Clinton New Era, 1895-01-18, Page 6Ngt 301171.19r; ?l3, hiss:, 5t /^ , LtOGAL NOTICES ,guar N & 'wILSQN'i3 `P.Acief eewdor 18 Ow- ,, k p ,,(b, Cream eb000ltitee f0i 140 4t 990f' 1 alt; 0 nd 1 EGGS Wanted—Clgive ON BEA ^• �) pr¢EAITX'a,fprChoicelegudleM `'titan E! 60.yok d�oi ..Now Figs, alga. for aha. at 19ATe > ,jUI dTOAP. : DU,tBCTOR'lf FOB SALE 011EAP.—A cagy of • a';,be,,d lollOn ariq tiazette mid Directory, just issued ',ONTO.' mile cheap,. .Apply at New Ess Flreastertiaent of Fruits, Nuts, candles, ell: JIatL*VJIEILTY'8. 'Mixed. Candy ..,4 lbs, for 26o at COATS' FRUIT >hTOWO. ` oda 1}j eu1.t •,5lb boxes for 20o. at coATs ?a. a ; CoASH V$. Cti$DIT.—Belioving that the only eatlsfaotoryTtay of being up to date in business la to Bell and'buy strictly for cash, I have decided • Viet Febrbary tat. 1895, to adobt the leash aye tem,: believing it will prove the most advanta- eous to every,housekeeper in Towu and Coun,ry. n order to do. du I will mark all. goods down to Bock Bottom Cash Prioes that will defy comps- iitloni., y stook of Groceries, Teas, Sugars, Glassy!', dro., is BMW:doss, and no better value Can a of anywhere. J. W. IRWIN, Grocer, Ma s .knock, Clinton. • 1. own *spiel). GITNNERs.—Messrs. W. Grigg, J. E. Blackall•and E. Cantelon are in Ham ikon attending the International Gun -dub tournament. STARTED FOR HIMSELF. — Charles Cottle, of Vancouver, B. C., who has teen employed there for some time, lba gone Into business for himself, ening an express delivery. GOOD REPRESENTATIVE. —Mr` H. Can lan:.w o has been holidaying at owe the pas weeks, has entered pon his llth y as traveller in West- rn Ontario. 'We congratulate W. J. .'hopupson & Son, of London, on se- uring the gentleman's service as raveller for the coming year. ADJOURNED.—Mr Robt. Mason ap- peared before Messrs McGarva and Steep, the other day, charged by In- spector Paisley, with selling liquor on Sunday. A number of witnesses were examined, their evidence !being all in favor of defendant, and an adjourn- ment of ,the case was granted until to - ,,#lay, at the request of the Inspector. 1{11088, L StV,eekr5eV.eri 4aauliayliig. +?enJols crept into site paper, axed .tti�era:xtt '130:404.040.111 correcting them now. The • eu+putnstaeceti welder whlcl the NUW°Fillik was islatied last week, dad not allltw o = the icarefu4l suptarvision that we like th exercise vyhe.0,osaible,. The plain truth le it wag ham work :stiles a paper at ilk alt last week, anti it was only 1 tint the interests. of our patrons might not enffet, that it was done, •'GoT SCARE».—Mr. G. F. gmersofi has returned from his trip to Chicago. and lie feels quite content to remain in some place not quite so large or wicked as that city. The robberies t at are openly committed there in broad day- light are atnazing. Mr. Emerson .hap- pened to go along a street on Sunday morning, about eleyen o'clock, just as a robber was holding up a victim, and turning his revolver on George, the robber ordered him to " move on, or he'd blow his brains out." A request that it was not necessary to make a second titne. RENEWED AFTER MANY YEARS.— Over forty years ago Mr Robt. Porter, Poe master, taught his first school in the township. of Whitby, Ontario coup y. Residing in the section was to in town, has taken up has residence you g man by the name of John Ket with his relatives, the family of the eh u The years passed and they for`-' late Thos. Hill, gravel road, Hallett. go al)out.each other, until Monday Messrs Davis & Rowland have put in a mist last, when accidentally meeting tele hone: this makes the number in t a supper in Stanley, Mr Porter was use,in town 53. The members of the ane of the speakers,, and Mr Ketchen, council for 1895 will meet on Monday so well known in Stanley) as chair- ance- next at 11 o'clock; an evening meetin '. an fthey formed so anrenewed stince,c acnevere t hay- will also be held. Conductor Crawford ng met in the interval. has been laid off sick for a few days, ODDFELLOWSHIP. — Clinton Lodge No. 83, passed its 23yd mile- stone on Tuesday last, and celebrated the event by having one of the largest gatherings of Oddfeliows in the history of the Lodge, Brethren were present from the followinglodges: Seaforth, Goderich, Exeter, Hensall, Brucefield,• Torpnto, Loudoh, and one brother front Winnipeg. The main at- traction was to see the work done by the degree teams of Exeter and Gode- rich Lodges, captained by Bros. S. A. Popplestone and Chas. Nairn, for their respective teams. The Clinton ln►eth- ren have been looking forward for some time, expecting to see something fine, but they had no idea of experiencing anything like the exhibition given on Tuesday evening. Exeter gave the work of the Initiatory and Second de- grees, Goderich the First and Third de- grees. Three candidates were initiated and degrees conferred upon them.— After the work was over, the Lodge had refresh,nents served,, 'and after- wards speeches and songs were the or- der of the evening. The gathering dis- persed at an early hour, after spending one of the most pleasant evenings ex- perienced in connection with the lodge. NOTES.—Mr H. E. Maddock, of New- market, who spent some time here as manager for the Mara Company, was married last week to Miss M. E. Jack- son, of Brussels. Nor and Mrs John Oakes entertained ""a-}Rige number of their friends from the Maitland con- cession one evening last week. There should be a good demand in town for houses this year; who is going to sup- ply it? there are no vacancies of im- portance. Mrs J. Graham and Mrs Stewart, of Blyth, are visiting at the eesidence of Mr J. Oakes. Mr Samuel Bill, for some time a prominent figure 404 ' h Just a Reminder • We do not want you to forget that.this,sale is Still in progress and will continue till Feb. lst So far it has been a decided success. The proverbial January dullness -has not been telt here, the kind of values we give create trade. It's just this way about our winter goods, we have either to sell them now or carry them over to next season. If we do that, -it means they will take up valuable room all summer, that will cost money to insure them, that they will depreciate in value, •that next season they will be old goods, and that they will lock up a lot of money so it will be of no practical use to us for six months; to sell them now moans that we save the room, that w e save the insurance, that we show new woods next season, and that we have the use of the monby they represent, for the next six months; and ready money to buy with means closcst cut prices. You will see it pays us to let winter stuff go now at cost, or even in' some cases a little less. Don't Miss reading the bargain Pay advertisement in supplement. The.Lstore is brim full of such inducements, every day almcst we put lines nn the counters;,:at prices you won't care to tniss. but is now running again as usual. T. OF T.—The members of Clin- i The Stratford train was three hours late on Monday morning, but it was not due to snow blockade; it was sim- ply held over until. the arrival._ef tele down train: The Kickapoo Medicine Co. has engaged the town hall for a week. The name of the Grand Union will he changed to that of the Hotel Clarendon. Mr Emmerton has been making internal improvements in his .barber -shop. It is said that afew days ago a gentleman of town who had $1300 on deposit at one of the banks ton Council R. T. of T. accepted the invitation of Eureka Council, Gode- rich, to pay them a fraternal visit on Monday evening. Although the wea- ther. was not vety mild 21 stout-beart- k leasure 0f sa eighrriide to Goderiplars had ch, e and a pleasant ening there. Part of the program ase furnished by Clinton Council, the Mowing numbers being furnished by then—Musical chorus by Messrs Jer- visAs H ld worth Brown and Shannon; , address by Jas. Young; song by L. here, at 4 per cent., withdrew it and Trouse; Miss L. Hamiltonacted as ac-' re -deposited it at Blyth, where he was companist. The company returned to receive 0 per cent.; a few days after ligme in the small hours of morning. the hank closed its dors, and he will and rumor says that an upset into the be likely to lose a portion of it in the sow considerably cooled and dampen- settlement. Mr J. H. Comhe, who had ,tsd these energetic warriors in the intended erecting a Klock of stores last /temperance course. year, may carry out his intention this year, though he has not yet decided. ginning of the year Miss Susie Rum- menmen, well up in finance, may start 0 1 WILL SOON LEAVE.— About the be- It is reported that a couple of young . ball, sister of Mrs Jas. Ford, was to a pr ivate bank .in Blyth, to take the leave left here Morden, f M d Mian whpace o sneer Cowere 1 f T & ho are closing Did You Ever stop and c��nsider the extra cost of run- ning a credit business ? The time it takes to keep the books, the value of that time, the losses from slow and uncollectable accounts, inseparable from the credit system, and the value of the money locked up in book dents, year in and year out, all of which extra expense must come out of the profits, and is a charge on the consumer. ' The cash system saves all this, there's no book-keepers time to pay for, no losses from bad debts, no money locked up that can't be used in taking whole- sale discounts. A man sellingtor cash can sell at closer mar- gin, and his net profit still be as good, as he who has to get the larger profit made necessary by the credit system. If you are buying en credit you are paying for the accommo- dation, if you pay cash in a credit house you are paying for the accommodation for some • one else and some body's bad debt besides. Wouldn't it pay you to try us and the cash system for a year ? People are coming to this conclusion every day, for trade growsfj'here.� Estate Je Hodgoos CLINTON Readins,s4ottld b0 i ey ry house iia the eountry1 pecially as it ean;be had so "cheap, AO )00K at tbiq. list and inake your selection of good reading for 1891e, 11 Mall Magazin Review of Reviews, ?eterson's Magazine, • Munsey's Magazine, Harper's Magazine, Canadian Magazine, Odtley's Magazine, Harper's Bazzar, Scribner's Mita.;MacWilliams' Magazines Frank J eslies Illus. Weekly:, Lori>Apri 'Il)ustrlitesi News ,texas Siftings, Puck, Judge, Graphic, Grip Or ally other. Paper or Magazine, daily, weekly or monthly. This is the proper time to subscribe, and the proper place to subscribe is Why it is that we announce semi- annually. a day on which special prices are given to the public ? .T The following is the answer ;— n SATURDAY, an, 26, ., she is to be married toi a gentleman of up. We will again bold another of those well rememberedp that place. Owing to then illness of Mr .. seCial B. Weir plied to make Ford her departure was delayed, but will now shortly take her departure. At the time she intended going her Holmesville friends made her a pres- enthtion, which was fully announced in'tltese columns, and commenting on it, the Morden Herald of last week • says:—''The lady referred to, sister of the respected pastor of Knox church, is no stranger in Morden, having been a visitor here on a previous occasion. The event spoken of in the address is • looked forward to with much interest by numbers in Morden, but more especially by the lucky and favored one whose presence will be necessary to carry out the program. When Miss Rumball arrives She will receive a hearty welcome from more than one." (JOLLEGIATF NOTES.—The nit rnber on the roll is about 160. Nearly all the seats in the upper forms are filled. Al- though examknations are six months away, the pupils are anxiously inter- ested in their work. The sporting ele- ' ment are already considering the mat- ter of physical development, which ,-r!- ,�- -- - --they feel goes hand in hand with suc- cessful brain work. A mass meeting of the boys was held on Monday evening. and the football club was re -organized, as follows :—Hon. Pres., Mr. .1. Hous- ton, M.A.: Pres., Mr. Ernest Coombs, B.A.; Vice Pres., J. Clegg; Sec.-Treas., E. Cooper ; Capt. of lst eleven, R. Mc- Mordie • Capt of 2nd do F. Buggins ; We are sorry to learn that Mr '. has been compelled an assignment, due to the locking up of capital in the northwest. The mem- bers of the 25••club and lady friends en- joyed a sleigh ride to Mr Geo. Middle - ton's on Tuesday evening, where they spent an enjoyable time. High Court will be held in Goderich, Without jury, on Tuesday, March 12th, and also on Tuesday, May 7th. Rev.Wesley Baer, of Vancouver, B.C., was in town last week on a visit to his brother, Wm.; Wes. is an old Clintonian, and has forged ahead since his residence in the west, now occupying the pulpit of one of the Methodist churches in that city and being also Secretary of the British Columbia Conference. Mrs Geo. T. Hiscox, of London, is visiting relatives. here. Mr R. D. Stanley, who has re- cently been agent for the New York Mutual Reserve Insurance Co., has taken a situation on the Orange Senti- nel, Toronto, and will move to that city. Mr D. A. Forrester was .one of the speakers at West Huron Farmer's Institute, held in Wingham yesterday. Miss Pearl McKinney, of Owen Sound, is the guest of her cousin, Miss Lott is Cantelon. The annual meeting of the Clinton Gun Club will he held at the Commercial hotel on the 28th inst., at 7.30 p.m. Mr Thos. Moon, of Perth, formerly of Clinton, is visiting his old friends. We are 'glad to see that the Clinton Foundry is again in full swing, and ex ect to do a goo] season's work. Committee, A.McLeod, J. Holdsworth Miss I ucy Huckstep, of Blyth, is the and W. J. Newcoinbe. They are think- guest of Miss Rose Nimens. Mrs John Diehl and Miss Evelyn Stevens, of this vicinity, are the guests of Mrs Beadle, Stratford. Mr and Mrs Bray, of Mit- chell, have been the guests of Mr. W. Cantelon,. for a few days. Quite a number of the Minims here attended the funeral of Dr. Young, Londesboro, yesterday. Dr. Elliott, Chicago. made a short visit here this week. Some time ago it was announced that the banks wou'.d receive subscriptions to- wards the Sir John Thompson memor- ial fund; it is reported that the amount contributed here is so small that Lady Thompson will be no richer on receiv- ing it. Fancy dress carnival held at the rink last (Thursday) night. A re- union of the entire district, Canadian Order of Fcresters, will be held in the Lodge room here, next Thursday even- ing, 24th, when the following are ex- pected to attend: --High Chief ' ngqer Britton; Dr. Stant- y, -Brantford; 83 h Treasurer Neelan !'and ii, .0 iott, of Mucha While eVciitn, `w wY RANCE & SPALDI N G price sales.- Remember the date, January 26th, 1895. Ever since we have been • in business, it has been our practice to give during the periodical slack seasons, namely January and August, special prices in many leading lines of our regular stock. The, object in giving these special prices was to turn goods that were becoming UNSEASONABLE, mark the word, the goods were not UNSALEABLE, into cash, thereby giving room for the incoming seasonable goods. • ing of entering for the Hough cup, which is held each season by the cham- pion High School Club in Canada. Should they decide to do so we predict for them success, as they have some' splendid players. WILL ANY CHANGE BE MADE. —The --chif contention at the recent nomina• tidhs was concerning the office of weigh master and town constable, some of the ratepayers believing that both offices, should be vested in one person, at a reduced salary. It was pointed out at the time that this could not be done, as the duties now dis- charged are more than one person can attend to, but it might he done by a reduction of the work required. It is 'tot always true economy to simply ef- fect.a saving of money, for the appar- ent:blone gained might be counter - laced by sotnnthinelse not quite 'rent. Howey r, the question o0011)42, be% a the cclnn qere Iten',dn This year again we intend continuing the aforemen • tioned practice, because we have found that it pays to do so, for the following reasons: Books, Stationery and Fancy Goode. Bible Depository AGENTS FOR PARKER'S DYE WORKS We take stock on the 1st of Febru- ary next. From now until that date all 411 WINTER GOODS will be clear ed out at !arpain Prices. W. TAYLOR & SO S, THE ONE PRICE CASH STORE. Batter and Eggs taken at Cash prices In the first place—the stock is annually cleared up by the sale of a lot of good stock, but in the lines that are broken, only a size or two left, ar. d thus, rather than keep odd Sizes in stock, we kuock profit cri the head. SECONPLY—OUr experience has been that when you have too much stuff in stock, that in all probability will have to be carried over to the next season, it pays to turn the goods into cash every ,tirily. IN THE THIRD place and weightiest reason—All the while benefitting ourselves, for that is our business, we give the customer goods at such prices on these occasions that, give him such an amount of satisfaction as to make a sure, reliable customer for time to come. It is' the men who walk around with the idea of baying right for the cash that we see in our store on these occasions. A thing worth remembering—It is impossible to buy from us cheap goods (that is in the sense of being trashy and valuless). We carry the best in all grades at the lowest prices. J (7g.SON BROTHERS, , Men's andtBoys' Outfitters of the Wes(t Clothiers, , 8EESLEY& 0 • STOCK . TARING Any live buyer can see the advantages to be gained by buying here during this stock -taking. Go ids are looked over and a price ptit on them to effect a clearance. - YOURS THE ADVANTAGE YOURS THE (MAIN We would rather have the money now than risk carrying the goods over to another season. See the values you call get in BLANKETS, UND t. AR, DRESS -- Gr MILLINERY` TRIMMED HATS, Prices to UN TRIMMED this season's for 25 cents.