The Wingham Advance, 1919-05-22, Page 1Single Civics - Three Cents
Britty soon now fife yeare vill pe done
Since ve march into Belgium von day,
But since den some beeg rifers have run
Troo de pridges, 1 tink all de vay,
Dem already de 'tinge seemed so blain,
Ven ve stead oudt to lick de whole vorsd
Ve vas sure dat us Shernaans vould reign
Shoost verefer our flag vas unfurled.
For to see dat some tings on't pe done
All dose Junker man's heads vas too tick,
Und, inshtead of a blace in de sun,
Ve haf got, vot you call, arinvshtick.
Vot dot armyslitick baper's aboudt
I can't get troo dis headpiece of mine
But dose fellers dat won wrote it oudt,
Ural us fellers dat lost had to sign.
Shoost so soon vas dat armyshtick made '
Den dose allies dey run de whole show,
For already del'r blans vas all laid
Ven ve pack into Shermany go,
Dere vas fellers from England und France
Und Yankees, Italians und Japs,
Mit some hoboes dat all get a chance
From sorneblaces not marked on de maps.
For six months now dey talk und dey
Mit no Shermans at all in de game
Und dey tink up von pally goot shoke,
Ven dey tell us to write down our name,
Dey would dake all our money und ships,
Und dose blace in de sun dat ve got,
But we ain't handing oudt no free trips,
Und vont sign no beace (treaty like dot
? owing to the change in owner-
• ship of TII E ADVA.NOE, all accounts e,
41.owing this office before may lst 5:
must be settled at THE ADVANCE A
• Office before Saturday, May 24th. se,
This arrangement has been made +
• •A is as to not ' inconvenience 1:
• enstomers.
2- •
.As °lir year also ends April 30th.
ifs All accounts for yearly cards are
• due and payable. 54.
Zee+ es's. sees. ss es se +tees es. essesse se se se
APplY HANNA & 00.
if('TION SALE Of household goods on the
afternotn of • May 24th at 2 o'clock also
house and lot and 18 acres of land,
JAS. TAYLoR, Auct, M. L. PEAREN, Prop.
Corner of II, Line and Josephine St.
pA.NDMASTER WANTED -Must ' be good
coronet player. Address R. Stone, Seo'y
CRaOtWN HURON RANGE for sale, Apply
THE ,,ADvAll'Old
away promptly within a radius of 20 miles.
No.animal removed without the hide Will
pay from $3 to $5 for animals brought to fac-
Lory. Phone at, our expense.
Phone day 12. Phone evening, 178.
Ink FARMERS' Fkilluizka Co.,
POR SAL10-50 young pigs and 8head of good
s; grass cattle. .A.Y.,kz. RASTIE, Wroxe et.,
Phone 604.
POR SALE -Mason and Risch player piano
A and $10.04 worth of rolls, used I year, all as
good as new. Price when new, $800,00 with-
out rolls, Will sell piano and rolls for $575.06.
Can be seen ta Burke'.
pOR SALE -A number of articles including
Rugs, Furniture, Chicken Coops etc.
LOST -Rita and Tire lost between Harriston
-LI and Wingoam. Finder please notify
Jas, DONALDSON, Wingham
Grease, Specialities, Paint. Part or whole
time, Commission basis. Man with car or
rig preferred.
Cleveland, Ohio
eTRAYED-Large, black collie dog with light
M colored feet and neck; answers to the name
a Jack; came to the premises of the under-
signed abouta month ago Owner may have
same by paying for this savertiSetrient.
Scott Street,
A never been bred. Apply to
Lot 36, Con 13, B. Virawanosh.
pp ANTED -Regular boarders f o r 1, 2 or 3
AI meals a day. special reduction.
(Mrs. Rough's old stand.)
PAHL E. VAN NESS, Proprietor.
The Court of Revision on the Asnassmobt
Roll of the Town of Wingham will be held in
the Council Chamber at 7 o'cloak on Monday.
June 2nd. All persons interested will please
take notice and govern themselves according-
J. E. Glitovks, ToWn close
Witighnin, maruele 1910
I4AN '8IRE-Cana1ian Standard Bred 1031.
Enrollment, Fora. j, No. 4383, Ist in his class at
Guelph Winter Fair. 1916, and Junior Ohara -
pion. Will be at the Q ,eon's Rotel Stables,
Winghean, every Saturday afterneen,
HURON OAH--Clydestliile Stallion Canadian
Number 19291, Enrollment Form 1, No. 8371
Sire, Drunicurle Chief, imp. 1)ain Ladysmith
by .A.ndrew batman°.
1, J. Wanner,. Owner. .
We wish to buy live silver, back, cross and
red foxes. Fisher and Marten both young and
Old. Write tts when you nave any to offer,
Pianos a nd Organs .
Tuned and Repaired.
Price $2.00.
Countryside visited. Prices ac-
cording to distance.
%ileums War Veteran Given Sas-
winded Sentence
Pte. E. Fitt, a returned soldier, w
cently released en suspended setae
l'oronto, on a charge of bigamy on
dition that he weuld support his fir
and seven children in Wingharn, was
arrested in Toronto yesterday On corn -
plaint of his wife on a charge a nonsup-
Arraigned before Pollee Magistrate
Morton he was again allowed to go on
sesPended sentence on promising to con-
tribute $20. a month tb the support of his
wife. He again left*for 'Toronto, declar-
ing that he would not remain with his
family here.
Much sympathy is felt for the mares
wife, who is respected and is striving bard
to give her family proper attention.
Fitt was wounded in France and lost
le ,
Miss Ella CoOke is visiting with friends
in Detroit,
as re- Mies Eva Hayies has secured a situation
nce at ie Tomato,
st wife
Two of the boys who went overseas with
the first contingent, arrived in Wingham
on Tuesday evening, viz, Capt E. S,
Copeland, son of Mrs. Copeland, Stutter
St , and Pte John Smith, whose wife has
resided near the "B" line since his enlist-
ment. Capt Copelind went overseas as
a private and won his stripes on the bat-
tlefield. He was one of the first Canadian
born boys to enlist, leaving Wingham
about the first of September, 1914
Women's Institute.
The regular monthly meeting o f the
Wonaen's Institute will be held in the
Council Chamber on Thursday, May 29th,
at 3 o'clock. As the officers for the en-
suing year will be elected at this meeting,
a full attendance of t he members i s
Precipitated Into Cistern,
While Mrs. William Bryans, Brussels,
was visiting at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. Jos Ames, in Grey Township, she
met with a accident. Standing on the
Lovering of the cistern, one of the planks
suddenly gave way and down she went
into the cistern, She esca ed with -some
Meeting Of Huron County Council
The Council of the Corporation of the
County of Huron will meet in the Coun-
cil Chamber, Goderich, on Tuesday, June
3rd, at 3 o'clock in the afte.noon. All
accounts must be m the hands of the
Clerk on or before the Monday preceding
the meeting of Council.
Geo, W. Holman,
Goderich, May 17th, 1919 Co. Clerk
School Pair at Belmore
The four public school sections in the
vicinity of Beirnore purpose holding a
unoin school fair at Belmore this fall, and
have commenced making arrangements for
same. The four municipalities cornering
at Belmore will be asked to contribute,
through the local councils and every effort
will be put forth to make the event a
grand success Half a century ago the
village of Belmore was the scene of many
largely attended fall fairs, which were the
envy of the surrounding towns. THE
ADV.ANCE has just printed the prize list
in pamphlet form.
Dogs Worry Cattle To Death
A couple of bull dogs from Wingham
have done considerable damage to stock
in this vicinity of late. Mr. Fred Hogg
and Mr. John Arinour have both lost
yearling cattle because of the vicious at-
tacks of these menials. Mr. Armour in-
forms us that they ate the ears of
his animal and badly chewed its head and
body The dogs were caught at their
depredation at three different times, and
in each case attacked the man who
molested them. Mr. Armour traced the
dogs home on Sunday evening and they
have since been destroyed. We believe
that any farmer would be jnstified in
shooting any dog that strays on his
Dental Graduates Receive Diplomas
Among the graduates from the Royal
Dental College who were given their di-
plomas and provincial licenses at a special
convocation neld on Friday evening were
Elmer Smith Aitken, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Thos, Aitken , of Glenannan, and
Alexander Ernest Barnby, son of Mr. Jas.
Barnby, of Ashfield, near Lucitnow.
(liven Linen Shower
The following ie taken from the Galt
"A•very pleasant event took place last
Friday evening, at the home of Mr. and
Mr. Victor Renter, Dickson Street when
Miss Margaret Stewart who is shortly to
be married was pleasantly surprised by
some of her friends and made the recip-
ient csf a linen shower. The evening Was
spent in games and music after which a
dainty lunch was served.
ST Paures Cnoncet
May 25th -Fifth Sunday after Easter;
11 a. ne Infattins, Subject. "The Greatest
of all Empires"; 2.30 p. me -Sunday
School; 7 p. me -Evensong. Subject,
"Jesus by the Seashore"; Friday May 23
at 8 p. m. meeting of Candidates for Con-
firmation; June 10th-Coriveritirm of
Church workera of the Deanery of Hutton
t Clint.
Mrs. Thos. Fields is
days in Toronto.
epoding a few
Mr. A's, McBurney was a vieitor in
Stratford this week,
Mr Chas. Barber spent Sunday with
relatives in Lucknow,
Miss Marjorie Haines left Tuesday for
Eltros, sasK., where the will visit her
broteer Ed. G. klauteS.
Miss Nem Gracey 13 vlsiting with her
sister Mrs. buei in London.
Mr. 4,13, Elliott and Mr. Amos Tip -
ling were in Toronto on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs, H. Davis spent Sunday
with Dr. and Mrs. Elliott, Lucknow.
Mi. and Mrs, Jas, McTavish, Ripley,
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Corbett, Ed.,
ward St.
inases Evelyn and Olive Turner of
Wroxeter, spent the week end at their
home here
Mr, and ivirs Alex Davidson and chit-
aren ben. Lilts weeks tor terunsiey where
they win reside on a true tame
Mrs. Coreett qt Vancouver, who has
been visiting tier son at Beigrave_spent a
iew days in town cadiug on old lriends.
Mr. Wm. MoOre and Mx. John Netlaery
were delegates trorn et Paws Church to
tne synoct VallEll was nett( in London last
Miss Bella Scott, of East Wawanosh,
accompanied by her nephew, Bruce Scott,
vartiag her eater, mrs. J.. E Fells, ot
Diagonal Road,
Mrs. William Paulin, formerly Mrs. M.
E. Armstrong, was a visitor in town for a
few days, Mrs. Fames was married in
Antal on April 16th.
, Mr. and Mrs, D. L McTavish a n d
daugffter, Miss Jennieleeswater, spent
eunday at the home of Mr. .and Mrs. 4
R. Wightmare East Wawanosh.
Mr. Jas. H. McGee and family who
have resided in town for a couple of
months, left on Tuesday' for Dubuc, Sask.
where they "ill spend the summer.
Mr. Norman Butcher, who recently
returned home from overseas has again
taken a position with the Bank of Ham-
ilton and left on Monday for Atwood
where he will act as teller. A
Miss Ada Roderus of Fairport, Mrs W.
J Dean, Mrs. Ed Burge and Mr. and
Mrs. F K. Mayhew of Toronto, Mrs. E.
Laundy and family of Blyth and Mr. W
Ashplant of London are visitors at the
home of Mr. F. H. Roderus.
Another of Turnberry's respected rest -
dents passed away on Sunday in the per-
son of John Rutherford, Deceased has
been in poor health for the past several
weeks and was in his 66th year. His wife
predeceased him about five years ago, and
he is survived by two daughters and two
sons. For several years he was a meniber
of Turnberry council and for a consider-
able time superintendent of the Presby-
terian Sunday School at Belmore. Rev
N. D. R Sinclair conducted the last 'sad
rites at the louse and grave on Tuesday
afternoon. Interment was made in Wing -
ham cemetery.
Wingliam Monumental Works.
Over $8000 worth of monuments in
stock. and bought before the big raise
in prices on April 1st 1919. These will
be sold at the old prices during May and
Tithe will not permit us to call on you
and weep and plead for your business
as some dealers do. We have the stock
for you to come and choose from.
Monuments in all kinds, sizes and designs,
form $35 00 to $400, Large conSignment
of Scotch monuments unloaded last week.
Call and see these before placing your
order and by so doing save for yourself
the expenses of the "travelling dealer."
A pleasure to show you our goods,
Opposing Granting Of Divorces,
We notice the name of St. Paul's church
rector, Rev. XL W Snell, mentioned sev-
eral times in the accounts of the work of
the Synod which was in session last week
at London One of the items of business
which, will have the Sanction of a great
majority of the residents of this district,
was a motion Which he submitted, dealing
svith the granting of divorces in Canada.
The motion asked that the synod plaCe it-
self ori record as opposing further legisla-
tion to ficilitate the granting Of diirorces
in the Dominion. This will be dealt with
The bishop read a CoMmunication froth
e registrersgeneral wit h regard t o
changes iit the ptovincial marriage law,
an arterichhent enacting that where one or
bah of the conrracting parties is Under
the age of eighteen years, the marriage
cextifiote presented to t h e clergyman
asked to perform the.eeternony must have
attached tO it the writtetk carioca of the
parents. Unless 'such COMerit ifs attached,
the bishop stated that t h e elergyman
nitat refuse to perform the eetetriony, Iii
view of the invottanCe Of this regulation,
It was UtlanimotalY tletided, to Vohlleb
M the irlad JOUrnitt.
Decide To Extend The Sewerage System
In Wingham
A special meeting of the town council
was held on Monday evening., All the
councillors were present. The matter of
!eying sewers was brought up and Reeve
Isbister for the streets, sewers and side
walks ommittee made the following re-
1st-A continuation westerly on John
St. from Minnie across two blocks, and if
necessary, further,
2nd -From John St south on Minnie
St. on Victoria St.
3rd -4 short piece from manhole on
Scott St, northerly towards Victoria St
4th -'A short piece on Victoria St.,
easterly from Shuter St, as may be de-
termined on.
5th -From Edward St. westerly along
Alfred St. to Minnie St and south on
Minnie St, to the height of land near
Mr. Andrew Taylor's residence.
6th -We find that the side of our town
from the manhole on Patrick St., along to
the height of land east from Josephine St
is much better provided with sewer ac-
commodation than the wet is and would
heartily recommend that classes 1 and 2
of our report be constructed this year and
at as early a date as possible.
Moved by Couccillor Elliott and Reeve
Isbister that the report of the street com-
mittee be accepted and that the cierk pre-
pare the necessary advertisements cover-
ing particulars as to the necessary sewer
constructions. -Carried,
A letter from Engineer Bolton was read
in which he offered to prepare a map of
the town for $60 or $70. Moved by Coun.
Elliott and Currie that Mr. Bolton be in-
structed to prepare a complete map of the
town as outlined in his letter. -Carried.
Moved by Councillors Willis and Angus
that the reception committee be and are
hereby appointed to purchase medale for
returned soldiers and that arrangements
be made to bold a banquet in their honor.
A wedding which created considerable
interest in military circles was solemnized
in the Congregational Church, Godalming
Surrey, England, on Saturday April 19th,
when Miss Muriel Ann Wiles, one of God-
airning's most popular young ladies, only
daughter of Mr, and 'Mrs. R. Wiles of
High Street, Godalming, was married to
Capt. (Dr.) William Torrance Galbraith,
V. S younger son of Mrs S J. Galbraith
of London, Ontario, formerly of the C. 0.
T C„ end an old Tumberry Boy, The
ceremony was performed by Capt. Nor-
man Rawson, 'Chaplain to the Canadian
The bride who was given away by her
father, was prettily attired in a dress of
ivory crepe beaute and ninion, trimmed
with heavy silk fringe and maltese lace.
She also wore a tulle veil and wreath of
orange blossoms and carried a shawl
bouquet of white roses, which with the
gold she wore was the gift of
the bridegroom.
Miss Vera Gough was best girl. She
wore a pretty 'dress of pale blue taffeta
and pink georgette, trimmed with silver
lace together with a large black'That
trimmed with tulle and pink roses and
stalks and wore a pearl pendant the
gift of the bridegroom, The duties of
beet man were carried out by the bride's
cousin, Mr. R S. Pearson M. M. of the
London Rifle' Brigade, of Hasilinere, a
former prisoner of war in Germany. The
bridegroom presented him with a diam-
ond tie pin. Mrs. G. A, Streeter, L. R. A,
M. was at the organ and played approp
riate wedding mursic. A reception was
held in the Lecture }fall of the Congreg-
atiorial Church, a large number of guests
were present from different parts of the
British Isles and France.
The bridal pair subsegnently left for
Scotland where their honeymoon is being
spent. They hope to make their future
home in the U S. .A.
They were recipient of a large number
of handsome and useful presents. ,
A happy event took place at the Meths
odist parsonage, Winghane on Wednesday
May 76, when Mr, Earl Charles Bentley
'and Miss Ellen May Glousher, both of
Blyth were joined in wedlock. The
ceremony was performed by Rev. E. F.
Armstrong, The bride is a sister of Mrs.
Edgar Pattison of this town. Mr. mid
Mrs. 13entley will have the best wishes of
a large circle of friends,
League Foetball Match
Although Saturday was wet and cold
the scheduled Hough Cup League Foot.
ball Match between Harriston and Wings
ham was played in the Wirigharn town
Park. The game was called about 4,30
and the local boys had the best of the vis-
itors during the entire game. The score
was 2 to 0. Prbceeds atnounted to almost
Married In Scotland
Another Wingham boy joined the army
of benedicts while overseas Mr. Harry
C. Dore, son of Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Dore,
Shuter St., was married in Edinburough,
Scotland, on May' lird, to Mien- May
Robey. Winghatt citizens will be pleased
to welcietrie bottle Mr. and We Dore and
twat they will have a safe voyage across
the britty deep.
Of the Laymen and Ministers of
the Methodist Church
The District meeting of the ministers
and laymen of t h e Wingham playlet
Methodist churches was held in Wingham
on Tuesday and Wednesday of last week
and was well attended.
The district officers a r e as follows:
Chairman -R e v. J. 11, Ur en of
Financial Seeretary- Rev. R. j. Gar-
butt of Lucknew.
Statistical Secretary -Rev. R. J. Cope-
land of Lucknow.
Evangelism and Social Service Secretary
-Rev. E. F. Armstrong of Wingbane
District Secretary -Rev, M. Williams
of Bervie.
S, S. Secretary -Rev, F. E Clysclale of
A good attendance was recorded of both
ministers and laymen. Only one minister
was absent on account of sickness,
Splendid financial reports of the various
departments of work were presented, over
$9000.00 being raised for missions, an in-
crease of over $1000 00
The new Annual Conference Fund was
met by every circuit.
The next annual meeting will be held
in Brussels.
The Annual Conference meets in Goder-
ich in June
On Tuesday evening Rev. Dr. Moore
of Toronto, the general secretary of evan-
gelism and social service, gave an excel-
lent address showing the splendid work
being done by this department for the sici
boys, girls and young people who are in
need of counsel and help The audience
greatly enjoyed his address.
mr .,,„,,,...",.....,...„.„,,,,,,,,.........,....„„.....„......
local Ites
Subscriptioas: $1,50 per year
Mr. John Kerr was laid aside for a few
days owing te a sprained ankle,
We are sorry to report the serious ill nes
Mr. Campbell, Minnie St,
Co, Serge Major J J. Brooks arrived
home front Overseas on Thursday,
Walleye decided not to rent Crockery
from this date, -Geo, Mason & Son.
Boxer's and Stauntoh's are the beet
lines of Wall Paper.- Geo. Mason & son.
Mr. Isaac Deyell arrived home from
overseas on Saturday His many friends
are pleased to welcome him home.
While at work with Mr. A. Tipling's
tractor Mr, Johh Buchanan bad the mis-
fortune to have his foot badly crushed, one
day last weelc.
Harold Mithell, son of Mr. E. J
Mitchell, dislocated his elbow while
playing football at the High School on
Wednesday evening.
F, J. Hill is now agent for the White
Sewing Machines, the best machine on
the market Call and see them.
The Cottage Prayer ;meeting on Friday
night will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Kirkwood, Edward St, pastor J. E. Ding-
man will address the meeting You are
Wm, J. Cronin, of Teeswater who is a
graduate of the Central Business College
here has been placed in the office of Phip-
en Outerbridge and Phippen Toronto, as
The Firemen had a run to the home of
Mr. Andrew Wheelens, north side, on
uesday morning. The chimmey caught
fire but luckily little damage was done
and the hose was net needed,
The fiftieth anniversary of Mr. and
Mrs. F H Roderus' wedding was cele-
brated on Tuesday at their residence on ,st
osephine Street, The guests were nu n- a
rous including relatives from Fairport,
Toronto, Blyth and London, An address
was read by their granddaughter, Miss c
Dora Laundy and the presentation which
onsisted, of a purse from the family was
iven by another granddaughter, Miss
da Laundy Other numerous rememb-
ances of gold wereSceived including one El
orn the Women's Auxiliary of St. Paul's A.
hurch. in
The address was as follows:- af
ear Father and Mother: he
On this the fiftieth anniversary of your
edding day, we your remaining children ho
ish to convey to you an expression of for
r love and good wishes for the days to an
In the years that have passed you have ber
perienced many changes. You have
en five of your children grown to man- th
od and womanhood, while some have wi
ne before to that better land. We ma
nour you for your unselfish and devoted lee
es. You have ever given us an example
ich we would do well to follow. Like- day
other pioneers you have had many
- and
rdships but they have always been ter,
rne with that cheerfulness which we, Ca
Miss Clara Isard, of this town, who
ecently graduated at the Central
usiness College has been placed, as
enogrepher in the office of the Confeder
tion Life Insurance Co. in Toronto.
E. Merkley & Son brought three new
ars from Chatham this week. Otto regu-,
r Model 11; one special Model 11; one
ce Delux, a Beauty. See the AceDelux
fore you decide, if you want a nifty car.
Mr.. W. J. Elliott, Principal of the
liott Business College Toronto, and D.
Mclachlan Principal, of Central Bus-
es,s College, Stratford, spent Thursday
ternoon at the Central Business College
Winglainites are delighted to welcome
me from overseas Mr. Allen Xnechtel,
mer clerk in McKibbon'e Drug Store,
d Mr. George Jacques, formerly in
tnership with Mr. Chas. eSwanson,
The public will do well to remember
at Stores and places of business at
ngham will be closed all clay, Saturdae,
y 24t Victoria Day. It is a public
iday, Stores will be open late on Fri -
Mr. and Mrs. John Kerr of Wingh ani
ounce the engagement of their daugh-
Cora B., to Dr. Russell W. Hoffman,
pt. C. A. D. C., son of Aer. and Mrs.
as. Hoffman, the marriage to take place
ly in June.
e Servies in the Wingham Methodist
rch next Sunday May 25th will be as
ws 9.30 a. in Praise Meeting; 11 a
Public Worship "How a Christian is
a Tree;" e.30 p. in. Sunday School;
in, -Subject "The Lost Pound or
Rediscovered Man." You will be
e welcome
ew souvenirs from Flanders Fields
have been attraeting attention in the
nceiwindow are the property of Serge
Templernan, One of the articles is
ilitary Medal which he received for
ry on the field. In the collection is
of field glasses and a revolver, a
an soldier's belt and watch.
m the Bossevaine Record, Man. we
he following which goes to prove
he price of cattle is just as good in
est as in the East. 'For two steers,
Bros. paid John M sgrove the
d price of $425.00 on Monday last.
al years ago $80.00 would have been
ered a good price for shnilar
Is." Mr. Musgrove is a cousin of
11. Musgrove, postmaster at Wing-
iS101 court took place in the council
er, on May 17th„judge Lewis, of
presiling, There were a large
er of cases on the docket. A. M
ord vs. Henry Thompson was ad-
d until the 23rd of May. In Mar -
A. McLean vs, E. Johnson, a case
stove, Judgment Was given for the
IT, $2. A, E. Smith ve William
ann, judinent for the plaintiff. A
of eases were adjourned; also a
number of judgment summons cases.
your children, know so well.
You have always taken an active inter- e
eat in our joys as in our sorrows. and our -are,
prayer now is that you may be spared to e -1`
enjoy many anniversaries of this pleasant
event. last
Will you please accept this gold as an aga
expression of our love It is an emblem Inee
of your sterling character and of the many the
golden deeds which by God's grace you of H
have been enabled to do for your children E
and for your fellow men. mor
Silted on behalf of the family. ber
Telegrams of congratulations were re- a re
ceived from .niany points showing the lel/
great esteem in which the couple are Rin
held. Wingharn citizens in geneeal join R-
in wishing Mr, and Mrs. Roderus many R
more years of continued happiness and acco
health, to
Close lit The Chickens larg
Many of our citizens are complaining scotnn
about their neighbor's chic kens destroying ee
Lev. W Snell has returned from the
dnod which was in session at London
week. Mr. Snell was elected a del-
te to the Provincial Synod which
ts at Ottawa and was also elected to
Executive Committee of the Diocese
. Merkley & Son report the sale of six
e Dort Cars. W. Mines. of Turn-
rY, a special; J. & W. WatSon of Blyth
gular; G. Schistel of Teswater, a spec -
W. Miller of town a regular Model 11;
toul Bros., town, a regular Model 9,
Grain of Zetland, a regular Model 9.
eeve Isbister is one of those invited to
mpany the delegation from Goderich
Ottawa with a view to having the
er put in shape to accommodate the
e vessels which will call at this port in
ection with the work of the new
1 Corporation which rnay locate there.
the gardens and shubbery. A word to the Th
wise should be sufficient, and no doubt no
chickens will be allowed to leave the
chicken yard.
A Word Of Warning. 7 p.
Some of the young folks in town are The
starting in rather early .to help themselves mad
to the flowers growing in the various flow- A
er beds around town. The flowers are that
now beginning to bloom, and we trust
that the flower thieves will cease Fred
operations at once, otherwise drastic hie
action will be taken.
The Aero Cushion Inner Tire Co
Ga ePrmair
The Aero Cushion Inner Tire and Rub-
ber Co., of Ont., Ltd., make a new and Pro
valuable acquisition in the securing of Mr, clip t
Geo. L. Bisbee who- has tendered his resig- tthheatvit
tation to the Canada Furniture Co., Ltd
and will be Sec-Treas. of the Rubber Co, Dime
having complete charge of the books as recor
The Co. tow have possession of the eSeeevseird
buildings and expect to start work next anima
week getting them in shape for the mach- Mr. A
inery and generally cleaned up for buse hate
nes, Mr. E. L. Sherbendy the inventor Div
of the Tire will personally be in charge charnb
from now on. The Co. expect to be ih Gorier
active oper itiet early in July. Stock is numb
selling well and everyone's confidence is Crawl
growing day by day in this new industry journe
for Winghatn that promises , so well. garet
Everyone in Wingham owes it to himself over a
to make his own investigation and asseei- plainti
ate himself with the Co. before it is too Haab
late. The Company's oftlee is in the Rit- number
chie Block
4'toie$ 'tt
i t 1,1, • . ,F.
Special That Will Save
You Money
This Week Only
Regular 3S a Dockage. Special this week 23o.
(Will make liens lay and young chicks healthy.)
x.ivrE-RivArxo,NAL rovr,rit.v Foorr
Regular 60e a package. Special this week 43.7,
Regular 6sc a package. Special this week 4.7e,
Regular esc a. can. Special this week 57e,
Regular $3.75 a ss lb pail. Special this )92,49,
IleI(123730,"'S CONVITioiv. 7'01V7)E72.9
ror Horses or Cattle,
Regular ssc a box. Special this week 4 for 95e,
Over 25,000 rolls of Wall Paper at ifea easessesee.essees,
The finest line of Wall Paper ever seen
in Wingham will be found at the Wings
ham Bazaar, Eggs taken as cash.
All who owe accounts to the Advanc e
are reminded that until May 24th, same
may be -settled at the office. After that Beginners paid while learning.
em. Dudley Holmes, barrister, will 1 Steady work. High.'
est ht4 d.valiggespai
A Country Fair is being held in the
Council Chamber on Thursday, May 22nd
commening at 3.30 p m., under auspices
of the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Wingham
General Hospital. Booths of various
kinds *ill offer for sale, aprons, towels,
dolls, handkerchiefs and miscellaneous
articles, also home-made baking andi """01"Howaoiiretallm•e
fish pond, fortune telling, book stall, etc.,
candy, etc, etc. Other attractions will be /C RISTI ,
etc. ' Tea will be served Any person
Clinton Knitting Co., Ltd.
Wingham Branch
wishing to purchase tickets for the shawl
donated by Mrs Dyer, can do so at any 1 PHONE -59
Canada Food Board License
No. 8-278,
time as the sale will close that evening.
The lucky ticket for the shawl will be
drawn at 830 in the evening. A cordial
invitation is extended to all in town or
country to attend and help the ladies,
either by buying or contributing to the
various booths,
Committed To ASYlniti
in the Crown Cafe, London, a week ago
who shot at E..Truhen, a returnen soldier
London papers report that the man
is Dunc. Thompson, 'a forrner
resident of Wingham. Majistrat Graydon
committeed him to the /tisane Asylum.
Thompson supposed that Truhen was
following him with the intention of kid-
napping him. He has not been heard of
by his relatives for over twenty years.
Wherein Wingham be worked with Wm.
Nicholson contractor, and assisted in the
building of the High School here.
Come to Christies
Good Tea
Special Coffee
The' Tea and Coffee
IN OM ticsammithiro mar asnismaiiii ape
Shoes for the 24th
of May
We have the styles of Footwear suitable for the holiday.
Shoes, Oxfords and Pumps, in Viei Patent Leather, Ha..
vana Kid, White Kid and Canvas for
Moderate and reasonabln prices for everybody,
enjoy the holiday if we dress yonr feet.
Store closed all day Saturday, but open on Friday evening.