Clinton New Era, 1895-04-05, Page 6r�• .e�wrsww ari s.rwnne v e r asaw.aea:.+k n wr yrr�c •w ha�oam•evs,, . THE CLINT( , ) N \ 4''�! `�T 1 �.! 4 �, A E bPRING TIME. Paine's Celery Compound lakes People Well. X IIANKFUL PEOPLE EVERYWHERE GLADLY EN- DORSE THE GREAT MEDICINE. IT IS A BLESSING TO THE WHOLE CANADIAN DOMINION. 191111SICIANS ACKNOWLEDGE ITS GREAT CURING VIRTUES. ILNIAYES STRONG NERVES AND PURE BLOOD. Its Cures Disease and Long-standing Troubles. An Ontario Man Strongly Testifies. em ,a living witness to the worth of 1 Peine'eCelery Compound." This is the statement of Mr G.J.Syme, of Sheffield, Ont. It makes people well This fact is so widely known and so folly borne gut by thousands of magnificent cures, that the simple statement is in itself suffi- cient. The whole Dominion has been blessed by the marvellous work of the great medicine, and an army of rescued and saved men and women bless the noble discoverer, Prof. Edward, E. Phelps, M.D., LL D. ]faster minds amongst the medical men of the present day readily acknowledge the potent and curing virtures of Paine's Celery -Compound. They find that it makes strong nerve and pure blood, two essentials neces- sary for .perfeet health and strength. Leong -standing troubles and diseases are eured by Paine's Celery Compound when all other medical agencies fail in their work. /for kidney and liver troubles, it is the in- fallible remedy. Nervous debility, exhaus- tion, sleeplessness and headaches are quick- ly swept,, away by the curing powers of Paine'o Celery Compound. Weis the season when the sick, must of necessity, recuperate lostetrength, and gain the healthfulness so necessary to make life pleasurable for the summer, All should bear in mind the feet that Paine's Celery Compound "makes people well." The following letter from Mr G. J. Smye, of Sheffield, Ont., speaks of a wondrous cure after all ordinary means had failed to do the work:— "It is with great pleasure that I testify to the value of your great medicine, Paint's Celery Compound. For nearly two years I suffered from indigestion, kidney and liver troubles. After trying several medicines that did not effect a cure, I decided to try your Compound. Before using it I was so low in health that I could not eat or sleep. I could not lie in bed owing to pain in my back; it was only by resting on hands and knees I was able to obtain a slieht degree of ease. Before I had fully taken one bottle of your medicine I began to improve. I have in all taken fourteen bottles with grand results. I am a farmer and am now working every day. Anyone may re- fer to me in regard to these statements, or to any of my neighbors around Sheffield, where I am well known. I am a living witness to the worth of Paine's Celery Compound." THE QUESTION WAS PASSED. The unmarried woman of uncertain age was on the witness stand, and the prosecuting attorney, for some reason, was disposed to nag her. "1 believe," he said, "that you gave your name as Mary Howitly, unmar- ried ?" "I did," she replied, stubbornly. "And what is your age?" "I decline to answer." "But the court wishes to know." "It's none of the court's business," snapped the witness. The judge became intent on the in- stant. "What's, that, madam ?" he asked sharply. "I said, your honor, that it was none of the court's business what my age is," "The witness will answer the ques- tion," frowned the judge. "The witness will do nothing of the kind," replied the lady. "The court insists." said the judge. "And why ?" asked the witness. "Will I tell the truth with any the less impartiality, whether I am 20 or 70?" The judge was thinking of a fitting answer, when the prosecutor put in : "May it please the court," he said, severely, "this is contempt, and should be punished accordingly.' The witness smiled most exasperat- ingly. "May it please the court," she said in close imitation of the prosecutor, "you may fine me for contempt if you wish, but it will not make me answer. Your honor and the gentleman who asks me the questions are elected to the offices you rill by the people, and you are both willing to be elected again. Imprison me it you wish, 1 shall not answer; but I will say to both of you, now, that when the people know you have pun- ished a woman for refusing to tell her age, you will never be elected to office I again in a thousand years. Women , leave some rights that are bound to be respe cted, and public sentiment has stccor ded us this one, So there." Th e judge looked down at the prose- euto re and the prosecutor looked up at the j udge, and the question was passed. PARENTS MUST HAVE REST. A President of one of our Colleges says: "We spent many sleepless nights in con- eegnence of our children suffering from colds, but this never occurs now: We use S.ott's Emulsion and it quickly relieves pulmonary troubles." /////1///4/4 /// // / / often while PYNY - PECTORAL /// bring coughs and colds, brings quick relief. Cures all In- flammation of the bronohial tubes, throat or cheat. No un- certainty. Relieves, soothes, heals promptly. A Large Bottle for 26 Cents. DAVIS d EAWAENCE C0.1 ITO. PROPRIETORS. MONTREAL. 1 MrKeep the Chin In to be Healthy. "If my daughter were going to Europe to spend a year without her family," said a wise mother the other day, "and I were to give her a brief rule as a guide to health, it would be this, keep your chin in." This seemed unintelligible until she elaborated it and showed the effects of such an ob- servance. She said: "To keep the chin in means to keep it well drawn back horiz- ontally. That causes what physical cul - Wrists call a lifted chest or a live chest. A lifted chest insures deep and full breath- ing, and hence pure blood and perfect cir- culation. Perfect circulation is the great- est safeguard against contagion, and it prevents chilliness, the forerunner of colds. A lifted chest also throws the whole body into a graceful poise. The abdomen recedes, the thumbs fall into place by the side, the weight of the body falls upon the ball of the foot instead of the heel, and the shoulder blades flatten. These effects are produced when standing or walking. There are also effects in sit- ting. A lifted chest then insures a straight backbone with ;he end of spine against the back of chair, instead of a curved spine, which many women assume while sitting. The .habit of retaining a lifted chest is is easily formed, provided the clothing is reasonably loose."-4'rairie Farmer. A Dead-Living.luryman. A friend of mine, says a writer in Lon- don Answers, once paid an official £10 never to be called as a juryman. Ile was told all he had to do was not to turn up , even if he were called, in future. When the day carne for his attendance at the court, my friend (John Jones, I will call him) could not resist the temptation of seeing how his money had been invest- ed, and repaired to the court. He described the sensation of hearing "John Jones" called out as rather pecu- liar. It was called out a second time, and he could hardly resist answering to his name. ' When it was called out a third time he felt quite eerie, and mach more so at what took place in consequence. A person in deep mourning, and with a voice broken with emotion, exclaimed: "John Jones is dead. my lord." And his lordship, with a little reflected melancholy in his tone, observed: "Poor fellow] Scratch his name out." Mrs Frank Annis perished in her burning house, four miles north of Fenton, Mich. She was ill and could not help herself, although two voung children escaped uninjured. It is said that she and her husband lived un- happily, and there are suspicions of crime in connection with the fire. RHEUMATISM CURED IN A DAY.—South Am- erican Rheumatism Cu•o,• for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically Entree in 1 to 3 days. Its ac- tion upon the system is remarkable and mysteri- ous. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Sold by WATTS it CO., Clinton A well-dressed Hindoo woman's cos- tume consists of one piece of cloth, six or eight yards in length and a yard and a quarter in width, which she tucks in folds about, her waist, should- ers and body in a neat and graceful manner without the use of a pin, but- ton, hook or string. Mrs T. C. Hawkins, Chattanooga, eon., says: Shiloh's Vitalizer er " a ET vel My Life ' I consider it the best remedy fora debili- tated system I over used." For Dyspepsia, Liver or Kidney trouble it excels. Price 75 ots, "'IlaIdren Cry for Pitc'fiter'O Caste: Iii. k. HAS GIANT'S STRENGTH. WONDERFUL FEATS PERFORMED BY A CANADIAN FARMER. Totett orris Ton of Hay—Pleat of Foot Alts, —Hie Darling Handipringe-.Liked to Crack Men's Heat% When In Wo Cups. The pertorntarfce of Sandow, Samson and all the other so-called strong men posing on the stage to -day were as noth• Ing to the feats which mltdeJoseph Berry - hill, a farmer living within ten miles of London, Ontario, famous throughout this part of the country. Berryhill is an old man now, but is still able to do things that make him a marvel in the eyes of those who see him. He lei a trifle over six feet in height, weighs more than 300 pounds, and is so pic- turesque a figure that he might have step- ped from the page of some tale of the Norse- men, so perfect is his blond beauty. He has al ways devoted himself to farming, and is comfortably well off, owning sev- eral hundred acres of land, together with horses, cattle, and everything else in pro- portion. As a young man Berryhill was probably as great an athlete as ever lived, for, despite his great weight, he was so fleet of foot that few professional `sprinters could cope with him, while hie prowess at jumping earned for him a wide reputation. He weighed perhaps 225 pounds when 20 years of age, and it was uothing for him after a hard day's work in the fields to leap 20 feet in a single running jump or to run a hundred yards in 10 1-I aecoude. His bodily strength was remark- able, and waa,perhaps his moat distinguish- ing characteristic. The neighbors all knew of his feats of strength, but the first glimpse the outside world had of his capa- bilities w- t., when the Great Western Rail- road, now leased by the Gra-d Trunk, was building through Western Ontario. Ber- ryhill, among others, contracted to furnish the railroad with timber for ties and other building purposes, and while hauling lum- ber to tlii . city he came under the obser- vation of the gang constructing that sec- tion eation of the road. Many of the men re-, marked his size and said that he would be a good man to avoid picking a quarrel with. One day, while unloading the tim- ber from his sleigh, Berryhill began laugh- ing at six or eight men who were striving vainly to place a pair of wheels and axle of an ordinary freight car truck on the track. "Why, I could lift that on myself," he said., "Bet you $25 you can't," said the coo- struction boas, instantly. The money was staked, and Berryhill, picking up the pair of ponderous wheels with the axle, walked ten or twelve steps with them and placed thein upon the rails with as much ease as thoggh they were of papier mache. Laughing louldly, the giant jumped into his sleigh and drove away, leaving those who had seen the feat looking after him in open-mouthed aston- ishment. That was a pretty hard winter on some of the farmers, as hay had been a rather short crop, and Joe, having a number of horses to feed, drove over into Nissouri and began dickering with a farmer for some of his timothy. The Nissourian was hard -fisted and drove close bargains, and Berryhill finally gave up trying to pur- chase the quantity he desired at anything like a fair price. Turning to him Berry - hill said, finally; "I'11 give you $5 for what I can carry off your farm myself." The bargainwasmade and Berryhill de- parted. He came back in a few days with a sort of rack built on four short posts, and began piling hay upon it until the Nissourian's eyes were bulging. He tied it to the rack with ropes, and then, climb- ing beneath the load, carried off more than a ton of the farmer's good timothy, that was worth $15 a ton that wioter in any market. Leaving it on the side of the highway he transferred it to a sleigh and carried it home with many a chuckle. As a young man he was in great demand at all raising bees. A raising bee is quite a function in this part of the country. When a farmer is erecting a barn or other large outbuilding, and after all the tim- bers for the framework are in place, in- vitations are sent to all the farmers. One of Berryhil l's star performances on such occassions was to turn a series of handsprings on the plate or top beam of the framework after it was in position. The spectacle of a giant performing such evolutions forty or fifty feet from the ground on a surface not more than ten in- ches wide, was always an attraction to vis- itors, and nobody ever duplicated the feat. In the woods the man's prowess with the lex was equally remarkable. He used an ax twice as big and as heavy again as the ordinary tool, and so great was his strength that at every blow it sank to the eye in the wood. It was an ordinary thing for him to handle logs of wood that a team of horses would ordinarily be required to place in position for skidding, and whenever his horses got into a tight place or a pitch hole, and were unable to extricate the load, the giant would put his shoulder to a hind hub, call to his horses, and the trouble would be over, When not in his eupe Berryhill was as mild as a woman, and was far from being quarrelsome, but when under the influ- ence of liquor he liked nothing better than to crack men's heads together or to toss theryi about like ninepins. He incurred the enmity of the famous Donnelly family, which was all but exterminated sixteen miles from this place by vigilants in the winter of 1879, and he had a number of barroom fights with them in the tavern which Nned the old proof like road in the days before the London, Huron and Bruce Railroad relieved the stage traffic from London to points north and northwest. No ordinary dozen men, unless they re- sorted to the use of firearms, knives, blud- geons or bottles could hold their own with him, and Berryhill usually came out of all such frays a glorious victor. When he got hold of a man he thrashed about with him as if his victim were a mere wisp of straw, and itis related of one encounter he had in Ryan's place at Elginfleld with Patrick Gilgallin and a number of friends and followers, Chat he twisted the heel from Gilgallin's boot with his finger and thumb. Gilgal- lin had fled in terror up the stairs leading to the sleeping rooms, and Berryhill, reaching for him as he ran, caught him by the heel of the boot. With one wrench be tore the stout sole leather heel from the boot. Berryhill is still livingiTondo Yn n Town- ship, and comes 50 the city occasionally. His chest measurement, is over fifty inches, and there is little doubt, t hat, although an old man, he can to -day duplicate most of the feats of the "strong men" who are on the road. Taken in hand by an expert as a;oung man Berryhill would have been th greatest of them all. --London (Oat.) Le, , r to New York sSun. • Remerbabie Tralaed Animals. The most remarkable of animal trainers Is, without doubt, Prof.'lonuettl, whose troupt9 of educated foxes, geese, ducks, fowls, ravens and dogs is marvellous. His foxes jump over hurdles and through hoops, they jump over dunks and fowls; they feed with these birds, whom it is their nature to feed on, and they run about the arena withfoxhounds, whom they usually run away from. When the children see the professor's beautiful cat walk a bamboo bar, on which are eighbeen lovely white mice, they cry "Did you ever?" and clap their heads In delight. Of the trained enimaltt, now 10 London, however, the Siberian bears of M. W. Per - mane attract the most attention. To see them standing on a swing and "talking" to their master is really killing fun. -The way they will sit down at a table and drink stout out of bottles is an edifying sight for any total abstainer .to see. Perhaps the climax of comicality is reached when one of these unwieldly creatures has a lady's straw hat tied to his head and walks around the stags on M. Permane's arm, trying hard to kiss him all the time, and waddling about with all the gracefulness of any mature maiden lady of uncertain age among my acquaintances. That bear will shake bands with M. Permane like a thoroughly good fellow, but if you were to try to shake hands with hien you would find his heartiness a little trying.—Strand Magazine. A LONDON DRUGGIST. Mr B. A. Mitohell, the well-known Lon- don druggist, says of Stark's Powders, the great new cure for sick and nervous head- aohe, oonatipation, billiousness, costiveness, neuralgia, the stomach and liver: Ny customers report that they are au invalu- able remedy for those diseases. B. A. Mitchell, druggist, London." They a re nine to take, immediate and permanent. Two preparations in each box. Sold by all medicine dealers at 25c a box, 5 boxes $1. nice to take. 5 In the Manitoba Legislature, Premier Greenway, in moving the adjournment to May 6, said the Government had as yet seen no reason to change its policy in respect to the schools of the pro- vince. The Government, he said, de- sired time to thr,roughly consider what action was best, and in May, when the House reassembled, they would be able to definitely declare their intentions. IE COOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. 1A~ P1so'a Remedy for Catarrh le the lien' Vnafoot to Ileo, and Cheapest. Sold aY nr"o o* pent br' pr." Ladies of Clinton • And vioinity.—Yonr progressive druggists, Allen & Wilson, ]le�vve purchased a stook of my articles, and are ready to 1111 all orate. a. I P I am Mrs Nettie Harrison, e- �t rice's Beauty Doctor, wit y main parlors at 40 and 42 Geary Sb., SsnFrauoiseo. Oal.,1ll. ,•d, I am the mps$ spientifto exponent of the new system of p. ing apd inprovjng the health iced beauty of woman. I bestews . tis � . swmaa abauld be the moat .beautiful and healthy creature li 'ti ate I make and are my own articles. My ARTIC ,ES__ALLER A WILSON have espies of rely •+-°►+�•�*+r work, oontafning a fall lief; free on a�ppliba. tion.S Every ladyoustomer of Allen & Wilson, whether they buy any of my srttoles or not, is entitled to write to me for free consultation. FOR BEAUTY, FOR HEALTH, LOLA MONTEZ CREME, HEPATIC WAFERS The Skin Ford and Tissue Builder,—only For Liver and Stomach troubles -1 moathe' guaranteed face preparation sold in Ameri- treatment 51. Easy to take for men and ca. 75 ets. Preserves and imprcvee beauty women. 40 and 42 Geary St., SanFrancieoo, Cal.,• S.A. Eastern office 56 Washington Ave. Detroit, Miele, U. S. A. Mrs. Nettie Harrison, America's Beauty Doctor CASH IS KING GOOD EATING is the keystone to health. You can buy the keystone kind of Groceries at The CASH GROCERY In Canned Goods, Vegetables, Meats and all kinds of table delicacies, we carry a full assortment. Teas & Coffees Sole agents for the Celebrated "Monsoon" Indian Tea a Specialty Extra good value in Young Hyson, 51bs for $1. For Prompt Delivery, or Good Goods and Fresh Groceries, or Low Prices and Fair Dealing. Farm produce taken as cash.—Telephone No. 23. OGLE COOPER & CO. Cash Grocery 1 door North of News -Record. LOON HERE: Just a few CROSS -CUT SAWS and AXES left at Cost Prices A full stock of --- Daisy Churns, Cloth 'Wringers and Carpet Sweepers just received. M.,w Store Esl H AR LAIC D BROS, Cold Stand iv[ackayJjlock Brick Block Not Yet Decided f We have not yet decided to adopt the Strictly Cash System but we have decided to sell as Cheap for Cash as any hoose in the trade, and at the same time give Credit to responsible parties. Note our Cash prices 26 lbs. Granulated Sugar 28 lbs. Cream Coffee SugarFor tS 1 :lO lbs. Good Coffee Sugar 33 lbs Nice Yellow Sugar in Black TEAS we have the Dahl Kola Blend at 50cts a pound, and the Salads, Package at 40c., best value in town. In Japans at '3. and 31 cents we beat them all. In fact no matter what you need in our, line, we guard,. Lee to giye as good quality, and as low prices as can be got anywhere. Canned Goods of all kinds. Soaps in great variety. Hams, Bacon, Lard, Cottolene always in stock. Crockery and Glassware away down. Give us a call and see what we can do for you. MCIITURRA.Y & WILTSE, N easPostOfllice—CENTRAL GROCERY—Telephoto 40 INSIST Upon having Featherbone Corsets. Refuse all substitutes. See they are stamped 'hes: PATENTED SEPT. 8rd, 1884. No. 20110. NONE ARE GENUINE UNLESS 80 STAMPED. ongceafor Hard Times ! have opened out this . . . eek a new stock of . Ready Made Clothing Of fine work and material and astonishingly low prices, a few of which we quote:— Child's Snits from $2.25 up. Youth's Suits from $4 up. Men's Suits $4.75. Boys' Pants 750. and up. Men's Vests, grand value, only $1. Men's Pants $2.50 and qp. roceries We have had quite a run for Raisins the pant week, but can hold out a while on them yet. We are sorry that the 32 Ibe of ingar fom$1 did not show np, but we are in hopes of getting it yet, and in the moan ime will give 80 lbs of another that is worth more money. If you want a really good lyrup, try ours at 4 cents per lb. We will give ybn as good valve for your money as it is possible. Please give us a trial order and be convinced. DAMS' EMPORIUM, LQND1'1SBORO R. ADAMS TILL at the FRONT Tho undersigned wishes to inform his many' estomors and friends that he bar moved to his low Shop on Rattenbury Street ear the Market Square, where ho Is prepared to ivo bis oustomere better accommodation than ver. I have secured the services of a good to do all o w eke and amprepared kin od o xdo of and -Work repairing. As to the qualityof Woi k P g ono and attention shown it Is sufficient o say ,at the old standard will h0 pt up. In his showrooms ,hero will be kept a well snorted stock of Sleighs, utters, Buggies, Plows, I -I arrows, li;tc, which he will sell at prices to suit the times. In addition to this ho is prepared to dotal! kinds of Bioycle Repairing. Special attention will be giv en to Horse Shoeing and all Custom Work. All work aid stook guaranteed to bo first-class and prices i bHN TEDFORD, Clinton Clinton Planing Mill —AND— DRY KILN! The pnhscriber, having the very latest improved machinery, and employing the most skilled work- men is able to do work in his line in the most satisfactory manner, at reasonable rates and on the nh rteot notice. A trial solicited FACTORY NEAR (i.T R. STATION, CLINTON THOMo1:NENZIPu 1 CURE FITS! V.luabds treatise and bottle of medicine sent lir.. le .M Ctferer. Give Express and Poet Office address. n. G. ROOT, LO.., 1116 ,lett 14.1.14. y 9Cj(i.iI�IE` 4s, BRISTOL'S al Sarsaparill Cures Rheumatism, Gout, Sciatica, Neuralgia, Scrofula, Sores, and all Eruptions. BRISTOL'S al Sarsaparill . Cures Liver, Stomach and Kidney Troubles, and Cleanses the Blood of all Impurities. BRISTOL'S Sarsaparilla] Cures Old Chronic Cases where all other remedies fail. Be sure and ask your Druggist for BRISTOL'S - Sarsaparilla COTTOGENE. "We always fry ours irk Cottok." Our Meat, Fish, Oysters,Sara- toga Chips, Eggs, boughnutipt . Vegetables, etc. Like most other .eo.le, our folks formerly used lard for , such purposes When t •'' agreed with any o 'the aril .. (which it often did) we said it w i "too rich.'' We fina y trfe‘ lene Or. and not one of us has had anattack ' of "richness" since. We further found that, unlike lard, Cottol0 had no unplcagant odor e cooking, and lastly Mother's ?a- , vorite and co 1s:•rvative cooking authority came out and gave it a big recomh, 'ndation which clinched the (natter. So that's l why we always fry E ours in Cottolene. t E ass. Sold In A and 5 ib. pa1Ie.11/ ,f all wooers. Madeonl7YY/1' i r;1, ,J„, THE N. K. FAIRBANR �'. " " COMPANY I .til r ..a. Wellington end Ann stmts. MONTREAL. For Twenty -Five DUNN'S rp•clivrt: Years e G ,1 IE COOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. 1A~ P1so'a Remedy for Catarrh le the lien' Vnafoot to Ileo, and Cheapest. Sold aY nr"o o* pent br' pr." Ladies of Clinton • And vioinity.—Yonr progressive druggists, Allen & Wilson, ]le�vve purchased a stook of my articles, and are ready to 1111 all orate. a. I P I am Mrs Nettie Harrison, e- �t rice's Beauty Doctor, wit y main parlors at 40 and 42 Geary Sb., SsnFrauoiseo. Oal.,1ll. ,•d, I am the mps$ spientifto exponent of the new system of p. ing apd inprovjng the health iced beauty of woman. I bestews . tis � . swmaa abauld be the moat .beautiful and healthy creature li 'ti ate I make and are my own articles. My ARTIC ,ES__ALLER A WILSON have espies of rely •+-°►+�•�*+r work, oontafning a fall lief; free on a�ppliba. tion.S Every ladyoustomer of Allen & Wilson, whether they buy any of my srttoles or not, is entitled to write to me for free consultation. FOR BEAUTY, FOR HEALTH, LOLA MONTEZ CREME, HEPATIC WAFERS The Skin Ford and Tissue Builder,—only For Liver and Stomach troubles -1 moathe' guaranteed face preparation sold in Ameri- treatment 51. Easy to take for men and ca. 75 ets. Preserves and imprcvee beauty women. 40 and 42 Geary St., SanFrancieoo, Cal.,• S.A. Eastern office 56 Washington Ave. Detroit, Miele, U. S. A. Mrs. Nettie Harrison, America's Beauty Doctor CASH IS KING GOOD EATING is the keystone to health. You can buy the keystone kind of Groceries at The CASH GROCERY In Canned Goods, Vegetables, Meats and all kinds of table delicacies, we carry a full assortment. Teas & Coffees Sole agents for the Celebrated "Monsoon" Indian Tea a Specialty Extra good value in Young Hyson, 51bs for $1. For Prompt Delivery, or Good Goods and Fresh Groceries, or Low Prices and Fair Dealing. Farm produce taken as cash.—Telephone No. 23. OGLE COOPER & CO. Cash Grocery 1 door North of News -Record. LOON HERE: Just a few CROSS -CUT SAWS and AXES left at Cost Prices A full stock of --- Daisy Churns, Cloth 'Wringers and Carpet Sweepers just received. M.,w Store Esl H AR LAIC D BROS, Cold Stand iv[ackayJjlock Brick Block Not Yet Decided f We have not yet decided to adopt the Strictly Cash System but we have decided to sell as Cheap for Cash as any hoose in the trade, and at the same time give Credit to responsible parties. Note our Cash prices 26 lbs. Granulated Sugar 28 lbs. Cream Coffee SugarFor tS 1 :lO lbs. Good Coffee Sugar 33 lbs Nice Yellow Sugar in Black TEAS we have the Dahl Kola Blend at 50cts a pound, and the Salads, Package at 40c., best value in town. In Japans at '3. and 31 cents we beat them all. In fact no matter what you need in our, line, we guard,. Lee to giye as good quality, and as low prices as can be got anywhere. Canned Goods of all kinds. Soaps in great variety. Hams, Bacon, Lard, Cottolene always in stock. Crockery and Glassware away down. Give us a call and see what we can do for you. MCIITURRA.Y & WILTSE, N easPostOfllice—CENTRAL GROCERY—Telephoto 40 INSIST Upon having Featherbone Corsets. Refuse all substitutes. See they are stamped 'hes: PATENTED SEPT. 8rd, 1884. No. 20110. NONE ARE GENUINE UNLESS 80 STAMPED. ongceafor Hard Times ! have opened out this . . . eek a new stock of . Ready Made Clothing Of fine work and material and astonishingly low prices, a few of which we quote:— Child's Snits from $2.25 up. Youth's Suits from $4 up. Men's Suits $4.75. Boys' Pants 750. and up. Men's Vests, grand value, only $1. Men's Pants $2.50 and qp. roceries We have had quite a run for Raisins the pant week, but can hold out a while on them yet. We are sorry that the 32 Ibe of ingar fom$1 did not show np, but we are in hopes of getting it yet, and in the moan ime will give 80 lbs of another that is worth more money. If you want a really good lyrup, try ours at 4 cents per lb. We will give ybn as good valve for your money as it is possible. Please give us a trial order and be convinced. DAMS' EMPORIUM, LQND1'1SBORO R. ADAMS TILL at the FRONT Tho undersigned wishes to inform his many' estomors and friends that he bar moved to his low Shop on Rattenbury Street ear the Market Square, where ho Is prepared to ivo bis oustomere better accommodation than ver. I have secured the services of a good to do all o w eke and amprepared kin od o xdo of and -Work repairing. As to the qualityof Woi k P g ono and attention shown it Is sufficient o say ,at the old standard will h0 pt up. In his showrooms ,hero will be kept a well snorted stock of Sleighs, utters, Buggies, Plows, I -I arrows, li;tc, which he will sell at prices to suit the times. In addition to this ho is prepared to dotal! kinds of Bioycle Repairing. Special attention will be giv en to Horse Shoeing and all Custom Work. All work aid stook guaranteed to bo first-class and prices i bHN TEDFORD, Clinton Clinton Planing Mill —AND— DRY KILN! The pnhscriber, having the very latest improved machinery, and employing the most skilled work- men is able to do work in his line in the most satisfactory manner, at reasonable rates and on the nh rteot notice. A trial solicited FACTORY NEAR (i.T R. STATION, CLINTON THOMo1:NENZIPu 1 CURE FITS! V.luabds treatise and bottle of medicine sent lir.. le .M Ctferer. Give Express and Poet Office address. n. G. ROOT, LO.., 1116 ,lett 14.1.14. y 9Cj(i.iI�IE` 4s,