Clinton New Era, 1895-02-22, Page 6.2.2, 18995 fish Ph slc�a� from a y shat Ti hl 1ttt1� n'1 Islall i t HE IS PLEASED WITH CANADA. TALKS ABOUT CANADIAN PEOPLE. N>E IlAYS WE HAVE TOO MANY PALE AND HALF DEAD WOMEN. His experience with Paine's Celery;Compound. Thinks it is the right medicine for building up weak and Sickly Girls and Women. in the early part of Sanitary an English physician of high standing and consider- able wealth, visited the principal cities and towns of Canada, after a tour in the United States. He was;; exceedingly well pleased with what he Saw of the Dominion, and spoke in glowiugterms of the good nature and hospitality-Woar' people. When asked what he thought of Cana- dians from. a physiological point of view, he replied ,s.''- s, , , "Taken ass whole yon have a fine sturdy population; but there is room for improve- ment. You have splendid spedimens of manhood; your women generally ;look healthy,.bud vigorous); • but you haws?! too many ay tubo are pale, listless and halt dead looking, _ such as I have met in the United States. / "Oh, yoa4I'kx bJw aomething abont Paine's 'Celery ebmpound; 'I have need it ocoas- iionally myself, end know of int being used in England., ,T crave recommr.nded it to \weak,pAie and,rn down women and girls in England, and it has produced very sat- isfactory and pleasing results. From what I know of the formula of Paine's Celery Compound, I have no hesitation, as a phy- sician, in prescribing in cases of general debility, dyspepsia, nervous affections, kid- ney and liver complaints, and• general weakness. "Yoar pale, weak and half dead women and girls have a true life -building •agent in Paine's Celery Compound. There is no preparation I hnow of that is so well adapted for the troubles of weak females. "I am pleased to know that Paine's Cel- ery Compound is so popular in your midst; it certainly deserves every line of praise Mow received from the public." IF WE KNEW. If we knew the woe and heartache Waiting for ns down the road, If our jipe could taste the wormwood, If our backs oonld feel the load; Would we waste to -day in wishing For time that ne'er oan be; Would we wait in such impatience For our -ships• to come from sea? �. knew the baby fingers reseed against the window pane, Would be cold and stiff to-morrow— Never trouble ns again; Would the bright eyes of our darling Catch the frown upon our brow; Would the print of baby fingers Vex tie then as they do now? Ab, these little ice-cold fingers, How,they..point our memories back To thelliality words and aotions Strewn along oiirs backward track! How t11eg0^little hands remind us, As % snowy grabe they lie, Not to:egattek thorns—but roses— For our reaping by and by! Strange we never prize the music Till the sweet -voiced bird has flown; Strange that we should slight the violet Ti the lovely flowers are gone; Straidge that summer skies and sunshine Neter 'gears Mae -half s0 fair ,;‘,,a As when winter's snowy pinions Shake their white down in the air! Lipa from which the seal of silence None but God oan roll away, ' Never blossomed in such beauty As adorns the mouth to -day; And stfeet Worth that; freight our memory With thimi bbautifui'perfume Come to us in etvegter accents Through the portal of the tomb. Let ns gather up, the sunbeams Lying all along our path; Let us keep the wheat and roses; Casting ont the thorns and chaff;., Let us find our sweetest comfort In the blessings of to -day; 'With a patient hand removing All the briers from oar way.. SCRAPED WITH A RASP. Sire,—I had auoh a severe cough that my throat felt as if scraped with a rasp. On taking Norway Pine Syrup I found the first bottle gave relief, and the second bot- tle completely oared me. MISS A,. A. DOWNEY, Manotio, Ont. The Patrons of South Perth met Friday, and after a hot discussion nominated Mr Donald, of Downie, Be their candidate far the Commons. A speoial from Kearney, Nob., says:— Considerable exoitement has been caused herb by about fifty farmers with half as many teams Doming in from Kearney county for 'relief supplies. They broke in- to a oar on the Union Pacific track and commeriood. ° helping :; tbemselveas , The aunty oolnmrssionere tried to stop them, bat could not, 'acrd after they etc ed to Arita (sway they ;were brought bio . by the 1i� Yt reported that' Sixty ..•me ate their way herherb from Ouster G. ' Vfor pp+ w4, ()LIN 1: ).\ \ E Yr PEOPLE TALKED ABOUT, The German Emperor hos a "salary" of $3,852,000 a year, twice as much as his grandmother, Queen Victoria. The'mother of Gracci remained a widow that she might give her whole time to; the education of her sons. Consumption follows negleoted oolds, Norway Pine Syrup ensue coughs, asthma, sore throat, bronchitis and lung troubles. That the Princess of Wales is popu- lar is attested by the fact that 200,000 of her portraits were sold in England last yeas. The Queen of Saxony maintains three eminent doctors, whose sole duties are to attend to the ailments of the suffering poor. Mrs Seward Webb's new house in the Adirondacks will have 100 rooms and require an army of servants. The cost will be $1,500,000. Charlotte, the widow of Maximilian, Ernpe' or of Mexico, has been insane ever since the tragic death of her hus- band, She is now 51 years of years old. Mr`George Manville Fenn, the nov- elist of adventure, is now 64 years old. He does not look his age, however, for he has a tall, slight, active figure, thick fair hair and beard and keen blue eyes The Princess Maud of Wales is said to be known in her own family ci, cle almost exclusively as "Harry" because sbe is so playful and sportmanlike. rut she is also an excellent cook and gardener. To save life from the ravages of disease, is nobler than to win a kingdom. Burdock Blood Bitters cures all blood diseases, scro- fula, blotches, pimples, skin diseases, etc., by its cleansing power over the entire sys- tem John D. Rockefeller is said to have announced to his daughters that none of them would be heiresses, notwith- standing the great wealth of their father. Mr Rockefeller's purpose is to devote the bulk of his fortune to chari- table work. C. Donnelly, prop. of the popular and well-known Windsor Hotel, Alliston, Ont., was troubled for years from Itching piles. He was persuaded by Jas. MoGarvey, Al- liston, livery man, to use Chose', Oint- ment, which he did, was cured, bas had no return of them and highly recommends this Ointment as a sovereign cure for Piles. Lord Rosebery says that as soon as the story of his sleeplessness gbt into the newspapers, after he entered Glad. stone's Cabinet, he was deluged with cures. One of the first, and what seem- ed to hien the easiest, was to sip before going to bed a tumbler of hot water. He tried'it, and since he had no fur- ther trouble of the kind. RADICAL CHANGES. HAVE TA¢EN PLACE IN MEDICAL PRACTICE DURING THE 'PAST Firw YEARS. • HAMILTON, Feb.18—A radical change has taken place in the past few years in medi- cal practice. Large nauseous doses are no longer the rule, but where possible ' medi- cines are administered in the conoe.itrated form of tablets and pills which are more easily taken by the patient. This fact, more than anything else, caused the use of the pill form for that sterling remedy, Dodd's Kidney Pills. These pills are sugar coated, easily carried about and easily taken. They require no alcohol topreeerve them as a liquid remedy would, and for this reason are preferable to liquid reme- dies. Another important feature of these pills is that they have never failed to cure any form of kidney disease. West street Methodist church, Owen Sound, was damaged by fire last Tuesday night, to the extent of three hundred dol - tars. SIGNS OF WORMS are variable appe- tite, itching at the nose, etc. .Dr. Low'a Worm Syrup is the beat worm expeller. Gen. James Neil Bethune, of Georgia, who was the owner and for many year's the manager of "Blind Tom," the famous negro pianist, died at his son's residence at Washington, aged 91 years. Two professional burglars got a big surprise in attempting," to enter the general store of m. Smith of Gatin- eau Point, They were fired upon by men on watch, and one of the burglars who gave his name as Alex Mortimer, of Montreal, was shot in the thigh and captured. The other burglar, said to be a professional from Toronto, named Onslo, escaped. THEY 1)0 NOT DESPAIR. An utter loss of hope is not oharaoteris- gio Consumptives, though no other form f disease is so fatal, unless its progress is arrested by use of Scott's Emulsion, which is Cod Liver Oil made sae palatable as cream. a Mr Pugsley has been nominated by the Conservatives of King's County, N. B., Hon. Mr Foster's present con- stituency. York County, where, it is proposed to run the Minister of Fi- nance, held a prohibition convention, and the nomination was tendered t,o Mr McLeod, who 'asked a week to con- sider it. SEND TO DAY. Ladies and gentlemen, be alive 'to your own interest, There has recently been dis- covered, and is now for stile by the under• signed, a truly wonderfnl,."Hair Grower' and "Complexion Whitening." This "Hair Grower" will actually grow hair on a bald head in six weeks'. A, prgntleman who has no beard can have a thrifty growth in six weeks by the use of this wonderful "Hair Grower" It will also prevent the hair from fading. By the lite of this relnedy boys raise an expellent moustache in six weeks. Ladies, if you Wdnt a sutpfloing head of hair, have it immediately by the use of this "Hair, Grower." I also sell a "Compibxiod Whitening" that will in one month's time make you as clear and white as the Akin can bo Made. Wo never knew a lady or gentleman to use two bottles of this Whitening forthey all say that before they finished the second bottle they were as white as theywould wish to be. After the use of this whiening, the skin will forever retain its color. It alto remevos trocldes, etc., etc. The "Hair Grower" Is50 cents per torte, and the "Face Whitening" 60 cents per bottle. Either of these. roi5odioa will be sunt by Mag postage paid, to any address on receipt of price Address all or - dere to R. RYAN; 350 Gilmour St., Ottawa, Ont P. 8.—Wo take P.O. Stam is same as cash, but parties ordering by mall will contor a favor by ordering b1 worth, as it will require this amount of the solution to accomplish oithor purpose, then it will lessen the rush of1P. 0, stamps. v.• C Ol )ren Crifor Pito 0 atotlas 'I'13E JEST'ER'S CORNER. He They say kissing is unhealthy. Slee—Everything bas Its risers. She (bitterly) -Before you married ms I was' au anise). I'll never ns' that again, I suppose. He (sarcastically) -.- Well, 1 live in hopes. "Looking for work, are you?" asked the good lady. "Oh, not that bad, mum," answered Mr Everett Wrest. "Dist merely waiting for it." "Here! this horse is blind. Why did you tell me its sight was good?" "I didn't. I said its sight was never better, and it's gospel truth. The beast was born blind. Mrs Homespun—I don't think this can be one of the important pictures, John. Mr Homespun—Why not? Mrs Homespun- Why, anybody can see at the first glance just what it repre- sents." Jillson says that marriage may he a failure, but the man who embarks in it usually has to pay 100 cents on the dollar. We often sneer at the Egyptains for hung a slow people, but. on the contrary, they must have been a very busy race. Even mummies appear to have been pressed for time. Modern Mother—It's very sad, but I am afraid poor Jane will never be pop- ular in society. Friend—Indeed! Modern Mother—Yes, she's got such silly, old-fashioned Ideas about always speaking the truth. Collector—See here, when are you going to do anything on this account? Mudge—I don't know. I've been hyp- notized so that I can't go through the performance of paying even when I have the money. I'm awfully sort y, I assure you. Officer—The man's back is broken, and he can make no statement as to the circumstances of the assault. Magistrate—It looks very much like justifiable tackling, but we will hold the prisoner on the charge of interfer- ence in the first degree pending further investigation. ,'BODY RESTED, MIND AT EASE." That is what it is when travelling on the feet trains of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway; besides, there is no ohanoe to " kink," for the accommodations 'aYe up to date, the trains keep moving right along and get there on time. These fines thoroughly cover the territory between Chicago, La Crosse, St, Paul, Minneapolis, Aberdeen, Mitbhell, Sioux City, Yankton, Council Bluffs, Omaha and Northern I Michigan. All the principal cities and towns in that territory are reached by the " St. Paul" lines, connecting at St Paul; Council Bluffs and Omaha with all lines for points in the far west. Write to A. T. Taylor, Canada Pass's Agent,' 87 York St., Toronto, Ont., for one of their new map time tables and a brochure giving a descrip- tion of the Compartment' Sleeping Cars. Tickets furnished by any coupon ticket agent in the United States and Canada. The finest dining cars in the world are run on the solid vestibuled, electric -lighted and steam -heated trains of` he Chicago, Mil- waukee & Bt. Paul Railway. THE STAR OF BETHLEHEM. Camille Flammarlon, the French Astron- ' Omer, on Ire Appearance. Some time ago various newspapers of Europe and. America contained the start- ling intelltgsnce that the star which guid- id the wise men would again appear. This star was eennected with that, celebrated one which, 318 years ago, suddenly Slisap- pear*1 from the constellation of Cassio- p:ia, and it was found that this star of 1572 had previously appeared in the years 1264 and 945, and, if counted back, must have appeared in the year of the birth of Christ. If these facts were well establish- ed, we must certainly expect the star to appear again in our days. We should then see a new body in the heavens, entirely unlike any flxed star, to be seen in full daylight,' which would in a short time again disappear. Every astronomer in re- cent times has asked hundreds of questions on this subject. Is it true that the star of Bethlehem will again appear? Is it peri- odical? Is its place in the sky appointed? The next question is, What really happens ed in 1572? It was a few months after St. Bartholo. mew's Night, Tycho Brahe, the great ob- server of those days, tells tis, that: "One evening, as I was watching the heavens in my accustomed manner, I saw, to my great astonishment, in the constellation of Cas- siopeia, a brilliant star of, unusual clear- ness." This was on November 11, 1572. Threedays before the star had been seen by Cornelius Gemma, who spoke of it as "this new Venus." In December of the same year its lustre began to wane; and in Marcia, 1574, it had entirely disappeared, leaving no traee. As to the stars of 045 and 1264', we have no authority ex- cept that of- the Bohemian astrologer, Cyprian Lo'witz. No historian mentions them, and the Chinese chroniclers, who watched all appearances in the sky with great care, do not speak of them. Even granting the a mance of these stars to have been a fa eir resemblance to the star of Bethlehems doubtful. It is true that by counting back we come to the years 680, 815 and 0; but the star should have again appeared some time between 1880 and 1891. t With regard to the Star of Bethlehem there are five assumptions: (1) It had no existence, and the entire statement is a beautiful Oriental fairy tale. (2) The fixed star, seen by the Wise Men, was Venue, at the time of its great splendor. (3) It was a periodical star like that of 1572. (4) The phenomenon was occasioned by -a conjunction of planets, (5) It was a comet. Of these assumptions the most probable is the second. That it was a periodi, ;it star is scarcely likely, for Ptolemy and Mantuan -lin would have •spoken of it. The fourth statement was suggested in 1826 by the German astrono- mer Ideler, and repeated by Encke in 1881. In the year 3 B. C. there were conjunctions of the planets Jupiter, Mars and Saturn on May 29, September 3, and December 5, but on none of these days were the planets nearer together than a degree, so that the Wise Men must have been very near- sighted to take them for one star. The fifth assumption is also not to be con- sidered, for people already know how to distinguish a comet from any other star , and besides, we have no knowledge o a Comet at that time. For all these reaso a we have not the least occasion to expo t the return of the Star of Bethlehem at t e close of, coir century. And even if such \a, iter should appear, it would simply be t' e twenty-si*th such ease observed in b e- terical tithes, and the intere"eti attaejsed. it *mild. 'pnrglyAaron ,uniclilr- ((hallo ♦ 11'lamtua ion in Deutsch ane, 'rise I)onliey fv ankee,- "By Jove!” said the country squire who had got the worst of an argument with Sydney Smith, "if I had a son who was a donkey, I'd make a parson of him straight away.' "Possibly," returned the wit, "but your father was evidently of a different mind." That la one type. Here is,another; A man had a portrait taken with his children in a donkey carriage, he standing at the anim- al's head. Showing it to a friend, he asked his opinion of the likeness. "It's the very image of you," was the verdict, "but who is that holding your head?" Here is still another specimen that recalls the "Society Upon the Stainslaw:" Two gentlemen in air auction -room were dis- puting the possession of a picture by a celebrated painter, which faithfully repre- sented an ass. Finally one of them said: 'My dear sir, it is of no use, I shall not give in. The painting once belonged to my grandfather and I intend to have it." "Ohl in that case," replied his rival, suavely, "I will give it up. I think you are fully entitled to it if it is one of your family portraits." Next to this we may place the retort of the Irish girl, who, caught in the act of playing on Sunday morning and being accosted by the parish priest with the greeting, "Good morning, daughter of the evil one," replied promptly, "Good morn- iug, father!" J. C. STEVENSON, —THE LEADING— UNDERTAKER —AND— EMBALMER. A FULL LINE OF GOODS ilaq ill STOCK T h ebestEmbitlrning Flui d u sed Splendid Hearse. ALBERTST.,CLINTON Reaidenoeoveratore. OPPOSITE TOW HALL NOTICE OF REMOVAL IF THEMAN . IN THE MOOM TOOK SICK WHAT WOULD DO? JUST SPEND HIS FOUR QUARTERS FOR A BOTTLE OF BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS AS ALL SENSIBLE PEOPLE DO ; BECAUSE IT CURES DYSPEPSIA, GONSTIPATION, BILIOUSNESS, BAD BLOOD, AND ALL DISEASES OF THE STOMACH, LIVER, KIDNEYS AND BOWELS. - CASH ISKING els THE ONLY UP TO DATE GROCERY IN TOWN IS The CASH GROCERY_, SI Bai Sole a Sash, Door &flhindFacthry The undersigned' wishes to inform his many ' customers and friends that he has moved to his New Shop on Rattenbury Street Near the Market Square, where he is prepared to give his customers better accommodation than ever. I have secured the services of a good woodworker, and am prepared to do all kinds of wood -work repairing. As to the quality of work done and attention shown, it is sufficient to say that the old standard will be kept up. In hie showrooms there will be kept a well ssorted stook of Sleiglts,teutters, Buggies, Plows, Hl arrows, Etc, Which bo will sell at prices to suit the times. In addition to this he is prepared to do all kihds of Bicycle Repairing. Special attention will be giv en to Horse Shoeing and all Custom Work. Al! work and stook guaranteed•to be first-olass and prices low. JOHN TEDFORD, Clinton COTTOLENE. This is it • This is the new shortening or cooking fat which is so fast taking the place of lard. It is an entirely new food product composed of clarified cotton seed oil and re- fined beef suet. You can see that Is clean, delicate, wholesome, appetizing, and economical --as far superior to lard as the electric light is to the tallow dip. It asks only a fair trial, and a fxi trial will convince you of ifs 'value. ,a Sold in 3 and 5 pound path, by all grocers Made only by The, N. K. Falrbank company, We ltiegtoli and Ann se.., MONTREAL. POWDERS Core SiCK HEADAOHE 'Sind Neuralgia in to INurAtaf F. also Coated Tongue Ditsi+ -anis, B ttoutne. f' In id'thftOtte, s pWOn, ' ' id •L! ,Nth. i-'te Matey • add &1i A.m. ie O vg,aomoos •,1fAlfl►� rflblM,� Jt wt.&Kit* • Kits. 0 VV S: S. COOPER !Proprietor Owing to my increasing business, I am building an extensive addition to nay premises, and also putting in one.of the latest improved Patent Dry Kilns, and will then be in a better position than ever to fill all orders entrusted to me. We prepare plans and estimates for all kinds of residences, and execute contrasts for the same on short notice, and in a workmanlike manner. We manufacture to order and also carry in stock all kinds of Window Sasb, Door Frames, Blinds, Lnmber, Lath, (to. Persons who intend to build will find it to their own interest to see rale before sodoing. . S, .S. COOPER, Clinton Bonmiller 11i.reer7 FRUIT AND OBIAMENTAL TREES, NORWAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH AND ASTRACHAN PINE, The tatter of whieb we make a specialty.' ' LARGE STOCK ON HAND, The above ornamental trues and shrubbery will bo sold at very low prices, and those wanting any thing in this connection will save money by par abasing here. Orders by Mailwill be promptly attended to. Address, JOHN STEWART -- BenmIller. r4, Clinton - Planing Mill . -,-AND • — DRY /KILNS 'ho subscriber, having the very latest unproved machinery, and employing the tnostskilled work- rmen is able to do work in his line in the most satisfactory manner, at reasonable rate, and on the shortest notice. A trial solicited FACTORY NIAR 6.T R. STATION, CLINTON THOS. M.HENLIN HURON AND BRUCE Loan ic Investment Oo ThBQam arigftpayLoLoeaRagteMonfyaotn r],arr Molt'1♦(aEELa#Cs PtrACITASEr SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. 8, 4 and 5 per Gent. Interest Allowed on Deposits, acebrding toamount and time loft. OFFICl11—Cor. Sgnare and North ft., tlfoderteh HORAOE EIOR?ON Manager MoKIllop Mutual Fire Insurance Co FARM & I SOLAT ED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY' INSURED oFFICARR. D. Ross President, Clinton; Goo. Watt Vice Pres. Restock; W. J. Shannon, Beey-7!reas. Soafortb; M. Murdie, inspector of Maims, Soaforth. tumorous. Jae. Eroadfoot, Beaforth ; Gabriel Elliott Clinton; J.B. McLosn, Tuekeremith ' Thos. oar. bet, (Maori; 0, Gardiner, Loadl?ury; T.033.Rays, iteHillbp, ' 4GENTB, Thos. Nonan,, nook Hob*. ,..McMillan Bea• auditor.forth; oibi I GpQ.turdior Ptio ea desirone styes(Ineatenos'a oeen• sot' other businee • trill be promptly, attended' ale phot an anyo of*bbeeaabbo're Obeli For Twenty -Five Years CsAlkslit PONDER. THEOOOK'S'BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. IAMOND PILLS CONSTIPATION, Q'SILLOUSNESS, DYSPEPSIA IGK-HEADACI4E R EG U'LATE THE UV 1OU PS leggI' =IA IGE25 CTS.Tsz I ODD'S lo.o It's no because I'm Scotch but yot; canna smoke a better Cigar than 403 ROY," They cost 5c. but I et sax of the(i for a er.