Clinton New Era, 1894-11-16, Page 6[0 ombe 1.6, 1894 ti THE CLINTON NEW EE.• FOUND A FFIE\DI and Mighty to De- T'fryI,�,l,hl sl his Tree; Tried and Honest Friend Proted to bi Paine's Celery Kattire's Medicine Cures attar a series of Medical Failures. he elf elf has never been told regarding ereieriug and misery endured from day f dkyby thousands of our Canadian wo- ilen. Sleeplessness,. nervousness, dyspep- Ada; indigestionand prostration claim a • t'Ot `'viotitne, who are earnestly desiring And seeking for deliverance from their bur- denof woes. We wish briefly to draw attention to the .diot that soienee has planed within reach of : puttering women an agency—a cure— . that fully meets the ease of every women All -health. Thousands of Canadian \?Women in •11 ranks of society have used Fine's Celery Compound with the most u*tiefsotory results. It is the only medi- cine that hue been thoroughly endorsed by the best medicine men of the times. No other medicine has • received such . strong and flattering testimonials from our best .9ple(„ and,no other has been so much arfpoken of by the press of this country. Every women who is overworked, run- down, sleepless, nervous or dyspeptio, will find a friend in Paine's Celery Compound. This wonderful and life-giving medicine gniokly builds up in flesh,musole and tissue; it braces the nervous system, gives health, 'rigor and youthful strength. There is no Earthly reason why women should contin- ue to live in a half dead condition, while fine's,gelery _ Compound is doing such a "work ui oar midst, The following letter from Mrs E. R. Wheeler, of Windsor Mills, P.Q„ proves that women have a mighty and strong friend to deliver from suffering and trouble: "I have been troubled with indigestion, eleepleseness and general debility for about ihree years; I have been under the care of dootorp and have used medicines tor a long time, but could find no relief from suffer- ing. Your Paine's Celery Componnd.was Nighty recommended to me, and I deoided to give it a fair trial. I asp astonished at the great benefits I have received by using your medicine. I am now blessed with perfect, digestion, I sleep well, and alto- gether I am a different women. I most cheerfully recommend your Paine'e Celery Compound to all who suffer from any of the troubles I haye experienced, as I am - a.re it will give them instant "•_.,_. , .. . FANCIES OF INVALIDS. • About the manner of serving their ,^ttact slays London Answers, patients aomej ii:a have curious fancies. In one case h, woman persistenly refused to take her beef tea unless the bread *which accompanied it was cut in the 'shape of diamonds, while in another it was always necessary to serve the food in a blue basin, for out of nothing else would she take nourishment. A boy who was attacked with scar- let fever showed great disinclination to take food, but finally agreed to swallow what was necessary, provided � e *as fed in the following manner:— The beef tea, or whatever was to be given to him, was put into a silver tea- pot. The spout was placed in his imout}i, and in this manner the food was poured down his throat. •An elderly gentleman, who had giall3sed much of his time hunting in .Africa, on being asked if he fancied any particular dish, replied that he would like a bit of elephant's foot! tinder certain circumstances, we be- lieve, this dish is a dainty and nourish - ding one, but the price of elephant in this 'country being prohibitive, this elderly Nimrod was forced to content himself with a beesteak instead. j IA. clergyman with a broken leg had &'great longing to be put on a pair of �tl ts,ra pastime which he had never ye reed; while a man whose leg had ileZ�n amputated, although admitting the, impracticability of his wish, de- clared that a passion for skating had no seized him, since the loss of his limb, 'that he regretted being operated upon -chiefly on that account. . Diamond Dyes are the Brightest, Strongest and Best, .A.IR • : SPRING 1 SPRING 1 GENTLE SPRING. Dyes! Dyes! UiamondDyes! At all seasons of the year, Every wife and mother wise Greets thee with the kindest cheer. • Autumn with its varied shades— Russets dark, and brown and gold, • Reds and greens of summer glades— All these colorings ye unfold. Yet, while nature's colors fly, Yo still bloom neat& changing sky. Dyesl Dyesl Diamond Dyes! Choicest coibrs in the land, Ik a so brilliant, pure and fast, Pleasing daughters, mothers, wives ; °Tie well knrswn that in the past, Ye have added to our lives Comfort, wealth and great increase, Constant streams and joy and peace. John and Alexander Tyler, of North- port, Ala., had a dispute about some real estate, and fought a duel. John .received three bulletAand died instant- ly, and the other" was also thought to Le fatally wounded;. John's two little boys witnessed. the duel from a buggy. Children Cryfor . 1 rheas Cestorla. "THAT BOYISH 130Y." The following geed lines appeared anony- mous] in a recent issue of the Cleveland Plainclealer;— Ob, give me the boyish boy! That one All turned and red with the summer's sun, That Broiling demon who dare& to bake Illy toughened hide by the gleaming lake; That grim logician, who laughs to feel The twinge of the stone bruise on his beel— With.all his terrors, And all his errors, 'And all his hideous glee; With all his speckles, And all his freckles, That boyish boy give me, Oh, give me the boyish boy! To hear Once more the.sound of his awful oheer, Were sweeter, far, than the ming of art, For its disoordsprings from an honest heat; Though grimmed with dirt to his finger tips, And "white lies" trembling upon his lips With all his sinning, And all his gripning, And wild demoniac) glee, With all his crying, And all his lying— The boyish boy give me. Oh, give me the boyish boy! Abounds in his young life, free and strong, As he rages forth in the morning light With eager and dauntless appetite; Like the rushing wave of a Doming ill He thunders across the life, but still— With all his racing, And all his phasing, And all his wild-eyed glee, With all his errors, And all his terrors— The boyish boy give me! WESTERN PEOPLE SAY OF STARK'S PO WDERS. For Sick Headache, Billionsness, Neur- algia and Liver: Mr Wm Gray, foreman of G.T.R. Ham- ilton: "I suffered for ten or twelve years from severe headaches, Nothing did me good until I got Stark's Powders. Mr Horace Wiles, Chief of Polioe,Wood- stook.-Stark's Powders are a sere cure every time. Mr Maynard, Woodstook: — They are wonderful. lire Mary Keats, 88 Main street, Hamil- ton:—Snffered for years from dreadful headaches; tried number of remedies and doctors without much result, but Stark's Powders did the work. She says: They have been of the greatest blessing to me, in fact they are wonderful. Price 25o a box; sold by all medicine defilers. A SURGEON'S TERRIBLE MISTAKE. "A few years ago," said Charles J. Patterson, of Philadelphia, "I learned the secret of the life of a man who had passed more than a quarter of a cen- tury with scarcely a smile. He had been a physician and surgeon, and on one occasion had to remove an injured eye in order to save the other eye and prevent total blindness. The night before the operation he had been drink- ing heavily with some friends, and al- though the following morning he was sober his hand was unsteady and his nerves unstrung. "After administering chloroform he made a fatal and horrible blunder, re- moving the well eye by mistake, and thus consigning his patient to perpet- ual blindness. The moment he dis- co-veered-hris error -he turned"'the mail over to a competent surgeon, deeded everything he possessed to him and hurried from the neighborhood like a convicted thief. The remainder of his life was one constant round of remorse, and he rapidly developed into a con- firmed misanthrope. The secret of his life was known to a number of people, but when it was finally revealed to me it explained a mystery and made Hie respect the man, tor however grave his original blunder, which in some re- spects was of course worse than a crime, his repentance was of the most genuine character." A PROMINENT LAWYER SAYS: "I have eight children, every one in good health, not one of whom but has taken Scott's Emulsion, in which my wife has boundless confidence." WHAT THE JAPS HAVE GIVEN They have given us the beautiful light bamboo and wickerwork furni- ture, so cool, so restful and clean. In the summer especially it takes the place of our stuffy, dust catching and microbe spreading upholstered chairs and sofas. These heavy, clumsy artic- les are a weight on the eyesight and a burden to the mind compared to the light, graceful Japanese couches and drapery. The Japanese have taught us the priceless lesson of letting our sleeping rooms be as bare as possible of all but light and air. "Furniture," said a highly cultivated Japanese gen- tleman, "We have no furniture or house decorations such as you think necessary. We do not furnish our houses." The cheap and nasty deco- rations, so called, of pasteboard, paper or bits of silk, dusttraps one and all, find no place in a Japanese home. There are light beds, with just enough covering to keep one warm. There are bare, polished floors, with rugs, floors so exquisitely clean that a Ja- panese never enters the house with his shoes on. The Jap expresses his artis- tic soul outdoors in flowers and gar- dens. To the Japs we owe the soft, comfort- able flowing draperies that have in- doors at least have taken the place of our stiff, tight, uncomfortable dress. Even masculine apparel has felt to some extent the civilizing influence of Japan. Japan has given ns evergreens, fruits and chestnuts far superior to our own. Finally, and if she had bestowed ou us nothing else, we would he her debtor to the latest day—Japan has given us the chrysanthemum, now in bloom in all its yearly glory. A snail ranch has been started by a farmer of Anet, France. He has al- ready 180,000 of the interesting crea- tures, and they eat as much grean fod- der as two cows. During the last 20 years Canada has, granted only 115 divorces. Canada may be a desirable place for runaway cashiers, but for couples to whom the matrimonial yoke has become irksome it affords little hope of relief. You may eat cheap food and not be serionsly hurt by it; bat yon cannot take cheap medicines without positive injury. If you Hao any snbstitnte for Ayers's Ser. esparilla, yoll do so at the peril of yoar' health, perhaps of your life. Insist on having Ayer's, and no other. A STEAM ROAD -WAGON IN NEVADA.. Along Truckee River and its tribu- taries a huge steam road -waggon is used for conveying logs and lumber to the mills and to the Central Pacific Railroad at 'Verdi, Washoe County,. Nevada, for shipment to market. The traction power of these steam road - wagons is very great, enabling them to climb very i'teepgrades, In cases Where ; the meuntarfi side is not thick- 1yy t;.prinkled,,with fallen treesand bowl- det's it is not necessary to follow any part Wula,Sr ino of toad, the ordinary undergrowth of chaparral, etc.,' cut- ting little figure in impeding the pro- gress of the steam -wagon and its train of carts. These road -wagons are in- expensive to operate, and are said to be cheaper in the longrun than horses, mules, or oxen. It requires only a few men to operate a train, and, to an observing stranger, it is a very curious sight to witness a train coming down or ascending the side of a mountain, apparently with noeffort to the steam - wagon. The capacity of the train de- pends entirely upon the conditions of the surrounding country,—Harper's Weekly. SEND TO DAY. Ladies and gentlemen, be alive to your. own interest. There has recently been dis- covered, and is now for sale by the under' - signed, a truly wonderful "Hair Grower ' and "Complexion Whitening." This "Hair Grower" will actually grow hair on a bald head in six weeks. A gentleman who has no beard oan have a thrifty growth in six weeks by the use of this wonderful "Hair Grower" It will also prevent the hair from failing. By the use of this remedy boys raise an excellent moustache in six weeks. Ladies, if you want a surprising head of hair, have it immediately by the use of this "Hair Grower," I also sell a "Complexion Whitening" that will in one mo th's time make you ae clear and white as the s in can be made. Wo never knew a lady or ge tleman to use two bottles of this Whitening fo they all say that before they flniehed the secon bottle they were ae white as they would wish to be. After the use of this whitening, the skin will forever retain its dolor. It also removes freckles, eta„ etc. The "Hair Grower" is50 Dents por Lottie, and the "Face Whitening" 50 cents per bottle. Either of these remedies will be sent by mall, postage paid, to any address on receipt of price. Address all or- ders to R. RYAN, 350 Gilmour St., Ottawa, Ont P. S. -We take P.O. stamps same as cash, but parties ordering by mail will confer a favor by ordering 81 worth, as it will require this amount of the solution to accomplish either purpose; then it will save us the rush of P. 0, stamps. Sir John Thompson and Hon. Senator Sanford arrived in London, England, Wednesday. The election for the vacant seat in the New Brunswick Provincial Legislature, caused by the resignation of Mr Blanchard (Ccinservative,) resulted in the return of Mr P J Veniet (Liberal) editor of the Bat- hurst Suggvstivo r.tarttths CANADA PRkSBYTERIAN, The number of murders, suicides and other crimes committed in Ontario, the reports of which loaded the daily papers last week, alight make some Ontario people think a little more about their own Province and gush a good deal less about the benighted French of Quebec, We can't do the French much good until our example DOES YOUR improves. It goes unsaid that the recent de- tailed reports of horrible crimes com- mitted in various parts of the country must do an immense amount of -harm. It is utterly impossible to keep the mind in contact with so much ,evil without receiving injury. Still the evil may be over -ruled for good. Who can read the reports that come from Stratford, Brantfovd and Listowel ' without feeling that the way of trans- IAS•HING gressors is hard. What'Ol rlstittn In ■ the presence of these fearful outbreaks of iniquity can refrain from thanking God for restraining grace. IIFE 0 HER OWN LOOK OUT FOR COLD WEATHER but ride inside of the Electric Lighted and Steam Heated Vestibule Apartment trains of the Chicago Milwaukee & St Paul Rail- way, and you will be as warm, comfortable and cheerful as in your own library or boudoir. To trayel between Chicago, St, Paul and Minneapolis, or between Chicago, Omaha and Sioux City, in these luxuriously appointed trains, is a supreme satisfaction; and, as the somewhat ancient advertise- ment used to read, "for further particulars, see small bills." Small bille, (and large ones, too) will he accepted for passage and sleeping car tickets. For detailed informs. tion address A. J. Taylor, Canadian Pass- enger Agent, Toronto, Ont. A PICTURE OF GLADSTON E ; 'WHICH 1OADEae OF THIS PAPEn CAN OBTAIN roe A NOMINAL P110E. A very fine portrait of How. W. E. GLaneroiez, Great Britain's greatest statesman and orator, has been pnblisbed by The Montreal Herald Company. It is 12 by 18 inches in size, it printed on superior toned paper, and makes a handsome picture for framing. It is a companion to the LAURIER picture which last year bad an enor- mous sale throughout Canada, Readers of the Nutt' ERA desirous of obtaining this can get it by sending their name and address accompanied by six Dents to pay the cost of mailing and tubing, to the MONTREAL HERALD CO., 800 Orale St. THE ]MONTREAL HEItALD. Tax DAILY HERALD is now the leading news- paper of Canada's greatest pity. It publishes morning and evening editions, which will be sent to any address by mail for $3.00 per year, $1 per four months, or 50e per month, cash in advance. Persona wanting a Daily paper should ive it a trial; they will be delighted wish it ss W1 SILY H1iur n is a 11 para paper. Ie ryes the news lull • diaonaees abbe questions nrat Conner. nt, children n Isom a agricultural continued Ol.i� Whda she was a Child, she cried for Caeturla, feeyarle.ei contains n cal ural ■r wo ..au a page, Dories, cartoons, ril.atratloas of .arrest events, abort stories. libels a growingetr..l tion. Drop a postai card ter • sample eo y of TIa When Baby was sick, we (save her C..torle. I)aS Qr T1s wt > �it1.D b tie. Basi When ahe became Mb"' al" clung( cast la• Clinton Planing Mill When she badMildred), she Wetly= Castwis. A charitable institution, in Philadel- phia supplies to the poor, at cost, ice, sterilized milk, and prepared food for On Christmas every policeman in the city of London. Eng., receives from Lord Rothschild a brierwood pipe and an ounce of tobacco. AYER'S SARSAPARI LIA $: P. SMITH, of Towanda, Pa., whose constitution was completely broken down, is cured by Ayer's Sarsaparilla. He writes: " For eight years, I was, most of the time, a great sufferer from constipa- tion, kidney trouble, and Indiges.. tion, so that my constitution seemed to be completely broken down. I was induced to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and took nearly seven bottles, with such excellent ronnits that my stomach, bowels, and kidneys are in perfect con- dition, and, in all their functions, as regular as clock -work. At the time I began taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla, my n•oieht wos only 129 pounds; I now can l;r;tq cf 17.9 pounds, and was never in so g..od !:r alt.;;. If you could sec mo be - ion; and afior n'.in�, you would want for a traveling advertisement. I holier() this preparation of Sarsaparilla to he the best in the market to -day." Ayer', Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. 3. 0. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mase. Cures otheri ,willcureyou —AND -- DRY KILN? The subscriber, having the very latest improved machinery, and employing the moat skilled work. Iaimil Eblirto do work in his line in the most satisfactory manner, at reasonable rates and on the shortest notice, A trial eolicited FACTORY NNAR G.T R. STATION, CLINTON THOS. McKENZIE ROBERT -:- DOWNS, OLINTON, Manufacturer and Proprietor for the best baa MIDI Dog in use. Agent for the sale and appli- cation of the t Fisuaa PAT.NT Aoroaaric Bons CLIIANaa. STEAM FITTINGS furnished and app ed on ehortnotice Boilers. Eieglnes, and all kinds o Machinery repaired expeditiously and In asatisfactory manner Farm implements manufactured and repaired Steam and water pumps furnished and put in positipn. Dry Kilus fitted up on application Charges moderate. Boase Painting and Paper. Hanging The undersigned is prepared to promptly exe- cute all orders for PAINTING, KALBOMINING PAPHR-HANGING, &o. He is a practical man of ong experience 'end guarantees to do all work in a manner that shall be satisfactory, whil prices wil be exceedingly moderate. Orders re, epeotfnllysolicited. GEO. POTTS, Carter's house, Victoria St., Clinton MoKillop Mutual Fire insurance Co FARM & ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSURED OFFIOane. D. Rose, President, Clinton; Geo. Watt Vioe Pres. Oarlock; W. J. Shannon, Seoy-'t'reae. Seaforth; M. Murillo. Inspector of Claim., Seaforth. - DIRSOTORe. Jas. Broadfoot Seaforth ; Gabriel Elliott Clinton; Joseph Evano, Beechwood; Thos. Car - bet, Clinton ; C. Gardiner, Leadbury ; John Hannah, Seaforth, AOHNTi. Thos. Neilans, Oarlock; Robt. McMillan, Sea - forth; J. Carvings, Egmon'ivillo. Goo. Murdie, auditor. Parties desirous to effect Insurances or tran- sact other business will be promptly attended to on application to any of the above officers adreesod to their respeeitve offices HURON AND BRUCE Loan & Investment Co This Company 1s Loaning Money on Farm Security at Lowest Rates of Interest MORTGAGES PURCHASED SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. 3, 4 and 5 per Cent. Interest Allowed on Deposita, according toamount and time left. OFFICE—Cor. Square and Norte 81., Goderioh HORAOE HORTON, Manager Leave pour orders quick for those Pho- to's you intend send ing to your friends IF she does, see that the wash is made Easy and Clean by , getting her SUNLIGHT SOAP, which does away with the terrors of wash -day. Experience will -convince her that it PAYS to use this. scup. OUR STOCK OF LADIES' UNDERCLOTHING Is the largest, Cheapest and best we have ever shown. LONG SLEEVED VESTS From 15c to $1.50 each - Full range of CHILDRENS' VESTS in three qualities Men's SHIRTS and DRAWERS from 30c. to $3. ROBT. COATS & SON, CLINTON APARIOR SUITE F0 Have you seen that Parlor Suite, Upholstered in Raw Silk, with Oak Frame, that we are offering at $23? If you are needing anything in this line, you should see them at once, as we can get but a limited number. Curtain Poles for 22 Cents We can give you a Curtain Pole with ends, rings, brackets and pins all complete for 22 cents. In every line of Furniture our prices are lower than ever JOSEPH W.CHIDL,EY, FURNITURE DEALER AND UNDERTAKER. RUMBALL' 5 CLIZ F4CTORY Huron Strieet, Clinton We have on hand an assortment of splendid BUGGIES. CARRIAGES, & WAGGONS Which we guarantee to be of first-class material and workmanship. I you want a good article at the price of a poor one, call and see us. F. RUI E1 A. LL -- CI.11 rI 1N d�- FFull Clluaranteed Capacity,: SATOU. OA and TESTIMONIAL BOOK. .-..Manufactured by.... Talo OURNRY FOUNDRY COMPANY' Ltd., TORONTO. mmrriM?vnmttrmntfnnMmMIm OXFORD o°°°FURNACES ..FOR ALL SIZES OF BUILDINGS capacity from 10,000 to 8 . . 0,00 Cubic Teel WOOD FURNACE HEAVY ORATE, especially adapted for wood burning Heavy Steel Plate Piro Box Dome and Radiator, which heat -"Mr oniolierand aro more durable RADIATOR of Modern Construe - tion and Groat Heating Power LAROR ASH PIT COAL FURNACE Largo Combustion Chamber Long Fire Travel,onolrolingradlator Large Heating Surface Large Feed Door Seotlonai Fire Pot DEEPgASH PiTing Orate ;/