ganize the business in u thoroughly, systematic way."
In the afternoon diSeussions oceure
red as to Ways tnd 0100110 to organize
the live stock trade. for the Men over-
sees of horees and cattle. NO Con-
eltislOn was reached, but enough dif-
fermate of opinion developedl to make-
rieeeasery to form committees to
make up a report to submit to the
meethag with regard to methods of
htualing business in Canada.
Mr. Arkell stated that if Ciinadierts
properly organized themselves tb.(11"6
WM tutrket for all available Can-
adian livestock. Thy could find t
profitable ontact for heavy horses in
s •
Semi - Official Announce-
ment From Berlin.
I • • I,
1 00
1 75
0 10
0 15
0 10
0 10
5 50
0 15
0 05
0 10
1 00
Will Not Be Forced Into
Hasty R,eply.
0 50
0 45
0 50
0 33
1 25
14 00
*11 otwoo of 100101P
* . oak tot ,poosiks
Imo work
040). IrtawAt" .1.13Mit PiAiV0004
tr**0444 0.4014.0
• I
R41014111 0. oospirsi.
00ist*, V114.00•00
•••••••••••••11,01.01.. „
Dudler.y.: Holmes
ILAAPOOTION .004.40110% 100,
C0fisti Mom We* W,01110.60
1..14 VanatOne
so...0000a$P1. MD • 111914.041900. I
ifaseey to Was at limas* MOM
WW0iItMe 1
Arthur J.- ir,ivin
0 25
0 20
0 30
1 10
2 00
0 15
0 25
0 20
0 25
0 10
0 10
0 30
0 15
1 10
0 30
2 16
0 05
0 10
0 75
A Berlin cable: In consequence of
veiled insinuations 10 the Pan -Ger-
man newspapers that the Ebert-
Scheidemann Government intends to
sign the allied peace terms, notwith-
standing their severe provisions semi-
official announcement was made to-
day that these insinuations strike a
false note, and that the Government
Is fully United in its intentione to
carry out its recently stated policy
of declining to sign the compact.
Reports that lack of unity exists
in the Cabinet also are deniech The
announcement declares that there is
complete unityhetween the Versaillee
plenipotentihries and Derlin, and that
the Govan:40a Itnows iteelf to bs sus
with the oVerwhelMing majority 0,
the people, -
Continuing, the announcement says
the GeVernment Wil not be faced
into a hasty "yes" or a hasty basic
"no", and that it is tleterrainati to
abide by Its original stand on the un-
bearableness and iinpossibility of ful-
filling the present peace thrum The
artnouacettleut concluded by saying
that the Government, however, would
ettenept to negotiate an understand-
ing -Which would capitate in a peace
of justice. •
It is stated that Mathias Erzberger.
who has been accused of differing
With the Cabinet, is completely in ac-
cord with its Viewe.
No Metter how deep-rooted the
corn or wart May be, it Must yield
to Holloway's Corn Cure it used as
V- -
............... . ..... •••
rev-ent Wear and Tear
on Axles dna Harnesseo
Mica Axle Grease
-teats axle spindles and hub
linings with a glass -smooth coat*
of' soft miea and grease that
. banishes friction between the
metal surfaces. Makesloads
easier to move up -hill or on level
roads. Saves waged Wear and
tear. Sold in sizera-1 lb, to
rinoerial •
Eureka Flatness Oil
•--keeps leather like new -soft,
strongand pliable. Sieksinand
keeps water out. Preventsdry-
legend' cracking. Makes it last
longer. Sold in convenient sign,
Eurekaill"liarritts Oiler
it easy tt) keep harnese
and leather thoroughly oileeis
Saves tittle and work.
41 Deakts
m Pr, Notre!)
Moat, f;i0tt 5.1. terittletitalf
11.aariei1.eee 'again (Thee-, .
Acadia granulated.. .100 -bags
Dp., No. 1 yellow .. "
Do., No. 2 yellow ..
Do„ No. 3 yellow ...
Atlantic Pranulated . .
Do., No. 1 yellow • ..
Do., No. 2 yellow ...
Do., No. 3 yellow ..
Dominion granulated .
Do., No. 1 yellow ..
Do., No. 2 yellow ..
Do., No. 3 yellow ...
Redpath's granulated .
Do., No. 1 yelloev
Doe No. 2 yellow ..
Do., No. 3 yellow ..
St. Lawrence granulated
Do., No. 3. yellow ..
Do., No. 2 yellow ..
Do., No. 3 yellow ..
Barrels --50 over bags.
Cases ---20 5-1b. cartons, 60c, and. 50
2-1b. cartons.. 70e -over bags. Gunnies,
5 20 -lb., 40e; 10 10 -lb., 500 over bags.
0.D.., L.D.S.
Doctor of Denial fiumery of the Penn-
sylvania College and Licentiate of Den-
tal Surgery ra Ontario.
Closed every Wednesday A.fternoon.
Office In Macdonald Block.
R. Ilattablky
Leo., MD., c,m,
Spacial attention paid to diseases
Q Women end Children. having
taken postgraduate work' in Sur-
gery, Bacteriology and fiGliontino
Ortioa In the KT relations he -
tweet the Queen us Hotel ea the
Baptist Murata,
Afl bustheas given careful Attention
Mose ge.. DeIt
Dr. Robt. C. Redmond,
ALELO.43. (Vag.)
L.R. (1pnd..)
(Dr. Chita:42e1 old stst.r14).
• Are relieved in a few clays by
taking 30 drops of fikeher Seigers
Rheumatic Pains
Syrttp after moils and on retiring.
lt dissolves the lime and acid
acettriutIntion h..: the muscles a.0.1
EP joints 00 those deposits can bo
it expelled, tht is relieving pain and
sorenosS. F sigel's Syrup, also
• known as 0E.v..-tract of Roots,"
• containsnadopenore.therstrong
• drugs to kill or mask the pain of
a rheumatism or lumbago, it re- st,
MOW,. the canoe. 50e. a bottle tl
• at drurr sts. It •
ltias&,f,f t/i\• PriketiNVAINIKNY• • • • •
Graduate of University of Toronto
Faculty of Medicine; Licentiate of tbe
Ontario College of Physicians and
iteR. P. A. PARKES. .
Osteopathy bntk1 rltsflty . erti
strength, Adjustment of the lagtte“. fld
COW tblettall Is gently-securedta
, w*
"Ory removing the prleposing causes
Or.discase. •
Mood pressure and other muds*
timer loads. Trusses selentilically 10,
Hoarn-fruezdaye and Trldsis MOM.
t4 p.M4 Wedrieelair, V tAl e-m-
Genekai liospftei
(Under Oovernment 'inspection). '
Pleaaantl„T ettuated„ beautifully tnr.
Waked: Open to all'regularly licensed
physicians. Rates tor patients (whlott
include board and nursing) -44.90 tot+
10,00 per week, acoordius tO lotatiosa
of room. For further informatiou-+
dex 223, WIngharn, On%
Open. nigh. Low. Close
Oats -
May . ..0 73:Ye 0 74% 0 73% 0 74%
July. . .x0 't4% 0 751/80 74% 0 74%
Oct. . .0 68% 0 68% 0 6814 0 681/8
May , ..3 961/2 4 0114 3 96 4 0114
July . .3 85112 3 9114, 3 851/2 3 91%,
Barley -
May . ..1 le 1 19% 1 16 1 191/2
July . ..1 14% 1 161/e 1 14% 1 14%
afinneapolis.-Plour unchanged; bar-
ley, $1.01 to $1.11; rye, No. 2, $1.44 1-4
to $1.44 t3-4;• bran, $39; flax, $4.17 to
$4.20 1-2.
Dultith.-Liaseed on track, $4.171-2
to $4.20 1-2; arrive, $4.17 1-2 to
$4.18 1-2; May, $4.17 1-2 bid; July,
$4.12 bid; October, $3.90 1-2 bid .
CI1EESE AtAtutras.
Pieton.-At the Cheese Board to -day
640 boxes colored were boarded; all
Sold at e0 1-40.
Cornwall. -The offerings en the
Cornwall Cheese Board to -day Were
1462 colored aud 81 white; ail sold at
30 3-4c. This is the highest price ever
recorded on the Cornwall board*
Napanee-Cheese boarded, 895 col-
ored, 45 -white; all sold at 80 5-80.
Stirling. --At the regillar Cheese
ilottrd meeting here 605 boxes of elmese
were boarded;190 sold at 30 6400 and
balance a 30 1-4c.
• The Oil for the Fartrier.--A bottle
of Dr. Thetas) haeleetrle Oil in the
feta 1101.180 will save many a jour-
ney for the doctor. It is not only
good for the thildren when taken
with colds and croup, and for the
mature who suffer from pains and
tiCheS, but there are directions for its
use on sick cattle. There should
Always be a bottle of it in the house.
Town and Yr arm propertIce. 90,a00
ass my Oat and get my missal
e4X1SS exostlent velem
!Moms VW °Moe In Town HOB
J. W. DODD 1
(Successor to J. G. STEWART)
P. 0. Box 366. Phone 198
John F. Grow a
Inner of
Phonee-Offloe 2 nasichlnoit 16g-
••••••••••war*.raa*Tralmrea••••••••* •
ICarolyi Starts New
Hungarian Government.
A Basle cable: Count Jules Karolyi,
nephew of Count Michael Korolyl,
former PrOrnier of Fiungary, has set
up a Government in opposition to the
Bolsheviki at Arad, nungary, accord -
lug to Vienna newspapers. He has
Issued a manifesto, declaring it te be
his first duty to restore law and order,
and then transfer the administration
to a Government possessing the con-
fidence of all parties. The manifesto
says, in conclusion, that the Entente
powers have been advised of the for-
mation of the new Government.
frafirilt . nir-AVA.
r, al( 41, 4141t Ji 4 ,
, 4 ill 6, oi 41f, 4 4.1k 41t.
No wonder the home food pro-
ducer is proud of his garden plot,
say the Canadian Trade Commission
and the National War Garden Corn -
mission, Washington.
Sooner or later the world 000203 MIMI
to eve the truth and do the